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- WARNING: Long message coming up!
- All this material is preliminary and in the beta stage. Please read
- this manual carefully and report any suggestions/bug reports to
- INTERNET: cschneid@amiga.physik.unizh.ch BIX:hschneider
- We plan to release vmem.library (the library itself, include files,
- autodocs and examples) within one week freely distributable, so
- hurry up :-)
- Comments welcome!
- vmem.library/General_Information
- vmem.library/VMAllocMem
- vmem.library/VMAllocVec
- vmem.library/VMAvailMem
- vmem.library/VMFreeMem
- vmem.library/VMFreeVec
- vmem.library/VMGetPageSize
- vmem.library/VMTypeOfMem
- vmem.library/General_Information vmem.library/General_Information
- The General Purpose of vmem.library is to make a virtual memory handler
- available to any application writer while keeping things as transparent
- and easy as possible. Any application using vmem.library will work with
- or without actually having installed virtual memory. No need for huge
- checks all over the code.
- As soon as the virtual memory handler of Relog AG is installed, all
- applications using vmem.library will take advantage of it. If other
- virtual memory systems will appear on the market (e.g. from Commodore),
- vmem.library will be updated to support it. Your application will take
- advantage immediately without a change.
- There are a few restrictions due to the nature of virtual memory
- itself, not this specific implementation of virtual memory.
- 1) You must not call any of the library functions while Disable(), Forbid()
- or from interrupts.
- 2) Memory allocated via any call of vmem.library MUST NOT be accessed
- while Disable(), Forbid() or made available to any task other than
- the one which did the allocation! This includes message ports,
- semaphores, public lists or list entries, IO requests, interrupt
- structures etc.
- This also includes ANY IO from or to this memory especially DOS.LIBRARY!
- You MUST do buffered IO from and to this memory..
- It is possible though to use VMTypeOfMem(memoryblock) to see if this
- restrictions apply to the memory you got: If VMTypeOfMem returns TRUE
- (non-zero) you MUST CONSIDER these restrictions!
- 3) Only DATA may be stored in virtual memory, no CODE! Therefore you
- should not LoadSeg() (which is a DOS call and therefore illegal anyway)
- to this memory or copy/decrunch any piece of code to it.
- Some points (especially the data structres) have to be considered
- to get maximum performance out of virtual memory.
- Let's take an editor or word processor as example:
- 1) Do not go through the entire buffer unless you absolutely have to.
- For example, if the user adds some lines to the beginning of a long
- text, it is unacceptable that each time he (or she) presses the return
- key (or even worse: any key!), the application moves up the entire
- document in memory, thereby causing the entire memory space to get
- transferred to and from disk! Use a scheme with buffers of a medium
- size, say 16K. To add some text at the beginning, simply add a new
- buffer. The buffers need not be full, not even most of them - we have
- enough memory now! If two consecutive buffers are less than half
- occupied, you may very well melt them into one and throw away the other.
- 2) Same subject: If you keep an array of pointers to lines (editors) or
- paragraphs (word processors), keep it in a seperate array. DO NOT
- through without causing multiple pagefaults.
- 3) Set the MEMF_CLEAR for Virtual Memory only when this is a must. You
- should be able to never use MEMF_CLEAR for Virtual Memory.
- Reason: If you clear the large buffer upon allocation, you force all
- pages to be written out and marked as already modified, thereby causing
- delay and reducing performance.
- 4) When you go through large parts of the buffer (typically by searching for
- some item), try to avoid any write access wherever possible.
- Reason: Going through large memory space is always time consuming. If
- you do both read- and write access, then all the pages have to be both
- read from disk and written back, thereby more than doubling the amount
- of time spent waiting for disk.
- vmem.library/VMAllocMem vmem.library/VMAllocMem
- VMAllocMem -- allocate (virtual) memory given certain requirements
- memoryBlock = VMAllocMem(byteSize, attributes, flags)
- D0 D0 D1 D2
- void *VMAllocMem(ULONG, ULONG, ULONG);
- This is the memory allocator for virtual memory aware
- applications.
- Memory is allocated based on requirements and options. Any
- "requirement" must be met by a memory allocation, any "option" will
- be applied to the block regardless. VMAllocMem will try all memory
- spaces until one is found with the proper requirements and room for
- the memory request.
- byteSize - the size of the desired block in bytes. (The vmem.library
- will automatically round this number to a multiple of
- the system memory chunk size)
- attributes -
- requirements
- If no flags are set, the system will return the best
- available memory block (either virtual memory or not).
- Setting any atrribute (e.g. MEMF_CHIP) will result in a
- normal AllocMem(). Do not use VMAllocMem() when you
- need one of these attributes since it doesn't make much
- sense with virtual memory. This is only supported for
- compatibility reasons!
- options
- MEMF_CLEAR: AVOID THIS! The memory will be initialized
- to all zeros. AVOID MEMF_CLEAR since this
- forces the virtual memory handler to access
- EVERY BYTE of the memory block resulting
- in a long delay (reading the whole block
- from and writing it back to disk multiple
- times!)
- flags - Special virtual memory flags.
- VMEMF_VIRT: Return ONLY virtual memory.
- DO NOT SPECIFY VMEMF_VIRT unless you know
- exactly what you are doing! If VMEMF_VIRT is
- set, VMAllocMem() will fail on machines that
- do not have virtual memory!
- VMEMF_VIRTPRI: Return preferably virtual memory. Return
- physical memory only if no virtual memory
- is left. You should not set this flag
- since this overrides the user's setting!
- VMEMF_PHYSPRI: Return preferably physical memory. Return
- virtual memory only if no physical memory
- is left. You should not set this flag
- since this overrides the user's setting!
- memoryBlock - a pointer to the newly allocated memory block.
- If there are no free memory regions large enough to satisfy
- the request, zero will be returned. The pointer must be
- checked for zero before the memory block may be used!
- The result of any memory allocation MUST be checked, and a viable
- error handling path taken. ANY allocation may fail if memory has
- been filled.
- AllocMem(0xA000000, NULL, NULL) - Allocate 10 Mb of the best
- available memory
- This function MUST NOT be called while Forbid(), Disable() or
- from interrupts!
- VMFreeMem(), AllocMem
- vmem.library/VMAllocVec vmem.library/VMAllocVec
- VMAllocVec -- allocate (virtual) memory and keep track of the size
- memoryBlock = VMAllocVec(byteSize, attributes, flags)
- D0 D0 D1 D2
- void *VMAllocVec(ULONG, ULONG, ULONG);
- This function works identically to VMAllocMem(), but tracks the size
- of the allocation.
- See the VMAllocMem() documentation for details.
- The result of any memory allocation MUST be checked, and a viable
- error handling path taken. ANY allocation may fail if memory has
- been filled.
- VMFreeVec(), VMAllocMem(), AllocVec
- vmem.library/VMAvailMem vmem.library/VMAvailMem
- VMAvailMem -- (virtual) memory available given certain requirements
- size = VMAvailMem(flags, attributes)
- D0 D0 D1
- This function returns the amount of free memory given certain
- attributes.
- To find out what the largest block of a particular type is, add
- MEMF_LARGEST into the requirements argument. Returning the largest
- block is a slow operation (since this may include disk operation).
- Due to the effect of multitasking, the value returned may not
- actually be the amount of free memory available at that instant.
- requirements - A requirements mask as specified in AllocMem. Any
- of the AllocMem bits are valid, as is MEMF_LARGEST
- which returns the size of the largest block matching
- the requirements.
- currently supported options
- MEMF_LARGEST: Return largest continous block
- MEMF_TOTAL: Return total amount (used and free)
- Note: For any other memory type than
- virtual memory, this will require
- Exec V36 or higher.
- flags - Special virtual memory flags.
- VMEMF_VIRT: Consider ONLY virtual memory.
- size - total free space remaining (or the largest free block).
- This function MUST NOT be called while Forbid(), Disable() or
- from interrupts!
- AvailMem(NULL, VMEMF_VIRT); /* return available virtual memory */
- VMAllocMem(), AvailMem
- vmem.library/VMFreeMem vmem.library/VMFreeMem
- VMFreeMem -- deallocate (virtual) memory with knowledge
- VMFreeMem(memoryBlock, byteSize)
- A1 D0
- void VMFreeMem(void *,ULONG);
- Free a region of memory, returning it to the system pool from which
- it came. Freeing partial blocks back into the system pool is
- unwise.
- If a block of memory is freed twice, the system will Guru. The
- Alert is AN_FreeTwice ($01000009). If you pass the wrong pointer,
- you will probably see AN_MemCorrupt $01000005. Future versions may
- add more sanity checks to the memory lists.
- memoryBlock - pointer to the memory block to free
- byteSize - the size of the desired block in bytes. (The operating
- system will automatically round this number to a multiple of
- the system memory chunk size)
- VMAllocMem(), FreeMem
- vmem.library/VMFreeVec vmem.library/VMFreeVec
- VMFreeVec -- return VMAllocVec() memory to the system
- VMFreeVec(memoryBlock)
- A1
- void VMFreeVec(void *);
- Free an allocation made by the VMAllocVec() call. The memory will
- be returned to the system pool from which it came.
- If a block of memory is freed twice, the system will Guru. The
- Alert is AN_FreeTwice ($01000009). If you pass the wrong pointer,
- you will probably see AN_MemCorrupt $01000005. Future versions may
- add more sanity checks to the memory lists.
- memoryBlock - pointer to the memory block to free, or NULL.
- VMAllocVec(), FreeVec
- vmem.library/VMGetPageSize vmem.library/VMGetPageSize
- VMGetPageSize -- returns current page size
- pagesize = VMGetPageSize()
- D0
- ULONG VMFreeMem(void);
- Returns current page size or default value if no virtual memory is
- installed. This allows applications to consider the current
- page size for efficiency reasons. The page size is a power
- of 2 larger than 256 bytes! (Currently, default page size is 8k)
- If no virtual memory handler is installed, returns default value!
- pagesize - size in bytes of pages or default page size.
- vmem.library/VMTypeOfMem vmem.library/VMTypeOfMem
- VMTypeOfMem -- determine attribute (virtual or not) of a given
- memory address.
- attribute = VMTypeOfMem(address)
- D0 A1
- BOOL VMTypeOfMem(void *);
- Given a RAM memory address, returns TRUE if the memory address
- is in virtual memory. Otherwise returns FALSE (zero) and you
- may the check with exec/TypeOfMem for the ordinary memory
- attributes (e.g. MEMF_CHIP).
- If the address is not in known-space, FALSE will be returned.
- (Anything that is not RAM, like the ROM or expansion area, will
- return FALSE.)
- address - a memory address
- attributes - Boolean: TRUE if virtual memory. Otherwise FALSE.
- VMAllocMem(), TypeOfMem
- --
- Chris Schneider - cschneid@amiga.physik.unizh.ch BIX: hschneider IRC: cschneid
- "Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.", "My interest is
- in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."