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- .KEY cryptfile/A,cryptmode/A
- .BRA {
- .KET }
- ;
- ; EncryptMsg using PGP
- ;
- ; written by Peter Simons <simons@peti.GUN.de>
- ;
- ; [you need "AmigaPGP 2.3a.3" or higher, -amk]
- ;
- FailAt 1
- SplitHeadBody <"{cryptfile}" T:AmiElm-Header.$process T:AmiElm-Body.$process
- If "{cryptmode}" EQ "ENCRYPT"
- RequestString RECIPIENTS "Please enter recipient(s) ID(s)..." 256
- PGP -ftea <T:AmiElm-Body.$process >"{cryptfile}.asc" `Echo $RECIPIENTS`
- Else
- If "{cryptmode}" EQ "SIGN"
- PGP -ftsa <T:AmiElm-Body.$process >"{cryptfile}.asc" +clearsig=on
- Else
- If "{cryptmode}" EQ "ENCRYPT+SIGN"
- RequestString RECIPIENTS "Please enter recipient(s) ID(s)..." 256
- PGP -ftesa <T:AmiElm-Body.$process >"{cryptfile}.asc" `Echo $RECIPIENTS`
- Else
- Echo "elm: Encrypt mode *"{cryptmode}*" not supported by *"EncryptMsg*" script!"
- Echo "elm: WARNING! Mail not modified, sending mail NOT encrypted ..."
- Delete T:AmiElm-Header.$process T:AmiElm-Body.$process QUIET FORCE
- Quit
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ;
- ; build new message from header and body
- ; and get rid of our temporary files
- ;
- Delete {cryptfile} QUIET FORCE
- Rename T:AmiElm-Header.$process "{cryptfile}"
- Echo "*N" >>"{cryptfile}" NOLINE
- Type "{cryptfile}.asc" >>"{cryptfile}"
- Delete "{cryptfile}.asc" T:AmiElm-Header.$process T:AmiElm-Body.$process QUIET FORCE