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- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!mailgzrz.TU-Berlin.DE!news.dfn.de!darwin.sura.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!yale.edu!xlink.net!smurf.sub.org!hugis!castle.franken.de!forge.franken.de!Barnard
- From: Barnard@forge.franken.de (Henning Schmiedehausen)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.graphics
- Subject: PICASSO II ( was Re: Merlin vs. Retina)
- Message-ID: <dWx1t*JF0@forge.franken.de>
- Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1993 20:11:41 GMT
- References: <iyh0t*jm6@moria.UUCP>
- Organization: Barnard's Software Forge (ECG210)
- X-Newsreader: Arn V1.01
- Lines: 319
- [ I have Picasso production board # 112 since about two month in my A3000
- with 18 MBytes of RAM. A review of the board will be sent to the moderator
- of c.s.a.reviews tonight ]
- In article <iyh0t*jm6@moria.UUCP>, Per Bojsen writes:
- > * Does the Merlin come with an Intuition driver/Workbench
- > emulation?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin support autoscrolling oversized screens?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin come with full programmer's docs?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin come with software to view pictures, animations,
- > etc., in the various important formats (JPEG, MPEG, ANIM, ILBM,
- > GIF, etc.)?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin Intuition driver support 8 bit screens on
- > non-AGA machines under AmigaOS 3.0 and up?
- >
- > * Is the Merlin software stable?
- >
- > * What is the software upgrade policy?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin have some sort of hardware graphics accelerator?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin come with a native Amiga video pass through
- > feature (like the Picasso II but unlike the Retina)?
- >
- > * Does the Merlin lack anything the Retina and/or the Picasso II
- > has?
- >
- > * Is there a representative of the makers of Merlin on the net?
- Nobody can answer these questions, because nobody has (yet) seen a production
- Merlin board. But there is at least one prototype floating around.
- >
- > * What is the address, phone number, fax number, etc., of the
- > makers of the Merlin?
- A company called 'XPert' in Germany. They also sold (*NOT* MADE!!!!) the
- Domino board.
- The Domino board (first VGA based graphics board) was designed by a company
- called 'VillageTronic' in Germany, which now has a new board, called 'Picasso
- II'. This board is available. I'll add a FAQ Sheet below.
- I'm in close contact with the developers of the Picasso II board. They have
- a crew of six people working on the system software of Picasso and it took
- them nearly 18 month to get their software stable and running. (And they're
- working fulltime!) XPert claims to get the Merlin software (with many more
- features) up and running with only two people in two month. They must be
- *REALLY* wizards.
- P I C A S S O - I I - F A Q
- ===========================
- compiled by Henning Schmiedehausen, barnard@forge.franken.de
- Picasso II is a graphics board for the Commodore Amiga 2000, 3000 and 4000.
- It is available from
- VillageTronic
- Braunstrasse 13
- D-W-3000 Hannover
- Germany
- Phone: 0511/13841
- Fax: 0511/1612606
- or from many distributors
- In the US:
- Expert Services U.S.A.
- 7559 Mall Road
- Florence, Kentucky 41042
- Resolutions
- ===========
- 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 colors:
- 640x480, max 72 Hz
- 800x600, max 82 Hz
- 1024x768, max 82 Hz
- 1120x832, max 72 Hz
- 1152x900, max 69 Hz
- 1280x1024, max 87 Hz interlaced
- 32768 colors, 65536 colors:
- 640x480, max 82 Hz
- 800x600, max 72 Hz
- 16,777,256 colors (true color mode)
- 640x480, max 72 Hz
- The maximum frame rate depends on the monitor, supported are currently
- Monitor Modes for 38 KHz, 50 KHz, 57 KHz and 64 KHz.
- Recommended is a 17" or better monitor with 64 KHz or better.
- Technical specs
- ===============
- The Picasso Chip contains a 32 bit blitter, which can perform moves and
- fills. This significantly speeds up all scroll, move and fill operations.
- All other operations (line drawing etc.) are performed by the CPU.
- The board is a Zorro II board, which is mapped into memory like this:
- Picasso II Gfx Board : Prod=2167/12($877/$C) (@$EB0000 64K)
- Picasso II Gfx Board : Prod=2167/11($877/$B) (@$200000 2meg)
- The 64 K Segment contains the control registers of the chip, the 2 MBytes
- segment contains the video memory (more about this later!)
- For A2000 users, which want to use the full 8 MBytes of Fast Mem Autoconfig
- space is a jumper on the board, which lets the board configurate itself as
- two 64 K segments instead of a 64 K segment and a 2 MByte segment and address
- its memory via banking. Of course, this mode is much slower than the normal
- operation mode.
- The board contains currently one Megabyte of Video Memory. The current
- boards are *NOT* upgradeable to two megabytes of Video Memory. A two
- Megabyte version is planned but a release date is not yet available.
- It contains a 'video switcher', which gives you the capability to use Amiga-
- screens and Picasso screens together on the same monitor. The Amiga video
- signal is put into the board via a cable which plugs into the board and the
- amiga video connector (VGA on A3000 or A4000, DB23 with an adaptor on A2000)
- The amiga video signal is not changed in any way. It is just switched to the
- monitor.
- The switch can be operated with the standard Amiga-M and Amiga-N keys; if an
- Amiga Screen is in front, the Amiga video signal is displayed, if a picasso
- screen is in front, the Picasso video signal is shown. It can also be
- operated via a supplied Commodity.
- Only the active (displayed) screen is kept in the video memory. All other
- screens are kept in FAST memory. (See below)
- Software operation
- ==================
- Picasso screens are added via the standard Amiga Monitor model. You have a
- monitor file called 'Picasso', which is moved to devs:monitors and has a
- tooltype for your monitor (MONITOR=38KHz|50KHz|57KHz|64KHz) This tooltype
- controls the offered screen modes. If you enter a correct value in this
- tooltype, you will *never* be able to choose a ScreenMode, which could damage
- your monitor.
- The Picasso Modes are called
- PICASSO:640x480
- PICASSO:800x600
- PICASSO:1024x768
- PICASSO:1132:832
- PICASSO:1152x900
- PICASSO:1280x1024
- The Intuition-Driver is added via 'binddrivers'.
- All screens of Picasso are buffered in FastRam. This means, that you can
- open as much screens simultanously as there is FastRam available. If you
- have 16 MBytes of FastRam, 15 Screens with 1152x900 and 256 colors are no
- problem.
- Drivers for many popular Graphics programs are available (ADPro, ImageFX,
- Real 3D etc.)
- Programs, which open their screens in an OS compliant way, will run without
- any changes on the Picasso board.
- Screen Modes like HAM8 ore HAM6 are not supported, if you need them, use the
- AmigaScreens, they're displayed on the same monitor.. :)
- ChangeScreen
- ============
- A very important part of the Picasso software concept is a commodity called
- 'ChangeScreen'. It is able to redirect Amiga Screens on Picasso Screens.
- If a program wants to open a standard AmigaScreen, this program kicks in and
- opens a requester with the following message:
- 'Do you want to change the mode (<Amiga-Screen-Mode>) of
- screen <screen-name> of program <program-name>?'
- Possible answers are
- - ALWAYS: ChangeScreen will store <ProgramName> and <ScreenName> in its
- internal database and never ask the user again about this
- screen. It will silently change the Amiga Resolution to an
- user selectable Picasso Screen. You can select the new
- screenmode from a requester.
- - YES: The screen will be changed for this invokation of the
- program. You can select the new screenmode from a requester.
- - NEVER: Like 'ALWAYS' the mode is stored in the internal database and
- will never ask again. The screenmode is not changed.
- - NO: For this invokation of the program, the screenmode is not
- changed.
- In the commodities GUI, you can select default 'Screen promotions'; e.g. I
- promote all 640x400 NTSC screens to 640x480 Picasso screen.
- You can also edit the Screenmode Database in this commodity, remove or change
- entries.
- Programmers Documentation
- =========================
- There are Includes and Examples for C and Assembler supplied, Oberon and M2
- are in preparation. Also AutoDocs for the 'villageintuisup.library' are
- supplied; this library gives you easy ways to open 24 bit screens, High Color
- (15 / 16 bit deep) screens and drawing on them.
- EGS is not yet supported. (Planned)
- Supplied Software
- =================
- - GIF, JPEG, IFF, IFF24 viewer
- - Screen Blanker
- - Software Switch
- - ChangeScreen
- - Support library
- - Drivers for AdPro, ImageFX, Real3D etc. etc.
- - Paint Program (PersonalPaint)
- - MPEG player available (ask)
- Frequently asked questions:
- Q: I have a bootblock game, which kicks out the OS. Will Picasso somehow
- influence the operation of such a game?
- A: No. The Picasso will act as if it was not installed. The Amiga video signal
- is displayed on the connected monitor.
- Q: Why does Picasso not use CHIP RAM for its Screens?
- A: It will. But it prefers FAST RAM. Reasons for this:
- - Normally you have much more FAST RAM than CHIP RAM. So you can open up more
- screens than with an CHIP RAM only solution
- - If you run out of FAST RAM, you have a fallback to CHIP RAM. If you use
- only CHIP RAM, then there is no chance for a fallback.
- - Access to FAST RAM is (as the name states) faster than any access to CHIP
- RAM. So in A3000 and A4000, you have significant speed increases for CPU
- operations on the screens.
- Q: Will Picasso run under AmigaOS 1.3?
- A: No. AmigaOS 1.3 is obsolete and should no longer be used.
- Q: Will Picasso support 256 workbench colors under AmigaOS 2.04 / 2.1?
- A: No. This is a problem of AmigaOS 2.x
- Q: Will Picasso support 256 workbench colors under AmigaOS 3.x on standard
- ECS / OCS systems:
- A: Yes. You can select e.g. 1024x768 with 256 colors from the screen mode
- requester and use 256 colors on an A2000 or A3000.
- Q: Unix on the Picasso?
- A: A X11 Driver for AmigaUnix is almost done, however there are still legal
- problems. (Ask)
- I'm in close contact of the developers and can answer most of your questions.
- I will collect your suggestions and send them to VillageTronic.
- cu
- Henning
- --
- \\ _ Henning Schmiedehausen - barnard@forge.franken.de _ //
- \X/ --- Home of Barnard's Software Forge - ECG210 --- \X/
- Amiga - Learning to fly | Picasso II: 1152x900, 256 colors - I love it!
- Write in C, Write in C
- Write in C, oh, Write in C.
- Pascal won't quite cut it.
- Write in C.
- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!math.fu-berlin.de!uniol!caty!cbmger!arkon.adsp.sub.org!crest
- From: crest@arkon.adsp.sub.org (Klaus Burkert)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.graphics
- Subject: Re: PICASSO II ( was Re: Merlin vs. Retina)
- Message-ID: <crest.02bs@arkon.adsp.sub.org>
- Date: 10 Jun 93 19:12:06 GMT
- References: <iyh0t*jm6@moria.UUCP> <dWx1t*JF0@forge.franken.de>
- Organization: Village Tronic Marketing GmbH
- Lines: 79
- In article <dWx1t*JF0@forge.franken.de> Barnard@forge.franken.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) writes:
- [...]
- >Resolutions
- >===========
- >
- >2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 colors:
- >
- >640x480, max 72 Hz
- >800x600, max 82 Hz
- >1024x768, max 82 Hz
- >1120x832, max 72 Hz
- >1152x900, max 69 Hz
- >1280x1024, max 87 Hz interlaced
- >
- >32768 colors, 65536 colors:
- >
- >640x480, max 82 Hz
- >800x600, max 72 Hz
- >
- >16,777,256 colors (true color mode)
- >
- >640x480, max 72 Hz
- Unfortunatly, henning had a few typos:
- up to 256 colors in 1024x768 it's 80 Hz not 82Hz.
- in 32768 and 65536 color-modes, it should be
- 640x480 in 71Hz
- 800x600 in 60Hz
- in truecolor (16.7 million colors), it is
- 640x480 in 64Hz.
- Just to keep things straight and not offending anyone by claiming
- technical data, that are not available...
- >Software operation
- >==================
- [...]
- >
- >The Intuition-Driver is added via 'binddrivers'.
- It is a software system built from 3 components:
- village.library --- this does the hardware access
- PICASSO-Monitorfile --- this is the intuition-driver
- vilintuisup.library --- this is a support-library for non-intuition
- screens with higher colordepth and chunky
- organisation in 8/15/16/24 bit per pixel.
- it works like this
- --------------------------------------
- | | specail applications |
- | Intuition |-----------------------
- | / Graphics | vilintuisup.library |
- --------------------------------------
- | Monitorfile |
- --------------------------------------
- | village.library |
- --------------------------------------
- | PicassoII-hardware |
- --------------------------------------
- To demonstarte this at a well known example, I compare it to a HD-controller:
- scsi.device <-> village.library
- FileSystem(s) <-> PICASSO-Monitorfile
- Applications <-> Intuition/Applications (maybe through vilintuisup-library)
- The village.library is bound to the hardware via binddrivers.
- The PICASSO-Monitorfile is started in S:Startup-Sequence, just like NTSC,
- multiscan, etc...
- The vilintuisup.library is opened via OpenLibrary() by each application that
- needs access to the PicassoII-specials.
- Ciao, Klaus.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Klaus Burkert email: burkert1@kirk.fmi.uni-passau.de
- Fido: 2:245/46.26 crest@arkon.adsp.sub.org (ECG155)