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- $VER: AGetty_Manual v0.203 (15-May-93)
- Copyright ⌐ 1993 by Peter Simons
- All rights reserved.
- AGetty is Freeware, meaning you may spread and use it without any
- limitations or fees. But all rights are reserved to me and I may decide to
- release future versions as shareware or even as part of a commercial
- package.
- -----------
- AGetty is similar to the well-known Getty included in Matt Dillon's
- AmigaUUCP package. It hangs on the specified serial port (serial.device
- unit 0 by default) waiting for connections via the connected modem. Once a
- connection is detected, AGetty provides a Login: request to the caller.
- Getty disconnects any caller who cannot provide a legal Login and
- Password within 60 seconds. It also allows only 3 login attempts before
- disconnecting. Any attempt to login with an illegal password will be
- written to the logfile.
- Upon receiving a legal Login and Password, verified via the
- "PASSWD"-file, AGetty will execute a specified program, usually UUCICO or
- PMail, and stay off the line until the program returns. Then, AGetty will
- disconnect the caller and reset the modem, returning to its original state.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- AGetty and Getty do absolutely the same thing, so why should you use
- this new version? The question is easy to answer: Because the original
- Getty is totally outdated.
- This Getty:
- - provides the devicelocking machanism supported by all the major
- terminal programs such as VLT, Term, X-Comm and Terminus, to name a
- few.
- - is completely localized when Workbench v2.1 is installed
- - is pure and can be made resident. This saves valuable memory on systems
- serving several lines, because every AGetty-task uses the same code.
- - supports the new features of OS 2.04, like user-friendly command
- line-help, quick-io etc...
- - is about 20kbyte smaller than the old one and needs less than 4kbyte
- stack and only 20kbyte memory during operation.
- - draws your attention to logins rejected because an incorrect password
- was specified.
- - has the ability to loan the used modem-port to another program that
- supports the OwnDevUnit.Library.
- - recognizes incoming calls by the "RING"-message returned by the modem
- instead of relying on the modem-autoanswer. This reduces the
- probability of failed calls that used to occur when the old Getty was
- busy while the modem made the connect. ;-)
- - allows to store login-informations (like username or realname) into
- local shell variables, what is required by certain scripts or
- applications like Taylor UUCP.
- - is written by me (save the best for last)!
- ---------
- AGetty works only with hayes compatible modems, which understand the
- AT-command set. AGetty uses locked DTR-rate and RTS/CTS-handshaking all the
- time. I didn't find it necessary to make this configurable, but if I get
- some responses complaining about this, I'll add a switch to the
- config-file.
- The modem is expected to return strings (eg. "OK", "ERROR", "NO
- CARRIER"), not errorcodes. Modems auto-answer has to be disabled.
- ------------
- The installation of AGetty is quiet easy: Just copy the files in the
- "libs"-directory to your "LIBS:". (You should call "Avail flush" or even
- better reset your amiga to make sure older versions of the libraries are
- flushed.) Then copy the "c/AGetty"-executable somewhere in your
- commandpath, usually "UUCP:c".
- AGetty may be made resident using the shell-command "Resident".
- Depending on how you extracted the AGetty archive you may have to set
- AGetty's pure bit before this will work. You can do this with the CLI
- command
- protect AGetty +p
- The advantage of making AGetty resident is that AGetty is loaded once into
- memory and can then be used by several tasks at the same time.
- The file "lib/AGetty.config" must be copied into a directory pointed at
- by a "UULIB:" assign. The other files in the "lib"-directory may be copied
- anywhere (their paths are specified in the config file). Usually they go to
- "UULIB:", too.
- If you have Workbench v2.1 installed, copy the "catalogs"-directory to
- your "LOCALE:"-assign (consult your DOS-manual for further information.) to
- localize AGetty. The path to the catalog-files should be:
- "LOCALE:catalogs/language_name/AGetty.catalog".
- -----------------
- AGetty recognizes several command line options, but if you edit the
- Config-file correctly you won't need any to start it. (These options are
- meant for machines with more than one port, running several AGetties. Using
- the commandline parameters, so you can start each AGetty with it's own
- options, without changing the config file every time.) Start AGetty with
- "?" to get the following template:
- DEVICE - Here you can specify the device AGetty should use to "talk" to
- the modem. This is useful for owners of multiport serial
- boards which need a special version of the serial.device.
- If you leave this entry out, serial.device will be used by
- default.
- UNIT/N - This is the device's unit to use. Default is unit 0.
- BAUD/N - This is the baudrate that should be used to talk to the modem.
- You should specify the baudrate here or in the config file
- (later) for correct functioning.
- MODEMINIT - This is the string/command that should be used to
- initialize the modem. The string must be terminated with a
- "\r"-sequence, what means that AGetty sends the command to
- the modem and waits for response. If anything different
- from "OK" arrives, AGetty returns with an error.
- You may even supply whole command sequences to the modem,
- inserting "\r" after every single command. Example:
- ATZ\rATS0=0\rATX7\r
- IMPORTANT: AGetty uses its own method to determine a
- caller, so you have to disable the modem's auto answer
- (ATS0=0). Otherwise AGetty won't work correctly.
- ANSWERCOMMAND - Here you can supply a commandstring that should be used
- to answer the incomming call. In spite of MODEMINIT, this
- entry doesn't support and though doesn't need to be closed
- with a "\r", AGetty appends the return himself.
- The default command is "ATA".
- LOGINTEXT - Here you can specify a textfile that should be displayed to
- every caller. This is somewhat useless for UUCP sites,
- because programs like UUCico or PMail don't care much about
- this "welcome text". However, a human caller may get your
- number accidently and you want to inform him that here
- isn't anything interesting available.
- PRI/N - Using this parameter you may change the priority AGetty will
- run at. Usually you should choose a priority above 0, but
- not higher than 5. Let's say about 4, okay? :-) The default
- value is 0.
- -A=ANSWER/S - If you add this keyword to the commandline, AGetty
- answers to an existent or non-existent caller immediatly
- without checking for a "RING" message from the modem. This
- switch is useful for sites that do not run 24h a day, but
- rather only for exchanging some programs at special times
- (like mine).
- One example: You talk to a friend of yours who tells you
- something about a program he found on a bbs a few minutes
- ago. You both have your modem and phone connected to the
- same line. Just execute "AGetty -A" and he starts his
- UUCICO/PMail using "ATD" as his dialstring and now you can
- exchange the archive without calling each other again.
- After the mailers have transferred the archive you may even
- go voice again.
- -S=SINGLERUN/S - This switch must be used together with ANSWER or it
- will have no effect. If you specify SINGLERUN, AGetty
- returns immediatly after processing one connection.
- HARDWIRE/S - Using this switch you can tell AGetty that this port is
- connected to another machine using a nullmodem. This means
- that AGetty won't send any modem commands and does not
- expect a carrier on that line.
- ATTENTION: This feature is untested! If you need it, supply
- me with a second Amiga! :->
- QUIT/S - If you add this keyword to the commandline, AGetty will look
- for an AGetty beeing on job for this line and will signal
- him to quit. This AGetty will terminate as soon as
- possible, but will complete any running login before. If no
- AGetty for this device and unit is working, nothing will
- happen.
- Another way to terminate AGetty is to send him a CTRL/D
- break.
- -------------
- Let's begin with the easiest part of the configuration: Load the file
- "lib/Getty-Header" into your favourite editor and write a nice message that
- will be displayed to any (human) caller. (Of course, you may keep my
- message but then the shareware fee rises. :->)
- That was easy, wasn't it? :-)) Now take a look at "lib/AGetty.config".
- In most cases you can keep the actual value/string for correct functions.
- Keywords are recognized only when they're placed in the first column.
- Comment lines must begin with a '#' or ';'. Comments after a keyword are
- not allowed. The parameter may contain spaces, but it may not end with a
- space. Leading and trailing blanks are not parsed by AGetty. (Example:
- "SYSTEMNAME peti is the best" is okay, but "SYSTEMNAME AGetty is the
- coolest tool under the sun " won't be parsed correctly.)
- Here's a description of all keywords known to AGetty:
- STANDARDDEVICE - This is the device that AGetty should use as default.
- This selection is overridden by the command line. Default
- is serial.device.
- STANDARDBAUD - Baud rate to talk to the modem at. Overridden by the
- command line. This entry must be specified!! No default
- value is provided.
- MODEMINIT - The string to initialize the modem. For a brief descrption
- of how to provide modem commands, please look at the
- corresponding entry in the commandline sction of the
- manual.
- IMPORTANT: AGetty uses its own method to detect calls! You
- MUST have auto answer disabled (ATS0=0).
- BRUTEFORCE - "yes" or "no" may follow. This entry decides whether AGetty
- should wait for the device to become free or should return
- with an error after 5 seconds. Be careful with "yes":
- AGetty won't return before the device is freed and can not
- be interrupted with CTRL/C.
- IMMEDIATEANSWER - AGetty doesn't use the auto-answer mode of the modem
- but his own system of recognizing incomming calls. Do you
- want to AGetty to answer the phone immediatly or would you
- prefer him waiting for the second ring? The latter reduces
- the chance of AGetty answering the phone unnecessarily.
- ANSWERCOMMAND - Here you can provide the default modem command, that
- should be used to answer incomming calls. This selection is
- overridden by the command line. Default is "ATA".
- MYPRI - Here you can specify the prioritity you want AGetty to run at.
- This is overridden by the command line. Default is 0.
- LOGFILE - Here you can specify path and name of your logfile. If you
- comment this entry out, AGetty won't log its activities to
- a file.
- LOGINTEXT - Here you can specify the path and name of the (text) file
- that should be displayed to callers. This is overridden by
- the command line.
- PASSWD - Here you can specify the name and path of your password file
- (described later.). This entry must be specified. No
- default is provided.
- USER - For some programs is may be useful if some information
- PASSWORD (like the login-name or realname) would be available in
- USERID scripts via DOS-variables. Each of these keywords
- GROUPID represents a corresponding entry in the passwdfile of
- FINGER-INFO the actual caller. Behind these keywords you may specify
- HOME-DIR the name of the variable to hold the information of the
- COMMAND-TO-RUN passwdfile.
- The datas are stored in local DOS-variables, please
- consult your DOS-manual for further information. These
- variables are set before the command is executed by
- AGetty and are deleted afterwards. The former contents
- are not rescued!
- -----------------
- Okay, your AGetty is configured now, but how does it know what to do
- when somebody wants to login?? This information is found in the "Passwd"-
- file usually found in "GETTY:" or "UULIB:". For each system you have to add
- a line to this file using the following syntax:
- User,Password,UserID,GroupID,(Finger-Info),Home-Dir,Command-To-Run
- The fields are seperated with commas ',' and may contain blanks.
- User - this is the login-name of this guy. As described later in this
- section, the login-name of somebody needn't necessarily be
- the same as his systemname. The username is limitied up to
- 32 characters.
- Password - this is the password used for that login (not case sensitive)
- The password is limited up to 32 chars, too.
- If you specify a single star ("*") as password, AGetty
- won't ask the user for the password but execute the
- CommandToRun immediatly. This feature is useful for sites
- that run UUCP and a BBS at one port. Then the caller could
- log in with "BBS" or something similar and doesn't have to
- provide a password.
- UserID - this field isn't used in this version of AGetty, but has to
- exist.
- GroupID - this field isn't used in this version of AGetty, but has to
- exist.
- Finger-Info - this field isn't used in this version of AGetty, but has
- to exist.
- Home-Dir - Here you can provide an AmigaDOS directory-name. AGetty will
- make this directory the current one, before he executes the
- specified command. This may be important for some tools
- like AXShell. If no home directory is provided, "UUCP:" is
- used as default.
- Command-To-Run - this is the command that should be started when the
- user/machine has logged in successfully.
- NOTE: The old Getty had an option allowing to preface the
- command-to-run with a star ("*"). If Getty found this, he
- redirected the standard i/o of the program to the serial
- device. This is not supported by AGetty in the current
- revision, but might be added in the near future.
- Some examples:
- quax,peti for president,,,,,UUCPC:PMail quax
- quax_uucico,peti for president,,,,UUSpool:,UUCPC:UUCico <NULL: >NULL: -USER quax
- quax_8k,yeah_yeah,,,(Thomas Mildenberger),,UUCPC:PMail quax -XPRLIB xprzmodem8k.library
- All entries are for the same person or machine, but depending on the
- login name different commands are called. Programs like PMail or later
- versions of UUCico allow one to specify the machine name of the caller in
- the commandline, so you may have different logins but only one machine
- name.
- You can interrupt the actual login-attempt by sending a CTRL-C break to
- AGetty.
- -----------------------
- Let's say, you installed AGetty propperly, edited the config- and
- passwd-file, but it still doesn't do what you whant. What could you do to
- locate the error?
- AGetty supplies you with a lot of log- and error messages, if you have
- Workbench v2.1 installed even in your native language. These messages
- should tell you anything you need to get rid of the bug. Here's a list of
- all messages AGetty could possibly display with a short description:
- "Failed allocating a SignalBit!" - AGetty failed allocating an user
- signalbit. Perhaps a program in your system doesn't free
- its allocated signalbits correctly? You'll have to reset
- your machine...
- "There's already an AGetty running for that port!" - exactly what it
- says. :-)
- "Carrier lost!" - A carrier detected has been expected but no carrier
- was found. If this happens in a 7wire-connection you'll
- have to start AGetty with the -7WIRE switch.
- "Received CTRL/C-Break!" - You can interrupt the current login, modem
- command or whatever AGetty is doing at the moment with
- "Borrowed %s, unit %lu to >%s<" - When an other program tries to
- allocate the serial.device using the OwnDevUnit.Library,
- AGetty will be notified. If he doesn't need the device
- himself at the moment (for an incomming call), he'll free
- the device for the other task and wait for it to return.
- "Got %s, unit %lu back" - The other program has freed the device again.
- "Connect on unit %lu failed!" - connect failure
- "Couldn't hang up!" - I invested *VERY* much time in AGetty's hang-up
- mechanism. When AGetty tries to hang up, it sends a carrige
- return to the modem to interrupt still working modem
- commands like "ATA". After a short delay the status of the
- carrier is checked. Is a carrier detected, AGetty sends a
- "+++" to go into command mode. Then "ATH" is transmitted.
- After a delay of 2 seconds AGetty checks the carrier again.
- If the carrier is still detected, AGetty drops the DTR to
- force the modem to hang up.
- And if this doesn't have any effect, the above message is
- displayed.
- "%s logged into command %s" - A system logged in successfully and the
- listed command has been executed.
- "Login failed! login: %s, password: %s" - Someone tried to log in, but
- couldn't supply a correct login name or password. AGetty
- asks the caller for login and password, even if the login
- has already been incorrect. This makes it impossible to
- hackers to find out wether the users exists or not.
- The incorrect data are listed here, for your information.
- "Modem-initialisation failed!" - The Modem returned something different
- than "OK" during the modem-initialisation, maybe an
- "ERROR"?
- Don't worry too much about this error. Most programs I know
- do not even try to check wether the command was executed
- corretly, because it is nearly impossible to interpret the
- strings returned by the modem. Every modem handles certain
- situations differntly, just one example: I send the modem
- an "ATZ". During the execution, the modem detects an
- incomming call. Some modems will interrupt the command and
- return nothing except the "RING". Other modems will report
- the "RING" and then finish the command with "OK", etc...
- ---------------
- There's still some work to do for the comming releases of AGetty. The
- next feature that will be added is fax support and to rewrite AGetty's
- manual for AmigaGuide, providing cross-references and similar stuff.
- Then I'll try to add support for AxShell and similar programs, meaning
- that I add the fido capabilities of Matt's Getty: If the command-to-run is
- prefaced with a star ("*"), the Getty provides the serial in-/output via
- Additionally, I'd like to add more security to AGetty, regarding local
- networks and multi-user systems. I'm currently working on a nice encryption
- feature, what will provide ultimate security for the passwd-file. This is
- commonly used under UNIX, but quiete unknown on the amiga.
- One of the easier additions should be a routine that handles human
- logins better, meaning that AGetty echos the typed characters at the login
- and filters illegal control-characters.
- How fast these updates will be released, depends on the amount of
- feedback I receive.
- -------------------
- AGetty requires Kickstart v37 (Workbench Release 2.0) or higher.
- Additionally, PTool.Library and OwnDevUnit.Library are required.
- -----------------
- If you want to contact me (e-mail preferred), you may use the following
- addresses:
- Snail-Mail: Peter Simons E-Mail: simons@peti.GUN.de (Usenet)
- Europaring 20
- D-5300 Bonn 1 Voice: +49 228 746061
- Germany
- ----------------
- First of all, I'd like to appreciate the work of Stefan Thielscher,
- Frank Bergknecht and Thomas Mildenberger who helped me betatesting the
- program. Also very important were Christopher A. Wichura and Mike Meyer,
- who contributed many fine ideas for AGetties improvement and compatibility
- to the whole UUCP-package.
- Then I'd like to thank all the guys who installed and used AGetty for a
- period of time, reporting me any error that occured and helped me to
- terminate these bugs.
- And my (famous) last words belong to Marcus Kuba and Matthias Zepf, my
- all-time favorite fans and supporters.