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- ---------------------------
- + means new feature, - means changes, bug-fixes.
- Version: Bugs,Bug-Fixes,Enhancements:
- Arn V1.03a
- - fixed error msg when active-file was 0 bytes
- - fixed LF in moderators-mailaddress
- - fixed bug in time.c which produced empty Date:
- - fixed bug when pressing CTRL-C
- - no longer private Public-Screen (sorry for forgetting this)
- - fixed deallocation of memory in getconfig.c (some bytes were lost).
- + new option -s waits for a keypress after initialization
- + does 5 retries if it couldn't open database because it was in use.
- Arn V1.03
- + 5 different article display orders
- * configurable in .arnrc via ARTDISPLAYORDER
- * you can change it online
- + Runs under OSs>2.04 only (requires Kickstart V37)
- + ScreenMode-names for Arn are now the same like in ScreenMode
- + no display-corrupting control-codes, because arnmaster filters them
- + Displays message if X-files junked articles or group completely read.
- + ^ modifier in X-files ensures that string is only matched at the begin
- + Read and catchup is now abortable with X command.
- + supports PublicScreens with PUBSCREENNAME in .arnrc
- - fixed bug in -Ddirectory introduced in 1.00
- - fixed bug in posting function
- - fixed refresh if unsubscribed selected newsgroups
- - switching kill-files on off didn't work for prekill
- - some cosmetic changes
- - marks non-existent articles as read
- - fixed bug with overlong groupnames in save-function
- - no longer checking for nodename in XRef:
- Arn V1.02 - stricmp() instead of strcmp in all readgroup() functions.
- This should fix problems with nonalpha chars in grouplist-
- names.
- - /n separates header from body
- - fix in mimedecode (softline break)
- - fix in GROUPLIST concerning new articles
- - ReReadActive didn't work correct if active-file wasn't sorted
- - fixed enforcer hit, with missing METAMAIL
- - fixed 'd' (kill subject) function in pager
- Arn V1.01 - fixed SCREENDATA bug
- - fixed quoted-printable softlinebreak bug
- - no overview-refresh if paging back/forward on first/last pages
- - unsubscribe flag 'U' overrides new flag '+'
- - compiled under SAS/C 6.2
- - fclose(stderr) back in code, because SAS/C fixed it.
- - using $USER before $USERNAME for compatability
- - overworked CheckLibMarks() and NewMark() routine
- - removed the need for a _sorted_ active-file. Arn reads
- unsorted active-files, too, but you may loose performance.
- - removed CMDCLEARKLUDGE, because it caused more problems than
- the original C=-bug.
- - created smakefile for source-distribution
- + using QueryOverScan to get screen-sizes
- - changed Execute() into system(), so no EOF is needed
- if calling editor.
- - followup and reply work with encoded postings, too.
- - ArnMaster compiled without optimization.
- Arn V1.00 + Arn now shows all threads chronologically
- - bug fixed in kill-subject from pager
- - select new doesn't select read articles
- - % (unselect all) in article-selection implemented.
- + Correct handling of empty newsgroups.
- - Bug fixed in pager (occured if displayed more than 64
- pages).
- + Pager now can jump to bottom of the file.
- + optimized screen refresh at group- and article-selection
- + search functions in group- and article level work now.
- + AUX: support via termcap
- + 'k' junk thread in pager
- + configurable font
- - CTRL-Z recalls command-line instead of ESC
- + CTRL-L refreshs screen in all levels
- + new method of managing (adding/removing) newsgroups
- - deletion of articles no longer possible
- +}New design of key mappings. No longer Ctrl-keys, instead
- -}submenus are used. I hope they are now more orthogonal
- (consistent) than the old ones.
- - article is closed before invoking the external program.
- + Complete rewrite of the manual.
- - fixed some bugs in selectors.
- + "moderators"-file support.
- - fixed bug in catchup from groupmenu-level.
- - some variable-types converted from long to ULONG.
- - fixed bug in ArnMaster (non existing dirs caused early abort).
- - removed Relay-Version and Posting-Version header lines
- which were not required by RFC-1036, but by a draft version of it.
- + additional check for "FollowUp-To: poster" and non existing groups.
- - compiling under SAS/C 6.01.
- + using upto 78 screen lines within selection screens
- + longer subjects at article selector (depends on screen size)
- - fixed article-menu refresh (there was no bug).
- + limited MIME-support (qp and base64-decoding for text/plain).
- - Rescan for active-file only from group-level possible.
- + n,N flags in range-flags added
- + using local,environment variables for USERNAME etc.
- Arn V1.00 beta + enhanced followup-function (^F)
- rel2 - ^C is now cancel in pager, C is catchup.
- - ^V is now headerstop, ^H (Backspace) is now
- previous page in pager.
- + followups in moderated groups produce a warning,
- but you can redirect the followup to another group.
- + 2.0 version string added.
- Arn V1.00 beta (too many changes, list only of the most important)
- rel1 + ArnDaemon exists now (calls automatically arnmaster)
- + HEADERFILE appends standard header to articles
- + HEADERDISPLAY lets you decide how the header will appear
- + totally speed up PRE-KILLING and AUTOSELECTION
- + X-file now uses KMP-string matching or regular expressions
- + X-postings are now marked in databases, so this speeds up
- catchup and junk operations a lot.
- + Headerbuffer corrupt message has gone.
- Cause for this was a bug in the OS2.04. Use setpatch
- >=V37.28 or specify CMDCLEARKLUDGE
- + page-stack now fragments less memory, because there are 64
- pages in one block allocated
- + "os" saves selected articles in thread sequence.
- + (internal: introduced CopyString/FreeString
- HeaderLines)
- + Kill functions now have a menu.
- + You're asked to autoselect own postings.
- + Should exit if databases are corrupt instead of 'guru'ing
- - Screen sizes are cloned under OS2.04. There were problems
- with GetScreenData() and new display modes.
- + Forwarding postings doesn't call the editor at once.
- - Serious bug in FreeGroup() removed. Some other mungwall &
- enforcer hits removed.
- + KMP-matching is used when searching in article
- + PAGEROPTS in .arnrc added
- + DBASEDIR in .arnrc allows to hold a separate dir-tree
- for databases and .X-files (for NFS access).
- - (May 19 1992/19:22:03) Changed ANSI-sequences for
- text-styles to work with OS1.3 again.
- Arn V1.00 alpha rel3 - The signature is now included always before
- the editor is invoked.
- - The HEADERBUFFER CORRUPT message will only
- appear once on stdout. Please send a report
- if you got this error and READ the KNOWN BUGS
- section in the Arn.doc before.
- - If all groups were read, pressing A showed _no_
- groups/all groups. This should be fixed now.
- - Q returned to group-dir if you read an article
- with ENTER.
- Arn V1.00 alpha rel2 + X-file commands (K,^G etc) corrected and
- Feb 9 1992/22:24:48 implemented.
- - bug in readdatabase fixed
- Feb 11 1992/23:16:12 - bug in AddSubjectToKill fixed.
- Arn V1.00 alpha rel1 ???
- ArnMaster 0.20a - Fixed freeing of nodes, this caused many enforcer hits
- - Fixed possible division by zero
- + does 5 retries if it couldn't open database because it was in use
- ArnMaster 0.20 + Using red-black binary trees for speedup in big groups
- + Filters non-printable chars
- + Displaying scanned articles per minute ratio in logfile.
- + Checking every article for existence if using -C option
- (so -C lasts longer, sorry).
- + Displaying number of expired articles
- ArnMaster 0.14 + Break Signal (^C or ^D) is recognized.
- + Only gives message about missing articles if
- they were not in database, but nevertheless physically present.
- This could be caused by a bug in ArnMaster -> please send bug-report!
- - Removed bug in Error-Handling. Caused a stop when the directory
- of a group was not existing.
- + Added bytes count for consistency check.
- ArnMaster 0.13 + Date: line is parsed and stored in a ULONG in .newsdb
- Subject threads are now sorted chronologically
- (not arrival date, but posting date).
- + Empty groups are now handled correctly.
- Activefile-numbers now increase always.
- + if called as "fixactive", ArnMaster just updates the
- activefile
- + preserves group-flag char in active-file
- + Doesn't call UpdateActive if called for a single group
- ArnMaster 0.12 - '-G' switch didn't work correctly
- + 2.0 version string added.
- Arnmaster 0.11 + DBASEDIR now holds optionally databases in a separate dir
- tree. That's for readings news from a remote server with
- no write access.
- - Fixed serious bug once again. The article status wasn't
- always set correctly if articles expired. This resulted
- likely in inconsistent databases. I HOPE that ArnMaster
- now produces consistent databases.
- - No longer gurus if reading corrupt databases (maybe loss of some
- memory).
- Arnmaster 0.10 + COUNTLINES and UPDATEARCHIVE keywords in .arnmasterrc added
- - ErrorHandling for corrupt databases should be better.
- Arnmaster 0.9 - bug removed if Subject: was not existent.
- firststr changed. Seems to be faster:
- Total articles scanned: 868 in 77/120 groups
- ENDED: Elapsed time 01:50s
- Arnmaster 0.8 - fixed bug which caused endless loops if there was a
- "Re^" in Subject line
- - fixed bug in finding realnames
- Arnmaster 0.7 - -i option didn't free all allocated memory.
- Arnmaster 0.6 - Fixed bug in database reading, which sometimes caused a
- rejection of articles which were not expired
- + Added -L option for counting lines in articles where the
- Lines:- header-line is missing.
- + Added -C option for checking for and rebuilding inconsistent
- databases.
- - Complete rescan if article-numbers in ACTIVEFILE.BAK are
- higher than in ACTIVEFILE.
- ArnDaemon 0.2 + Now uses partial substring match, so programs that were called
- with full path are recognized.
- ArnDaemon 0.3 + New way of checking for programs inactivity.
- + trimnews is now included as default