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Text File | 1994-10-10 | 110.7 KB | 3,072 lines |
- Archive-Name: mail/mime-faq/part1
- Version: $Id: mime1,v 3.9 1994/10/09 21:35:40 jsweet Rel $
- Posting-Frequency: monthly
- --
- ==========================================================
- comp.mail.mime frequently asked questions list (FAQ) (1/3)
- ==========================================================
- Part 1: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about MIME
- ~~~~~~
- --
- Overview
- --------
- This is part 1 of a Frequently Asked Questions document about MIME, the
- multipurpose and multi-media standard for Internet mail.
- Part 1 covers frequently asked questions.
- Part 2 is a listing of MIME products.
- Part 3 covers advanced topics.
- Sections in the table of contents that have changed since the last
- posting are marked with a '!' in the first column. New sections are
- marked with '+'.
- --
- Contents
- ~~~~~~~~
- Part 1: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about MIME (this file)
- ========================================================
- 1) Introduction
- 1.1) Authorship
- ! 1.2) Conventions
- 1.3) Where can I get the comp.mail.mime FAQ?
- 2) What is MIME?
- 2.0) Help! I got a message in MIME format--how do I decode it?
- 2.1) Introduction
- 2.2) MIME features that may or may not be present
- 2.3) Further information
- 2.4) MIME glossary
- 2.5) Newsgroups and mailing lists
- 3) Miscellaneous questions
- 3.1) What can I use to display MIME messages?
- 3.2) What's "text/enriched"? "text/simplemail"?
- 3.3) What about security issues?
- 3.4) So, does MIME introduce any new security problems?
- 3.5) What about a group 3 facsimile encoding?
- 3.6) Should I always use external body parts to save space?
- 3.7) What mail servers can I reference?
- 3.8) Can I interwork between MIME and X.400?
- 3.9) Why does MIME define base64 instead of using uuencode?
- 3.10) How can I use uuencode with MIME?
- 4) MIME information available from the Internet
- 4.1) Anonymous FTP
- 4.2) Mail based archive servers
- 4.2.1) Eitech "ServiceMail"
- 4.2.2) Metamail "mailserver"
- 4.3) Gopher
- 4.4) World Wide Web
- 5) Published books and articles
- 6) MIME based relays for commercial mail services
- 6.1) Large national or international providers
- 6.1.1) ATTMAIL
- 6.1.2) CompuServe
- 6.1.3) RadioMail
- 6.2) Local and regional providers
- Part 2: MIME products (posted separately)
- =====================
- 7) Freely available MIME packages
- 7.1) Libraries
- 7.2) Conversion tools and extension packages
- 7.3) Mail user agents and transport systems
- 8) Commercial MIME packages
- 9) Packages for MIME in USENET
- 9.1) Introduction
- 9.2) News readers and transports with MIME support
- Part 3: Advanced topics (posted separately)
- =======================
- 10) Information
- 10.1) MIME-relevant RFCs and other standards
- 10.2) List of registered MIME types
- 10.2.1) List of registered MIME types
- 10.2.2) List of known unregistered MIME types
- 10.3) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working groups
- 11) Developers' FAQs
- 11.1) How can I register a new MIME type?
- 11.2) What's ESMTP, and how does it affect MIME?
- 11.3) Where can I get some sample MIME messages?
- 11.4) Wouldn't MIME be better if it did <foo>?
- 11.5) So what about multilevel encodings?
- 11.6) Why doesn't MIME include a mechanism for compression?
- 12) Acknowledgements
- --
- 1) Introduction
- ---------------
- 1.1) Authorship
- Current maintainer:
- Jerry Sweet <mime-faq@ics.uci.edu>
- Previous maintainers (thanks, guys!):
- Ed Vielmetti - originator
- Tim Goodwin
- Contributions have come from a cast of dozens; see section 12 for the
- list of contributors.
- --------------------------------
- 1.2) Conventions
- - Direct quotations begin with an attribution in a standard format,
- and are indented by four spaces.
- - Pointers to resources available via the Internet, such as references
- to FTPable goodies, appear in WWW URL format. URLs beginning with
- "ftp:" refer to FTP sites. For example:
- ftp://domain.name/path/to/package
- Those with FTP access, but without WWW access, may treat such
- references as follows:
- 1. Log into host domain.name using anonymous FTP
- 2. Look for /path/to/package
- An FTP reference usually lists only the distribution site; please
- try your nearest FTP archive first. Archie may be of some help
- here.
- URLs beginning with "http:" refer to WWW servers. URLs beginning
- with "gopher:" refer to gopher servers.
- Internet browsing tools, such as Mosaic, know about URLs.
- - You'll occasionally see text in braces, like this.
- { Here is some example meta-text. }
- Generally, these indicate places where information is missing, or
- where the information may be unreliable, or where major changes are
- planned in the near future. You can ignore these if you're just
- looking for information. But if you can help fill in the gaps, and
- you want to achieve fame, fortune, and your name at the bottom of
- this FAQ, please send e-mail to the maintainer.
- --------------------------------
- 1.3) Where can I get the comp.mail.mime FAQ?
- - It is posted approximately monthly to the newsgroups comp.mail.mime,
- comp.answers, and news.answers. The "Expires:" field is set such
- that---on systems which honor this field---the most recent edition
- will always be in the news spool.
- - Many sites archive news.answers postings, including these:
- ftp://ftp.uu.net/usenet/news.answers/mail/mime-faq/
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/mail/mime-faq/
- If possible, please try to find a closer site; for example, by
- asking archie for "mime-faq".
- - An automatically generated HTML version of the MIME FAQ is available
- at this URL:
- http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/text/faq/usenet/mail/mime-faq/top.html
- It's brought to you courtesy of Ohio State University.
- The reason that this MIME FAQ document is marked up the way it is,
- with dividers and score marks and so on, is that these marks
- facilitate automatic conversion of the document to HTML format by
- the Ohio State server.
- - If you are reading this FAQ via some fixed medium such as hardcopy
- or CD-ROM, please try to obtain the latest edition from the net
- instead.
- --
- 2) What is MIME?
- ----------------
- Well, let's answer a frequently asked question first, then get to an
- introduction.
- --------------------------------
- 2.0) Help! I got a message in MIME format--how do I decode it?
- If you have problems reading a message in MIME format, it might be for
- any of the following reasons:
- Scenario 1:
- Your mail system outsmarted itself--it can handle some MIME stuff,
- but not whatever it is you received. For this, you'll either need a
- smarter mail system, or you'll need to tell the mail system how
- to handle whatever's in the message, or you'll need to defeat the
- mail system entirely, and look at the message in its "raw" state.
- Precisely how to do any of these things depends on the type of
- mail system that you have. The next scenario presents information
- about how to handle a similar situation.
- Scenario 2:
- Your mail system doesn't understand MIME stuff at all. For this,
- you must either content yourself with the "raw" message, or you
- can try to track down some tools to help you. From John Gardiner
- Myers <jgm+@CMU.EDU>, we have this advice:
- A minimalist MIME-reading program, munpack, is available via
- anonymous FTP to ftp.andrew.cmu.edu in the directory pub/mpack/.
- The program reads MIME messages and writes the decode parts out to
- files. Versions are available for Unix, MS-DOS, Macintosh, and
- Amiga platforms. [ See part 2 of this FAQ for information about
- the mpack tool suite. ]
- Scenario 3:
- You don't have all the necessary equipment to listen to an audio
- part, or to view a graphical part, or to read text written
- in a foreign character set. You're out of luck here; you can
- handle a lot of MIME stuff on a plain old 24x80 ASCII terminal,
- but let's face it: if you're stuck with something like that, YOU
- LOSE. If someone asks you how to listen to an audio message on
- a 24x80 ASCII terminal, call in the Noogie Patrol. (Yes, this
- kind of question gets asked all the time. Consult the glossary
- in section 2.4 if you don't know what a noogie is.)
- Scenario 4:
- Your mail system doesn't want to show a "message/partial" (like this
- one). For this, you may need to assemble all the parts of the
- message together.
- - With MH, you can assemble the message together using the command
- "mhn -store cur:3". Alternatively, you can view the "raw" message
- by using the MH command "show -noshowproc".
- - For mailcap-based mail user agents, the mailcap file needs an
- entry for message/partial. One entry, contributed by Tim Goodwin,
- is this:
- message/partial; showpartial %s %{id} %{number} %{total}
- The showpartial command is part of the metamail distribution.
- See section 7 for a description of metamail.
- { Brief advice for specific mail systems welcome. }
- --------------------------------
- 2.1) Introduction
- MIME, the Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions, is a freely available
- specification that offers a way to interchange text in languages with
- different character sets, and multi-media e-mail among many different
- computer systems that use Internet mail standards.
- If you were bored with plain text e-mail messages, thanks to MIME you
- now can create and read e-mail messages containing these things:
- - character sets other than ASCII
- - enriched text
- - images
- - sounds
- - other messages (reliably encapsulated)
- - tar files
- - PostScript
- - FTPable file pointers
- - other stuff
- MIME supports not only several pre-defined types of non-textual
- message contents, such as 8-bit 8000Hz-sampled mu-LAW audio, GIF image
- files, and PostScript programs, but also permits you to define your
- own types of message parts.
- The ability to create e-mail messages with audio and other non-textual
- contents has been around for a while, but almost always as part of a
- vendor-specific "solution." This means that you can't create a
- message on a NeXT system containing PostScript information and "Lip
- Service" (NeXT's audio e-mail tool) and easily handle the same message
- on an HP 9000/710, a Sun SPARCstation IPC, and a Silicon Graphics
- Iris. That's a problem that MIME helps to solve.
- One of the best things about MIME is that it's a "four-wheel drive
- protocol" (to borrow a description applied originally to PhoneNet by
- Einar Stefferud). MIME was carefully designed to survive many of the
- most bizarre variations of SMTP, UUCP, and Procrustean mail transport
- protocols, such as BITNET and MMDF, that like to slice, dice, and
- stretch the headers and bodies of e-mail messages.
- Here are a couple of examples of how MIME is being used in the real
- world, now.
- 1. Dr Marshall T. Rose mails out his SNMP-related newsletter, "The
- Simple Times" as multi-media e-mail messages in several forms:
- - in a PostScript form, with beautiful typesetting and a
- two-column page layout, suitable for printing on a laser
- printer;
- - in a "text/richtext" form (explained in question 3.2),
- suitable for display on a mildly intelligent ASCII terminal;
- and
- - in a plain text, ordinary message form.
- (SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol.)
- 2. IETF document announcements (RFCs, Internet Drafts, etc.) are
- structured as multipart MIME messages. The first part contains the
- document abstract. The second part is itself a multipart message,
- containing external references to the document itself (one via a
- mail-server, one via anonymous FTP). Thus, with a suitable UA (User
- Agent, see 2.4 for glossary), you can read the abstract, and then have
- the complete document retrieved for you (by the most appropriate method)
- at the press of a button.
- --------------------------------
- 2.2) MIME features that may or may not be present
- Implementations of multi-media e-mail need not support the full spec;
- it's possible to have a useful product that does not explore all of
- the nooks and crannies of the standard.
- Furthermore, MIME permits a message to contain alternative parts for
- consumption by sites that can't necessarily display or listen to all
- the good stuff.
- Here is a list of features that someone with a good, functional
- mail user agent might include for MIME support.
- - Displays GIF, JPEG, and PBM encoded images, using e.g. 'xv' in the X
- Window System, or (name of windows program here) in Microsoft Windows.
- - Displays PostScript parts, using e.g. something that prints to a
- PostScript printer, or that invokes GhostScript on an X Window System
- display, or that uses Display PostScript.
- - Obtains external body parts via Internet FTP or via mail server.
- - Plays audio parts on workstations that support digital audio.
- On the other hand, the minimal requirements for a MIME-conformant MUA
- are almost trivial, yet still provide increased functionality. (The
- minimal requirements are mainly concerned with ensuring that users are
- not shown raw data from a MIME message inappropriately.)
- --------------------------------
- 2.3) Further information
- A nice overview of the MIME specification by Mark Grand is available
- ~from:
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/mdg/mime.ps
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/mdg/mime.txt
- { Any other documents that should be referenced? }
- --------------------------------
- 2.4) MIME glossary
- Every subculture needs its list of buzzwords, here's a start at a
- collection for MIME.
- body the part of a message after the header (the "meat")
- ESMTP Extended SMTP - RFC 1651
- external part a "pointer" to a part available via FTP or other means.
- GIF graphical interchange format for images
- header the To, From, Subject, etc. at the start of a message
- JPEG an image compression standard for still images
- mail transport the "post office", e.g. sendmail, smail, MMDF, etc.
- MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions - RFC 1521
- MPEG an image compression standard for moving pictures
- MTA Mail Transport Agent, see "mail transport"
- MUA Mail User Agent, see "user agent"
- multi-media nebulous marketroid term meaning audio and visual stuff
- noogie Zen technique to improve understanding - knuckles on skull
- part a piece of a MIME message containing some data type
- PBM an image format
- PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail
- PostScript a popular page description language
- RFC request for comments; proposed or standard Internet protocols
- SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol - RFC 821
- text/enriched simple text markup language for MIME - RFC 1563
- text/simplemail another (even simpler?) text markup language
- URL WWW uniform resource locator; access-method://host/path
- user agent the end user's mail program, e.g. MH, ELM, /bin/mail, etc.
- WWW the worldwide web (see section 4.4)
- --------------------------------
- 2.5) Newsgroups and mailing lists
- - You're probably reading comp.mail.mime at the moment. This is
- the USENET newsgroup devoted to discussions of MIME.
- - There is also a mailing list, info-mime, which is gatewayed with
- comp.mail.mime. This is a bidirectional gateway, so every message to
- the mailing list also appears on the newsgroup, and vice versa. If
- you are unable or unwilling to read USENET news, send subscription
- requests to:
- info-mime-request@thumper.bellcore.com
- - There is a UK exploder for info-mime (info-mime-uk). Contact:
- info-mime-uk-request@mailbase.ac.uk
- The Mailbase software archives all contributions, which are then
- accessible via these URLs:
- ftp://mailbase.ac.uk
- gopher://mailbase.ac.uk
- ...and via mailserver; send a message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk, with
- a message body containing, e.g. "send info-mime-uk 08-1993".
- - The archive ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/usenet/comp.mail.mime stores
- articles in three formats: by subject, by article number, and by
- month. See the README file for more information.
- - There is also a [comp.mail.multi-media] newsgroup, which contains
- general discussions of multi-media e-mail, not necessarily MIME.
- - There are various mailing lists specific to particular
- implementations of MIME. If we know of such a list, it is
- mentioned in the section of this document about that
- implementation.
- --
- 3) Miscellaneous questions
- --------------------------
- 3.1) What can I use to display MIME messages?
- You need something that understands MIME-structured messages and also
- understands how to display the different kinds of body parts.
- Details of many freely available and commercial packages to do just
- that can be found in part 2 of this FAQ.
- --------------------------------
- 3.2) What's "text/enriched"? "text/simplemail"?
- These two subtypes of the "text" type have a similar aim: to offer
- simple text markup, without making the text unreadable to someone
- without the software to interpret it.
- The text/enriched scheme uses markup commands enclosed in angle
- brackets. For example, here is how you would <bold>embolden</bold> a
- single word.
- Simplemail is more like a standardization of certain existing
- practices in mail and news articles. For example, here is how you
- would *emphasize* a single word.
- The text/enriched type is defined in RFC 1563. It supersedes
- text/richtext, which was defined in RFC 1341.
- --------------------------------
- 3.3) What about security issues?
- Both users and administrators should be aware that ordinary Internet
- and UUCP e-mail is not secure. No authentication, confidentiality, or
- data integrity properties are provided in SMTP, RFC 822, or MIME.
- Persons desiring any or all of those security properties in their e-mail
- should look into the use of Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM). At least one
- no-cost implementation of PEM is available in the US and Canada.
- There are also a number of implementations being developed in Europe
- (hopefully these will not suffer the same restrictions on export).
- PEM will (eventually) be integrated with MIME. See
- draft-ietf-pem-mime-03.txt
- for the latest work on this.
- A system providing similar functionality to PEM implementations is
- PGP. PGP is an implementation, not a specification, and it does not
- carry the blessing of the IETF, or any other body. It is, however,
- available at no cost throughout the world (although its status with
- respect to certain US patents is dubious). Caveat emptor.
- [ "Jeffrey I. Schiller" <jis@mit.edu> 24-Jun-1994 ]
- There is now a freeware version of PGP that is not dubious from a
- patent standpoint.
- { This section needs additional information. }
- --------------------------------
- 3.4) So, does MIME introduce any new security problems?
- Yes. MIME user agents can do previously unheard of things with mail
- messages, notably giving them as input to other programs.
- PostScript is probably the biggest potential security hole. One
- famous example is the "melting screen" PostScript program, which
- destroys screens maintained by Display PostScript implementations. For
- another example, PostScript can be used to change the password on some
- PostScript printers with previously undefined passwords, which denies
- the use of the printer until the printer's password can (somehow) be
- changed back. Yet other Display PostScript implementations may allow
- file operations. (NeXTstep wisely disables file operations. With
- GhostScript, they can be disabled by the "-dSAFER" command line option.
- Use of this option (in mailcap, etc.) is highly recommended.)
- The enumeration of these security holes is not to be interpreted as
- encouragement to exploit the holes. They are mentioned only because
- they are well known. Refer to books such as "Practical UNIX Security"
- and to news groups such as comp.security.misc for general information
- about system security.
- --------------------------------
- 3.5) What about a group 3 facsimile encoding?
- It is rumored that there was an attempt to include G3 FAX in the
- original MIME specification, but that it was impossible for the
- authors of the MIME specification to gain a consensus on how to encode
- the data. So G3 FAX has been left for a future MIME implementation.
- But you can always define your own body part.
- Here are some snippets relevant to MIME and FAX.
- The MIME-MHS documents define a G3Fax body part that is conformant with
- the X.400 G3Fax definition.
- [ Stuart Lynne <sl@wimsey.com> 30-Dec-1992 ]
- I have prototype scripts operating with metamail to do some of this.
- Some of it is in contrib directory.
- Currently I have 2 scripts:
- mm2fax - convert mail and metamail messages to TIFF/F (uses various
- tools to convert different body parts to TIFF/F);
- faxmm - send rfc822 and mime e-mail messages via facsimile (uses
- mm2fax to convert to TIFF/F).
- [ Ned Freed <ned@innosoft.com> 31-Dec-1992 ]
- PMDF-FAX is a set of channel programs for PMDF that provide
- facilities for converting text, PostScript, and various other
- formats into Group 3 FAX, as well as a set of programs that take
- these Group 3 FAX files and use them to drive a variety of FAX
- modems. MIME is used throughout to provide type information,
- multipart facilities, and so forth. PMDF-FAX was developed with MIME
- in mind from the outset.
- --------------------------------
- 3.6) Should I always use external body parts to save space?
- Not necessarily. In many cases, for example, at the ends of UUCP
- connections, your recipients may not be able to retrieve external body
- parts easily. It depends on your audience. Making files available via
- a mail server is to be encouraged. It is always possible to provide
- MIME alternative parts that first offer FTP, then mail server options.
- --------------------------------
- 3.7) What mail servers can I reference?
- There are various mail servers available. Check news.answers for
- the FAQ about mail server software. We do not presently have a
- recommendation.
- --------------------------------
- 3.8) Can I interwork between MIME and X.400?
- Conversion between RFC 822 and X.400 is defined in RFC 1327 and
- RFC 1495.
- Recently, the MIME-MHS working group has published RFCs (which are on
- the IAB standards track) which extend RFC 1327 to define conversions
- between MIME and X.400.
- Some MTAs, notably the ISODE Consortium's version of PP (see section 8)
- have MIME gatewaying support.
- --------------------------------
- 3.9) Why does MIME define base64 instead of using uuencode?
- [ Ed Greshko <egreshko@cosmo.twntpe.cdc.com> 15-Apr-1994 ]
- The *major* reason is that there is no standard for uuencode. While
- it is popular, the many flavors of uuencode in existence make it a
- prime candidate for *non*-interoperability.
- [ John Gardiner Myers <jgm+@CMU.EDU> 1-Jun-1994 ]
- Some gateways damage messages in the more common uuencode formats.
- Gateways that convert between EBCDIC and ASCII, in particular, tend to
- damage some of the characters used in the uuencode format. The base64
- encoding is designed to be invulnerable to all known gateways.
- { Additional information, horror stories, etc., welcome. }
- --------------------------------
- 3.10) How can I use uuencode with MIME?
- The following idea from Nathaniel may be useful. For some examples of
- this in action, see the newsgroup clari.feature.dilbert.
- [ Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb@thumper.bellcore.com> 4-Nov-93 ]
- I recently convinced myself that you can use multipart/alternative
- to get a nice effect for both MIME-smart recipients and
- uuencode-loving recipients, although it is ugly and wasteful:
- Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary=foo
- --foo
- Content-type: application/octet-stream; name=foo.uu
- ...uuencoded data goes here....
- --foo
- Content-type: real-mime-type
- Content-type: base64
- base64-encoded data goes here
- --foo--
- A good MIME viewer will only use the second part, the real MIME
- data. A uuencode-oriented system, however, should ignore everything
- EXCEPT the uuencoded data, because of the way uuencode works
- (everything before the "begin" line and after the "end" line is
- ignored).
- I certainly wouldn't want to recommend the above as standard
- practice, but I imagine that are enclaves or situations where it
- could be useful.
- --
- 4) MIME information available from the Internet
- -----------------------------------------------
- 4.1) Anonymous FTP
- Information about FTPable stuff is scattered throughout this FAQ.
- More specifically, look into the RFCs. Other goodies can be found in
- the MH and MetaMail source trees:
- ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb
- This contains a collection of MIME sample messages which can be used
- to test implementations.
- --------------------------------
- 4.2) Mail based archive servers
- 4.2.1) Eitech "ServiceMail"
- [ Jay C. Weber <weber@eitech.COM> 13-Oct-1992 ]
- We (Enterprise Integration Technologies Corporation) have a MIME
- implementation, which we are distributing freely. Instead of a
- MIME MUA, it is a toolkit for building services that automatically
- process MIME messages. It is similar, in spirit, to the few other
- e-mail-scripting packages except:
- o it exploits several MIME features
- o it is intended to run standalone (as opposed to a back-end to a MUA)
- o it uses TCL (from Berkeley) as its scripting language
- and support for PEM is in the works.
- EIT is providing ServiceMail access to the ServiceMail toolkit.
- If you have the METAMAIL or some other MIME-compliant mail reader,
- just send the message
- To: services@eitech.com
- Subject: archive-request servicemail.tar.Z
- and read the response(s) using METAMAIL. Save the result in
- servicemail.tar.Z
- The package can also be retrieved by anonymous FTP from the site
- eitech.com.
- If you have any problems with acquisition, installation, or use,
- don't hesitate to send mail to "servicemail-help@eitech.com" and
- ask for help.
- on it, send a message to "services@eitech.com" with subject
- "listserv subscribe pact-kit your-real-name".
- --------------------------------
- 4.2.2) Metamail "mailserver"
- [ Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb@thumper.bellcore.com> 9-Jan-1993 ]
- The metamail distribution includes a simple "mailserver" shell
- script that can be used to operate a MIME-conformant mail server
- mechanism, e.g. for making anon-ftp files available as MIME mail.
- ServiceMail is also now available under the "contrib" area of the
- metamail distribution.
- 4.3) Gopher
- [ Randall Atkinson <atkinson@tengwar.itd.nrl.navy.mil> 2-Jan-1993 ]
- There is experimental work underway in the Internet Gopher community
- to include MIME as a mechanism for marking the content of files.
- The freely distributable Gopher client for NeXTstep 3.0 includes
- MIME support. Other gopher clients will probably add it eventually.
- --------------------------------
- 4.4) World Wide Web
- [ Marc VanHeyningen <mvanheyn@cs.indiana.edu> 26-Jun-1993 ]
- There is more-than-experimental work underway in the Internet World
- Wide Web (WWW) community to use MIME as the mechanism for marking
- the contents of information exchanged via HyperText Transfer
- Protocol (HTTP); the specification of HTTP/1.0 dictates that both
- the request and the response are more or less MIME-compliant
- messages. There are implementations already doing this today.
- Support is also included for format negotiation (e.g. a server
- might have both a PostScript and a plaintext version of a paper
- and decide which to send based on what the client can accept,
- presentation preferences, size, and the like.) It's nearly as
- complicated as the "badness" mechanisms in TeX, and unrelated to
- (and, for its application, probably superior to) the
- multipart/alternative MIME type.
- There is an FAQ for WWW in comp.infosystems.www
- --
- 5) Published books and articles
- -------------------------------
- - "The Internet Message: closing the book with electronic mail"
- Marshall T. Rose
- Prentice-Hall
- ISBN 0-13-092941-7
- This book is a complete review of the Internet world of electronic
- mail, including recent developments. There is considerable detail,
- and it would make the perfect companion to the mail RFCs for any
- budding implementor.
- On the other hand, the detail should be quite easy to skip for those
- interested in just an overview.
- As usual, Marshall's informed and often vigorous opinions are clearly
- marked off as "soapboxes", to be objectively skipped or delightedly
- sought out, according to preference.
- One chapter of the book is devoted to MIME.
- - Connexions Sep 1992
- [ Alec Henderson <alech@hpindda.cup.hp.com> 18-Dec-1992 ]
- There is a good introductory article on MIME in the September 1992
- issue of Connexions; also several other interesting articles on
- e-mail, both MIME and X.400. (Ole Jacobsen, the Connexions
- editor, was kind enough to send me a copy of the September issue.)
- --
- 6) MIME based relays for commercial mail services
- -------------------------------------------------
- 6.1) Large national or international providers
- { Lots missing here. Anyone got any info these, or any others? }
- { America On-line }
- { Dialog }
- { Genie }
- { MCI Mail }
- { Sprintmail }
- --------------------------------
- 6.1.1) ATTMAIL
- [ Steve <atthelp@attmail.com> 30-Dec-1992 ]
- We do support binary attachment but are not MIME compliant nor do
- we have an X.400 to MIME conversion header routine. This is 'in the
- works', however, and due to overwhelming interest by our users and
- other prmd's, research and development are currently engaged in
- working on the issue. I do not have any information on when this
- will be available, but will let you know when I receive word of our
- MIME status.
- --------------------------------
- 6.1.2) CompuServe
- [ Pat Farrell <pfarrell@netcom.com> 31-Dec-1993 ]
- CompuServe's main mail service is ASCII text based, and is not MIME
- compliant. CompuServe provides robust, reliable mail transport of
- binary files. CompuServe invented and copyrighted the GIF format
- which is supported by MIME. There are commercial and freeware client
- programs for Macs and PCs that can provide "user friendly" access to
- CompuServe's text and binary mail services, display GIF files, and
- interact with CompuServe's forums. (CompuServe forums are roughly
- equivalent to USENET newsfeeds.)
- --------------------------------
- 6.1.3) RadioMail
- [ Jerry Sweet <jsweet@irvine.com> 21-Mar-1994 ]
- RadioMail Corp. (formerly Anterior Technology) operates two types
- of e-mail services having these statuses with respect to MIME:
- 1. cc:Mail/Internet gatewaying. cc:Mail does permit binary
- attachments of various types, and these attachments are encoded by
- the gateway for transfer via SMTP, but the encoding is not presently
- MIME-compliant. This may change.
- 2. Wireless e-mail gatewaying. Because the RadioMail gateway passes
- a limited set of headers, MIME messages per se do not traverse
- the gateway intact. 7-bit-encoded MIME messages may traverse the
- gateway if encapsulated, e.g. using RFC 934. However, RadioMail
- does not presently supply MIME-compliant user agents for use on
- radio modem equipped MS-DOS and Macintosh computers. This will
- change.
- { Should coordinate this with the global e-mail list that is posted to }
- { comp.mail.misc. }
- --------------------------------
- 6.2) Local and regional providers
- { Any info? Should coordinate this with e.g. the PDIAL list. }
- --
- End of Part 1
- *************
- --
- ~Newsgroups: comp.mail.mime,comp.answers,news.answers
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zib-berlin.de!news.belwue.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!uunet!MathWorks.Com!news.alpha.net!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!shrike.irvine.com!jsweet
- ~From: mime-faq@ics.uci.edu (MIME FAQ maintainer)
- ~Subject: comp.mail.mime frequently asked questions list (FAQ) (2/3)
- Content-Type: message/partial; number=2; total=3; id="<mime_781738764@irvine.com>"
- ~References: <mime-faq1_781738764@irvine.com>
- Followup-To: comp.mail.mime
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Originator: jsweet@fester.irvine.com
- ~Sender: usenet@irvine.com (News Administration)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Organization: Irvine Compiler Corp., Irvine, California, USA
- ~Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 21:40:11 GMT
- Supersedes: <mime-faq2_778723067@irvine.com>
- Message-ID: <mime-faq2_781738764@irvine.com>
- Summary: This posting contains answers to some of the Frequently Asked
- Questions about MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
- Please read it before posting a question to comp.mail.mime.
- Expires: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 21:39:24 GMT
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- ~Reply-To: mime-faq@ics.uci.edu (MIME FAQ maintainer)
- ~Lines: 1605
- ~Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de comp.mail.mime:4590 comp.answers:7729 news.answers:29903
- Archive-Name: mail/mime-faq/part2
- Version: $Id: mime2,v 3.9 1994/10/09 21:35:40 jsweet Rel $
- Posting-Frequency: monthly
- --
- ==========================================================
- comp.mail.mime frequently asked questions list (FAQ) (2/3)
- ==========================================================
- Part 2: MIME products
- ~~~~~~
- --
- Overview
- --------
- This is part 2 of a Frequently Asked Questions document about MIME, the
- multipurpose and multi-media standard for Internet mail.
- Part 1 covers frequently asked questions.
- Part 2 is a listing of MIME products.
- Part 3 covers advanced topics.
- --
- 7) Freely available MIME software packages
- ------------------------------------------
- This section lists MIME-capable or MIME-enabling libraries, conversion
- tools, extension packages, mail user agents, and mail transport
- systems.
- Tools that are explicitly designed for handling MIME in USENET news
- are discussed in section 9, although many of the packages in this
- section also deal with USENET news.
- --------------------------------
- 7.1) Libraries
- Name: c-client
- Product: MUA library code
- Platform: Unix, Macintosh, MS-DOS, TOPS-20
- Where:
- Author: Mark Crispin
- Comments:
- [ comp.mail.misc FAQ ]
- Software writers only:
- c-client is a general library useful for creating MUA's. It
- provides a Application Program Interface for retrieving and
- manipulating mail messages. It supports the latest draft of
- MIME. It is driver based, and easily ported to new platforms and
- MTAs. The currently supported platforms include various versions
- of BSD and SysV Unix, MS-DOS, Macintosh and even TOPS-20(!). It
- supports mailboxes in /usr/spool/mail, mbox, mail.txt, mh, carmel
- format, as well as remote mailbox access via the IMAP2 protocol
- described in RFC 1176 and extended by the IMAP2bis extensions.
- c-client does not contain any user interface. Rather, it contains
- everything else that goes into an MUA. c-client is called with
- such functions as mail_open(), mail_fetchheader(), mail_setflag(),
- etc.
- Just the thing if you want to write a new MUA.
- Contact the author (Mark Crispin <mrc@panda.com>) for more details.
- Name: mimelite
- Product: library
- Platform: ANSI C
- Where: ftp://oslonett.no/Software/MsDos/Kommunikasjon/Offline/mimelt20.zip
- Author: Gisle Hannemyr <gisle@oslonett.no>
- Comments:
- [ Gisle Hannemyr <gisle@oslonett.no> 20-May-1994 ]
- "mimelite" is a simple, lightweight library written in ANSI C that
- supports the parsing of MIME headers and encoding/decoding of body
- parts, suitable for inclusion in offline-readers.
- If you develop mail and newsreader software (user agents), you
- can link mimelite with your own program to make it support a
- significant subset of MIME (namely the Content-Transfer-Encodings
- 7BIT, 8BIT, BASE64 and QUOTED-PRINTABLE). mimelite also supports
- conversion between the ISO Latin 1 character set used for European
- character sets on USENET/Internet and PC-based character sets
- (e.g. Macintosh, IBM CP-437 and CP-850).
- The distribution archive also contains UNMIME, a standalone program
- to decode MIMEd messages encoded with BASE64 or QUOTED-PRINTABLE
- encoding.
- The mimelite library is general enough to work in a number of
- contexts, but it has been designed to work well on MS-DOS (where
- memory is a scarce resource). Its main application is intended to
- help extend MS-DOS-based "offline-readers" for RFC-822 and RFC-1036
- conformant messages to also support RFC-1521 and RFC-1522.
- --------------------------------
- 7.2) Conversion tools and extension packages
- Name: emil
- Product: tool
- Platform: Unix
- Where: ftp://ftp.uu.se/pub/unix/networking/mail/emil/
- Where: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/unix/mail/emil/
- Author: Martin Wendel <martin@alba.udac.uu.se>
- Comments:
- [ Martin Wendel <martin@alba.udac.uu.se> 8-Apr-1994 ]
- Emil is a tool for converting between message formats used by
- MIME, Eudora, SUN mailtool, PC and Mac based clients, etc. It is
- easily extensible. It can work either standalone, as an argument
- driven filter program, or, if linked with sendmail-5.67b+IDA-1.5
- or sendmail-8.6.8, as a mail gateway convertering messages sent
- between various types of Internet mail clients. It will give
- a possibility to convert encoding formats of attachments and
- convert character sets of text. It can make a heterogenous mail
- environment, consisting of various types of mail clients, act as
- a homogenous environment; for instance sending only MIME based
- messages to the outside world.
- Name: encdec
- Product: tool
- Platform: ISO C
- Where: ftp://ftp.efd.lth.se/pub/mail/encdec.c.gz
- Author: Joergen Haegg <jh@efd.lth.se>
- Comments:
- encdec is a simple standalone encoder/decoder for base64 and quoted
- printable written in ISO C.
- Name: exmh
- Product: MUA
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://parcftp.xerox.com/pub/exmh/exmh-1.4.1.tar.Z
- Where: ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/exmh-1.4.1.tar.gz
- Author:
- Contact: "Brent Welch" <welch@parc.xerox.com>
- Comments:
- [ "Larry W. Virden" <lwv26@cas.org> 13-Aug-1994 ]
- A Tk based UI to MH. Supports nested folders, MIME/metamail.
- Name: metamail
- Product: MUA and tools
- Platform: Unix Amiga MS-DOS
- Where: ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/mm2.7.tar.Z
- The metamail distribution that Nathaniel Borenstein supports.
- Where: ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/contrib2.7.tar.Z
- Contributed sources.
- Where: ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/mm2.7.dos.zip
- MS-DOS binaries
- Author: Nathaniel Borenstein
- Comments:
- [ Paul Eggert <eggert@bi.twinsun.com> ]
- Metamail is a software implementation of MIME, designed for easy
- integration with traditional mail-reading interfaces -- typically,
- users do not invoke metamail directly. Ideally, extending the
- local e-mail or news system to handle a new media format is a
- simple matter of adding a line to a mailcap file. Mailcap files
- are described in RFC 1343.
- Name: MHonArc
- Product: HTML conversion tool
- Platform: Unix
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu:/pub/dtd2html/MHonArc1.0.0.tar.gz
- Author: Earl Hood <ehood@convex.com>
- [ Earl Hood <ehood@convex.com> 2-Oct-1994 ]
- MHonArc is a Perl program for converting e-mail messages as specified
- in RFC 822 and RFC 1521 (MIME) to HTML. MHonArc can perform the
- following tasks:
- * Convert mh(1) mail folders or mail(1) style mailboxes into an HTML
- mail archive.
- * Add new e-mail messages to an existing HTML mail archive generated
- by MHonArc.
- * Convert a single message to HTML.
- An index page is created when an archive is generated. MHonArc allows
- complete customization over the appearance of the index page including
- the ability to insert user defined HTML markup and content-type
- sensitive icons for the mail messages processed.
- For details refer to http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/mhonarc.doc.html
- The x-types handled by MHonArc are listed in section 3 of this FAQ.
- Name: MIME for VM/CMS
- Product:
- Platform: VM/CMS
- Where: gopher://ricevm1.rice.edu
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Rick Troth <TROTH@ricevm1.rice.edu> 21-Jul-1993 ]
- This MIME decoder is available via Gopher from ricevm1.rice.edu
- under "Other freely distributable CMS software", which is under
- "CMS Gopher Software".
- It correctly reads:
- o text/plain,
- o text/richtext, and
- o image/gif.
- GIFs require the VMGIF package from Belgium. I need filters for
- PBM and PGM and then they'd work too. Sounds are not useful on
- the standard 3270 terminal (dumb terminals just don't play sounds).
- It splits out multipart/[anything] into separate files. CMS has a
- standard directory "browser" (FILELIST) that lets you view a bunch
- of related files and decide what, if anything, you want to do with
- them.
- Message/external-body doesn't work well, but probably will given
- more development time. I could use some samples to help with the
- debugging of that part.
- It does NOT do applications, except for the one, octet-stream.
- (which is treated as a kind-of "sendfile" utility) There *is* a
- PostScript interpreter for CMS, but it is reported to be a dog (we
- don't have it). But I do hope to put the extraction code in for
- these eventually.
- If a given content-type isn't understood, you just view the item
- as-is.
- For composition, there's no CHARSET= parameter on the
- Content-Type: text/plain line. It's EBCDIC until it gets into
- SMTP, then it's ASCII, then it might be anything, so I've left off
- the CHARSET= parameter.
- An "attach" command is added to RiceMAIL when you run this, which
- would then change the message from text/plain to multipart/mixed
- and append the attachment after a boundary. Attachments don't
- "close" properly; that is, the final boundary isn't correct, but is
- correctly processed by all of the MIME compliant readers I've
- checked. (there's some feature of RiceMAIL that causes this)
- This thing is based on CMS Pipelines, so adding features is easy
- since we now have the base for MIME processing.
- Name: MIME tools for GNU Emacs
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix
- Where: ftp://wnoc-fuk.wide.ad.jp/pub/GNU/etc/emacs-mime-tools.shar
- Author: Masanobu UMEDA
- Comments:
- [ Masanobu UMEDA <umerin@mse.kyutech.ac.jp> 07-Aug-1993 ]
- MIME tools that consist of "mime.el", "rmailmime.el" and
- "metamail.el" are tools for reading and composition of MIME
- messages for GNU Emacs and its variants. "mime.el" is a simple
- MIME message composer that works with mail mode, news mode, and
- mhe letter mode. Messages of plain and richtext text, audio, and
- image, and multipart messages of them can be composed by using
- "mime.el". "rmailmime.el" is for reading MIME messages within
- Rmail. "metamail.el" is an interface to metamail. The metamail
- package is required by these tools.
- Name: MIME tools for NeXT
- Product: editor
- Platform: NeXT
- Where:
- Author: Dave Lacey
- Comments:
- [ Dave Lacey <dave@blackbox.isca.uiowa.edu> ]
- I'd like to keep you apprised of some MIME work I'm doing. I'm
- interested in using MIME as a transport medium for multi-media
- gopher documents. My particular use is for Radiology info, but it
- would work for just about anything.
- I've got a NeXT Gopher client almost working and I also have a
- NeXT based MIME file editor that reads/creates MIME documents.
- Both work, but need a bit more extension. I will likely
- distribute the source to this, so the MIME reader (which is
- essentially an object) can be re-used in other apps.
- Name: mpack
- Product: MUA/utility
- Platform: Unix, MS-DOS, Macintosh, Amiga
- Where: ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/mpack/mpack-1.4-src.tar.Z
- Sources for all versions
- Where: ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/mpack/mpack-1.4-pc.zip
- MS-DOS binaries
- Where: ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/mpack/mpack-1.4-mac.hqx
- Macintosh binary
- Where: ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/mpack/mpack-1.4-amiga.lha
- Amiga binaries
- Author: John Gardiner Myers, Chris Newman (Mac), Mike Meyer (Amiga)
- Comments:
- [ John Gardiner Myers <jgm+@CMU.EDU> 1-Jun-1994 ]
- Mpack is a minimal implementation of MIME, designed for encoding and
- decoding binary files in MIME messages. In short, it is the MIME
- equivalent of uuencode and uudecode. For backwards compatibility,
- it can also decode messages in split-uuencoded format. The Macintosh
- port can also handle AppleSingle, AppleDouble, and BinHex.
- Name: n2m
- Product: conversion tool
- Platform: NeXT
- Where: ftp://nexus.yorku.ca/pub/n2m.shar
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Dave Collier-Brown <davecb@ccs.yorku.ca> 04-Jan-1993 ]
- Nn2m is a program that converts a file containing a NeXT-format
- multimedia message into a file containing a MIME-format multimedia
- message.
- It is usable on Berkeley-derived systems, or ones otherwise using
- /usr/lib/sendmail as a mail transfer agent. It is in use on SunOS
- 4.1.1 and Ultrix 4.2, tested briefly on Aix 3.2 and NeXT.
- Description: it is used with non-NeXT mail user agents to convert
- NeXT mail to MIME, which is intelligible to more than just the NeXT
- mail program. The resulting file will usually be more intelligible
- to non-multimedia mail user agents.
- The textual part of the mail is converted into text, as well as
- Microsoft RTF, and the attachments follow, as text/plain wherever
- possible, as base64 encoded binaries otherwise. This suffices for
- messages with ASCII files pasted into them.
- Caveat: This is a converter, not a translator: the conversion of
- sound and of the initial "index.rft" file is not correctness-
- preserving.
- Name: Safe-TCL (Enabled Mail)
- Product: extension package
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mrose/safe-tcl/safe-tcl.tar.Z
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mrose/safe-tcl/safe-tcl-contrib.tar.Z
- Author: Marshall T. Rose
- Contact: safe-tcl-request@uunet.uu.net
- Comments:
- [ "Larry W. Virden" <lwv26@cas.org> 13-Aug-1994 ]
- Incoming email processing tool based on Tcl. Software also available
- which can build MIME messages and send them. Incoming email
- processing includes ability to execute encapsulated Tcl programs at
- delivery or upon viewing.
- [ Jerry Sweet <jsweet@irvine.com> 5-Sep-1994 ]
- Papers about Enabled Mail and Safe-TCL are available from these
- sources:
- ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/st/em-model.txt
- ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/st/safe-tcl.ps
- ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/st/safe-tcl.txt
- Name: sun-to-mime
- Product: conversion tool
- Platform: OpenWindows
- Where: ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/MIME/sun-to-mime.perl
- Where: ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/MIME/sun-to-mime.c
- Author: Keith Moore
- Comments:
- [ Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu> 27-Dec-1992 ]
- A perl script (and conversion to C of same) that converts
- OpenWindows mail to MIME. Body parts currently supported are:
- text, gif, Sun rasterfile (converted to image/gif), postscript, and
- audio. Other types default to application/octet-stream. It's easy
- to extend the set of types supported and to add conversions, if
- necessary.
- The script requires uuencode, uudecode, zcat (aka uncompress),
- and the "convert" program from ImageMagick. If you don't have
- ImageMagick you can probably substitute the pbm stuff with little
- fuss.
- Name: uu-to-mime
- Product: conversion tool
- Platform: perl
- Where: ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/MIME/uu-to-mime.perl
- Author: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>
- Comments:
- A perl script that translates an RFC 822 message containing a single
- uuencoded file to a MIME message containing a base64-encoded file.
- --------------------------------
- 7.3) Mail user agents and transport systems
- Name: Andrew
- Product: Multimedia system
- Platform: Unix
- Where:
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Susan Straub <susan+@andrew.cmu.edu> 11-Jan-1993 ]
- Andrew is a very large and ambitious software system developed at
- Carnegie Mellon University. It is installed at hundreds of sites
- throughout the world, and includes a multimedia document editor,
- help system, and various other utilities. In particular, it
- includes a feature-rich program, "messages", which can read and
- send mail and news articles in MIME format, including images,
- audio, richtext, and more. Andrew is available in binary release
- for several Unix system architectures, and also in source form.
- Be warned that the source distribution is itself about 50
- megabytes, but you really are getting a LOT of stuff. For
- information on how to obtain a copy of Andrew, send mail to
- info-andrew-request@andrew.cmu.edu.
- Name: elm
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix
- Where:
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Syd Weinstein <syd@dsinc.dsi.com> 21-Dec-1992 ]
- Elm support for MIME:
- 2.3 - uses metamail supplied patch from Nathaniel Borenstein.
- 2.4:
- reading: detects MIME headers and calls metamail automatically
- if the message cannot be displayed on the current screen using
- the native capabilities of the display (recognizes some char
- sets as native)
- sending: detects [include ] markers and makes them MIME attachments.
- Still very 'crude', but its all we had time for, as to the
- release deadline of 'Elm' and MIME.
- 3.x:
- reading: probably no change from 2.x, but will understand
- some 'file storage' types and allow for splitting off attachments
- on their own.
- sending: will allow defining attachments to be added and auto build
- the MIME stuff, in addition to the [include ] syntax.
- release status:
- 2.3: obsolete
- 2.4: Current PL is 23.
- 3.x: not planned until some time in 1994.
- Name: Eudora 1.4.2
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Macintosh MS-Windows
- Where: ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/quest/eudora/windows/1.4/eudor142.exe
- Where: ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/quest/eudora/mac/1.4/eudora142.hqx
- Where: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/computing/systems/ibmpc/windows3/winsock/eudora14.exe
- Author: Steve Dorner <sdorner@qualcomm.com>
- Author: Jeff Beckley <beckley@qualcomm.com> (Windows Version)
- Comments:
- Eudora 1.4 is a MUA for Macs and PCs that uses POP3 and SMTP and
- supports MIME. A commercial version is also available: see the next
- section.
- Name: HUyMail
- Product: MTA/MUA
- Platform: VMS
- Where: ftp://ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/unsupported/vms/local/local/huymail*.bck
- Author: Yehavi Bourvine
- Comments:
- [ Yehavi Bourvine <YEHAVI@vms.huji.ac.il> 22-Jul-1993 ]
- HUyMailer is a store and forward mailer for VAX/VMS and AXP/VMS
- systems which supports as transports: DECnet, Multinet/TcpIp,
- HUJI-NJE and PMDF. The software is available freely for
- non-commercial use as a C source code.
- The mailer supports two users' interfaces: VMS/MAIL (to which the
- connection is done via MAIL11 DECnet connection) or a locally
- written interface called BMAIL. BMAIL is a menu oriented interface
- which supports MIME and Hebrew.
- Name: Iride
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Macintosh
- Where: ftp://gnbts.univ.trieste.it/mime/Iride.sea.hqx
- Author: GNBTS
- Comments:
- [ From the README ]
- Iride is (or will be -- it's currently in beta test) an
- implementation of a MIME user agent on the Apple Macintosh
- computer. It was developed as part of a project of the GNBTS -
- Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria sezione di Trieste, for the
- integration of multimedia mail with hospital data storing
- facilities, in particular for the transfer of bioimages.
- This is a far from a complete MIME implementation, but I think
- it is quite usable.
- To use it you need:
- o Macintosh with MacTCP 1.1 or better installed
- o 32 bit ColorQuickDraw if you want to use images
- o audio input device if you want to create audio messages
- o connection to a SMTP mail relay
- o connection to a POP3 server
- MIME types supported:
- text/plain charset=US-ASCII only
- text/richtext (no tool for composing richtext yet)
- audio/basic
- audio/X-macaudio generated when a NOT sampled audio pasted in
- image/GIF
- image/X-macPICT generated when color QuickDraw is missing only
- multipart/mixed each part is shown in a different window
- MUST change this
- multipart/parallel
- multipart/alternative handled as multipart/mixed
- MUST change this
- Name: mercurius
- Product: MUA
- Platform:
- Where: ftp://ftp.lii.unitn.it/pub/mercurius/mercurius.tar.Z
- Author:
- Contact: mercurius-bugs@lii.unitn.it
- Comments:
- [ "Larry W. Virden" <lwv26@cas.org> 13-Aug-1994 ]
- Mercurius facilitates composing and reading multimedia electronic
- messages compliant with the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- (MIME).
- Name: MEUF [Mail Extended Using Faces]
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix/X
- Where: ftp://ftp.inria.fr
- Where: ftp://ftp.enst.fr
- Contact: Daniel.Glazman@der.edf.fr
- Author: Daniel Glazman
- Comments:
- [ Daniel Glazman <glazman@cli51ak.der.edf.fr> 23-Sep-1994 ]
- Meuf is a student project I developed at Ecole Nationale
- Superieure des Telecommunications de Paris with the System
- staff. It has grown A LOT to become a MIME-native MUA running
- under Xt/Xaw.
- Earlier non-MIME versions (1.3 and 1.4) are available by anonymous
- ftp from ftp.inria.fr and ftp.enst.fr.
- Currently developed version 3.0 will be released as a freely
- available product as soon as I'll get the authorization. Code has
- features:
- Pure MUA features:
- * Faces (48x48 XBM bitmaps) display using the X-Faces
- header field and included logos distribution
- * does not rely on "faces" package
- * folders (also with Faces display)
- * waste basket
- * messages sort by date, subject, length, ...
- * unlimited aliases
- * .face, .signature, .prologue, /usr/games/fortune handling
- * automagically deleted messages
- * References, Priority, Bcc, Return-Receipt-To handling
- * "Trusted Users" features
- * ignored header fields
- * online help
- * drag and drop for messages/folders management
- * interactive Face design
- * "Properties" windows
- MIME features:
- * does not rely on "metamail" package
- * full MIME composition and restitution for non-textual
- parts and text/plain
- * multiparts composition and restitution
- * basic text/richtext and text/enriched restitution
- * mailcap mechanism
- * Sun-Attachments parsing
- * MIME incorporation
- * MIME-clipboard (copy/paste of MIME parts between messages)
- * extraction of forwarded MIME-messages for MIME restitution
- * User's Guide (PS), Admin. Guide (PS)
- Successfully compiled and used with:
- Sun SunOs 4.1.x and Solaris 2.x
- HP 9000/7xx HP-UX > 9.01
- DECstation Ultrix
- IBM RS6000 AIX > 3.2.4
- Convex
- More information at http://lara0.exp.edf.fr/glazman/meuf.html
- Availability will be announced in comp.mail.mime newsgroup.
- Name: MH 6.8
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/mh/mh-6.8.tar.Z
- Where: ftp://louie.udel.edu/portal/mh-6.8.tar.Z
- Author:
- Comments:
- MIME support is available for the MH message handling system; the
- primary reader and generator is the program mhn(1) although other MH
- programs are also changed. The current release of MH is 6.8, the first
- to include MIME support when appropriately installed. mhn does not
- use the mailcap mechanism described in RFC 1343.
- A tutorial for mhn is available:
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mh/contrib/multimedia/mhn-tutorial.tex
- ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mh/contrib/multimedia/mhn-tutorial.sty
- ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mh/contrib/multimedia/mhn-tutorial.ps
- See the newsgroup comp.mail.mh for further information.
- Name: MIXMH
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix with X
- Where: ftp://aun.uninett.no/pub/mail/mixmh/mixmh-0.3.tar.Z
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Harald Tveit Alvestrand <Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no> 10-Dec-1992 ]
- This version is based on XMH version 1.6 from SEI, Carnegie Mellon.
- It supports sending MIME with extended character sets in the headers
- (per RFC 1342) and the body (per RFC 1341 text/plain). It has
- limited support for multipart messages.
- The source is freely redistributable and modifiable.
- As you can see from the version number, it is still not considered
- fully stable. Bugs may be reported to mixmh-bugs@uninett.no
- Information and discussion will take place on mixmh-info@uninett.no;
- mail to mixmh-info-request@uninett.no to join.
- Name: Pegasus mail
- Product: MUA
- Platform: MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Macintosh
- Where: ftp://risc.ua.edu/pub/network/pegasus/*
- Author: David Harris <david@pmail.gen.nz>
- Comments:
- [ James Ford <JFORD@ua1vm.ua.edu> 2-Nov-1993 ]
- Pegasus Mail is an E-Mail package for Novell network v2.15 and higher
- that supports MHS (natively) and SMTP. The MS-DOS version (v3.01a)
- is MIME compliant; the MS-Windows version should be by mid-November.
- I do not know the timetable for the Mac version. You can either
- get a PC-based SMTP gateway for it (Charon, by Brad Clements) or a
- (Netware v3.11) NLM-based version (Mercury, by David Harris) from
- risc.ua.edu. I believe that the SMTP gateway Mercury supports 8-bit
- MIME encoding.
- Name: Pine
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix
- Where: ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/pine.tar.Z
- Author: Laurence Lundblade, Michael Seibel, Mark Crispin
- Comments:
- [ From the release notes 21-Sep-1993 ]
- Pine(tm) --a Program for Internet News & E-Mail-- is a tool for
- reading, sending, and managing electronic messages. It was designed
- specifically with novice computer users in mind, but can be tailored
- to accommodate the needs of "power users" as well. Pine uses
- Internet message protocols (e.g. RFC-822, SMTP, MIME, IMAP, NNTP)
- and runs on Unix and MS-DOS.
- The guiding principles for Pine's user-interface were: careful
- limitation of features, one-character mnemonic commands,
- always-present command menus, immediate user feedback, and high
- tolerance for user mistakes. It is intended that Pine can be learned
- by exploration rather than reading manuals. Feedback from the
- University of Washington community and a growing number of Internet
- sites has been encouraging.
- Pine's message composition editor, Pico, is also available as a
- separate stand-alone program. Pico is a very simple and easy-to-use
- text editor offering paragraph justification, cut/paste, and a
- spelling checker.
- [ David L Miller <dlm@cac.washington.edu> 31-Aug-1994 ]
- For more information, see http://www.cac.washington.edu/pine/
- Name: Tkmailto
- Product: MUA
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/code/tkmailto-1.0.tar.gz
- Author:
- Contact: "Johan Lindbladh" <tet90jl@tintin.hik.se>
- Comments:
- [ "Larry W. Virden" <lwv26@cas.org>, 13-Aug-1994 ]
- Alpha version Tk-based mail composer which supports MIME. Requires
- Safe-Tcl 1.1.
- --
- 8) Commercial MIME software packages
- ------------------------------------
- Name: Echelon
- Product: MUA
- Platform: NEXTSTEP
- Contact: ak272@freenet.acsu.buffalo.edu
- Author: Doug Boyce <ak272@freenet.acsu.buffalo.edu>
- Comments:
- Echelon is a MUA for NEXTSTEP that can decode, display, and compose both
- NeXTmail and MIME. Most MIME types are supported. A demo version is
- available from
- Where: ftp://nova.cc.purdue.edu/pub/next/submissions/Echelon_1.12.tar.gz
- Name: ECSMail
- Product: MUA/MTA
- Platform: Unix, NT, OS/2, OpenVMS, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Mac System 7
- Contact: ECS Sales <ecs-sales@edm.isac.ca>
- Phone: +1 403 420 8081
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Steve Hole <steve@edm.isac.ca> 24-Aug-1993 ]
- ECSMail is an electronic mail product for building enterprise mail
- systems. It is designed from start to finish as a system for
- establishing mail services throughout an organization, with external
- organizations and the world information system in general. It does
- this by using a completely standards based architecture.
- ECSMail is comprised of the following system components:
- ECSMail MUA Set - a set of Mail User Agents (MUA)
- ECSMail MTA Set - a set of Message Transport Agents (MTA)
- ECSMail MS Set - a set of Message Services (MS)
- All components support both MIME/822 and X.400, and run under
- Unix, Microsoft NT, OS/2, OpenVMS. Additionally, the MUA Set runs
- under MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and Mac System 7.
- Pricing for the ECS products and ISA business information can be
- obtained by contacting:
- ECS Sales
- 835 10040 - 104 Street
- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- T5J 0Z2
- Phone: 403-420-8081
- Fax: 403-420-8037
- or by sending a request through electronic mail to the address:
- ECS Sales <ecs-sales@edm.isac.ca>
- Name: Eudora 2.0.2
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Macintosh
- Contact: eudora-sales@qualcomm.com
- Author: Steve Dorner <sdorner@qualcomm.com>
- Author: Jeff Beckley <beckley@qualcomm.com> (Windows Version)
- Comments:
- Commercial versions of Eudora with more features than the freely
- available ones.
- Information about the commercial versions of Eudora can be found at:
- ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com:/quest/eudora/windows/Eudor2Info-*.exe
- ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com:/quest/eudora/mac/Eudora2Info-*.sea.hqx
- Name: IBM multimedia mail
- Product:
- Platform: OS/2
- Contact: Jerry Cuomo <gcuomo@watson.ibm.com>
- Author: IBM
- Comments:
- [ Larry Salomon Jr <os2man@panix.com> 10-Dec-1992 ]
- I'm not going to follow this group, but I wanted to state that IBM -
- at the T.J. Watson Research Center - is developing a multimedia mail
- application for OS/2 which is based on the Mime spec. They demoed
- it at Interop.
- For more information, including (probably) how to become a test site
- (I haven't confirmed whether they're actually going to do this,
- but they've done it before), contact the department manager, Jerry
- Cuomo, at gcuomo@watson.ibm.com.
- Name: iGate
- Product: WordPerfect Office gateway
- Platform:
- Contact: smart@actrix.gen.nz
- Author: Smart Systems
- Comments:
- [ Quentin Smart <smart@acme.gen.nz> 25-Sep-1993 ]
- iGate provides seamless connectivity to SMTP mail from WordPerfect
- office. Running as a native gateway under the Office Connection
- server and incorporting a TCP/IP stack iGate is a complete solution
- with no extras like MHS or TCP/IP stacks required.
- Further information from:
- Smart Systems
- PO Box 5017
- Wellington, New Zealand
- +64 6 3561484
- smart@actrix.gen.nz
- Name: Internet Exchange for cc:Mail
- Product: cc:Mail to SMTP/MIME Internet Mail Gateway
- Platform: MS-Windows
- Contact:
- Phone: +1 415 871 4045
- Author: International Messaging Associates
- Comments:
- [ Tim Kehres <kehres@ima.com> 08-Dec-1993 ]
- For cc:Mail users, Internet Exchange is the gateway of choice to
- provide standardized full multimedia connectivity between cc:Mail
- users and their Internet partners. Internet Exchange for cc:Mail
- can be used to interconnect cc:Mail networks with external users on
- the Internet as well as connecting your own internal network to your
- cc:Mail community.
- Internet Exchange for cc:Mail is the first SMTP to cc:Mail gateway
- that suports the full MIME Internet standard for exchanging rich
- media multipart messages. This means that your cc:Mail users can
- now exchange any attachment types with Internet based mail systems.
- By using the MIME standard, Internet Exchange for cc:Mail users
- will be assured future compatibility with other MIME compliant mail
- gateways.
- To simplify administration and management, the Internet Exchange
- System Manager runs under Windows 3.1. On screen buttons provide
- administration access into the gateway operations. Managers can
- easily view and modify all gateway activity. Message routing is
- accomplished using any combination of host tables,Domain Name System
- (DNS) lookup, and default mail host routing.
- Name: Ishmail
- Product: MUA
- Platform: SunOS, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and UnixWare
- Contact: info@hal.com
- Phone: +1 800 762 0253 or +1 512 834 9962
- Where: ftp://ftp.halsoft.com
- Pricing: $99 U.S. for single user. Multi-user/site license discounts.
- Author: HaL Software Systems
- Comments:
- [ Frank Bieser <frankb@hal.com> 21-Jun-1994 ]
- Ishmail is a MIME-capable e-mail tool with a Motif graphical user
- interface. Ishmail includes the following features:
- - Full support of MIME data types: plain text, rich text, GIF,
- JPEG, U-LAW audio, MPEG, binary, PostScript, ODA, RFC822 mail
- message, plus user-defined extensions.
- - Message attachments supported via: local file, AFS, mail server,
- regular FTP, anonymous FTP, and TFTP.
- - Support for composing, viewing, and printing rich text messages.
- - Easily customized through GUI dialogs for fonts, definition and
- placement of custom buttons, message list sorting and format, etc.
- - Variety of user interaction methods, ranging from "drag and drop"
- and custom buttons to keyboard shortcuts.
- - Support for use of, modification, and addition of sendmail-style
- mail aliases.
- - User defined alert commands and icons, triggered by matching
- patterns in incoming mail headers.
- - On-line help cards, including context sensitive help.
- - Full end-user manual provided in PostScript format.
- - Complete hypertext version of end-user manual available via World Wide
- Web at <http://www.hal.com/products/sw/ishmail/user-guide.html>
- HaL Software Systems
- 3006 Longhorn Blvd #A-113
- Austin, TX 78758-7631
- Name: Mail*Hub
- Product:
- Platform: Control Data 4000 Series Mips-based Unix systems
- Contact: rrr@svl.cdc.com
- Author: Control Data Systems
- Comments:
- [ <rrr@duck.svl.cdc.com> 23-Dec-1992 ]
- Mail*Hub includes support for X.400, X.500, SMTP, and creating,
- viewing, and sending MIME enclosures in mail. In addition, the Fax
- Gateway portion of Mail*Hub supports sending mail with MIME
- enclosures to a Fax machine. Graphical MIME components
- (Postscript, GIF, TIFF,...) are automatically recognized and
- imaged at the receiving Fax machine.
- Name: MAIL-IT
- Product: MUA
- Platform: MS Windows 3.x
- Contact: mail-it@unipalm.co.uk
- Phone: 1-800-368-0312
- (+44) 223 250 100
- Author: Unipalm Ltd.
- Comments:
- [ Maria Porto <maria@unipalm.co.uk>, 7-Jul-1994 ]
- MAIL-IT is a Winsock-compatible SMTP/POP mail client with MIME
- functionality. By implementing Microsoft's Extended MAPI
- architecture, MAIL-IT allows mail to be sent from directly within
- MAPI-enabled applications such as Word for Windows, Excel,
- WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3 and Ami Pro, thus Internet-enabling the
- user's desktop.
- MAIL-IT benefits include:
- - support for MIME
- - implementation of Microsoft's MAPI architecture
- - full drag and drop
- - hierarchical foldering
- - uses SMTP for sending, and POP2 or POP3 for receiving mail
- - local address book
- There is a 30-day demo copy available for anonymous ftp:
- ftp://pipe.pipex.net/xtech/mail-it/mie202.zip
- Please contact us for the decrypting password.
- Name: Mail*Link SMTP for QuickMail, Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk, and
- PowerShare
- Product: Macintosh Mail systems to SMTP/MIME gateways
- Platform: Macintosh
- Contact: info@starnine.com
- Phone: 510-649-4949
- Author: StarNine Technologies, Inc.
- Comments:
- [David Thompson <david@starnine.com> 19-Sept-1994 ]
- Mail*Link SMTP 3.0 is the industry-standard for connecting
- Macintosh mail systems to each other, as well as PC, UNIX and
- host-based mail systems on corporate LANs and the Internet. The
- Mail*Link family of gateways now provides MIME support for all
- major Macintosh LAN messaging systems including QuickMail,
- Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk and PowerShare Collaboration servers.
- Per-destination processing of messages in version 3.0 allows
- gateway administrators to configure translation and enclosure
- handling methods for outgoing messages addressed to a specific
- SMTP address, domain, or host. The gateway ships with three
- preprogrammed translation methods for sending messages to users on
- PCs, UNIX, and MIME-capable systems.
- Mail*Link SMTP uses the proposed MacMIME standard to allow more
- flexibility when receiving messages with MIME-encoded Macintosh
- files. An option to encode an attachment's datafork only with
- MIME greatly increases compatibility with non-Macintosh MIME
- systems. Other enclosure handling options include
- MacBinary-UUENCODE, AppleSingle-UUENCODE, BinHex 4.0, and
- Datafork-only-UUENCODE, and StuffIt compression.
- Name: Mail*Link Internet for PowerTalk
- Product: PowerTalk to SMTP/MIME Internet Mail Gateway
- Platform: Macintosh System 7.5
- Contact: info@starnine.com
- Phone: 510-649-4949
- Author: StarNine Technologies, Inc.
- Comments:
- [David Thompson <david@starnine.com> 19-Sept-1994 ]
- Mail*Link Internet for PowerTalk is a personal gateway that allows
- System 7.5 users in SMTP/POP3 environments to exchange messages
- with Internet mail users.
- Version 1.0 supports System 7.5 and System 7 Pro Macintoshes with
- MacTCP (included) on a local area network. It uses the standard
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Post Office Protocol
- (POP3) for sending and reading mail within the LAN. If the LAN is
- connected to the Internet, PowerTalk users can also exchange
- messages with external Internet users. Version 1.5, due out in
- September, 1994 will support SLIP or PPP connections.
- Incoming Internet messages are placed in the PowerTalk universal
- mailbox on the desktop. Users can send Internet messages from
- within their preferred PowerTalk-savvy application such as
- WordPerfect, ClarisWorks, or the Finder. The gateway supports
- standard Macintosh file enclosure handling methods including
- AppleSingle-UUEncode, Datafork only-UUENCODE, MacBinary, and
- BinHex, as well as MIME.
- A 60-day trial version of the gateway is available on StarNine's
- anonymous FTP server (ftp://ftp.starnine.com/pub/evals/pt-inet)
- as well as on the CD-ROM version of Apple's System 7.5 product
- (look in the CD Extras folder).
- Name: MPOWER
- Product:
- Platform:
- Contact:
- Author: HP
- Comments:
- [ Harald Alvestrand <Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no> 22-Jan-1993 ]
- If anyone is interested, the new multimedia product from HP called
- MPOWER supports MIME format mail.
- You can drag and drop a picture onto the mail icon, and it will be
- sent as a MIME message.
- (Unfortunately, they forgot to quote the delimiter that had a dot in
- it, and PINE failed to parse that......well, it's a betatest.)
- Name: NetMail/3000
- Product: SMTP/MIME compatible electronic mail system for HP3000s
- Platform: HP3000 MPE/V, HP3000 MPE/iX
- Contact: solcentr@netcom.com (Solution Centers International)
- Telephone: (US) 800 Net-Mail (UK)+44 (0480) 301364 (Other) +1 916 622-0630
- Fax: (US) 916 622-0738 (UK) +44 (0480) 493109 (Other) +1 916 622-0738
- Author: 3k Associates (support@3k.com)
- Comments:
- [ Chris Bartram <rcb@3k.com> 3-Jun-1994 ]
- NetMail/3000 is a full featured electronic mail system for HP3000
- computer systems which was designed as an SMTP and MIME compatible
- network mail system. NetMail/3000 provides a user interface
- compatible with "dumb" terminals, but also has hooks to identify and
- utilize features of HP terminals and PC or Mac based HP terminal
- emulator packages. Users can send messages (8-bit character sets are
- supported) and attach any number of files (host or pc based) to their
- messages (PC/Mac based files are automatically retrieved and loaded),
- and all messages (and attachments) are exported in MIME format, though
- users can specify that files be encoded via 'uuencode' or 'binhex' if
- necessary to be readable by non-MIME compatible mail systems).
- NetMail/3000's user interface is also unique in that Windows-based
- terminal emulator users can allow NetMail/3000 to automatically
- extract and pass any message parts (not displayable in the terminal
- emulator) directly to their PC and have the appropriate application
- launched to view the file. (NetMail/3000 interrogates the PC on
- startup to determine the file types "associated" with applications.)
- NetMail/3000 also includes directory synchronization capability
- (compatible with Lotus' cc:Mail ADE format), a POP2 server, a
- quote-of-the-day and daytime server, and will soon be offering a
- HP3000-based gopher server. NetMail/3000 is priced independent of cpu
- size/speed/number of users, and includes network capability in the
- base product. 3k Associates is also an HP Channel Partner.
- Name: NetMail/3000 HPDesk FSC Gateway
- Product: SMTP/MIME compatible gateway for HPDesk users
- Platform: HP3000 MPE/V, HP3000 MPE/iX
- Contact: solcentr@netcom.com (Solution Centers International)
- Telephone: (US) 800 Net-Mail (UK)+44 (0480) 301364 (Other) +1 916 622-0630
- Fax: (US) 916 622-0738 (UK) +44 (0480) 493109 (Other) +1 916 622-0738
- Author: 3k Associates (support@3k.com)
- Comments:
- [ Chris Bartram <rcb@3k.com> 3-Jun-1994 ]
- The NetMail/3000 HPDesk FSC Gateway provides a bi-directional gateway
- between HPDesk mail users and the SMTP/MIME world. Any number of
- message attachments per message are supported; incoming messages are
- broken down into files on the HP3000 for HPDesk users and appear as
- normal message attachments, outgoing attachments are encoded as
- MIME-compatible message attachments (or optionally just as UUENCODED
- binary attachments for compatibility with non-MIME compatible
- mailers).
- The gateway operates in real-time, is a background process on the
- HP3000 (which is interrupt driven and uses minimal system resources),
- and requires no special hardware or additional software. The product
- is priced independent of platform size or type or number of users.
- Free 45 day demos are available.
- Name: PC-MM (PC Mail Manager)
- Product: MUA
- Platform: MS-Windows
- Contact: Lars_Hagberg@li.icl.se
- Author: ICL
- Comments:
- [ Tomas Kullman <tomku@li.icl.se> 30-Sep-1993 ]
- PC-MM from ICL is a Mail User Agent for Windows 3.1 implemented on
- Windows Socket API and TCP/IP. PC-MM is currently working on PC-NFS
- but is designed to be network software independent (i.e. will work
- on most TCP/IP softwares supporting WinSocket API).
- PC-MM is a MIME conformant internet mailer supporting SMTP and IMAP2
- for sending and receiving. PC-MM requires a UNIX mail server (or
- similar supporting SMTP and IMAP2).
- PC-MM V1.0 supports a lot of nice features, such as:
- - user friendly interface
- - built-in and user-defined text editor
- - drag and drop between folders
- - local and server based folders
- - integrated address book
- - message sorting and tagging
- - "watch dog" for incoming messages
- PC Mail Manager is announced and volume shipping mid November 1993.
- For pricing and product packaging information please contact Lars
- Hagberg at ICL ProSystems AB; E-mail: Lars_Hagberg@li.icl.se or
- phone: + 46 (0)13 11 70 00.
- Name: PMDF
- Product: MTA
- Platform: VMS
- Contact: sales@innosoft.com service@innosoft.com
- Author: Innosoft International
- Comments:
- The VMSNET newsgroup 'vmsnet.mail.pmdf' is available for discussion.
- [ Ned Freed <ned@innosoft.com> ]
- Send technical inquiries to service@innosoft.com. Product
- information, pricing, and literature can be obtained from
- sales@innosoft.com. The phone number is (909) 624-7907; FAX is
- (909) 621-5319. Street address is:
- Innosoft International, Inc.
- 250 W. First St., Suite 240
- Claremont, CA 91711
- Name: PP
- Product: MTA
- Platform: UNIX
- Contact: ic-info@isode.com (commercial version)
- [ "Harald T. Alvestrand" <Harald.T.Alvestrand@uninett.no> 22-Aug-94 ]
- PP is an X.400 and SMTP mailer, and a gateway between these, so
- you can communicate with "both worlds".
- The latest and greatest version is the ISODE Consortium release,
- IC-R1, but this is no longer free. However, it is not expensive,
- either. The ISODE Consortium offers the source code to all
- Consortium members, and gives the right to sell products based on
- the code to commercial members.
- The PP included in Isode Consortium Release 1 (IC-R1) includes:
- - Conformance tested X.400/84, running over most stacks you care
- to name
- - X.400/88
- - X.400 (84 and 88) to SMTP gateways (RFC 1327 compliant)
- - SMTP, DECNET and UUCP support
- - P3File (Retix-like) message submission and delivery
- - Routing using X.500 (experimental)
- - MIME gatewaying support (MIME-MHS/HARPOON compliant)
- - SNMP monitoring
- - X.500 and file based distribution lists
- - Fax gateway supporting Panasonic, Fujitsu and Class 2 fax modems
- Name: SMTPLINK 2.1
- Product:
- Platform:
- Contact:
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ <support@ccmail.com> 16-Dec-1992 ]
- Because this version (2.1) is a 2-3 QTR-93 release you should be
- talking to your sales rep about the tentative features of this
- product. They can be reached at 800-448-2500.
- Name: STI Document Browser
- Product: MS-Windows 3.1 (shipping), NeXTstep/X11/VMS (in the pipeline)
- Platform:
- Contact: info@sti.fi
- Author: Stream Technologies Inc
- Comments:
- [ Ed Anselmo <anselmo@nic.near.net> 31-Dec-1992 ]
- Product name: STI Document Browser
- Platforms:
- How and where to get:
- Stream Technologies Inc.
- Valkjarventie 2
- SF-02130 Espoo
- Tel: +358 0 43577340
- Fax: +358 0 43577348
- E-Mail: info@sti.fi
- Name: Super-TCP
- Product:
- Platform: MS-Windows
- Contact: TCP@FrontierTech.COM
- Author: Frontier Technologies
- Comments:
- [ Ray C Langford <ray@isi.frontiertech.com> 28-Apr-1993 ]
- Frontier Technologies' Super-TCP for MS-Windows includes MIME
- support in their E-Mail mail system that is a part of the Super-TCP
- for Windows package.
- Super-TCP for Windows is a Windows Sockets compliant, 100% DLL
- implementation that can also operate in a TSR mode. Applications
- include: Network News Reader, Telnet, FTP Client/Server, NFS
- Client/Server, SMTP/POP2&3 MIME E-Mail, Telnet Redirector,
- Interactive Talk, and more. Options are also available for PPP,
- X.25, and OSI.
- With the MIME support in E-Mail, any type of binary file may be
- attached to your message, including Postscript files, spreadsheet
- files, database files, word processor files, graphic files, audio
- files, and digital video files.
- The packages in the Super-TCP product line that include the
- E-Mail (SMTP/POP2&3) with MIME support are:
- - Super-TCP for Windows Version 3.0
- (Complete TCP/IP package)
- - Super-TCP/NFS for Windows Version 3.0
- (Complete TCP/IP package with NFS client/server)
- - Super-TCP Applications for Windows Version 3.0
- (Windows Sockets applications only)
- For further information, e-mail TCP@FrontierTech.COM or call
- +1 414 241-4555.
- Name: TCP/Connect II version 2.0
- Product: MUA, news reader
- Platform: Macintosh
- Contact: sales@intercon.com
- Author: InterCon Systems Corporation
- Comments:
- [ Amanda Walker <amanda@intercon.com> 6-Sep-1994 ]
- Full support for MIME in email, viewing support for MIME in news.
- Includes inline composition and display of the following MIME
- content types:
- text/plain image/gif video/quicktime
- text/richtext image/jpeg audio/basic
- text/enriched image/x-macpict
- application/applefile
- application/x-macbinhex40
- multipart/mixed
- character sets: US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1
- Provides drag & drop support for file enclosures, automatic
- encoding and decoding of AppleSingle/AppleDouble ("MacMIME") body
- parts, as well as BinHex & uuencode for backward compatibility.
- Runs native on Power Macintosh computers.
- For more information please contact:
- InterCon Systems Corporation
- 950 Herndon Parkway
- Herndon, VA 22070 USA
- +1 703 709 5500 (voice)
- +1 703 709 5555 (fax)
- sales@intercon.com (Internet email)
- Name: Z-Mail
- Product: MUA
- Platform: Unix
- Contact: info@z-code.com
- Author: Z-Code Software Corporation
- Comments:
- [ Carlyn M. Lowery <lowery@zen.z-code.com> 29-May-1993 ]
- Z-Mail, a Unix World Magazine "Product of the Year" winner for 1991,
- is a complete electronic mail system for workstations. Z-Mail
- provides Motif and Open Look graphical user interfaces, as well
- as two character modes. The software has been ported to nearly
- every system that runs Unix, and it works with all standard Unix
- mail transport agents including sendmail, binmail, smail, MMDF and
- X.400 gateways. Z-Mail can replace or coexist with standard mail
- user agents on the system, including BSD Mail, AT&T mailx, Sun Mail
- Tool, Elm, or Mush. Most anyone can use Z-Mail "off the shelf" and
- immediately benefit from its simple interface and advanced features.
- Z-Mail also includes Z-Script, a powerful scripting language that
- enables users to customize and extend Z-Mail's capabilities.
- Z-Mail's multi-media capabilities allow easy integration with
- best-of-class products including spreadsheets, desk-top publishing,
- graphics, fax, voice, and video. For example, when users receive a
- spreadsheet file, Z-Mail can be configured to automatically launch
- the associated application and load the the attachment automatically
- and transparently to the user. Z-Mail understands MIME-format
- documents and is also compatible with Sun's multimedia Mailtool.
- Mac, MS-DOS, and MS-Windows versions, as well as native MIME
- support, are planned for this summer.
- For more information on Z-Mail, contact:
- Z-Code Software Corp.
- 4340 Redwood Hwy., Suite B-50
- San Rafael, CA 94903
- tel: (415) 499-8649
- fax: (415) 479-0448
- e-mail: info@z-code.com
- Also, you can anonymous-ftp a demo copy of Z-Mail from
- ftp://ora.com/pub/z-code/zmail/2.1/
- (The file you want is named zm.XXX.tar.Z, where XXX is
- your type of machine.) You'll need to call us after you do so we
- can send you an activation key.
- --
- 9) MIME and USENET news
- -----------------------
- 9.1) Introduction
- USENET articles are (by design) very similar to RFC 822 mail messages.
- It is therefore reasonable to expect MIME software to be adopted for use
- on USENET.
- A number of the mail user agents and tools discussed in section 7 also
- handle USENET news.
- --------------------------------
- 9.2) News readers and transports with MIME support
- Name: GNUS
- Product: reader
- Platform: GNU Emacs
- Where:
- Author: Masanobu UMEDA
- Comments:
- [ Masanobu UMEDA <umerin@mse.kyutech.ac.jp> 07-Aug-1993 ]
- GNUS is an NNTP-based newsreader for GNU Emacs. GNUS versions
- 3.14.4 and later directly support reading of articles written in
- MIME format. It only requires the metamail package. Compositions
- of articles written in MIME format requires "mime.el" that is a
- part of MIME tools for GNU Emacs (see section 7.2).
- Name: gnus-mime.el
- Product: reaJoe Ilacqua der
- Platform: GNU Emacs
- Where: ftp://world.std.com/dist/gnus-mime.el.shar
- (also in the contrib tree of metamail)
- Author: Joe Ilacqua
- Comments:
- [ Joe Ilacqua <spike@world.std.com> 24-Jun-1993 ]
- "gnus-mime.el" is an ELISP package that adds support for MIME to
- GNUS. This is the second release: I consider it very beta, and I'm
- sure there are bugs, but it does work. It provides support both to
- read and to post USENET articles in MIME format. It's scarcest
- feature is support for multi-part multi-media ".signatures".
- I believe that gnus-mime.el is for GNUS prior to version 3.14.4.
- Name: INN
- Product: transport
- Platform:
- Where:
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org> 03-Jun-1993 ]
- There is some minimal MIME support in the INN package. Since INN
- is a transport system, not a newsreader, the support is for
- transferring MIME messages, not reading them.
- [ Christophe Wolfhugel <Christophe.Wolfhugel@grasp.insa-lyon.fr> 23-Jul-1993 ]
- INN's MIME support is today divided in two parts:
- 1) the possibility to have nnrpd add default MIME headers to
- locally posted articles;
- 2) transfer-encoding changes on transport with "innxmit", i.e. recode
- 8bit to quoted-printable.
- Name: MH
- Product: reader
- Platform:
- Where: See section 7 for MH's FTP sites.
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ John Romine <jromine@ics.uci.edu> 30-Jul-1993 ]
- If you compile MH to use NNTP, it can read news with its "bbc"
- command; MH supports MIME.
- Name: mhunify (aka stacknews)
- Product: reader
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mh/contrib/multimedia/mhunify.shar.gz
- Author: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@irvine.com>
- Comments:
- [ Jerry Sweet <jsweet@irvine.com> 11-Aug-1994 ]
- Mhunify is a set of perl scripts and templates that provides
- shell-level MH functionality with USENET news. Since MH supports
- MIME, MIME-format news articles just work. I've found that being
- able to handle news in the same way that I handle e-mail is very
- useful, although there are some tradeoffs: no kill files, no
- threads, at least for now.
- Mhunify also treats MH folders just like news groups. If you
- subscribe to several mailing lists, and your e-mail is
- automatically delivered to separate folders, say, via procmail
- or via MMDF's .maildelivery, the mhunify package lets you progress
- automatically through your folders just as you would news groups.
- Requirements:
- - csh or some shell with shell-level alias or procedure
- facilities;
- - perl 4.0 or later;
- - MH 6.8 or later;
- - direct file system access to the USENET news spool
- directory (typically /usr/spool/news - as a local or NFS
- mounted file system).
- Some of the goodies:
- stacknews - read USENET news using shell-level MH.
- ncomp, nrepl, nforw
- - compose, reply to, and forward to USENET
- news groups (these use nwhatnow).
- nwhatnow - post USENET articles & send e-mail from
- the same draft.
- consider - creates a folder, +consider by default,
- containing specified messages.
- bburst - bursts digests into a writeable folder,
- +consider by default.
- clearf - clears the MH folder stack.
- mhpped - utility composition template pre-processor.
- pscan - scan messages from point of previous scan.
- Plus man pages, templates, example configuration files,
- other utility programs, and a Makefile to install everything.
- Name: nn
- Product: reader
- Platform:
- Where:
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Luc Rooijakkers <lwj@cs.kun.nl> 26-Jul-1993 ]
- The current beta release of nn tags newly posted articles as
- text/plain; charset=xxx with transfer encoding 8bit if the message
- contains any 8 bit characters.
- Reading support needs further work.
- Name: SNews
- Product: reader
- Platform: MS-DOS OS/2
- Where: ftp://ftp.wimsey.com/~ftp/pub/msdos/uupc/snews191.zip
- MS-DOS binaries
- Where: ftp://ftp.wimsey.com/~ftp/pub/msdos/uupc/snws191o.zip
- OS/2 binaries
- Where: ftp://ftp.wimsey.com/~ftp/pub/msdos/uupc/snws191s.zip
- Source
- Author:
- Comments:
- [ Daniel Fandrich <dan@fch.wimsey.bc.ca> 27-Aug-1993 ]
- Revision 1.91 of the SNews newsreader for MS-DOS systems
- fixes several bugs in version 1.90 (alpha), as well as adding
- some much-needed features, including built-in support for ISO
- 8859/1/2/3/4/9 character sets (RFC 1521 and RFC 1522) and a single
- key interface to the metamail MIME decoder (or other user-specified
- program). An additional bonus is the availability of an OS/2
- version.
- Name: strn
- Product: reader
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://ftp.uu.net/networking/news/readers/trn/strn/strn092.tar.gz
- Author: Clifford A Adams <caadams@access.digex.net>
- Comments:
- Strn has support for reading and creating MIME articles.
- Name: trn
- Product: reader
- Platform: UNIX
- Where: ftp://ftp.uu.net/networking/news/readers/trn/trn.tar.gz
- Author: Wayne Davison <davison@borland.com>
- Comments:
- trn 3.0 has support for reading MIME articles with metamail, and
- creating them with mhn.
- --
- End of Part 2
- *************
- --
- ~Newsgroups: comp.mail.mime,comp.answers,news.answers
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zib-berlin.de!news.belwue.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!uunet!MathWorks.Com!news.alpha.net!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!shrike.irvine.com!jsweet
- ~From: mime-faq@ics.uci.edu (MIME FAQ maintainer)
- ~Subject: comp.mail.mime frequently asked questions list (FAQ) (3/3)
- Content-Type: message/partial; number=3; total=3; id="<mime_781738764@irvine.com>"
- ~References: <mime-faq1_781738764@irvine.com>
- Followup-To: comp.mail.mime
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Originator: jsweet@fester.irvine.com
- ~Sender: usenet@irvine.com (News Administration)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Organization: Irvine Compiler Corp., Irvine, California, USA
- ~Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 21:40:16 GMT
- Supersedes: <mime-faq3_778723067@irvine.com>
- Message-ID: <mime-faq3_781738764@irvine.com>
- Summary: This posting contains answers to some of the Frequently Asked
- Questions about MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
- Please read it before posting a question to comp.mail.mime.
- Expires: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 21:39:24 GMT
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- ~Reply-To: mime-faq@ics.uci.edu (MIME FAQ maintainer)
- ~Lines: 530
- ~Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de comp.mail.mime:4591 comp.answers:7730 news.answers:29904
- Archive-Name: mail/mime-faq/part3
- Version: $Id: mime3,v 3.9 1994/10/09 21:35:40 jsweet Rel $
- Posting-Frequency: monthly
- --
- ==========================================================
- comp.mail.mime frequently asked questions list (FAQ) (3/3)
- ==========================================================
- Part 3: Advanced Topics
- ~~~~~~
- --
- Overview
- --------
- This is part 3 of a Frequently Asked Questions document about MIME,
- the multipurpose and multi-media standard for Internet mail.
- Part 1 covers frequently asked questions.
- Part 2 is a listing of MIME products.
- Part 3 covers advanced topics.
- --
- 10) Information
- ---------------
- 10.1) MIME-relevant RFCs and other standards
- The RFCs mentioned here are mainly relevant to persons building MIME
- software. As an end user, if your mail system is nice to you, you
- won't really have to know very much about these things.
- RFC and Internet-Drafts are available by anonymous FTP from any decent
- archive site. If you're really stuck, try these URLs:
- ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/
- ftp://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/
- MIME is defined in RFC 1521 (MIME Mechanisms for Specifying and
- Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies) and RFC 1522
- (Representation of Non-ASCII Text in Internet Message Headers).
- These are Internet standards-track protocols. For the full
- implications of this, see RFC 1540 (IAB Official Protocol Standards).
- Here is their current status.
- RFC 1521: Draft Elective Standard
- RFC 1522: Draft Elective Standard
- These two RFCs do not fully define MIME. For one thing, they are
- based on RFC 822 (Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text
- messages), as revised by RFC 1123 (Requirements for Internet hosts -
- application and support) and must be read in conjunction with these.
- For another, they are extensible. See 10.2 for a complete list of
- registered subtypes.
- There are a whole lot of other RFCs that deal with e-mail, including
- these.
- IAB standards-track RFCs
- RFC 1653 SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration.
- RFC 1652 SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport.
- RFC 1651 SMTP Service Extensions.
- RFC 1502 X.400 Use of Extended Character Sets
- RFC 1496 Rules for Downgrading Messages from X.400(88) to X.400(84)
- when MIME Content-Types are Present in the Messages
- RFC 1495 Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies
- RFC 1494 Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-922 Message Bodies
- RFC 1424 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV.
- RFC 1423 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III.
- RFC 1422 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II.
- RFC 1421 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I.
- RFC 1327 Mapping between X.400(1988)/ISO 10021 and RFC 822.
- RFC 1314 File format for the exchange of images in the Internet.
- Other RFCs (Informational, Experimental, or Historical)
- RFC 1641 Using Unicode with MIME.
- RFC 1563 The text/enriched MIME Content-type.
- RFC 1556 Handling of Bi-directional Texts in MIME.
- RFC 1489 Registration of a Cyrillic Character Set.
- RFC 1468 Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages.
- RFC 1456 Conventions for Encoding the Vietnamese Language.
- RFC 1428 Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to 8bit-SMTP/MIME.
- RFC 1357 Format for emailing bibliographic records.
- RFC 1345 Character Mnemonics & Character Sets.
- RFC 1344 Implications of MIME for Internet mail gateways.
- RFC 1343 User agent configuration mechanism for multimedia mail format
- information.
- RFC 1339 Remote mail checking protocol.
- RFC 1321 MD5 Message-Digest algorithm.
- RFC 1225 Post Office Protocol: Version 3.
- RFC 1211 Problems with the maintenance of large mailing lists.
- RFC 1176 Interactive Mail Access Protocol: Version 2.
- RFC 1197 Using ODA for translating multimedia information.
- RFC 1154 Encoding header field for internet messages.
- RFC 1153 Digest message format.
- RFC 1049 Content-type header field for Internet messages.
- RFC 1036 Standard for interchange of USENET messages.
- RFC 934 Proposed standard for message encapsulation.
- RFC 807 Multimedia mail meeting notes.
- --------------------------------
- 10.2) MIME types
- There are registered and unregistered MIME types. Unregistered MIME
- types begin with an "x-" and their meanings generally depend on
- private agreements between senders and receivers. This section lists
- registered types and some known unregistered types.
- --------------------------------
- 10.2.1) List of registered MIME types
- The latest list of registered MIME types is available from this file:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/media-types
- A list of URLs follows for documents relevant to various media types.
- The media types are taken from the January, 1994 version of the
- aforementioned media-types file, but the URLs below aren't necessarily
- representative of the latest list of registered types. In general,
- each <type> has a directory whose name has this form:
- media-types/<type>/<subtype>
- The <type> directory contains the definitions of the subtypes of the
- given <type>/<subtype>.
- Application subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/activemessage
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/andrew
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/applefile
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/atomicmail
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/dec
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/dca
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/mac-binhex40
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/macwriteii
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/msword
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/news-message-id
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/news-transmission
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/octet
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/oda
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/pdf
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/postscript
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/remote-printing
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/rtf
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/slate
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/wita
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/wordperfect5.1
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/application/zip
- Audio subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/audio/basic
- Image subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/image/jpeg
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/image/gif
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/image/ief
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/image/tiff
- Message subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/message/external
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/message/partial
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/message/rfc822
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/message/news
- Multipart subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/alternative
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/appledouble
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/digest
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/header
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/mixed
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/multipart/parallel
- Text subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/text/plain
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/text/richtext
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/text/tab-separated-values
- Video subtypes:
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/video/mpeg
- ftp://isi.edu/in-notes/media-types/video/quicktime
- --------------------------------
- 10.2.2) List of known unregistered MIME types
- Here is a list of some known x-types, x-subtypes, and x-parameters.
- The enumeration of these x-types here does not imply any kind of
- standardization or open specification. The meanings of x-types depend
- on private agreements between senders and receivers. Some x-types may
- eventually become registered types; see sections 10.2.1 and 11.1.
- Just because an x-type is generated by a proprietary mail user agent
- doesn't necessarily mean that only that MUA can handle the x-type.
- Metamail and MH, for example, permit you to set up your own mechanisms
- to handle various standard and non-standard content types. In
- particular, it may simply be a matter of invoking some commercial
- application to handle data used by that application. For example,
- FrameMaker or FrameViewer might be run to handle a content type of
- application/x-framemaker. (In the case of Frame documents, there are
- several ways to handle this---see Frame Technical Note 1359 or consult
- the comp.text.frame FAQ.) The Metamail source distribution comes with
- pre-defined mailcap entries for handling some x-types; these may offer
- clues about how to configure your own mail user agent.
- Not all of the x-types listed here begin with "x-". Although such
- non-standard types may contravene the MIME specification, the fact
- remains that someone out there is generating them. Listing such types
- here is not intended to enshrine such types.
- { NOTE: some of the meanings of these x-types are GUESSES by the FAQ
- maintainer. Please let us know about incorrect guesses, and, if
- possible, supply a URL pointing to information about the x-type.
- And please feel free to let us know about whatever wacko or not-so-wacko
- x-types that your UAs may unleash on an unsuspecting world. If you
- have a URL for a document that describes the format, so much the
- better. Please at least let us know what applications are generating
- the x-types in question. }
- Application types:
- application/octet-stream; type=tar; x-conversions=compress
- MH 6.8: viamail; see tar(1) and compress(1)
- application/x-aiff Z-Mail: AIFF audio data
- application/x-bcpio MHonArc: bcpio data
- application/x-bitmap Z-Mail: X11 bitmaps
- application/x-cpio MHonArc: cpio archives
- application/x-csh MHonArc: csh scripts
- application/x-dvi MHonArc: TeX DVI data
- application/x-framemaker Z-Mail: FrameMaker documents
- application/x-gtar MHonArc: GNU tar archives
- application/x-hdf MHonArc: hdf data
- application/x-inventor Z-Mail: for Inventor files
- application/x-island-draw Z-Mail: IslandDraw files
- application/x-island-paint Z-Mail: IslandPaint files
- application/x-island-write Z-Mail: IslandWrite files
- application/x-jot Z-Mail: Jot documents
- application/x-latex MHonArc: LaTeX documents
- application/x-metamail-patch metamail: patches to metamail
- application/x-mif MHonArc: Frame MIF documents
- application/x-movie Z-Mail: MoviePlayer documents
- application/x-netcdf MHonArc: netcdf data
- application/x-sgi Z-Mail: SGI ImageWorks documents
- application/x-sh MHonArc: sh scripts
- application/x-shar MHonArc: shell archives
- application/x-showcase Z-Mail: Showcase documents
- application/x-sv4cpio MHonArc: SVR4 cpio archives
- application/x-sv4crc MHonArc: SVR4 crc data
- application/x-tar MHonArc: tar archives
- application/x-tcl MHonArc: tcl programs
- application/x-tex MHonArc: TeX documents
- application/x-texinfo MHonArc: GNU texinfo documents
- application/x-troff MHonArc: plain troff documents
- application/x-troff-man MHonArc: troff -man documents
- application/x-troff-me MHonArc: troff -me documents
- application/x-troff-ms MHonArc: troff -ms documents
- application/x-ustar MHonArc: ustar data
- application/x-wais-source MHonArc: WAIS sources
- application/x-wingz Z-Mail: Wingz documents
- application/x-xpm1 Z-Mail: OL pixmap files
- application/x-zm-fax Z-Mail: Z-Fax documents
- Audio types:
- audio/x-aiff MHonArc: AIFF audio data
- audio/x-wav MHonArc: WAV audio data
- audio/x-macaudio Iride: NOT sampled Macintosh audio
- audio/x-next MH 6.8: self-describing audio data
- see ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/mh/contrib/multimedia/mhn-tutorial.ps
- Image types:
- image/x-cmu-raster MHonArc: CMU raster data
- image/x-pbm MHonArc: portable bit map data
- image/x-pgm MHonArc: PGM data
- image/x-pict MHonArc: Mactinosh PICT data
- image/x-pnm MHonArc
- image/x-portable-anymap MHonArc
- image/x-portable-bitmap MHonArc
- image/x-portable-graymap MHonArc
- image/x-portable-pixmap MHonArc
- image/x-ppm MHonArc
- image/x-rgb MHonArc
- image/x-xbitmap MHonArc: in-lines into the HTML
- image/x-xbm MHonArc: in-lines into the HTML
- image/x-xpixmap MHonArc
- image/x-xpm MHonArc
- image/x-xwd MHonArc
- image/x-xwindowdump MHonArc: X window dump
- Text types:
- text/html MHonArc
- text/x-html MHonArc
- text/x-setext MHonArc
- text/x-usenet-FAQ Ohio State WWW FAQ document format
- Video types:
- video/x-msvideo MHonArc: Microsoft video data
- video/x-sgi-movie MHonArc: SGI movie data
- Other types:
- x-be2 old Andrew format
- x-sun-attachment Sun MicroSystems mailtool
- x-zm-multipart old Z-Mail format
- --------------------------------
- 10.3) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working groups
- The IETF working group on Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) has developed
- extensions that permit confidentiality, authentication, and integrity
- to be provided in a manner backwards compatible with RFC 821 and
- RFC 822. Work is underway to align PEM and MIME which will provide
- real security to MIME e-mail.
- The IETF MIME working group is not actively considering significant
- changes to the specifications. However the WG still exists as a forum
- for MIME developers, as a home for interpretation questions, and to
- handle any problems or ambiguities that might arise in MIME.
- --
- 11) Developers' FAQs
- --------------------
- 11.1) How can I register a new MIME type?
- The procedures for registering new content types, character set
- values, access types, and conversions parameters with IANA (the
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) are documented in RFC 1590.
- --------------------------------
- 11.2) What's ESMTP, and how does it affect MIME?
- ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a mechanism by which
- extensions to "traditional" (RFC 821) SMTP can be negotiated by client
- and server. The mechanism (RFC 1651) is open-ended; so far two
- extensions have been defined.
- Message size declaration (RFC 1653) offers a graceful way for servers
- to limit the size of message they are prepared to accept. (With SMTP,
- the only possibility is for the server to discard the message after it
- has been sent in its entirety. There is no way for the client to know
- that it was the size of the message that caused the problem.)
- When a message is returned to the user as being too large to deliver,
- one possible approach might be to fragment the message using the MIME
- Message/Partial mechanism, and resubmit it.
- Depending on the exact reason for the "too large" rejection, this may
- or may not be a good idea. For example, the limitation may reflect
- the recipient's disk quota, in which case the fragmented message will
- not be fully deliverable either.
- The possibility of fragmentation should, therefore, be left to the
- user's discretion (not performed automatically by the SMTP client).
- 8bit-MIMEtransport (RFC 1652) opens up the possibility of sending 8bit
- data in mail messages, without having to use base64, quoted-printable,
- or another encoding, and without the breakage that can result from
- sending 8bit data to an unsuspecting RFC 821 SMTP server. RFC 1428
- (Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to 8bit-SMTP/MIME)
- discusses some of the implications of this.
- --------------------------------
- 11.3) Where can I get some sample MIME messages?
- ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/samples/
- --------------------------------
- 11.4) Wouldn't MIME be better if it did <foo>?
- This question is asked for various values of <foo>. Perhaps the most
- common is "multilevel encodings": see the next question. There are
- a couple general points that apply to all <foo>.
- 1. Please remember that MIME is the result of a lot of work by a lot
- of persons, over a long time (look at the Acknowledgements section of
- RFC 1521). A great many ideas, probably including yours, were
- considered. In many cases, there were conflicting goals, such as
- simplicity and interoperability on the one hand, and power and
- flexibility on the other.
- 2. If you really think you've got an original idea which would improve
- MIME, the correct place to pursue it is not this newsgroup, but the
- working group mailing list (having first read the archives, to check
- that it really is new). Yes, this is going to be a lot more work than
- posting a news article.
- --------------------------------
- 11.5) So what about multilevel encodings?
- MIME uses a two-level encoding scheme. The original object (for
- example, a picture, or a text document) is encoded using a well
- defined mechanism appropriate to that object (perhaps GIF for the
- picture, and text/enriched for the document). Then a second encoding
- is used to ensure that the first encoding can be transmitted intact
- (probably base64 for the GIF, and quoted printable for the
- text/enriched document).
- Note that there is a very small number of the second encodings (five,
- but three of these are simply indications of what kind of data an
- unencoded body part contains), and it is not expected that there will
- be many more in the foreseeable future.
- The multilevel encodings idea is for a more generalized MIME-like
- encoding mechanism that could indicate many arbitrary transformations
- of the original object. For example,
- Content-Type: application/tar; conversions="encrypt,compress,uuencode"
- might indicate a UNIX tar file that had been encrypted, then
- compressed, then uuencoded. (This is a fictitious example of how MIME
- might have worked; it's not legal MIME. Don't worry if you've never
- heard of some of these transformations.)
- This may look like an attractive scheme at first, but it has a number
- of problems.
- 1. If you've been brought up on UNIX and command pipelines, the
- implementation of such a scheme seems trivial. Surely any half-decent
- machine can do something similar? Unfortunately, this turns out to be
- true only for a very restricted definition of "half-decent". In
- practice, it would be awfully difficult to implement this on a lot of
- systems. Probably even more systems would not allow new
- transformations to be just "slotted in", and would require
- recompilation or reshipping whenever a new one came along.
- 2. Each successive transformation reduces the size of the audience who
- can successfully decode the message. Every MIME mailer must be able
- to decode base64 and quoted-printable, so it's guaranteed that you can
- at least get back to the raw data. What if, in the above example, I
- have tar, decrypt, uudecode, but no uncompressor?
- 3. Such a scheme does not increase the scope of the framework defined
- by MIME. If uuencoded, compressed, encrypted tar files are useful
- things to sling around, it is entirely possible to define a new MIME
- type (presumably a subtype of application) to handle them.
- --------------------------------
- 11.6) Why doesn't MIME include a mechanism for compression?
- Compression is a difficult area. It was considered by the working
- group, but no consensus was reached. There is still work going on in
- this area: there may someday be a compressed-64 encoding.
- Most compression algorithms have one of more of these undesirable
- properties: they are covered by patent, they require the ability to
- treat the input as a stream of bits, they use a large data space. The
- chances of finding a truly interoperable compression algorithm are
- therefore rather slim.
- It is worth noting that most or all of the image and video subtypes
- (including GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and MPEG) define their own compression
- schemes.
- --
- 12) Acknowledgements
- --------------------
- Many persons have contributed to this document.
- They include:
- Alan Robiette, Alec Henderson, Axel Boldt, Carlyn Lowery, Chris
- Pepper, Christophe Wolfhugel, Christopher Davis, Craig Huckabee,
- Daniel Fandrich, Daniel Glazman, Dave Curry, Dave Lacey, David Barr,
- David Collier-Brown, David Miller, Douglas Boyce, Ed Anselmo, Ed
- Greshko, Edward Vielmetti, Erik van der Poel, Gisle Hannemyr, Harald
- Alvestrand, Ian Hoyle, James Ford, Jason Beyer, Jay Weber, Jerry Peek,
- Jerry Sweet, Joe Ilacqua, Joergen Haegg, John Gardiner Myers, John
- Martin, John R MacMillan, John Romine, Joyce Reynolds, Keith Moore,
- Larry Salomon Jr, Larry W. Virden, Lars-Gunnar Olsson, Luc
- Rooijakkers, Marc VanHeyningen, Mark Crispin, Mark Grand, Marshall
- Rose, Martin Wendel, Masanobu Umeda, Michael Parson, Michael Urban,
- Nathaniel Borenstein, Ned Freed, Niklas Agren, Olle Jarnefors, Pat
- Farrell, Paul Eggert, Piero Serini, Quentin Smart, Ran Atkinson, Ray
- Langford, Rich Ragan, Rick Troth, Ron Barak, Sascha Wildner, Steve
- Dorner, Steve Hole, Stuart Lynne, Susan Straub, Syd Weinstein, Tim
- Goodwin, Tim Kehres, Tommy Wallo, Yehavi Bourvine.
- If we've left your name off, please accept our apologies. Drop us a
- note and we'll include it for next time.
- Thanks also to the University of California, Irvine, Department of
- Information and Computer Science, Einar Stefferud, and Irvine Compiler
- Corp., for providing the resources for maintaining this FAQ; and to
- Jonathan Kamens, for coordinating the *.answers groups, and for his
- post_faq program which brought you this FAQ.
- --
- End of Part 3
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