home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- *
- * (c)1986 Matthew Dillon 9 October 1986
- *
- *
- * SHELL include file.. contains shell parameters and extern's
- *
- * Version 2.07M by Steve Drew 10-Sep-87
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 16-Mar-91
- *
- */
- #define RAW_CONSOLE 1 /* Set to 0 to compile out command line editing */
- /* uncommented by AMK for SAS/C 6.1 */
- /* #define strlen strlen */
- #ifdef _DCC
- # define C_Args
- # define FUNCARG(x,y,z) ()
- #else
- # define FUNCARG(x,y,z) (x,y,z)
- # define KICK20
- #endif
- /* AMK: more includes for OS 2.0 */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <dos/datetime.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <dos/var.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <resources/battclock.h>
- /*
- * Magnus Lilja, lilja@lysator.liu.se, IRC: lilja - for multiuser-support
- * out-comment the following line if you don't have MultiUser installed
- */
- # include <libraries/multiuser.h>
- # include <proto/multiuser.h>
- # include <pragmas/multiuser.h>
- extern struct muBase *muBase;
- #endif
- LONG AllocPattern (STRPTR, ULONG);
- LONG MatchThePattern (LONG, STRPTR);
- void FreePattern (LONG);
- typedef struct FileInfoBlock FIB;
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- # include <functions.h>
- # define DEVTAB(x) (BPTR)(_devtab[x->_unit].fd)
- # define CHARSWAIT(x) (x->_bp < x->_bend)
- # define RESETIO(x) (x->_bp = x->_bend)
- # define COMPILER "Aztec C 5.0d"
- # pragma amicall(PatternBase, 0x48, AllocPattern(a0,d0))
- # pragma amicall(PatternBase, 0x60, MatchThePattern(d0,a0))
- # pragma amicall(PatternBase, 0x66, FreePattern(d0))
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- # include <proto/all.h>
- # include <ios1.h>
- /* # define DEVTAB(x) _ufbs[(x)->_file].ufbfh*/
- # define DEVTAB(x) __ufbs[(x)->_file].ufbfh
- # define CHARSWAIT(x) (x->_rcnt != x->_wcnt)
- # define RESETIO(x) (x->_rcnt = x->_wcnt)
- /* AMK: already defined in <ios1.h>, extern struct UFB _ufbs[];*/
- # ifndef memmove
- # define memmove(t,f,l) movmem((f),(t),(l))
- # endif
- # define COMPILER "SAS/C 6"
- # define swapmem(x,y,z) swmem(x,y,z)
- # pragma libcall PatternBase AllocPattern 48 0802
- # pragma libcall PatternBase MatchThePattern 60 8002
- # pragma libcall PatternBase FreePattern 66 001
- #endif
- #ifdef _DCC
- # define COMPILER "DICE 2.06"
- # define DEVTAB(x) (_IoFD[x->sd_Fd].fd_Fh)
- # define CHARSWAIT(x) (x->sd_RPtr != x->sd_RBuf)
- # define RESETIO(x) (x->sd_RPtr = x->sd_RBuf)
- # define index strchr
- # define rindex strrchr
- void * AllocMem(long byteSize, long requirements);
- struct MsgPort *FindPort( UBYTE *name );
- #endif
- #undef toupper
- #define toupper(c) ((c)>='a'&&(c)<='z'?((c)-('a'-'A')):(c))
- #ifndef MAX
- #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
- #endif
- #define OPT(x) (options & (x))
- #define MAXSRC 5 /* Max. # of source file levels */
- #define MAXIF 20 /* Max. # of if levels */
- #define MAXALIAS 20 /* Max. # of alias levels */
- #define MAXMYFILES 9 /* Max. # of internal files */
- #define MAXHASH 32 /* Max. #áof hash chains */
- #define MAXFILENAME 30
- #define LEVEL_SET 0 /* which variable list to use */
- #define LEVEL_ALIAS 1
- #define LEVEL_LABEL 2
- #define LEVEL_LOCAL 256
- #define SBYTE signed char
- #define MAXMENUS 31 /* GadTools maximum */
- #define MAXMENUITEMS 63 /* GadTools maximum */
- #define VERBOSE_SOURCE 1
- #define VERBOSE_ALIAS 2
- #define VERBOSE_HILITE 4
- #define SCAN_FILE 1
- #define SCAN_DIR 2
- #define SCAN_RECURSE 4
- #define SCAN_DIRENTRY 8
- #define SCAN_DIREND 16
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0L
- #endif
- #define CHECKBREAK() dobreak()
- #define ISSPACE(c) ((c)==' ' || (c)==9 || (UBYTE)(c)==0xA0)
- #ifndef AZTEC_C
- struct _dev {
- long fd;
- short mode;
- };
- #endif
- typedef struct hnode {
- struct hnode *next, *prev; /* doubly linked list */
- char *line; /* line in history */
- } HIST;
- typedef struct PErr {
- int errnum; /* Format of global error lookup */
- char *errstr;
- #ifdef MA_AMK
- #undef MA_AMK
- #endif
- /* #define MA_AMK 1 /* */
- typedef struct dirptr { /* Format of directory fetch pointer */
- BPTR lock; /* lock on directory */
- FIB *fib; /* mod'd fib for entry */
- #ifdef MA_AMK
- struct DevProc *dvp; /* for multi-assigns */
- char *dname; /* for multi-assigns */
- #endif
- } DPTR;
- extern HIST *H_head, *H_tail;
- extern PERROR Perror[];
- extern char **av;
- extern char *Current;
- extern int H_len, H_tail_base, H_stack, H_num;
- extern int E_stack;
- extern int Src_stack, If_stack, forward_goto;
- extern int ac;
- extern int max_ac;
- extern int debug, Rval, Verbose, disable, Quit;
- extern int Lastresult, atoierr;
- extern int Exec_abortline;
- extern int S_histlen;
- extern unsigned int options;
- extern FILE *Src_base[MAXSRC];
- extern long Src_pos[MAXSRC];
- extern short Src_if[MAXSRC], Src_abort[MAXSRC];
- extern char If_base[MAXIF];
- extern struct Process *Myprocess; /* The shell's process */
- extern struct CommandLineInterface *Mycli; /* Cli() */
- extern struct DosPacket *Mypacket; /* initialization packet from AmigaDOS */
- extern char v_titlebar[], v_prompt[], v_hist[], v_histnum[], v_debug[],
- v_verbose[], v_stat[], v_lasterr[], v_cwd[], v_except[], v_passed[],
- v_path[], v_gotofwd[], v_linenum[], v_every[], v_lcd[], v_rxpath[],
- v_hilite[], v_scroll[], v_minrows[], v_result[], v_qcd[], v_noreq[],
- v_value[], v_nobreak[], v_bground[], v_pipe[], v_datefmt[], v_ioerr[],
- v_abbrev[], v_rback[], v_insert[], v_failat[], v_clipri[],
- v_dirformat[], v_nomatch[], v_prghash[], v_cquote[], v_mappath[],
- v_timeout[], v_promptdep[], v_complete[];
- extern char o_hilite[], o_lolite[], *o_rback, *o_csh_qcd, o_internal;
- extern char o_aux, o_minrows, o_scroll, o_nowindow, o_noraw, o_vt100;
- extern char o_nofastscr, o_nobreak, o_bground, o_resident, o_nomatch;
- extern char o_cquote, o_mappath, *o_complete;
- extern char o_pipe[], o_datefmt, o_abbrev, o_insert, *o_every;
- extern long o_noreq, o_failat, o_timeout, o_promptdep;
- extern char Buf[], isalph[], confirmed, asked, *classfile;
- extern char *MyMem;
- #define isalphanum(x) isalph[x]
- typedef struct file_info {
- LONG flags;
- LONG type;
- LONG size;
- LONG blocks;
- char class[12];
- struct DateStamp date;
- UWORD uid;
- UWORD gid;
- typedef struct pattern {
- int casedep;
- int queryflag;
- LONG patptr;
- char pattern[1];
- #define INFO_COMMENT (1<<30)
- #define INFO_INFO (1<<29)
- typedef struct Class {
- struct Class *next;
- char name[1];
- } CLASS;
- extern CLASS *CRoot, *LastCRoot;
- extern struct Window *Mywindow;
- extern long IoError;
- typedef struct VNode {
- struct VNode *next;
- long len;
- char *text;
- char name[1];
- } NODE;
- typedef struct VRoot {
- NODE *first[MAXHASH];
- struct VRoot *parent;
- } ROOT;
- struct PathList {
- BPTR pl_NextPath;
- BPTR pl_PathLock;
- };
- /* internal programm path hash-list */
- extern char **prghash_list;
- extern long prghash_num;
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "WindowBounds.h"
- /* DEBUG */
- #include <mindebug.h>