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- Path: cs.tu-berlin.de!zrz.TU-Berlin.DE!netmbx.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!uunet!megalith!overlord
- Reply-To: fnf@fishpond.cygnus.com (Fred Fish)
- Message-Number: 653
- Followup-To: comp.sys.amiga.misc
- Distribution: world
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.announce
- Approved: overlord@megalith.miami.fl.us
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- From: fnf@fishpond.cygnus.com (Fred Fish)
- Subject: The Fishing Report - Jan 94
- Message-ID: <overlord.0470@megalith.miami.fl.us>
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 94 02:54:07 EST
- Lines: 171
- T H E F I S H I N G R E P O R T
- Jan 5, 1994
- This is the first in what will hopefully be an ongoing series of news-
- letters to inform people of what is happening with my CD-ROM distributions.
- As I write this, the December Freshfish CD-ROM is entering production and I
- have started preliminary work on the next Freshfish CD-ROM, as well as the
- 1000 disk archive CD-ROM.
- -------------------
- -------------------
- I still continue to receive a lot of mail that is forwarded from my old
- Belmont address, taking an extra 5-10 days to reach me. Please make a note
- of the following current contact information:
- Amiga Library Services
- 610 N. Alma School Road, Suite 18
- Chandler, AZ 85224-3687
- FAX or voice: (602) 917-0917
- email: fnf@cygnus.com or fnf@fishpond.cygnus.com
- ---------------------------
- ---------------------------
- The initial concept for pricing the CD-ROM's was to provide two standard
- prices, one for orders that were received prior to production of the
- CD-ROM, and one for orders that were received after production had
- commenced. The rationale for this was to encourage people to preorder
- CD-ROM's so that I could closely match supply with demand. The goal was to
- avoid having either too many discs and not enough orders, or too many
- orders and not enough discs.
- Now that I've gone through the production cycle for two Freshfish CD-ROM's,
- I have a much better grasp of the costs involved, both for initial
- production runs and for what is called a "remount", where another small
- production run is done to meet an unanticipated demand. So I have decided
- to eliminate this price differential, and use the preorder price (currently
- $19.95 plus shipping and handling) for all CD-ROM's.
- I think I can probably do pretty well at matching supply and demand,
- without driving the costs up past a tolerable level with either
- overproduction or too many remounts. I still encourage preordering
- however, if for no other reason than to ensure that a disk is available for
- you. If you wait until after production, and I have guessed wrong on
- matching supply with demand, you may find that a disk you are interested in
- is sold out and no more production runs are planned.
- ----------
- ----------
- I still have a limited quantity (75) of the Oct-93 Freshfish CD-ROM's
- available, plus a very limited quantity (18) of the Hypermedia Version 1.7
- CD-ROM's (floppy disks 1-900). These disks are available on a
- first-come-first-served basis for $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
- ------------------
- Freshfish CD-ROM's
- ------------------
- My original concept for what is now the Freshfish series called for
- production on a monthly basis, and in fact the disks were refered to as
- "monthly CD-ROMs". As most of you know, that short of a production
- schedule turned out to be a little too optimistic, at least for the first
- few CD-ROMs.
- I still think the concept of a CD-ROM series that is updated on
- approximately a monthly basis is good, and long term I will work towards
- reducing the production cycle to hit the goal of releases every four to six
- weeks. For the next couple of CD-ROM's I will be satisfied with a six to
- eight week release cycle. Naturally, people that have preordered a certain
- number of months of the "monthly CD-ROM" will still get exactly that many
- Freshfish CD-ROM's, it will just take a little bit longer to get all of
- them.
- Currently I'm planning for the third Freshfish CD-ROM to be called the
- "February Freshfish CD-ROM", and to go into production at the end of
- February, with shipping during the last week of February or first week of
- March. The fourth Freshfish CD-ROM will be the "April Freshfish CD-ROM",
- with production planned about the middle of April. I'm not yet ready to
- project release dates for Freshfish CD-ROM's beyond that point.
- -----------------
- -----------------
- The original concept called for a CD-ROM to be produced after every third
- monthly, containing all the new material from each of the previous monthly
- CD-ROMs, up to the limit of available previous monthly CD-ROM's or reaching
- the maximum capacity of a CD-ROM, whichever came first. These CD-ROM's
- were refered to as "quarterly CD-ROMs".
- I need to come up with a more descriptive name for this CD-ROM series,
- hopefully one that is as cute and appropriate as the "Freshfish" name for
- the CD-ROM's which bring you the "freshest available Fish". I've already
- ruled out "RipeFish", "CannedFish", etc, so please don't suggest those.
- The first disk in this series should be available shortly after the release
- of the February Freshfish CD-ROM, which would put its release date in early
- March. It will contain all the new material from the Oct-93, Dec-93, and
- Feb-94 Freshfish CD-ROM's. I'm not sure what I will use to fill the
- remaining space (assuming there is some). It will depend on exactly how
- much space does remain, and upon what sorts of suggestions I get from the
- user community between now and then. My current inclination is to include
- archives of the floppy distribution, starting with the most recently
- released disk and working backwards, until the CD-ROM is full.
- --------------------------
- --------------------------
- Last summer when I was laying out plans completing the floppy distribution
- to disk 1000, and switching over to CD-ROM distribution, I projected
- reaching floppy disk 1000 by Jan 1994. This was based on releasing 25
- floppy disks concurrent with monthly CD-ROM's in Oct, Nov, Dec, and Jan.
- Obviously I am going to miss that projection.
- I am currently at disk 950 in the floppy distribution. Between now and the
- release of the February Freshfish CD-ROM, I am going to attempt to organize
- another 25 floppy disks to be released concurrent with the February
- Freshfish CD-ROM, and then do the final 25 disks to be released concurrent
- with the April Freshfish CD-ROM, about the middle of April.
- Between now and April I will be doing as much work as possible on the 1000
- disk archive CD-ROM, using the currently available floppies and new
- floppies as they become available. It is possible that the release of this
- CD-ROM will be concurrent with the release of the final 25 floppies and the
- April Freshfish CD-ROM, but realistically, I am expecting the release to
- happen a couple of weeks later. Pushing two or more CD-ROM's out at
- exactly the same time may be just too much work. So expect the 1000 disk
- archive CD-ROM between the middle and end of April.
- Many people have asked for details about how the 1000 disk archive CD-ROM
- will be organized. My current thinking on this is to do two different
- versions, one that consists of a single CD-ROM with everything in archived
- form, and the other that consists of a two CD-ROM set with everything in
- unarchived form. Each of them will be the same price ($19.95), and people
- that have preordered the CD-ROM will be asked to select which version they
- want.
- The single CD-ROM (BBS-ready) version will contain archives on a
- per-floppy-directory basis. That is, each of the main directories on a
- floppy will be put in a separate archive, and the "overhead files" such as
- the contents of the :c directory and the usual "readme" files, will be put
- in yet another archive. To reconstruct a disk all that will be necessary
- is to format the floppy, and then unarchive each of the archives in the
- root directory of that floppy. A CRC list will be provided for each disk,
- for validation that the reconstruction was successful. A tool will be
- provided that handles all the details of this process, and makes
- reconstruction of floppies as simple and painless as possible.
- ---------------
- Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's.
- -Fred ><>
- --
- Read all administrative posts before putting your post up. Mailing list:
- announce-request@cs.ucdavis.edu. Comments to CSAA@megalith.miami.fl.us.