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- This is an excellent Amiga port of "TIN," the popular threaded news
- reader from Unix. Among other nice features, it can be run by a
- remote user over the serial port. To use it you must have a newsfeed
- on your amiga, as with AmigaUUCP 1.16D. See dlgtin.LHA for the
- associated files.
- What follows is the readme file from the archive:
- ---
- This is the Amiga port of TIN. To use it you will need to do the following:
- Have appropriate directories assigned (UULIB: UUNEWS:).
- Have these environment variables set:
- TIN only works with a hierarchical news directory. This means you will
- need Dillon's UUCP1.16 or higher. TIN has been modified to work with
- Dillon's Sendmail & Postnews programs. These take different arguments
- from standard UNIX mail and news programs.
- The editor you use with TIN should not return instantly, so if you are
- using CED or TTX (or probably some others too) you will need to also add
- in the appropriate options in the environment variable EDITOR (see script
- file below) which will force your editor to wait until you've quit the
- editor. Unless you have an editor which understands the argument +7 to
- mean "start editing at line 7", you should set "Editor Offset" in the
- configuration menu (type shift-M) to OFF. An example startup script is
- given here (I've renamed tin to tin.exe so you can call this script TIN):
- ----------------------------------
- ; For WB2.0 users, the setenv's can be set's instead. This allows multiple
- ; users to run with their own names etc. WB1.3 users have to use setenv.
- setenv USERNAME fred
- setenv REALNAME "Fred Flinstone"
- setenv NODENAME bedrock ; This should be just your node name, not the
- ; entire domain.
- setenv HOME dh0:news ; wherever you want your news & index files
- ; stored
- setenv EDITOR c:ed
- stack 30000 ; TIN requires a stack this large!
- actived ; create a new active file
- delete uulib:active
- rename uulib:newactive uulib:active
- tin.exe ; start tin itself
- ---------------------------------
- More options, and use of tin is explained in the file tin.nrf. (The
- standard manual page that comes with TIN).
- The following options have been disabled from the TIN source for the Amiga
- version:
- - Automatic post processing of news items. This include uudecoding,
- uuencoding, un-shar'ing, and printing.
- - Shell escape and piping to any shell command.
- - Ability to change News and Mail directories.
- - Re-reading of index files while reading news has been disabled. So has
- updating index files in the background (-U option).
- These options were disabled partly to make TIN easier to port, but also
- to make it secure enough to run as a newsreader for a Bulletin Board.
- A TIND program (for creating/updating index files) exists, and is only any
- use on a BBS. To make TIN aware that you are using TIND to update the
- index, you must set the environment variable TIND (it doesn't matter what
- you set it to!). The index files are by default stored in the UUNEWS:
- directory, in a subdirectory called .index (as in UNIX). For performance
- reasons, you may wish to change the directory to a different drive. By
- setting the environment variable TIN_INDEX, you can force the index files
- to be stored in $TIN_INDEX/.index.
- Another two environment variables LINES and COLUMNS can be set to specify
- the size of your screen. Inside an Amiga window this isn't required, but
- once again, if you're running a BBS these things need to be set.
- - Mark Tomlinson
- (mark@garden.equinox.gen.nz)