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- Hi!
- Nachdem hier nun zum zweiten Mal von Lou Eggebrecht ⁿber neue
- Chipsets gesprochen wird, darf man wieder auf ein paar Klasse
- Maschinchen hoffen...bis dahin tut's auch mein A2500/30 noch...:-)
- Also hier der Artikel aus comp.sys.amiga.announce, fⁿr die, die
- das nicht bekommen. Der Rest jetzt auf 'j' oder 'n' drⁿcken.
- In article <20068@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>, Shawn E Switenky writes:
- [ Shawn attended the recent WOC show in Toronto and was your ]
- [ reporter for comp.sys.amiga.announce. This show report is ]
- [ the result of that trip. This is the first of three parts. ]
- [ Thanks for putting in the work, Shawn! -Dan ]
- World of Commodore Toronto 1992
- Lou Eggebrecht tells of the Future
- Lou Eggebrecht, VP of Commodore Engineering made two presentations, one to the
- public and another on Saturday night for dealers and developers. I had the
- pleasure of sitting next to him for the Saturday night seminar. He is a
- fascinating man. He designed the first IBM-PC and was consulted by
- Intel on the design of the new Pentium processor. After the seminar he
- answered a pile of questions about the future of the Amiga. I asked him so
- many questions that I'm sure I did more talking that he did.
- The presentation that he gave was much the same one he gave at WOC Pasadena.
- The most exciting part of this is the preview of the next generation Amigas.
- Here are the features in point form:
- In the future there will be two versions of the chipset:
- i) Low End
- ii) High End
- Low End:
- - Two 100k Transistor Chips
- - 32 bit DRAM 60ns Page Mode Chip Memory
- - 57 MHz Pixel Clock
- - 100% Backwards Compatibility
- - 4MB 4Mbps Floppy Controller with Hardware CRC
- - 8x Memory Bandwidth Increase
- - 2x Blitter Performance ( gets twice as many clocks as on AGA )
- - 800x600x8bit Non-Interlace 72Hz Refresh Rate
- - Larger screens at lower Refresh Rates
- - 16 bit True Color mode ( although recent developments with the
- completion of the first cycle of chipset design indicate that this
- will actually be a 24 bit True Color Mode )
- - FIFO serial ports
- - increased Chip Ram ( 8Mb )
- High End:
- - 4 Chips ( 750k transistors each )
- - 32/64 bit VRAM Chip Memory ( could be DRAM for mid range machines )
- - 57/114 MHz pixel clock
- - Chunky Pixel Mode as well as Bit Planes Modes ( Blitter works with
- both )
- - Special CD-ROM Port ( 4 Mbps Very High Speed Serial Port )
- - Built in Frame Grabber ( Cool! )
- - 1280 x 1024 24 bit color 72 Hz Refresh Rate
- - 16 bit 8 channel 100KHz sampling rate Audio ports
- - New 'On-Demand' DMA Architecture for Balanced DMA Usage
- - All Clocks are Independent and Each Section is Asynchronous to Each
- Other
- - 12 to 20 x Memory Bandwidth Increase ( mostly from VRAM )
- - 32 bit blitter ( instead of word blitter ) 8x Performance Increase
- - 24 bit True Color Mode
- - Video Upgrade module ( You can add more chips for parallel processing
- chip set i.e. multiple blitters, and Higher Resolution Display Modes )
- - Hardware Graphics Decompression Modes
- - ECS & AGA compatibility
- - 32 bit Processor Independent Processor Bus ( hinted at RISC by
- calling the bus 'RISC ready' )
- Future releases of AmigaDOS:
- - 3.1 Device Independant Network Support
- File and Printer Sharing
- DSP Support
- - 4.0 Retargetable Graphics
- Full Support for Postscript Printers
- He also fielded many good questions, and he indicated:
- - The only reason that the A600 and A1200 do not have the dual speed floppies
- is that the current model is simply too big. There is lower profile versions
- on the way but there are not here now and will not be for a while.
- - There are no plans for virtual memory.
- - Commodore will release a series of Quad-Syncing monitors in February to
- replace their current series.
- - New Bridgeboards will be on the way, including new software VGA support and a
- new bridgeboard for the A1200.
- - AGA will be put into all models of the Amiga, including the CDTV. Also CDTV
- technology will be brought to the entire Amiga line.
- - Full motion video support is well on its way. The feature is here now, but
- the development systems for this technology is not.
- - Prime goal with the CDTV is to cost reduce it and then enhance it.
- - A new design philosophy is to design all hardware with modules to allow
- upgradability.
- - A main goal of his is to use the current state of the art development
- systems and design tools to enable Commodore to reduce their design times.
- Much of it is already in place and the AGA chipset is the first result of
- that process. Instead of being last to bring something out, Commodore is
- going to be first or second.
- - DSP technology will be available for the A4000 in summer. DSP will feature
- the AT&T 32000 series DSP and a 68040 processor module for the A4000. A
- Personality board will attach to this board and will allow the DSP to perform
- useful functions. Most of the DSP Personality boards will be produced by
- third parties. There will be extensive information on this product at the
- next DevCon.
- - The A3090 will be shipping at the end of January and will feature a 10MB/s
- transfer rate as well as WIDE and FAST SCSI.
- - A new, higher performance Ethernet card will be available soon, after
- the release of 3.1 and the new TCP/IP and Novell software.
- - The chipset is still too power hungry for a laptop. Maybe there will be one
- when there is a fully CMOS chipset.
- - No hardware memory protection plans for Motorola Architecture ( the way he
- said it implied that it might be on other architectures. )
- - Retargetablity is a major goal, and Audio will merge with DSP ( this didn't
- make sense to me since audio is built into the chip set. )
- - Processor Upgrade cards for the A1200 will be left for 3rd Parties.
- - They are going to be replacing the 2000 very soon. The only reason they
- still make the 2000 is so that they don't abandon the only machine the Video
- Toaster runs on out of the box. The NewTek people are very difficult to
- work with and are resistant to change.
- - Some early 4000's shipped with the fan installed backwards and this caused
- many overheating problems. I believe he said that if you had one, you can
- have it fixed on your warrantee.
- - He could not give any release dates for machines with the low and high end
- chip sets. He did say it would be more than a year. The high end chipset
- development is father along than the low end. Both have completed a first
- design cycle. The results of this cycle are better than expected and they
- are ahead of their development plan.
- One thing that was heavily implied was that the Amiga will be migrated
- over to a RISC CPU in the future. While he did metion that the exact
- CPU has not been decided, the high-end models are being designed to
- accomodate a RISC CPU. I overheard him talking about being excited that
- a RISC Amiga will be able to run not only UNIX, but Windows NT.
- The timetables for the new stuff were not made clear. He did mention
- that the DSP CPU module for the 4000 would be out in the summer. This
- implies that 3.1 would be out at the same time. Futher, since 3.1
- includes device independant networking built into the operating system,
- the new Ethernet hardware and software should be out shortly after that.
- Other products, like the 3090 disk controller and the new monitors, will
- be released during the next few months.
- The crowd attending the two seminars that Lou gave seemed overwhelmed at
- the features of the future chipset. The loudest cheers came with the
- mention of the larger chip ram feature.
- I am very excited about the future of the Amiga. The new features are
- nice, but the best part is that, clearly, Commodore has a plan. This plan
- is not just a short term plan, but a visonary plan to create a series of
- Amigas that will meet future market demands. This plan would not be
- reassuring if it was persented by anyone other that Mr. Eggesbrecht. He
- is very capable and has had much success in the industry.
- I don't want to start any dangerous rumors here. Don't take the above as the
- absolute truth, since my version of what he said and what he actually said
- (or meant) might be different.
- Shawn Switenky
- Shawn_E_Switenky@engr.usask.ca
- Gru▀,
- Roland
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