home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- *
- * $Header: Beta:src/uucp/src/getty/RCS/getty.c,v 1.1 90/02/02 12:13:30 dillon Exp Locker: dillon $
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1989, Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Uses:
- * GETTY:Getty-Header
- *
- * GETTY <options> <modem-commands>
- *
- * -Sdevicenam Tells GETTY which serial.device to use, default
- * serial.device
- *
- * -Uunitnum Tells GETTY which unit number to use, default 0
- *
- * -A Always talk to the modem at the first baud
- * rate in the -B list and ignore the baud rate
- * in the CONNECT message.
- *
- * -7 use SERF_7WIRE while online.
- *
- * -Bn Set baud rate. If specified multiple times the
- * first one is the default and remaining ones
- * switched to when a BREAK is received after a
- * connect. Also determines how CONNECT messages
- * are interpreted. A CONNECT with no number uses
- * the first -B entry while CONNECTs with numbers
- * use those numbers regardless of any -B entries.
- *
- * -Mc Set modem type:
- * c = m = multimodem
- * h = hays
- * d = dumb (no AT or +++ cmds are ever sent),
- * normally used with only one specified
- * baud rate.
- *
- * -m1 Turn on the modem speaker during dialing/connect
- * (default is -m0)
- *
- * -h0 Ignore CD (carrier detect), default is to use
- * carrier detect.
- *
- * -c0 Ignore CONNECT message (i.e. you are not connected
- * to a modem, usually combined with -h0). Default is
- * to expect a CONNECT message.
- *
- * -d0 do not use DTR to drop connection. Default is
- * to drop DTR to drop a connection. If this option
- * is chosen the +++ and ATH0 sequence will be used
- * to drop a connection.
- *
- * -xn Set debug level. Also causes log output to go
- * to stdout instead of GETTY:LOGFILE
- *
- * -0 QUIT - Kills any running getty for the specified
- * port.
- *
- * Any fields specified without a '-' are considered modem commands
- * used to initialize/reinitialize the modem. Up to 16 fields may
- * be specified (each is sent to the modem in 1 second intervals)
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/devices.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <devices/serial.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <hardware/cia.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "protos.h"
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "log.h"
- static char *version20 = "$VER: getty 1.02 (5 Aug 90)\n\r";
- #endif
- #define arysize(ary) (sizeof(ary)/sizeof((ary)[0]))
- #define ST_WAITCD 0
- #define ST_CONNECT 1
- #define ST_LOGIN 2
- #define ST_PASSWD 3
- #define ST_RUN 4
- typedef struct IORequest IOR;
- typedef struct timerequest IOT;
- typedef struct IOExtSer IOSER;
- typedef struct MsgPort PORT;
- typedef struct List LIST;
- typedef struct Node NODE;
- typedef struct Message MSG;
- typedef void (*FPTR)();
- typedef struct GMsg {
- struct Message Msg;
- short Cmd;
- long Data1;
- void *Data2;
- } GMsg;
- extern struct ProcID *RunPasswdEntry();
- char *CopyRight = "AmigaUUCP Plus: getty 1.02 (5 Aug 90)\nCopyright 1989, Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved\r\n";
- char *ComPortName;
- char *DeviceName = "serial.device";
- long DeviceUnit = 0;
- long NullFH;
- char SpeakerLevel = 0;
- char AnswerRing = 2; /* default, answer on second ring */
- char SpeakerOpt = 0;
- char IgnoreCD = 0;
- char IgnoreConnect = 0;
- char IgnoreDTR = 0;
- char BaudAdjust = 0;
- char DropOnExit = 1;
- char ModemType = 'h';
- char ZeroOption = 0;
- char Wire7 = 0; /* use 7 wire while online */
- char Locked = 0; /* serial port is lcked */
- long Bauds[16] = { 9600 }; /* up 16 baud rates */
- char *AtFields[16];
- PORT *ComPort;
- PORT *IoSink; /* Sink for IO reqs. */
- long IoSinkMask;
- long ComPortMask;
- IOT Iot; /* check-carrier */
- IOSER Iosr; /* serial read-req */
- IOSER Iosw; /* serial write-req */
- char IotIP; /* Iot0 in progress */
- char IosrIP;
- char ScrBuf[256];
- char ConnectBuf[64];
- char LoginBuf[32];
- char PasswdBuf[32];
- char RxBuf[32];
- char HaveConnectMsg;
- char HaveLogin;
- char HavePasswd;
- short State;
- short Index;
- short BIndex;
- short CountDown;
- short GotOffPort;
- void SerPuts();
- void Set7Wire();
- void xexit();
- void Disconnect();
- void ClearRecv();
- void InitModem();
- void SetParams();
- void DoOptions();
- void SerialOff();
- void InterceptDeviceVector();
- void RestoreDeviceVector();
- brk()
- {
- return(0);
- }
- main(ac, av)
- char *av[];
- {
- extern int IAmGetty;
- char termCr = 1;
- char termLf = 1;
- IAmGetty = 1; /* for LockSerialPort()/UnLockSerialPort() */
- puts(CopyRight);
- fflush(stdout);
- onbreak(brk);
- LogProgram = "Getty";
- LogWho = LoginBuf;
- LogFile = MakeConfigPath(UULIB, "logfile");
- /* war: "Getty:LOGFILE"; */
- PasswdFile = MakeConfigPath(UULIB, "Passwd");
- DoOptions(ac, av);
- IoSink = CreatePort(NULL, 0);
- IoSinkMask = 1 << IoSink->mp_SigBit;
- ComPortName = malloc(strlen(DeviceName) + 20);
- sprintf(ComPortName, "Getty.%s.%ld", DeviceName, DeviceUnit);
- Forbid();
- if (ComPort = FindPort(ComPortName)) {
- GMsg msg;
- msg.Cmd = 'O';
- msg.Data1 = ac;
- msg.Data2 = (void *)av;
- msg.Msg.mn_ReplyPort = IoSink;
- PutMsg(ComPort, &msg.Msg);
- WaitPort(IoSink);
- Remove(&msg.Msg.mn_Node);
- Permit();
- puts("Options updated");
- xexit(0);
- }
- ComPort = CreatePort(ComPortName, 0L);
- Permit();
- ComPortMask = 1L << ComPort->mp_SigBit;
- NullFH = Open("NULL:", 1006);
- if (NullFH == NULL) {
- puts("Requires NULL: handler!");
- xexit(1);
- }
- if (LogToStdout == 0) {
- freopen("NULL:", "r", stdin);
- freopen("NULL:", "w", stdout);
- freopen("NULL:", "w", stderr);
- }
- /*
- * Timer Device
- */
- Iot.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = IoSink;
- if (OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_VBLANK, &Iot, 0L)) {
- Iot.tr_node.io_Device = NULL;
- xexit(20);
- }
- Iot.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- /*
- */
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = IoSink;
- if (OpenDevice(DeviceName, DeviceUnit, &Iosr, 0L)) {
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Device = NULL;
- xexit(21);
- }
- InterceptDeviceVector(Iosr.IOSer.io_Device);
- Iosw = Iosr;
- Iosw.io_ExtFlags = 0;
- Iosw.io_Baud = Bauds[0];
- Iosw.io_ReadLen = 8;
- Iosw.io_WriteLen = 8;
- Iosw.io_StopBits = 1;
- SetParams(&Iosw);
- /*
- * Run Operation
- */
- State = ST_WAITCD;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_micro= 0;
- IotIP = 1;
- SendIO(&Iot);
- InitModem();
- Signal(FindTask(NULL), IoSinkMask);
- for (;;) {
- long mask;
- IOR *ior;
- GMsg *msg;
- mask = Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | IoSinkMask | ComPortMask);
- ulog(2, "State = %d", State);
- if (mask & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- break;
- if (msg = (GMsg *)GetMsg(ComPort)) {
- do {
- switch(msg->Cmd) {
- case 'O':
- DoOptions(msg->Data1, msg->Data2);
- break;
- }
- ReplyMsg((MSG *)msg);
- if (ZeroOption)
- xexit(0);
- } while (msg = (GMsg *)GetMsg(ComPort));
- if (State == ST_WAITCD && !GotOffPort)
- Disconnect(0);
- }
- while (ior = (IOR *)GetMsg(IoSink)) {
- if (ior == (IOR *)&Iot) {
- short diu;
- IotIP = 0;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- Iot.tr_time.tv_micro= 0;
- /*
- * If OpenCnt > 1, disable all processing.
- *
- * When returns to <= 1 reset serial port.
- */
- diu = DeviceInUse();
- if (diu) {
- if (GotOffPort == 0) {
- ulog(-1, "Device in use");
- if (Locked)
- ulog(-1, "getting off port");
- SerialOff();
- GotOffPort = 1;
- State = ST_WAITCD;
- }
- SendIO(&Iot);
- IotIP = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (GotOffPort) {
- if (Locked == 0) {
- LockSerialPort(DeviceName, DeviceUnit);
- Locked = 1;
- }
- GotOffPort = 0;
- ulog(-1, "Getty resetting");
- SendIO(&Iot);
- IotIP = 1;
- Disconnect(1);
- continue;
- }
- if (State == ST_WAITCD)
- SerialOff();
- if (State != ST_WAITCD && IosrIP == 0) {
- if (Locked == 0)
- LockSerialPort(DeviceName, DeviceUnit);
- Locked = 1;
- ulog(-1, "Serial Port Locked");
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Command = CMD_READ;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Data = (APTR)RxBuf;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Length = 1;
- SendIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 1;
- ulog(1, "Carrier, Getty getting on port");
- }
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_QUERY;
- DoIO(&Iosw);
- if (IgnoreCD)
- Iosw.io_Status &= ~CIAF_COMCD;
- /*
- * If state connected and we loose carrier, disconnect.
- *
- * If state connected and timeout occurs disconnect.
- */
- if (State != ST_WAITCD) {
- if ((Iosw.io_Status & CIAF_COMCD) != 0) {
- ulog(1, "Getty, Carrier lost");
- Disconnect(0);
- } else {
- if (--CountDown == 0) {
- ulog(1, "Getty, Timeout, Disconnecting");
- Disconnect(1);
- Iosw.io_Status |= CIAF_COMCD; /* for below */
- }
- }
- }
- switch(State) {
- case ST_WAITCD:
- if ((Iosw.io_Status & CIAF_COMCD) == 0) {
- State = ST_CONNECT;
- CountDown = 60; /* allow 60 seconds */
- ulog(-1, "Carrier Detect");
- } else {
- Iot.tr_time.tv_secs = 2;
- }
- break;
- case ST_CONNECT:
- /*
- * Wait for CONNECT message, then send Login:
- */
- if (IgnoreConnect && HaveConnectMsg == 0) {
- if (Wire7)
- Set7Wire(&Iosw);
- HaveConnectMsg = 1;
- ulog(-1, "Connect");
- }
- if (HaveConnectMsg) {
- FILE *fi;
- Delay(50);
- ClearRecv();
- if(fi =
- fopen(MakeConfigPath(UULIB, "Getty-Header"), "r")) {
- while (fgets(ScrBuf, sizeof(ScrBuf), fi)) {
- SerPuts(ScrBuf);
- SerPuts("\r");
- }
- fclose(fi);
- }
- termCr = termLf = 1;
- SerPuts("Login: ");
- ulog(-1, "Getty, Connect, Login");
- State = ST_LOGIN;
- Index = 0;
- HaveLogin = 0;
- LoginBuf[0] = 0;
- }
- break;
- case ST_LOGIN: /* wait Login: response */
- if (HaveLogin) {
- if (LoginBuf[0] == 0) {
- State = ST_CONNECT;
- break;
- }
- ClearRecv();
- PasswdBuf[0] = 0;
- /*
- * If no password required, else request
- * password.
- */
- if (CheckLoginAndPassword()) {
- HavePasswd = 1;
- Index = 0;
- State = ST_PASSWD;
- } else {
- SerPuts("Password: ");
- ulog(1, "Getty, Passwd");
- State = ST_PASSWD;
- HavePasswd = 0;
- Index = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ST_PASSWD: /* wait Password: response */
- if (HavePasswd) {
- if (CheckLoginAndPassword()) {
- ulog(-1, "login %s", LoginBuf);
- /*
- * Disable read requests but leave serial
- * port locked.
- */
- if (IosrIP) {
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- WaitIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If run successful, leave read req and
- * timer disabled.
- */
- RunPasswdEntry();
- if (DropOnExit)
- Disconnect(1);
- else
- State = ST_CONNECT;
- ulog(-1, "disconnect");
- } else {
- SerPuts("Login Failed.\r\n\n");
- State = ST_CONNECT;
- ulog(-1, "LoginFailed user=%s pass=%s", LoginBuf, PasswdBuf);
- }
- HaveLogin = 0;
- HavePasswd= 0;
- LoginBuf[0] = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Make no read requests while running 3rd party
- * program, else resend read request.
- */
- if (IotIP == 0) {
- IotIP = 1;
- SendIO(&Iot);
- }
- }
- /*
- */
- if (ior == (IOR *)&Iosr) {
- IosrIP = 0;
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_QUERY;
- DoIO(&Iosw);
- if (IgnoreCD)
- Iosw.io_Status &= ~CIAF_COMCD;
- /*
- * BREAK used to switch baud rates between allowed
- * values
- */
- if (Iosw.io_Status & IO_STATF_READBREAK) {
- if (BaudAdjust == 0 && (State == ST_LOGIN || State == ST_PASSWD)) {
- if (++BIndex == arysize(Bauds))
- BIndex = 0;
- if (Bauds[BIndex] == 0)
- BIndex = 0;
- Iosw.io_Baud = Bauds[BIndex];
- SetParams(&Iosw);
- if (Wire7)
- Set7Wire(&Iosw);
- ulog(1, "<BREAK> to %d baud", Iosw.io_Baud);
- Delay(100);
- ClearRecv();
- Index = 0;
- State = ST_CONNECT;
- }
- } else
- if (Iosr.IOSer.io_Actual == 1) {
- char *ptr;
- UBYTE c = (UBYTE)RxBuf[0];
- ulog(2, "Rx %02x %c", c, (c < 32) ? ' ' : c);
- c &= 0x7F;
- switch(State) {
- case ST_WAITCD: /* looking for CONNECT msg */
- case ST_CONNECT: /* looking for CONNECT msg */
- ptr = ConnectBuf;
- break;
- case ST_LOGIN: /* looking for login name */
- ptr = LoginBuf;
- break;
- case ST_PASSWD: /* looking for password */
- ptr = PasswdBuf;
- break;
- }
- if (State == ST_LOGIN && HaveLogin)
- c = 0;
- if (State == ST_PASSWD && HavePasswd)
- c = 0;
- switch(c) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 8:
- if (State == ST_LOGIN && HaveLogin)
- break;
- if (Index) {
- if (State == ST_LOGIN)
- SerPuts("\010 \010");
- --Index;
- }
- break;
- case 10:
- if (termLf == 0)
- break;
- termCr = 0;
- case 13:
- if (c == 13) {
- if (termCr == 0)
- break;
- else
- termLf = 0;
- }
- ptr[Index] = 0;
- Index = 0;
- switch(State) {
- case ST_WAITCD:
- case ST_CONNECT:
- if (strncmp(ptr, "CONNECT", 7)) {
- ulog(1, "Looking for CONNECT, got '%s'", ptr);
- break;
- }
- Delay(50);
- HaveConnectMsg = 1;
- if (BaudAdjust) {
- ulog(-1, "Connect Auto-Baud %d", Iosw.io_Baud);
- } else {
- char *str = ptr + 7;
- while (*str && (*str == 9 || *str == ' '))
- ++str;
- if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9')
- Iosw.io_Baud = atoi(str);
- else
- Iosw.io_Baud = Bauds[0];
- SetParams(&Iosw);
- ulog(-1, "Connect at %d baud", Iosw.io_Baud);
- }
- if (Wire7)
- Set7Wire(&Iosw);
- break;
- case ST_LOGIN:
- HaveLogin = 1;
- SerPuts("\r\n");
- ulog(1, "Login: %s", ptr);
- break;
- case ST_PASSWD:
- HavePasswd = 1;
- SerPuts("\r\n");
- ulog(1, "Password: %s", ptr);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (Index == 31)
- break;
- if (State == ST_LOGIN) {
- char cc[2];
- cc[0] = c;
- cc[1] = 0;
- SerPuts(cc);
- }
- ptr[Index++] = c;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (IosrIP == 0) {
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Command = CMD_READ;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Data = (APTR)RxBuf;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Length = 1;
- SendIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- xexit(0);
- }
- void
- SerialOff()
- {
- if (IosrIP) {
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- WaitIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 0;
- }
- if (Locked) {
- UnLockSerialPort(DeviceName, DeviceUnit);
- Locked = 0;
- ulog(1, "Serial Port UnLocked");
- }
- }
- void
- xexit(code)
- {
- if (ComPortMask) {
- GMsg *msg;
- Forbid();
- while (msg = (GMsg *)GetMsg(ComPort))
- ReplyMsg((MSG *)msg);
- DeletePort(ComPort);
- Permit();
- }
- if (IotIP) {
- AbortIO(&Iot);
- WaitIO(&Iot);
- }
- if (Iot.tr_node.io_Device)
- CloseDevice(&Iot);
- if (IosrIP) {
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- WaitIO(&Iosr);
- }
- if (Iosr.IOSer.io_Device) {
- RestoreDeviceVector(Iosr.IOSer.io_Device);
- CloseDevice(&Iosr);
- }
- if (IoSink)
- DeletePort(IoSink);
- if (NullFH)
- Close(NullFH);
- if (Locked)
- UnLockSerialPort(DeviceName, DeviceUnit);
- exit(code);
- }
- void
- SerPuts(str)
- char *str;
- {
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Data = (APTR)str;
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Length = strlen(str);
- DoIO(&Iosw);
- }
- static short RxDisableIP;
- void
- RxDisable()
- {
- RxDisableIP = IosrIP;
- if (IosrIP) {
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- WaitIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- RxEnable()
- {
- if (RxDisableIP && IosrIP == 0) {
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Command = CMD_READ;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Data = (APTR)RxBuf;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Length = 1;
- SendIO(&Iosr);
- IosrIP = 1;
- }
- }
- void
- ClearRecv()
- {
- RxDisable();
- ulog(1, "Clear beg");
- for (;;) {
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_QUERY;
- DoIO(&Iosr);
- if ((Iosr.IOSer.io_Length = Iosr.IOSer.io_Actual) <= 0)
- break;
- if (Iosr.IOSer.io_Length > sizeof(RxBuf))
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Length = sizeof(RxBuf);
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Data = (APTR)RxBuf;
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Command = CMD_READ;
- DoIO(&Iosr);
- }
- ulog(1, "Clear end");
- RxEnable();
- }
- void
- SetParams(ior)
- IOSER *ior;
- {
- int error;
- if (IosrIP)
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- ior->IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_SETPARAMS;
- error = DoIO(ior);
- if (error)
- printf("SetParams, error %d\n", error);
- }
- void
- Set7Wire(ior)
- IOSER *ior;
- {
- short error;
- if (IosrIP)
- AbortIO(&Iosr);
- ior->IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_SETPARAMS;
- ior->io_SerFlags |= SERF_7WIRE;
- error = DoIO(ior);
- ior->io_SerFlags &= ~SERF_7WIRE;
- if (error)
- printf("SetParams, error %d\n", error);
- }
- void
- Disconnect(dropdtr)
- {
- short retry = (IgnoreDTR) ? 2 : 10;
- ulog(1, "Disconnect drop=%d", dropdtr);
- HaveConnectMsg = 0;
- HaveLogin = 0;
- HavePasswd = 0;
- LoginBuf[0] = 0;
- PasswdBuf[0] = 0;
- Index = 0;
- State = ST_WAITCD;
- while (dropdtr && DeviceInUse() == 0) {
- short i;
- RxDisable();
- if (IgnoreDTR) {
- if (ModemType != 'd') {
- Delay(70);
- SerPuts("+++");
- Delay(70);
- SerPuts("\010\010\r");
- Delay(10);
- SerPuts("ATH0\r");
- Delay(120);
- }
- } else {
- CloseDevice(&Iosr);
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Device = NULL; /* so xexit doesn't reclose */
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { /* 5 seconds */
- Delay(50);
- xexit(23);
- }
- /*
- * Use Iosr to re-open serial device so we don't loose
- * our config.
- */
- if (OpenDevice(DeviceName, DeviceUnit, &Iosr, 0)) {
- Iosr.IOSer.io_Device = NULL;
- xexit(22);
- }
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Device = Iosr.IOSer.io_Device;
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Unit = Iosr.IOSer.io_Unit;
- SetParams(&Iosw);
- }
- /*
- * Loop until carrier lost
- */
- Iosw.IOSer.io_Command = SDCMD_QUERY;
- DoIO(&Iosw);
- if (IgnoreCD)
- Iosw.io_Status &= ~CIAF_COMCD;
- RxEnable();
- if ((Iosw.io_Status & CIAF_COMCD) != 0)
- break;
- if (--retry == 0) {
- if (IgnoreDTR == 0)
- puts("Getty: unable to disconnect!");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (DeviceInUse() == 0)
- InitModem();
- }
- void
- InitModem()
- {
- char buf[64];
- short i;
- RxDisable();
- ulog(1, "Init Modem");
- Iosw.io_Baud = Bauds[0]; /* reset baud rate */
- BIndex = 0;
- SetParams(&Iosw);
- RxEnable();
- switch(ModemType) {
- case 'm': /* Multi Modem */
- SerPuts("\010\010\r");
- Delay(10);
- SerPuts("AT\r");
- Delay(50);
- sprintf(buf, "ATM%dS0=%dX4$BA%d&E%d\r",
- SpeakerLevel,
- AnswerRing,
- !BaudAdjust,
- (Wire7) ? 4 : 3
- );
- SerPuts(buf);
- break;
- case 'h':
- SerPuts("\010\010\r");
- Delay(10);
- SerPuts("ATZ\r");
- Delay(120);
- strcpy(buf, "AT");
- if (SpeakerOpt)
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "M%d", SpeakerLevel);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "S0=%d", AnswerRing);
- strcat(buf, "\r");
- SerPuts(buf);
- break;
- case 'd':
- SerPuts("\010\010\r");
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < arysize(AtFields) && AtFields[i]; ++i) {
- Delay(50);
- SerPuts(AtFields[i]);
- SerPuts("\r");
- }
- Delay(20);
- ClearRecv();
- Index = 0;
- }
- void
- DoOptions(ac, av)
- char *av[];
- {
- short i;
- short bi = 0;
- short fi = 0;
- long v;
- for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
- char *ptr = av[i];
- if (*ptr != '-') {
- if (fi != arysize(AtFields))
- AtFields[fi++] = ptr;
- else
- puts("AT field overflow");
- continue;
- }
- if (*++ptr) /* skip - */
- ++ptr; /* and option */
- v = atoi(ptr);
- switch(ptr[-1]) {
- case '0':
- ZeroOption = 1;
- break;
- case '7':
- Wire7 = 1;
- break;
- case 'S':
- DeviceName = ptr;
- break;
- case 'U':
- DeviceUnit = v;
- break;
- case 'M':
- ModemType = *ptr;
- break;
- case 'A':
- BaudAdjust = 1;
- break;
- case 'B':
- if (bi != arysize(Bauds))
- Bauds[bi++] = v;
- else
- puts("-B field overflow");
- break;
- case 'm':
- SpeakerOpt = 1;
- SpeakerLevel = v;
- break;
- case 'r':
- AnswerRing = v;
- break;
- case 'h':
- IgnoreCD = !v;
- break;
- case 'c':
- IgnoreConnect = !v;
- break;
- case 'd':
- IgnoreDTR = !v;
- break;
- case 'x':
- LogLevel = v;
- LogToStdout = (v >= 0);
- break;
- default:
- printf("Warning, Bad option: -%s\n", ptr);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (fi && fi != arysize(AtFields))
- AtFields[fi] = NULL;
- if (bi && bi != arysize(Bauds))
- Bauds[bi] = 0;
- }
- DeviceInUse()
- {
- return(Iosr.IOSer.io_Device->dd_Library.lib_OpenCnt > 1);
- }
- /*
- * Device Vector Intercept, used to force SERF_SHARED on device open.
- */
- extern void AsmIntercept();
- extern void AsmRoute();
- FPTR OldVector;
- void
- InterceptDeviceVector(dev)
- struct Device *dev;
- {
- OldVector = SetFunction((struct Library *)dev, LIB_OPEN, AsmIntercept);
- AsmRoute(OldVector);
- }
- void
- RestoreDeviceVector(dev)
- struct Device *dev;
- {
- SetFunction((struct Library *)dev, LIB_OPEN, OldVector);
- }