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- head 1.1;
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- simons:
- andy:1.1; strict;
- comment @ * @;
- 1.1
- date; author andy; state Exp;
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- date; author simons; state Exp;
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- date; author simons; state Exp;
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- date; author simons; state Exp;
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- desc
- @Original Unix-Listserv distribution.
- @
- 1.1
- log
- @checked in with -k by simons at 1993/12/26 00:08:53
- @
- text
- @#include "listserv.h"
- static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /usr/local/src/mail/listserv/RCS/info.c,v 1.1 92/09/14 11:03:52 andy Exp Locker: andy $";
- extern FILE *msg;
- extern FILE *mailer;
- infoindex(from,request)
- char *from, *request;
- {
- printf("called sendhelp with %s %s\n", from, request);
- callmailer("", from, request);
- mailcat(INFOFILE,"");
- pclose(mailer);
- return;
- }
- sendinfo(from, command)
- char *from, *command;
- {
- int i;
- char *p;
- char doc[256],
- tmp[512],
- buf[BUFSIZ];
- printf("called sendfaq with %s %s\n", from, command);
- /* Grab filenames trailing after word "info" */
- strcpy(buf, command);
- while(p = index(buf, ' '))
- {
- /* Get rid of extra blanks
- and return if only trailing whitespace remains */
- while(*(++p) == ' ')
- ;
- if(!strlen(p))
- return;
- strcpy(buf, p);
- sscanf(buf, "%s", doc);
- if (index(doc, '*'))
- {
- callmailer("", from, command);
- sprintf(tmp, "%s/INFOHELP", SERVDIR);
- mailcat(tmp, "\t");
- fflush(mailer);
- pclose(mailer);
- continue;
- }
- sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", INFODIR, doc);
- callmailer("", from, command);
- if(access(tmp,R_OK) == 0)
- {
- mailcat(tmp, "\t");
- fflush(mailer);
- pclose(mailer);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(mailer, "File %s does not exist.", doc);
- fflush(mailer);
- pclose(mailer);
- }
- }
- }
- @
- log
- @Changed source code to compiler under SAS/C 6.50.
- @
- text
- @a1 1
- #include "protos.h"
- d3 1
- a3 1
- static char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
- d5 4
- a8 1
- void infoindex(from,request)
- d18 1
- a18 1
- void sendinfo(from, command)
- @
- log
- @Removed the complete local/non-local user determination, including
- all >outsider< parameters and the cleanup() routine.
- Changed UNIX-paths to conform with AmigaDOS.
- @
- text
- @d4 1
- a4 1
- static char rcsid[] = "$Id: info.c,v 1993/12/26 00:41:06 simons Exp simons $";
- d42 1
- a42 1
- sprintf(tmp, "%sINFOHELP", SERVDIR);
- @
- log
- @Removed the 'INFO'-command--for the moment.
- @
- text
- @d1 64
- a64 69
- /*
- * Currently, the INFO-command is disabled!!
- * -peter
- *
- * #include "listserv.h"
- * #include "protos.h"
- *
- * static char rcsid[] = "$Id: info.c,v 1993/12/26 19:35:55 simons Exp simons $";
- *
- * void infoindex(from,request)
- * char *from, *request;
- * {
- * printf("called sendhelp with %s %s\n", from, request);
- * callmailer("", from, request);
- * mailcat(INFOFILE,"");
- * pclose(mailer);
- * return;
- * }
- *
- * void sendinfo(from, command)
- * char *from, *command;
- * {
- * int i;
- * char *p;
- * char doc[256],
- * tmp[512],
- * buf[BUFSIZ];
- *
- * printf("called sendfaq with %s %s\n", from, command);
- * / * Grab filenames trailing after word "info" * /
- * strcpy(buf, command);
- * while(p = index(buf, ' '))
- * {
- * / * Get rid of extra blanks
- * * and return if only trailing whitespace remains * /
- * while(*(++p) == ' ')
- * ;
- * if(!strlen(p))
- * return;
- *
- * strcpy(buf, p);
- * sscanf(buf, "%s", doc);
- * if (index(doc, '*'))
- * {
- * callmailer("", from, command);
- * sprintf(tmp, "%sINFOHELP", SERVDIR);
- * mailcat(tmp, "\t");
- * fflush(mailer);
- * pclose(mailer);
- * continue;
- * }
- * sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", INFODIR, doc);
- * callmailer("", from, command);
- * if(access(tmp,R_OK) == 0)
- * {
- * mailcat(tmp, "\t");
- * fflush(mailer);
- * pclose(mailer);
- * }
- * else
- * {
- * fprintf(mailer, "File %s does not exist.", doc);
- * fflush(mailer);
- * pclose(mailer);
- * }
- * }
- *
- * }
- */
- @