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- /* pathalias -- by steve bellovin, as told to peter honeyman */
- #ifndef lint
- #ifdef MAIN
- static char *h_sccsid = "@(#)def.h 9.5 88/05/09";
- #endif /*MAIN*/
- #endif /*lint*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #include <string.h>
- #endif AMIGA
- #include "config.h"
- typedef long Cost;
- typedef struct node node;
- typedef struct link link;
- #ifdef lint
- #define vprintf fprintf
- #else /*!lint -- this gives null effect warning*/
- /* because it's there ... */
- #define vprintf !Vflag ? 0 : fprintf
- #endif /*lint*/
- #define NTRACE 16 /* can trace up to NTRACE hosts/links */
- /* flags for n_flag */
- #define ISPRIVATE 0x0001 /* invisible outside its definition file */
- #define NALIAS 0x0002 /* heaped as an alias */
- #define ATSIGN 0x0004 /* seen an at sign? used for magic @/% rules */
- #define MAPPED 0x0008 /* extracted from heap */
- #define NDEAD 0x0010 /* out links are dead */
- #define HASLEFT 0x0020 /* has a left side net character */
- #define HASRIGHT 0x0040 /* route has a right side net character */
- #define NNET 0x0080 /* network pseudo-host */
- #define INDFS 0x0100 /* used when removing net cycles (for -g) */
- #define DUMP 0x0200 /* we have dumped this net's edges (for -g) */
- #define PRINTED 0x0400 /* this host has been printed */
- #define NTERMINAL 0x0800 /* heaped as terminal edge (or alias thereto) */
- #define NREF 0x1000 /* node has an "interesting" reference */
- #define ISADOMAIN(n) ((n)->n_name[0] == '.')
- #define ISANET(n) (((n)->n_flag & NNET) || ISADOMAIN(n))
- #define ALTEREGO(n1, n2) ((n1)->n_name == (n2)->n_name)
- #define DEADHOST(n) (((n)->n_flag & (NDEAD | NTERMINAL)) && !ISANET(n))
- #define DEADLINK(l) ((l)->l_flag & LDEAD)
- #define DEADNET(n) (((n)->n_flag & (NNET | NDEAD)) == (NNET | NDEAD))
- #define GATEWAYED(n) (DEADNET(n) || ISADOMAIN(n))
- #ifndef DEBUG
- /*
- * save some space in nodes -- there are > 10,000 allocated!
- */
- #define n_root un1.nu_root
- #define n_net un1.nu_net
- #define n_copy un1.nu_copy
- #define n_private un2.nu_priv
- #define n_parent un2.nu_par
- /* WARNING: if > 2^16 nodes, type of n_tloc must change */
- struct node {
- char *n_name; /* host name */
- link *n_link; /* adjacency list */
- Cost n_cost; /* cost to this host */
- union {
- node *nu_net; /* others in this network (parsing) */
- node *nu_root; /* root of net cycle (graph dumping) */
- node *nu_copy; /* circular copy list (mapping) */
- } un1;
- union {
- node *nu_priv; /* other privates in this file (parsing) */
- node *nu_par; /* parent in shortest path tree (mapping) */
- } un2;
- unsigned short n_tloc; /* back ptr to heap/hash table */
- unsigned short n_flag; /* see manifests above */
- };
- #endif /*DEBUG*/
- #define MILLION (1000L * 1000L)
- #define DEFNET '!' /* default network operator */
- #define DEFDIR LLEFT /* host on left is default */
- #define DEFCOST ((Cost) 4000) /* default cost of a link */
- #define INF ((Cost) 100 * MILLION) /* infinitely expensive link */
- #define DEFPENALTY ((Cost) 200) /* default avoidance cost */
- /* data structure for adjacency list representation */
- /* flags for l_dir */
- #define NETDIR(l) ((l)->l_flag & LDIR)
- #define NETCHAR(l) ((l)->l_netop)
- #define LDIR 0x0008 /* 0 for left, 1 for right */
- #define LRIGHT 0x0000 /* user@host style */
- #define LLEFT 0x0008 /* host!user style */
- #define LDEAD 0x0010 /* this link is dead */
- #define LALIAS 0x0020 /* this link is an alias */
- #define LTREE 0x0040 /* member of shortest path tree */
- #define LGATEWAY 0x0080 /* this link is a gateway */
- #define LTERMINAL 0x0100 /* this link is terminal */
- #ifndef DEBUG
- /*
- * borrow a field for link/node tracing. there's a shitload of
- * edges -- every word counts. only so much squishing is possible:
- * alignment dictates that the size be a multiple of four.
- */
- #define l_next un.lu_next
- #define l_from un.lu_from
- struct link {
- node *l_to; /* adjacent node */
- Cost l_cost; /* edge cost */
- union {
- link *lu_next; /* rest of adjacency list (not tracing) */
- node *lu_from; /* source node (tracing) */
- } un;
- short l_flag; /* right/left syntax, flags */
- char l_netop; /* network operator */
- };
- #endif /*DEBUG*/
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /*
- * flattening out the unions makes it easier
- * to debug (when pi is unavailable).
- */
- struct node {
- char *n_name;
- link *n_link;
- Cost n_cost;
- node *n_net;
- node *n_root;
- node *n_copy;
- node *n_private;
- node *n_parent;
- unsigned short n_tloc;
- unsigned short n_flag;
- };
- struct link {
- node *l_to;
- Cost l_cost;
- link *l_next;
- node *l_from;
- short l_flag;
- char l_netop;
- };
- #endif /*DEBUG*/