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- /*
- *
- * $Header: Beta:src/uucp/src/GUtil/RCS/uuserdump.c,v 1.1 90/02/02 11:58:57 dillon Exp Locker: dillon $
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1989-1990 by Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * UUSERDUMP filename
- *
- *
- * Currently UUSER: works only with single sessions started
- * by Getty (this has to do with how UUSER: deals with carrier
- * detect). THIS WILL BE FIXED.
- *
- * (1) Use Level 1 I/O if you can (read/write)
- * read() returns 0 on timeout, -1 on carrier lost
- * otherwise, read() returns the immediate number of
- * data bytes ready up to the amount you requested.
- * (i.e. if you read(0,buf,256) you can get anywhere from
- * -1, 0, 1 to 256 back).
- *
- * write() returns the number you wrote or -1 (lost carrier)
- *
- * To 'poll' data ready you can read(0, NULL, 0) .. reading
- * 0 bytes returns 0 (data ready) or -1 (data not ready).
- * NOTE: 0 (data ready) will be returned if carrier is lost
- * when you read 0 bytes... this is so your program thinks
- * data is ready and when it does a real read it finds that
- * carrier was lost!
- *
- * (2) If you want to use Level 2 I/O (stdio) I suggest you use
- * it for writing only. If you really want to use it for
- * reading remember that the timeout will cause an EOF
- * condition which must be cleared (clrerr()). And you
- * must call ferror() to determine whether an EOF is an
- * EOF (timeout()) or an actual error (lost carrier).
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "protos.h"
- #include "version.h"
- IDENT(".01");
- char buf[256];
- short i;
- int
- brk()
- {
- return(0);
- }
- main(ac, av)
- char *av[];
- {
- short i;
- char c;
- short n;
- FILE *fi = fopen(av[1], "r");
- onbreak(brk);
- /*
- * set output to line buffering (stdio), else it will use
- * file buffering! Which is bad if we want to catch ^S/^C
- */
- setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
- if (ac == 1)
- exit(1);
- if (fi == NULL)
- printf("Info file %s not available\r\n", av[1]);
- printf("Dumping info file (suggest capture), hit Enter when ready\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- /*
- * Getty uses the R1000 option, so there is a one second timeout
- * on reads when no data is present. If data is present, UUSER:
- * returns the number of bytes immediately available regardless of
- * how many you requested.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
- n = read(0, &c, 1);
- if (n < 0) /* lost carrier */
- exit(1);
- /* success */
- if (n > 0 && (c == 10 || c == 13))
- goto skip;
- /* timeout */
- }
- exit(1);
- skip:
- while (fgets(buf, 256, fi)) {
- short len = strlen(buf);
- if (CheckControl())
- break;
- if (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '\n')
- --len;
- buf[len++] = 13;
- buf[len++] = 10;
- buf[len++] = 0;
- fputs(buf, stdout);
- }
- fclose(fi);
- printf("End of dump, any key to disconnect\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- for (i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
- n = read(0, &c, 1);
- if (n == 0) /* 1 second timeout */
- continue;
- break; /* any key or lost cd */
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Here we use a UUSER: trick ... requesting 0 bytes in a read()
- * incurs NO timeout. 0 is returned if data is ready, -1 if data
- * is not ready.
- *
- * Another way to do it is to dump a seconds worth of data, then
- * call read() (which blocks for up to 1 second if no data is
- * ready, but the user doesn't see that because we've already queued
- * a second's worth of data). The first method is better because
- * there is finer granularity (that is, the one used below)
- */
- CheckControl()
- {
- char c = 0;
- short n;
- if (read(0, NULL, 0) == 0) { /* returns 0=data ready, -1=not rdy */
- read(0, &c, 1);
- if (c == ('s'&0x1F)) { /* ^S */
- for (;;) {
- n = read(0, &c, 1);
- if (n < 0) /* lost carrier */
- exit(1);
- if (n == 0) /* timeout */
- continue;
- break; /* got a key */
- }
- return(0);
- }
- if (c == ('c'&0x1F)) /* ^C */
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }