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Text File | 1992-03-14 | 52.0 KB | 1,533 lines |
- General 2.1 Disk Layout Changes
- Some changes were made to the Workbench disk layout in 2.1. There are a few
- reasons for this:
- - Need to accomodate localization
- - Need to accomodate CrossDOS
- - Attempt to simplify user's lifes
- - Getting everything to fit on the disks
- The changes include:
- - The 2.1 system software will be shipped on FFS floppies. This is mainly to
- increase available storage.
- - There is now a Prefs drawer on the Extras disk. This is where all the
- prefs editors are located. The Prefs drawer is maintained on the
- Workbench disk only to store ENVARC:
- - The Devs directory on Workbench now has an icon. The Monitors drawer
- was moved inside of Devs. Devs/Printers and Devs/Keymaps acquired icons.
- Finally, a new drawer called Devs/DOSDrivers also has an icon. Printer
- drivers and keymaps all have icons now.
- Devs/Monitors
- Place where a user puts a monitor icon to enable it.
- Devs/Printers
- Place where a user puts a printer icon to make it available.
- Devs/Keymaps
- Place where a user puts a keymap icon to make it available.
- Devs/DOSDrivers
- Place where a user puts a DOS driver (mount file) icon to activate it.
- Files that go in the DOSDrivers icons are very similar to mount lists,
- but they have icons so WB users can manipulate them. See the discussion
- of the C/Mount command below for more info.
- - A Storage drawer was created on the Extras disk. It contains the same
- four directories as in the Devs drawer. This is where things that are not
- currently used are kept. To activate a monitor, the user is expected to
- drag the desired monitor icon from Storage/Monitors to Devs/Monitors.
- Same applies for printer drivers, keymaps and DOS drivers.
- The ability to drag DOS driver icons means the Workbench user can now
- control what device gets mounted in his system. This is important for
- CrossDOS. By simply double-clicking on the PC0 icon, the user can
- activate MS-DOS device unit 0. By dragging the PC0 icon from
- Storage/DOSDrivers to Devs/DOSDrivers, the selection becomes permanent
- and PC0: will be available upon every reboot.
- =============================================================================
- General 2.1 Improvements
- - Most system programs with a GUI are now localized and can be operated in
- multiple languages
- - Many 2.1 programs support a PUBSCREEN tooltype or command-line option
- which enables them to open on any public screen.
- - Many 2.1 programs with a GUI understand CTRL-C signals sent to them and
- quit
- - Many 2.1 programs with a GUI listen for CTRL-F. When they receive this
- signal, they activate their window, bring it to the front, and unzip it
- if needed. CTRL-F is thus a sort of wake up call.
- - 2.1 icons contain all the tooltypes their respective applications
- understand. The tooltypes are commented out in the form:
- (PUBSCREEN=<public screen name>)
- The parenthesis causes the tooltypes to be overlooked by Workbench. The
- data in angled brackets needs to be filled-in by the user.
- - 2.1 commodities programs use ReadArgs() for command-line parsing.
- =============================================================================
- The following system files are no longer needed under 2.1 and are deleted by
- the installation procedure.
- - C/DiskDoctor
- Removed for malpractice
- - Devs/Keymaps/usa1
- Present in ROM.
- - Fonts/_bullet/if.ss
- Replaced by Fonts/_bullet/if.uc
- - System/AddMonitor
- Functionality is now embedded in each monitor file directly.
- - System/BindMonitor and WBStartup/Mode_Names
- Naming modes is now done by the monitors themselves in combination with
- IPrefs which handles localization of the names
- - System/CLI.info
- Redundant.
- - System/DiskCopy.info
- No need for an icon since the user can't double-click on this program.
- - System/SetMap
- The global keymap can now be selected from the Input prefs editor. The new
- SetKeyboard command lets you set the keymap for the current console window.
- - Tools/Commodities/IHelp
- Functionality has been absorbed by FKey
- =============================================================================
- C/BindDrivers
- - Got smaller
- =============================================================================
- needed for 68040 support.
- =============================================================================
- C/IconX
- - Got smaller
- - Scripts started by IconX now inherit WB's path
- - There is now a STACK tooltype that lets the stack of the script be
- specified
- - There is now a USERSHELL tooltype. Setting "USERSHELL=YES" will cause
- the current user shell to be used for the script instead of the boot
- shell
- - Default window spec now includes /AUTO to avoid mostly useless windows from
- opening
- - Corrected DELAY tooltype. The value was actually being used directly
- for a Delay() call and is now multiplied by TICKS_PER_SECOND (50)
- before use.
- =============================================================================
- C/Info
- - Now knows about DOS\2, DOS\3 and CrossDOS disk types
- =============================================================================
- C/Install
- - Can now use CHECK option on write-protected disks
- - Now supports DOS\2 and DOS\3 disk types
- - FFS command-line option is now ignored by the program
- - Now fails when trying to install a device without 512 bytes/sector. Prints
- an error message to that effect.
- - Now gives a meaningful error message when a disk can't be read or written
- to. It used to return with "no disk present" as an error
- =============================================================================
- C/IPrefs
- - Localized
- - Now understands Locale, Keymap, CrossDOS and Sound preferences
- - Now uses iffparse.library to interpret its IFF files
- - Keeps diskfont.library and iffparse.library closed when they
- are not in use allowing them to be expunged
- - Can now handle multiple IFF chunks within an IFF file. This means that
- a single IFF PREF file can contain preferences for many different
- elements.
- - Clearer message when IPrefs wants to reset the WB display
- - Knows about the new PUNT (Printer Unit) chunk saved by the new Printer
- Prefs
- - Knows about the unit # specification for multi-serial cards
- - Now reads and processes the new font.prefs file and ignores the old
- sysfont.prefs and screenfont.prefs
- - Is much more picky about when the Workbench screen must be reset
- - Knows about monitor mode names. When a changes to the Locale
- preferences occur, IPrefs now reads the sys/monitors.catalog
- catalog file and updates the name of all available monitors so they
- appear in the correct language.
- - Handles 256 colors palette prefs files correctly. It had a fixed
- maximum of 16 colors.
- =============================================================================
- C/LoadWB
- - If the ROM is the final 2.04 ROM, it will do a magic patch that
- will fix the "Rename Error gets stuck" problem.
- - If the ROM is the final 2.04 ROM, it will do a magic patch that
- localizes workbench to the current default locale. Since this
- is done at LoadWB time, it will remain in effect until you quit
- workbench and start again. If locale.library is not available, it
- will not localize workbench.
- =============================================================================
- C/Mount
- - Rewritten from BCPL to C. Another one bites the dust!!
- - Localized
- - Has much better error reporting, including the filename, line and column
- number of where errors in MountLists occur.
- - Now uses ROM calls to access the DOS device list
- - Can be run from Workbench. This requires new-style MountLists of
- the form:
- /* Aux-Handler mount entry under 2.1 */
- Handler = L:Aux-Handler
- Stacksize = 1000
- Priority = 5
- That is, the difference with old style MountLists are as follows:
- - Only a single device can be defined per file
- - The name of the device is not specified in the file and is instead
- the same as the name of the file
- - The # at the end of the entry can be ommited.
- This change will enable us to allow easy installation and control of
- mountable devices from the Workbench by simply dragging and clicking icons.
- - Template is now:
- DEVICE/M lets multiple devices be mounted in one invocation. Different
- things are done depending whether the a device name argument ends with a
- colon. For example:
- Mount PIPE:
- This will look for the file "DEVS:DOSDrivers/PIPE" and will process
- it if found. This is a new style mount file that doesn't contain
- the name of the device within the mount file. If the mount file
- is processed successfully, the tooltypes for
- "DEVS:DOSDrivers/PIPE.info" are then processed and override any
- settings from the mount file. This is new behavior.
- If "DEVS:DOSDrivers/PIPE" doesn't exist, an attempt is then made
- to find a "PIPE:" entry in "DEVS:MountList". This is the compatible
- fall-back behavior.
- Mount PIPE
- When there is no colon at the end of a device name argument, the
- name is taken as the filename of the mount file to process.
- This filename can contain wildcards so something like the following
- is possible: Mount DEVS:DOSDrivers/~(#?.info). This is new behavior.
- Mount PIPE FROM <mountlist>
- Mount PIPE: FROM <mountlist>
- This will scan for a "PIPE:" entry in <mountlist>. This is compatible
- behavior.
- - String arguments can now be enclosed in double quotes which lets spaces
- be included such as:
- Handler = "Boot HD:L/Speak-Handler"
- This is handy for mount list entries generated automatically
- - Added tooltype processing, any keyword that can be put in a mountlist can
- also be put as a tooltype entry. The tooltype data *overides* the
- data in the mountlist file itself.
- - Added ACTIVATE as a synonym to the MOUNT keyword. This is mainly meant
- to eliminate the confusion between the Mount command and the MOUNT
- keyword. Also, since this is likely to be one of the most common
- tooltypes, it makes sense to give it a more meaningful name.
- - When mounting a file system, Mount now scans the file system resource
- list for entries having the same dos type. If an entry is found, that
- file system is used instead of attempting to load a new one from disk.
- To force a file system to be loaded from disk even though a suitable
- entry is in the resource list, the FORCELOAD keyword has been added:
- FORCELOAD = 0; /* default, check the resource list before the disk */
- FORCELOAD = 1; /* always load from disk */
- Using a file system from the resource list avoids having multiple copies
- of the file system code in memory at any one time. This will make
- CrossDOS become much less memory hungry.
- - No longer checks for absence of L:FastFileSystem, this was now
- redundant due to the scanning of the file system resource list.
- - The Unit field of the FileSysStartupMsg can now contain a C pointer to a
- C string. The Startup field provided the ability for a handler to get
- a string, but it was not possible for a file system to get a string as
- parameter. The Unit field makes it possible. So if the Unit keyword is
- defined as:
- Unit = "blah blah"
- then memory is allocated to hold the string and the fssm_Unit field
- points to it. The pointer is a CPTR and the string is a regular C string.
- =============================================================================
- C/SetKeyboard
- New command which replaces System/SetMap. Can only be run from the shell.
- Template is "KEYMAP/A". The command sets the keymap for the current console
- window. Keymaps are searched for in the KEYMAPS: assign list.
- =============================================================================
- C/SetPatch
- - Fixes a problem with SetPatch always playing with the caches
- It now just turns on the data cache and will report this as one of
- the patches it installs.
- - Added code needed to support the loading/opening of the 68040
- support library. (68040.library)
- - Fixed BURST mode
- - Added patch for Intuition IAddress bug
- - Added patch to fix up the line-a exception which is munged at
- boot time. This patch will cause an enforcer hit if you run
- Enforcer before SetPatch is run the first time.
- - Added the SetRGB4() and LoadRGB4() interrupt patches
- - Added the moving of the CIA handler priority to 0 if the
- priority is lower that 0.
- - Patches console.device BeginIO() such that CMD_CLEAR now works, and no
- longer trashes memory.
- - Added a patch for the Display Database for V37.175 kickstart.
- What this does is catch any routine in graphics that could have
- caused a dynamic unpacking of the database and check if the
- dynamic unpacking was about to happen. If it was, it would fail
- the routine rather than call it since the monitor was not yet
- added to the system. This fixes the problem where a dynamic
- unpacking will cause the system to crash in a very bad way.
- It also makes the monitor system more consistant.
- =============================================================================
- Devs/mfm.device
- New device in support of CrossDOS. Allows Amiga floppy drives to read PC-format
- disk. Interface is similar to trackdisk.device
- =============================================================================
- Devs/postscript_init.ps
- New file needed by the PostScript printer driver.
- =============================================================================
- Devs/printer.device
- - Localized
- - Now uses EasyRequest() instead of AutoRequest()
- - Preferences.i/h now has fields in it for the printer.device
- which can be used to specify a device name, and unit number.
- This is needed for the Printer prefs's UNIT option and lets the
- printer.device output to any port of a multi-serial card, or
- even to any other .device (although we don't have a UI to let
- the user do this yet)
- - Looks for the printer drivers in the PRINTERS: assign list first, then in
- DEVS:printers.
- - For parallel printers, the requester routines do the following:
- If the message is "Make printer on-line", the requester will go
- away automatically if the printer is put back on-line.
- If the message is "Out of paper", the requester will go away if
- automatically if paper is installed and the printer is put back
- on-line.
- =============================================================================
- L/CrossDOSFileSystem
- CrossDOS file system allowing AmigaDOS to read/write PC-format disks.
- =============================================================================
- L/FileSystem_Trans/#?
- CrossDOS translation tables. These serve to determine how 8-bit ASCII is mapped
- between Amiga and PC file systems. A listing of this directory in shown in
- the CrossDOS preferences program.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/#?
- All system prefs editors share as many of the following new features as
- pertinent:
- - All prefs editors are localized
- - Prefs editor windows are now made into AppWindows. That is, you can
- drop prefs file icons on them.
- - New PUBSCREEN tooltype or command-line argument to bring up the editors on
- any public screen.
- - Last menu was changed from "Options/Save Icons?" to
- "Settings/Create Icons?" to match style guide.
- - New tooltype "CREATEICONS" which can be set to YES or NO.
- - The default state of the "Settings/Create Icons?" option is set to TRUE
- when the prefs editor is run from Workbench, and FALSE when it is run from
- the shell.
- - Uses ASL's new automatic icon filtering feature as well as the new
- ASLFR_SleepWindow tag which puts the calling window to sleep when a
- file requester is opened.
- - File requester's initial position is now set to be relative to
- that of the prefs editor's window
- - No longer resets file req path to ENV:Sys/Presets between calls to ASL
- - Unlike 2.04, now parses tooltypes in the Tool icons in addition to those
- from Project icons.
- - Now does a ScreenToFront() to the screen on which the prefs editor
- is running when starting up.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/CrossDOS
- New preferences editor that lets you control three parameters for every
- CrossDOS device currently mounted.
- The CrossDOS devices listview lets you pick the device to work on.
- The Text Filtering checkbox lets you specify whether CrossDOS should
- filter text files
- The Text Translation checkbox lets you specify whether CrossDOS should
- translate ASCII characters >127
- The Translation Types listview lets you choose which type of translation
- to apply whenever the Text Translation checkbox is selected
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Font
- - Substantially different UI using asl.library's font requester.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Input
- - Supports keymap selection. Looks for keymaps in the KEYMAPS: assign list.
- - Changed how all slider values are displayed, no longer are these
- in fractions of a second (got too complicated to localize).
- - Improved "Test Double-Click" and "Show Double-Click" handling
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Locale
- New preferences editor that lets you choose in which language to operate the
- system. This is the user's control over system localization.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Overscan
- - No longer uses menus in the edit screen, and instead has a pair of
- Use/Cancel gadgets
- - Added a real-time display of the current size and position as the overscan
- areas are being edited
- - Changed "Standard Overscan" to "Graphics Overscan" which matches ASL
- ScreenMode requester terminology
- - The default view position and preferred mode for editing now come
- from the graphics database, instead of being coded into Overscan.
- - Handles monitor types that are unknown to it.
- - On the edit screen, only the active handle remains visible during
- dragging. This is much faster, which makes a big difference on slower
- processors.
- - On the edit screen, the menu button now cancels a sizing/moving
- operation.
- - On the edit screen, fixed mouse-queue problems (no longer set
- mouse-queue to 1). Also, for MOUSEMOVEs, I now grab the mouse-coords
- from the window instead of the message, to be most up-to-date.
- - On the edit screen, the unusable area (outside MaxOScan) is now
- completely black, instead of part black and part gray. As a
- side-effect, the Overscan editor can no longer use the first two
- Workbench colors for its edit screen.
- - Removed code to deal with unnamed monitors. Unnamed monitors are simply
- not displayed
- - Now capitalizes the first letter of the monitor names on the display,
- and explicity capitalizes the words "NTSC" and "PAL". Monitor names are
- no longer displayed with their ".monitor" extensions.
- - Overscan editing screen now has a second bit-plane whenever a
- genlocked system is being used. This lets the border around the
- edit area be see through, while everything within the edit area to
- be opaque.
- - Now uses the screen's rastport for rendering when editing an overscan
- region. This makes the rendering much faster
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Palette
- - Supports 8-bit color guns
- - Made changes to allow 256 colors to be edited. This includes making
- the window larger when many colors are to be displayed.
- - Keeps the Workbench screen locked until it is done playing with its
- colors, fixing a potentially dangerous bug
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Pointer
- - Added clipboard Cut, Copy and Paste of ILBM's.
- - Added Erase and Undo.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Printer
- - Added UNIT command-line option and tooltype which causes an extra gadget
- to be displayed to let the user select which device unit the printer
- will send its output to.
- - Now outputs a PUNT (Printer Unit) chunk in the printer prefs file
- - Now scans for printers in the PRINTERS: assign list instead of in
- DEVS:Printers
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/PrinterGfx
- - Now has the "Options/Use Metric System" menu option, with its initial
- setting determined by the current locale (default is off)
- - Ghosts more unavailable options than previous versions
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/PrinterPS
- - New PostScript printer driver preferences enabling control of numerous
- features of PostScript printers. Here's a brief summary of most of the
- controls:
- Driver Mode
- -----------
- Lets you select between "PostScript" or "Pass Through". The "PostScript" mode
- will cause the driver to convert any text output sent to it to "PostScript"
- and send the results over to the printer. The "Pass Through" option will force
- the driver to leave the data alone and send it directly to the printer. The
- "Pass Through" option lets programs that output PostScript directly function
- correctly by sending their PostScript code directly to the printer and not
- treating it as a text file.
- Copies
- ------
- This specifies the number of copies of each page to print, from 1 to 99.
- Paper Format
- ------------
- Lets the user select between "U.S. Letter", "U.S. Legal", "DIN A4" and
- "Custom". This defines the size of the paper being used. Clicking on this
- gadget sets the values in the "Paper Width" and "Paper Height" cycle gadget to
- match what the format dictates.
- Paper Width and Paper Height
- ----------------------------
- These let you specify the exact paper dimensions being used. These gadgets are
- ghosted unless the "Paper Format" gadget is set to "Custom".
- Horizontal DPI and Vertical DPI
- -------------------------------
- Lets you specify the dots per inch to use in the printout. The driver will
- assume that DPI for all of its dithering and other processing.
- Panel Cycle Gadget
- ------------------
- This lets you select which of the four additional option panel is currently
- displayed. The four panels are "Text Options", "Text Dimensions", "Graphics
- Options", and "Graphics Dimensions". The panel selected determines which
- of the following gadgets is displayed. The reason to use gadget panels is due
- to lack of space in a 640x200 resolution display.
- Font
- ----
- This lets you select which font to use in printout. These are built-in printer
- fonts and are used whenever text is sent to the printer.
- Pitch
- -----
- Lets you select either "Normal", "Compressed", or "Expanded" print faces.
- Orientation
- -----------
- Lets you select between "Portrait" or "Landscape" printing. Landscape printing
- is useful for things like envelopes.
- Tab
- ---
- Lets you specify how to handle tabs in the printed file. The available
- selections are "4 characters", "8 characters", "1/4 Inch", "1/2 Inch", and
- "1 Inch". The inch settings are useful when printing with a proportional
- font.
- Margin Gadgets
- --------------
- Lets you specify all four margins for text printing. The values entered are
- relative to the left/top edge of the paper as well as to the paper's width
- and height values specified previously.
- Font Point Size
- ---------------
- Lets you specify the size of the font to use whenever text is sent to the
- printer.
- Line Leading
- ------------
- Lets you specify the amount of leading betweens printed lines of text. Leading
- is the distance between two adjacent lines.
- Lines Per Inch
- --------------
- This text display area shows the number of lines per inch which is calculated
- based on the values of the "Font Point Size" and "Line Leading".
- Lines Per Page
- --------------
- This text display area shows the number of lines per inch which is calculated
- based on the values of the "Font Point Size", "Line Leading", "Paper Height",
- "Top Margin", and "Bottom Margin".
- Edge Dimension Gadgets
- ----------------------
- Similar to the four Margin gadgets, but used for graphics printing.
- Shading
- -------
- Lets you select between "Black & White", "Grey Scale", and "Color".
- Aspect
- ------
- When printing graphics, this lets you specify whether the picture should be
- printed normally, or sideways. This is the first operation done on a graphics,
- it happens before the scaling.
- Scaling Type
- ------------
- Lets you select one of 7 scaling types. All types control how the picture
- is printed within the user specified printing region.
- 1 - No scaling. This prints the picture as is. The picture may be clipped on
- the right and bottom edges to fit within the print region specified.
- 2 - Aspect preserving scale with horizontal bias. This makes the horizontal
- dimension as wide as the print region, and scales the vertical dimension
- by whatever is needed to preserve the aspect ratio. The vertical dimension
- is clipped to the print region if it gets too tall.
- 3 - Aspect preserving scale with vertical bias. This makes the vertical
- dimension as tall as the print region, and scales the horizontal dimension
- by whatever is needed to preserve the aspect ratio. The horizontal dimension
- is clipped to the print region if it gets too wide.
- 4 - Aspect preserving maximum scale. This makes the picture as big as
- possible while ensuring it fits in the print region and preserves its
- aspect ratio.
- 5 - Aspect insensitive scale with no bias. This makes the picture take
- up the emtire print region in both dimensions and will distort the aspect
- ratio if needed.
- 6 - Aspect insensitive scale with horizontal bias. This makes the horizontal
- dimension as wide as the print region, and scales the vertical dimension
- by whatever is needed to preserve the aspect ratio, or until the vertical
- dimension gets as tall as the print region. The difference between this
- type and type #2 is that the vertical dimension is made to always fit
- within the print region instead of being clipped.
- 7 - Aspect insensitive scale with vertical bias. This makes the vertical
- dimension as tall as the print region, and scales the horizontal dimension
- by whatever is needed to preserve the aspect ratio, or until the horizontal
- dimension gets as wide as the print region. The difference between this
- type and type #3 is that the horizontal dimension is made to always fit
- within the print region instead of being clipped.
- Scaling Math
- ------------
- Determines whether "Integer" or "Fractional" math is to be used during scaling
- operations.
- Centering
- ---------
- This lets you specify no centering, horizontal centering, vertical centering,
- or both horizontal and vertical. The centering operation is performed last
- in the printing process, after the scaling.
- Scaling Samples
- ---------------
- These show a sample picture being scaled to various target sizes. Selecting
- different scaling types changes the samples to reflect what would happen on
- the printed page.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Serial
- - Added UNIT command-line option and tooltype to support the A2232 board.
- When this option is specified, an additional gadget is added to the window
- to let you set the default A2232 unit. This makes the old A2232_Preferences
- program obsolete.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/ScreenMode
- - Has better code to name unnamed modes. The mode is now always
- preceded by the monitor name, just like the ASL screen mode requester
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Sound
- New preferences editor that lets you control what happens when a
- DisplayBeep() function call is made. Lets you replace the screen flash by an
- audio beep or an IFF sampled sound.
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/Time
- - Now has a SAVE command-line option. This causes the program to just
- copy the current system time to the battery clock
- - It will adapt its display to start weeks on the days indicated in the
- current locale.
- - Has a localized time display region to enhance useability of the
- Hours and Minutes sliders
- - Calendar area looks and feels better
- - Has a Project menu with a single Quit item
- =============================================================================
- Prefs/WBPattern
- - Added clipboard Cut, Copy and Paste of ILBM's.
- - New preset patterns
- =============================================================================
- Libs/asl.library
- - Rewritten from assembly to C
- - Integrated the new ScreenMode requester
- - Localized all requesters. By default, they will use the system's current
- locale. An application can also override this and pass in its own locale
- - All requesters are now font-sensitive. By default, the
- screen's current font is used. An application can override this and provide
- its own font
- - All requesters can now use a screen pointer, a public screen name, or a
- window pointer in order to determine on which screen to open.
- - All requesters can now open an invisible Intuition requester and put up a
- busy pointer in the calling application's window, effectively putting that
- window to sleep until the requester is satisfied.
- - New <libraries/asl.h> and <libraries/asl.i> files with new
- consistent names for everything
- - The file requester now uses correct highlighting method and does
- multiselect in a manner consistent with Workbench (you need to hold
- down the shift key to do multiselect)
- - The file requester now displays file sizes, date and time for files.
- The volume display shows the volume name, device name, number of %
- used, Ks free and Ks used (just like a Workbench volume window)
- - File requester now lets you delete files by selecting the "Delete" menu
- item.
- - File requester is between 2 and 7 times faster at loading a directory
- listing
- - File requester is now an AppWindow. Drop any file on it, and the path
- of that file goes in the Drawer gadget, while its name lands in the
- File gadget.
- - When sizing the file requester taller, if viewing the end of the list,
- the list of names now moves down to fill-in the newly exposed area.
- Otherwise, the prop gadget is in a semi-legal state.
- - Font requester now does caching of the font list. That means it will
- display the lists of fonts many times faster than previously.
- - There are many new options available for better program control of the
- requesters, see asl.doc for more info.
- =============================================================================
- Libs/bullet.library
- - New Compugraphic outline font engine. See bullet.doc for more info.
- =============================================================================
- Libs/commodities.library
- - Got much smaller and much faster
- - Consumes less run-time memory. Fragments memory much less. Flushes unused
- memory when a memory panic occurs
- - No longer attaches message ports to the public port list
- - Now only attaches its input handler if commodities objects actually
- exist. This lets applications call useful functions in the library
- without causing an input handler to be added
- - Fixed reentrancy problems in ParseIX()
- - Fixed bug with the library freeing signal bits of the wrong task
- on exit, resulting in a potentially dangerous situation
- - Several miscellaneous bugs were fixed
- - Added a new function: MatchIX(). This function was internal, and
- was just made available to applications. It matches an input event to
- a commodity input expression. See commodities.doc for more info.
- - Fixed several low-memory Enforcer/MungWall bugs
- - SetCxObjPri() now returns the previous priority of the object
- - Fixed incorrect routing of events by translator objects. The translated
- events would skip the remainder of the input network instead of being
- inserted midstream like the docs described
- - Added warning in autodoc concerning the fact translator objects
- insert their translation list in reverse order than what you ask them.
- This bug can't be fixed for compatibility
- - Added <rawmouse> code strings. This enables the actual use of events of
- type rawmouse.
- These are the names to describe the mouse button presses. Not to be
- confused with mouse button qualifiers. Example usage would be to specify
- as CX_POPKEY sequence for a commodity:
- CX_POPKEY=rawmouse mouse_middlepress
- The above would cause the commodity to open its window whenever the middle
- mouse button is depressed.
- - It is now illegal to specify <rawkey> codes for non-rawkey events. The
- error was not being caught.
- Synonyms were added for event qualifiers. They used to have programmer-level
- names, now the synonyms offer something more consistent and useable to the
- normal user (as opposed to us abnormal programmer-types :-) These qualifiers
- can be specified in mixed-case. The possible qualifiers are:
- Original New Synonyms
- -------- ------------
- ALT, SHIFT and CAPS work as before.
- Synonyms were added for keyboard sequences. Support was also added for the
- extended Amiga keyboard. The possible keyboard sequences are:
- F1..F12
- =============================================================================
- Libs/diskfont.library
- - New version supporting external font engines
- - Text() routine in graphics doesn't handle BoldSmear properly, so
- made the scale font routines have a maximum bold smear of 16 when
- graphics.library <V39.
- =============================================================================
- Libs/locale.library
- New library that provides the core of system localization. See locale.doc
- for more info.
- =============================================================================
- Libs/mathieeedoubbas.library
- - Fixes the DPFix() routine which was trashing d3 under certain
- input values.
- =============================================================================
- Locale/Countries/#?
- Locale country information files. Used by the Locale preferences editor.
- =============================================================================
- Locale/Catalogs/#?
- Locale language catalogs. Contains the text of localized applications in a
- series of different languages. These are managed by locale.library
- =============================================================================
- Locale/Languages/#?
- Locale language drivers. There is one language driver for every language
- supported in the system. These are managed by locale.library and the Locale
- preferences.
- =============================================================================
- Storage/Keymaps/f
- - The numeric keys (not the keypad) were made capsable.
- =============================================================================
- Storage/Monitors/#?
- These replace the V37 monitors, and render AddMonitor and BindMonitor obsolete.
- These are true executables as opposed to the V37 ones.
- Multiscan
- A2024
- Euro36 - 36Hz refresh rate
- Euro72 - 72Hz refresh rate
- Super72 - 72Hz refresh rate higher res
- =============================================================================
- Storage/Printers/#?
- - All drivers now support A4 paper sizes
- - PostScript
- New PostScript printer driver. See PrinterPS prefs editor for control
- - CBM_MPS1000
- A bug fix - the sequences for elite, and compressed were changed
- post 1.2, and have been broken since then.
- - EpsonX and EpsonQ
- A bug fix: upper-case-I-acute-accent was being printed as grave.
- - HP_LaserJet
- Minor change - 60 second timeout for 300 DPI graphics (30 seconds
- otherwise) - this is a common complaint; the driver times out too soon
- at 300 DPI.
- - ColorMaster
- Removed wayward kprintf from render.c file.
- - HP_DeskJet
- This is a new and improved version of the driver. The old one will still be
- included on Workbench disks as HP_DeskJetOld.
- The old HP_Deskjet driver only supported the B&W HP_Deskjet
- printers.
- The new HP_Deskjet driver also supports the new (and extremely popular)
- HP_500C color deskjet printer. This is a 300 DPI color ink printer
- that you can get for street price of $749. By far, the best color
- quality for the price.
- In addition to supporting color graphic dumps on the HP_500C,
- the driver supports (via DENSITY) the various shingling (??) modes
- available on the 500C, and provides color and lightness correction
- via THRESHOLD (a non-standard use of the THRESHOLD gadget).
- If THRESHOLD is set to 1, no corrections are made. This setting is
- required when printing directly from any package which does its own
- enhanced dithering (such as Art Department Pro).
- When printing with software that uses standard Amiga printer
- device color printing, the THRESHOLD gadget can lighten the
- output. Settings from 2 through 15 provide succesively lighter
- output. When printing in gray scale, there is just one fixed correction.
- THRESHOILD 1 will apply no correction, and any other setting will
- apply the fixed lightening correction.
- - CanonBJ10 35.4
- New driver
- =============================================================================
- System/DiskCopy
- - Got smaller
- - Localized
- - Hitting CTRL-C at the startup prompt is now sufficient to stop the
- copy operation, no longer need to enter CTRL-C followed by RETURN
- - Now uses ROM calls to scan the dos device list
- - Uses EasyRequest() instead of AutoRequest() for better looking requesters
- - Now has a GUI when running from WB with a fuel gauge and a Stop gadget
- which looks identical to the Format GUI
- - When on a partition with > 100 cylinders, the fuel gauge and cylinder
- counts are now only updated every 10 cylinders. Partitions with more than
- 1000 cylimders are only updated every 50. Makes HD copying much faster
- =============================================================================
- System/Format
- - Got smaller
- - Localized
- - Does better sniffing of the dos type for devices in support of CrossDOS
- - Hitting CTRL-C at the startup prompt is now sufficient to stop the
- format operation, no longer need to enter CTRL-C followed by RETURN
- - The message displayed when formatting from the shell now mentions the
- fact that hitting CTRL-C aborts the operation.
- - Names its disks "BAD\0" when formatting so that workbench will show them
- as "DF0:????" if the format operation fails, instead of "DF0:COPY"
- - Now uses ROM calls to scan the dos device list
- - No longer has a built-in trashcan image, always uses the one provided
- by icon.library
- - Uses EasyRequest() instead of AutoRequest() for better looking requesters
- - Template from the shell is now:
- DEVICE was added as a synonum for DRIVE, since this is the word used
- elsewhere in the system ("Please insert <blah> in device DF0" for example)
- The INTL or INTERNATIONAL options let you specify international file
- system (DOS\2 or DOS\3)
- The OFS option forces the use of OFS on the disk. This is for
- devices which have FFS as default. The NOINTL option
- serves the same purpose for the international mode operation.
- So, specifying neither OFS or FFS will give you the default FS for
- the device. OFS will always give you OFS, and FFS will always give you
- FFS. Same logic applies for INTL/NOINTL. None of these switches
- do anything on devices of other dos types, like CrossDOS for example.
- - Now has a GUI when run from WB:
- The "Current Information" section shows the device name to be formatted,
- the name of the volume in this device (if any), the capacity of
- the device, and the percentage of use. This information is updated if
- disks are inserted or removed while the window is up.
- The "New Volume Name" text gadget lets you specify the name for the
- volume after format.
- The "Put Trashcan" checkbox gadget lets you specify whether to put a
- trashcan on the formatted disk.
- The "Fast File System" gadget lets you specify whether to use FFS on the
- volume.
- The "International Mode" gadget lets you specify whether to format using
- the international FS or not (DOS\2 and DOS\3)
- The "Format" gadget starts the formatting.
- The "Quick Format" gadget starts the formatting in quick mode (root block
- formatting only)
- The "Cancel" gadget cancels the operation
- The "Fast File System" and "International Mode" gadgets are only
- displayed when formatting AmigaDOS disks. So for something like
- CrossDOS, these two options are not available.
- After selecting "Format" or "Quick Format", a requester appears
- asking for confirmation. The requester lists the name of the device
- about to be formatted, or the name of the volume on this device if
- available, as well as the capacity of the device, and its current
- percentage of use.
- After selecting "Format" in the above requester, two things may
- happen. If the device being formatted is smaller than 3M in size, the
- formatting begins immediately. If the device is larger, then another
- different confirmation requester appears. Clicking "Format" on this
- requester will actually start the formatting. The reason for this
- second requester is for added protection against formatting your hard
- drive.
- During the formatting process, a fuel gauge is displayed showing
- the progress of the formatting. A "Stop" gadget is also present to let
- you abort the operation.
- Once the formatting complete, a message saying "Initializing disk..." is
- displayed for a few seconds, and the window closes.
- - Now brings up a list of available devices when the Format icon is
- double-clicked without having a disk selected. This allows us to format
- disks that don't show up on Workbench such as unformatted CrossDOS disks.
- - When on a partition with > 100 cylinders, the fuel gauge and cylinder
- counts are now only updated every 10 cylinders. Partitions with more than
- 1000 cylimders are only updated every 50. Makes HD formatting much faster
- =============================================================================
- System/InitPrinter
- - Got smaller
- =============================================================================
- System/NoFastMem
- - Got smaller
- - Now patches AllocVec()
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Calculator
- - Localized
- - Got smaller
- - Now is font-sensitive
- - Now uses gadtools.library instead of custom 3D look
- - No longer uses console.device for number input and output, which also
- means it no longer adds an unnamed console message port to the public port
- list
- - Now uses the Amiga character set's multiply and divide symbols to
- represent these operations instead of * and /
- - Added more keyboard shortcuts for gadgets. The following are supported:
- 0..9 for the number gadgets
- + for addition
- - for substraction
- *, x, X or ALT-X for multiplication (exact keystrokes depend on keymap)
- / or SHIFT-ALT-X for division (exact keystrokes depend on keymap)
- = or RETURN/ENTER for result
- . for the decimal point (also depends on locale)
- s or S or ALT-Z for unary minus (the +/-) (S for Sign)
- BACKSPACE to delete the last char entered (like the <- key)
- DEL or A to clear all (CA key)
- E to clear the entry (CE key)
- CTRL-C or ESC to quit
- - Added menus to the program, including an Edit menu which lets you
- cut and copy the current number to the clipboard, as well as paste
- numbers into the calculator. In fact, you can paste more than numbers!
- That is, if the clipboard contains "1+2+3+4=" and you paste this in
- the calculator, the expression is evaluated and the result is displayed
- - Added a Calculator Tape window to display data as it is being processed
- - Added the PUBSCREEN command-line option or tooltype entry that lets a
- public screen name be specified
- - Added the TAPE command-line option or tooltype entry that lets you
- specify the name of the console to open when opening the Calculator
- Tape window
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/AutoPoint
- - Localized
- - Much smaller
- - Consumes much less CPU time when its just sitting waiting in the input
- stream
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/Blanker
- - Localized
- - Smaller
- - Consumes much less CPU time when its just sitting waiting in the input
- stream
- - Does optional splines and color cycling
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- SECONDS takes the number of seconds before blanking. CYCLECOLORS
- takes "YES" or "NO" to set color cycling. ANIMATION takes "YES"
- or "NO" to do splines or not.
- - Tooltypes exist that match the command-line template
- - Sends its blanking screen to the front of all screens whenever the blanking
- interval expires. This guarantees the screen is blank even if some
- applications open some screens by themselves.
- - Now calls Wait() if the user asked for no animation and no color cycling,
- instead of doing an almost-busy-loop
- - Correctly closes the blanking screen when asked to quit while the screen
- is blanked.
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/ClickToFront
- - Localized
- - Much smaller
- - Consumes much less CPU time when its just sitting waiting in the input
- stream
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/Exchange
- - Localized
- - Much smaller
- - Has a new more easily understood and more standard interface
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/FKey
- - Localized
- - Much smaller
- - Has much greater functionality:
- FKey used to let you assign strings to function keys. This new
- FKey lets you assign any of 8 commands to any key sequence you
- can enter.
- The "Defined Keys" scrolling list shows all currently defined key
- sequences.
- The "New Key" and "Delete Key" gadgets lets you add and remove key
- sequences.
- The "Command" cycle gadget lets you pick a command for the current key
- sequence. The possible commands are:
- Cycle Windows
- This does like the IHelp CYCLE function
- Cycle Screens
- This does like the IHelp CYCLESCREEN function
- Enlarge Window
- This does like the IHelp MAKEBIG function
- Shrink Window
- This does like the IHelp MAKESMALL function
- Toggle Window Size
- This does like the IHelp ZIPWINDOW function, except it also
- works on windows that only have a zip gadget and don't have
- sizing gadgets
- Insert Text
- Whenever the key sequence is entered the specified string will be
- inserted instead. The string to insert is specified in the
- "Command Parameters" gadget.
- Run Program
- Lets you run a program by hitting any key sequence. The program name
- and its arguments are specified in the "Command Parameters" gadget.
- Run ARexx Script
- Lets you run an ARexx script by hitting any key sequence. The script
- name and its arguments are specified in the "Command Parameters"
- gadget. Putting quotes around the script name makes it into an
- ARexx string file.
- The "Command Parameters" text gadget lets you specify arguments for
- three of the commands.
- For example, if you wish "alt f1" to start DPaint:
- - Add a new key sequence by selecting the "New Key" gadget.
- - Enter the key sequence in the string gadget as "alt f1"
- - Select the "Run Program" option in the Command cycle gadget
- - Enter "DPaint" in the "Command Parameters" string gadget.
- Given this new functinality, IHelp is now obsolete.
- - The "Project/Save Defined Keys" menu option causes the currently
- defined sequences to be saved in the FKey program icon. The format
- for the tooltypes thus produced are for example:
- <<alt f1>> RUN DPaint
- where << and >> and the angled double quotes, "RUN" is the command to
- perform, and "DPaint" is the argument to the command.
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- =============================================================================
- Tools/Commodities/NoCapsLock
- - Localized
- - Much smaller
- - Uses ReadArgs() to parse command-line options. Template is:
- =============================================================================
- Tools/IconEdit
- - Localized
- - Added Undo Undo to match Pointer and WBPattern behavior
- =============================================================================
- Tools/ShowConfig
- - Combined Config and ShowConfig for 68040 awareness, hopefully
- clean non-identication of unknown chip revs
- - Added checks for Zorro III extended size boards
- and seems to report their Zorro-II size correctly
- - Now reports the actual rev numbers of chips, and reports the
- sizes of large boards in a more human-understandable fashion
- (like 2 meg, etc.)
- =============================================================================
- Utilities/Display
- - Localized
- - Any clipboard unit ILBM can now be displayable with filename -cN where
- N=clipboard unit number
- - Doesn't munge display when trying to display the initial planes of a >8
- plane image.
- - Notifies user if it had to delve into a complex file to find the ILBM.
- =============================================================================
- Utilities/More
- - Localized
- - Fixed range check so More won't complain that character 0x9b is binary
- =============================================================================
- Utilities/Say
- - Localized
- - Now has a real GUI with gadgets to set the speech attributes and enter
- the text to say
- - Now uses ReadArgs(). The template is:
- - Tooltypes can now be specified:
- - The text input area can be cut from and pasted into.
- - Selecting project icons then selecting the Say icon will now
- "say" all files selected
- - The Say window is an AppWindow so text files can be dumped on it directly
- for speech.