home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- *
- * (c)1986 Matthew Dillon 9 October 1986
- *
- * Most global variables.
- *
- * Version 2.07M by Steve Drew 10-Sep-87
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 17-Feb-91
- * Version 5.20L by Andreas M. Kirchwitz (Fri, 13 Mar 1992)
- *
- */
- #include "shell.h"
- char v_titlebar []="_titlebar"; /* Window title */
- char v_prompt []="_prompt"; /* your prompt (ascii command) */
- char v_hist []="_history"; /* set history depth (value) */
- char v_histnum []="_histnum"; /* set history numbering var */
- char v_debug []="_debug"; /* set debug mode */
- char v_verbose []="_verbose"; /* set verbose for source files */
- char v_stat []="_maxerr"; /* worst return value to date */
- char v_lasterr []="_lasterr"; /* return value from last comm. */
- char v_cwd []="_cwd"; /* current directory */
- char v_except []="_except"; /* "nnn;command" */
- char v_every []="_every"; /* executed before prompt */
- char v_passed []="_passed"; /* passed arguments to source file */
- char v_path []="_path"; /* search path for external commands */
- char v_gotofwd []="_gtf"; /* set name for fwd goto name */
- char v_linenum []="_linenum"; /* name for forline line # */
- char v_lcd []="_lcd"; /* last current directory */
- char v_rxpath []="_rxpath"; /* path for .rexx commands */
- char v_hilite []="_hilite"; /* hilighting escape sequence */
- char v_scroll []="_scroll"; /* scroll jump in fast mode */
- char v_minrows []="_minrows"; /* minimum # of rows for fast scroll */
- char v_result []="_result"; /* result from rxsend */
- char v_qcd []="_qcd"; /* file name for csh-qcd */
- char v_noreq []="_noreq"; /* turn off system requesters */
- char v_value []="_value"; /* return value of a function */
- char v_nobreak []="_nobreak"; /* disabling of ^C */
- char v_bground []="_bground"; /* started in background */
- char v_pipe []="_pipe"; /* path for pipes */
- char v_datefmt []="_datefmt"; /* format of dates */
- char v_ioerr []="_ioerr"; /* last secondary result */
- char v_abbrev []="_abbrev"; /* disable command abbreviations */
- char v_rback []="_rback"; /* command to be used for '&' */
- char v_insert []="_insert"; /* insert mode */
- char v_failat []="_failat"; /* batch file fail level */
- char v_clipri []="_clipri"; /* command line priority */
- char v_dirformat[]="_dirformat";/* format string for "dir" command */
- char v_nomatch []="_nomatch"; /* abort if pattern doesn't match */
- char v_prghash []="_prghash"; /* file for program hash table */
- char v_cquote []="_cquote"; /* commodore-shell compatible quotes */
- char v_mappath []="_mappath"; /* map unix pathes /usr/... to usr:... */
- char v_timeout []="_timeout"; /* timeout for window bounds report */
- char v_promptdep[]="_promptdep";/* maximum number of dirs in %p/prompt */
- char v_complete []="_complete"; /* files that match on file completion */
- HIST *H_head, *H_tail; /* HISTORY lists */
- PERROR Perror[]= { /* error code->string */
- 103, "not enough memory available",
- 105, "process table full",
- 114, "bad template",
- 115, "bad number",
- 116, "required argument missing",
- 117, "value after keyword missing",
- 118, "wrong number of arguments",
- 119, "unmatched quotes",
- 120, "argument line invalid or too long",
- 121, "file is not executable",
- 122, "invalid resident library",
- /* ! */ 201, "No default directory",
- 202, "object is in use",
- 203, "object already exists",
- 204, "directory not found",
- 205, "object not found",
- 206, "invalid window description",
- 207, "object too large",
- 209, "packet request type unknown",
- 210, "object name invalid",
- 211, "invalid object lock",
- 212, "object is not of required type",
- 213, "disk not validated",
- 214, "disk is write-protected",
- 215, "rename across devices attempted",
- 216, "directory not empty",
- 217, "too many levels",
- 218, "device (or volume) is not mounted",
- 219, "seek failure",
- 220, "comment is too long",
- 221, "disk is full",
- 222, "object is protected from deletion",
- 223, "file is write protected",
- 224, "file is read protected",
- 225, "not a valid DOS disk",
- 226, "no disk in drive",
- 232, "no more entries in directory",
- 233, "object is soft link",
- 234, "object is linked",
- 235, "bad loadfile hunk",
- 236, "function not implemented",
- 240, "record not locked",
- 241, "record lock collision",
- 242, "record lock timeout",
- 243, "record unlock error",
- /* custom error messages */
- 500, "Bad arguments",
- 501, "Label not found",
- 502, "Must be within source file",
- 503, "Syntax error",
- 504, "Redirection error",
- 505, "Pipe error",
- 506, "Too many arguments",
- 507, "Destination not a directory",
- 508, "Cannot mv a filesystem",
- 509, "Error in command name",
- 510, "Bad drive name",
- 511, "Illegal number",
- 512, "Out of memory",
- 513, "User interrupt",
- 0, NULL
- };
- char **av; /* Internal argument list */
- FILE *Src_base[MAXSRC]; /* file pointers for source files */
- long Src_pos[MAXSRC]; /* seek position storage for same */
- short Src_if[MAXSRC]; /* the if level at batch file start */
- short Src_abort[MAXSRC]; /* abort this batch file */
- char If_base[MAXIF]; /* If/Else stack for conditionals */
- int H_len, H_tail_base; /* History associated stuff */
- int H_stack, H_num; /* AddHistory disable stack */
- int E_stack; /* Exception disable stack */
- int Src_stack, If_stack; /* Stack Indexes */
- int forward_goto; /* Flag for searching for foward lables */
- int ac; /* Internal argc */
- int max_ac=256; /* Maximum # of args (increasable) */
- int debug; /* Debug mode */
- int disable; /* Disable com. execution (conditionals)*/
- int Verbose; /* Verbose mode for source files */
- int Lastresult; /* Last return code */
- int Exec_abortline; /* flag to abort rest of line */
- int Quit; /* Quit flag */
- char stdin_redir; /* stdin is redirected */
- char stdout_redir; /* stdout is redirected */
- char *MyMem;
- struct Process *Myprocess = NULL; /* CSH's process */
- struct Window *Mywindow = NULL; /* CSH's window, may be NULL! */
- struct CommandLineInterface *Mycli;
- struct DosPacket *Mypacket;
- int S_histlen = 20; /* Max # history entries */
- unsigned int options;
- char Buf[280], confirmed, asked;
- CLASS *CRoot, *LastCRoot;
- long IoError;
- /* internal programm path hash-list */
- char **prghash_list = NULL;
- long prghash_num = 0L;