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- XXDecode for the Amiga
- ----------------------
- XXDecode is used to transform files created by XXEncode back
- into their original forms. (see the XXEncode readme file
- for typical use and reasons for choosing xxencoding)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- DISCLAIMER : This work (the executables) is Freeware.
- The executable files can be distributed in any
- way, so long as they are the ORIGINAL programs.
- That is, patches or changes to the code should
- NOT be distributed. I claim no responsibility
- for any damage or problems this program may
- cause. Use at your own risk.
- If at all possible, include the readme files
- when distributing.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- XXDecode may only be used from the CLI.
- Usage : XXDecode [switches] input_file1 [input_file2...]
- For switch usage, see below.
- Any number of input files (XXEncoded files) may be given on
- the command line (wildcards are not supported, however...see the
- TODO section for more on this). Note that I have tested
- how XXDecode reacts to NON-XXEncoded files (archives, executables,
- etc.) so that weird things (gurus, freezing, etc.) don't happen.
- A beta version of XXDecode once crashed if I gave it a ".lzh"
- archive, but this is of course fixed now. (Hi Geoffrey! ;-)
- Switch Usage :
- --------------
- All switches must be grouped (as in "-RC") if more than
- one is used ("-R -C" is not valid). See the TODO section
- for more info on this. Also, all the switches MUST appear
- BEFORE any filenames ("XXDecode file -R" is not valid).
- -E
- ===
- Using the -E switch causes XXDecode to restart the search for
- 'begin' lines when an error is found. That is, if for any
- reason (except for complete failure to open), an input file
- contains an error, we will just start looking for another
- 'begin' line in it (instead of quitting that file). This comes
- in handy when you have several encoded files concatenated into
- one file...turn this switch on and you'll be guaranteed to get
- every valid file extracted that it possibly can (note that error
- files are deleted along the way unless you also use -D).
- -D
- ===
- If extraction of a file has begun, and an error is found,
- the partially extracted file will be deleted. You can turn
- on the -D switch to override this...if you do, it will indeed
- stop processing when it finds an error, but it won't destroy
- it. This feature is just to provide a way to salvage as much
- as possible from a damaged file (pretty useless, except for
- text files perhaps).
- -C
- ===
- Using -C will cause XXDecode to interpret the last character
- in each input line as a checksum. This is so that if the
- file was damaged in such a way that normal error checking
- fails, you will know.
- If the -C flag is NOT used on file that contains checksum characters,
- no errors should be reported...they are ignored. Note that this
- relaxed feature may not catch a few errors in the encoded file.
- Using -C on a file that does NOT contain checksum characters
- will fail...in this case, you'll just have to not use the -C
- switch and hope the other miscellaneous error checking will
- catch everything.
- -R
- ===
- The -R switch will allow you to extract files that already exist
- at the time. Normally, overwriting of the files you are decoding
- is prohibited. Just a luxury to save you the task of deleting the
- file yourself before running XXDecode.
- NOTE : If a file begins with a minus sign ('-') or is enclosed
- in double quotes ('"'), you must enclose the ENTIRE filename
- in double quotes.
- For example, if you have two files :
- -file1
- and
- "file2"
- To reference either of these types of files with XXDecode,
- call them :
- "-file1"
- and
- ""file2""
- NEVER use the apostrophe ("'") to escape AmigaDOS's special
- characters. For example, if your file is named :
- File#1(part2)
- just type it on the command line verbatim...i.e., DON'T use
- File'#1'(part2')
- as the AmigaDOS manual states.
- If this is unclear or seems strange, you probably won't have
- to worry about it. I only made this feature so that people
- that had filenames with abnormal (relatively speaking) char-
- acters wouldn't have to rename or do anything special.
- Miscellaneous Notes :
- ---------------------
- Multiple input files (separated by spaces) are supported.
- Each input file is tried to be opened in the following manner :
- 1. 'file'.XXE is tried first
- 2. if (1) failed, 'file' is tried
- This is so that if you have two files 'File1' and 'File1.XXE'
- you can still simply leave off the '.XXE' extension, even though
- the non-XXE version exists. If (2) had been done first, this
- would not be possible, since 'File1' (which in most circumstances
- would NOT be an XXEncoded file) would be tried first.
- You may of course have many begin-end sequences in one file...they
- will all be processed independently. This is an alternative
- to typing in many filenames on the command line...just join all
- the input files into one, and XXDecode. All will be extracted!
- Also note that any switches apply to ALL files, both the individual
- files listed on the command line, and every encoded file within
- those files. Remember this when using -R with more than one input
- file -- it applies globally!
- Note that if you want to use more than one switch, they MUST be
- grouped together...only one '-' symbol should be used. For
- example "-RCD" is valid while "-RC -D" is not (in this case "-D"
- would try to be opened as a file).
- Also note that case of the letters doesn't matter..."-e" is
- the same as "-E".
- Line numbers given in the error messages (during program
- execution) correspond to the number of actual ENCODED lines.
- That is, line #1 is the first encoded line after the 'begin'
- line.
- Send all bug reports and spelling mistakes to one of the e-mail
- addresses listed at the end of this document. No matter how
- trivial it seems!
- TODO :
- ------
- * Make it possible to use the switches separately (as in "-R -E")
- as well as the existing grouping method. Why is this not done
- already? Although it is a simple alteration, it will complicate
- the way I process files a bit. I'd rather not open this can of
- worms just yet. :-) Next version...I promise. :-)
- * Allow pattern matching for filenames. This shouldn't be a
- problem and will probably be out soon. This may also change the
- way I process files somewhat, which is why it is not already
- implemented. But as Paul Baldwin from 'Coffee Talk' would say,
- "No big whup." :~)
- * Join the two readme files into one so I don't have all this
- unneccessary repetition of the same instructions!!!!!!!!! ;~)
- -----------
- Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy for giving me the original VMS source,
- testing the beta versions, his opinions, tips, advice,
- inspiration, and his undying support to make XXEncode
- more popular than UUEncode !! ;-)
- Danny Osborne for providing the checksum technique. Without
- him I would probably still be fiddling around with it! :~)
- Bug reports and correspondence :
- --------------------------------
- Ernest Crvich | crvich@csugrad.cs.vt.edu
- P.O. Box 11821 | general@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu
- Blacksburg, VA | general@vtvm1.bitnet
- 24062-1821