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Text File | 1994-06-30 | 79.9 KB | 1,733 lines |
- ~Newsgroups: news.admin.misc,comp.mail.misc,news.answers,comp.answers
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zib-berlin.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!torn!nott!cunews!revcan!ecicrl!clewis
- ~From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
- ~Subject: UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 1 of 3]
- Summary: How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
- Message-ID: <mailfaq.1_772982405@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Supersedes: <mailfaq.1_771168005@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- ~Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:20:09 GMT
- Expires: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 13:20:05 GMT
- ~Reply-To: mailfaq@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Mail FAQ commentary reception)
- Organization: Elegant Communications Inc., Ottawa, Canada
- Keywords: mail software survey UNIX FAQ
- Followup-To: poster
- ~Lines: 592
- ~Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de news.admin.misc:16856 comp.mail.misc:16809 news.answers:24533 comp.answers:6076
- Archive-name: mail/setup/unix/part1
- Last-modified: Sat Mar 19 23:14:03 EST 1994
- UNIX EMail Software - a Survey
- Chris Lewis
- clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- [and a host of others - thanks]
- Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, Chris Lewis
- Redistribution for profit or altered content/format
- prohibited without permission of the author. Other
- redistribution must contain this copyright notice
- and attribution.
- Changes are marked with a preceding "|". You can skip to them
- by typing g^| in (most) newsreaders.
- Note: this FAQ has been formatted as a digest. Many newsreaders
- can skip to each of the major subsections by pressing ^G.
- Please direct comments or questions to mailfaq@ferret.ocunix.on.ca -
- note Reply-to: line - automatic if you reply to this article.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Introduction
- Configuring electronic mail systems can be quite a complicated
- subject. Often far more complicated than, say, setting up
- a USENET news feed. This is because, unlike news, email is
- expected to traverse multiple types of networks using their own
- protocol, whereas, USENET news tends to be a single protocol
- supported by hook or by crook on different networks.
- This document is intended for system administrators who need to
- know how to set up their UNIX systems for email communication with
- the outside world. It is intended for the email-naive SA
- who gets more than a little confused by the acronyms, RFC's and
- plethora of software.
- This is intended to be a general survey of the software available,
- so I won't spend too much time on some of the details. Most of
- the available software comes with documentation that can
- explain things much better than I can.
- Additional detail can be obtained from several sources, such as:
- Quarterman, John S.: "The Matrix -- Computer Networks
- and Conferencing Systems Worldwide", Digital Press 1990,
- (Order No. EY-C176E-DP), ISBN 1-55558-033-5.
- Adams, Rick and Frey, Donnalyn: !%@:: A Directory of Mail
- Addressing and Networks, 3rd Ed., O'Reilly & Associates 1993,
- Provides a good reference for people seeking information
- on how to access the various email networks.
- ISBN 1-56592-031-7.
- Kehoe, Brendan P.: Zen and the Art of the Internet: A
- Beginner's Guide, Second Edition, Prentice Hall 1992,
- ISBN 0-13-010778-6. Edition 1 is available via FTP on
- cs.widener.edu in the tar file zen-1.0.tar.Z. [I think]
- Krol, Ed: The Whole Internet: User's Guide & Catalog.
- First edition, O'Reilly & Associates Sept. 1992.
- ISBN: 1-56592-025-2. Very good introduction to
- the Internet, history, facilities, uses, services,
- etc. I learned a lot.
- Albitz, Paul & Liu, Cricket: DNS and BIND, First edition,
- O'Reilly & Associates, October 1992. ISBN: 0-56592-010-4.
- Describes in great detail everything from what a domain
- is, to how to install and configure BIND. A *MUST* for
- people setting up large networks, or connecting
- machines to the Internet. It has become mandatory reading
- for network administrators in a large corporation for
- good reason.
- Costales, Bryan and Allman, Eric and Rickert, Neil: Sendmail.
- O'Reilly & Associates, Nov (?) 1993. ISBN 1-56592-056-2
- (ISBN from galley proof, which I've had a preview of).
- An absolute necessity for anyone diving into the configuration
- of sendmail. The material is presented in a very clear
- form, and is quite exhaustive in its coverage. Perhaps a bit
- too wordy and overlong, but that's a more than welcome contrast
- to previous documentation (or lack thereof) on sendmail.
- Further, this is primarily oriented towards UNIX email systems.
- This is unfortunate, because it would be nice to have a general
- document covering email in all of its forms. However, each
- operating system tends to have radically different email mechanisms,
- so it would be difficult to do justice to any other environment.
- It seems more useful to cover one environment well here, and have
- companion documents for other environments. Speaking of which,
- why hasn't anybody else stepped in to do FAQs on other environments?
- Like DOS, Mac etc.
- And finally, this document is not intended to be pedantically
- correct. Knowledgeable readers will know that I'm glossing
- over a lot of detail, and absolute precision has been balanced
- against readability and effectiveness in helping people get
- going.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Layout
- This FAQ is laid out in the following sections:
- + An overview of how mail systems go together.
- + A glossary of the important terms to know.
- + A list of general do's and don'ts of mail systems.
- + Configuration Issues
- + Several suggested mail configurations.
- + General overviews of specific software.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Electronic mail - A General Overview of Structure
- Electronic mail generally consists of three basic pieces:
- 1) The link level transport - which could be
- UUCP, TCP/IP, or a host of others. We'll call
- this the "transport medium" (TM)
- 2) the "Mail Transport Agent" (MTA) which is responsible for
- transporting mail from source to destination, possibly
- transforming protocols, addresses, and routing the mail.
- The MTA often has several components:
- - Routing mechanisms
- - Local delivery agent (LDA)
- - Remote delivery agent
- Many MTA's have all of these components, but some
- do not. In other cases, it is possible to replace
- certain components for increased functionality.
- 3) The "User Agent" (UA) is the user interface -
- the software that the user uses to read his mail,
- sort things around in folders, and send mail.
- Sometimes called "Mail User Agent" (MUA).
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Glossary
- Rather than alphabetic, this glossary tends to group terms
- referring to similar functionality together.
- Transport Medium:
- UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy Program):
- Back in the mists of time, UNIX systems communicated only
- over RS232 serial lines, usually over modems. UUCP is a
- suite of programs developed back in the early 70's to
- provide this communications link. All that UUCP does is
- transfer files from one system to another. There is an
- additional mechanism where one system can direct the
- destination system to run a file through a specific program.
- Electronic mail in UUCP is simply requesting the destination
- machine to run "mail" on a data file.
- UUCP communicates by means of "protocols", the most common
- being "g", a method for transmission of data over telephone
- lines and ensuring that the data is not corrupted. There
- are several other protocols, none universally available,
- and most oriented towards communication media other than
- telephone voice lines (such as dialup X.25, PAD X.25, or
- LAN connects).
- UUCP operates over fixed system-to-system links, so sending
- mail from one system to another often has to traverse
- other intermediate systems.
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol):
- TCP/IP is a protocol that allows any system on a network to
- talk "directly" to any other, by passing packets of
- information back and forth. TCP/IP (and its later relative
- OSI) is usually used over networks built on top of Ethernet,
- Token-Ring, Starlan and other LANS.
- Or, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", is the communications
- protocol used most commonly over TCP/IP links in UNIX
- environments for mail. SMTP usually operates directly between
- the source and destination machines, so intermediate machines
- don't get involved (except for gateways, see below). SMTP
- is usually part of the MTA.
- SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol):
- SLIP is an implementation of TCP/IP designed for use over
- RS232 serial lines (ie: modems). The other difference is
- that some SLIP implementations have the ability to "dial the
- phone" to make a connection for a specific transfer, whereas
- LAN TCP/IP is physically continuously connected. You'd also
- need TCP/IP to run a SMTP mail connection.
- PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol):
- A successor to SLIP.
- X.25/X.29:
- X.25 is a packet switched data network which is usually
- half-duplex. In this context, it's really an alternative
- to dialup over voice telephone lines with modems. X.25
- is available in several "flavours", either direct X.25
- trunk connects over leased lines, through "PAD" interfaces,
- or by ordinary dialup modem access to X.25 "ports".
- To be useable in the context of mail transfers, you also
- have to use a file transfer protocol/mechanism of some
- sort on top of X.25. The most common being UUCP "f" protocol
- (through PADS or dialup), or "x" with direct X.25 connects.
- Whether you use X.25 or phones plus modems depends on a number
- of factors - usually the determining factor is cost. In North
- America, high speed modems (eg: 9600 baud and above) over telephone
- lines tends to be less expensive. However, Europe's really
- wierd phone system structure usually makes X.25 more cost-effective,
- and therefore, X.25 use in UNIX mail systems is much more common
- in Europe than North America.
- X.29 is the command set used to configure and establish
- X.25 connections when you're using asynchronous connections
- to a PAD.
- Networks:
- Internet:
- An "internet" is a network comprised of computers that talk
- to each other using TCP/IP, and usually SMTP for mail.
- The "Internet" is a vast network of hundreds of thousands of
- machines using SMTP protocol mail, communicating with
- each other over relatively high speed lines. But not all
- "internets" are connected to *the* Internet.
- The Internet grew out of a US government funded project in
- inter-computer communications that grew into an enormous network
- of systems.
- One of the principle characteristics of this network is that
- machines are addressed by domain names which identify the
- destination, rather than addresses that are constructed out
- of the route from machine-to-machine-to-machine.
- UUCP Network:
- The UUCP network is that set of machines that talk to each other
- via UUCP. Sending mail through this network requires that the sender
- know the network topology of UUCP links, and specify a path from one
- machine to the next. (There are, of course, ways around this.
- See the section on "do's and don'ts".)
- Mail addresses:
- Addresses:
- An email address is a method of specifying a given person on
- a specific machine. There are scads of conventions, usually
- determined by the presence of "@"'s, "!"'s and other special
- characters in the name. An address usually consists of
- two parts: a userid/name and a machine specification.
- A Domain address usually looks like:
- userid@domain-address
- Whereas a UUCP address usually looks like:
- siteA!siteB!siteC!userid
- Domain Addresses:
- Domains are a way of uniquely specifying a destination.
- Much like a postal address, a domain specifies a set of
- progressively more restrictive "domains" of the potential
- address space. It would perhaps be illustrative to give an
- example:
- clewis@ferret.marketing.fooinc.com
- You read these things right to left: "com" means the
- commercial domain. "fooinc" is the name of an organization
- within the commercial domain. "Marketing" is the name of a
- suborganization within fooinc, and ferret gives the name of
- a machine (usually). Domains can have any number of levels.
- The top level domain (com in the above example) has many
- possible values. In the United States, "com", "mil", "edu",
- and "gov" are fairly standard. Elsewhere, the top level
- domain tends to be a country code, the second level tends to
- be a province or state, OR a classification like "edu" or "ac"
- for academic (such as ac.jp, go.jp, ac.uk, edu.au, etc)
- and the third an organization. But, for example, there are
- many .com and .edu sites in Canada and other countries.
- A fully-qualified-domain-name (FQDN) has a entry for each
- level of the domain, from individual machine to top-level
- domain. In many cases, an organization has implemented an
- organizational "gateway" at a higher level of domain, so
- that people from outside don't have to specify FQDN's to get
- to a specific person. In the above example, for instance,
- "fooinc.com" may be sufficient to get to anyone inside
- fooinc, and "ferret.marketing" may not be necessary.
- On the other hand, people sometimes leave out the higher
- levels of the address, as in "ferret.marketing".
- This is a bad idea - because if the mail is cc'd out of the
- organization, chances are the external recipient cannot reply,
- because "ferret.marketing" is incomplete. So use addresses
- that are specified sufficiently for external users to use.
- (fooinc.com if a organizational gateway is used, the whole
- ferret.marketing.fooinc.com if not)
- Internet TOP-LEVEL domains (edu, com, gov, mil) are controlled
- by a single organization, the NIC (nic.ddn.mil). An organization
- "gets a piece" of the namespace by registering with the NIC, and
- then they are free to administer their own namespace (everything
- under fooinc.com) as they choose. The same is true for foreign
- countries; Once they have their top-level domain (usually the
- two-letter ISO country code) registered with the NIC, they do
- the rest, and divide it as they see fit.
- In contrast, on UUCPnet, all machine names everywhere share a
- single flat namespace. So it is important to choose a name
- that has not been used before. (See do's and don'ts). This is
- why FQDN's help. We can tell the difference between
- ferret.fooinc.com and ferret.blah.edu by their full names.
- (Instead of UUCP paths which may turn out to be wrong, and
- autorouting will probably send the mail to the wrong machine)
- MX record:
- A non-SMTP/Internet site that wishes to register on the Internet
- will need to get a "nearby" Internet site to set up a MX
- record for them. An MX record is essentially a domain-server
- database record that (effectively) registers your domain name
- on the Internet, and indicates that the Internet site knows
- how to forward mail to you. Usually via some non-SMTP/Internet
- route, such as UUCP. You can get an MX record for one site, or
- a "wildcard" MX record so that you can have your own subdomains.
- Bang-Paths:
- With UUCP mail, the MTA has to specify a route to get from one
- machine to another. "A!B!C!userid" means go to machine A,
- then B, then C, then user "userid" on C. You should strive,
- however, for a MUA that allows you to use domain addressing,
- and let the MTA figure out the bang routing as appropriate.
- Miscellaneous:
- Gateways:
- There are several meanings of this term, only three are relevant
- here.
- The first is a mechanism for getting from one network to another
- network that uses different protocols.
- The second is a mechanism for getting from one logical (often
- organizational) network to another using the same protocol.
- Often for example, there will be a LAN in one department of
- an organization, and one machine in the LAN has the connection
- to another LAN in another department. This means that mail from
- one LAN to the other has to pass thru the gateway machine.
- Another form, which we'll mention later is that of mail to
- news gatewaying.
- Routers:
- There are several definitions, but the most important is that
- part of the TA that figures out how to send a message to
- a given machine. This often uses a database that provides
- routes from one machine to the other machines on the network.
- Smarthost:
- In many cases, your machine won't know how to get to a specific
- destination. You can usually set up your mail system to send mail,
- that it doesn't know how to deliver, to a machine that is more
- likely to.
- RFC's:
- A set of documents that include formal descriptions of mail
- formats used on the Internet, and are adhered to by many
- non-Internet systems. More specifically, in the "worldnet"
- of USENET, Internet and UUCP, the RFC's set the standards
- for mail exchange. RFC822, 1123 and 976 are the most important
- for Internet/UUCP mail.
- It should be pointed out, however, that there are some
- regions where the RFC's are not entirely respected. For example,
- the British academic email networks (JANET) uses domains, but
- they're specified backwards (they drive on the wrong side of
- the road too ;-).
- Mime is the official proposed standard format for multimedia Internet
- mail encapsulated inside standard Internet RFC 822 messages. Facilities
- include sending multiple objects in a single message, character sets
- other than US-Ascii, multi-font text messages, non-textual material
- such as images and audio fragments, and other extensions. For an
- overview of Mime, see ftp.uu.net:mail/metamail/MIME-overview.txt.Z.
- The defining document is Internet RFC 1341: N Borenstein & N Freed,
- ``Mime (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) mechanisms for specifying
- and describing the format of Internet message bodies'' (June 1992).
- Also see RFC 1344: N Borenstein, ``Implications of Mime for Internet
- mail gateways'' (June 1992).
- RFC1341 and 1342 have since been superceded by RFC 1521 and 1522.
- Mime covers only message bodies, not message headers; to see how to
- represent non-Ascii characters in message headers, see Internet
- RFC 1342: K Moore, ``Representation of non-Ascii text in Internet
- message headers'' (June 1992).
- X.400:
- A CCITT standard for email formats, more or less an alternative
- to RFC 822/976/1123. This format will probably start taking over
- from RFC 822/976/1123 mail. It is likely to (already has?) become an
- ISO/IEEE standard along with OSI etc.
- "The Maps":
- A set of files describing machine-to-machine links distributed
- over USENET in the group comp.mail.maps. These are usually posted
- on a monthly schedule, and can be automatically received and
- transformed into a routing database that describes the "optimal"
- route to each machine. These are operated by the "UUCP Mapping
- Project". See the README posted along with the maps for
- more details.
- Aliases:
- Aliases are a mechanism by which you can specify the destination
- for mail on your machine. Through the use of aliases you can
- redirect mail to "virtual userids". For example, you should
- have a mail destination on your machine called "postmaster", which
- is aliased to send the mail to the System Administrator (ie: you
- probably). Aliasing often also permits you to send mail to groups
- of users (not necessarily on the same machine as you) pipelines of
- commands or to specific files.
- Mailing lists:
- Are similar to USENET newsgroups. They are usually aliases
- pointing to groups of users, and allow mail to be sent to the
- whole group at once. Mailing lists are set up to carry certain
- subjects. The difference between a mailing list and a USENET
- newsgroup is that the messages are sent by mail, probably as
- a copy to each recipient, rather than broadcast.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Do's and Don'ts:
- 1) Register a domain name. Even on UUCP, where <machine>.UUCP is often
- used as a kludge, it is MUCH preferred that you obtain a real
- domain address. If you are directly connecting to the Internet,
- you will get one as part of your registration with the NIC.
- If you aren't connecting directly to the Internet, obtaining a
- registration will usually require you finding a nearby friendly
- Internet site willing to act as a mail forwarder to you from
- the Internet - the site that will set up a "MX record" for you.
- Many sites will do this for you for free, and several of the
- commercial email services (eg: uunet) will do it for you for a
- nominal charge (without requiring you buy the rest of their
- services).
- There are occasions where you can join what is called a "domain
- park". These are most often small regional groups of systems that
- have gotten one of their number properly registered as a domain,
- and provides forwarding services out to other systems. For
- example, in my address "ferret.ocunix.on.ca", "ocunix.on.ca"
- is a domain park made up of the Ottawa-Carleton UNIX User's Group,
- one of the other machines in the group provides a gateway between
- our systems and the Internet.
- 2) If your machine is going to "speak" UUCP to the outside world,
- choose a unique UUCP name. You can find out whether a name you
- want is taken by consulting the UUCP maps. Or by asking someone
- else who's using them.
- 3) Register your machine with the UUCP Mapping Project if you're going
- to use UUCP. Information on how to do this is included in the
- monthly maps postings in the file "README". This is usually only
- required when your machine talks UUCP to the outside world, or when
- other machines have to address you by your UUCP name. If you don't
- do this, somone else may choose the same name, and gross confusion
- will arise when smart routers won't be able to tell whether to send
- a piece of mail to you, or your doppelganger[s]. If you register
- with the UUCP Mapping Project, you have prior use, and people who
- choose the same name afterwards will be told to get a new one.
- If you're "behind" an organizational gateway, don't do this.
- (Your organizational gateway is the thing that needs to be
- registered)
- If you do fill in a map, please take the time to fill it in
- carefully, giving contact people and phone numbers. Just in
- case your machine goes crazy and starts doing something nasty.
- Note expecially the latitude and longitude. Get it right,
- or omit it. Brian Reid gets really annoyed with sites that
- are half a world away from where they really are.
- 4) If you're going to be setting up multiple machines, have only
- one or two connections to the outside world.
- 5) Install a mail system that understands domain addressing, even
- if you aren't registered. (In fact, all of the suggested
- configurations in this FAQ do)
- 6) *Never* use UUCP bang-routing with the MUA if you can possibly
- avoid it - each of the suggested mail configurations provide
- mechanisms where you, the user, do not have to specify routes
- to the MUA - you can specify domains, and the TA will do the
- routing (possibly bang-routing) for you.
- Important: many mailers that understand UUCP attempt to be
- pedantically "UUCPish" in the construction of headers, such
- as generating "bang routes" in From:/To: etc. lines. Which,
- given that the whole "mail network" is generally converging on
- more Internet-like standards, and that even UUCP sites are
- using fully domain-capable mailers, is a big mistake. RFC976
- attempts to codify a "meta standard" that allows the coexistance
- of RFC822/1036 (Internet mail) with UUCP-based networks. What
- this means is, essentially, that headers are formed in the
- SMTP form, even if the transport will be via UUCP. Unfortunately,
- however, many mailers insist on "UUCP-izing" perfectly useable
- Internet/domain headers. "Fixing" them to prevent this is sometimes
- difficult. Sendmail is almost always a problem in this regard.
- 7) Find a friendly neighboring SA to help. A SA who has already
- operating mail in your area will help smooth over the regional
- "gotchas" that are bound to crop-up. And advise you on the
- right software to use, where to obtain it, and how to install it.
- 8) Do NOT use "any old" Map unpacking program. Most available
- map unpacking programs automatically run the shell (or shar)
- to unpack map articles. Since it is trivially easy to forge
- map articles, using this type of unpacking program can
- easily let very destructive trojan horse or virus programs
- into your machine.
- The two specific map unpackers described in this FAQ are known
- to be secure from such attacks. Do not run any other unpacker
- unless you are aware of the issues and can inspect the code for
- such vulnerabilities. [If you know of other "secure" map
- unpackers that are generally available, please let me know]
- 9) If the people on your site, or small network, receive mailing
- lists, it's often a good idea to gateway them to news:
- Netnews often performs many of the same services as email.
- The primary difference is that messages are centrally stored,
- rather than delivered to individual's mailboxes, and that
- distribution looks more like a broadcast then a set of point-to-point
- communications. This means usually means that news can handle more
- volume, more efficiently, then email can.
- Because of the differences (and also the similarities) people often
- want to tie news and mail together. This is known as "gatewaying."
- For example, a small software development site might subscribe to the
- X Windows mailing list. Rather than have (say) eight copies of each
- mail message sent to their host, they would rather have it stored as a
- local newsgroup that everyone in the company can read, and which can
- be centrally archived. This is a typical use of a "mail to news"
- gateway. When a user makes a posting to this local group the article
- should be sent back out to the mailing list; this is a typical use of
- a "news to mail" gateway.
- On a larger scale, the "inet" groups are bi-directional gateways of
- Internet mailing lists. Within mainstream Usenet, many popular
- groups such as comp.windows.x, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, comp.unix.wizards,
- and so on, are gatewayed to mailing lists and back.
- Many subtle issues often come up when gatewaying mail and news, so
- unless you are experienced you should use one of the already-available
- packages for your local organization. For example, you probably do not
- want to write a brand-new Perl script and create a new "inet" newsgroup.
- The C News distribution includes some basic gateway tools in the
- contrib/nntpmail directory. Many people use Rich $alz's "newsgate"
- package that appeared in comp.sources.unix Volume 24; it includes
- discussion of some of the more subtle issues that come up.
- Before starting a mailing list gateway, apart from the technical aspect
- of the job you should also be aware of one important point: mailing-lists
- are considered private, whereas newsgroups are public.
- One can know who gets a list, but not who reads the group. It is always
- wise to get the authorization of the mailing-list manager and of the readers
- before creating a mail/news gateway.
- 10) If you're connecting to the Internet, or are setting up a large local
- internet, you really should get a copy of the DNS and BIND book mentioned
- in the bibliography.
- --
- Chris Lewis: _Una confibula non sat est_
- Phone: Canada 613 832-0541 Ferret list: ferret-request@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- Latest psroff: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/psroff3.0pl17/*
- Latest hp2pbm: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/hp2pbm/*
- ~Newsgroups: news.admin.misc,comp.mail.misc,news.answers,comp.answers
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zib-berlin.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!nott!cunews!revcan!ecicrl!clewis
- ~From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
- ~Subject: UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 2 of 3]
- Summary: How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
- Message-ID: <mailfaq.2_772982405@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Supersedes: <mailfaq.2_771168005@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- ~Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:20:14 GMT
- Expires: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 13:20:05 GMT
- ~Reply-To: mailfaq@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Mail FAQ commentary reception)
- ~References: <mailfaq.1_772982405@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Organization: Elegant Communications Inc., Ottawa, Canada
- Keywords: mail software survey UNIX FAQ
- Followup-To: poster
- ~Lines: 586
- ~Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de news.admin.misc:16857 comp.mail.misc:16810 news.answers:24534 comp.answers:6077
- Archive-name: mail/setup/unix/part2
- Last-modified: Sat Mar 19 23:14:03 EST 1994
- UNIX EMail Software - a Survey
- Chris Lewis
- clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- [and a host of others - thanks]
- Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, Chris Lewis
- Redistribution for profit or altered content/format
- prohibited without permission of the author. Other
- redistribution must contain this copyright notice
- and attribution.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Configuration Issues:
- What you need for email connectivity is determined by:
- 1 What networks you intend to connect to.
- The Internet (hence SMTP)? UUCP sites? X.400?
- Bitnet? Others? Combinations?
- 2 What links you have or are willing to install
- Internet T1? T2? UUCP? Other? [Details on how to
- make your connections is beyond the scope of this FAQ,
- but can usually be found out from the provider (other end)
- of the link]
- 3 what user interface you want to use. This is largely
- an independent issue, so consult the Specific Package
- Reviews directly.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Recommended MTA Configurations:
- These configurations are based upon my own experience, and the
- experience of others. Careful installation of any of these
- configurations will result in a solid, reliable mail system
- that respects the appropriate "do's and don'ts". Each configuration
- represents a compromise of ease of installation and maintenance
- versus sophistication and capabilities.
- One thing you should consider is what you already have on your
- system. You will invariably have "binmail", and will have a good
- chance at already having sendmail. Some systems come with
- smail (if 2.3, junk it) The configurations shown below are *minimal*
- configurations, so you should consider whether you want to use what
- you already have or not.
- Scenario 1: Only UUCP connections.
- Smail 2.5. If you want to set up a routing database of
- your own, you will also need pathalias, and unpackmaps or
- uuhosts. Instead, though, you can configure smail 2.5 to
- smart-host most destinations to a nearby friendly site
- who'll do your routing for you without having to run
- the routing software. Note further, that you can run
- pathalias on just a subset of the full set of maps.
- [Unpackmaps makes this particularly easy to do]
- Smail 2.5, as shipped, does not support mail-to-pipeline
- or mail-to-file aliasing. If you need these, at a minimum,
- you should obtain lmail. If you intend more than casual
- use of these features, it is recommended that you obtain
- deliver or procmail instead of lmail.
- Even if you have sendmail already, you can integrate smail 2.5
- with it to do your UUCP routing. (though, some later versions
- of sendmail can do routing themselves)
- If you're a little more demanding of your mail connections, smail 3
- is also a good choice, and works particularly well for systems that
- are UUCP connected to Internet sites.
- Scenario 2: SMTP connections (optionally, some UUCP connections too).
- Generally speaking, sendmail will do this for you and you have
- a good chance to have it already. However, for the novice, it
- is recommended that smail 3 be used instead [see review of
- sendmail below]. Smail 3 includes all of the routing software
- and can do mail-to-pipeline and mail-to-file, so none of the auxiliary
- programs mentioned in scenario 1 are necessary.
- Most sendmails don't include UUCP routing mechanisms, so you would
- need pathalias and unpackmaps or uuhosts if you wish to set up
- a UUCP routing database. Further, most sendmails don't know
- how to query a pathalias database directly, so you may have to hack
- your own path lookup program into the sendmail.cf (smail 2.5 can
- be used for this purpose provided that you will have a UUCP link
- to the outside world)
- Both MMDF and PP can also be used, but PP is usually overkill.
- Deliver or procmail are still quite useful in this configuration
- for extended alias facilities.
- Scenario 3: Connections to other networks (optionally including
- SMTP or UUCP), or very high loading.
- Your best bets are MMDF, PP or zmailer.
- You can implement other network interfaces with sendmail, but
- not only will you probably have to roll your own, but sendmail
- can't cope with high loading very well. Ditto smail 3.
- There are other configurations. See the Package Reviews to
- determine which packages are appropriate.
- ------------------------------
- ~Subject: Package Reviews
- Honesty requires me to point out which software packages were
- reviewed by their author (including me ;-). I do so by appending
- a "*" to the name of the author. In some cases, the material
- has been cribbed from FAQ's or general information blurbs.
- It is worth noting, though, that most of these packages are well
- known, and have been in operation at many sites for periods of
- a year or more. These packages do their job well, and have been
- extensively thrashed out in the best debugging laboratory in the
- universe (USENET ;-)
- A few packages have been mentioned prior to their release.
- (unpackmaps 4, the occasional beta version). It is
- recommended that these versions be avoided by novices until they
- have had a chance to settle for a little while. This FAQ will
- note when such software seems (according to rumour *I* hear) to be
- stable enough for general use.
- Some of these packages are capable, by various bits of hackery,
- of doing a lot more than is claimed for them. But I refrain
- on telling you how to "take the covers off". Given the
- intended audience, that would be tantamount to trying to
- teach preschoolers do-it-yourself brain surgery. Please don't
- take this as condescending - I've been working on/in/with email
- systems for over 12 years and I *still* won't play with (as
- just one example) sendmail.cf's.
- Therefore, I restrict myself largely to "out-of-the-box" functionality,
- "fill-in-the-blank" configurability, and normal documented installation
- procedures. Beyond that, you're on your own.
- binmail
- binmail is usually really called "mail". On System V prior to
- Release 4, it is a really simple UA that does dual duty as the
- TA. It's pretty awful because it doesn't know how to set up
- headers properly, doesn't even know what a "Subject:" line is,
- and there's no way to do any kind of aliases.
- On BSD, binmail invokes sendmail to do the MTA function. On
- System V prior to Release 4, you really do want to replace binmail's
- MTA functionality with something else. However, you should not
- replace it in its "mail" (UA) functionality, because many
- system-level administration mechanisms will break. Any new UA
- should be installed as a different name than "mail".
- Beginning with System V Release 4, "binmail"'s transfer agent
- capabilities were considerably enhanced to have similar capabilities
- to Smail 3 and sendmail. There is usually no need to replace it with
- another mail agent. (See SVR4 mail discussion below)
- Binmail stores mail in "mbox" format.
- rmail
- binmail's TA functionality is implemented by linking mail
- to rmail. It's rmail that you'd want to replace with smail 2.5
- etc.
- Mail
- The original BSD UA. It can support local profiles, aliases, folders,
- header previewing, out-going mail recording and all sorts of good stuff.
- An "okay" UA. Available from BSD "freed-sources" archives.
- Mail stores mail in "mbox" format.
- mailx
- AT&T's answer to BSD "Mail", from which it is descended. Some versions,
- such as the 3b1 one, should be avoided because of a buggy port. Not
- available in source form (it's proprietary but ubiquitous enough to be
- mentioned here).
- Mailx stores mail in "mbox" format.
- mush: author Dan Heller* <argv@z-code.com>
- The "Mail User's Shell" is a "shell" for mail users. That is, it
- has its own environment where you can configure not only the user
- interface, but the actual internal mechanisms. Internally, mush
- has a csh-like scripting language, altho it's not as powerful as
- csh. It has command-line aliases, file completion, if-else state-
- ments, command piping, and so on. Because you can build your own
- commands, you can virtually build your own library of email features.
- Mush has two tty-based interfaces: the standard tty-mode (ala BSD
- Mail or sys-v mailx) and the fullscreen/curses mode (ala vi, emacs
- or even Elm). You can set up key bindings that execute one or more
- mush commands, personalized commands or even UNIX commands. You
- can even emulate keyboard input with keyboard macros and mappings.
- Mush also has a SunView interface that is more powerful than Sun's
- Mailtool, yet backwards compatible with most versions. Most sunview
- users (if there are any left these days) prefer MushView over Mailtool.
- The current version of Mush is 7.2.3, last posted in comp.sources.misc
- volume 18 (with subsequent patches). All three interfaces are
- available in one runtime binary. Except for the MushView interface
- (which is only available on for suns), Mush is portable to everything
- that runs UNIX. There is also a DOS port available for PCs and can
- run on most 286 machines. An older version of Mush (6.5) can run on
- as little as 640 of RAM. (Mush-PC is typically used with UUPC.)
- The "next generation" of Mush is a commercial product called Z-Mail
- from Z-Code Software (mail argv@z-code.com for details). All aspects
- of Mush are retained, yet it has grown to be far more powerful. It
- runs under X windows with either a Motif or Open Look interface
- and also supports multi-media, user "functions" and a suite of new
- features.
- Mush stores its messages in "mbox" format, or MMDF format if you're
- using MMDF as your MTA.
- The newsgroup comp.mail.mush is dedicated to it.
- [Note: Z-Mail is not related at all to Zmailer. Zmailer is a MTA]
- elm: coordinator Syd Weinstein* <syd@DSI.COM>
- (cribbed from comp.mail.elm FAQ)
- Elm is designed to run with "sendmail" or "/bin/rmail"
- (according to what's on your system) and is a full
- replacement of programs like "/bin/mail" and "mailx". The
- system is more than just a single program, however, and
- includes programs like "frm" to list a 'table of contents'
- of your mail, "printmail" to quickly paginate mail files (to
- allow 'clean' printouts), and "autoreply", a systemwide
- daemon that can autoanswer mail for people while they're on
- vacation without having multiple copies spawned on the
- system.
- The most significant difference between Elm and most other
- mail systems is that Elm is screen-oriented. Upon further
- use, however, users will find that Elm is also quite a bit
- easier to use, and quite a bit more "intelligent" about
- sending mail and so on.
- Current release is Elm 2.4 PL21.. Information on access is
- available from the server at DSI.COM:
- send mail to archive-server@DSI.COM
- send elm index
- [Ed: elm is particularly good for novices. The only drawback
- that I've heard is that elm is a bit less user configurable than,
- say, mush]
- MM: Contact Joseph Brennan* <info-mm@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>
- Columbia University in the City of New York
- (cribbed from MM man page.)
- mm is a powerful electronic mail system which allows you to send, read,
- edit and manage messages quickly and easily. It is designed to have the
- same interface as the MM program written and developed for DEC20s over a
- period of many years.
- mm was written using the CCMD package developed at Columbia. Thus, it
- has copious internal help, completion of partially typed commands on use
- of the TAB key, and help on partial commands when ? is typed.
- mm can read several mail-file formats. Its default is mbox, the same
- format used by unix mail. It also can read babyl, used by emacs rmail,
- and mtxt and MH. It can copy messages from one file type to another.
- MM is a Freeware MUA copyright by Columbia University (as is this
- description).
- MM is available by anonymous ftp from cunixf.cc.columbia.edu, directory mm.
- The file mm-intro.txt there is a longer description of how it was developed.
- [Ed: MM also appears to be a good UA for novices. From the examples
- in the manual page, it handholds extensively and is not screen oriented.]
- MH: Maintainer John Romine <Bug-MH@ics.uci.edu>
- The big difference between MH and most other "mail user agents" is
- that you can use MH from a UNIX shell prompt. In MH, each command
- is a separate program, and the shell is used as an interpreter. So,
- all the power of UNIX shells (pipes, redirection, history, aliases,
- and so on) works with MH--you don't have to learn a new interface.
- other mail agents have their own command interpreter for their
- individual mail commands (although the mush mail agent simulates a
- UNIX shell). Mail messages are stored in individual files.
- The current version of MH is 6.8.3 and supports MIME. MH comes
- standard with Ultrix 4.0 and later, and AIX 3.1 and later.
- via anonymous ftp:
- ftp.ics.uci.edu [] pub/mh/mh-6.8.tar.Z 1.6MB
- louie.udel.edu [] portal/mh-6.8.tar.Z 1.6MB
- comp.mail.mh discusses MH, and contains a FAQ article.
- Jerry Peek wrote a book about MH called "MH & xmh: E-mail for Users &
- Programmers", ISBN 1-56592-027-9, published by O'Reilly and Associates,
- second edition, September 1992.
- XMH: <extracted from the manual page>
- The xmh program provides a graphical user interface to the
- MH Message Handling System. To actually do things with your
- mail, it makes calls to the MH package. Electronic mail
- messages may be composed, sent, received, replied to, for-
- warded, sorted, and stored in folders. xmh provides exten-
- sive mechanism for customization of the user interface.
- xmh is part of the standard X distribution from the X Consortium.
- EXMH: Author Brent Welch* <welch@parc.xerox.com>
- As well as providing the usual layer on top of MH commands, exmh
- has a number of other features:
- MIME support! Displays richtext and enriched directly. Parses
- multipart messages. Displays hot buttons that invoke external viewers
- (metamail) for things not directly supported. Built-in editor allows
- simple composition of text/enriched format.
- Color feedback in the scan listing so you can easily identify
- unseen messages (blue), the current message (red), deleted
- messages (gray background), and moved messages (yellow background).
- Xresources control these color choices.
- A folder display with one label per folder. Color highlights
- indicate the current folder (red), folders with unseen messages
- in them (blue), and the target folder for moves (yellow background).
- Nested folders are highlighted by a shadow box. A cache of
- recently visted folder buttons is also maintained. Monochrome
- highlights are reverse video for the current folder, bold box
- for folders with unseen messages, and stippled box for the
- target of move operations.
- Clever scan caching. MH users know that scan is slow, so
- exmh tries hard to cache the current state of the folder to
- avoid scanning. Moves and deletes within exmh do not
- invalidate the cache, and background incs that add new messages
- are handled by merging them into the scan listing. The
- scan cache is compatible with xmh.
- Numerous other features, such as "facesaver" display, backgrounds,
- dialog-box interface to MH "pick", folder searching and listing,
- designed for inclusion of user "hooks" and interfaces etc.
- GNU Emacs Rmail:
- Rmail is an Emacs subsystem for reading and disposing of mail. Rmail
- stores mail messages in Rmail files in BABYL format (originally used
- under the ITS operating system), although it can incorporate new mail
- from MMDF and Unix format files, or mixed-format files. Reading the
- messages in an Rmail file is done in a special major mode, Rmail mode,
- which redefines most letters to run commands for managing mail.
- Rmail can do the standard things such as displaying, deleting, filing,
- or replying to messages. Replying uses another Emacs subsystem, Mail
- mode. Messages can be saved in either BABYL or Unix format. Rmail
- maintains per-message attributes and user-defined labels. Rmail can
- burst message digests.
- VM: Author Kyle Jones* <kyle@uunet.uu.net>
- VM (View Mail) is a GNU Emacs subsystem that allows UNIX mail to be read
- and disposed of within Emacs. Commands exist to do the normal things
- expected of a mail user agent, such as generating replies, saving
- messages to folders, deleting messages and so on. There are other more
- advanced commands that do tasks like bursting and creating digests,
- message forwarding, and organizing message presentation according to
- various criteria.
- The current version of VM is VM 4.41.
- FTPable from:
- ftp.uu.net mail/vm/vm-4.41.tar.Z
- archive.cis.ohio-state.edu pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/vm-4.41.tar.Z
- VM is discussed in gnu.emacs.vm.info, or by mailing list by sending
- an e-mail request to info-vm-request@uunet.uu.net.
- MH-E: Maintainer: Stephen Gildea <gildea@bbn.com>
- MH-E is an interface to MH from within GNU Emacs. It helps if MH was
- compiled with the MHE compiler flag. MH-E is distributed with both GNU
- Emacs and MH. Choose the later version.
- C-Client: Author Mark Crispin <mrc@panda.com>
- Software writers only:
- C-client is a general library useful for creating MUA's. It provides
- a high level logical interface for retrieving and manipulating
- mail messages. It supports the latest draft of MIME (proposed
- Internet standard for multipart, multimedia, typed electronic mail).
- It is driver based, and easily ported to new platforms and MTA's,
- already supports BSD, SysV, DOS, Macintosh and TOPS-20(!),
- and supports present mail and mailbox formats.
- Just the thing if you want to write a new MUA.
- Contact the author for more details.
- Metamail: Author N. Borenstein
- [Described by Paul Eggert, eggert@bi.twinsun.com]
- Metamail is a software implementation of Mime, designed for easy
- integration with traditional mail-reading interfaces -- typically,
- users do not invoke metamail directly. Ideally, extending the local
- email or news system to handle a new media format is a simple matter
- of adding a line to a mailcap file. Mailcap files are described in
- RFC 1343: N Borenstein, ``A user agent configuration mechanism for
- multimedia mail format information'' (June 1992). The source code
- for metamail can be found in ftp.uu.net:mail/metamail/mm.tar.Z.
- To join its mailing list, write info-metamail-request@thumper.bellcore.com.
- MailManager: Author Mark Crispin <mrc@panda.com>
- A MUA implemented using C-Client for NeXT computers.
- Pine: Authors Lundblade, Seibel, and Crispin <pine@cac.washington.edu>
- Pine is a mailer developed by the University of Washington Office of
- Computing and Communications. It has been designed for ease-of-use and
- with the novice computer user in mind. It is based on Internet mail
- protocols (e.g. RFC-822, SMTP, IMAP, and MIME) and currently runs on
- a variety of UNIX platforms, and a version is apparently available for
- The guiding principles for achieving ease-of-use in Pine were:
- careful limitation of features, one-character mnemonic commands,
- always-present command menus, immediate user feedback, and high
- tolerance for user mistakes. It is intended that Pine can be learned
- by exploration rather than reading manuals.
- A stand-alone version of Pico, Pine's message composition editor, is also
- included. It is a very simple and easy to use text editor with text
- justification and a spelling checker.
- Features:
- - Mail index showing a message summary which includes the status,
- sender, size, date and subject of messages.
- - View and process mail with the following commands: forward, reply,
- save, export, print, delete, capture address and search.
- - Address book for saving long complex addresses and personal
- distribution lists under a nickname.
- - Multiple folders and folder management screen for filing messages.
- - Message composer with easy-to-use editor and spelling checker.
- The message composer also assists entering and formatting
- addresses and provides direct access to the address book.
- - Online help specific to each screen and context.
- - Supports access to remote mail repositories via the IMAP2 protocol
- defined in RFC-1176.
- - Soon to support multi-part mail conforming to proposed MIME Internet
- standard, allowing sending of sounds, graphics such as GIF and TIFF
- files, and binary files such as spreadsheets.
- Pine, including source code, is freely available via anonymous FTP from
- ftp.cac.washington.edu on the Internet. Other provisions for distribution
- have not been made. From the Internet, you may try out Pine and leave
- comments by telneting to "demo.cac.washington.edu" and logging in as
- "pinedemo". To join the Pine mailing list for announcements send a
- request to "pine-info-request@cac.washington.edu".
- Pine is very portable and runs on a variety of UNIX machines including
- DECstations, NeXTs, VAX's and Suns. Pine was originally based on Elm,
- but it has evolved much since, ("Pine Is No-longer Elm").
- For further information send e-mail to pine@cac.washington.edu. Pine is
- the work of Mike Siebel, Mark Crispin, and Laurence Lundblade at the
- University of Washington.
- Ream: Author: Paul Dourish* <dourish@europarc.xerox.com>
- Ream is a curses-based mail user agent for a variety of UNIX flavours;
- at one time or another, it's run on everything from a PC running Linux
- to a Cray Y/MP running UNICOS. It was originally written at the
- University of Edinburgh, and has spread not least through the
- subsequent geographical distribution of alumni. It remains minimally
- supported by its author (Paul Dourish <dourish@europarc.xerox.com>).
- Ream is similar to elm in a number of ways, but considerably smaller
- and with a stronger separation between MUA and MTA behaviours. It runs
- over sendmail, mmdf and PP. It is available by anonymous ftp from
- parcftp.xerox.com, in pub/europarc/reamXXX.tar.Z, where XXX is a
- slowly incrementing version number.
- XLView: Author: Several. Mike Macgirvin* <mtm@camis.stanford.edu>
- Current version 1.1 (Developer Release). XLView (previously known as
- "Ximap") is an X based mail reader using the IMAP (IMAP2bis) protocol,
- for managing complex mail tasks. It utilizes the X window system to
- allow independant processing of multiple mailboxes (even on multiple
- servers) simultaneously. Each "read" and "compose" process is handled
- in an independant window as well. It handles many complex MIME messages
- with the help of external multi-media handlers based partially on
- "metamail", and include facilities for file attachments of several
- common types. It includes an address book with insert completion
- abilities and for maintaining addresses. Of course it has the normal
- move/copy/save/reply/forward/print etc., functions one would expect and
- text may be cut and pasted from other open X sessions. The most
- powerful feature of the latest release is the "Logical Viewer" which
- allows one to create rule based sorting of their mailbox based on
- addresses, dates, contents, message flags and other criteria. Each
- existing message (and each new message) is evaluated and stored in the
- appropriate logical view, which may be opened as if it were a separate
- mailbox (but all the while it only represents a different ``view'' of
- your system mailbox). Each mailbox or saved folder may have independant
- rulesets. Status changes also are evaluated as they occur and the rules
- applied accordingly. The rule language is powerful, yet easy to grasp;
- i.e.
- Currently tested with SunOS4.1.x and Ultrix running X11R5.
- Several alternate system ports including SVR4 are due shortly.
- FTP: SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU:/imap/clients/ximap/xlview-1.1.tar.Z
- Information: xlview@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU
- Principal Authors: Kevin Brock, Bill Yeager and Mike Macgirvin at the
- Center for advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford.
- Z-Mail: Z-code Software Corp, Carlyn Lowry* <lowery@z-code.com>
- Z-Mail, a UNIX World Magazine "Product of the Year" winner for 1991, is
- a complete electronic mail system for workstations. Z-Mail provides
- Motif and Open Look graphical user interfaces, as well as two character
- modes. The software has been ported to nearly every system that runs
- UNIX, and it works with all standard UNIX mail transport agents
- including sendmail, binmail, smail, MMDF and X.400 gateways. Z-Mail can
- replace or coexist with standard mail user agents on the system,
- including BSD Mail, AT&T mailx, Sun Mail Tool, Elm or Mush. Most anyone
- can use Z-Mail "off the shelf" and immediately benefit from its simple
- interface and advanced features.
- Z-Mail also includes Z-Script, a powerful scripting language that
- enables users to customize and extend Z-Mail's capabilities. Z-Mail's
- multi-media capabilities allow easy integration with best-of-class
- products including spreadsheets, desk-top publishing, graphics, fax,
- voice, and video. For example, when users receive a spreadsheet file,
- Z-Mail can be configured to automatically launch the associated
- application and load the the attachment automatically and transparently
- to the user. Z-Mail understands MIME-format documents and is also
- compatible with Sun's multimedia Mailtool.
- Mac, DOS, and Windows versions, as well as native MIME support, are
- planned for this summer.
- For more information on Z-Mail, contact:
- Z-Code Software Corp.
- 4340 Redwood Hwy., Suite B-50
- San Rafael, CA 94903
- tel: (415) 499-8649
- fax: (415) 479-0448
- e-mail: info@z-code.com
- Also, you can anonymous-ftp a demo copy of Z-Mail from "ftp.ora.com" in
- the directory pub/z-code/zmail/2.1. (The file you want is named
- zm.XXX.tar.Z, where XXX is your type of machine.) You'll need to call
- us after you do so we can send you an activation key.
- [As mentioned previously, Z-Mail is the commercial variant of mush. Ed]
- --
- Chris Lewis: _Una confibula non sat est_
- Phone: Canada 613 832-0541 Ferret list: ferret-request@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- Latest psroff: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/psroff3.0pl17/*
- Latest hp2pbm: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/hp2pbm/*
- ~Newsgroups: news.admin.misc,comp.mail.misc,news.answers,comp.answers
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zib-berlin.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!nott!cunews!revcan!ecicrl!clewis
- ~From: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
- ~Subject: UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 3 of 3]
- Summary: How to set up Email on UNIX systems.
- Message-ID: <mailfaq.3_772982405@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Supersedes: <mailfaq.3_771168005@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- ~Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:20:19 GMT
- Expires: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 13:20:05 GMT
- ~Reply-To: mailfaq@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Mail FAQ commentary reception)
- ~References: <mailfaq.1_772982405@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Organization: Elegant Communications Inc., Ottawa, Canada
- Keywords: mail software survey UNIX FAQ
- Followup-To: poster
- ~Lines: 498
- ~Xref: cs.tu-berlin.de news.admin.misc:16858 comp.mail.misc:16811 news.answers:24535 comp.answers:6078
- Archive-name: mail/setup/unix/part3
- Last-modified: Sat Mar 19 23:14:03 EST 1994
- UNIX EMail Software - a Survey
- Chris Lewis
- clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- [and a host of others - thanks]
- Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, Chris Lewis
- Redistribution for profit or altered content/format
- prohibited without permission of the author. Other
- redistribution must contain this copyright notice
- and attribution.
- uumail:
- Uumail is a very old and obsolete precursor to smail 2.5. Included
- here only because I know that uumail sites still exist. You
- should not install uumail in new configurations, and existing
- uumail sites should convert to something more modern.
- smail 2.5: author The UUCP Mapping Project
- Smail 2.5 is a small, simple and hard-coded rule MTA for use on
- UUCP networks. It understands RFC compliant headers, will
- generate RFC compliant Internet-style headers, can
- use domains, aliases, a pathalias UUCP routing database, and
- is very simple to install. For full functionality, you will
- also want pathalias and a map unpacker. The one thing
- it cannot do by itself is mail-to-pipe and mail-to-file aliasing.
- For that, you need Zeeff's lmail, deliver or procmail.
- Smail 2.5 has the capability of coalescing addresses into single
- UUCP transfers, and knows how to query UUCP for the names
- of UUCP neighbors, and autoroute if necessary.
- Smail 2.5 has a few bugs that are (usually) pretty rarely seen
- in operation. There have been a number of patches posted for it,
- but it is recommended that you do not apply them - some were
- ill-conceived, buggy in their own right, or conflicting with others.
- The only patches that I feel safe in recommending is Chip
- Salzenberg's patches for use with Xenix MICNET - which are
- unnecessary unless you are in the unfortunate position of having
- to actually *use* MICNET. Chip Salzenberg's "deliver" package
- (see below) combined with "smail-deliver.pch" from comp.sources.unix,
- volume 25 issue 107, makes the MICNET modifications to smail
- itself unnecessary.
- In particular, do not apply the "mail-to-pipe/file" patches that
- float around for smail 2.5. These are a major security hole.
- Smail 2.5 can also be used with sendmail as a UUCP router.
- Smail 2.5 was posted in comp.sources.unix in 1987, volume 11
- with archive name "smail3" (but it isn't the same thing as
- smail 3 below).
- lmail: Author Jon Zeeff <zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us, zeeff@ais.org>
- When you install smail 2.5, you link the original /bin/mail (binmail
- above) to /bin/lmail to perform the task of actually delivering the
- mail to the user's mailbox (LDA).
- Since smail 2.5 was not capable of doing mail-to-pipe and mail-to-file
- aliasing, Jon Zeeff wrote a replacement lmail that implemented
- these (along with user mailbox delivery).
- Jon's program is okay for casual use, but has some pretty serious
- bugs. Fixed versions are available, but you're probably better
- off installing deliver or procmail.
- smail 3: Author Ronald S. Karr* <tron@veritas.com> and Landon Curt Noll.
- Smail3.1 is a domain-capable mail router and delivery program that
- works in the UUCP zone and on the Internet and that is capable of
- gatewaying between the two. It was written primarily by me (Ronald
- S. Karr) and Landon Curt Noll, with the blessings of the original
- Smail1 and Smail2 authors.
- Smail3 supports SMTP, UUCP mail, alias files, .forward files, mailing
- list directories, pathalias files, /etc/hosts files, the domain name
- system, and can also query uucp for neighboring sites, automatically.
- It also supports use of encapsulated SMTP commands for delivery over
- UUCP connections, which allows batching of multiple messages into a
- single UUCP transaction, and allows many addresses to be passed with a
- single message transfer, which can greatly decrease the traffic
- generated for large mailing lists. It is also very simple to configure
- with a reasonable certainty of correctness.
- Smail3 includes pathalias and a reliable map unpacker.
- Rather than using configuration files to resolve addresses based on
- their syntax, ala sendmail, Smail3 uses a database metaphore for
- resolving addresses based on their contents. The set of methods that
- Smail3 uses for resolving local addresses and hosts is configurable and
- extensible. Smail3's methods for parsing addresses are not
- configurable. It is the opinion of the authors that addressing on the
- Internet and in the UUCP zone has become sufficiently standardized that
- attempts to allow configurability in this area are now a hindrance to
- the correct working of the network.
- Questions related to Smail3 are usually discussed in comp.mail.misc.
- There are also two discussion mailing lists. To join the mailing
- lists, send mail to:
- smail3-users-request@cs.athabascau.ca
- The current release of Smail3 can be found on uunet, in the file
- /archive/networking/mail/smail/smail-3.1.28.tar.Z. New versions
- are released on a haphazard basis. Official releases are always
- made available in the /archive/networking/mail/smail directory
- on uunet.
- Smail 3 is covered under the GPL (if it matters)
- sendmail: Original author Eric Allman
- Sendmail is the granddaddy of all intelligent MTA's. It can do just
- about anything. It's main problem is that it can do just about
- anything. Modification of sendmail's configuration tables (which is
- necessary with most vendor-supplied versions) is NOT for novices.
- The language of the sendmail.cf is cryptic, but that isn't really
- the problem (and this problem can be solved by using "EASE", a
- sendmail.cf writing language, or the UIUC IDA kit's configuration
- file building tools). The problem is that it's extremely difficult
- to know when the rules you are implementing are the right thing--
- many sendmail configurations do slightly buggy, or even extremely
- buggy, or illegal things. The default configurations generated by the
- UIUC IDA kit are, however, very good at Doing the Right Thing under most,
- if not all, circumstances. I hear similar things about the Sendmail
- 8.6 package.
- Worse, every vendor's version of sendmail is different, and many
- of their sendmail.cf's don't work at all. HPUX is one example
- of where the sendmail.cf is actually pretty sane. HP is to
- be congratulated. On the other hand, some vendors, who shall
- remain nameless, can't even get their sendmail to deliver to local
- users, let alone get their sendmail to speak SMTP on a LAN.
- The major problem with sendmail is that it tries to do too many
- things. Rather than confining itself to handling local mail, and
- simply routing external mail and leaving transport-specific
- format/standards conversions to transport software, it attempts
- (nay virually *insists*) that you have to do all of the
- format/standards conversions for different transports all at once.
- Which results in configuration files that are veritable nightmares
- to maintain. And that many sendmail.cf files depend on out-of-date
- standards for different transports, rather than trying to unify
- them (as in RFC976).
- Indeed, while common wisdom and practice mandates that MTAs don't
- rewrite headers, sendmail makes it extremely difficult to *not*
- rewrite headers. Which results in many major systems attempting to
- "be nice", yet, totally scramble return addresses and the like.
- There are several different sendmail lineages in the world but they
- seem to be coming together now with Eric Allman's work creating
- sendmail V8.x. Sendmail V8.1 was shipped with BSD 4.4 UNIX. V8.2
- and above (available from ftp.cs.berkeley.edu) is the latest. V8.6.6
- is now current. Another solid "modern" version is UIUC IDA version 5.65c
- (5.65d in alpha test), from ftp.uu.net or uxc.cso.uiuc.edu. This version
- has been pretty stable since 1991. Paul Pomes, <Paul-Pomes@uiuc.edu>,
- is controlling the IDA Sendmail releases.
- If you want to use sendmail, it is strongly recommended that you
- obtain the UIUC IDA or sendmail 8.6+ versions. They are much
- more likely to do the right things with mail coming from, or
- ultimately going to, UUCP sites and is much easier to maintain.
- IDA sendmail can handle pathalias-style UUCP routing quite well.
- Another point to remember is that sendmail, historically, has been
- where a large number of severe security holes have been found. From
- the infamous RTM Internet Worm, to the two latest ones "CERT"d in
- the past 6 months. Indeed, if your application is security-critical,
- you should *not* use sendmail on your security-critical systems, such
- as your firewalls. Theoretically, all of these problems have been
- removed from sendmail 8.6.5 or later, but, there's bound to be more
- found. While some of this can be due to the much larger installed
- base of sendmail, other mailers with improved function partitioning
- (such as the channel-oriented MMDF or PP) will usually be inherently
- more secure.
- I am being harsh on sendmail - sendmail programming is, after all, a
- good source of revenue for consultants ;-) But, if you obtain a good
- configuration (like the aforementioned HPUX version), or are willing
- to spend the time to learn it, sendmail will do what you want.
- Well. IDA or 8.x sendmail is STRONGLY recommended. Don't, however,
- even think of playing with the configuration files without a copy of the
- Sendmail book by Costales, Allman and Rickert mentioned in the
- book list above. It is *absolutely* essential.
- Sendmail is discussed in comp.mail.sendmail.
- EASE version 3.5 was posted in volume 25 of comp.sources.unix and
- is available from wuarchive.wustl.edu [] (directory
- /usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume25/ease) and many other c.s.u
- archives.
- ZMailer: Author Rayan Zachariassen* <rayan@cs.toronto.edu>
- ZMailer is intended for gateways or mail servers or other large site
- environments that have extreme demands on the abilities of the mailer.
- Code and Design features:
- + Strong limits on host impact.
- + Secure design (and hopefully implementation).
- + Natural fit for client/server environments.
- + Extremely customizable configuration mechanism.
- + Flexible database interface with support for: sorted files, unsorted
- files, dbm, ndbm, gdbm, nis (yellow pages), dns (BIND resolver),
- /etc/hosts file, and in-core data.
- + Efficient message queue management.
- + Fast binary-transparent SMTP server and client.
- + Low-technology implementation.
- Default configuration file features:
- + Default configuration will work for most sites.
- + Network protocol support for: smtp, uucp, bitnet, mail to news.
- + An easy way of overriding any external routing information.
- + Automatic handling of mailing lists.
- It is available by anonymous FTP from ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/pub/zmailer.tar.Z
- or ftp.cs.toronto.edu:/distrib/zmailer.tar.Z.
- MMDF: [reviewed by I.Sparry@gdt.bath.ac.uk]
- MMDF is a MTA. It works on the principle that you have communications
- channels, both incoming and outgoing, and it arranges for messages to
- pass between them.
- Strong points include:
- * Ability to turn up and down debugging level on the fly
- * Very strong on authentication, and permission checking.
- * Can block mail based on who it came from, how it got there,
- who it is going to.
- It is older than sendmail, simpler than sendmail, and it is a great
- pity that it was not shipped as standard instead of sendmail.
- [MMDF is standard on some systems - primarily SCO UNIX and Xenix.]
- It has one major advantage to people in the UK, in that it knows how to
- handle mail addresses in our 'correct' format (Most significant part first,
- e.g. net.uu.uunet), as well as the thing the rest of the world uses :-) :-)
- A mailing list for MMDF discussion is at mmdf2@a.cs.okstate.edu
- requests for addition to the list to mmdf2-request@a.cs.okstate.edu.
- The most recent release of MMDF is available for anonymous FTP from
- a.cs.okstate.edu:/pub/mmdf-2.43.tar.Z.
- PP: Author University College London
- PP is a Message Transfer Agent, intended for high volume message
- switching, protocol conversion, and format conversion. It is targeted for
- use in an operational environment, but may also be useful for investigating
- Message related applications. Good management features are a major
- aspect of this system. PP supports the 1984 and 1988 versions of the
- CCITT X.400 / ISO 10021 services and protocols. Many existing RFC 822
- based protocols are supported, along with RFC 1148 conversion to X.400.
- PP is an appropriate replacement for MMDF or Sendmail, and also supports
- SMTP and UUCP mail.
- For more information contact: support@xtel.co.uk or xtel@cs.nott.ac.uk
- The latest version is PP-6.0, which was posted in comp.sources.misc,
- volume 27.
- [Ed note:]
- PP is usually used in combination with the ISODE package, which
- also provides copious documentation for PP. PP itself is
- "freeware", but ISODE and the PP documentation is not - site
- licenses are rather pricy. PP is *very* large, and has quite a
- number of more esoteric functions, such as FAX transmission using
- the appropriate modems. PP is ideal for large organizations with
- demanding email requirements (eg: 100s of machines and 1000s of
- users), where PP would be used as "backbone mail servers", and something
- simpler on the "client" computers. It does have _substantial_
- learning and support requirements, and is *not* suitable for smaller
- installations. It does, however, shine in large production environments,
- where policy-based routing, high levels of security, or extensive
- gatewaying to different transports is required.
- SVR4 mail: Author AT&T (description written by Tony Hansen,
- hansen@pegasus.att.com)
- The System V Release 4 mail system is a domain-capable mail router and
- delivery program that works in the UUCP zone and on the Internet and
- that is capable of gatewaying between the two.
- SVR4 mail supports SMTP, UUCP mail, alias files, forwarding files,
- mailing list directories, /etc/hosts files, the domain name system, and
- can also query uucp for neighboring sites, automatically. (System V
- Release 4.1 also allows batching of multiple messages into a single UUCP
- transaction, and allows many addresses to be passed with a single
- message transfer, which can greatly decrease the traffic generated for
- large mailing lists.) It is also very simple to configure with a
- reasonable certainty of correctness.
- It also supports mail-to-pipe and mail-to-file.
- SVR4 mail uses configuration files to resolve addresses based on their
- syntax, somewhat similar to sendmail, but using regular expressions and
- a more easily understood syntax. The set of methods that SVR4 mail uses
- for resolving local and remote addresses and hosts is configurable and
- extensible.
- Questions related to SVR4 mail are usually discussed in comp.mail.misc.
- SVR4 mail is a standard part of System V Release 4; unfortunately, some
- vendors have not realized that SVR4 mail is not the same mailer as the
- SVR3 mail system, and have replaced it with other inferior mail systems.
- deliver: Author Chip Salzenberg* <chip@tct.com>
- Deliver allows any user to write a shell script that processes all
- incoming mail messages for that user. The system administrator may
- also install scripts that process all messages by installing
- it as the Local Delivery Agent (lmail replacement).
- The output of a script is a list of mail addresses, files and programs
- that should receive the message. It has access to each message as it
- is processed, so the action can be content dependent. The script may
- also generate automatic replies, like the "vacation" program, or pass
- along a modified version of the original message.
- Deliver can be used to construct mail-based services (e.g. automatic
- mailing list maintenance). It can also be used to filter mail
- automatically in prearranged ways (e.g. encryption and decryption,
- tossing junk mail, or vacation notices).
- Deliver was last posted in comp.sources.reviewed, volume 1. The
- current version is 2.1.10.
- procmail: Author Stephen R. van den Berg*
- <berg@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
- Can be used to create mail-servers, mailing lists, sort your incoming
- mail into separate folders/files (real convenient when subscribing to
- one or more mailing lists or for prioritising your mail), preprocess your
- mail, start any programs upon mail arrival (e.g. to generate different
- chimes on your workstation for different types of mail) or selectively
- forward certain incoming mail automatically to someone.
- Procmail can be used:
- - and installed by an unprivileged user (for himself only).
- - as a drop in replacement for the local delivery agent /bin/mail
- (with biff/comsat support).
- - as a general mailfilter for whole groups of messages (e.g. when
- called from within sendmail.cf rules).
- The accompanying formail program enables you to generate autoreplies,
- split up digests/mailboxes into the original messages, do some very
- simple header-munging/extraction, or force mail into mail-format (with
- leading From line).
- Also included is a comprehensive mailinglist/archive management system.
- Since procmail is written entirely in C, it poses a very low impact
- on your system's resources (under normal conditions, when you don't
- start other programs/scripts from within it).
- Procmail was designed to deliver the mail under the worst conditions
- (file system full, out of swap space, process table full, file table
- full, missing support files, unavailable executables; it all doesn't
- matter). Should (in the unlikely event) procmail be unable to deliver
- your mail somewhere, the mail will bounce back to the sender or reenter
- the mailqueue (your choice).
- A recent version can be picked up at various comp.sources.misc archives.
- The latest version (2.90) can be obtained directly from the ftp-archive at:
- ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (
- as zipped tar file: pub/unix/procmail.tar.zip <152KB
- as compressed tar file: pub/unix/procmail.tar.Z <216KB
- in compressed shar format: pub/unix/procmail.??.Z 11 parts
- [Ed note: I had noted reported difficulties in integrating procmail
- with System V and/or smail 2.5. The 2.70 version of Procmail eliminated
- these difficulties.]
- mailagent: Author Raphael Manfredi* <ram@acri.fr>
- The mailagent is yet another mail filter, written in perl, which will let
- you do anything with your mail. It has all the features you may expect from
- a filter: mailing lists sorting, forwarding to MTA or to inews, pre-processing
- of message before saving into folder, vacation mode, etc... It was initially
- written as an ELM-filter replacement, but has now enough power to also
- supplant MMDF's .maildelivery. There is also a support for @SH mail hooks,
- which allows you to automatically distribute patches or software via command
- mails.
- The mailagent was designed to make mail filtering as easy as it can be. It
- is highly configurable and fairly complete. Rules are specified in a lex-like
- style, with the full power of perl's regular expressions. The automaton
- supports the notion of mode, and header selection has many magic features
- built-in, to ease the rule writing process.
- To give a simple example, the two following rules:
- Subject: /cron output/ { SAVE cron };
- To Cc: dist-users { FORWARD friend@acri.fr; LEAVE };
- would save in a folder 'cron' all cron-related mail, and forward mail
- from the dist-users mailing list to a friend, leaving a copy in the system
- mailbox for immediate processing...
- It supports delivery to plain UNIX folder, to MMDF-style folders or to
- MH folders with built-in unseen sequence updates, as specified in your
- ~/.mh_profile. It may therefore replace MH's slocal program as well.
- Mailagent can be dynamically extended (that's the advantage of having it
- written in perl) with new filtering commands that will behave exactly
- like built-in ones; this operation being done without changing a single
- source line in the program itself, of course. It also provides a generic
- mail server layer, where user-defined commands can be easily plugged in,
- mailagent taking care of the lower-level stuff.
- The distribution comes with a set of examples, an exhaustive test suite,
- and naturally a detailed manual page. It should be noted that the mailagent
- will work even if your system administrator forbids "| programs" hooks in
- the ~/.forward, provided you have access to some sort of cron daemon.
- The mailagent program is available from any comp.source.misc archive and
- thanks to Christophe Wolfhugel <Christophe.Wolfhugel@grasp.insa-lyon.fr>,
- from ftp.univ-lyon1.fr ( under /pub/unix/mail/tools, file
- mailagent-3.0.tar.gz
- pathalias: Author Peter Honeyman
- Pathalias reads the UUCP Map Project maps (they need to be extracted
- from the postings first) and constructs a database containing the
- minimum cost route to any machine in the maps. This database can
- then be used with any mailer that knows how to search the database
- (eg: smail 2.5, Zmailer?, and some versions of sendmail. Smail 3
- comes bundled with pathalias).
- There were previous versions of this program. You must use
- pathalias version 10 (latest version), because some map format
- changes have been made and only pathalias 10 can parse them.
- If your pathalias doesn't give a syntax error on:
- echo "file {foo}" | pathalias
- It's the new one.
- There were other route-generating programs, but all (as far as
- I know) are very obsolete, and none run as fast as pathalias
- (still, which can be rather hard on machines with smallish virtual
- memory or RAM capacities).
- pathalias 10 is available from comp.sources.unix archives,
- volume 22. A patch was just released in comp.sources.unix
- (vol 25) that addresses an oddity when used with smail (not that
- I've ever noticed it).
- uuhosts: Author John Quarterman
- The "defacto" standard UUCP Map Project map unpacker. Includes
- a program to arbitrarily view individual map entries. Uuhosts
- implements trojan horse/virus security by running under
- a "chroot()" system call. Uuhosts does not appear to be
- actively maintained, and the last versions that I have inspected
- were unable to easily compress the maps (a full set of maps
- is >6000 blocks), had no provision for automatically
- running pathalias, and will not work with the newest version
- of cnews. Further, uuhost's header checking is so picky
- that the slightest change in the map format will cause
- uuhosts to reject map updates.
- Use of uuhosts now will require some minor hacking - and this
- hacking will stretch your knowledge of Bourne shell programming.
- The last edition, "uuhost4" (version 1.69) appears to have
- been posted in comp.sources.unix in volume 3, 1986.
- Do not be confused by Jan-Piet Mons "uuhost 2.0" program posted
- in alt.sources. This is not a map unpacker. It is just
- a map viewer, and is a subset of the real uuhosts.
- unpackmaps: Author Chris Lewis* <clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Unpackmaps is a superset of the functionality of uuhosts.
- It obtains its security by doing the map unpacking with
- a specialized parser that knows the map article format
- rather than invoking a shar/shell. Compression and pathalias
- invocation is automatic, correctly takes into account
- the change date of local configuration files, and will
- work with the latest Cnews.
- The newest version of unpackmaps, version 4.1, has been
- released to comp.sources.misc, and appeared in volume 34.
- This version is entirely written in C, is considerably faster
- than unpackmaps 3 or uuhosts, has considerably more features,
- and will work with Brian Reids PostScript net maps too.
- --
- Chris Lewis: _Una confibula non sat est_
- Phone: Canada 613 832-0541 Ferret list: ferret-request@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
- Latest psroff: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/psroff3.0pl17/*
- Latest hp2pbm: FTP://ftp.uunet.ca/distrib/chris_lewis/hp2pbm/*