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Text File | 1990-10-07 | 65.8 KB | 1,534 lines |
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- | Amiga-USENET-NewsReader |
- | (C)opyright by Roland Bless |
- | ⌐/Written 1990 |
- | A Byteable Software Product |
- |__________________________________|
- Arn.doc
- for
- VERSION 0.66
- ------------
- Hint: Find out your current-version-number by typing "Arn -i" to a CLI.
- CHANGES according to earlier versions can be found at the end of this file.
- o (C)opyright and Distribution
- ----------------------------
- This program and its documentation can be freely distributed, but ONLY
- if these rules are followed:
- - Commercial usage and making profit with it in any form is strictly
- prohibited!
- - All (C)opyright-notes must be maintained! All rights reserved!
- (C)opyright remains by Roland Bless.
- - Redistribution of a changed program and/or documentation is not
- allowed!
- - Distribution of this packet/program together with another
- documentation (e.g. translated) is not allowed! It must be separately
- distributed from this packet.
- - The redistribution of a changed source without permission of
- the author is strictly prohibited!
- - I do not take the responsibility for any loss of data or any kind
- of trouble caused by "Arn"!
- - I do not guarantee that all functions work as described/expected!
- If you enjoy the program:
- ------------------------
- Please keep always in mind that I spent much (spare-)time in writing this
- software and feel free to support me with some money of any amount
- (suggested 15-20 DM or US $10). My address is:
- Roland Bless
- Kriegsstrasse 129
- FRG - 7500 Karlsruhe 1
- (Federal Republic of Germany)
- Please redistribute always the files together which come with this
- release. Thanks!
- Send any Bug-Reports to (UUCP): bugs@spirits.ka.sub.org
- o Files
- -----
- Arn - the executable/binary
- Arnhelp.txt - the help-text for arn.
- Arn.doc - this documentation
- preprnews - a little program for rnews to get single articles put into
- your own newsgroups (esp. for Amiga-UUCP).
- .arnrc - an example of "Arn"'s configuration file (AmigaUUCP-PLUS).
- .arnrc.duucp - an example of "Arn"'s configuration file
- (AmigaUUCP V1.06D-Dillon).
- UUConfig - an example of the UUCONFIG-file
- sendm - an example of a possible script-file for SENDMAIL
- null-handler - the null:-device
- mountlist - the mountlist entry for the null-handler.
- rot - a variable "rot" program (rot13).
- rot.c - source and usage of rot.
- README - important announces.
- o Intro
- -----
- "Arn" (AMIGA Reads News) is a program that allows you to read and write a
- lot of news-articles and keeps track of what you already have read or
- not. It is designed for the USENET and follows the rules given by RFC
- 1036 (Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages). It doesn't use the
- mouse, because I think it is better to use the keyboard all the time when
- the task is to read and write many words. To switch always from keyboard
- to mouse (e.g. paging via mouse, writing a follow-up with the keyboard)
- is not rational (IMHO).
- This newsreader was written from scratch without looking into the real
- "rn"-source. Please understand that this version is not yet as powerful
- as its model. It was written in C and I tried my best to program it close
- to the "programming-rules" from Commodore-Amiga. Maybe it will run just
- as good under Amiga-OS 2.0 as under Kickstart 1.3/1.2. If you don't know
- what a "newsreader" is, this is maybe the wrong program for you! But if
- you want to use or learn "UUCP", you should read this manual. "Arn" was
- originally written for Amiga-UUCP, so it will be easy to install it for
- this UUCP-Version.
- However, "Arn" was designed to work together with other programs.
- "Arn"'s Configuration-file will allow you to cope with all other
- UUCP-Versions in an easy way.
- It is recommended to use //\\migaUUCP Plus (written by Ingo Feulner)
- an enhancement of the AmigaUUCP V1.06D with CNews. With this package it
- is possible to spool and expire news (real history...). "Arn" makes use
- of the "active"-file which is supported by AmigaUUCP Plus, the "scanning"
- phase is disabled then.
- Please excuse my horrible English, it isn't my native language.
- o Short information about USENET-Messages
- ---------------------------------------
- If you want to use this Newsreader, you should be familiar with USENET
- and have some experience. To give a full introduction into USENET is not
- my task...but I'll give some hints for newusers.
- I highly recommend to read the newsgroups:
- news.announce.newusers (moderated!) and news.newusers.questions
- as well as
- "How to use USENET effectively" by Matt Bishop.
- It should be available nearly at every site/newsfeed and comes with
- the AmigaUUCP-package.
- Some general information about news-articles:
- USENET-Messages consist always of a message-header and a message-body.
- The header contains some useful informations for news-transmission as
- well as for the reader (YOU!).
- ONE BLANK LINE! If you're posting articles to the net, please keep always
- in mind that you leave at least one blank line after the header.
- Your realname should be visible in the article. If not in the header then
- in your signature. The "signature" normally consists of one or two lines
- containing your realname and E-mail-address and is placed at the end of
- your article ("Arn" will append it for you...).
- Some newsgroups are moderated! It is not allowed to post directly to
- these groups (see ACTIVEFILE). Get a list of moderated newsgroups and
- mail to the responsible moderator.
- Summary of "How to use USENET effectively" by Matt Bishop:
- => Deciding to post
- + Do not repeat postings
- + Do not post anything when upset, angry, or intoxicated
- + Be sure your posting is appropriate to USENET
- + Do not post other people's work without permission
- + Don't forget that opinions are those of the poster and not his company
- => Where to Post
- + Keep the distribution as limited as possible
- + Do not post the same article twice to different groups
- + Do not post to news.announce newsgroups
- + Ask someone if you can't figure out where to post your article
- + Be sure there is a consensus before creating a new newsgroup
- + Watch out for newsgroups which have special rules about posting
- => Writing the Article
- + Write for your audience
- + Be clear and concise
- + Proofread your article
- + Be extra careful with announcements of products or services
- + Indicate sarcasm and humor
- + Mark postings which spoil surprises
- + Rotate offensive postings
- + The shorter your signature, the better
- Please follow these rules!
- o Installing Arn
- --------------
- 1. System requirements
- "Arn" was written under Kickstart 33.180 and Workbench 34.28 on a
- European PAL-Amiga 2000B Rev 4.3 with 2 MB more Fastram (A-2058).
- "Arn" normally allocates storage dynamically, so that constant values of
- memory-usage cannot be given. It is quite possible that "Arn" requires
- 100kBytes or more if you're reading newsgroups with lots of articles. I
- DID NOT TEST IT EXPLICITLY ON OTHER AMIGAS! A stack-size of 4000 bytes
- should be sufficient. All memory-allocations are checked, so that no
- crash is caused by insufficient free memory (esp. at the "initialization-
- phase", please let me know any bugs!).
- The NULL:-Device must be installed. Just copy the null-handler to your
- L: directory and insert the mountlist-entry for the null-handler into
- your Mountlist and "mount NULL:".
- An Assign for T: and UULIB: should exist. T: is the directory for
- temporary files and UULIB: is required for some "Arn"-Configuration-
- Files. This is typically the UUCP-directory .../usr/lib/uucp (if you have
- AmigaUUCP this assign often already exists...if you followed the docs).
- Examples:
- Assign T: RAM:
- Assign UULIB: UUCP:usr/lib/uucp
- Last but not least, you must have installed a UUCP-Package such as
- Amiga-UUCP, //\\migaUUCP Plus, Brnews, CNews or JDCP and so on...
- The "rot" program is not required by "Arn" (because "Arn" has a built-in
- rot), but I thought that you can maybe use it to encrypt text for writing
- messages.
- 2. ".arnrc" - "Arn" requires a configuration file!
- A file called ".arnrc" must exist in your CURRENT directory or in the
- directory "UULIB:". This file is REQUIRED to configure "Arn". If you
- want to have more than one user using "Arn" just create for each user
- in its home-directory its individual ".arnrc" respectively "UUCONFIG".
- Before entering "Arn" just "cd" into the right home-directory.
- An example of ".arnrc":
- # Arn Config-File for AmigaUUCP-Version 1.06D!
- # these lines are comments and ignored by Arn
- SAVENEWS UUCP:usr/rob/News
- SIGNATURE UULIB:.signature
- RELAYVER version 1.06D (AmigaUUCP)
- POSTINGVER version 1.06D (AmigaUUCP)
- SENDNEWS uux %s "%s!rnews"
- SENDMAIL sendmail <%s -f rob
- RNEWS preprnews %s "rnews "
- SHELLWINDOW Y NEWCON:0/0/640/200/Arn's CLI
- #EXTERNALPRG Y rx postit %s
- #Set NEWSDIRTYPE to Y or YES for CNews and JDCP
- #Alternative reply-address
- #REPLY-TO fred%nonsens@foovax.bar.com
- #send mail by using a script (archives sent mails)
- #SENDMAIL sendm %s rob
- #SCREENDATA 640 512 1 0x8004
- The format is:
- If "Arn" finds a valid keyword, it will look for the next characters on
- the same line which follow after one or more SPACEs or TABs! The keyword
- is NOT case-dependent but must start in column 0! To set up your own
- configuration-file, make a copy of the example that comes with "Arn" and
- edit it with your favorite ASCII-Editor. The example ".arnrc" should show
- you a typical setup for the Amiga-UUCP-Package.
- Each keyword and its function will now be described here:
- ~~~~~~~
- After this keyword the PATH to your "News-directory" should follow.
- The "News-Directory" is that one from where all the "newsgroup"-
- directories are branching. For Amiga-UUCP its typically the assign
- "UUNEWS:". The last character should not be a "/" (slash), because "Arn"
- will append one for you!
- examples:
- NEWSdir UUCP:usr/spool/news
- ~~~~~~~~
- This is the directory/PATH where your "saved" articles should go. "Arn"
- will use this directory when saving an article with "s" or "w" if no
- other directory is specified (which then must contain a device or a
- colon).
- ~~~~~~~~~
- This is the FILENAME which saves informations about read an unread
- articles and newsgroups. Its format is described later in detail. It's
- similar to the ".newsrc" created by "rn". This file will be created for
- you, if it doesn't exist. The old GROUPLIST-file is always renamed to
- GROUPLIST.bak the new one is always named GROUPLIST.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- This is the FILENAME (with specified path) of your active-file IF YOUR
- UUCP-Version supports it (AmigaUUCP V1.06D currently does not!)!!
- //\\migaUUCP Plus supports this and it's MUCH more comfortable to read
- news with an "active"-file.
- "Arn" will read all entries after reading the grouplist. If the group-
- list isn't existent, "Arn" will read your active-file and search for
- new groups to add to the grouplist. This entry activates automatically
- the check for moderated groups. The format of the active-file should be:
- groupname xxxxx yyyyy s
- groupname is for example comp.sys.amiga, xxxxx is the last article number
- (decimal), yyyyy the number of the first article in this group, s can be
- the single letter "y" or "m" ("Y" or "M", too), where "m" means that this
- group is moderated. Example entries:
- comp.sys.amiga 00345 00101 y
- comp.binaries.amiga 00100 00001 m
- The numbers are considered to fit in the "long"-range. Entries in wrong
- format can cause strange errors and crashes..., but normally this file
- can only be changed by your uucp-software (rnews,expire).
- ~~~~~~~~
- This is a very important FILENAME for information about the UUCP
- environment. It looks like this (example):
- NodeName spirits
- UserName rob
- RealName Roland Bless
- NewsFeed smurf
- * Organization Byteable Software Products, private, Karlsruhe (FRG)
- MailEditor Dme
- NewsEditor Dme
- DomainName .ka.sub.org
- DefaultNode smurf
- Entries without an asterisk (that is *) are REQUIRED!
- I think these entries are self-explanatory. If you're running Amiga-UUCP
- it is normally called "UULIB:Config". Then you do not have to create it.
- ~~~~~~~
- This is a FILENAME for a file which should contain a single number in
- ASCII-Format. It will be used for the Message-ID of postings or
- follow-ups and is increased by "Arn". This file exists also under
- Amiga-UUCP as UULIB:seq.
- ~~~~~~~~
- Screenswitch. Favourite editors (named in UUCONFIG) can have their own
- screens and therefore you can force "Arn" to switch or not to switch to
- the WorkBench-Screen (bring it to front).
- If something like "NO" follows (only the first letter is important), then
- "Arn" will not bring the WorkBench-Screen to front. If there is a "Yes"
- or anything other than "N", "Arn" will bring the WB-Screen to front.
- After invoking the editor, and after the editor has quit, "Arn" will
- bring always(!) the "ArnScreen" to front. If you still don't know what I
- mean, just let it on "YES".
- ~~~~~~~~~
- This entry contains your favourite character(s) that will be used for
- quoting, that means is inserted in the leftmost column in each line
- of the included text at replies or follow-ups. This entry is LIMITED
- in length! The whole entry should not contain more than 6 characters
- that means 4 characters maximum of QUOTECHAR, because:
- The first char and the last char are stripped off this string just to
- make it possible for including spaces.
- examples:
- Quoted text looks like this:
- > this is a test for quotechar. this is a quoted line of text.
- > this is a test for quotechar. this is a quoted line of text.
- quotechar (## |)
- Quoted text then looks like this:
- ## |this is a test for quotechar. this is a quoted line of text.
- ## |this is a test for quotechar. this is a quoted line of text.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- This entry contains two values: A timezone-name and the offset to your
- time concerning this timezone. Example:
- means that "Arn" will SUBTRACT ONE HOUR from your local time and will
- use/append timezone GMT in Date:-lines.
- Important (since V0.66):
- The format of the time offset is [+|-]hhmm, where hh is the number of
- hours and mm ist the number of minutes (0-60).
- Example: You're 9.5 (nine a half) hours before GMT so your
- factor will be 930 (nine hours and thirty minutes):
- To get your local timezone, just write an offset of 0 to the TIMEOFFSET
- then your local-timezone-name after it.
- TIMEoffset 0 MET
- (MET means Middle-European-Time)
- The value can be preceeded by a minus or a plus sign. If no sign is given
- a plus is assumed (which means to SUBTRACT that value from your local
- time!). Spaces between the signs and the numbers are not allowed!
- Leading zeros are NOT required and can be omitted.
- It is recommended to use your offset to GMT (Greenwich-Mean-Time) and
- timeoffset -0100 GMT means that your time is 1 hour BEHIND GMT.
- The length of the TIMEZONE-name is limited to 5 characters! If it is
- missing too long, "Arn" will display a WARNING and say that it took GMT
- instead!
- ~~~~~~~~~
- The FILENAME of your signature file to append to your articles/mails
- written with "Arn". "Arn" will NOT put any characters (e.g. the "--")
- before your signature-text but two lines of space. But if you want
- this, just insert it in your SIGNATURE-file...
- ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
- These two lines are required by RFC 1036 (quoting):
- RFC1036| be passed through unchanged. The required headers are
- RFC1036| Relay-Version, Posting-Version, From, Date, Newsgroups,
- RFC1036| Subject, Message-ID, Path. The optional headers are
- RFC1036| Followup-To, Date-Received, Expires, Reply-To, Sender,
- RFC1036| References, Control, Distribution, Organization.
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| 2.1 Required Headers
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| 2.1.1 Relay-Version
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| This header line shows the version
- RFC1036| of the program responsible for the transmission of this
- RFC1036| article over the immediate link, that is, the program that
- RFC1036| is relaying the article from the next site. For example,
- RFC1036| suppose site A sends an article to site B, and site B
- RFC1036| forwards the article to site C. The message being
- RFC1036| transmitted from A to B would have a Relay-Version header
- RFC1036| identifying the program running on A, and the message
- RFC1036| transmitted from B to C would identify the program running
- RFC1036| on B. This header can be used to interpret older headers
- RFC1036| in an upward compatible way. Relay-Version must always be
- RFC1036| the first in a message; thus, all articles meeting this
- RFC1036| standard will begin with an upper case ``R''. No other
- RFC1036| restrictions are placed on the order of header lines.
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| The line contains two fields, separated by semicolons.
- RFC1036| The fields are the version and the full domain name of the
- RFC1036| site. The version should identify the system program used
- RFC1036| (e.g., ``B'') as well as a version number and version
- RFC1036| date. For example, the header line might contain
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| Relay-Version: version B 2.10 2/13/83; site cbosgd.UUCP
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| This header should not be passed on to additional sites.
- RFC1036| A relay program, when passing an article on, should
- RFC1036| include only its own Relay-Version, not the Relay-Version
- RFC1036| of some other site. (For upward compatibility with older
- RFC1036| software, if a Relay-Version is found in a header which is
- RFC1036| not the first line, it should be assumed to be moved by an
- RFC1036| older version of news and deleted.)
- RFC1036|
- RFC1036| 2.1.2 Posting-Version
- RFC1036| This header identifies the
- RFC1036| software responsible for entering this message into the
- RFC1036| network. It has the same format as Relay-Version. It
- RFC1036| will normally identify the same site as the Message-ID,
- RFC1036| unless the posting site is serving as a gateway for a
- RFC1036| message that already contains a message ID generated by
- RFC1036| mail. (While it is permissible for a gateway to use an
- RFC1036| externally generated message ID, the message ID should be
- RFC1036| checked to ensure it conforms to this standard and to RFC
- RFC1036| 822.)
- The "; site sitename.domainname" will be automatically added by "Arn".
- ~~~~~~~~
- This is the command "Arn" invokes, if you want to post an article to
- the net, that means to send it to your newsfeed(s)/other sites. In
- detail, the article should be spooled in your spool-directory (UUSPOOL:
- with AmigaUUCP) with the necessary control-file(s) for your "uucico".
- It is IMPORTANT THAT THIS LINE CONTAINS two placeholders %s!!!
- It MUST BE "%s" (but without the quotation marks)!
- The first placeholder stands for the internal temporary article-name,
- the second for the NewsFeed-Name. For AmigaUUCP the line then looks like
- this: SENDNEWS uux %s "%s!rnews"
- If you don't need the second placeholder, then can ignore it with a
- semicolon:
- SENDNEWS relaynews <%s -i ; %s
- (No guarantuee for dropping the second %s...I think it works...)
- or you should create a shell- script (with the +s flag set)
- removing the second "%s" by ignoring it:
- dummy.script:
- .key artname/a,realname/a
- .bra {
- .ket }
- .dot ~
- ; Now invoke the program for spooling-news with {artname} only!
- postit {artname}
- Your SENDNEWS is then: SENDNEWS dummy.script %s %s
- ~~~~~~~~
- This is the program which spools the mail for your mailfeed/sites.
- Normally it would be "mail <%s", with AmigaUUCP it is
- "sendmail <%s -f user". Only one %s is required for the filename of the
- article. If your mail doesn't generate the "From:" line, insert the
- FROMLINE entry in .arnrc. At normal AmigaUUCP (Dillon-Release) the
- sendmail always appends a real-name, if already there or not.
- If your mailer requires other informations, which "Arn" doesn't give, do
- it with a script-file! (Note: The script bit should/must be set...) Like
- this to append outgoing mails to a mail.sent-file (dmail gives you the
- possibility: "set archive uumail:mail.sent") sendm:
- .key mailfile/a,username/a
- .bra {
- .ket }
- .dot ~
- IF exists "{mailfile}"
- type >>UUMAIL:mail.sent {mailfile}
- sendmail <{mailfile} -f "{username}"
- echo "{mailfile} not found!"
- SENDMAIL sendm %s rob
- then would be the right entry in ".arnrc".
- NOTE: If you don't explicitly specify a PATH before the script-name, the
- script-file must be put in a directory of your "PATH". The best is
- to put it in the same directory where all your other UUCP-commands
- are placed (e.g. UUCP:c).
- Sample script for a missing From:-line:
- .key mailfile/a
- .bra {
- .ket }
- .dot ~
- IF exists "{mailfile}"
- echo >T:MYTMP "From: fred@foobar.UUCP"
- type >>T:MYTMP "{mailfile}"
- sendmail <T:MYTMP
- echo "{mailfile} not found!"
- ~~~~~~~~
- This entry doesn't require a value. If the keyword FROMLINE exists in
- .arnrc, "Arn" automatically generates a "From:"-line at replies.
- Examples:
- or
- FROMLINE yes, man do it...
- ~~~~~
- This is the program that sorts in the article(s) for YOUR system.
- If you write an article, AmigaUUCP e.g. sends it off, but this
- article is not sent into your newsgroups. Normally the SENDNEWS-
- program (inews?) should do this for you, but if it doesn't,
- take "preprnews" and "rnews". preprnews is a little program from
- me:
- usage: preprnews articlename progname
- example preprnews T:tmpfoobar "rnews <"
- description:
- preprnews reads the article named "articlename" and cuts off the
- "Relay-Version:"/"Posting-Version:" lines, adds the "#! rnews XXXX"
- line and passes this new file (T:TMPXXXXXX) to the program "progname".
- Then the new (tmp)file is deleted.
- Your entry should look like this
- RNEWS preprnews %s "rnews "
- if you have the buggy AmigaUUCP V1.03D-rnews take the patched rnews2.
- RNEWS preprnews %s "rnews2 <"
- (Sorry: I didn't include it, because it would be too much waste...
- Patch it yourself, it's easy!: copy rnews to rnews2
- Patch in rnews2 byte $4344 from $0A to $00, e.g. with newzap)
- However: this entry is not required and if your SENDNEWS sorts/sends
- articles at your system in your newsgroups, just forget this entry.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- This entry is for the piping commands "S","W" and "|".
- The format is: WBenchToFront WindowSpecifications
- WBenchToFront is either "Y" or "N": N means to bring the
- WorkBench-Screen NOT into front, all other values do.
- This entry is optional, because "Arn" has a default entry for it:
- Y CON:0/0/640/200/Arn-CLI
- But you can take advantage of your favourite console-handler:
- Y NEWCON:0/0/640/200/This is a newcon window raised by Arn
- NEWCON: is the better WB1.3 CON: device.
- As you will see, spaces are preserved, the whole string is copied until
- end of line.
- ConMan[1] users have a great advantage, because they are able to open the
- CON:-Window on "Arn's"-Custom-Screen! A possible entry:
- N CON:S*/0/0/640/200/ConManWindow on Arn Screen
- If you're not using ConMan, the CON:-Window will appear on the Workbench-
- Screen!
- To get rid of this CON:-Window, enter "endcli" at the CLI-prompt.
- You can naturally describe here a normal file-name, because "Arn" just
- makes an filehandle= Open(SHELLWINDOW,MODE_NEWFILE) and then an
- Execute(cmd,filehandle,filehandle).
- [1]: ConMan is a replacement console handler from William S. Hawes
- (Shareware!). Get it from the fish disks...latest(?) Version:
- V1.3 Rev 2.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- This optional(!) entry specifies an external program to be invoked if you
- type "o" (other) at the pager/article selector.
- The FIRST value must be a character "Y" or "N" to enable/disable the
- SHELLWINDOW during execution of the external program.
- A "N" or "n" will NOT open the SHELLWINDOW, all other values will.
- There is a difference between "n" and "N":
- "N" will switch WorkBenchScreen to front, "n" won't!
- For the specification of SHELLWINDOWs see above. If you enable the
- SHELLWINDOW, but the SHELLWINDOW entry is missing, "Arn" takes its
- internal default. After one or more (white) spaces follows the next
- value: A command containing a %s as placeholder for the full-pathname to
- the article. The %s MUST BE PRESENT! Spaces are preserved, the whole
- command-string is copied until end of line.
- sample-entry:
- EXTERNALPRG Y rx postit %s
- This function was implemented on request of the "Software Brewery".
- They released a package - written in ARexx - to post and spool news
- (postit and brnews).
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- This entry supports user defined screens (not for inexperienced users!)
- and is NOT REQUIRED, but optional. It is provided to let flicker-fixer
- or A-3000 users read their news with more lines than normally.
- "Arn" normally opens a 640xNormalDisplayRows (256 PAL/200 NTSC), two
- coloured (B/W-1 Bitplane) Screen.
- (Suggested by Henrik Clausen, thanks!).
- If this keyword exists, you MUST(!!) specify FOUR keywords:
- SCREENDATA width height depth Modes
- "width" and "height" are the ArnScreen dimensions, "depth" is the number
- of desired Bitplanes, all in DECIMAL format (short integer, i.e. 16-bit).
- Modes are the ViewModes in HEXADECIMAL format (short integer)! Sorry for
- this inconvenience, but it's for future compatibility... Here are the
- important 1.3 possible ViewModes:
- Name: | Hex-Value: | Comment:
- ----------------+------------+---------------------------------
- HIRES | 0x8000 | Doubles Width Res. (640 Pixel)
- LACE | 0x0004 | Doubles Height Res. (Interlace)
- | | (512 or 400 Pixel etc...)
- PFBA | 0x0040 | Not useful for "Arn"
- DUALPF | 0x0400 | Not useful for "Arn"
- HAM | 0x0800 | Not useful for "Arn"
- SPRITES | 0x4000 | Not useful for "Arn"
- VP_HIDE | 0x2000 | Hides screen
- GENLOCK_AUDIO | 0x0100 | n.c.
- GENLOCK_VIDEO | 0x0002 | n.c.
- EXTRA_HALFBRITE | 0x0080 | n.c.
- To set "Arn"'s Screen to 640x512 Pixels (512 is PAL), 1 Bitplane enter
- this:
- SCREENDATA 640 512 1 0x8004
- WARNING: If you enter any wrong values, "Arn" can crash! "Arn"
- ======= doesn't check your specifications. Be careful!
- 3. Invoking "Arn!"
- "Arn" should be invoked from the CLI. It has a few commandline-switches
- yet: Arn [-inp]
- Switches can be set together after one '-' sign or each single:
- "Arn -n -i" is the same as "Arn -ni". This example doesn't make sense:
- switches:
- -i print the version number and usage info.
- -n look for new-newsgroups
- -p starts "Arn" directly into "post article"-mode. After
- the article is posted (or not), "Arn" will quit.
- This has changed since version V0.62:
- Now you can close the CLI-Window from where you invoked "Arn", because
- the Standard-Error is no longer used (all Errors will now appear on
- Standard-Output -stdout).
- To do this you must use the "run" from WB1.3, the NULL:-device must be
- mounted and available and type the following:
- "run <nil: >nil: Arn <nil: >nil:"
- After "Arn" has launched you can close the CLI.
- Why is the Null:-Device needed?
- Because "Arn" executes other programs and they need a valid
- pr_ConsoleTask, which is missing if you close the CLI. Result: without
- NULL: the machine would crash!
- o Running Arn
- -----------
- "Arn" will open its own one Bitplane-Screen (that is MONOCHROM or
- black/white). The cursor is now the block in the same colour as your
- text.
- It will automatically get the correct Screen/Window-Size, whether you
- have PAL or NTSC ("Arn" looks for the gfxbase->NormalDisplayRows). At the
- moment the vertical-size is 80 Chars or 640 Pixels (HIRES-Mode).
- But you can specify your own Screen-Dimensions with SCREENDATA in .arnrc,
- see below.
- "Arn" takes the default ROM-font (which is normally topaz.8). Maybe there
- are custom-fonts possible in later versions of "Arn".
- If all system resources could be opened and both Config-files (.arnrc and
- UUCONFIG) are correct, "Arn" will report "Initialization phase...ok!".
- Otherwise "Arn" prints an error-message to Standard-Error or its own
- screen (if opened). Possible error-messages are explained in the section
- "Error-Messages".
- - Checking for new-newsgroups
- If your GROUPLIST-File doesn't exist, "Arn" automatically will ask you
- for the newsgroups, you want to read. It will get all available
- newsgroups from a file called "newsgroups" in your current OR the
- "UULIB:" directory.
- At Amiga-UUCP the file already exists as UULIB:newsgroups.
- If you have an ACTIVEFILE then this activefile is taken instead of
- "newsgroups", there's no need to create "newsgroups"!
- The newsgroups-file has the format:
- news.group
- foo.bar
- fred.test
- So just for each newsgroup-name one line. All entries following the
- newsgroups-names are ignored (if separated by TAB or SPACE).
- Then "Arn" will read this "newsgroups"-file an check for missing groups
- in GROUPLIST (you can force "Arn" to do this when starting it with "Arn
- -n" or by pressing "^N" which means CTRL-N at the newsgroup-selector).
- The sequence of presenting/scanning/reading newsgroups is determined
- by the sequence of the GROUPLIST entries!!!
- This procedure looks like this:
- foo.bar not in .newsrc!
- Put it where? (Top,(B)ottom,List,Nil,Quit):
- Inputs are NOT case-sensitive!
- You can type now 'T' or 't' to insert it at the Top of all existing
- newsgroups in your GROUPLIST.
- If you type 'B' or ANY other KEY than T,L,N or Q, the group is appended
- to your list in GROUPLIST.
- Type 'L' to list all newsgroups that are already in GROUPLIST. "Arn" will
- prompt now:
- Input NUMBER, Q or RETURN:
- You can now enter a number which specifies the exact position of the
- newsgroup in GROUPLIST. The new newsgroup will be inserted AT this
- number. If you type 'Q', you'll stop the list-function and return to the
- "Put it where" prompt.
- Type 'N' to skip this newsgroup, that means it will not be put in the
- GROUPLIST. The scanning for further new groups is continued.
- Type 'Q' to quit asking for new groups which are not found in the
- -Scanning articles
- After this "Arn" will scan for articles in the Newsgroup-directories
- and prompt if there are unread/new news.
- Remember: The sequence of presenting/scanning/reading newsgroups is
- determined by the sequence of the GROUPLIST entries!!!
- At this time you're at the "newsgroup-selector", which means that you
- can choose which newsgroup you want to read. If a group is empty or all
- articles read in it, "Arn" will display "no unread news in newsgroup."
- If you have no ACTIVEFILE the scanning process is indicated by the
- message "scanning articles...be patient...".
- "Arn" will only scan filenames which are (the article-) numbers
- (filenames consist only of '1'-'9')!
- o Command-Lines
- -------------
- "Arn" sometimes requests a more complex input than only one keystroke.
- At this time you will be put to the command-line where you can now type
- in upto 256 characters. Some examples of command-line invokations are the
- "g" or "s,w" commands at the article-selector (see below).
- Editing:
- You can move the cursor to the left with the [<-] (left-arrow) key, to
- the right with [->] respectively. If moving to the right the cursor will
- stop after reaching the last character. If you now type in normal letters
- they will be appended.
- Characters are INSERTED at the cursor position and the characters to the
- right are shifted. If the maximum input-length is reached, no further
- input will be accepted! You have to delete some other text first!
- To overwrite characters you have to delete them first and then to insert
- new ones.
- To delete characters just use the BACKSPACE-key as usual (the cursor
- deletes the next left character and moves to this position, all text from
- the right will move also one position to the left).
- The [Del]-key deletes the character under the cursor and moves all text
- from the right one position to left.
- The character-range for input is from SPACE to Tilde (ACSII (hex):0x20-
- 0x7E).
- o Newsgroup-Selection
- -------------------
- This is the prompt:
- "XXX unread article(s) in XXXXX.XXXX.XXXX. Read now? [Ynq]:"
- or
- "What now? [pnq]:"
- The most common choices are in brackets, where the default action is
- in upper case, i.e. if you press the space-bar "Arn" will react as
- you just have pressed the "y".
- Type the key you want (no return/enter needed!).
- A ^ directly followed by a letter means to press simultanously the
- [CTRL]-Key and the letter. For example: ^X means [CTRL]-X, but a
- single ^ means only the character itself.
- Key - Description
- y - enter this group and read next unread article.
- This will put you in the PAGER. see section -> THE PAGER
- n - don't read this newsgroup, continues the search for next group
- with unread news.
- p - search for previous newsgroup with unread articles.
- N - go to the next newgroup (no matter if all articles are already read).
- P - go to previous newsgroup (same as N, but in the other direction).
- 1 - go to the first newsgroup (in grouplist).
- ^ - go to the first newsgroup with unread news.
- $ - go to the last newsgroup (in grouplist).
- - - go to recently/previous newsgroup where you read an article
- (toggles).
- = - List subjects of articles in this newsgroup.
- To stop the listing of articles, press 'q' at the
- "[Type any key to continue]".
- g name - go to the named newsgroup. Resubscribe unsubscribed newsgroups
- this way, too. The name must match exactly (case is important)!
- Wildcards *? allowed!
- To get to an EMPTY NEWSGROUP (i.e. with no or no unread
- articles), use the "g" command and "goto" the desired group.
- "Arn" will not complain if this group is actually empty, but
- will skip to the next group with unread articles if you try to
- enter this group (press 'y')! This way makes it possible to
- unsubscribe etc. "empty" newsgroups.
- If the directory for this newsgroup doesn't exist, "Arn" will
- display an error message an skip to the next newsgroup with
- unread articles.
- /pat - search forward (/) or backwards (?) for the groupname containing
- ?pat "pat". Wildcards ? and * allowed. Not case sensitive!
- E - enter a new article to the net. "Arn" will ask you for the desired
- newsgroup(s), the subject and distribution. Then it will invoke your
- favourite editor (see UUCONFIG) and display the correct header.
- Now you can enter your text. If you quit your editor, "Arn" will
- prompt some choices which are described in detail at the follow-up
- function (see->ARTICLE SELECTION - how to do a follow-up).
- ^U - Unsubscribe this group!
- If your press this combination, "Arn" will not show you the news
- from this group any longer. This group is excluded from reading
- articles if you confirm "Arn's" question:
- You can resubscribe this group with the "g" (goto newsgroup) command
- in the newsgroup-selector, because it is NOT REMOVED from your
- GROUPLIST (to do this, try ^D)!
- If you go to an unsubscribed newsgroup and you don't want to
- resubscribe this group, it is nevertheless scanned and if it
- contains any messages they will be displayed. The status of this
- group is still "unsubscribed."
- ^T - Shows or hides the ScreenTitle. This key-combination toggles.
- It is very useful if you've more than two screens open, because
- there's no other possibility to click them in front.
- ^D - Delete this newsgroup from GroupList.
- Unlike ^U this command really removes the actual Newsgroup from
- (after confirming: "Really REMOVE XXX from GroupList? [y,N]:").
- ^S - Re-scan current newsgroup, respectively re-read the active-file.
- Then GOTO this newsgroup again.
- ^N - Check for new groups.
- This command will force "Arn" to look in your ACTIVEFILE (if
- enabled), "newsgroups" or "UULIB:newsgroups" for new groups which
- still are not in your GROUPLIST. The procedure is described in
- detail above (see RUNNING ARN - Checking for new-newsgroups).
- c - Catch up. "Arn" will ask you for a confirmation. Mark all
- articles in this group as read! Goto next group.
- h,H - activates a short help-list (stop with "q").
- The help file must be available. It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember
- this command...
- To stop displaying the help-file, just press 'q'.
- q - Quit "Arn".
- "Arn" will update it's GROUPLIST and wait for you to press any
- key.
- Q - Quits "Arn" without updating the GROUPLIST (Emergency-exit).
- o The pager
- ---------
- "Arn" will display an article beginning with the line:
- Article XXX (of XXX) in XXXXXXX.
- ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ actual newsgroup
- ||| Last article-number in this group.
- Current article-number
- Then follows the header (that are the first lines until a newline is
- detected). The following lines are automatically hidden by "Arn" and
- can be displayed by pressing 'v' (verbose header):
- - Path:
- + References:
- + X
- + Nf-
- - Reply-To:
- All header lines beginning with these characters will not be shown.
- A prefix - means that line-continuation is not checked, a + means that
- it is considered.
- The "Subject:"-line is underlined.
- The text follows after the header and each line is carefully registered
- in its length so that "Arn" stops after your Screen is filled up (this is
- not the whole truth: "Arn" will always the next display n-1 lines, if
- your screen has a maximum of n lines, to let you always see/remember the
- last line from the previous page...). Even TABS are counted, so no text
- will scroll off the screen until you pressed a key!
- If the next line is very long, "Arn" can stop before the bottom line has
- been reached.
- If "Arn" detects a ^L (ASCII-12=FormFeed) it just will behave as it has
- reached the n-1 lines: it will stop and prompt:
- --- MORE (XX %) <XXX> ---
- ^^ ^^^ Article-number
- percent of displayed text
- Please note that quoted ^Ls are not checked!!!! The ^L (FF) must be in
- the first column.
- After the article-number there can be some letters in brackets {}. This
- shows the article status (R for read,D for marked as deleted).
- If you read all the text, that means you're at the end of this article
- or the article contains only one page, "Arn" prompts:
- "End of article <XXX> in XXXXXX (XXX). What now?[npq]:"
- ^^^ ^ ^^^number of unread articles in this
- Article-number | group.
- Newsgroup-name
- Yet the number of unread articles INCLUDES the actual displayed article,
- even you just read it. It will be marked as read if you now press the
- SPACE-BAR. So if the last article in a newsgroup is reached, you will
- see that there's still one article unread (that's the one you're
- reading).
- Now you can enter some pager-commands ('h' or 'H' for help exists here,
- too!):
- ^R - restarts the current article (disables rot(13) mode).
- v - restarts the current article with a verbose header (see above).
- ^B - Back up one page. Displays the previous page scrolled off.
- Currently, this function supports only ONE page to back up!
- (turns rot-mode off)
- ^L - Redisplay the last page. Helpful after pressing 'h','H' for help.
- x - display next page in rot(13) mode.
- X - redisplay this page in rot(13) mode.
- ^X - restart current article in rot(13) mode.
- T num - Enter a new rot-number (default is 13). If the text is encrypted
- with rot 18, you must use rot 8 to decrypt it.
- SPACE - SPACE BAR displays next page, if at the end of an article ONLY
- this key will mark your article as READ and searches for the
- next unread article ('n').
- g pat - searches in this article for given pattern (*? wildcards)
- starting at the top. This search is NOT CASE DEPENDENT!
- If the pattern is found, the line containing this pattern is
- displayed in the first line of the screen, otherwise "Arn"
- displays "NOT FOUND!".
- G - continue search for pattern ('see g').
- TAB - will also display the next page of text, but does nothing if at
- the end of the article.
- "Arn" will continue displaying this article if you type SPACE or TAB. If
- stopped at an ^L (FF), it will display "^L" instead of the real code.
- The line limit is 1024 Bytes (then the line is not longer considered as
- one line!)
- o Article Selection Commands
- --------------------------
- n - read next unread article (leave the current article unread).
- If no further unread article is left, "Arn" will prompt:
- "Reached last article! Reenter this group? (y/N):"
- This gives you the possibility to take once more a closer look
- to the articles in this group or whatever. If you want to read
- the next group just type 'N' or SPACE. (You see that the SPACE
- BAR will take you through the groups...)
- Only the SPACE BAR marks this article as read if pressed at
- the "End of article <XXX> in XXXXXX (XXX). What now?[npq]:"!!!
- N - read next article if article is read or unread.
- p - read previous unread article (if none do 'n').
- P - read previous article (read or unread, if none do 'n').
- ^ - goto first unread article.
- $ - goto last artice.
- number - goto article with this number. A number is the set of '0'..'9'.
- "Arn" will enter the Command-Mode if you enter a number. Just
- press RETURN/ENTER after you typed in the desired number. "Arn"
- now jumps directly to this article if available or does nothing.
- ^F - search for next article with reference to displayed article.
- "Arn" will scan all articles with increasing numbers for containing
- the Message-ID of the displayed article in the References: line of
- the scanned article. If "Arn" is at the last article, it will
- continue the search at the first article and stop if the displayed
- article is reached once again.
- This is true for all search functions below (except / and ?
- functions): All articles, read or unread, are scanned!
- To abort the search, just press ANY key (it's your task to keep your
- fingers away...).
- ^E - like ^F but in the other direction (scans previous articles,
- decreasing numbers and starts over at the last article).
- ^P - search for the parent article (first Message-ID in References:).
- Direction is the same as with ^E. If the displayed article is no
- Follow-up or does not contain a References:-line, "Arn" will do
- nothing.
- > - search for the next article (increasing numbers) refering to the
- same parent article. If no References:-line exists this function
- is disabled.
- < - same like >, but searching for the previous article (decreasing
- order). Currently only the "Message-ID:"-line is scanned, so that
- articles with "Article-I.D.:" are not noticed.
- /pat\mod - searches for pat in articles (default: only the "Subject:"-
- line is scanned).
- Modifiers: c- case dependent search,
- a- search for pat in the whole article/text,
- h- search in header
- r- search in read articles too
- If no modifiers are given, the default is:
- - search in "Subject:"-line only
- - case independent search
- - search in unread articles only
- / only (no pattern or modifiers) means to search again with
- the last pattern and settings.
- To abort the search, just press ANY key (it's your task to
- keep your fingers away...).
- (Note: Yet it is impossible to search for /,?,* itself)
- Following wildcards are allowed:
- * - for any sequence of characters (even no char)
- ? - for any character, but at least one.
- To abort the search, just press ANY key.
- ?pat\mod - to search in the other direction (? alone searches for the
- same pattern "backwards"). See explanations for "/pat\mod"
- above.
- How to do a follow-up:
- f,F - Invokes your editor and produces a FOLLOW-UP.
- (see also SCREENSW in .arnrc)
- This function should only be used if your answer is informative
- enough for the whole readership, otherwise you should prefer the
- REPLY-function. You are not able to enter a follow-up if you're
- reading a moderated group (the ACTIVEFILE must be used, see
- Installing Arn - 2. ".arnrc" - ACTIVEFILE).
- If you're the moderator, just change the "m" in the active-file
- to "y" and you're able to post to this group.
- 'F' will include the original-article text, but with the QUOTECHAR
- inserted before each line! Quote only the important passages for
- easier remembering the subject, not the whole article!
- Try to summarize if possible.
- "Arn" generates a temporary file in your T: directory.
- The header contains all the required lines (RFC 1036) as
- RELAY and POSTING-VERSION (see "Installing-Arn -
- 2.Configuration-file").
- All entries taken from the original-article get here with respect
- to the "line-continuation" (a header line can be continued if it
- begins with one or more TABS or SPACES).
- The "Newsgroups:" line contains the same newsgroups as the
- "FollowUp-To:"-line of the original-article (if exists), otherwise
- the "Newsgroups:"-line from the original article is copied.
- If the FollowUp-To:-line contains more than one newsgroupname
- (one comma to separate), the following WARNING is displayed.
- "WARNING: Ambigous FollowUp-To:-Line! Please (e)dit!"
- You should enter your editor once more and redirect the discussion
- into only one newsgroup, but if you like, you can also suggest two
- or more newsgroups (it's just a WARNING-message...).
- The "Subject:"/"Title:"-line is generated by inserting a "Re: "
- before the original "Subject:"-line, but only if this line didn't
- begin with "Re:" or "Re^"!
- The "Reply-To:"-address is either directly taken from your .arnrc
- (REPLYTO) or UserName@NodeNameDomainName.
- The "FollowUp-To:"-line is identical with the "Newsgroups:" line.
- It should only contain one newsgroup-name, to direct the follow-ups
- into one group.
- The "References:" is either created or copied from the original
- article. The "Message-ID:" of the original article is appended
- (NO automatic wrap around of too long lines...).
- The "Distribution:" is copied unchanged.
- The "Organization:" is appended if available from UUCONFIG.
- The "Lines:"-line is inserted, if you really send the article.
- AFTER AT LEAST ONE BLANK LINE you can write your text or the
- included/quoted text follows after a line like this:
- "In article <1234@foosite.foo.bar> Freddy Foobar writes:"
- (If the realname is missing, the address is taken).
- "Arn" doesn't support multiple parentheses like:
- "(Freddy Foobar (the world's best))"
- The RFC 1036 says that this should be avoided!!
- After you've finished your editor, "Arn" will prompt:
- "p)ost, P)ost (no signature), e)dit, n)ewsfeed, a)bort:"
- If you type "p", your SIGNATURE (from .arnrc) will be added to your
- follow-up article after TWO BLANK LINES. Then the article is sent
- to your SENDNEWS-program that is typically to your spool-directory
- respectively newsfeed. After that, "Arn" executes the RNEWS-program
- if the entry in the .arnrc exists/is valid.
- The contents of your posting are not checked/changed after editing
- (follow-up-line is the only one), so
- (and the trouble you'll get)
- With "e" you'll enter your editor once more.
- With "n" you can specify another newsfeed as the one from UUCONFIG.
- With "a" you will not send this article to the net! The article
- remains still in your T: directory (T:ARN.XXXXXXXX)!
- How to post an article:
- E - enter a new message (post new article to the net).
- "Arn" will render you to post a new article to this newsgroup.
- (if not moderated! For details see Follow-up).
- How to response by mail:
- r,R - Reply. Invokes editor and produces a reply ('R' for quoting text),
- that is E-mail (private-Mail).
- Attention: No "From:"-line is generated. This is normally the job
- of your sendmail-program (AmigaUUCP: sendmail -f user)...if this is
- nevertheless not possible, please try it with a script file (see
- above SENDMAIL) and write me which program has this problems.
- The principle is the same as with FollowUps, but this article then
- is sent as E-MAIL through SENDMAIL.
- The "To:"-address is created from the following lines:
- "Reply-To:" if available, otherwise
- "Return-Path:" if available, otherwise
- "From:"
- Two empty "Cc:" and "Bcc:" lines are created.
- The "Subject:"-line follows the same rules as in followup-
- articles.
- A line "In-Reply-To:" is generated containing the articles
- Message-ID and the newsgroup it is from.
- If quoting ('R'), "Arn" creates a first line of text like this:
- "In sub.culture.foobars, article <1234@foosite.UUCP>, you wrote:"
- If not quoting this line looks like this:
- "This is a reply to your article <1234@foosite.UUCP>,
- in sub.culture.foobars"
- After finished writing the article, "Arn" will prompt:
- "s)end, S)end (no signature), e)dit, a)bort:"
- The message "Sending mail..." is NO PROOF that your mail really
- will be spooled/sent off! You must be shure that your entry in
- .arnrc is correct and that this mail is really sent (try it
- once!).
- s,w name - appends article(s) to a file.
- "Arn" appends it to the file "name" in the directory SAVENEWS:
- (see .arnrc), if given, else to SAVENEWS:groupname if no name
- is specified!
- You can save it/them to other directories/devices by
- specifying the FULL-PATH NAME containing a colon ":".
- This even works for prt:, so you can easily print articles
- with "s prt:"! These commands can be preceeded by a range!
- Examples:
- (assuming SAVENEWS is UUCP:usr/rob/News and the current
- newsgroup is comp.sys.amiga)
- "s" - appends article with header to
- UUCP:usr/rob/News/comp.sys.amiga
- "w help" - appends article without header to
- UUCP:usr/rob/News/help
- "1000,1010-1040 s" - appends full articles 1000,1010-1040 to
- UUCP:usr/rob/News/comp.sys.amiga
- "s UUCP:tmp/help" - appends full article to UUCP:tmp/help
- If the "name" begins with a '|', the rest of "name" and all
- following text will be considered as shell-commands.
- Save the article to Standard-Input of the following command
- "s |sort to RAM:test" will pass the article to standard-input
- of "sort", which then will put the result into RAM:test.
- "s | sort to RAM:test" is allowed also.
- NOTE: "s |" and "w |" commands will sent all further output to
- NULL:! So redirect your output if necessary or use the S/W/|!
- But "S" and "W" will open a SHELLWINDOW (see .arnrc) and this
- will act as input/output stream. To get rid of this window and
- to reenter "Arn", just type "endcli" to the CLI-command
- prompt. "S" is equivalent with "S |" and "|", "W" with "W |".
- This is NOT a REAL PIPING mechanism, because I didn't use the
- PIPE: device and I had to "run" the commands following "s |".
- This function creates a temporary-file in T: and then
- redirects the input-stream of the following program to this
- temp-file. The temp-file is then deleted.
- "s |command options further_commands" is executed as
- command <PIPE_tmpfile options further_commands. With ARP and
- the PIP-device, you're able to do multiple pipes:
- "S search STDIN fred | sort | type to RAM:test NUMBER"
- "|" - is shorthand for "S |".
- d,^D - mark article as deleted ('d' skips to next unread,
- '^D' stays at the current article). Don't use this function if
- you have an "expire" and an active-file!!!!
- Nevertheless, this function IS USEFUL:
- For AMIGA-Owners which don't have enough free space on their
- (hard-)disks to use an expire. They can read the articles and
- have directly free storage again.
- Or if there are large articles or binaries which you want to
- delete earlier, you can do it directly in your newsreader.
- Since the AMIGA is no Multiuser-System there is no need to
- protect this function against abuse. Most of the time the
- "system-operator" is the only one who reads news and has anyway
- the full control over the system...if you unintentionally marked
- an article as deleted, you can direct "Arn" not really to delete
- the article(s).
- Aborting the deletion (Answer 'N' at the "Really delete...")
- removes all "deletion marks" from the articles, but leaves them
- marked as read. 'r', reenter, leaves all articles marked as they
- were (deleted and read). You now can reenter the group once again
- and do something...
- You can remove all the del-marks by typing "1-$:d D" (that's how
- it worked in earlier version's <=0.65).
- However, if you prefer an expire and an active-file just don't
- use this funtion!
- D - remove the delete mark from article.
- u - don't mark this article as read.
- j - junk this article (mark it as read) and do 'n'.
- = - List subjects of (unread) articles in this newsgroup.
- To stop the listing of articles, press 'q' at the
- "[Type any key to continue]".
- C - Cancel this article, if it is yours. A control-posting is created
- if the From:-line contains "UserName@NodeNameDomainName"! The
- editor is invoked, same procedure as with follow-up. The cancel
- function will send a control-article which is distributed just
- as normal news-articles, but because it is a control-article, it
- will cause the news-sites to cancel (delete) the article where
- you pressed this key. This function is always useful, if you
- posted an article to the net and it already leaved your system,
- but you nevertheless want to withdraw it (maybe you posted
- nonsense, flames...).
- c - Catch up. "Arn" will ask you for a confirmation. Mark all
- articles as read! Goto next group.
- o - other program. This key invokes the external program EXTERNALPRG
- if specified in .arnrc
- ^T - Show ScreenTitle. This key toggles (show/hide).
- ^G - Show current newsgroup status.
- ^S - Quit reading this newsgroup and rescan articles, respectively
- re-read the active-file. Then GOTO this newsgroup again.
- h,H - HELP. Display the help-text.
- q - Quit reading this article (let it marked read or unread).
- Stay in this newsgroup if any unread articles left.
- Q - Exit and don't update the grouplist-file (Emergency break)
- range cmd: A range consists of one or more subranges:
- range= subrange{","subrange}
- with
- subrange= number[":"flags] | number"-"number[":"flags]
- [] means not once or once
- {} means any number off occurences (even none).
- | means "or"
- special numbers: ^ first article, $ last article,
- . current article.
- valid flags: U,u,R - unread; r - read; D - not deleted;
- d - deleted
- / means alternatively and | is here the "Pipe" sign (not
- longer "or") and part of the commmand.
- cmd is one of =,r/j,u/U,x/d,D,w,W,s,S,|
- j,r - mark it read; u,U - mark it unread;
- x,d - mark it deleted; D - mark it undeleted;
- w,s - w,W,s,S,| -> see above (save,write)
- o Error-Messages
- --------------
- Error-Messages and WARNINGS appear now (since V0.62) on Standard-Output
- (stdout). If "Arn" is installed properly and you have some experience
- with it (it is running stable), you can redirect stdout to NIL:.
- If "Arn" cannot write its error-messages to its own screen (esp. during
- startup), it will send them to stdout. So do not redirect stdout to NIL:
- until you're sure that everything is ok. If the "Arn"-Window is open,
- you can read all other messages on this window, too.
- I hope that you'll never see any of them, but here they are:
- FATAL ERROR: Can't find/open intuition.library!
- FATAL ERROR: Can't open my screen!
- FATAL ERROR: Can't open my window!
- FATAL ERROR: Can't open a MsgPort!
- FATAL ERROR: Can't open the Timer!
- FATAL ERROR: Cannot continue!
- STRANGE ERROR: Something strange happend...!
- ERROR: Can't get my config-file, please check it!
- ERROR: Trouble at reading the UUConfig
- ERROR: During startup!
- FATAL ERROR: Can't get enough memory!
- ERROR: Can't find the NEWSDIR!
- ERROR: Can't find a newsgroup!
- ERROR: GroupList entry too long!
- ERROR: GroupList cannot be opened!
- ERROR: Can't open the ACTIVEFILE!
- WARNING: No NULL:-device mounted! Machine can crash if you close the CLI!
- WARNING: No 'uux' entry found! Took 'uux'.
- WARNING: No 'sendmail' entry found! Took 'sendmail'.
- WARNING: QuoteChar entry too long!
- WARNING: TimeZoneName missing or >5 chars, took GMT instead.
- WARNING: GMT-Offset is in wrong format!
- Nevertheless enjoy,
- Roland
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ---------------------------
- + means new feature, - means changes, bug-fixes.
- Version: Bugs,Bug-Fixes,Enhancements:
- 0.61 - Bug corrected: Article-modus now stays if you'll do "P" at
- one-page articles (in 0.60 it was marked UNREAD).
- + Wildcards now allowed for /pat\ and ?pat\.
- - Modified the / and ? functions.
- - QUIT: The "Arn: quit" will no longer appear in the CLI-Window
- (stderr).
- - Bug fixed: "Arn" causes no longer crashes if you do a "cd root"
- (BOOTDEVICE) before starting "Arn". (Thanks to Gereon
- Ziegelowski!).
- 0.62 - "Arn" now uses DateStamp() instead of the timer.device.
- - Errors will be sent to standard-output and no longer to
- stderr. Now you can close the CLI where you started "Arn" from,
- so the NULL:-Device is really needed (see section:
- "Installing Arn - 3. Invoking Arn").
- + ALL article search functions now abortable ("g" not)!
- + FollowUp-To line is now checked for multiple entries!
- + Saving article(s) via SHELL/PIPE now installed (great!)!
- + / and ? for newsgroups now installed.
- - Changed the meaning of the moderated char in active-file:
- Now "m" means moderated group, "y" means everyone can post.
- + "Arn" now understands "." for current article!
- - Changed "C" to "c" for catchup. "C" is now Cancel.
- + You now can cancel articles.
- - "Arn" will always switch back to its screen, independently from
- - "preprnews" now makes use of the NULL:-Device, too.
- 0.63 + Command-line input now with insert-mode and [Del]-Key and
- debugged!
- + EXTERNALPRG-feature in .arnrc added.
- - "Arn"'s messages are now in BOLDFACE.
- - Bug fixed: The "goto group" command has not worked if you
- deleted some articles! Now everything is sane...
- + Added ROT13, changed keys:
- Q is now Emergency exit (was 'X').
- ^D deletes now articles (was 'x').
- 0.64 - Serious(!) Bug fixed in myfgets()-routine! Would probably have
- affected only headers over 4kB length, searches and arnhelp.txt!
- - (No new feature, just for me: GeneralBOOL-Variable)
- - Another big bug fixed: GOTO Article was out of order during
- V0.62-0.63?!
- - Some minor changes in the pager. Rot-Mode now correct!
- + T- command for variable rot implemented.
- - Minor Bug fixed: TAB-counting is now correct.
- - Bug fixed: search abort now works correct (signals are cleared).
- 0.65 - Serious Bug fixed: active-file support for empty/new-grouplist
- caused crashes...totalNIs wasn't initalized!
- - T-command doesn't take you longer to the end of an article.
- + "Arn" now adds the Lines:-line in message-header!
- - (Minor internal change:Tmp-filenames changed.)
- + If keyword FROMLINE exists in .arnrc the From:-line is now
- generated at replies.
- 0.65b (not released! Only bug-fixes)
- Some bugs are fixed:
- - Adding non existant newsgroups (i.e. no dir for groups) to
- Grouplist (^N) caused never ending loops (when used other than
- N,n,P,p) (Thanks to Christian Balzer).
- - Newsgroups-name wasn't correct after reading the active-file
- again (^N again).
- - Deleting articles now will mark articles as read (it's better
- for active-file usage).
- - Changed the behaviour at the "Really delete..." (see d,^D).
- + Enhanced the EXTERNALPRG entry/function (see .arnrc-EXTERNALPRG)
- 0.66 + SCREENDATA in .arnrc added (suggested by Henrik Clausen).
- - Serious stupid bug fixed: "Arn" wrote into Zero-Page, if any
- groups in the active-file were not in grouplist (Thanks to
- Heiko Rath).
- - [reorangized source (Maybe some bugs caused by wrong function
- return values, watch out...!)]
- + ^S - Rescan newsgroup command added.
- - IMPORTANT: TimeZoneOffset has changed in .arnrc!
- [+/-]hhmm is now the offset-value!
- "Arn" now has a "shutdown count" to find the following (or another)
- bug:
- Known Bugs: Some people reported that they hang sometimes if they
- want to quit "Arn". I thought that this was caused by
- the CLI-Window, but today (01/10/90) I had this strange
- behaviour, too. I noticed that DCRON hanged, too! Maybe
- it's caused by the NULL:-device, don't know...I'm
- working on it! Please report the shutdown number where
- "Arn" freezes (even if no number occurs...).
- Send any (detailed) BUG-REPORTS to bugs@spirits.ka.sub.org, thanks.
- Study Address:
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |R o l a n d B l e s s |UUCP: rob@spirits.ka.sub.org |
- |Kriegsstrasse 129 |FAX: +49211623818 BTX:0211623818-0001|
- |7500 Karlsruhe - FRG |---------spirits--in--the--material--world---------|
- |voice +49 721 857328 |"They built machines that they can't control" STING|
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Home, sweet home :-):
- Roland Bless, Moersenbroicher Weg 151, Duesseldorf - FRG, voice +49 211 623817