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Text File | 1995-09-06 | 113.2 KB | 3,412 lines |
- =======================================================
- Contents
- --------
- O. Installation
- I. Description (availability, credits, disclaimer)
- II. Overview of major features
- III. Restrictions
- IV. Pipes
- V. Command Pre-processor
- VI. Command Line Editing
- VII. Function Keys
- VIII. Shell Commands
- IX. Special Set Variables
- X. Functions
- XI. Miscellaneous
- XII. Example source files
- XIII. Default values
- XIV. Object oriented features
- XV. Keymaps
- XVI. Scrolling
- O. Installation
- ----------------
- This program requires at least AmigaOS 2.04 (KS37.175, WB37.67) or higher.
- For online help inside csh, assign CSH: somewhere and put csh.doc there.
- Then you can use the 'man' command for any desired command. Press the HELP
- key for a command list.
- You can simply invoke csh from the command line or at the end of your
- startup-sequence, because csh is, from the AmigaDOS standpoint, not a true
- shell like l:shell-seg. Nevertheless, csh is 'pure', so if your archiver
- forgot to set the 'p' bit, do it right now.
- Proposed final setup: If you want to make csh resident, do the following:
- 1. Copy csh anywhere on your (hard)disk, e.g. dh1:tools
- 2. Make sure your s:startup-sequence contains:
- resident dh1:tools/csh add
- csh
- 4. In s:.login, put any commands to be called only once, like setmap,
- assign, setclock. This is a shell script, use # for comments, and
- don't use .key type commands.
- 5. In s:.cshrc, you put any commands that need to be executed on every
- invocation, like 'alias', 'set' and so on.
- 6. Put the following to s:cli-startup and s:shell-startup, so csh will be
- started in any window opened by NewCLI, NewShell or from workbench:
- csh
- endcli
- Additionally, I recommend to assign CSH: somewhere and put your docs and
- CShell scripts there. You can do the assign from inside the shell, it's not
- needed at startup.
- The file s:.cshrc is executed on every startup (of csh) if it exists,
- the file s:.login only on csh's first invocation after boot-time,
- the file s:.logout is executed on every termination (of csh).
- ---------------
- This version of Shell is the successor of:
- Shell V2.04 (C)Copyright 1986, Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved
- Shell V2.04M-V2.07M by Steve Drew
- Shell V2.08MI, V3.xxA and V4.xxA by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni
- Shell V5.xxL by U. Dominik Mueller
- Shell V5.20+ by Andreas M. Kirchwitz
- Responsible for the V5.20+ series of Cshell is:
- Andreas M. Kirchwitz
- Seesener Str. 69
- D-10709 Berlin
- Germany
- UUCP/Internet: csh-fan@zikzak.in-berlin.de
- or csh-fan@zikzak.snafu.de
- Send wishes, detailed bug reports (and the beer bottles :) to the above
- address. Postcards welcome!
- For bug reports, I need your Csh version number and a reproducable bug
- generation example.
- If you report Enforcer hits please send the complete Enforcer and SegTracker
- output. Otherwise it's of no earthly use.
- The V5.20+ series is an ARP-free, OS-2.x-only pre-6.0 version of Cshell.
- It only has an english ascii-doc, but it sweetens the time until Csh 6.x
- (by Urban Mueller) is available (whenever this might be ;-)
- Please check the 'restrictions' chapter before reporting any bugs and add
- your CShell version and a description of your configuration.
- You may distribute this program unmodified and for non-profit only.
- Please contact me if you want to make changes.
- ------------
- CShell can always be downloaded at the AUGL BBS. Some additionals parts
- (French documentation) are available there, too.
- For those who want to get it per FIDO file request, the archive is always
- named like 'csh513.lzh' for CShell 5.13 and 'csh513src.lzh' for its source.
- CShell is available via FTP from AmiNet ftp.wustl.edu (and mirrors) in the
- directory /pub/amiga/shell/ (the archive names are the same) and via E-Mail
- from "mail-server@cs.tu-berlin.de" in the same directory.
- -------
- Arexx is a program by William Hawes.
- Cygnus Ed Professional (C) 1988 CygnusSoft Software.
- Thanks to:
- Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Calro Borreo, Cesare Dieni and U. Dominik Mueller
- for the previous versions of Csh.
- Ralph Babel, Eddy Carroll, Gary Duncan, Randell Jesup, Steve Koren, Tim
- MacKenzie, Axel Roebel, Mike Schwartz for their code contributions and
- suggestions.
- Michael Beer, Carl Johan Block, Hubert Feyere, Magnus Heldestad, Carsten
- Heyl, Alex Liu, Declan McArdle, Svante Eriksson, Luke Mewburn, Peter Orbaek,
- Allard Siemelink, Roddi Walker, Shimon Weissman and the unknown Swedish guy
- who found the double-LF bug for their bug reports and feedback.
- Roy Haverman, Martin Horneffer, Hans-Christian Huerlimann, Daniel Pfulg,
- Patrizio Rusconi, Christian Schneider and especially Markus Illenseer for
- the German translation of the doc.
- Olivier Berger for the French translation of the doc.
- ----------
- Cshell (csh) is ⌐ Copyright 1991-1995 by Andreas M. Kirchwitz and all
- previous authors mentioned in the "CREDITS" section. All rights reserved.
- Any possesor of this version of "Cshell (csh)" for the Amiga is hereby
- granted a non-exclusive license permitting its use and/or redistribution,
- subject to the following terms and conditions.
- Permission is hereby granted to freely redistribute this version of
- "Cshell (csh)" via electronic bulletin board systems (BBS's), freely
- redistributable disk collections (such as provided by Fred Fish), service
- bureaus (BiX, GEnie, CompuServe, etc), and networks such as USENET, BITNET,
- and Internet, provided that such distribution includes this unmodified
- License, and all of the documentation files (README and .doc files), in
- addition to the executable, and with all copyright notices intact. Access
- to the source code must also be available and allowed.
- This archive may be freely redistributed, but only in totally unchanged
- state, i.e. no files can be added, deleted, modified etc. All copyright
- notices in the program and its documentation must remain on their places.
- Also ".displayme" and other files, usually with "wonderful" ANSI graphics,
- so obvious at various BBS's, cannot be added.
- Use of the "Cshell (csh)" executable and docmentation in any environment,
- commercial or otherwise is not restricted, and no fee shall be required for
- said use. The use of the source code is also permitted in other freely
- redistributable works, provided proper acknowledgement of the authors is
- given. The use of the source code in a commercial product is prohibited
- without prior written permission of the author.
- Without prior written permission from the author, it is prohibited to sell or
- otherwise convey this version of "Cshell (csh)" for monetary or other forms
- of compensation, other than the customery service and/or duplication fees as
- may be charged by the distribution mechanisms identified above.
- It is further prohibited, without prior written permission from the author,
- to include this version of "Cshell (csh)" in whole or in part, in the
- distribution of any commercial hardware or software package, or component
- thereof.
- This version of "Cshell (csh)" is provided "as is", without express or
- implied warranty. The author makes no claim or representation about the
- suitability of this software for any purpose.
- The author disclaims any and all warranties with regard to this software,
- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event
- shall the author be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential
- damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or
- profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other tortious
- action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
- software.
- ------------
- Shell provides a convenient AmigaDos alternative command interface. All its
- commands are internal and thus it does not rely on the c: commands for any
- functionality.
- Major features include:
- - freely programmable command line editing
- - simple history
- - piping
- - aliases with arguments
- - variables & variable handling (embedded variables)
- - file name expansion via wild carding ('?', '*' and more)
- - conditionals (if/else etc..)
- - source files (w/ gotos and labels)
- - tab file name completion
- - object oriented features (file classes, actions)
- - many built in commands to speed things up
- - full functionality on VT terminals
- CShell runs on minimum stack, for recursive aliases and source files better
- increase stack to 10K or more.
- If you use CShell for the first time, remember the following:
- - CShell internal commands must be lowercase & can be abbreviated
- - AmigaDOS command 'Execute' causes some trouble. You cannot
- redirect it, you must not rename it, and you get no return code.
- You can also use 'source' to start your scripts, but you'll have
- to rewrite them a bit. Besides the '.key'-type commands, 'source'
- is downward compatible with 'Execute'.
- - You can always get more information on a command if csh.doc is
- in the current directory or in csh: (you will be able to modify
- this) and you enter 'man <command>'
- - The wild card #? doesn't work. Use *
- (#? only works if you "escape" it... better use * :-)
- -----------------
- The c:Execute command cannot be redirected, does not return error codes, and
- might cause other problems. It will not work at all if it has been renamed.
- The VDK: handler and Frank Seidel's BootRam-Handler have a bug with setting
- file dates, so when using the copy command you should try the -d and -p
- switches, otherwise your file date will be bad. (This is not a shell bug)
- If using it with conman you may consider starting shell with the -a switch
- to turn off shell's command line editing and use conmans instead. You'll
- lose, however, many shell features like file name completion.
- CB-handler (a tool that installs a scrollbar in the CLI window) is not 100%
- compatible with cshell. The log will not always represent the real screen
- contents.
- Don't use the "Iconify" feature of KingCON (a CON-Handler replacement that
- gives you scrollbar and other features in CLI windows). Don't ignore the
- warning, KingCON gives you when iconifying a Cshell window. This will crash
- your system because Iconify makes Cshell's internal window pointer invalid.
- Start Cshell with option "-a" or "-t" to use "Iconify" safely.
- ------------------
- PIPES have been implemented using temporary T: files. Thus, you
- should be careful when specifying a 't:*' expansion as it might
- include the temporary files. These files are deleted on completion
- of the pipe segment.
- The file names used are completely unique, even with multiple shell
- running simultaneously.
- My favorite new feature is the fact that you can now redirect to
- and from, and pipe internal commands. 'echo charlie >ram:x', for
- instance. Another favorite:
- echo "echo mem | csh" | csh
- No BCPL program should be output-append redirected (>>).
- -------------------------
- Preprocessing is done on the command line before it is passed on to
- an internal or external routine:
- ^c where c is a character is converted to that control
- character. Thus, say '^l' for control-l.
- \233 insert character code 233 octal. Do not use values between
- 200o and 232o, as they have special meanings. \240 is the
- word separator.
- $name where name is a variable name. Variable names can consist
- of 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and underscore (_). The contents of the
- specified variable is used. If the shell variable doesn't
- exist, csh tries to find a local or global (ENV:) variable
- of the same name. If that fails, too, "$name" is inserted.
- That is, if the variable 'i' contains 'charlie',
- then '$i' -> 'charlie'.
- If the variable 'i' doesn't exist, then '$i' -> '$i'.
- ; delimits commands. echo charlie ; echo ben.
- ' ' (a space). Spaces delimit arguments.
- "string" a quoted string. Trailing quotes are optional.
- For instance, if you want to echo five spaces and an 'a':
- echo a -> a
- echo " a" -> a
- See also builtin variable "_cquote".
- \c override the meaning of special characters.
- '\^a' is a circumflex and an a rather than control-a.
- To get a backslash, you must say '\\'.
- also used to overide alias searching for commands.
- >file specify output redirection. All output from the command is
- placed in the specified file.
- >>file specify append redirection
- (Does not work with BCPL programs).
- <file specify input redirection. The command takes input from the
- file rather than the keyboard (note: not all commands
- require input; it makes no sense to say 'echo <charlie'
- since the 'echo' command only outputs its arguments).
- <>file specify input AND output redirection. The file must be
- either "NIL:" or an interactive stream (eg, a console
- window: <>CON:////InOut).
- | PIPE specifier. The output from the command on the left
- becomes the input to the command on the right. The current
- SHELL implementation uses temporary files to store the data.
- !! execute the previously executed command.
- !nn (nn is a number). Insert the history command numbered n
- (see the HISTORY command)
- !partial search backwards through the history list for a command
- which looks the same as 'partial', and execute it.
- # enter comment. The rest of the line is discarded.
- (note: \# will, of course, overide the comment character's
- special meaning)
- {e hi;e ho} executes two commands as one, so they can be redirected
- together (see ALIAS command). The trailing curly brace is
- optional.
- $(foo) insert the stdout of the command 'foo' at this position of
- the command line. Every line of the output will count as one
- argument. The closing parenthesis is optional.
- `foo` insert the stdout of the command 'foo' at this position of
- the command line. Every blank separated word will count as
- one argument. Leading, trailing and multiple blanks will be
- removed. The trailing backtick is optional.
- $nn (nn is a number). Cshell scripts only!
- Insert argument number nn for $nn. Thus, $1 becomes the
- first argument, $2 the second, $3 the third and so on.
- $0 is the name of the command (script). If there's no
- argument nn then $nn remains unchanged (unset variable).
- $# Number of arguments. Cshell scripts only!
- For example: if $# is 3 then $3 will be the highest
- meaningful variable for an argument.
- -- stop option parsing here. Works for internal commands only.
- Example: rm -- -x will remove the file '-x'
- Please note the subtle differences between
- alias count {echo one;echo two}
- alias count "echo one;echo two
- The first form will create an alias that contains a local alias. The
- other will create a plain alias. Also, things within braces will not
- be parsed more than once, therefore a backslash needs not be pre-
- ceded by a pair of backslashes. Thus the commands look the same as
- if they were to be typed in at the prompt. To echo lots of '#',
- either use:
- forever {echo \#
- forever "echo \\\#
- A block can spread over several lines. Refer to the SOURCE command.
- ------------------------
- o The command line can be up to 255 chars.
- o Inserts and deletes are handled correctly over multiple lines.
- o The script 'menu.sh' installs an intuition menu that contains most
- editing functions
- -- MOVING --
- Left Arrow One character left
- Right Arrow One character right
- Shift-Left Arrow One word left
- Shift-Right Arrow One word right
- ESC-Left Arrow Beginning of line (^A) (^Z)
- ESC-Right Arrow End of line (^E)
- -- DELETING --
- Backspace Previous character
- Del Character under cursor
- ESC-Backspace Previous word (^W)
- ESC-Del Next word
- ESC-x-Backspace To start of line (^B)
- ESC-x-Del To end of line (^K)
- ESC-d Entire line (^X)
- -- HISTORY --
- Up Arrow Recall previous commands
- Down Arrow Recall commands
- Shift-Up Arow Get history from partial (or number)
- Shift-Down Arrow Go below last command of history
- ESC-Up Arrow Get start of history
- ESC-Down Arrow Get end of history
- ESC-! Get history from partial (or number)
- ^T Insert tail (all but first word) of previous line
- ^P Duplicate previous word (useful for mv)
- TAB Inserts first matching file name
- Shift-TAB Inserts longest common substring
- ESC-TAB Inserts all matching file names (also ESC-*)
- ESC-c Does a quick cd on left word (TAB for cycling)
- ESC-~ Inserts the last current directory
- ^D Shows all files that match a pattern (also ESC-=)
- ESC-p Insert first/next matching program name
- ESC-P Shows all matching program names
- Return Executes line
- ESC-Return Executes this line of history & brings up next one
- ^N Next line. Don't exec this one but store history
- ^\ EOF (directly exits)
- ^L Retype current line.
- ^O Echo a ^O
- ^R Repeat last command (don't play with this)
- ^U Undo/Redo last edit
- ^V Quote next char
- ESC-i Toggle Insert/Overwrite
- f1-f10 Execute command if variable exists.
- F1-F10 More commands (Shifted f keys).
- Help Invokes help command
- Whenever the cursor is placed on or directly after an incomplete file name
- and you press TAB, CShell inserts for the first filename (sorted
- alphabetically) that matches the name part already typed. Any wildcards are
- allowed here, if none are given, '*' is appended. Immediately pressing TAB
- again brings up the next file name that matched the substring. Shift-TAB
- will only insert the as much as is common to all files that matched your
- abbreviation. If pressed again, behaves just like TAB. ESC-Tab inserts the
- name of the directory where you would have ended up with a quick cd to that
- substring.
- Note that ^D now means 'quit batchfile' like under AmigaDOS and is no longer
- used for quitting CShell. If you want it back, enter 'keymap 0 4=41'
- The CTRL keys FGVY are unset, feel free to map them to any function (see
- chapter XV). You can also remap all preset keys.
- ------------------
- Function keys now insert text to the current position on the command
- line. They may be terminated with a ^M (return). f1 would be non-
- shifted where as F1 is shifted.
- Most of functions key have a default definition, but it may be
- changed.
- $ set f1 dir df0:^M
- will add the text 'dir df0:<return>' to the current line.
- $ set f1 dir
- would only add 'dir' you could then enter ' df0:<return>'
- --------------------
- First to start shell from a CLI:
- csh [-abcCfiknstv] [-c command;command]
- csh [-abcCfiknstv] [batchfile1 ... batchfileN]
- -a AUX: mode. No command line editing and text highlighting
- (window opening is not forced and AUTO-windows don't lose
- the ability to be closed)
- -b starts shell in background, which means only task priority -1.
- -c allows execution of one command line and then exits out
- of shell. This is useful for running an internal shell
- commands in the background or from an external application:
- run csh -c "dir df0:; copy -r df0: df1: >nil:; echo Done"
- -C same as -c, but the command line is not parsed twice. This
- allows passing of file names with blanks within.
- run csh -C rm "Ram Disk:tempfile"
- -f starts shell in foreground, which means only task priority 1.
- you might reset this prioritiy to 0 at the end of your .login
- -k sets _nobreak before doing anything
- -L suppresses starting of s:.logout
- -m sets _nomatch (which is unset by default)
- -M don't clear menus (especially for KingCON),
- by default CSH clears menus of its window
- -n suppresses starting of s:.login
- -N suppresses starting of s:.cshrc
- -s globally enables the asterisk * as alias for #? in AmigaDOS 2.0
- This means you can use * inside file requesters as well.
- (obsolete option -- * is default -- #? is still allowed !!)
- -t terminal mode. You can use command line editing and text high-
- lighting on a VT100 compatible terminal. To swap backspace
- and DEL, refer to the 'keymap' command
- (window opening is not forced and AUTO-windows don't lose
- the ability to be closed)
- -v sets _verbose to 'hs' before doing anything.
- -V send only VT100 compatible control sequences
- (no special Amiga control sequences)
- -w don't fetch pointer of window Cshell is running in,
- eg, for running Cshell remote or with KingCON (iconify)
- (menus, titlebar and some window related commands disabled)
- Internal shell commands are case sensitive and may be abbreviated.
- Also commands buffered with "rehash" may be abbreviated. This can
- be toggled with the variable "_abbrev".
- The first argument is the command-name... here is (in order) how
- Shell tries to execute it:
- 1) The alias list is searched for an alias with an exactly
- matching name.
- 2) Internal commands list is scanned for a command even partially
- matching name (so you can, for instance, say resi for resident;
- however, you should specify enough of a command to be unique).
- 3) Then, the list of functions is scanned for a command that
- matches completely. If one is found, the result of the function
- is echoed to stdout.
- 4) Now the command is assumed to be external.
- Arguments with blanks, semicolons or empty strings will be
- surrounded by quotes.
- 5) If the file is a directory, a 'cd <file>' will be performed to
- it.
- 6) AmigaDOS resident list are scanned for it (you can use Shell's
- 'resident' command to add/remove a file in the DOS list).
- 7) If the file is in the current directory and it's executable, it
- is started.
- 8) Then it is searched in the AmigaDOS path and c:
- 9) Now, the shell path ($_path) is searched. If it's found and
- executable, it's started. If it has the 's' bit set, it will
- be executed using the appropriate shell. See FOREIGN SHELLS
- 10) If there exists a file with the suffix '.sh' and the same root
- in the current directory or in the shell path, it is 'source'd.
- 11) Then the variable _rxpath is examined. If there exists a file
- with the suffix '.rexx' and the same root in the current direc-
- tory or in '$_rxpath', 'RX <file>' will be performed.
- 12) If all failed, an 'exec' action is sent to the file. See chapter
- XIV for more info on classes and actions.
- To enforce that the external 'dir'-command is used, enter 'Dir'. It
- is a good habit to uppercase the first letter of all external com-
- mands, even if this is not necessary.
- AUTOMATIC SOURCING may be accomplished by naming shell scripts with
- a .sh suffix. Thus, if you say 'stuff' and the file 'stuff.sh'
- exists in your current or anywhere in Shell search path (NOTE:
- won't be found in the AmigaDOS path), it will be SOURCED with all
- arguments you have given placed in the $_passed variable. This is
- equivalent to typing 'source stuff.sh'
- FOREIGN SHELLS are supported through key characters at the beginning
- of their scripts. If a file in the command search path has the s-bit
- set, the first few bytes are read. If the first two are either '#!'
- or ';!', the rest of the first line will be interpreted as the name
- of the shell that is supposed to execute the script.
- If they are '/*', the command 'RX' is used, if none of the above,
- 'c:Execute'. Example:
- #!SKsh -c source
- Most shell commands will accept multiple arguments that can
- be as a result of wild card expansion. Also when calling
- an external command shell will first expand any wild cards
- to separate arguments. If you wish to have the external command
- handle it's own wild carding you will need to insert quotes
- around the special wild card characters or use an alias (see
- explanation of 'alias')
- eg.
- arc a new.arc *.txt - shell will expand and pass to arc
- arc a new.arc "*.txt" - let arc expand the wild cards.
- alias arc "*a Arc $a" - now shell will never expand
- The patterns are fairly extensive, and approximate some of the
- ability of Unix/grep "regular expression" patterns. Here are the
- available tokens:
- ? Matches a single character.
- # Matches the following expression 0 or more times.
- (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'.
- ~ Negates the following expression. It matches all strings
- that do not match the expression (aka ~(foo) matches all
- strings that are not exactly "foo").
- [abc] Character class: matches any of the characters in the class.
- [~bc] Character class: matches any of the characters not in the
- class.
- a-z Character range (only within character classes).
- % Matches 0 characters always (useful in "(foo|bar|%)").
- * Synonym for "#?", not available by default in 2.0. Available
- as an option that can be turned on.
- "Expression" in the above table means either a single character
- (ex: "#?"), or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)"), or a character
- class (ex: "#[a-zA-Z]").
- Additional wildcards allowed:
- .../* recursive search down ALL sub directories from current level
- ! synonym for ~, supported for compatibility
- & prefixed to patterns, ask confirmation for each file
- ~ the previous current directory (if separated)
- Note that a pattern must contain a '?' or a '*', otherwise the other
- special characters are not recognized. Furthermore, you cannot spe-
- cify a single '?' as a pattern in the first argument to a command,
- as this will be passed on to the command in order to show its usage.
- If pattern.library is present it LIBS:, it will be used for the
- matching. (disabled, now Cshell always uses dos.library)
- Examples:
- df0:.../* all files in all directories on df0:
- df0:.../!*.info full directory tree of df0: but exclude
- any ugly .info files.
- !*.o !*.c will result in ALL files matching since what
- doesn't match the !*.o will match the !*.c
- df1:&* all files in root of df1:, but ask
- confirmation for each
- *.[co] all files ending in .c or .o
- ~*.[co] all files NOT ending in .c nor in .o
- ~ the previous current directory
- ~/*.c all .c files in the previous current directory
- ~// the parent of the previous current directory
- . the current directory
- ./foo.c the same as foo.c
- .. the parent of the current directory
- ../foo.c the file foo.c in the parent directory
- Note that some commands prevent wild card expansion. These are:
- - dir, rpn, whereis, window
- Those commands will expand the wild cards themselves. This is why
- dir @without( *.? , *.o )
- will not work. Instead use:
- set arg @without( *.? , *.o );dir $arg
- There is one exception to the rules given above: A single '?' as
- the first argument will *not* expand in order to allow you to get
- the usage of CLI and csh commands easily.
- Due to implementation limitations, patterns are only recognized
- if they contain *, ?, [ or ]. To let Cshell expand patterns which
- does not contain one of these chars just append "[]" to the
- pattern (this will NOT change the meaning of the pattern!)
- Cshell uses an Amiga specific CSI sequence to get the current
- window dimensions (columns and lines). If you've connected
- Cshell to a remote terminal which is not an Amiga, you can change
- the default window dimensions (80x25) with the environment
- variables "COLUMNS" and "LINES".
- This is also useful if Cshell is not connected to a terminal
- (eg, redirection to a file) and cannot determine window size
- automatically.
- -----------------
- Usage : abortline
- Example : echo a;abort;echo b
- Results : a
- Causes the rest of the line to be aborted. Intended for use in
- conjunction with exception handling.
- Usage : action [-a] actionname file [arguments]
- Example : action extr csh515.lzh csh.doc
- Sends an action to a file. See chapter XIV CLASSES
- Options:
- -a (abort) returns 0 if failed and 1 if successful. Otherwise,
- normal error codes (10 or 11) are returned
- Usage : addbuffers drive
- addbuffers drive buffers [drive buffers ...]
- Example : addbuffers df0: 24
- Just like AmigaDOS addbuffers command, causes new buffers to be
- allocated for disk I/O. Each buffer costs 512 bytes of memory,
- CHIP memory if a disk drive. Buffers may be negative (to remove
- buffers from a drive).
- To show actual amount of buffers use "addbuffers drive"
- or "addbuffers drive 0".
- Equivalent to TACKON.
- Usage : alias [name [command string] ]
- Example : alias vt "echo Starting VT100;run sys:tools/vt100"
- Sets a name to be a string. You can alias a single name to a set
- of commands if you enclose them in quotes as above. By simply
- typing vt, the command line above would be executed.
- Aliases may call each other, but direct recursion is prohibited,
- so the following works: alias ls "ls -s"
- To prevent alias replacement, enter: \ls
- If you run aliases into background, they will be recursively
- resolved. This may result in endless loops, if the name of the
- alias and the command it runs are equal. Use absolute pathes or
- mix the case of the command to avoid recursion.
- By typing "alias name", you will get the alias for that name, while
- with "alias" you get a list of all alias.
- Usage : alias name "%var[%var...] [ command_string ]"
- alias name "*var[%var...] [ command_string ]"
- Example : alias xx "%q%w echo hi $q, you look $w
- xx Steve great today
- Results : hi Steve, you look great today
- The second form of the alias command allows passing of arguments
- to any position within the command string via use of a variable
- name. To pass arguments to the end of a command string this method
- is actually not necessary. These variables are local, so they don't
- destroy another variable with the same name.
- If you specify multiple arguments, every argument will be assigned
- one word, and the last argument will be assigned the rest of the
- command line.
- Using a '*' instead of the first '%' prevents wild card expansion:
- alias zoo "*a zoo $a
- To expand the wild cards after you got them, use
- exec set a $a
- Usage : {command;command}
- {%var command;command} arg arg
- Example : {%tmp echo $tmp $tmp} hello --> hello hello
- Curly braces define temporary aliases. They can be redirected as
- a whole, can have arguments and local variables. They count as
- one argument, even if there are blanks inside (as with quotes), and
- they may be nested. Complex alias definitions can use the braces
- instead of quotes, although this will add some calling overhead.
- The closing curly brace is optional if at the end of line.
- Example:
- alias assert {e "Are you sure? ";input -s sure
- Usage : ascii [-ho]
- ascii [-ho] string
- If called without arguments, ascii outputs a complete ASCII table.
- Given a string, shows each character in ASCII.
- Options:
- -h shows numbers in hexadecimal
- -o shows numbers in octal
- Usage : assign
- assign logical
- assign [-adlnp] logical1 physical1 [log2 phy2 ... ]
- The first form shows all assigns.
- The second form kills one assign.
- The third form assigns logical1 to physical1 and so on.
- Options:
- -a adds a new path to an existing assign
- -d creates a deferred (late-binding) assign
- (identical with old option -l)
- -p creates a path (non-binding) assign
- (identical with old option -n)
- For definition of add/defer/path, refer to your AmigaDOS manual.
- Usage : basename var path [path ...]
- Example : basename x df0:c/Dir # sets x to "Dir"
- Sets var specified to basenames of paths.
- CAT (or TYPE)
- Usage : cat [-n] [file file....]
- Example : cat foo.txt
- Type the specified files onto the screen. If no file is specified,
- STDIN in used (note: ^\ is EOF). CAT is meant to output text files
- only.
- Options:
- -n output numbered lines.
- CD
- Usage : cd [path]
- cd -g device1 [device2 [device3 ...]]
- Options:
- -g generate a list of all directories on the given devices.
- Change your current working directory. You may specify '..' to go
- back one directory (this is a CD specific feature, and does not
- work with normal path specifications).
- In most cases, you won't have to use the CD command. Just type
- the desired directory at the prompt (very handy in conjunction with
- file name completion). Typing a ~ alone on a command line cd's
- to previous current directory.
- There are two situations left when you still need it:
- Entering 'cd *tem' will cd to the first name matched.
- The second form generates a list (an ASCII file) of all direc-
- tories on the given devices. It will be stored in the file given
- in $_qcd (default: 'csh:csh-qcd'). Note that this ASCII file will
- not be merged but overwritten. Once you have generated this file,
- you can cd to any directory on your harddisk(s) even if it's not
- in the current directory.
- If you have two directories of the same name and you use one of
- them more, move the more important one to the beginning of the
- qcd file. You might also sort the file.
- It is legal to type just an abbreviation of the directory name
- you want to cd to. No asterisk '*' necessary. If you end up in
- the wrong directory, cd to the same directory again (best done
- by Cursor-Up + RETURN). You will cycle through all directories
- that matched the given abbreviation. The other possibility is to
- specify the full name of the parent directory: cd devs/keym
- You may also add devices and assigns, so if 'PageStream:' is one
- line in the qcd-file, a cd to 'page' is successful.
- CD without any arguments displays the path of the directory you
- are currently in.
- Usage : chgrp group file1 ... filen
- Example : chgrp 42 myfile
- Set group-id (0-65535) or group-name of specified files.
- Name-to-ID mapping does only work with "MultiUser".
- Usage : chmod [u|g|o|a][+|-|=][flags] file1 ... filen
- Example : chmod u+rwe myfile
- Set AmigaDOS file protection flags for the file specified.
- Valid flags are h, s, p, a, r, w, e, d. (x is the same as e)
- Ownership:
- u Set specified bits for User (aka Owner)
- g Set specified bits for Group
- o Set specified bits for Other (not User, not Group)
- a all, alias for "ugo" (User/Group/Other)
- Specifying no ownership is equal to 'u'.
- Modes:
- + Set specified bits, leave all others
- - Clear specified bits, leave all others
- = Set specified bits, clear all others
- Specifying no mode is equal to '='.
- Archive bit cleared by default!
- Note: This command is equivalent to "protect" except that the
- arguments for filename(s) and flag(s) are reversed.
- Usage : chown [-g] owner file1 ... filen
- Example : chown 42 myfile
- Options :
- -g set GID of the file to primary group of user (needs MultiUser)
- Set owner-id (0-65535) or owner-name of specified files.
- Name-to-ID mapping does only work with "MultiUser".
- Usage : [-n] name {type=param} [ "actions" {action=command} ]
- Example : class zoo offs=20,dca7c4fd ext=.zoo actions view="zoo l"
- Defines a new class of files and the actions to be taken on them
- in various cases, or shows old definitions if given no arguments.
- See section XIV: OBJECTS
- Options:
- -n (new) forgets old definitions
- Usage : close [filenumber]
- Close the specified file opened by open. Without filenumber, closes
- all open files. See open and flist for more info.
- Usage : cls
- This is an alias. It only clears the screen, but also works on a
- terminal (echo ^L doesn't).
- COPY (or CP)
- Usage : copy [-udfpmoax] file file
- or : copy [-udfpmoax] file1 file2...fileN dir
- or : copy [-rudfpoax] dir1...dirN file1...fileN dir
- Options :
- -r recursive, copy all subdirectories as well.
- -u update, if newer version exists on dest, don't copy
- -f freshen, if file doesn't exist on dest or newer, don't copy
- -q suppresses 'not newer' and 'not there' messages in -u and -f
- -d don't set destination file date to that of source.
- -p don't set destination protection bits to those of source.
- -m erases the original. does not work with -r
- -o overwrites write/delete-protected, reads read-protected
- -a don't clear archive bit
- -x alternative output format, shows full path of files being copied
- Example : copy -r df0: df1:
- Copy files or directories. When copying directories, the -r option
- must be specified to copy subdirectories as well. Otherwise, only
- top level files in the source directory are copied.
- All files will be displayed as they are copied and directory's
- displayed as they are created. This output can be suppressed by
- redirecting to nil: eg. copy -r >nil: df0: df1:
- Copy will abort after current file on Control-C.
- Copy by default sets the date of the destination file to that of
- the source file. To overide this feature use the -d switch.
- Similarly, it sets protection bits (flags) to those of source and
- any file comment will be copied. To avoid this use -p. The archive
- bit is always cleared by default (use option -a to leave it
- untouched).
- Another useful option is the -u (update) mode where copy will not
- copy any files which exists already in the destination directory
- if the destination file is newer or equal to the source file.
- This is useful when developing code say in ram: eg. 'copy *.c ram:'
- when done you can copy -u ram: df1: and only those modules you have
- modified will be copied back.
- Copy command will now create the destination directory if it does
- not exist when specified as 'copy [-r] dir dir'. If you specify
- copy file file file dir, then 'dir' must already exist.
- CP (or COPY)
- Equivalent to COPY.
- Usage : date [-bsr] [new date and/or time]
- Example : date Wednesday # this refers to NEXT wed, of course
- Options:
- -b print date/time from the battery clock, if existent
- -s stores the current time internally
- -r shows time relative to last stored in secs and hundredths
- Used to read or set system date and/or time. All standard options
- may be used (yesterday, tomorrow, monday, etc.).
- Leading zero's are not necessary.
- Without parameters shows Dddddd DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS.
- Usage : dec varname [value]
- Example : dec abc
- Decrement the numerical equivalent of the variable with specified
- value (default: 1) and place the ASCII-string result back into
- that variable.
- DELETE (or RM)
- Usage : delete [-fpqrv] file file file...
- Example : delete foo.txt test.c
- Remove (delete) the specified files. Remove always returns
- errorcode 0. You can remove empty directories.
- Options:
- -r recursively remove non-empty directories.
- -p (or f); remove delete-protected files.
- -v toggle verbose output. Useful if 'delete' is aliased.
- -q (quit), delete aborts if the file to be removed didn't exist
- or couldn't be deleted. This does _not_ affect non-matching
- wildcards.
- If you specify any wildcard deletes the files will be listed as
- they are deleted. This can be suppressed by redirecting to nil:
- DIR (or LS)
- Usage : dir [-abcdfhiklnoqstuv] [-z [lformat]] [path path ... ]
- Example : dir -ts downloads:
- dir -lz "%7s %-.16n %m" *.c
- Options:
- -d list directories only
- -f list files only
- -h list only files which not start with a dot, end with '.info' or
- have the h-flag set. Adds an 'i' bit to the flags which tells
- if an according .info file exists.
- -s short multi(4) column display.
- -c don't change colors for directories
- -q quiet display. does not show length in blocks
- -o display file nOtes
- -n display names only
- -p display full path names and suppress directory titles
- -a shows the age of all files in the format days hours:minutes
- -i identifies every file, shows the type instead of the date.
- See chapter XIV CLASSES
- -v (viewdir) recursively sums up lengths of the files in a dir
- -l sorts the files by their length, longest first.
- -t sorts the files by their time, most recent first.
- -k sorts the files by their class (klass)
- -b sorts the files backwards.
- -g prints directories at the beGinning
- -e prints directories at the End
- -u must be given exactly two directories. Shows files only in
- the first directory, files in both and files in the second.
- -z custom format
- (must be followed by an argument which holds the format string)
- Displays a directory of specified files. Default output shows
- date, protection, block size, byte size and total space used.
- Protections flags include new 1.2/1.3 flags (see under protect),
- plus a 'c' flag which indicates that this file has a comment.
- Files are alphabetically sorted, without case sensitivity, and
- directories are in red pen (unless you use -c). Dir takes in
- account the width of your window.
- To recursively show the contents of a directory and all its
- sub-directories use the special wildcard pattern ".../*", see
- section "WILDCARDS" (man wildcards).
- The lformat string (option -z) is used to create your own directory
- format. Instead of the "-z lformat" command line argument you can
- set the variable "_dirformat" (which holds "lformat", but you must
- set option -z anyhow).
- Your custom format may contain the following codes:
- %a age %l LF if comment %t time
- %b size in blocks %m multi column %u size in K
- %c flag c (comment) %n name %v dir size in eng.
- %d date %o filenote (comment) %w dir size in K
- %e flag i (.info) %p name w/ path %x translated date
- %f flags "hsparwed" %q name w/ slash %+ flag i as '+' or ' '
- %i flag d (dIr) %r size in eng.
- %k class %s size
- %I link information (S: softlink, H: hardlink, P: pipe, -: else)
- %L name of original file if link (empty otherwise)
- %N name + original name (of link)
- %F protection bits (flags "rwed") for group/other
- %U user-id
- %G group-id
- Between the '%' and the identifying letter, there may be an optional
- field width. If the number is preceded by a '-', the field contents
- will be left adjusted. If by a dot, the contents will be cut down
- to match the field width if they are longer.
- If the format string contains a %m, cshell will try to print more
- than one entry on one line. The column width is the field width of
- the %m entry. If omitted, it's assumed to be the one of the first
- file. If a file is longer, it will use two columns.
- If you prefer the old output-style of this command (5.19 and before)
- add the following line to your .cshrc file:
- set _dirformat " %-24n %c%f %7s %4b %d %t"
- Usage : diskchange drive...drive
- Like AmigaDOS diskchange. Multiple drive names are allowed.
- Usage : echo [-en] string
- Example : echo hi there
- Results : hi there
- Options:
- -n don't append newline.
- -e echo to stderr.
- Echo the given string.
- Usage : else ; command
- Usage : if -f foo.c ; else ; echo "Not there" ; endif
- Else clause, must follow an IF statement.
- Usage : endif
- The end of an if statement.
- Note: if you return from a script file with unterminated IF's
- and the last IF was false, prompt will be changed to an
- underscore ('_') and no commands will be executed until
- 'endif' is typed.
- Usage : error n
- Generates return code n.
- Usage : exec [-i] command [args]
- Example : set cmdline "dir ram:"
- exec $cmdline # would not work without exec
- Options:
- -i return code 0.
- Execute the command specified; exec command is equivalent to
- command, only you can use variables to specify command name.
- Note that the command line is parsed TWICE! Examples:
- set a dir ram:; exec $a # right
- set a mkdir; exec $a "My directory" # wrong! creates 2 directories
- Exec returns the return code of the command executed unless
- option -i (ignore) is set, in which case always 0 is returned.
- Usage : fault error1 .. errorN
- Example : fault 205 212
- Like AmigaDOS fault, prints specified error messages.
- Usage : filenote file1 .. fileN note
- filenote -s file1...fileN
- Options:
- -s (second form) ; displays the file notes of the given files.
- The first form sets AmigaDOS comment of the specified file.
- Usage : flist
- Lists the filenumbers of files opened by open.
- See open and close for more info.
- Usage : fltlower
- Example : dir | fltlower
- Or : fltlower <readme
- This is a filter command, i.e. it reads from stdin and writes to
- stdout. The more natural way to use it is a pipe, or it can be
- redirected.
- Its purpose is to convert all alphabetic to lower case.
- The same of fltlower, only this converts to upper case.
- Usage : foreach [-v] varname ( strings ) command
- Example : foreach i ( a b c d ) "echo -n $i;echo \" ha\""
- Result : a ha
- b ha
- c ha
- d ha
- Options:
- -v display arguments every time command is executed.
- 'strings' is broken up into arguments. Each argument is placed in
- the local variable 'varname' in turn and 'command' executed. Put
- the command(s) in quotes.
- Foreach is especially useful when interpreting passed arguments in
- an alias.
- eg.
- foreach i ( *.pic ) viewilbm $i
- assuming a.pic and b.pic in current directory the following commands
- will occur:
- viewilbm a.pic
- viewilbm b.pic
- All 'for...' commands can be interrupted using CTRL-D or CTRL-E.
- Usage : forever command
- or : forever "command;command;command..."
- The specified commands are executed over and over again forever.
- Execution stops if you hit ^C or ^D, or if the commands return with
- an error code.
- Usage : forline var filename command
- or : forline var filename "command;command..."
- Example : forline i RAM:temp "echo line $_linenum=$i"
- For each ASCII line of file specified commands are executed and
- var points to line content. You can check system variable _linenum
- to find the number of the line currently read.
- If STDIN (case sensitive) is specified as input file, the lines are
- read from standard input.
- Usage : fornum [-v] var n1 n2 command
- or : fornum [-v] -s var n1 n2 step command
- Example : fornum -v x 1 10 echo $x
- or : fornum -s x 10 1 -1 echo $x # counts backwards
- Executes command(s) for all numerical values of x between n1 and
- n2. If more than one command is specified, or command is
- redirected, include command(s) in quotes.
- Options:
- -v (verbose) causes printing of progressive numbers.
- -s specify a step; if negative, the count will be backwards.
- Usage : getenv [shellvar] envvar
- Gets the value of an ENV: variable and stores it in the shell
- variable 'shellvar'. If shellvar is omitted, the value of the
- ENV: variable is printed to stdout.
- This command is obsolete since ENV: variables can be retrieved
- by writing $envvar anywhere on the command line.
- Usage : goto label
- Example :
- label start
- echo "At start"
- dir ram:
- goto start
- Goto the specified label name. You can only use this command from
- a source file. Labels may be forward or reverse from current
- position. It is legal to jump out of if's.
- Usage : head [filename] [num]
- Example : head readme 20
- Display first "num" lines of "filename". If num is not specified,
- 10 is assumed. If filename is not specified, standard input (stdin)
- is taken instead.
- Usage : help [-f]
- Example : help
- Options :
- -f list functions also
- Simply displays all the available commands. The commands are
- displayed in search-order. That is, if you give a partial name the
- first command that matches that name in this list is the one
- executed. Generally, you should specify enough of a command so
- that it is completely unique.
- Usage : history [-nr] [partial_string]
- Example : history
- Options :
- -n omits line numbering
- -r reads history from stdin
- Displays the enumerated history list. The size of the list is
- controlled by the _history variable. If you specify a partial
- string, only those entries matching that string are displayed.
- Usage : howmany
- This command tells you how many instances of Shell are running in
- your system.
- Usage : htype [-r] [file1..fileN]
- Options:
- -r display all files in a directory.
- Displays the specified files in hex and ASCII, just like the system
- command 'Type file opt h'. Especially suitable for binary files.
- If there are no filenames specified, standard input is used,
- so you can use htype as the destination for a pipe.
- IF
- Usage : if [-n] argument conditional argument [then]
- or : if [-n] argument
- or : if [-n] -f file or -e file
- or : if [-n] -d file/dir
- or : if [-n] -m
- or : if [-n] -t file file1 .. fileN
- or : if [-n] -r rpnexpression
- or : if [-n] -v varname
- or : if [-n] -o char arg ... arg
- Options:
- -n (NOT) reverses the result.
- -d tests the type of the object specified: if it is a
- directory, then TRUE; if it is a file (or it doesn't exist)
- then FALSE.
- -f (or -e) checks for existance of the specified file.
- -m test if FAST memory is present.
- -o tests for option 'char' in the rest of the arguments.
- -r evaluates a given RPN expression (see under RPN for more info).
- If value on top of stack is 0, then FALSE, else TRUE.
- -t compare the date and time of the first file with all the others;
- if the first is younger than ALL the others, then FALSE,
- else TRUE. If a file doesn't exists, it is considered as
- being older.
- -v test if a given variable is defined.
- Makes the following instructions up to the next endif conditinal.
- The 'then' is optional. The if clause must be followed by a semi-
- colon if instructions follow on the same line.
- If a single argument is something to another argument. Conditional
- clauses allowed:
- <, >, =, ! and combinations. Thus != is not-equal, >= larger or
- equal, etc...
- If arguments are not numeric, they are compared as strings.
- Usually the argument is either a constant or a variable ($varname).
- The second form of IF is conditional on the existence of the
- argument. If the argument is a "" string, then FALSE, else TRUE.
- The third form of IF used by -f switch checks for existance of
- the specified file. -e is the same as -f
- Option -m is used to test if FAST memory is present.
- Example (to be included in a login.sh file):
- if -m; resident -d lc1 lc2 blink; endif
- Using -t form compares the date and time of the first file with
- all the others; if the first is younger than ALL the others, then
- FALSE, else TRUE. If a file doesn't exists, it is considered as
- being older.
- This feature is especially useful for building makefiles without
- using any MAKE utility.
- Example:
- if -t test.o test.asm test.i ; asm -o test.o test.asm ; endif
- Option -o tests for option 'char' in the rest of the arguments.
- Example: if -o r -rp ram:comm1.c will yield TRUE.
- When using 'IF' command interactively if you are entering commands
- following an 'IF' that was false, the prompt will be set to a
- underscore '_ ' to indicate all commands will be ignored until
- an 'ELSE' or 'ENDIF' command is seen.
- Usage : inc varname [value]
- Example : inc abc 5
- Increment the numerical equivalent of the variable with specified
- value (default: 1) and place the ASCII-string result back into
- that variable.
- Usage : info [-pt] [path1 path2 ... pathN]
- Options :
- -p only display drives with readable (present) disks
- -t print disk/fs type and bytes used instead of block sizes
- If called without arguments, info gives you the drive information
- on all devices. If one or more paths are specified, only infor-
- mation on those drives will be displayed.
- Note: Cshell does (correct) rounding for all displayed values,
- Commodore's Info command does not. So values may slightly
- change.
- Usage : input [-sr] var var ... var
- Example : input abc
- Options :
- -s the whole line is read in as one word, including spaces.
- -r puts the console to single character mode before reading,
- ie. does not wait for RETURN to be pressed). Use with care.
- Input from STDIN (or a redirection, or a pipe) to a variable. The
- next input line is broken up in words (unless quoted) and placed in
- the variable.
- Usage : join [-r] file1..fileN destfile
- Example : join part1 part2 part3 total
- Options :
- -r overwrite any existent destfile.
- Joins (concatenates) the specified files to get destfile. Join
- will refuse to overwrite an existing destfile, unless the
- 'r' option is used.
- Usage : keymap [number {key=function}]
- Example : keymap 0 1030=4 1032=12
- Defines one keymap for the csh command line editing. See chapter XV.
- Usage : label name
- Create a program label right here. Used in source files, you can
- then GOTO a label.
- Another filter. Counts the number of lines of its stdin and writes
- it to stdout.
- Usage : ln [-s] filename [linkname]
- Example : ln stuff/data newname
- Options :
- -s make soft link (default is hard link)
- ln creates an additional directory entry, called a link, to
- a file or directory. Any number of links can be assigned to
- a file.
- filename is the name of the original file or directory.
- linkname is the new name to associate with the file or
- filename. If linkname is omitted, the last component of
- filename is used as the name of the link.
- A hard link (the default) is a standard directory entry just
- like the one made when the file was created. Hard links can
- only be made to existing files. Hard links cannot be made
- across file systems (disk partitions, mounted file systems).
- To remove a file, all hard links to it must be removed,
- including the name by which it was first created; removing
- the last hard link releases the inode associated with the
- file.
- A symbolic link, made with the -s option, is a special
- directory entry that points to another named file. Symbolic
- links can span file systems and point to directories. In
- fact, you can create a symbolic link that points to a file
- that is currently absent from the file system; removing the
- file that it points to does not affect or alter the symbolic
- link itself.
- NOTE: Symbolic links (also known as "soft links") are
- currently NOT SUPPORTED by AmigaOS. DO NOT USE!
- Usage: local [var...var]
- Creates one or more local variables. Those variables disappear
- at the end of their alias or source file, and cannot be accessed
- from inside other aliases or source files.
- With no arguments, shows all top level variables and their values.
- LS (or DIR)
- Equivalent to DIR.
- Equivalent to LN.
- Usage : man command(s)
- Example : man mkdir
- Get info about a Shell command, or others keywords. These include
- all special _variables, plus various keywords: WILDCARDS, PIPES,
- EDITING, STARTUP and more.
- See special alias manlist to get a list of ALL keywords supported
- by man.
- You must set _man to the paths of your .doc files:
- set _man dh1:docs/aliases.doc dh1:docs/csh.doc
- To create your own .doc files, precede all your keywords by four
- blanks. 'man' will then display lines until the first character
- of a line is alphanumeric or has four leading blanks.
- MD (or MKDIR)
- Equivalent to MKDIR.
- Usage : mem [-cfqsl]
- Options:
- -c shows the free chip mem only
- -f shows the free fast mem only
- -q outputs just a number without titles
- -s stores current free memory
- -r shows memory used relative to last stored
- -l flushes all unneeded memory
- Usage : menu [-mn] [ title item...item ]
- Example : menu Shell JrComm,,j Rename,"rename ",r quit
- Options:
- -n clear all existing menus.
- -m use monospaced font.
- Appends one pull down in the current console window. Up to 31
- menus with 63 items each (including title) can be installed.
- If the item is just a string, that string will be in the menu item.
- When you select it, it will be put into the prompt and executed.
- If there is a comma and after that comma a second string, this
- will be the command will be inserted at the prompt. This time you
- have to add the ^M yourself if you want the command to be executed.
- If there is a second comma, the letter after that comma will be
- the keyboard shortcut for that menu item. (This will be case
- sensitive some day, use lowercase).
- If for any reason your current menu is corrupt, just enter an
- empty 'menu' command.
- When the first menu is installed you can use option -m to choose
- a monospaced font (System Default Font) instead of the default
- Intuition Font (which may be a proportional font). This is useful
- for user-formatted menus (like in the example script "menu.sh").
- MKDIR (or MD)
- Usage : mkdir [-p] name name name...
- Example : mkdir df0:stuff
- Options:
- -p create all dirs in path if necessary.
- Create the specified directories.
- If "name" ends with trailing slash it will be stripped off.
- mkdir now supports the -p option. mkdir -p followed by a full path
- name will create all directories necessary to make the path. For
- example, suppose that the directory ram:foo exists and is empty.
- "mkdir -p ram:foo/bar/tst/a" would create ram:foo/bar,
- ram:foo/bar/tst, and ram:foo/bar/tst/a all in one step.
- In addition, it will issue no error codes for directories it cannot
- make.
- MV (or RENAME)
- Equivalent to RENAME.
- Usage : open filename filemode filenumber
- Example : open RAM:data w 1
- This allows you to open a file, redirect to it as many commands as
- you like, then close it.
- Filename is any valid AmigaDOS filename, filemode is either "r" for
- read or "w" for write, filenumber is a number between 1 and 10.
- To redirect a program to or from an open file, use as your redir
- filename a dot followed by the filenumber.
- Here is a complete example:
- open RAM:data w 1
- echo -n 2+2= >.1
- rpn 2 2 + . CR >.1
- close 1
- type RAM:data # will display 2+2=4
- See also close, flist.
- Usage : path [-gr] [dir...dir]
- Without arguments, lists AmigaDOS path. Otherwise adds given
- directories to the path, preventing duplicate entries.
- Options:
- -r Resets the path
- -g Global path modifications; operations (add, reset) apply to all
- CLI processes instead of only the current one
- Note:
- It's not perfectly "legal" to modify the path-list of other
- processes. Adding entries (option -g) works fine in most cases.
- But the removal of entries (options -gr together) may crash the
- system, because CSH doesn't know about the memory handling of
- other processes (it doesn't know how they allocated the memory
- for the path-list entries).
- So use option -g always with care (at least together with -r).
- If it works, it's okay. If not, you lose ;-) There's no 100%
- reliable way for global path modifications.
- Usage : pri clinumber pri
- Example : pri 3 5 # set priority of cli #3 to 5
- Change the priority of the specified task (use PS command to
- determine clinumber). If you specify 0 as clinumber you can
- change priority of "this" task (the one executing shell).
- Usage : protect file1 ... filen [u|g|o|a][+|-|=][flags]
- Example : protect myfile u+rwe
- Set AmigaDOS file protection flags for the file specified.
- Valid flags are h, s, p, a, r, w, e, d. (x is the same as e)
- Ownership:
- u Set specified bits for User
- g Set specified bits for Group
- o Set specified bits for Other (not User, not Group)
- a all, alias for "ugo" (User/Group/Other)
- Specifying no ownership is equal to 'u'.
- Modes:
- + Set specified bits, leave all others
- - Clear specified bits, leave all others
- = Set specified bits, clear all others
- Specifying no mode is equal to '='.
- Archive bit cleared by default!
- Note: This command is equivalent to "chmod" except that the
- arguments for filename(s) and flag(s) are reversed.
- PS
- Usage : ps [-les] [commandname...commandname]
- Options:
- -l shows full pathnames of commands
- -e excludes the given command names from the list
- -s don't show stacksize and type, use old output-format instead
- Gives status of CLI processes. eg:
- Proc Command Name Typ Stack Pri. Address Directory
- * 1 csh fr 10000 0 97b0 Stuff:shell
- 2 clock bw 4096 -10 2101a8 Workdisk:
- 3 emacs bw 30000 0 212f58 Stuff:shell
- 4 VT100 bw 4000 0 227328 Workdisk:
- Address is the address of the task, directory is the process
- currently CD'd directory. My default, only the BaseNames of
- the commands are shown. Your own CLI will be marked by an
- asterisk in the first column.
- Stack size is the _real_ size of a command's stack. It's _not_
- the size a program gets if it's launched by this command. Use
- "Status" instead if you need the size of the Default Stack.
- (be aware: "Status" does _not_ show the stack size used by a prog!)
- Typ are two letters. The first is either "f" (foreground) or
- "b" (background). The second is one of:
- i: invalid
- a: added
- r: running / ready to run
- w: waiting
- e: except
- d: removed
- Usage : pwd
- Rebuild _cwd by backtracing from your current directory.
- Usage : qsort [-cr] <in >out
- Options :
- -c case-sensitive
- -r reverse sort
- Quick sorts from stdin to stdout (case-insensitive).
- Usage : quit
- Quit out of Shell back to CLI.
- Usage : rback command
- Start a new process executing the specified command, but can't do
- input/output. Equivalent to 'run command >NIL: <NIL:'. Instead of
- using rback, you can add a '&' at the end of the command line.
- Note: rback cannot start builtin commands. You have to start a
- subshell: rback csh -c "copy ram:temp prt:;rm ram:temp
- Usage : readfile varname [filename]
- Completely reads an ASCII file and assigns it to a variable. Each
- line becomes one word in the resulting string. Embedded blanks
- are no problem. If file name is omitted, stdin is used. See also
- 'writefile', @subfile and @flines
- Usage : rehash [-cglos]
- Options :
- -c clear local program hash list
- -g clear global program hash list
- -l load global program hash list into local buffer
- -o output local program hash list
- -s save local program hash list to disk
- Scans the complete DOS search path (see also 'path') and builds a
- program hash list. This can be used for program name completion from
- command line (default: ESC-p, ESC-P). And when running commands
- CShell does not scan DOS search path any more for every command but
- instead scans the program hash list in memory (minimizes disk access
- and speeds up running commands significantly).
- Of course, when you add a directory to your path, when you add
- programs to the existing path or when you remove directories/programs
- then you have to rebuild the program hash list.
- Each invocation of CShell has its own local buffer to hold that
- program hash list. Use option -s to save the local list to disk
- (csh:csh-prgs). With option -l the list is loaded into memory.
- The first CShell loading the list puts a copy of it into a global
- buffer so that next time a CShell wants to load it the global buffer
- is used and not the disk file.
- The global list stays in memory -- even if you quit all CShells.
- Use option -g to free that global list (if you are low on memory),
- but this does not affect local lists of any currently running CShell.
- Option -c clears the local list.
- If you run this command without options the scanned list is not only
- put into local buffer but also in global buffer.
- There's no need to clear the local/global list before
- loading/building a new one. This is done automatically.
- The variable $_prghash (default: 'csh:csh-prgs') holds the filename
- where the program hash list is loaded from and saved to.
- Programs from the hash list are case in-sensitive and may be
- abbreviated. This can be toggled with the variable "_abbrev".
- Recommended usage:
- First run "rehash" from your shell to build the program hash list.
- Save this list to disk with "rehash -s". Now include "rehash -l"
- in "s:.cshrc" to load this list on every invocation of CShell.
- Usage : relabel drive name
- Example : relabel DH0: Picard
- Change the volume name of the disk in the given drive to the name
- specified. Volume names are set initially when you format a disk.
- If you have a floppy disk system with only one disk drive, be sure
- to specify the disks by volume name, instead of drive name.
- RENAME (or MV)
- Usage : rename [-fv] from to
- or : rename [-fv] from from from ... from todir
- Options :
- -f don't abort on errors
- -v verbose mode (print renamed filenames)
- Allows you to rename a file or move it around within a disk.
- Allows you to move 1 or more files into a single directory.
- The archive bit of the file(s) will be cleared.
- Usage : resident [-dr] [files]
- Example : resident lc1 lc2 blink # load these as resident
- resident -d lc1 lc2 blink # defer load when needed
- resident -r lc1 lc2 blink # remove these
- resident # list resident programs
- Options :
- -d deferred load;
- -r remove files from resident list
- This is DOS resident. Commands are searched by Shell in resident
- list BEFORE of searching on any external device.
- Only PURE programs can run as resident, see DOS docs for more info.
- Option -d is very useful: you can say, in your startup file,
- resident -d file...file; programs will not be loaded immediately,
- but only when you will try to load them. This way, you will not
- waste memory and startup time if you don't use the programs.
- Old option -a has no more effect.
- Usage : return [n]
- Example : return 10
- Exit from a script file, or quit from shell with optional
- exit code.
- RM (or DELETE)
- Equivalent to DELETE.
- Usage : rpn expression
- Example : rpn 3 7 * # Prints the value 21
- Evaluate an RPN expression, using 32-bit values. In older versions
- of Shell RPN contained string functions too, but now that strings
- are handled by specifical commands, these are no more needed.
- At end of evaluation, RPN prints values on stack, so you can
- say for instance "rpn $x 2 * | input x" to double the value of
- variable x.
- Functions implemented are:
- + - * / Obvious meaning; / means integer division, of course
- % Module operator e.g. "rpn 7 3 %" answers 1
- & | ~ Bitwise and, or, not operators
- > < == Tests for greater-than, lower-than, equal. To get
- a test for >= (or <=), you can use < ! (or > !)
- ! Logical not operator
- DUP Duplicate value on top of stack
- DROP Drop value on top of stack
- SWAP Swap two values on top of stack
- To avoid confusion with redirections, > and < operators must be
- enclosed in quotes e.g.
- 3 2 ">" # Prints 1
- Usage : run prgm args
- Example : run emacs test.c
- Start a new process executing the specified command. This command is
- not fully reliable: use at your own risk. See also rback.
- Usage : rxrec [portname]
- Create an AREXX-compatible port of the specified name (defaults to
- "rexx_csh"), then puts Shell to sleep waiting for messages on it.
- CAUTION: the only way to exit from this status is to send to the
- port the message "bye".
- Example:
- Open two Shell's in two separate CLI's. From the first, type:
- rxrec
- Now first Shell doesn't respond to keyboard input; instead, it waits
- for messages on a port called "rexx_csh". Now, from the other, type:
- rxsend rexx_csh "dir df0:"
- You will see the listing of df0: in the first Shell. Experiment as
- you like, then:
- rxsend rexx_csh bye
- And all will return to normal.
- Usage : rxsend [-lr] portname command...command
- Options :
- -r set the variable _result to the result string of the
- AREXX command.
- -l send the whole line as *one* command.
- Send commands to any program with an AREXX-compatible port. Be aware
- that every word is sent as a single command!
- You don't have to load anything to use these command (or rxrec):
- all you need is a program with the right port.
- An example is CygnusEdProfessional: here is, for instance, a command
- to wake it up, load the file test.c and jump to line 20:
- rxsend rexx_ced cedtofront "open test.c" "jmp to line 20"
- # rexx_ced is the name of AREXX port for CygnusEd
- Refer to your application manual for details and for the names
- of the commands and the port.
- Usage : search [-abceflnoqrvw] file...file string
- Search specified files for a string. Only lines containing the
- specified strings are displayed.
- If the filename is STDIN (in uppercase), the standard input is
- used, so you can use search as the destination for a pipe.
- Example:
- strings myprog * | search STDIN .library
- Lists all libraries used in "myprog".
- Search is very fast if none of the options -w, -e and STDIN was
- specified and the file fits into memory.
- Options:
- -a (abort) stops search as soon as the pattern was found once
- -b (binary) shows only byte offsets instead of lines. If combined
- with -n, shows naked numbers.
- -c (case) turns ON case sensitivity
- -e (exclude) lists lines NOT containing the pattern
- -f (files) causes only the names of the files in which the pat-
- tern was found to be displayed.
- -l (left) pattern must be at beginning of line (this is faster
- than using a wild card)
- -n (number) turns off line numbering
- -o (only) finds only whole words
- -q (quiet) suppresses printing of file names.
- -r (recurse) if you specify any directory, all files in that di-
- rectory are recursively searched.
- -v (verbose) shows each file name on a single line. this is auto-
- matically turned on if search is redirected
- -w (wild) wild card matching. see notes below
- Notes to wild card matching;
- - Uses Shell standard matching.
- - All standard DOS wildcards are allowed * ? [] () | ~ ' #
- - The WHOLE line must match the string, not only a substring.
- - String MUST be enclosed in quotes to avoid wildcard expansion
- Examples:
- search -cr df0:include ACCESS
- Find all occurrences of ACCESS (in uppercase) in all files
- contained in include directory.
- search -w shell.h "'#define*"
- Lists only lines of file beginning with (not simply containing)
- #define. Note the use of ' to escape the special symbol #.
- Usage : set [name] [=] [string]
- Example : set abc hello
- Set with no args lists all current variable settings.
- Set with one arg lists the setting for that particular variable.
- Specifying name and string, stores the string into variable name.
- Also see the section on special _variables.
- Usage : setenv envvar value
- Sets an ENV: variable to the given value. The value must be
- enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces. To retrieve an ENV:
- variable, just use $envvar anywhere on a command line.
- Usage : sleep [-t] timeout
- Example : sleep 10
- Options :
- -t Specify timeout in ticks (50 per second) instead of seconds
- Sleep for 'timeout' seconds, or until ^C typed.
- Usage : source file [arguments]
- Example : source mymake.sh all
- Result : batch file 'mymake.sh' called with var _passed = 'all'
- Execute commands from a file. You can create SHELL programs in
- a file and then execute them with this command. Source'd files
- have the added advantage that you can have loops in your command
- files (see GOTO and LABEL). You can pass SOURCE files arguments
- by specifying arguments after the file name. Arguments are passed
- via the _passed variable (as a single string, a set of words).
- See _failat variable for script aborting.
- Long lines may be split by appending a backslash (\) at end of
- first part. One single line must be shorter than 512 bytes, but
- the concatenated line can be as long as you want. There is no
- limit on the length of the concatenated line.
- Automatic 'sourcing' is accomplished by appending a .sh suffix to
- the file (no need to set the s-bit) and executing it as you would
- a C program:
- --------- file hello.sh ---------
- foreach i ( $_passed ) "echo yo $i"
- ---------------------------------
- $ hello a b c
- yo a
- yo b
- yo c
- If the last character of a line in a source file is '{', all
- following lines will appended to the current one and separated
- by semicolons until the last character of a line is '}'. Those
- blocks may be nested. You may use comments and unterminated
- strings within.
- --------- file login.sh ---------
- alias complex {
- echo -n "this alias
- echo " works!"
- }
- ---------------------------------
- $ login
- $ complex
- this alias works!
- Usage : split srcvar dstvar...dstvar
- Assigns one word of srcvar to every dstvar, the rest of srcvar to
- the last dstvar.
- Note: You enter variable NAMES, not variables.
- Usage : stack [number]
- Example : stack [-s] 8000
- Options :
- -s prints size only (pure number, no text).
- Changes the default stack for this CLI.
- Without arguments, just prints it.
- Usage : strhead varname breakchar string
- Example : strhead x "." foobar.bas # Will set x to "foobar",
- # . must be quoted!
- Remove everything after and including the breakchar in 'string' and
- place in variable 'varname'. See also command "STRTAIL".
- Usage : strings [-bnrv] [file1..fileN] [minlength]
- Example : strings [-bnrv] c:dir c:list shell 7
- Options :
- -r if you specify any directory, all files in that directory
- are recursively searched for strings
- -n print name of current file in front of each string
- -b shows each string enclosed by '|' characters, so as to expose
- leading and trailing spaces or tabs.
- -v verbose output before each file (filename, minlength)
- Prints strings contained in specified files (usually binary)
- with length >= minlength. Default is 4.
- You cannot use a filename that represents a number as last
- argument. If there are no filenames specified, standard input
- is used, so you can use strings as the destination for a pipe.
- Usage : strleft varname string n
- Example : strleft x LongString 5 # Will set x to "LongS"
- Place leftmost n chars of string in variable varname.
- Usage : strlen varname string
- Example : strlen x Hello # Will set x to "5"
- Puts len of string in variable varname.
- Usage : strmid varname string n1 [n2]
- Example : strmid x LongString 5 3 # Will set x to "Str"
- Places n2 chars from string, starting at n1, in variable varname.
- By omitting n2, you get all chars from n1 to end of string.
- Usage : strright varname string n
- Example : strright x LongString 5 # Will set x to "tring"
- Place rightmost n chars of string in variable varname.
- Usage : strtail varname breakchar string
- Example : strtail x "." foobar.bas # Will set x to "bas",
- # . must be quoted!
- Remove everything before and including the breakchar in 'string' and
- place in variable 'varname'. See also command "STRHEAD".
- Usage : tackon var pathname filename
- Example : tackon x df0:c Dir # sets x to "df0:c/Dir"
- or : tackon x df0: Preferences #sets x to "df0:Preferences"
- Correctly adds a filename to a pathname, and puts the result in
- variable specified.
- Usage : tail [filename] [num]
- Example : tail readme 20
- Display last "num" lines of "filename". If num is not specified,
- 10 is assumed. If filename is not specified, standard input (stdin)
- is taken instead.
- Usage : tee [file]
- Example : cc test.c | tee >error.list
- Copies stdin to stdout and the given file.
- If file is omitted, stderr is used.
- Usage : touch file1 .. fileN
- Sets DateStamp of the specified files to the current date & resets
- archive bit.
- If a file doesn't exist, touch will create an empty one for you.
- Usage : truncate [n]
- Example : alias | qsort | truncate
- A filter that truncates the width of stdin to the specified number,
- trying to account for tab's and escape sequences. If the number is
- omitted, the current window width is used.
- TYPE (or CAT)
- Equivalent to CAT.
- Usage : unalias name .. name
- Example : unalias vt
- Delete aliases..
- Usage : uniq
- This is a filter that removes consecutive, duplicated lines in a
- file. It is most useful on a sorted file.
- Usage : unset name .. name
- Example : unset abc
- Unset one or more variables. Deletes them entirely.
- Usage : usage [command...command]
- If called without arguments, usage gives you a short information
- on the special characters used. Otherwise, usage shows you the
- usage of the given commands. Calling a command with a '?' as
- the only argument will show its usage, too.
- Usage : version
- Show current version name, & authors.
- Usage : waitforport portname [seconds]
- Example : waitforport rexx_ced 5
- Waits for a port to come up. Default time is 10 seconds.
- Usage : whereis [-r] filename [ device1...deviceN ]
- Options :
- -r look on all drives.
- If just a file name is given, whereis searches all subdirectories of
- the current directory for that file. An asterisk '*' is appended to
- the file. Wild cards are allowed for the file (no asterisk will be
- appended then), but no path names. If additional arguments are
- given, whereis searches only these paths, not the current directory.
- Usage : window [-fblsaq] [dimensions]
- Options :
- -f (front) Window to front
- -b (back) Window to back
- -l (large) Window to maximum size
- -s (small) Window to minimum size
- -a (activate)
- -q (query) Lists screens and windows open
- -w (width) Ignore window width for option "-q" (query)
- Various operations on CLI window. If dimensions are specified,
- they must be in the form x y width height, with values separated by
- spaces. Use dimension -1 for maximum value (eg, "window -1 -1 -1 -1"
- is equivalent to "window -l"), and -2 for keeping current value.
- The command "window -l" may be very useful on PAL machines to get
- a full PAL window from your login sequence, or if you use overscan
- WorkBench.
- Option -q gives, for each Screen and Window currently open,
- title, left edge, top edge, width, height, (depth).
- Usage: writefile varname
- Writes a set of words to stdout, one word per line. Note that the
- name of the variable (var) must be supplied, not the value ($var).
- ---------------------
- There are a number variables, the write variable, that have a side effect on
- your system (e.g. changing the title bar), and some others, the read
- variables, that tell you something about your environment (e.g. the current
- shell version). You can also overlay the write variables with a local
- variable, so any change only takes place while the current context is
- valid.
- ------------------
- _abbrev
- Holds a number which lets you select the various modes of
- command-abbreviation:
- 0 internal commands and commands buffered with "rehash"
- can no longer be abbreviated (same as "unset _abbrev")
- 1 internal commands can be abbreviated
- 2 commands buffered with "rehash" can be abbreviated,
- the first (partially) matching command from the list is taken
- 4 commands buffered with "rehash" can be abbreviated,
- if the command matches a buffered command completely,
- then this is taken, else the first partially matching
- command from the list is taken
- 8 if command wasn't found in Cshell's internal program list
- (built with "rehash"), then search DOS path-list
- Numbers can be added to combine modes.
- The main difference between '2' and '4' is that '2' does not
- recognize a completely matching command if it has already
- found a partially matching command earlier in the list. Eg,
- you type "ed" and you have (in this order) "EdPlayer" and
- "Ed" in your list, then "Ed" can never be called (except with
- absolute path). So '4' first seeks for a completely matching
- command -- and if it cannot find anything then (and only then)
- it searches for an abbreviated command.
- Thus it makes obviously no sense to use '2' and '4' together.
- By default, this variable is set to '5' (1+4).
- _bground
- True if the shell was started with a non-interactive input.
- _clinumber
- Contains the number (1-20) of current CLI.
- _clipri
- Task priority while editing command line.
- (also affects filename completion)
- _complete
- This variable holds a DOS pattern. What files should match on
- filename completion. Default is "*" (show all files). For example,
- if you don't want to see files ending with ".o" and ".bak", set it
- to "~(*.o|*.bak)".
- This is similar to the variable "fignore" known from Unix (t)csh,
- except that fignore is limited to extensions only and - on the
- contrary to "_complete" - specifies which files should NOT be
- listed.
- _cquote
- If set to some value, quotation marks are handled as
- Commodore-Shell does, so that they are parsable by ReadArgs()
- (function call in dos.library). Commodore-Shell treats quotes
- within a string "as as". Only leading quotation marks "quote"
- other special chars (like spaces). In contrast to UNIX shells
- where quotation marks always "quote" other chars - regardless
- of their position. UNIX behavior (_cquote unset) is default.
- _cwd
- Holds a string representing the current directory we are in from
- root. The SHELL can get confused as to its current directory if
- some external program changes the directory. Use PWD to rebuild
- the _cwd variable in these cases.
- _debug
- Debug mode... use it if you dare. must be set to some value
- _dirformat
- Holds a format string for option -z of builtin command "dir".
- Used to keep aliases short and to bypass problems with dir's
- format option "-z" (eg, it's not possible to specify other options
- after -z without using @pickargs/@pickopts).
- The format string is limited to a maximum of 80 characters.
- _every
- Contains the name of a command that is to be executed every time
- just before the prompt is printed. Do not use this to echo the
- prompt.
- _except
- _failat
- If a command returns with an error code higher than this, the
- batch file aborts. The default is 20.
- _hilite
- Holds the font attributes used for highlighting. One letter for one
- attribute:
- b for bold
- i for italic
- u for underlined
- r for reverse
- c3 for foreground color 3
- c3,2 for foreground color 3 and background color 2
- Any combinations are allowed. _hilite defaults to "c7", in terminal
- mode to "r".
- _history
- This variable is set to a numerical value, and specifies how far
- back your history should extend. Set it to 0 to disable history,
- for example if you test your programs for memory leaks. Defaults
- to 50.
- _insert
- Sets the default for insert/overtype mode for command line editing.
- ESC-i toggles between, but after <RET> the default is set back as
- indicated by this variable. By default _insert is 1, unsetting
- _insert will make overtype the default.
- _ioerr
- Contains the secondary error code for the last command. Will be
- changed after every external command and after a failed internal
- command. See @ioerr( )
- _kick
- holds version number of Operating System (version.library),
- eg, 37, 38, 39, 40, ...
- _kick2x
- True if exec.library V37+ could be opened
- (which means that kickstart 2.0 is around)
- _kick3x
- True if exec.library V39+ could be opened
- (which means that kickstart 3.0 is around)
- _lasterr
- Return code of last command executed. This includes internal
- commands as well as external comands, so to use this variables
- you must check it IMMEDIATELY after the command in question.
- _lcd
- Holds the name of the last directory. The builtin alias 'dswap'
- cd's to that directory. If called again, you're back where you
- were.
- _man
- The path and name of your .doc files. Defaults to 'csh:csh.doc'
- _mappath
- Cshell allows invocation of foreign shells if a script starts with
- "#!" or ";!" followed by a command to execute. To use unmodified
- Unix scripts pathname-mapping is necessary to convert pathes like
- "/usr/..." to, eg, "usr:...". Set _mappath to enable this name-
- mapping. By default _mappath is unset ("/usr/" would be inter-
- preted as relative AmigaDOS path).
- _maxerr
- The worst (highest) return value to date. To use this, you usually
- set it to '0', then do some set of commands, then check it.
- _minrows
- Gives the minimum number of rows a window must have to turn on quick
- scrolling. Defaults to 34.
- _nobreak
- If set to some value, disables CTRL-C.
- _nomatch
- If set to some value, don't check patterns if they match.
- (By default CSH aborts command execution if all patterns does not
- match. If at least one pattern matches CSH does not abort.)
- _noreq
- If set to some value, disables system requesters ("Please insert
- volume ...."). Turned on in vt200 mode.
- _passed
- This variable contains the passed arguments when you SOURCE a file
- or execute a .sh file. For instance:
- test a b c d
- -------- file test.sh ----------
- echo $_passed
- foreach i ( $_passed ) "echo YO $i"
- --------------------------------
- _path
- Tells CShell where to look for executable files. The current direc-
- tory and the AmigaDOS path will be searched first. The trailing
- slash for directories is not necessary any more. The entire path
- will be searched first for the <command>, then for <command>.sh
- (automatic shell script sourcing). Example:
- set _path ram:c,ram:,sys:system,dh1:tools,df0:c
- (This path has the advantage that these directories need not even
- exist, that you can access devices (AmigaDOS path only knows
- volumes under Kick 1.3) and that no disk seeks happen at startup)
- The usage of _path is NOT recommended anymore, use the AmigaDOS
- search path instead (builtin command "path").
- _prghash
- The filename where the program hash list (command 'rehash')
- is loaded from and saved to.
- _prompt
- This variable now can contain the following control characters:
- %c for color change. This highlights your prompt. See _hilite
- %e for elapsed time. The time the last command took to execute.
- %m for memory. This shows your current memory in K
- %t for time. This shows your current time in the format HH:MM:SS
- %d for date. This shows the current date in the format DD-MMM-YY
- %p for path. This inserts the complete current path
- %P for path. This inserts the current path (see also _promptdep)
- %V for volume. This inserts the current volume
- %n for number. This inserts the current process number
- %v for version. This shows the version number of CShell
- %h for history. This displays the current history number
- %f for free store. This shows the free store on the current drive
- %r for pRiority. Inserts the task priority of the current
- %s for shells open. Inserts the result of 'howmany'
- %U for user. Shows current user (only with "MultiUser" package)
- %x for external cmd return code. Yields the last error code
- The default for prompt is now "%c%p> "
- The if command will set the prompt to a '_ ' if commands are
- disabled while waiting for a 'endif' or 'else' command (interactive
- mode only).
- _promptdep
- Prompt path depth. Holds the maximum number of directories (path
- parts counting from the right) displayed for "%P" (see _prompt) to
- keep prompt smart and short. _promptdep must be greater 0.
- The internal default for "%P" is to display 3 directories.
- The missing path components will be marked with "...". The path
- components won't be replaced with "..." if the three dots don't
- make the path shorter.
- _pipe
- The directory where temporaries are stored. Default: 'T:'
- _qcd
- Holds the name of the file where the all directories on your hard
- disk are stored. If not set, disables quick cd-ing.
- _rback
- Is the name of the command to be the prepended to the command line
- when '&' was added to it. Defaults to 'rback', can't be a multi
- word command yet.
- _rxpath
- The same as with _path, but this is where CShell looks for .rexx
- files. Defaults to REXX:
- _scroll
- Holds the number of lines to be scrolled at once when quick
- scrolling is used. If unset or <=1, quick scrolling is off.
- Defaults to 3.
- _terminal
- Indicates whether or not shell was started in terminal mode.
- _timeout
- Set the timeout period (in microsends) for the connected terminal to
- respond to a WINDOW STATUS REQUEST (special Amiga control sequence
- to get window bounds). Only used in terminal mode, of course.
- For local usage a small value is sufficient, for remote usage (eg,
- over a serial line) the value should be much higher (eg, 500000,
- which a 1/2 second).
- _titlebar
- The same control characters as for the _prompt can be used for
- _titlebar, too. The only difference is that %c is ignored. The
- titlebar is updated every time before the prompt appears.
- _verbose
- If set to 's', turns on verbose mode for source files (every command
- will be displayed before being executed). If set to 'a', displays
- all substeps while alias substitution. 'h' will hilight the debug
- output. Any combination allowed: set _verbose sah
- _version
- Contains the version number of the shell, e.g. 510.
- --------------
- Functions are preceded by an @-sign and may not be abbreviated
- They must be preceded by a blank and a blank must follow the opening
- and precede the closing parenthesis. There must be no blank between
- the function name an the opening parenthesis. Example:
- echo @info( df0: )
- (NOTE: Later versions of Shell might allow that functions need not
- be at the beginning of an argument, so quote any @-signs not
- used for functions)
- Functions may be nested. The function names themselves are case
- sensitive, but the operations (like strcmp) aren't.
- Functions can be used as commands. They will echo their return value
- to stdout. Note that they can't be abbreviated and that the function
- list is searched after the command list. Example:
- drives ---> DF0: DH1: DH2: RAM: WB_2.x:
- Therefore, functions can also be used like this:
- echo $(drives)
- So far, functions are not user definable.
- Note the difference between sets of words and strings. After
- set var hello world
- $var is a wordset, but after
- set var "hello world"
- var is one string. Although they look the same if echoed, they
- behave different, for example in 'foreach i ( var ) "echo hi'. The
- functions @split and @concat convert the two forms.
- ------------------
- @abbrev( str1 str2 [len] )
- true if the first <len> chars of str1 are an abbreviation of str2
- @abs( num )
- returns absolute value of <num>
- @age( file )
- the age of that file in days, null-string if file not found
- @age_mins()
- the age of that file in minutes, null-string if file not found
- @appsuff( name suffix )
- appends an suffix ( .ZOO ) to a string if it's not already there
- @arg( arg ... arg )
- see @pickargs( )
- @ask( title item ... item )
- asks for confirmation of every item and returns the confirmed ones
- (very similar to @confirm(), but default is negative)
- @availmem( [type] )
- returns free 'chip', 'fast' or otherwise total memory
- @basename( path ... path )
- returns the file name parts of the paths
- @center( word len )
- returns a string of length <len> with <word> centered in it
- @checkport( portname )
- indicates if given port exists
- @clinum( procname )
- returns the number of the cli identified by a name or a number
- @complete( abbrev word ... word )
- returns the first word <abbrev> is an abbreviation of
- @concat( word word ... word )
- concats all words in one blank separated string, see @split
- @confirm( title item ... item )
- asks for confirmation of every item and returns the confirmed ones
- (very similar to @ask(), but default is positive)
- @console( STDIN|STDOUT )
- tells whether stdin or stdout are interactive (not redirected)
- @dectohex( number )
- returns a string representing <number> in hex
- @delword( word word ... word n )
- returns a string with the n-th word deleted.
- @delwords( word word ... word n m )
- deletes the next m words from the n-th.
- @dirname( path )
- strips the base name from a path, just returns the directory
- @dirs( name name name name )
- returns the directories among the given file names, see @files
- @dirstr( lformat file )
- returns any info (size, date, file comment) about a file
- @drive( path )
- outputs the drive ( device ) name associated to <path>
- @drives( )
- outputs all available drives
- @exists( file )
- tells whether a file exists or not
- @fileblks( file file ... file )
- returns the # of blocks needed for the files, incl. dir blocks
- @filedate( file )
- returns a string representing the date of the given file
- @fileinfo
- Equivalent to @dirstr
- @filelen( file file ... file )
- count the total number of bytes of the given files
- @filenote( file )
- returns filenote of given file
- @fileprot( file )
- returns a string like ---arwed
- @filereq( title path&pattern filename )
- brings up the ASL file requester and returns the selected file name
- @files( file file ... file )
- gives you the files among those names, no directories. see @dirs
- @filesize
- Equivalent to @filelen
- @flines( varname )
- counts the number of lines in a readfile-file (faster than @words)
- @freebytes( path )
- the number of free bytes on the given path
- @freeblks( path )
- the number of free blocks on the given path
- @freestore( path )
- the amount of free store on that path, given in K, M and G
- @getenv( varname )
- returns the value of the named env: variable
- @getclass( file )
- returns the class (type) of the file. See chapter XIV
- @hextodec( hex-number )
- returns a string representing <hex-number> in dec
- @howmany( )
- indicates the # of shells running
- @index( string pattern )
- returns the index of pattern in string (starting at 1),
- 0 if not found
- @info( path )
- the corresponding line from the 'info' command, each entry a word
- @intersect( word1 word2 word3 , word4 word5 word6 )
- returns all words which are in both lists. see @union, @member
- @ioerr( num )
- returns the corresponding error string to num
- @lookfor( file paths )
- looks for a file in the current directory and the paths. See $_path
- @lower
- lowercases its arguments. see @upper
- @match( word ... word "pattern" )
- returns the words in the list that match the DOS-pattern
- @max( num num ... num )
- computes the maximum of all given numbers
- @megs( number )
- expresses a number in K, M and G (-bytes), rounded correctly
- @member( word1 word word ... word )
- tells you if word1 is among the remaining words
- @min( num num ... num )
- computes the minimum of all given numbers
- @mix( arg1 ... argn )
- randomly mixes its arguments
- @mounted( device )
- returns a boolean indicating whether the specified device is mounted,
- (don't add an extra colon ':' at the end)
- @nameext( filename )
- returns all after the last dot of <filename>.
- @nameroot( filename )
- returns all before the LAST dot of <filename>.
- @opt( arg ... arg )
- see @pickopts( )
- @pathname( path )
- obsolete. use @dirname
- @pickargs( arg ... arg )
- picks of its arguments those which don't start with a '-'
- @pickopts( arg ... arg )
- picks of its arguments those which start which a '-'
- @rnd( seed )
- returns a 32 bit random number (default seed is 1);
- 'seed' is optional and can be used to set new seed for @rnd( ),
- if you use seed=0 then CSH takes current system time as seed
- @rpn( expression )
- computes the rpn expression. See rpn command
- @scrheight( )
- outputs the current height of the screen the shell is running in
- @scrwidth( )
- outputs the current width of the screen the shell is running in
- @sortargs( name ... name )
- sorts its arguments alphabetically
- @sortnum( number ... number )
- sorts its arguments numerically
- @split( string )
- makes each blank separated part of @string a word, see @concat
- @strcmp( name name )
- returns -1, 0 or 1 depending of alphabetical comparison
- (case-sensitive)
- @stricmp( name name )
- returns -1, 0 or 1 depending of alphabetical comparison
- (case-insensitive)
- @strhead( breakchar string )
- see strhead command
- @strleft( string number )
- see strleft command
- @strmid( string n1 n2 )
- see strmid command
- @strright( string n )
- see strright command
- @strtail( breakchar string )
- see strtail command
- @subfile( varname n m )
- like @subwords, but acts on a readfile-file and is faster
- @subwords( word ... word n m )
- returns the next m words word of the given list starting from n
- @tackon( path file )
- see tackon command
- @trim( word word word )
- removes all leading and trailing blanks from the words
- @unique( word ... word )
- sorts the arguments and makes each of them unique
- @union( name ... name , name ... name )
- returns all names that are in either list. See @intersect, @member
- @upper( word ... word )
- upper cases the given words. see @lower
- @volume( path )
- returns the volume name in that path or ""
- @wincols( )
- returns the number of columns in the current shell window
- @winheight( )
- outputs the height of your window in pixels
- @winleft( )
- returns the left edge of your window
- @winrows( )
- returns the number of lines in the current shell window
- @wintop( )
- returns the top edge of your window
- @winwidth( )
- outputs the width of your window in pixels
- @without( name ... name , name ... name )
- returns all names of list 1 that are not in list 2
- @word( name ... name n )
- picks the n-th word from the list.
- @words( name ... name )
- returns the number of words in the list.
- -----------------
- CShell now allows to do quick scrolling in large windows. Quick
- scrolling means that whenever the cursor reaches the bottom of
- the window, the text jumps up 3 or more lines at once. However,
- only the following commands support this:
- dir, cat, htype, strings, search, truncate, tee
- You can choose the number of lines to scroll at once by setting
- the variable _scroll. Unsetting it or setting it to a value <=1
- completely disables quick scrolling.
- You can also choose the number lines a window must at least have
- to turn on the quick scrolling by setting the _minrows variable.
- (Defaults to 34). Quick scrolling is automatically disabled when
- the command is redirected. By piping any command to cat, you can
- force it to quick scroll. Example: List | cat
- CShell now can be terminated using the closing gadget in the
- AmigaDOS 2.0 shell window. Don't execute c:ENDCLI while using
- the shell. This can cause problems with external commands. The
- closing button provides a 'quit' command. You can define
- alias quit "Endcli;\\quit
- to assert that the CLI window closes when you click the button.
- If no _except variable exists, any command which fails causes the
- rest of the line to abort as if an ABORTLINE had been executed. If
- the _except variable exists, it is of the form:
- "nnn;commands..."
- where nnn is some value representing the minimum return code
- required to cause an error. Whenever a command returns a code
- which is larger or equal to nnn, the commands in _except are
- executed before anything. WHEN _except EXISTS, THE COMMAND LINE
- DOES NOT ABORT AUTOMATICALLY. Thus, if you want the current line
- being executed to be aborted, the last command in _except should be
- an "abortline".
- Exception handling is disabled while in the exception handling
- routine (thus you can't get into any infinite loops this way).
- Thus if _except = ";", return codes are completely ignored.
- Example:
- set _except "20;abortline"
- -------------------------
- If from a CLI or the startup-script you say 'SHELL filename', that file is
- sourced first.
- ### compat.sh ###
- # this makes sure that your old abbreviations don't call new commands
- alias as aset
- alias cl close
- alias g goto
- alias h help
- alias he help
- alias m md
- alias q quit
- alias re rename
- alias w window
- alias kr "rm -r ram:* >NIL:
- ### End of compat.sh ###
- Moreover, if you have a file called S:.cshrc, it will be sourced for every
- Shell you run. This is useful for aliases and setting that you want in ALL
- Shells.
- ### Example S:.cshrc ###
- Here is an example .cshrc file:
- set F5 "cdir WORK:"^M
- set f9 "ed s:login.sh"^M
- set F9 "ed df0:s/startup-sequence"^M
- alias toram "%q foreach i ( $q ) \"cp -r $i: ram:$i >NIL:;assign $i: ram:$i
- alias ramop "md RAM:op; assign OP: ram:op
- alias noop "assign OP: ; rm -r ram:op
- alias newop "rm -r OP:*
- alias dc "dfc df0: to df1:
- alias go "%q assign WORK: Boot:$q; cd WORK:; source startme.sh
- alias get "%q cp $q RAM: >NIL:
- alias filter "%a%b%c exec $b \\<$a \\>$c
- # reads $a, filters it with $b and writes result to $c
- alias rm "%q \\rm @confirm( Remove $q )
- # or if you want a more safe one
- alias qrm "%q \\rm @ask( Remove $q )
- #alias rm "%a set f @pickargs( $a );set opts @pickargs( $a );\
- # e -n OK to delete @words( @files( $f ) ) file(s) and @words( @dirs( $f ) )\
- # directories\"? \";input b;if $b = y;\\rm $opts $f;endif
- # # for the anxious among us: confirmed rm
- set _prompt "%c%p> "
- # this puts the path highlighted in the prompt
- # this one puts cli number, free mem, date and time in title bar
- set _titlebar "Shell %n Mem %m Date %d Time %t
- # This file will be sourced for every Shell you start
- ### End of example .cshrc ###
- ****************************************************************************
- If you are a CLI user, your startup-sequence may be as simple as:
- C:csh S:startup.sh
- Here's a startup code:
- ### Example S:startup.sh ###
- wind -l # if you are on a PAL machine, or use overscan
- # note that commands may be abbreviated (wind=window)
- assign LC: Stuff:c INCLUDE: Stuff:include LIB: Boot:lib QUAD: RAM:
- rback C:FaccII; sleep 1
- # after spawning a process, it is always better to allow it
- # to load the command, to avoid excessive drive head movement
- resident -d blink lc1 lc2 >NIL: #defer loading
- C:PopCli 300 C:Newcli #using full pathname loads faster
- C:FF -1 Siesta.font >NIL:
- C:Patch_1 >NIL:
- stack 8000 # lc1 and lc2 need this
- source S:setdate.sh # this is listed next
- ### End of example startup.sh ###
- ****************************************************************************
- The following is an example source file to set date and time; it may be
- used at startup if you don't have an internal clock.
- ### setdate.sh ###
- open CON:200/100/440/80/SetDate write 1
- echo >.1 -n "Current date is "
- date >.1
- echo >.1 -n "Please enter date: "
- input <.1 d
- close 1
- strlen len $d
- if $len > 1 ; date $d ; endif
- echo -n "New date: " ; date
- ### End of setdate.sh ###
- ***************************************************************************
- Next comes a makefile that needs no Make program: may be executed from
- Shell directly!!!
- ### make.sh ###
- if -t Shell.syms Shell.h; cc +HShell.syms Shell.h; rm shell.o; endif
- if -t RAM:Shell.syms Shell.syms; cp -d Shell.syms RAM:; endif
- foreach i ( main comm1 comm2 comm3 execom globals rawconsole run set \
- sub ) "if -t $i.o $i.c; echo Compile $i...;cc +IRAM:shell.syms $i.c; endif"
- # we used line continuation for better visibility. this is not necessary,
- # you can type it all in one line. no more limit of 256 bytes per line
- if -t Shell run.o main.o comm1.o comm2.o comm3.o execom.o \
- set.o sub.o globals.o rawconsole.o
- ln +q -m -o Shell run.o main.o comm1.o comm2.o comm3.o\
- execom.o set.o sub.o globals.o rawconsole.o -la -lc
- endif
- ### End of make.sh ###
- ---------------------
- Some aliases are predefined whenever you start a new Shell. These are:
- Use "cdir directory" to clear the screen, set CD to directory,
- and list it.
- Simply clear the screen.
- Exchanges current and the previous current directory. For use in
- scripts as the symbol for last current directory may change.
- Leave Shell and exit CLI.
- Display a list of possible arguments to man.
- RX
- Executes a REXX script. Prevents unwanted starting of 'rxrec'.
- Moreover, many variables have default values, and many function keys are
- predefined. You can use set command to determine all of these.
- ------------------------------
- File classes are good for two things: Identifying files and command over-
- loading. The latter means that the same command with files of different
- type performs completely different actions.
- You can define a class of files using several 'class' commands.
- Here a simple example:
- class picture suff=.pic suff=.iff suff=.ilbm
- class anim suff=.anim
- From now on, everything with the suffix .pic, .iff or .ilbm will
- be identified as a picture. Please note that there may be no blanks
- between the names and the '=', and that blanks inside the names
- must be put in quotes. So these are the ways to identify a file:
- suff=.doc True if the suffix of the file is .doc
- name=readme True if the file is "readme"
- name="mod.*" True if the name starts with 'mod.'
- offs=14,DC..C4FD True if the bytes starting at $14 are $DC,
- anything, $C4, $FD (all numbers hexadecimal!).
- Each pair of dots means one byte ignored.
- chars True if 90% of the bytes in the file are 32..127
- or 9..13
- default Always true, used to define the default type
- Note that only the first character is examined, so 's' = 'suff'.
- One class can be identified by more than one 'class' statement.
- They are looked at in the same sequence they were entered. So to
- make sure that an zoo archive misnamed as .lzh is identified
- correctly, use the following 'class' statements:
- class zoo offs=14,DCA7C4FD
- class lzh offs=2,2D6C68..2D
- class zoo suff=.zoo
- class lzh suff=.lzh
- Moreover, there is a builtin class 'dir', which means directory.
- Now we know many file types. But what to do with them? This is
- where we define 'actions'.
- There may be one or more 'class' commands that define what actions
- need to be taken in various cases for that specific class:
- class zoo actions view="zoo -list" extr="zoo -extract"
- class lzh actions view="lz l" extr="lz e"
- Whenever somebody tries to 'view' a test.zoo, the command
- 'zoo -list test.zoo' will be issued, but if he tries to
- view test.lzh, then 'lz l test.lzh' will be executed. Note
- that any command supplied here goes through the normal csh
- parser, so AmigaDOS and csh paths will be searched. Aliases
- with arguments are allowed here, too, so whatever the user
- typed will be stored in the variable after the '%'.
- How do I tell a file that I want to 'view' it? There comes the
- second command used for object oriented features:
- action view test.zoo
- will first identify the type of that file and then apply, if
- possible, the 'view' action to it. Of course, this works best
- inside an alias: alias v "action view" will define a v-command
- that views all types of files known to cshell. Similarly, you
- can define alias xtr "action extr" and use this command to
- extract files from any type of archive.
- There is one action that will be sent to every file that you
- try to start but is not executable. This action is 'exec'.
- Assume you have defined the class 'picture', then after
- class picture actions view=Mostra exec=Mostra
- you can display a picture using Mostra by just typing its name.
- More builtin actions like 'rm' and 'dir' may be implemented,
- so don't use command names for action names.
- The batch file class.sh defines a few useful classes.
- Assume you have a class for .c files, one for .h files, and
- one for .asm files. You might want to make the difference
- between them when identifying them, but in the end, they're
- all ASCII, aren't they? You can stat this with the command
- class c_source suff=.c is=ascii
- Now whenever an action on a file of the type c_source fails,
- the file is interpreted as of type ascii, and the same
- action is attemted again. This goes on until a class has no
- more superclass.
- ---------------
- You define a keymap as a collection of key/function pairs. Both
- are given as numbers. There can be several keymaps which activate
- each other, but at first we only edit keymap 0, which is active
- at the beginning. All keys you define will eventually overwrite
- the old definitions in an existing keymap. Everything marked with
- a (*) is not yet implemented.
- 1..255 The corresponding ASCII character
- 256 Up Arrow
- 257 Down Arrow
- 258 Right Arrow
- 259 Left Arrow
- 260 Help
- 261..270 F1..F10 (unshifted)
- Modifiers (add them to the key code)
- 512 SHIFT (only necessary for arrows and fkeys)
- 1024 ESC (was pressed & released before this key)
- - Movement Move cursor...
- 0 CursLeft 1 left
- 1 CursRight 1 right
- 2 WordLeft 1 word left
- 3 WordRight 1 word right
- 4 BegOfLine to beginning of line
- 5 EndOfLine to end of line
- - Deleting Delete...
- 10 Backspace char left from cursor
- 11 Delete char right from cursor
- 12 BkspcWord word left from cursor
- 13 DelWord word right from cursor
- 14 DeleteToSOL to start of line
- 15 DeleteToEOL to end of line
- 16 DeleteLine whole line
- 17 DelScreen whole screen and refresh current line
- - History insert
- 20 Back Move one line back in history
- 21 Forward Move one line forward in history
- 22 Beg Move to first line in history
- 23 End Move to last line in history
- 24 Complete History retrieve like '!'
- 25 Exec Execute history line & bring up next
- 26 Tail Insert previous line except first word
- 27 Bottom Go below last history command
- 28 DupWord Duplicates the last word on this line
- 29 LastPrev Insert last word of previous line
- - Completion
- 30 Normal Insert first matching file (or cycle)
- 31 Partial Insert common substring of all matching files
- 32 All Insert all matching files
- 33 Directory Find dir in quick cd list
- 34 LastCD Insert last current directory
- 35 Show Shows all matching files
- 36 CompPrg1 Insert first matching program (or cycle)
- 37 CompPrgAll Shows all matching programs
- - Special
- 40 Insert Toggle Insert/Overwrite
- 41 Quit Silently perform 'quit'
- 42 Help Silently perform 'help'
- 43 Refresh Redraw current line
- 44 Execute Execute current line
- 45 Leave Edit new line, store this in hist
- 46 EOF Terminate shell
- 47 NOP Do nothing
- 48 Echo^O Echoes a ^O
- 49 Beep Echoes a ^G
- - Other
- 50 Fkey Execute command associated to last fkey
- 51 Menu Execute command associated to last menu
- 52 Undo Undoes last edit
- 53 Repeat Repeats last function
- 54 SwapChar Swaps the two chars left of cursor
- 55 QuoteChar Quote next char
- Command types
- 0 +x Editing function x, see above descriptions
- 512 +x Setmap x, x=0..7
- 1024+x Insert key x, x=1..255
- 1536+x Macro x x=1..15 (*)
- 2048+x String x x=1..15 (*)
- Examples:
- keymap 0 66=49 # the B key will beep
- keymap 0 2=16 # ^B key will erase line
- keymap 0 1122=35 # ESC-b will show matching files
- keymap 0 9=31 521=30 # Swaps TAB and SHIFT-TAB
- keymap 0 260=47 # do nothing on help
- keymap 0 12=17 # clear screen and refresh line on ^L
- keymap 0 18=29 # insert last word of prev line on ^R
- -----------------
- console.device
- --------------
- Ever wondered why Commodore's shell scroll a standard ASCII text file
- very fast and why CSH scrolls (despite line-buffering in most commands)
- the same text file at a noticable slower speed?
- Now, first of all it must be said that CSH uses the same console
- environment as Commodore's shell does. So in fact both shells will
- scroll at the SAME speed -- provided that they're configured in a
- similar way.
- Excerpt from "console" autodoc:
- | V39 console.device takes advantage of the ability to mask
- | bitplanes for faster scrolling, clearing, and rendering.
- | The actual number of bitplanes scrolled depends on which
- | colors you set via the SGR sequences. For those using
- | the defaults of PEN color 1, and cell color 0, console.device
- | only needs to scroll 1 bitplane. The actual number
- | of bitplanes scrolled is reset when ESCc is sent, and when
- | the console window is entirely cleared (e.g., FF). In
- | general this should cause no compatability problems, unless
- | you are mixing console rendering with graphic.library calls
- | in the same portions of your window. Console.device considers
- | the number of bitplanes it must scroll, and the screen display
- | depth so that interleaved bitplane scrolling can be taken
- | advantage of in cases where performance is not significantly
- | affected (interleaved scrolling, and masking are mutually
- | exclusive). The determination of how many planes to scroll
- | is undefined, and may change in the future.
- In other words:
- After opening a window or sending ANSI sequences that clear the window
- (ESC c, FF) the console.device checks how much bitplanes are in use.
- The number of bitplanes depends on the number of colors used in this
- window.
- If there's only 1 color in use (this is default in Commodore's shell)
- then console.device can perform very fast scrolling because only one
- bitplane needs to be scrolled.
- The scroll speed becomes slower the more colors you use. Lots of
- programs use at least one additional color by default. This looks
- nice but slows down scrolling. Besides others, CSH is one of the
- programs that make use of additional colors. By default CSH has a
- colored prompt. And some internal commands like "dir" use a color
- to highlight text.
- With the variable "_hilite" you can control how CSH highlights text.
- If you type "set _hilite b" then text will be highlighted by making
- it bold. See "man _hilite" for further information.
- If you want really fast text scrolling then avoid using colors in text
- output. For example, add "set _hilite b" in your "s:.cshrc" file. And
- configure other programs (like NewList, a very cool directory lister
- by Phil Dietz) so that they don't use colored output.
- If you have to use colored text (for any reason) then clear the window
- as soon as possible to allow the console.device to re-enable fast text
- scrolling.
- To enable fast scrolling you must clear the screen (ESC c, FF) first.
- As soon as you use more than one color in your text output,
- console.device switches back to normal (slow) scrolling automatically.
- Then you have to clear the screen manually to re-activate optimized
- (fast) scrolling.
- CpuBlit
- -------
- You're running CpuBlit and you wonder why under Kickstart 2.x text
- scrolls faster than under Kickstart 3.x.
- Check if you call CpuBlit with option "-b". This option MUST be set
- to allow CpuBlit the handling of (so called) "broken" bitmaps.