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- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!mailgzrz.TU-Berlin.DE!news.netmbx.de!Germany.EU.net!mcsun!chsun!impch!alphanet!UUCP-Faq
- From: UUCP-Faq@alphanet.alphanet.ch (Marc SCHAEFER (Monthly posting))
- Newsgroups: alt.sys.amiga.uucp,news.answers
- Subject: alt.sys.amiga.uucp Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Newcomers please read -
- Sender: UUCP-Faq@alphanet.ch (UUCP-Faq handler)
- Reply-To: UUCP-Faq@alphanet.ch
- Followup-To: alt.sys.amiga.uucp
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Comment: This is an automated monthly posting
- Expires: 30-Mar-93 21:00:00 GMT+1
- Summary: AmigaUUCP installation, utilities and common problems.
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <UUCP-Faq.0kmq@alphanet.alphanet.ch>
- Date: 28 Feb 93 21:00:07 GMT+1
- Organization: ALPHANET Network First - Colombier (NE), Switzerland
- Lines: 1307
- Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de alt.sys.amiga.uucp:4642 news.answers:6208
- Archive-name: amiga/AmigaUUCP-FAQ
- AMIGA-UUCP-FAQ Version 1.8 [Posting 8]
- MONTHLY POSTING, last update 14 February 1993
- This FAQ is posted monthly (30th of month at 21:00 GMT+1)
- author: Marc SCHAEFER, <sysop@alphanet.ch>
- Bugs, typos, ideas to <UUCP-Faq@alphanet.ch>
- ("ch" stands for Switzerland)
- NOTE: Since this FAQ is getting bigger and bigger, I'm thinking splitting
- it or removing some parts from it. Especially Kai proposed to split it into
- two parts, one informative one on AUUCP history, and one being the real FAQ.
- Any more suggestions ?
- NOTE: The primary goal for this FAQ is to prevent questions from
- looping over and over. If you have new and interesting material, post
- it to alt.sys.amiga.uucp with "Addition to FAQ" somewhere in the
- subject. I will add it for the next "release". You may also send any
- ideas, changes, flames, typos to the address UUCP-Faq@alphanet.ch.
- They will be incorporated in the next release with your name in the
- CHANGES section as a reward :-)
- NOTE TO UUCP-BEGINNERS: Please take some of your time and READ the UUCP
- documentation. Most of the questions posted on a.s.a.u are related to
- manual pages. This FAQ contains also some information on common problems
- and utilities. Don't forget to get the FAQS from news.announce.newusers.
- You may also read UUMAN:Standards (for UUCP internals) and UUMAN:how2usenet.
- To skip to a topic, search for the roman numeral surrounded by
- parenthesis. For example, (I).
- (*) 0. Changes from last posting
- (*) I. Introduction to alt.sys.amiga.uucp[.patches]
- II. Introduction to AmigaUUCP
- (*) III. Principal utilities
- IV. Constructing mail addresses
- V. Using DCRON
- VI. US domain clarification
- (*) VII. Common problems (new, please submit things to go in here).
- VIII. Using SENDMAIL directly.
- (*) IX. Other UUCP utilities.
- (*) X. How to get UUCP stuff ?
- (*) XI. Other UUCP implementations for AmigaOS.
- (*) XII. Unresolved topics.
- Changes since 30-Jan-93 are listed below [Last posting was posting 7]
- Other UUCP utilities (IX)
- - AXSH supports UUCP Mail & News
- - More XStat comments [Juergen Weinelt, jow@sun.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de]
- - last uucico version is sd2.
- - Problems with hardlink: Commodore's statement taken into account.
- [Stefan Seggers, seggers@semzam.dinoco.de]
- - AXSH version updated [Kai 'wusel' Siering, wusel@hactar.hanse.de]
- - Mail to news gateway for DUUCP [Kai 'wusel' Siering, wusel@hactar.hanse.de]
- - Elm 1.19 [Kai 'wusel' Siering, wusel@hactar.hanse.de]
- How to get UUCP stuff (X)
- - alphanet.ch no longer BMS site
- - caron mailserver for FAQ
- - litamiga's FSP available
- - Two versions of the litamiga's ftp text, one was wrong.
- Other UUCP implementation for AmigaOS (XI)
- - wCNews [Kai 'wusel' Siering, wusel@hactar.hanse.de]
- (1) Configuration
- dedicated to the UUCP system for the Amiga microcomputer, AmigaUUCP.
- Both news groups are gatewayed to two mailing lists containing
- additional recipients who would otherwise not have access to the ALT
- groups. That is, posting to an alt group will automatically relay to
- the appropriate mailing list, and mailing to the mailing will
- automatically relay to the alt group.
- If you do not have ALT group access and are not on the mailing list,
- and would like to be on the mailing list, send your request to:
- amiga-uucp-request@uunet.uu.net and/or
- amiga-uucp-patches-request@uunet.uu.net
- To get off the mailing list, you can send your request to either
- address. I manually read this alias. Note that you must provide a
- proper return address as part of your signature if you are a UUCP node
- so I can properly format your return address. If you are on the
- internet (i.e. have a fully domained address), it isn't a problem.
- TO POST ARTICLES VIA THE MAILING LIST, send email containing your
- posting to either of the following two addresses:
- amiga-uucp@uunet.uu.net
- amiga-uucp-patches@uunet.uu.net
- Sending email to either address causes it to be automatically posted to
- the alt.sys.amiga.uucp[.patches] newsgroup. You do not have to be on
- the mailing list to be able to post via the list.
- (2) Usage Of
- The purpose of alt.sys.amiga.uucp is to convey the bulk of any
- discussion relating to AmigaUUCP. Discussion, bug reports, questions,
- etc...
- The purpose of alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches is for the posting of any
- source code, scripts, or binaries relating to AmigaUUCP. Full
- distributions will NEVER be sent over alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches.
- Anybody may post to alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches and, in fact, it is best
- that any code you wish to submit to be merged into the master
- distribution that I keep be submitted to this newsgroup instead of to
- me personally.
- This will allow anybody to pick off the code and immediately implement
- it on their own system without waiting for the next master distribution.
- I will also use alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches to post updates to the
- current master distribution, generally small to medium sized SHAR
- or uuencoded LHARC files. I personally would like to get a system
- together so multiple-source postings can be archived in a text form
- instead of a uuencoded form because all netnews is compressed anyway,
- and compressing uuencoded lharc files generally makes the result larger
- than the original instead of smaller.
- [Note that the following text author is considered to be the
- current UUCP source maintainer which seems to be Michael B. Smith,
- mbs@adastra.cvl.va.us]
- The alt.sys.amiga.uucp and alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches groups are fed
- through a filter when they reach my machine, and any bug or enhancement
- reports of a specific format will be automatically extracted and
- appended to my TODO file.
- To issue a bug report or enhancement request, use the following format:
- ##B unique-id
- <bug report goes here>
- ##
- Note that there are TWO '#'s. ##B stands for a bug report, ##E stands
- for an enhancement request. WARNING! The ##'s must begin a line, you
- CANNOT PRECEDE ## WITH WHITESPACE. Doing so will result in the filter
- passing the report by. For example, the ##B/## lines in the example
- above, not being flush with the left margin, will be ignored by my
- filter program.
- The unique-id should be a unique identifier for your bug report, for
- example, I might use '##B dillon.23'. Do NOT encode the date in
- the unique ID because my filter program will automatically extract
- the Date: and From: fields from the news message header. I will
- use the ID when refering to previous bug reports rather than posting
- the whole bug report.
- (4) This FAQ sheet
- If you have information you think would be useful on this FAQ sheet,
- please submit it to me personally (UUCP-Faq@alphanet.ch).
- This section consists of a brief introduction to AmigaUUCP. It is not
- meant to describe installation of the distribution. Installation of
- the distribution is more involved and best served by the instructions
- that come with the distribution.
- AmigaUUCP was originally derived from GNU-UUCP and UUPC (was UUPC
- derived from GNU? I dunno). This was several years ago. It
- eventually fell into William Loftus's hands who molded it into a
- workable system for the Amiga. From there, about a year later, it fell
- into my hands and has since remained.
- What little GNU/UUPC code remains is in uucico, and even that is
- rapidly disappearing. AmigaUUCP is now almost entirely made up of code
- written after the original port to the Amiga. At this point, there is
- no comparison at all between the older GNU/UUPC stuff and the state of
- the art AmigaUUCP distribution.
- AmigaUUCP is a public domain project, though not properly in the public
- domain because all authors involved have maintained copyrights on the
- code. legally, this may not mean much, but it does give us a sense of
- security and more control over what is done with the code. Be that as
- it may, the entire distribution, source and all, is available to
- anybody who wants it. There are about a dozen principal authors and a
- few dozen contributors, not to mention the hundreds of people who have
- sent in helpful suggestions and bug reportrs.
- What is AmigaUUCP? Well, if you are reading this article then you have
- some idea how EMAIL and NETNEWS works ... AmigaUUCP is a set of
- utilities and documentation to implement an EMAIL/NETNEWS link directly
- on your amiga. All you need to do is find what is known as a 'feed'
- site who is willing to give you a UUCP connection, and, of course, a
- modem with which to communicate with that feed.
- AmigaUUCP is made up of a plethora of utilities. Many of the utilities
- mimic their UNIX counterparts but it should be noted that none are
- really based on actual UNIX C code except for those sections still
- existing from the original GNU/UUPC port.
- Only the major utilities are listed below:
- UUCico
- UUCico is the workhorse of the system. It calls your feed site
- via the modem and transfers both outgoing and incoming mail and
- news. This mail and news will have been previously stored by
- you or your feed site.
- Getty
- Getty handles incoming calls. It allows remote login (interactive
- and uucico logins).
- Sendmail/RMail
- Sendmail/RMail is the workhorse of the MAIL subsystem. The two
- utilities are actually the same executable just renamed and I
- will refer to them collectively as 'sendmail' from now on.
- Sendmail handles incoming mail, breaking it apart and sending it
- to the appropriate mailbox, or re-queueing it if it is simply
- passing through your system to another system down the line.
- Sendmail deals with any aliases you might have defined and also
- with any domains you have defined for routing email.
- Sendmail also handles, under the aegis of 'rmail', all incoming
- mail.
- RNews
- RNews handles all incoming news, including local news you send
- out. It breaks apart compressed batches and creates an individual
- file for each article in the UUNEWS: directory. It also creates
- a directory for each newsgroup.
- BatchNews
- Batchnews compresses and batches any news you have sent posted into
- a single batch file, making its transfer to your feed that much
- more efficient. Read the Newssetup.doc in the distribution for
- more information on how to set up news.
- DMail
- DMail is the amiga's mail shell. It scans your mail box and
- presents mail in an orderly fashion, allowing you to reply to
- the mail and do other operations.
- DNews
- DNews is the amiga's news reader. It is not quite as sophisticated
- as RN but is getting there. It sports an intuition windowing
- system to make it easy to scan through news.
- UUcp
- UUcp (the command) can be used to copy files from your local system
- to some of your neighbours. Note that the way it is implemented on
- the AmigaUUCP system is a little different than in Unix. In Unix, as
- soon as the uucp command has been executed, a copy of the implied file
- is done in a data file in the spool directory. Then uucico copies it
- to the other unix system that extracts the file from the data file.
- In AmigaUUCP, if sending the file is only read while UUCico is online,
- and that explains why if you UUCP a file which path is NOT authorized in
- the UULIB:Security file, there will be an error while online. This prevents
- the ability to forward the file to another host. However most of the time
- in UNIX, uucp is very restricted. AmigaUUCP does not allow directory-deep
- file send.
- For sending to a far site, BMS is more convenient.
- Unfortunately, the internet mail system is made up of a huge number
- of nearly incompatible networks. Mail addresses are constructed
- with various types of punctuation that mean various things .. indeed,
- some punctuation means one thing in one domain and another in another
- domain. I have found that the absolute best way to construct a mail
- address is either with the '@' format or with a '!' path.
- If your feed is a 'smart' host, any fully domained mail address can
- be replied to with simply:
- user@fubar.subdomain.subdomain....domain
- dillon@overload.Berkeley.CA.US
- Any address with dots in it is called a fully domained address.
- Unfortunately, there are a few exceptions... any address ending
- with .UUCP is *NOT* I repeat, *NOT* a domained address... it's
- a hack that some sendmails will add to properly route the mail
- internally. This hack generally extends to the From: field of
- an email message, and AmigaUUCP will do this, but not being a
- domain, you cannot SPECIFY a .UUCP trailer in the To: address.
- For example, my UUCP address is:
- uunet.uu.net!overload
- Note that there is NO .UUCP specification tacked on to overload.
- Note also that when you specify your UUCP address in your
- signature you should start with a fully domained machine name,
- *not* one ending with .UUCP.
- On other fronts, some unexperienced administrators will give their
- machines a full domain name without properly registering it. If
- you have not registered your domain with the proper authorities,
- For example, when I first connected to my feed, which is uunet, I did
- not have a .US domain and so my machine name was simply 'overload'.
- After I registered in the .US domain I changed my machine name to its
- registered equivalent, 'overload.Berkeley.CA.US'.
- Nearly all the systems on the internet accept what are known as
- bang paths. There are only a few exceptions. One of the design
- decisions for AmigaUUCP was to convert all addresses into bang
- paths before sending them out. There have been one or two sites
- (so far) that have been unable to run AmigaUUCP because the feed
- they picked was running news software so old it did not recognize
- bang paths. To those sites I say: find a different feed, AmigaUUCP
- would become extremely messy were I to implement UNIX sendmail style
- address parsing.
- A bang path work by specifying the exact path your mail is to go along,
- in the following format:
- first_machine!machine!machine!users_machine!user
- Any machine name in the path may be a fully domained name. If you have
- a smart feed it will be able to optimize the path accordingly. For
- example, the bang path to me would normally be:
- uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon
- If your feed has a STUPID mailer, it may be necessary to use a bang
- path to get *past* your feed to a nearby site that has a SMART
- mailer. For example, lets say your feed is named 'fubar' and has
- a dumb mailer. Let us also say that the feed has a UUCP connection
- to 'harvard' which just happens to have a smart mailer. To get your
- message to me you might use:
- fubar!harvard!uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon
- your feed may or may not accept harvard's fully domained name, which is
- harvard.harvard.edu, it depends on how stupid your feed's mail system
- is. If it does, it makes more sense to use:
- fubar!harvard.harvard.edu!uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon
- The internet domain system is based on domain servers, real time
- servers residing on known machines that know all the machines in a
- particular domain and how to get to them. When you send mail through
- an internet machine, like this (assuming you have a UUCP connection
- to UUNET):
- uunet!caps.ibm.com!user
- uunet (actually uunet.uu.net) will talk to the domain server for the
- .COM domain to find caps.ibm.com (a name I made up).
- UUCP works differently. While the internet is a real time network,
- UUCP is a batch network. UUCP has what is known as a MAP entry for
- every UUCP site that submits one. If you are a new UUCP site just
- connected to your feed, you should send a MAP entry to the appropriate
- administrator. A MAP entry is *NOT* a domain entry.
- The UUCP MAPS are used by machines on the USENET to find other machines
- on the USENET without the aid of domains. Not all machines on the
- USENET use MAPS to find some destination. uunet.uu.net does, so here
- is an example. I can send email from overload to (again, a made up
- name):
- uunet.uu.net!fubar!user
- Even if uunet does not talk directly to fubar.. assuming fubar has
- a MAP entry. uunet will search its maps to find the best path to
- reach fubar, and then route the mail accordingly. The actual route
- that uunet constructs might be: mcsun!gab!fubar!user
- If your feed is a machine that does NOT use maps, then you must
- specify an explicit bang path to get past your feed to a site
- that does. For example, lets say your feed is named 'char00'
- and has a dumb mailer, but connects to harvard.harvard.edu via
- UUCP. You want to email me. you can do it in two ways:
- char00!harvard!uunet.uu.net!overload!dillon.
- or
- char00!harvard!overload.Berkeley.CA.US!dillon
- But, since your mailer is dumb, you would not be able to use:
- char00!overload.Berkeley.CA.US!dillon
- If, on the otherhand, char00 is a SMART USENET mailer that uses the
- USENET MAPS (but still isn't on the internet itself), you can use:
- char00!overload!dillon
- Finally, if char00 is on the INTERNET, you can use:
- char00!overload.Berkeley.CA.US!dillon
- email will bounce for a variety of reasons. The fact that the
- global email system is made up of so many different types of mail
- systems causes lots of havoc... in many cases a system will munge
- the path you attempt to send email through by misinterpreting it
- or by attempting to 'optimize' it.
- When all else fails, and your attempt to reply to a piece of email
- bounces, you may have to construct the return address by hand. Several
- possibilities come to mind. You want to use the 'h' command from dmail
- to look at the actual mail headers (use dmail's help command to get
- full info on the header command).
- You want to look at both the original message that was sent to you,
- and the headers of your BOUNCED reply.
- From uunet!SASK.USask.CA!telepro!oliphant Fri, 28 Dec 90 13:04:57 PST
- Received: by overload.Berkeley.CA.US (V1.07/Amiga)
- id AA00000; Fri, 28 Dec 90 13:04:57 PST
- Received: from sask.usask.ca by uunet.UU.NET (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA22874; Fri, 28 Dec 90 01:30:48 -0500
- Received: from herald.USask.Ca by SASK.USask.CA with PMDF#10255; Fri, 28 Dec
- 1990 00:30 CST
- Received: by herald.USask.Ca (5.57/GLH-1.0); Fri, 28 Dec 90 00:30:06 -0600 id
- AA01058 for amiga-uucp-patches-request@overload.berkeley.ca.us
- Received: by telepro.UUCP (1.05D/Amiga) id AA04612; Thu, 27 Dec 90 21:25:00 CST
- Date: Thu, 27 Dec 90 21:25:00 CST
- Message-Id: <9012280325.AA04612@telepro.UUCP>
- X-Envelope-To: amiga-uucp-patches-request@overload.berkeley.ca.us
- From: uunet!SASK.USask.CA!telepro!oliphant (Mike Oliphant)
- To: amyuucp@sask.usask.ca
- Subject: Mailing list
- Please add me to amiga-uucp-patches.
- Thanks.
- --
- Mike Oliphant UUCP: alberta!herald!telepro!oliphant
- Internet: oliphant@telepro.uucp
- uunet!SASK.USask.CA!telepro!oliphant
- From uunet!sask.usask.ca!postmaster Mon, 31 Dec 90 01:02:30 PST
- Received: by overload.Berkeley.CA.US (V1.07/Amiga)
- id AA00000; Mon, 31 Dec 90 01:02:30 PST
- Received: from sask.usask.ca by uunet.UU.NET (5.61/1.14) with SMTP
- id AA13985; Sat, 29 Dec 90 17:18:48 -0500
- Date: Sat, 29 Dec 1990 16:18 CST
- Message-Id: <B13C1C282040350C@SASK.USask.CA>
- X-Envelope-To: overload!dillon@uunet.UU.NET
- From: PMDF Mail Server <uunet!sask.usask.ca!Postmaster>
- To: overload!dillon
- Subject: Undeliverable mail: local delivery failure
- The message could not be delivered to:
- Addressee: telepro!oliphant
- Reason:
- %MAIL-E-LOGLINK, error creating network link to node TELEPRO
- -SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHNODE, remote node is unknown
- -------- END OF SAMPLE HEADERS --------------------
- So, why did my response fail? First, I have to tell you something
- about mail headers: Except for Received: headers, intervening
- systems can and will turn the standard headers into mush. That is,
- the 'From ' encapsulation, the From: header, the To: header, even
- the Reply-To: header might be modified by an intervening system.
- There are only two things that are not mushed. They are the Received:
- headers and the mail message itself - which might contain the sender's
- signature at the end. This is a good reason to always put your email
- address in your signature, and always base it at a known internet node
- so anybody can figure out how to get back to you.
- A Received: header is PREPENDED by *EVERY* site a piece of email goes
- through, and is NEVER modified by any other site. These headers tell
- you *exactly* how the mail was routed.
- If you look at the original message, you will note that one of
- the machines, probably SASK.USask.CA, modified the From: line in
- an attempt to optimize it:
- From: uunet!SASK.USask.CA!telepro!oliphant (Mike Oliphant)
- Note that, by the From: line, SASK.USask.CA talks directly to
- telepro. The 'From ' encapsulation was also modified, and there is
- no Reply-To: header.
- When I sent my reply to SASK using From:, the mail bounced because
- SASK was unable to find telepro ... if you look at the Received:
- lines you can see why ... because telepro talked to Herald before
- getting to Sask. It is amusing because SASK is probably the node
- that ripped out Herald's name in the From: and 'From ' lines in
- the first place.
- Also, take a look at Mike's signature line:
- Mike Oliphant UUCP: alberta!herald!telepro!oliphant
- Internet: oliphant@telepro.uucp
- Interesting, eh? The Internet: address is actually wrong (sorry Mike!)
- using .UUCP is not legal because it is not a proper domain. However,
- if you forward through an internet host that also uses the UUCP MAPS,
- and assuming mike is in the maps, the address *will* work.
- It's the first address that confirms our fears... mike shows telepro
- talking to herald. This combined with the knowledge we gained from
- the Received: lines tells us that the path:
- SASK.USask.CA!herald!telepro!oliphant
- Will work as a return address. When in doubt, trace the Received:
- headers to determine the return path.
- Sometimes a UUCP MAP entry will be incorrect, in which case using
- the Received: headers will be the ONLY way to reply to a message.
- There are some situations which are impossible to reply to ... if
- a message goes through a broken node that allows it to be propogated
- one way but not the other, even using the headers will not work.
- Also, some sites will attempt to optimize the path you specified. If
- SASK.USask.CA were to optimize the path:
- SASK.USask.CA!herald!telepro!oliphant
- To
- SASK.USask.CA!telepro!oliphant
- Before processing, the mail could fail due to SASK.USask.CA breaking
- itself. There are many nodes, especially gateways between networks,
- that are broken in this manner and there will be times when you will
- not be able to reply at all.
- Many AmigaUUCP users leave their machines on 24 hours a day. With the
- advent of 2.0, and assuming the serial.device gets fixed, you can
- conceivably run your Amiga 24 hours a day under a heavy load for weeks
- without a crash.
- DCron is a program that runs in the background and executes other
- programs at intervals defined in S:CRONTAB. It is quite flexible..
- you can run a program or script at specific times of day, every X
- minutes, only on certain days of the week, or even only in certain
- months! I will not discuss the actual format, that can be looked
- up in UUMAN:DCron.
- There are two reasons to run DCron:
- (1) Maintenance.
- (2) Automatic polling. If you call a system on a regular basis and
- want to automate the process, you can run UUCico from DCron at
- specific times of the day.
- First maintenance. Programs like UUCico, Getty, DCron itself, and
- sendmail generate log files which, if left alone, would eventually fill
- up your disk. Also, if you are receiving NEWS, you need to delete
- expired articles. Due to the volume of news, not deleting old articles
- can fill up your HD very quickly.
- The TRIMFILES utility trims log files to a specified number of lines,
- default 100. I normally run TRIMFILES on the various log files
- once a day early in the morning. The S:CRONTAB entry I use is:
- # trim log files at 3:01 A.M.
- 1 3 * * * uucp:c/trimfile tmp:dcron.log uu:spool/logfile getty:logfile
- Note that the file paths will be somewhat different for your system.
- Second, keeping your UUNEWS: directory reasonable. The TRIMNEWS
- utility will handle this. TRIMNEWS scans your UULIB:Newsgroups file
- for the list of newsgroups, then scans each news group deleting
- articles over N days old, where N is specified in the Newsgroups file.
- A sample NewsGroups file might be:
- comp.sys.amiga 7
- comp.sys.amiga.tech 7
- comp.sys.amiga.programmer 7
- comp.sys.amiga.announce 7
- alt.sys.amiga.uucp 14
- alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches 30
- Which essentially tells TRIMNEWS to delete all articles in
- comp.sys.amiga.* over 7 days old (7 days from reception), to delete all
- articles in alt.sys.amiga.uucp over 14 days old, and to delete all
- articles in alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches over 30 days old.
- I normally run TRIMNEWS in the morning too, my S:CRONTAB file has:
- # run TRIMNEWS at 3:06 A.M.
- 6 3 * * * uucp:c/trimnews
- ---
- DCRON is also useful to control the modem configuration. You can run
- the Getty utility from DCron to turn off the modem speaker while you
- are asleep. I use DCRON for other things as well, such as to
- automatically revise UUNET's amiga-uucp[-patchces] mailing list
- whenever I make a local change, and to backup my hard disk. I also use
- it to post this sheet once a month.
- This is a clarification to the information on registering in a
- .US domain. It turns out that you can register in the .US
- domain even if your 'feed' node is NOT on the internet. What
- you need to do is find some node that IS on the internet that
- is willing to be an MX FORWARDER to your machine (via a path).
- This might prove difficult, but it is possible.
- Apparently there is a line in the startup:
- inet:c/config >env:user -v user
- Which screws up DMail due to the \n appended to the ENV: variable
- (not supposed to be a newline). Fixed for 1.14. Work around is
- to use, under 2.0:
- setenv user `inet:c/config -v user`
- 2. Batch news, yes but how ? [Autobatch entry in UULIB:Config]
- if you add the config line (UULIB:CONFIG) "autobatch autobatch",
- news article will be compressed separately at each posting. You
- will end up with a lot of files in UUSPOOL:, decreasing
- throughoutput. However if you don't post a lot of articles, this
- can be interesting (you don't need to deal with DCRON or nasty
- uucico options.)
- If you only poll another site, it would perhaps be more efficient
- to use the pre-batching capability of uucico (uucico -b). This
- will batch all posted articles in one file (if possible) and then
- call the specified host.
- If you have downsites (if you feed other sites that calls you), you
- could also set up a "BatchNews" entry in S:Crontab (if you use
- DCRON) to pre-batch news before calling hours. Don't specify -b in
- UULIB:Passwd, because then the other uucico would have to wait (and
- possibly time-out) while online paying taxes.
- The only situation you want to add the "Autobatch autobatch" config
- line to UULIB:CONFIG is when you don't know a lot about DCRON, you
- don't post a lot of articles and you don't have sites that you feed.
- More information, see UUMAN:Batchnews, UUMAN:UUCICO, UUMAN:CONFIG.
- 3. RNews uses hardlinks. How to prevent it ?
- Under the 2.0 operating system, RNews uses hardlinks to prevent
- cross-posted article to use n times the space on the harddisk.
- However, some utilities do not like very well hardlinks. It is then
- possible to disable hardlinks with the following change to
- UULIB:Config:
- WARNING! Hardlinks to directories are buggy with ALL releases of
- the Operating System (V37-V39). Harlinks to files are also buggy
- under OFS and DCFS. Hardlinks should be turned off if not under
- FFS as shown above.
- 4. The UULIB:SEQ field.
- The UULIB:SEQ fields is used to assign unique id's to files in the
- spool directory and to messages/articles sent out. Note that some
- news and mail systems (not AmigaUUCP) uses the ID's to prevent
- newsloops/mailloops. If you clear (or restore from a backup) the
- UULIB:SEQ, you should set it to a high value (or more than the last
- number it was) so your message are not getting filtered.
- 5. UUencode problems.
- If you edit a mail and insert an uuencoded file, you may have
- problems if the editor changes spaces to tabs. With DME, you simply
- set this option to off ("savetabs off"). If you don't the file
- won't uu-decodable.
- By the way the syntax for uuencode, if you want to uuencode file
- "test.lha" is something like
- uuencode <test.lha >test.lha.uu test.lha
- The "test.lha.uu" file is the one to insert in your mail/news.
- Some NEWS utilities allow automatic posting of binaries (GRN).
- 6. UUCICO G protocol.
- UUCico 1.16a and 1.15c implement also a "G" protocol besides the
- normal "g" protocol: If you poll one of these UNIX sites which
- support the 'G' protocol you have to force your own uucico to first
- try to use 'G' instead of 'g' when asking for the supported
- protocolls at connection startup. To do this, poll with
- $ uupoll ... "-u -pG" ... or
- $ uucico ... -pG ...
- There are a LOT more infos in the UUCP.internal FAQ, especially
- about other UUCP protocols.
- 7. Trimnews
- New trimnews have been implemented, last is version 04, which supports
- new OS2.04 ExAll() calls which diminush the risk of a partition being
- trashed when deleting articles. It also offers trimming by hours rather
- than day and ALL trimming. It can be found on FTP/BMS/UUCP/FSP sites.
- 8. Multiple UUCICOs
- A lot of changes have been made on native UUCICO, and most of them
- in an uncontrolled way. When you specify a UUCICO version, you should
- also give the size of the file. The last UUCICO is something like
- 57524 bytes long (1.16.23.sd.2)
- Version Size By Infos
- (**** to be filled ****)
- In many cases you will want to have scripts run from dcron to send
- automated postings, mailings, or do other automated tasks such as
- backups. Usually bookeeping is made a lot easier if you have these
- script files send you local mail containing the results of their
- actions (such as log files or a success/failure message).
- The easiest way to send a message to yourself from a script is to
- use the sendmail program. Please refer to the manual page for more
- information. Essentially there are two ways to do this depending on
- the type of message you want to send:
- If you wish to send a simple message to yourself and include some
- sort of generated log file which is not formatted mail (i.e. has
- no headers), you can specify various headers through options to
- sendmail and also include the -raw option.
- sendmail -raw -f cron -t dillon -s "backups completed" <t:logfile
- On the otherhand, if you have some sort of monthly posting, such as
- this FAQ sheet, and want to send it automatically, and the file IS
- formatted mail (has normal mail headers such as 'From:' and 'To:' and
- 'Subject:') you can use the following:
- sendmail <mail_file
- Since the headers are in the file, no other command line options are
- necessary, though you can effectively ADD additional recipients through
- appropriate command line options.
- 1. Other crons.
- There are to my knowledge 3 crons available:
- AmiCron (fish disk)
- CyberCron (later fish disk)
- This one is 2.0 only and has special features like "at" command,
- and resembles a lot the UNIX cron.
- TPTCron from the DLG Pro package (however has been released for public use)
- 2. Logging in remotely.
- Since 1.15, the following method can be used to log in remotely. It is
- very stable and allows for custom AmigaShell scripts.
- You NEED LIBS:fifo.library & L:fifo-handler (latest version if
- possible, some versions do not work with Getty. It is available, with
- source, on overload.Berkeley.CA.US as BMS:PUB/fifo37.4). I use version
- 37.3, length 4260, and fifo-handler length 7432. Note that it is
- possible that more than one version 37.3 exists, that's why I added the
- length). Note that fifo-handler, although it is a DOS handler, *cannot*
- be mounted. You have to RUN it. Eg in your S:user-startup (or
- S:Startup-Sequence under 1.3) you have to add
- RUN <NIL: >NIL: L:Fifo-Handler
- Now you have two possibilities:
- a) You want an user with full shell access.
- Set up the following line in your UULIB:Passwd file:
- sysop,sysop_password,1,1,(Sysop Shell Login),RAM:,*
- Drawback: The Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D signals are not passed. By the way,
- More does not work (FIFO: does not support DISK_INFO Console packet
- used by More to retrieve window information). However most commands
- do work. Requesters will be disabled automagically by getty.
- b) You want to launch a script. Note that Getty will not pass Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D,
- as in a). In this case this is an advantage.
- Set up the following line in UULIB:Passwd
- guest,*,2,2,(Guest login),RAM:,*Guest-Startup
- This is a guest login without password. In S:Guest-Startup you may
- have the following lines. It won't be stoppable and if it fails
- there won't be any requesters, and the script won't return to a
- shell.
- Echo "Welcome on as a guest"
- Type MY_DATA:Information
- EndCLI
- You may well also create a complete menu system with options.
- Note that the old method using a Newshell AUX: cannot be used anymore
- due to Getty new method of locking the serial port. If you do you will
- get errors.
- See also "AuxSupport".
- 3. AXSH
- AXSH is a program which allows some sort of multiuser access to your
- computer. It is shareware. The registration fee is $US30,
- mail to po87553@cs.tut.fi for more information.
- A new version, (1.26) is now available, this one allows read/write
- access to UUCP news & mail from AXsh's rn & AXsh's mailer.
- To use it with UUCP the following *should* work (with getty 1.16D)
- UULIB:Passwd
- bbs,*,444,0,(BBS-login),ram:,execute getty:AXsh-startup2.0
- AXSH-Startup2.0: (under 1.3 use two separate > and < with two times AXAUX:)
- AXsh:bin/AXsh <>axaux:serial.device/0/shared -log
- You evidently have to mount the AXAUX: before.
- AXSH 1.26 is on on nic.funet.fi:/pub/amiga/shells/AXsh/AXshDemo126.lha,
- and also on aminet, AXSH 1.3 should be released soon.
- 4. Archiving newsgroups.
- Archiving newsgroups can be automatically done with the following
- steps:
- a) Edit S:CronTab and add the following lines. This will launch a
- script at 00:30 each day.
- 30 00 * * * UUArchive-Newsgroups
- b) Edit UULIB:Sys and add
- # dummy node(s) for archiving news, will never be batched since not in L.Sys
- uuarchive:alt.sys.amiga.alphanet,alphanet.*
- c) Create S:UUArchive-Newsgroups. Note you need an TRASH: assign to
- some temporary directory. We use LHA as an archiver. We could also
- first join the article and then LHA them (it would be more
- efficient).
- --- cut here ---
- Echo "UUArchive-Newsgroups(4)"
- ; What follows to prevent forgetting articles.
- ; Convert "." format to "/" format (1.16D)
- ; Does not prevent from being launched twice, however.
- ; ALPHANET newsgroups
- Delete TRASH:#?UUArchive
- Rename UUSPOOL:BATCH/UUArchive TRASH:_UUArchive ; Needed for batchnews multitasking.
- ConvertNewsgroup TRASH:_UUArchive TRASH:UUArchive
- EndIF
- --- cut here ---
- d) Create S:ConverNewsgroup which converts "." syntax to "/" syntax
- as used in UUCP V1.16d and above. Note we use SED (Stream Editor).
- It can be found on fish disks. Probably the use of the Amiga stream
- editor "edit" would be possible.
- --- cut here ---
- .key source,dest
- .bra {
- .ket }
- Sed < {source} > {dest} -fS:Sed-Newsgroup-Script
- --- cut here
- 5a. MAIL to NEWS Gateway.
- It is very easy to set up a (working but ugly) Mail to News gateway.
- For example you want all mail to user "alphanet-general" to be posted
- automatically on alphanet.general. Simply add the following lines to
- your UULIB:aliases file :
- alphanet-general: "|postnews -R UULIB:alphanet-general-refs"
- Also create the "UULIB:alphanet-general-refs file on the following
- skeleton:
- Newsgroups: alphanet.general
- Distribution: alphanet
- Sender: alphanet-general@alphanet.ch (Mail to News gateway)
- This will work easily, but is not always of a pretty sight.
- 5b. NEWS to MAIL Gateway
- CNEWS users may want to use newsgate/mailgate, posted to .patches some
- time ago (available at litamiga /pub/amiga/uucp, or at alphanet). Contact
- the author, wusel@hactar.hanse.de, if you have problems locating a copy.
- AmigaUUCP 1.16D users should find Newsgate.lha on litamiga.epfl.ch
- /pub/amiga/uucp directory, or contact its author postmaster@megalith.miami.fl.us.
- 6. Mail Vacation programs.
- A mail vacation program is a program that replies automatically to
- received mail while you are absent. I know of two versions that are
- available at litamiga, and were posted a while ago on a.s.a.u.patches.
- Look for MailVacation.lha & vacation.lha.
- A new vacation program "mwm_vacation.lha", done by Mike Meyer, is
- also available (just posted on .patches with the "vacation.lha" name)
- Authors: MailReflect.Rexx, CB@brewhq.swb.de (Christian Balzer)
- ARexx.Reflector, fgent@gentle.nbg.sub.org (Friedrich Gentner)
- vacation.rexx, heiner@amross.cpr.sub.org (Heiner Kordewiner)
- 7. UUPoll
- UUPoll is a polling server. It supports the following features:
- - controls the execution of a UUCICO child as the parent part
- - checks for correct hostname and polling-time violation
- - controls abortion of UUCICO due to a precalculated restriction time
- - operates dependendly on status of last session
- - operates dependendly on (specific) pending work
- - controls dialup retries due to busy line or other UUCICO failures
- - controls abortions due to user interupts
- - can be disabled through a job control feature for crontab interventions
- - can abort a startup due to or break an already running UUCICO process
- - can give information about polling times and host status
- - can setup your modem before start of a polling session
- - can spawn UUCICO with additional options
- - can spawn own user command after a (successful) session
- - full UUCP logfile support similar to UUCICO
- - can run under full runtime debugging with variable debug level
- Author: UUPoll R0.68, rse@angle.sub.org (Ralf S. Engelschall)
- 8. UUTraf
- UUTraf sums up all xferstat entries of your UUCICO connections and
- calculates a statistic chart. It can also pack the original log entries
- into a shorter form which will be also understand by UUTRAF when
- scanning the xferstat. Basically resembles the UNIX version, but gives
- more information. Requires UUCICO Release 1.13n, 1.15c or 1.16a.
- Author: UUTraf R0.15, rse@angle.sub.org (Ralf S. Engelschall)
- 9. UUAcct
- UUAcct resembles UUTraf, but gives more accounting-related information
- (such as last call from node x)
- Author: UUACCT 1.3, wusel@hactar.hanse.de (Kai 'wusel' Siering)
- 10. Elm
- Elm is a more user friendly mailreader, based on its unix equivalent.
- Last version is 1.19. Shareware $US10. Supports MIME.
- Author: ELM 1.15beta, amk@zikzak.in-berlin.de (Andreas M. Krichwitz)
- 11. GRN
- GRN is a fully intutionized Newsreader. Works well on flicker-free
- systems. 2.0 only. By Mike Schwartz, latest releases by Michael B.
- Smith. It supports NNTP also, on top of Commodore's AS225, or by
- itself.
- 12. BMS
- BMS stands for Batch Mail Server. It allows to either request files
- from another node which has BMS installed, or to create a BMS node
- which will process file requests from other nodes. By Matt Dillon.
- 13. BSMTP (Batch Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- Normal mail pieces ready for sending via UUCP are stored each in 3
- files. One local control file, and two data files (mail is not batched)
- Moreover, mail is not compressed. If you send a lot of mail, the
- overhead and the fact mail is not compressed may slow down your
- connection. You may then choose to go for BSMTP. BSMTP is an
- additionnal layer on the UUCP system. You continue writing independant
- files in the UUSPOOL: directory. At a specified (DCRON) time, you run
- the BSMTP batcher for a specified site, and this will create one
- batched and compressed file to send to the specified site. Batched
- means that data all is in one single file.
- NOTE: The other site MUST have set up his BSMTP system correctly. Ask
- also for the type of compression (compress-14, compress-16, freeze,
- none). Best is freeze.
- To my knowledge there are two package available (litamiga):
- - A set of ARexx script + modified UUXQT
- - C executables.
- Authors:
- BSMTP 0.14 rse@angle.sub.org (Ralf S. Engelschall)
- BSMTP-ARexx: georg@bluemoon.GUN.de (Georg Sassen)
- 14. AVM
- AVM's last version is 1.3.2 and is available on amiga.physik.unizh.ch
- Author: gstark@misvax.mis.arizona.edu (Gavin Stark).
- 15. UUXQT L:Commands
- A special version of the UUXQT executable is available. It allows the
- launching of more commands than the usual UUXQT. Launchable commands
- are configurable. This can be used for special needs (BSMTP, ...).
- Couldn't find the author name.
- 16. MIME [Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions]
- Mime is at this time a mail standard. Amiga packages include
- "metamail-2.3" available by ftp on amiga.physik.unizh.ch mirrors. It is
- an extension to standard mail message, allowing to pass enhanced text,
- graphics, audio, and more, in a standardized and interoperable manner.
- It's far more than just ASCII text. The only News system that is
- supposed to include something similar is the NeXT NewsGrazer which
- uses RTF (rich text format). GRn and GMail will probably support MIME
- in some future releases. The metamail-2.4 port for the Amiga (by Johan
- Widin) requires a suite of other programs as well (as most Amiga MIME
- implementation will) to convert the text and graphics formats to things
- that can be displayed on the Amiga (GIF, TIFF, TeX, etc.)
- 17. XStat
- XStat is a traffic analyser for UUCP connections. It allows not only
- reporting usual figures, but also may be used to calculate real phone
- costs based on user-settable rates. It works however only under 2.0.
- Available on Fish 714 (with Modula-2 source). A new version will be
- distributed on normal channels real soon.
- Author: Juergen Weinelt, jow@sun.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de
- 18. AuxSupport
- In order to log in remotely, you may also use the AuxSupport.lzh package
- (posted a while back) which uses a special aux handler which will work
- with getty. It also does pass control C,D etc... and includes emacs that
- works over aux, and AZ (an XPRZmodem util) that allows interactive zmodem
- transfers while logged in. With this method you do not need fifolibrary
- nor fifo-handler.
- Drawback: the sd-aux-handler currently does not work with multi serial
- line cards, and the newshell command must be done via script that also
- invokes a wait process to prevent getty from getting back on port until
- shell exits (examples supplied in archive).
- Author: Steve Drew, drew@cgou11.enet.dec.com
- 19. Remote-WShell
- Could allow you to use WShell remotely. Seems to be based on AuxSupport.
- Incorporates TNews to read news. I have not registered to WShell so I
- couldn't test it.
- 20. ANN
- Newsreader. Very configurable. Similar to Unix's nn.
- Author: Walther Mildenberger (wasp@chumly.ka.sub.org)
- 21. TIN
- TIN is a UNIX newsreader ported to AmigaOS by Mark Tomlinson (tomlin@elec.canterbury.ac.nz)
- 1. UUCP Patches FTP sites.
- The litamiga.epfl.ch:/pub/amiga/uucp directory is expected to contain
- all stuff posted in alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches. Please allow some
- delay from the time things are posted on alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches to
- the time they are available on litamiga. []
- *NEW* The litamiga FSP daemon is on disun3.epfl.ch at port 9999.
- *NEW* There is also an IRC client called ALPHABot.
- Aminet: The amiga.physik.unizh.ch mirrors (of which litamiga is) also
- have most of UUCP stuff. (/pub/aminet/comm/uucp)
- 2. Public UUCP sites.
- Site name: alphanet.ch
- Login: public
- Phone number: +41 38 41 29 29
- Country: Switzerland
- Modem norms: up to V32bis MNP/V42bis ### CURRENTLY 2400 bps ONLY ###
- Calling hours: 21h-24h GMT+1
- Contents-file: UUPUB:CONTENTS.LHA [LhA compressed] [for uucp UUPUB: is equivalent to ~/]
- Notes: You better change your sitename (in UULIB:Config) to public.
- Has 50 megabytes of software, and archives everything from
- alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches.
- First login please get ~/TREE.LHA.
- Date of entry: Sat, 31 Dec 1992 16:56:24 +0100
- Site name: hactar.hanse.de
- Login: nuucp
- Password: nuucp
- Phone number: +49 40 550 35 49
- Country: West Germany
- Modem norms: up to V32bis MNP/V42bis
- Calling hours: 21:00-10:00 UTC
- Contents-file: UUPUB:Contents(.Z|.F|.lha)
- Notes: Get `~/$readme.1st` the first time you call. Running BMS
- and a mailserver, mailserv@hactar.hanse.de
- Date of entry: Mon, 14 Sep 1992 23:51:39 +0200
- 3. BMS sites
- Generally the file to get is BMS:PUB/FILES.
- Site address: overload.Berkeley.CA.US
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: UUCP sources and binaries
- Site address: hactar.hanse.de
- Restrictions: None (yet). But make SURE you ARE reachable before getting
- large files !!
- Notes: UUCP sources and binaries. AmigaUUCP Plus. Refer to BMS:pub/Files
- Site address: moose.cs.indiana.edu!charon!anaconda
- Restrictions: Specify full path, not domain'ed.
- Notes: 31.5 megabytes online. BBS is +1 821 332 7379 (V32bis/V42bis)
- Site address: brunz.Santa-Cruz.CA.US
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: None
- Site address: haadav.boston.ma.us
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: 2400 baud connection. Please limit your requests.
- Site address: moose.cs.indiana.edu!dolmen
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: None
- Site address: uunet.uu.net!decvax!ftlcpu
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: UUCP Patches.
- Site address: seq.uncwil.edu!marin
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: Contains UUCP sources and binaries for AmigaOS, MacOS, and MS-DOS.
- Site address: dacami.cmhnet.org
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: ???
- Site address: alphanet.ch ### CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE ###
- Restrictions: Please do not ask for huge files or think about donating :-)
- Notes: More than 50 MB online. Files to get are UUPUB:CONTENTS.LHA
- and UUPUB:TREE.LHA. Manager is BMSMgr@alphanet.ch
- Site address: mirkwood.cam.org
- Restrictions: None known.
- Notes: BETTY server. (see paragraph 4)
- 4. BETTY
- Betty is an automatic "archie"-like system for BMS servers. It maintains
- a list of known BMS sites and their files. You can even request a server's
- list or find a program on a server via this method.
- Betty maintains a database that lists all the files available on
- some BMS sites. To consult the Betty database, you send a mail
- message to the server describing what you are looking for. The
- server will reply your message with the results of the query.
- Here is an example:
- To: betty@mirkwood.cam.org
- Subject:
- prog commodity
- quit
- And the reply would contain:
- From: nobody@mirkwood.cam.org
- To: hebrais@mirkwood.cam.org
- Subject: Betty
- [ ... ]
- Matches on deepthot.cary.nc.us:
- File:DOS2.0/
- Matches on mirkwood.cam.org:
- PUB:utilities/system/workbench/
- KCommodity.lha 218914 14-Jun-92 11:17:58
- [ ... ]
- Betty understands a number of commands. To get the HELP file,
- send a mail message to "betty@mirkwood.cam.org" with the word
- "help" in the subject line. You may contact the maintainer
- of Betty at "betty-request@mirkwood.cam.org".
- 5. FSP sites
- Try disun3.epfl.ch at port 9999, in subdirectory uucp.
- 6. Mailservers for getting the UUCP FAQ (this FAQ)
- mail to fileserver@caron.ati.com
- request format xsend auucp_faq.txt
- bms to caron.ati.com
- request files:auucp_faq.txt
- This sections lists known UUCP implementations for AmigaOS:
- 1. AmigaUUCP, by Matt Dillon and others.
- 2. AmigaUUCP+, originally written by Ingo Feulner, loosely based
- on AmigaUUCP V1.06 and CNEWS. Its news-system can handle an active
- file, control messages and dupes.
- However, Ingo has moved to NeXT, so he abandoned this project.
- Its last version was 1.02. This project has been taken over by
- Kai 'wusel' Siering <wusel@hactar.hanse.de>, using the CNews port
- of Frank 'Crash' Edwards (instead of the older one used as the base
- for AmigaUUCP+), this version is called 'wCNews'.
- Along with modified uucico-stuff (subdirectory support) it has been
- posted to .patches in mid-february 1993.
- There is also a rewrite of the uucico by Andrew Kopp
- (charly@brewak.swb.de). Henning Schmiedehausen do plan a new release
- of the AmigaUUCP+ for '92, but this is not absolutely certain.
- AmigaUUCP+ is available via ftp from ftp.uni-erlangen.de
- ( along with the sources and binaries of AmigaUUCP 1.16.
- A bug fixed version of the AmigaUUCP+ sendmail (sendmail1.02i21) also
- exists.
- - UUCICO list
- EOF = END OF FAQ :-)