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- ############################################################################
- # #
- # $VER: AGetty_Config v0.203 (14-May-93) #
- # #
- ############################################################################
- # Name of the device, that should be used by default, if no device is
- # specified in the commandline. If you leave this entry out,
- # "serial.device" will be used.
- STANDARDDEVICE serial.device
- # Baudrate that will be used a default if no baudrate is specified in the
- # commandline. You MUST specify a baudrate here or in the commandline,
- # otherwise AGetty won't work correctly.
- # Modemcommand to initialize the modem. Remember: Autoanswer *MUST* be
- # disabled (ATS0=0) or AGetty won't get any call! The dialstring may
- # contain several command, seperated by "\r". Every time AGetty finds this
- # command sequence, he sends a return to the modem and waits for the
- # reaction. If the modem replys an "OK" AGetty will continue parsing the
- # string, anything different will cause an error.
- # Some modems require quiete a long time to finish their reset-procedure
- # when the DTR was dropped. This might cause problems if AGetty want to
- # re-initialize the modem during this phase. If you're modem is one of
- # these, you can use this keyword to force AGetty to delay up to 10 seconds
- # before it tries to send the modem command. (Default is 0 seconds)
- # AGetty tries to lock the device using the OwnDevUnit.Library. This entry
- # specifies, wether AGetty should wait (maybe for ever?) for the device to
- # become free or should abort after 5 seconds. Valid parameters are "yes"
- # or "no", case-insensitive.
- # AGetty doesn't use the auto-answer mode of the modem but his own system
- # of recognizing incomming calls. Do you want to AGetty to answer the phone
- # immediatly or would you prefer him waiting for the second ring? The
- # latter reduces the chance of AGetty answering the phone unnecessarily.
- # Which command should AGetty send to the modem to answer the incomming
- # call? This defaults to "ATA". No "\r" is needed, AGetty appends the
- # return himself.
- # Here you can choose the priority AGetty runs under. Default is 0.
- # In which file shall I write my log-messages? (This should be the same
- # file, the whole UUCP-system uses. The filelocking mechanism, Dillon UUCP
- # v1.16 introduced, is supported.)
- LOGFILE UUSpool:Logfile
- # Here you can specify a textfile, that will be displayed to any caller. In
- # that text you can state important information like site-name, name of the
- # postmaster (and which Getty you use :->). If you leave this entry out, no
- # text will be displayed.
- # Where can I find informations about the users known on this system? This
- # entry must be specified, or AGetty won't do anything.
- # Some programs need additional information about the login in certain
- # DOS-variables. Here you can specify the names of the local variables, the
- # corresponding entries in Passwd shall go to. These variables are set
- # before the command is executed by AGetty and are deleted afterwards. The
- # former contents are not rescued!