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- The new V1.14 output format specifications
- ==========================================
- Since Version 1.14, you can also use your own format
- specifications to determine what the XStat output
- will look like. There are two new environment variables
- that you can set:
- STATFORM determines the layout of the "Statistics" output
- which is written once for each system, and once for global
- statistics.
- VERBFORM determines the layout of the "Verbose" output,
- which is written for each entry of the XferStat file.
- You can use any ISO8859-1 (extended 8 bit ASCII as used
- by the Amiga) character (except CHAR(0)), plus the following
- special format strings: (case sensitive!)
- Format strings for STATFORM:
- ----------------------------
- &LF line feed
- &FF form feed
- &HN host name
- &CD call direction (IN/OUT)
- &cd call direction (< / > )
- &FD from date
- &TD to date
- &AC total number of connects
- &IC number of ignored connects
- &LC number of local connects
- &OT total online time
- &ot average online time
- &UN total units
- &un average units
- &CO total cost
- &co average cost
- &GR gross read
- &gr average gross read
- &GS gross send
- &gs average gross send
- &NR net read
- &nr average net read
- &NS net send
- &ns average net send
- &GC gross cps
- &gp gross peak cps
- &NC net cps
- &np net peak cps
- &CG average cost (gross)
- &CN average cost (net)
- &CS currency symbol
- Format variables for VERBFORM:
- ------------------------------
- &LF line feed
- &FF form feed
- &HN host name
- &CD call direction (IN/OUT)
- &cd call direction (< / > )
- &FD from date
- &TD to date
- &IC ignored connect
- &LC local connect
- &OT online time
- &UN units
- &CO cost
- &GR gross read
- &GS gross send
- &NR net read
- &NS net send
- &GC gross cps
- &NC net cps
- &CS currency symbol
- Usage is similar to C printf():
- -------------------------------
- &08HN
- |^^^^
- || |
- || field type specification, see above
- ||
- |optional field width, 00..99 permitted (must be two digits)
- |
- escape character, use && to get it verbatim
- Defaults used by XStat:
- -----------------------
- Use the environment variables STATFORM and VERBFORM to override
- these defaults.
- WARNING! STATFORM and VERBFORM use internal buffers with a
- hardcoded width of 8191 characters.
- --------
- - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut -
- &cd &08HN &FD &IC &LC &03OT &02UN &06CO &07GR &07GS &07NR &07NS &04GC &04NC&LF
- - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut -
- --------
- - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut -
- &HN: Connection statistics for &CD calls.
- Transfer statistics from &FD to &TD
- number of connects &08AC
- local connects &08LC
- ignored connects &08IC
- total online time &08OT seconds
- total phone units &08UN units
- total phone cost &12CO &CS
- average online time &08ot seconds/connect
- average phone units &12un units/connect
- average phone cost &12co &CS/connect
- total gross read &08GR bytes
- total gross send &08GS bytes
- total net read &08NR bytes
- total net send &08NS bytes
- average gross read &08gr bytes/connect
- average gross send &08gs bytes/connect
- average net read &08nr bytes/connect
- average net send &08ns bytes/connect
- average speed &08GC CPS (gross data transfer)
- fastest connect &08gp CPS (gross data transfer)
- average speed &08NC CPS (net data transfer)
- fastest connect &08np CPS (net data transfer)
- average cost &12CG &CS/MB (gross data transfer)
- average cost &12CN &CS/MB (net data transfer)
- - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut - cut -