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- ( $Id: fixactive.doc,v 1.3 92/06/19 12:54:28 wasp Exp $ )
- FixActive: creates and maintaines the active file.
- PURPOSE: CNEWS ignores the min-field in the active file, so there
- is no easy way to get an idea what articles are really present
- at the moment. This is fixed by FixActive.
- Dillon's UUCP-Package doesn't honour the concept of an active file
- at all (at least upto V1.16d, but I have strong doubts it will ever).
- To speed up ann's scanning, fixactive is reccomended.
- SYNTAX: FixActive [<filename>][-h][-c][-u][-f][-v]
- <filename> is the pathname of the active-file. Default is set at
- compile-time, either UULIB:active (DUUCP), UULIB:news/active (AUCPP)
- or NewsCtl:active (CNEWS).
- -h stands for hierarchical News-System; set this flag for CNEWS,
- AUCPP (every version) and DUUCP since V1.16 !
- -c stands for create. It reads from stdin a checkgroups-compatible
- list of valid newsgroups.
- -u stands for update the active file (which is the default action).
- -f stands for fast update. This is only valid for DUUCP and only
- reads the ".next"-file. The min-field is *not* updated.
- -v stands for verbose output. This flag prints all changed lines
- to stdout.
- I) fixactive <uulib:Newsgroups -c UULIB:active
- To create a new active file in UULIB:active and set all
- groups to writable (Flag == 'y').
- IIa) fixactive UULIB:active
- To update the active file of cnews. (V1.15 or prior)
- IIb) fixactive -h UULIB:active
- To update the active file of cnews. (V1.16 or newer)
- III) fixactive -f UULIB:active
- To update the current active-file in fast mode.
- IV) fixactive -h NewsCtl:active
- Dillon-UUCP users should create the active-file once (example I) ),
- hand-edit the flag of all moderated (`m') and read-only (`n') groups
- [If you are using the checkgroups-messsage, the keyword "(Moderated)"
- is used to set the flag to `m'].
- After polling your feed, you run example III), and after running
- TrimNews, run example II).
- If you are running CNEWS, you only have to run example IV) after
- running expire.
- Verbose-mode can be set for every action.
- BUGS: Doesn't run if linked with cres.o . It is NOT pure.
- Older versions did set min- and max-field to zero, if every article
- had been expired. This has been fixed.