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- CATS Amiga Developer Info 24-Jan-94
- ====================================
- Attached is information on CATS developer materials, Amiga registered
- developer programs, Amiga programming manuals, bug/enhancement reporting,
- and Workbench licensing.
- NEW! Note that the new 3.1 Amiga (aka 'Native') Developer Update disk set
- is now available!
- We would appreciate your help in cross-posting this information to
- other electronic information systems. Thanks!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical Information List for Non-Registered Developers and Users
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Listed below are the materials available to non-registered developers and
- users. Send check or money order (US funds only - no foreign checks accepted)
- to Commodore Business Machines, CATS-Orders, 1200 Wilson Drive, West Chester,
- PA 19380.
- Shipping and handling for USA is $5.00. Shipping and handling for Canada
- and Europe (via Air) is $15.00.
- Add local state sales tax for the following states:
- Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and Tennessee.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE for European Developers:
- European developers and users may also purchase many CATS technical items
- through the following German company. Their list and prices may differ
- slightly from the CATS US list, and AmigaMail subscriptions may only be
- purchased directly through CATS US.
- Hirsch & Wolf oHG
- Attn: Hans-Helmut Hirsch
- Mittelstr. 33
- D-56564 Neuwied
- Germany
- Fax: ++49-2631-839931
- Tel: ++49-2631-83990
- UUCP:hhhirsch@carla.adsp.sub.org (Fax preferred)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A500/A2000 Technical Reference Guide, P/N: TECHREF01 $40.00
- A 275-page reference manual that describes the technical features of
- the A500 and A2000, as well as those features that differ from the A1000.
- Table of contents includes: System Block Diagrams, Amiga Expansion,
- Designing Hardware for the Amiga Expansion Architecture, Driver Documentation,
- Software for Amiga Expansion, PC Bridgeboard and schematics.
- Programmer's Guide to ARexx and Disk, P/N's: AREXX01 & AREXX01D $20.00
- (August 1991) Manual (228 pages) and disk designed to allow you easy
- access to the power of ARexx. Includes information on how to make effective
- use of ARexx, how to conform to development standards and how to interface
- applicatations to the ARexx environment.
- 1989 Amiga Developers Conference Notes, P/N's: NOTES89 & NOTES89D $75.00
- 510-page manual and 2 disks created for 1989 Amiga Developers
- Conference. Subjects include: Intro to Programming the Amiga, Features
- Outline for V1.3 ECS Features and the Graphics Library, Janus Dual-Port
- Memory, Hi-Res Color Graphics Card, Interfacing to ARexx, Advanced Amiga
- Architechtures, The IFF parse.library, and more.
- 1988 Amiga Developers Conference Notes, P/N's: NOTES88 & NOTES88D $75.00
- 400+ page manual and 4 disks created for 1988 Amiga Developers
- Conference. Topics covered include: Unique Amiga Techniques, Tips and
- Tricks for Programming in C, IFF, Autoboot and Kickstart V1.3, V1.3 Printer
- Device and Printer Drivers, Amiga Audio and Sound, Overscan, Hi-Resolution
- Fonts, Programming for 16-Bit Amiga, A500 Expansion Cards, and much more.
- Amiga 1000 Schematics and Expansion Specifications, P/N: A1000SM $20.00
- (June 1986) Spiral-bound manual containing full Amiga 1000 schematics,
- timing diagrams, PAL equations, and documentation for the auto-configuration
- process.
- AmigaDOS V2.0 Native Developer Update, P/N: NATDEV20 $20.00
- The 2.0 Native Developer Update is a must-have for any Amiga
- programmer. This four-disk set contains the final 2.0 function Autodocs,
- final 2.0 C and assembler Amiga include files, linker libs (Amiga.lib,
- debug.lib, ddebug.lib) FD files, offsets, a great deal of 2.0 example code,
- and the "Software Toolkit II" disk full of the latest Amiga debugging tools.
- (This disk set has been replaced by the new V3.1 Amiga Developer Update
- but is still very useful for its 2.0 example code).
- V3.1 Amiga Developer Update Disk Set, P/N: AMDEV3.1 $30.00
- This new 5-disk must-have set includes:
- Docs - V40.15 Autodocs, and articles/notes about V38/V39/V40
- Includes & Libs - V40.15C and assembler include files and linker libs
- Examples1 - General library examples including Locale, plus PCMCIA
- Examples2 - IFF modules and examples, Datatypes, AmigaGuide
- SWToolkit3 - The latest Amiga debugging tools
- Also included is a new SetPatch for V37 which adds better ExAll emulation,
- and the current (as of 15-Dec-93) V40 SetPatch for V38 and higher systems.
- Note that the 40.15 exec.doc autodoc has been updated to have the correct
- prototype for CheckIO. The 3.1 Amiga Developer Update materials can be
- used when developing for any Amiga OS version since they include the earlier
- structures and function autodocs. A new Readme called Using_Amiga_Includes
- provides some tips on developing for earlier releases.
- Toolmaker, P/N: TOOLM01 $99.00
- A user interface builder and source code generator based on the
- gadtools library introduced in Release 2. (Contact Michael Erwin, 82 Gary
- Drive, Trenton, NJ 08690 (609) 587-2885 -- between 2PM and 5PM EDT for
- technical support.)
- AmigaMail Volume II, P/N: AMAILBI01 $75.00
- Back issues of the technical newsletter on the Amiga from September/
- October '90 to May/June '93. (Binder and index tabs are sold separately.)
- AmigaMail Volume 1, P/N: AMVOL1 $75.00
- Back issues of the technical newsletter on the Amiga from January/
- February 1987 to July/August '90. (Binder and index tabs are sold separately.)
- AmigaMail Binder, P/N: AMAIL1B01 (Vol. 1), AMAIL2B02 (Vol. II) $10.00 ea.
- AmigaMail Index Tabs, P/N: AMAILIND $5.00 ea.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Amiga Programming Manuals
- =============================
- Non-registered developers must purchase their Amiga RKM and AmigaDOS
- manuals through bookstores or from the publishers. Dept C does not sell
- these manuals. These manuals cover Release 2.0. To program newer
- 2.1 or 3.x features, use the 2.0 programming methods shown in these
- manuals plus the new functions and flags covered in the tutorials,
- autodocs, and examples on the 3.1 Amiga Developer Update disks.
- Published by Bantam Books (800-223-6834, NY & Canada 212-765-6500):
- The AmigaDOS Manual 3rd Edition
- ISBN 0-553-35403-5
- Published by Addison-Wesley (800-447-2226, 617-944-3700):
- Amiga User Interface Style Guide
- ISBN 0-201-57757-7
- Amiga Hardware Manual
- ISBN 0-201-56776-8
- Amiga ROM Kernel Manual: Includes and Autodocs
- ISBN 0-201-56773-3
- Amiga ROM Kernel Manual: Devices (includes the IFF manual)
- ISBN 0-201-56775-X
- Amiga ROM Kernel Manual: Libraries
- ISBN 0-201-56774-1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Workbench, Includes, and AmigaCD Licenses
- Developers who wish to distribute files/commands from Workbench
- or the C/Asm Include files on their commercial product MUST have
- a license to do so. Distribution of the items in PD, shareware, or
- freely redistributable form is not allowed. Licenses may be requested
- through your local Amiga support organization, or through
- CATS - Licenses, 1200 Wilson Drive, West Chester, PA., 19380.
- Licenses are available for Workbench 1.3, Workbench 2.0, Workbench 2.1,
- Workbench 3.0, Includes 1.3, Includes 2.0, Includes 3.0, and Includes 3.1.
- In addition, an amendment is available for 1.3 Workbench license-holders
- to distribute 2.04 (37.x) iffparse.library.
- If you are developing a CD product for any Amiga CD platform, you
- must have an AmigaCD license. AmigaCD licensees receive tools for
- creating bootable AmigaCD products, and may access our closed AmigaCD
- conferences on our developer networks. An AmigaCD license may be
- requested through CATS Licenses (address below).
- To request license forms, be sure to specify which license(s) and
- amendments(s) you require and include your full SURFACE MAIL address
- including country. Licensing generally costs $100/year for Workbench,
- $25/year for Includes/Libs.
- Developer archives for the original Installer and original Amigaguide
- are available on the nets and on BIX in amiga.dev/listings. These archives
- include a print/sign/send free license for distribution of these products.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Official Developer Conferences
- Our primary goal is to support developers who are registered in our Amiga
- developer programs. However, some support for non-registered develepers
- may also be found in the open Amiga developer conferences on the
- same networks where our closed support areas are located.
- BIX: amiga.dev (open); amiga.cert and amiga.com (open only to registered
- Certified and Commercial developers); amiga.cd32 (open only to
- AmigaCD licensees). Registered developers and AmigaCD licensees
- will find instructions for requesting access to closed BIX
- conferences in the amiga.dev/instructions topic.
- UUCP: comp.sys.amiga.* (open); adsp.* (open only to registered Certified
- and Commercial developers in Europe via their support program);
- adsp.cd32.* (open only to AmigaCD licensees).
- CIX (UK): amiga.* (open); adsp.* (open only to registered Certified
- and Commercial developers); nv.beta (open only to AmigaCD
- licensees)
- Additional independent Amiga user and developer areas may also be found
- on most popular commercial BBS systems including Genie and Compuserve.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Amiga Example Code and Tools
- ============================
- 1. 3.1 Amiga Developer Update (see Materials list). Contains example
- code for new 2.1 (V38) and V39 (3.0) features.
- 2. 2.0 Native Developer Update (see Materials list). Contains the
- all of the 2.0 Devcon code examples and 2.0 AmigaMail code
- examples.
- 3. Latest IFF code: Version 37.10 is on Fish Disk 705.
- A new V39 version of the NewIFF code which supports AA is available
- to registered developers in our closed BIX, ADSP, and CIX conferences.
- This code requires iffparse.library (note - the 2.04 iffparse.library is
- 1.3 compatible).
- 4. Fish Disks 741 and 742 contain 4 archives of 2.0 RKM Companion Code
- (all of the 2.0 Rom Kernel Manual code examples). Fish Disk 344
- contains the previous 1.3 "RKMCompanion" code.
- 5. Debugging Tools - 3.1 Native Developer Update (see Materials list).
- Some updated tools (usually latest Enforcer and Mungwall) are also
- submitted to Fred Fish as released.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Reporting Bugs and Requesting Enhancements
- Bug reports and enhancement requests may be submitted electronically
- in "Report" format only. The Amiga "Report" program for generating
- bug reports and enhancement requests is provided on the 3.1 Amiga
- Developer Update disks, and is also on Fish Disk 920.
- Mail bug reports in Report format to: bugs@commodore.com
- Mail enhancement requests in Report format to: suggestions@commodore.com
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registered Amiga Developer Programs
- Developers who have or are developing commercial products for the
- Amiga should participate in one of our registered developer programs.
- The programs vary country by country, but generally provide hardware
- discounts on development systems, access to pre-release developer
- materials, and the ability to access closed electronic conferences.
- There are different programs at varying cost and level of support.
- Developers in the US and Canada may request a developer program application
- by mailing to the following address and requesting a developer application,
- and including their own name and full SURFACE MAIL address. Developers in
- other countries should contact their local Commodore branch for information
- on developer programs.
- United States
- =============
- For information on becoming a registered developer in the US or Canada:
- Mail:
- CATS - Developer Applications
- Commodore
- 1200 Wilson Drive
- West Chester, PA. 19380
- UUCP: ej@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com OR rutgers!cbmvax!ej
- BIX: cats.admin
- Region: United States and Canadian developers.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Read all administrative posts before putting your post up. Mailing list:
- announce-request@cs.ucdavis.edu. Comments to CSAA@megalith.miami.fl.us.