home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * RUN.C
- *
- * (c)1986 Matthew Dillon 9 October 1986
- *
- * RUN handles running of external commands.
- *
- * Version 2.07M by Steve Drew 10-Sep-87
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 17-Feb-91
- * Version 5.20L by Andreas M. Kirchwitz (Fri, 13 Mar 1992)
- *
- */
- #include "shell.h"
- int MySyncRun( char *com, char *args, BPTR in, BPTR out, int nosync );
- int echofunc(void);
- int
- do_run( char *str, int nosync )
- {
- int retcode;
- char buf[256]; /* enough space for 100 char cmd name + path stuff */
- char *path, *path2, *argline, *copy = NULL, *ext, *end;
- if( !*av[0] )
- return 0;
- if( (retcode=echofunc())>=0 )
- return retcode;
- a0tospace( av[0] ); /* allow "com mand" */
- argline=compile_av(av, 1, ac, ' ', 1);
- if (strlen(av[0]) > 100) { ierror(NULL,509); return -1; }
- if( ac==1 && isdir(av[0])) {
- sprintf(buf,"cd \"%s\"",av[0]);
- return execute( buf );
- }
- IoError=IoErr();
- if( (IoError==218 || IoError==225 || IoError==226) && index(av[0],':')) {
- ierror( av[0], IoError );
- return 20;
- }
- sprintf(buf,"res_%s",FilePart(av[0])); /* delayed residents */
- /* AMK: OS20-GetVar replaces ARP-Getenv */
- if (o_resident && GetVar(buf,buf+100,90L,GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY|GVF_BINARY_VAR)>=0L) {
- /* AMK: OS20-SetVar replaces ARP-Setenv */
- loadres(buf+100);
- }
- if( (retcode=MySyncRun(av[0],argline,0,0,nosync))>=0 ) /* AmigaDOS path */
- goto done2;
- if( retcode == -2 /*PR_NOMEM*/ ) {
- ierror( av[0], 103 );
- return 20;
- }
- IoError=IoErr();
- if( (IoError==218 || IoError==225 || IoError==226) && index(av[0],':')) {
- ierror( av[0], IoError );
- return 20;
- }
- if (path = dofind(av[0],"",buf+80,v_path)) { /* shell path */
- DPTR *dp;
- BPTR fh;
- int stat, script;
- if((retcode = MySyncRun(path,argline,0,0,nosync))>=0)
- goto done2;
- if(dp=dopen(path,&stat)) {
- script= dp->fib->fib_Protection&FIBF_SCRIPT;
- dclose(dp);
- if( !stat && script ) {
- char *t,*dynbuf;
- int dynret;
- buf[0]=0;
- if( fh=Open(path,MODE_OLDFILE )) {
- Read(fh,buf,79);
- Close(fh);
- buf[79] = 0;
- if(t=index(buf,'\n')) *t=0;
- }
- dynbuf = salloc(strlen(buf)+strlen(str)+10);
- if( buf[0]=='/' && buf[1]=='*' ) {
- sprintf(dynbuf, "Rx %s", str );
- } else if( (buf[0]!=';' || buf[0]!='#') && buf[1]=='!' ) {
- memmove(dynbuf,buf+2,strlen(buf+2)+1);
- strcat( dynbuf," ");
- strcat( dynbuf,str);
- } else {
- sprintf(dynbuf,"Execute %s", str );
- }
- dynret = execute( a0tospace(dynbuf));
- free(dynbuf);
- return(dynret);
- }
- }
- }
- if(!(end=rindex(av[0],'.'))) end=""; /* automatic sourcing */
- ext=strcmp(end,".sh") ? ".sh" : "";
- if (path = dofind(av[0],ext,buf,v_path)) {
- av[1] = buf;
- copy = salloc(strlen(str)+3);
- sprintf(copy,"x %s",str);
- retcode = do_source(copy);
- goto done;
- }
- #if 0
- /* what is it good for??? -amk */
- copy=salloc(strlen(av[0])+strlen(argline)+5);
- sprintf(copy,"%s %s",av[0],argline);
- #endif
- ext=strcmp(end,".rexx") ? ".rexx" : ""; /* automatic rx-ing */
- if( path = dofind(av[0], ext, buf, v_rxpath )) {
- copy = salloc(strlen(path)+strlen(argline)+5);
- sprintf(copy,"%s %s",path,argline);
- #if 1
- /* dynamic command line, no limits! -amk */
- if ( (retcode=MySyncRun("rx",copy,0,0,0)) >=0 )
- goto done;
- if (path2 = dofind("rx","",buf,v_path)) {
- retcode = MySyncRun(path2,copy,0,0,0);
- goto done;
- }
- #else
- /* static command line, limited to 140 chars! -amk */
- strcat (path," ");
- if( strlen(argline)>140 ) argline[140]=0;
- strcat (path,argline);
- /* strncpy(path+strlen(path),argline,190); */
- if( (retcode=MySyncRun("rx",path,0,0,0)) >=0 ) goto done;
- kprintf("balu: %s\n",buf+160);
- if (path2 = dofind("rx","",buf+160,v_path)) {
- retcode = MySyncRun(path2,path,0,0,0);
- goto done;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if( !doaction(av[0],"exec",argline)) {
- retcode=0;
- goto done;
- }
- retcode = -1;
- fprintf(stderr,"Command not found %s\n",av[0]);
- done:
- if (copy)
- free(copy);
- done2:
- setioerror( IoErr() );
- free( argline );
- return retcode;
- }
- #ifndef END_STREAM_CH
- #define END_STREAM_CH -1L
- #endif
- new_input, /* for execute'ing a script file */
- old_inp_fh, /* old input filehandle */
- old_out_fh, /* old output filehandle */
- seglist_cmd; /* to be returned from NewLoadSeg */
- void set_returncodes(long returncode,long result2)
- {
- Mycli->cli_ReturnCode = returncode;
- Mycli->cli_Result2 = result2;
- }
- void clean_up_io(void)
- {
- long ch;
- Flush(Output());
- ch = UnGetC(Input(),END_STREAM_CH) ? 0 : '\n';
- while ((ch != '\n') && (ch != END_STREAM_CH))
- ch = FGetC(Input());
- }
- long command_examine(char *fname,BPTR *plock)
- {
- /*
- Given a filename, attempt to determine if we can process it. Either
- by running it, or by 'executing' it (a script).
- Returns:
- 0 = can RunCommand the file
- 1 = can source/script/execute the file
- < 0 = error
- */
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- long i;
- BPTR lock;
- *plock = NULL;
- if (!(lock=Lock(fname,ACCESS_READ)))
- return -1;
- if (!(fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocDosObject(DOS_FIB,NULL))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- return -9;
- }
- if (!Examine(lock,fib)) {
- UnLock(lock);
- FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib);
- return -2;
- }
- i = fib->fib_DirEntryType;
- if (i==ST_SOFTLINK) {
- /*
- Let our caller resolve the link, and if it resolves to a file,
- call us again.
- */
- UnLock(lock);
- FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib);
- return -10;
- }
- if (!((i==ST_FILE) || (i==ST_LINKFILE))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib);
- return -3;
- }
- i = fib->fib_Protection;
- i = (i & 0x70) | (0x0f & ~i);
- if (!((i & FIBF_SCRIPT) || (i & FIBF_EXECUTE))) {
- /* Not an executable or a script file. */
- UnLock(lock);
- FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib);
- return -4;
- }
- FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib);
- seglist_cmd = NULL;
- new_input = NULL;
- *plock = ParentDir(lock);
- if (i & FIBF_SCRIPT) {
- /*
- Open the file, but let the 'outside world' dick with CurrentInput.
- Not me. Outside of my definition. :)
- */
- if (!(new_input=OpenFromLock(lock))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- UnLock(*plock);
- return -5;
- }
- /* Remember that 'lock' is now INVALID and should not be touched. */
- return 1;
- }
- if (i & FIBF_EXECUTE) {
- /* LoadSeg the sucker. */
- if (!(seglist_cmd=NewLoadSeg(fname,NULL))) {
- #if 0
- /* AMK: distinguish between "no memory" and "not an executable" */
- if (IoErr()==ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE) {
- UnLock(lock);
- UnLock(*plock);
- return -11;
- }
- #endif
- /* Probably a 'bad' file (i.e., not actually an executable). */
- UnLock(lock);
- UnLock(*plock);
- return -6;
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- return 0;
- }
- if (lock) UnLock(lock);
- if (*plock) UnLock(*plock);
- return -7; /* should NEVER reach this point */
- }
- long command_device(char *device,char *fname)
- {
- /*
- For the Device specified by *device, search each element of the
- assign (since it could be a multi-assign) and try to find a
- command file. A command file can be either an executable file, or
- a script file (one with the script bit set).
- Returns:
- 0 = can RunCommand this file (seglist_cmd set)
- 1 = can source/script/execute this file (new_input set)
- < 0 = error
- -8 = Bad device name
- Note that this routine generates only one error of its own. All
- other results are passed straight thru from command_examine ().
- */
- long gotlock, /* we have a directory lock or not */
- result = 0, /* from command_examine () */
- /* AMK: result initialized with 0 */
- done = 0; /* found something we could use */
- struct DevProc *dp = NULL; /* for searching multi-assigned paths */
- struct MsgPort *fstask; /* for GetFileSysTask () */
- BPTR plock, /* parent of fname */
- lock, /* on source directory */
- dir_lock; /* save current directory */
- /*printf("search: %s -> %s\n",device,fname);*/
- fstask = GetFileSysTask ();
- do {
- dp = GetDeviceProc(device,dp);
- if (dp) {
- SetFileSysTask(dp->dvp_Port);
- lock = NULL;
- gotlock = 0;
- if (dp->dvp_Lock) {
- dir_lock = CurrentDir(dp->dvp_Lock);
- gotlock = 1;
- }
- else {
- if (lock=Lock(device,ACCESS_READ)) {
- dir_lock = CurrentDir(lock);
- gotlock = 1;
- }
- }
- if (gotlock) {
- result = command_examine(fname,&plock);
- /*
- NOTE: Philosophically speaking, if result <= -2, what
- should we do? This means that command_examine () actually
- found a file by the correct name, but it was unsuitable for
- some reason.
- Currently, we continue to search, in hopes that St. Nicholas
- will soon be here...(ie, we will find a file that meets our
- criteria). This is questionable as to its correctness.
- */
- if (result<0) {
- done = 0;
- }
- else {
- BPTR hdir_lock;
- if (plock)
- hdir_lock = plock;
- else if (lock)
- hdir_lock = lock;
- else if (dp->dvp_Lock)
- hdir_lock = dp->dvp_Lock;
- else
- hdir_lock = NULL;
- /*
- {char buf[256];
- if (hdir_lock && NameFromLock(hdir_lock,buf,256))
- printf("hdir_lock: %s\n",buf);
- }
- */
- done = 1;
- /*
- --- This was from XSHell, but wasn't correct ---
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = DupLock(lock?lock:dp->dvp_Lock);
- */
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = DupLock(hdir_lock);
- UnLock(plock);
- }
- if (lock) {
- UnLock(lock);
- lock = NULL;
- }
- CurrentDir(dir_lock);
- }
- }
- } while (!done &&
- dp && (dp->dvp_Flags & DVPF_ASSIGN) &&
- SetFileSysTask (fstask);
- if (dp) FreeDeviceProc(dp);
- if (!done && result >= 0) {
- /* Can happen when GetDeviceProc returns a NULL dp on the first go. */
- result = -8;
- }
- return result;
- }
- long command_processor(long abs_cmd,char *device,char *fname)
- {
- /*
- Results:
- Those returned by command_examine () and command_device ().
- 0 = can RunCommand (seglist_cmd set)
- 1 = can source/script/execute (new_input set)
- < 0 = error
- */
- struct PathList *pl; /* to parse the PATH */
- long result, /* from command_examine () or command_device () */
- sub_cmd; /* command is in a sub-directory */
- BPTR plock; /* points to parent directory of fname */
- char buf [256]; /* where to put elements of the Cli Path */
- long i; /* browse thru prghash_num's */
- char *filepart; /* file-part of prghash_list items */
- long fnamelen; /* length of fname */
- sub_cmd = abs_cmd & 2; /* a '/' was found in the input filename */
- abs_cmd &= 1; /* so it only has one meaning: a ':' was found */
- if (*device == '\0')
- abs_cmd = 0; /* handle special case of empty device */
- if (abs_cmd) { /* absolute path like 'dh0:myprog' */
- result = command_device(device,fname);
- return result;
- }
- if (sub_cmd) { /* relative path like 'mydir/myprog' */
- result = command_examine (fname, &plock);
- if (result < 0) return result;
- /*
- NOTE: Is the following OK? Or should we DupLock() and then
- UnLock()? I don't see why....
- */
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = plock;
- plock = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- /* file in current directory */
- result = command_examine(fname,&plock);
- if (result >= 0) {
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = plock;
- plock = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- fnamelen = strlen(fname);
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num; i++) {
- if (filepart=FilePart(prghash_list[i])) {
- if ((o_abbrev&2 && strnicmp(fname,filepart,fnamelen)==0)
- || (!(o_abbrev&2) && stricmp(fname,filepart)==0))
- {
- /*printf("hash hit: %s -> %s\n",fname,prghash_list[i]);*/
- result = command_examine(prghash_list[i],&plock);
- if (result >= 0) {
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = plock;
- plock = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (prghash_num>0 && !(o_abbrev&4))
- return result;
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num; i++) {
- if (filepart=FilePart(prghash_list[i])) {
- if (strnicmp(fname,filepart,fnamelen)==0) {
- /*printf("hash hit: %s -> %s\n",fname,prghash_list[i]);*/
- result = command_examine(prghash_list[i],&plock);
- if (result >= 0) {
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = plock;
- plock = NULL;
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (prghash_num>0 && !(o_abbrev&8))
- return result;
- /* DOS search path */
- /* Forbid(); */
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(Mycli->cli_CommandDir);
- while (pl && !dobreak()) {
- if (pl->pl_PathLock) {
- if (NameFromLock(pl->pl_PathLock,buf,256)) {
- result = command_device(buf,fname);
- if (result >= 0) {
- /* Permit(); */
- return result;
- }
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.command_processor: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- }
- }
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(pl->pl_NextPath);
- }
- /* Permit(); */
- /* Last, but CERTAINLY not least, search 'C:' */
- if (!dobreak())
- result = command_device("C:",fname);
- return result;
- }
- /* no endless loop for recursive calls of MySyncRun() */
- static BOOL IsRecursiveMySyncRun = FALSE;
- int
- MySyncRun( char *com, char *args, BPTR in, BPTR out, int nosync )
- {
- struct Segment *cmdseg = NULL;
- int len=strlen(args);
- char myname[256];
- BPTR myhdir,mymod;
- long abs_cmd = 0;
- char *p,*pname=strdup(com), *ppath=strdup(com), *pdev=strdup(com);
- long rslt = -1;
- /*
- old_inp_fh = SelectInput (Mycli->cli_CurrentInput);
- old_out_fh = SelectOutput(Mycli->cli_StandardOutput);
- Flush(Input());
- Flush(Output());
- */
- GetProgramName(myname,255);
- myhdir = Myprocess->pr_HomeDir;
- mymod = Mycli->cli_Module;
- /* clear it so that we don't "free" ourself on MySyncRun_done: */
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = NULL;
- Mycli->cli_Module = NULL;
- args[len]='\n'; args[len+1]=0; /* trailing '\n' */
- if (!pname || !ppath || !pdev)
- goto MySyncRun_done;
- if (p=FilePart(com))
- strcpy(pname,p);
- if (p=strchr(pdev,':')) {
- if (*(p+1)) { /* is ':' last char? */
- abs_cmd |= 1;
- strcpy(ppath,++p);
- *p='\0';
- }
- else { /* allow "bla:" for program name */
- strcpy(pdev,"");
- strcpy(ppath,com);
- strcpy(pname,com);
- }
- }
- else strcpy(pdev,"");
- if (strchr(ppath,'/'))
- abs_cmd |= 2;
- #if 0
- kprintf("prog: %s, arg: %s, async: %s\n",com,args,nosync?"yes":"no");
- kprintf("pdev: %s, ppath: %s, pname: %s [%ld]\n",pdev,ppath,pname,abs_cmd);
- #endif
- seglist_cmd = NULL;
- new_input = NULL;
- if (!abs_cmd || strnicmp(com,"C:",2)==0) {
- char *comname = (strnicmp(com,"C:",2)==0) ? FilePart(com) : com ;
- Forbid();
- if (!(cmdseg = FindSegment(comname,NULL,FALSE)))
- cmdseg = FindSegment(comname,NULL,TRUE);
- if (cmdseg) {
- /*
- Randell says ...
- if ((cmdseg->seg_UC < CMD_DISABLED) ||
- ... but if a command is disabled why we should execute it?
- */
- if ((cmdseg->seg_UC <= CMD_DISABLED) ||
- (cmdseg->seg_UC == CMD_SYSTEM))
- cmdseg = NULL;
- else if (cmdseg->seg_UC >= 0)
- cmdseg->seg_UC++;
- }
- Permit();
- if (cmdseg) {
- seglist_cmd = cmdseg->seg_Seg;
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (!cmdseg) {
- rslt = command_processor(abs_cmd,pdev,ppath);
- /*printf("cmd_processor returned %ld, %ld\n",rslt,IoErr());*/
- if (rslt<0) {
- /*printf("Object not found (rc=%d): %s\n",rslt,pname);*/
- goto MySyncRun_done;
- /*return -1;*/
- }
- }
- if (new_input) { /* rslt = 1 */
- char scp_name[256];
- char scmdbuf[256];
- char *exec_buf;
- char *scommand = "execute";
- FILE *sfp;
- int escnum,i;
- NameFromFH(new_input,scp_name,255);
- Close(new_input);
- new_input = NULL;
- /*kprintf("launch script (%s) %s, %s, %s, args: %s ...\n",scp_name,pdev,ppath,pname,args);*/
- #if 0
- sys_tags[1].ti_Tag = SYS_Output;
- sys_tags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG)Myprocess->pr_COS;
- #endif
- scp_type = DOS_SCRIPT;
- if (sfp=fopen(scp_name,"r")) {
- char *p;
- if (fgets(scmdbuf,255,sfp)) {
- if (strncmp(scmdbuf,"/*",2)==0) {
- scommand = "rx";
- scp_type = REXX_SCRIPT;
- /*
- Space im Filenamen mit:
- scommand = "rx \"call 'tgled led' rudi\"";
- Allerdings dann Probleme mit Return-Codes.
- */
- }
- else if (strncmp(scmdbuf,"#!",2)==0 || strncmp(scmdbuf,";!",2)==0) {
- if (p = strchr(scmdbuf,'\n')) {
- *p = '\0';
- for (p=scmdbuf+2; *p==' ' || *p=='\t'; ++p)
- ;
- scommand = p;
- scp_type = OTHER_SCRIPT;
- if (o_mappath && scommand[0]=='/') {
- if (p=strchr(scommand+1,'/')) {
- ++scommand;
- *p = ':';
- }
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: first line too long\n",scp_name);
- }
- }
- fclose(sfp);
- }
- /* escape critical chars like <>"=* with * (asterix) */
- /* count number of chars to be escaped */
- for (escnum=0,i=strlen(args)-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (args[i]=='>' || args[i]=='<' || args[i]=='*') /*|| args[i]=='"' || args[i]=='=')*/
- ++escnum;
- }
- /*kprintf("scommand: %s, scp_name: %s, args: %s",scommand,scp_name,args);*/
- if (exec_buf = malloc(strlen(scommand)+2+strlen(scp_name)+2+strlen(args)+1+escnum)) {
- /* RunCommand(Execute) doesn't work, must use System() */
- if (!IsRecursiveMySyncRun && scp_type!=DOS_SCRIPT && stricmp(scommand,"execute")) {
- sprintf(exec_buf,"%s%s%s %s",
- (scp_type!=REXX_SCRIPT) ? "\"" : "",
- scp_name,
- (scp_type!=REXX_SCRIPT) ? "\"" : "",
- args
- );
- /*kprintf("yeah, recursive MySyncRun: %s %s\n",scommand,exec_buf);*/
- IsRecursiveMySyncRun = TRUE;
- if (MySyncRun(scommand,exec_buf,in,out,nosync) >= 0) {
- /*kprintf("okay... exit...\n");*/
- IsRecursiveMySyncRun = FALSE;
- free(exec_buf);
- goto MySyncRun_done;
- }
- IsRecursiveMySyncRun = FALSE;
- }
- sprintf(exec_buf,"%s %s%s%s %s",
- scommand,
- (scp_type!=REXX_SCRIPT) ? "\"" : "",
- scp_name,
- (scp_type!=REXX_SCRIPT) ? "\"" : "",
- args
- );
- /*kprintf("exec_buf: %s",exec_buf);*/
- /*{int i;
- for (i=0; i<strlen(args); i++)
- printf("args[%d] : %d\n",i,args[i]);
- }*/
- /* escape critical chars, end when all chars are found */
- for (i=strlen(exec_buf)-1; i>=0 && escnum>0; --i) {
- if (exec_buf[i]=='>' || exec_buf[i]=='<' || exec_buf[i]=='*') /*|| exec_buf[i]=='"' || exec_buf[i]=='=')*/ {
- strins(&exec_buf[i],"*");
- --escnum;
- }
- }
- {char *p;
- if (p = strchr(exec_buf,'\n'))
- *p = '\0';
- }
- /*kprintf("exec_buf: %s\n",exec_buf);*/
- /*kprintf("start: |%s|\n",exec_buf);*/
- #define SYSTEM_MAXLEN 512
- /* eigentlich sogar 518 */
- #if 0
- if (getenv("cshexeclen")) {
- long elen = atoi(getenv("cshexeclen"));
- if (strlen(exec_buf) > elen) {
- kprintf("csh: command line too long, cutting at %ld\n",elen);
- exec_buf[elen] = '\0';
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (strlen(exec_buf) > SYSTEM_MAXLEN) {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh: command line too long (cutting at %ld)\n",SYSTEM_MAXLEN);
- exec_buf[SYSTEM_MAXLEN] = '\0';
- }
- rslt = SystemTags(exec_buf,SYS_Input,(ULONG)Input(),SYS_Output,(ULONG)Output(),TAG_END);
- /*kprintf(" end: return code %ld\n",(LONG)rslt);*/
- free(exec_buf);
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: we are out of memory for System()\n",scp_name);
- rslt = RETURN_FAIL;
- }
- /*clean_up_io();*/
- }
- if (seglist_cmd) { /* rslt = 0 */
- struct Task *mytask;
- ULONG old_sigalloc;
- BYTE old_pri;
- /*
- * This is inspired by Gary Duncan who was inspired by Wshell ;-)
- * Save the old signal mask and task priority to see if some
- * programs don't deallocate their allocated signals or modify
- * the task priority.
- */
- mytask = (struct Task *)Myprocess; /* just for readability.. */
- old_sigalloc = mytask->tc_SigAlloc; /* hold values before command execution */
- old_pri = mytask->tc_Node.ln_Pri; /* hold values before command execution */
- SetIoErr(0);
- if (!SetProgramName(pname))
- SetProgramName("CSH-program");
- if (Mycli->cli_DefaultStack < 1000)
- Mycli->cli_DefaultStack=4000;
- Mycli->cli_Module = seglist_cmd;
- rslt = RunCommand(seglist_cmd,Mycli->cli_DefaultStack*4,args,strlen(args));
- if ((rslt == -1) && (IoErr()==ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"we are out of memory for RunCommand()\n");
- rslt = RETURN_FAIL;
- SetProgramName(myname);
- goto MySyncRun_done;
- }
- set_returncodes(rslt,IoErr());
- SetProgramName(myname);
- /*
- * now see if naughty command messed things up ...
- */
- if (old_sigalloc != mytask->tc_SigAlloc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Unreleased signal(s); (%08X)\n",
- old_sigalloc ^ mytask->tc_SigAlloc);
- }
- if (old_pri != mytask->tc_Node.ln_Pri) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning! CLI priority changed from %d to %d\n",
- old_pri, mytask->tc_Node.ln_Pri);
- }
- }
- MySyncRun_done:
- if (cmdseg) {
- Forbid();
- if (cmdseg->seg_UC>0)
- cmdseg->seg_UC--;
- Permit();
- Mycli->cli_Module = NULL;
- }
- if (!cmdseg && seglist_cmd) {
- if (Mycli->cli_Module)
- UnLoadSeg(Mycli->cli_Module);
- Mycli->cli_Module = NULL;
- seglist_cmd = NULL;
- }
- if (Myprocess->pr_HomeDir) {
- /*
- char hd[256];
- if (NameFromLock(Myprocess->pr_HomeDir,hd,255))
- printf("homedir set to %s, now unlocking.\n",hd);
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.MySyncRun: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- printf("homedir's name too long, now unlocking.\n");
- }
- */
- UnLock(Myprocess->pr_HomeDir);
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = NULL;
- }
- Myprocess->pr_HomeDir = myhdir;
- Mycli->cli_Module = mymod;
- if (pname) free(pname);
- if (ppath) free(ppath);
- if (pdev) free(pdev);
- /*clean_up_io();*/
- /*
- old_out_fh = SelectOutput (Mycli->cli_StandardOutput);
- old_inp_fh = SelectInput (Mycli->cli_CurrentInput);
- */
- return rslt;
- #if 0
- if (done) return rslt;
- char buf2[200];
- args[len]=0; /* remove trailing '\n' */
- printf("trying old style...\n");
- if( nosync ) {
- sprintf(buf2,"%s %s",com,args);
- Execute(buf2,0,Myprocess->pr_COS);
- return 0;
- }
- if( (ret= SyncRun( com, args, in, out ))>=0 )
- return ret;
- if( ret==PR_NOMEM /* -2L */ ) {
- ierror(NULL,103);
- return 20;
- }
- return -1;
- #endif
- }
- #if 0
- int
- do_which( char *str )
- {
- char *got, *com=av[1];
- if( get_var(LEVEL_ALIAS,com) ) {
- printf("Shell Alias '%s'\n",com);
- return 0;
- }
- if( *(got=find_internal( com ))>1 ) {
- printf("Shell Internal '%s'\n",got);
- return 0;
- }
- printf( "Not found\n" );
- return 20;
- }
- #endif
- char *
- dofind( char *cmd, char *ext, char *buf, char *path)
- {
- char *ptr, *s=path, *ret=NULL;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- sprintf(buf,"%s%s",cmd,ext);
- if (exists(buf)) {
- ret=buf;
- goto terminate;
- }
- if ((char*)FilePart(buf)==buf) {
- if( *path=='_' )
- s = get_var(LEVEL_SET, path);
- while (s && *s) {
- for (ptr=buf; *s && *s!=','; ) *ptr++ = *s++;
- if( ptr[-1]!=':' && ptr[-1]!='/')
- *ptr++='/';
- sprintf(ptr, "%s%s", cmd, ext);
- if (exists(buf)) {
- ret=buf;
- goto terminate;
- }
- if (*s) s++;
- }
- }
- terminate:
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- return ret;
- }