home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * COMM3.C
- *
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 17-Feb-91
- * Version 5.20L by Andreas M. Kirchwitz (Fri, 13 Mar 1992)
- *
- */
- #include "shell.h"
- /* comm3.c */
- static void doassign(char *log, char *phy);
- static void assignlist(void);
- static int strings_in_file(long mask, char *s, char *path);
- static int htype_a_file (long mask, char *s, char *path);
- static void install_menu(char **mav, int mac);
- static int line_filter( char *(*line)(char *) );
- /* Casting conveniences */
- #define BPTR_TO_C(strtag, var) ((struct strtag *)(BADDR( (ULONG) var)))
- #define PROC(task) ((struct Process *)task)
- #define CLI(proc) (BPTR_TO_C(CommandLineInterface, proc->pr_CLI))
- int do_ln(void)
- {
- char *linkname;
- long link_type;
- long dest_data;
- BOOL success;
- if( ac!=2 && ac!=3 ) {
- show_usage( NULL );
- return 20;
- }
- if (ac==2)
- linkname = FilePart(av[1]);
- else
- linkname = av[2];
- if (options&1) {
- link_type = LINK_SOFT;
- dest_data = (long)av[1];
- }
- else {
- link_type = LINK_HARD;
- if (!( dest_data = (long)Lock(av[1],ACCESS_READ) )) {
- pError(av[1]);
- return 20;
- }
- }
- success = MakeLink(linkname,dest_data,link_type);
- if (link_type==LINK_HARD)
- UnLock((BPTR)dest_data);
- if (!success) {
- pError(linkname);
- return 20;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_tee( void )
- {
- char buf[256];
- FILE *out;
- prepscroll( ac==1 );
- if( ac>2 ) { ierror( av[2], 500 ); return 20; }
- if( ac==1 ) out=stderr;
- else if( !(out=fopen( av[1], "w" ))) { pError( av[1] ); return 20; }
- while (safegets(buf,stdin)) {
- puts(buf);
- quickscroll();
- fprintf(out,"%s\n",buf);
- }
- if( ac!=1 ) fclose( out );
- return 0;
- }
- do_head( char *garbage, int com )
- {
- FILE *f;
- int i, n = 10;
- char buf[256];
- if (ac==1) { /* use stdin */
- f = stdin;
- }
- else {
- f=fopen(av[1],"r");
- if (f==NULL) {
- if (ac==2 && isnum(av[1])) { /* use stdin */
- f = stdin;
- n = atol(av[1]);
- }
- else {
- pError(av[1]);
- return 20;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ac>2) {
- if (!isnum(av[2])) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- ierror(av[2],511);
- return 20;
- }
- n=(int)atol(av[2]);
- }
- if (com) { /* tail specific part */
- i=0;
- while (fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak()) i++;
- rewind(f);
- if (n>i) n=i;
- i=i-n;
- while (i-- && fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak()) ;
- }
- for (i=1; i<=n && fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak(); i++)
- printf("%s", buf);
- if (f!=stdin)
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- do_head( char *garbage, int com )
- {
- int i, n;
- FILE *f;
- char buf[256];
- if (ac>2) {
- if (!isnum(av[2])) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- ierror(av[2],511);
- return 20;
- }
- n=(int)atol(av[2]);
- } else n=10;
- f=fopen(av[1], "r");
- if (f==NULL) {
- pError(av[1]);
- return 20;
- }
- if (com) { /* tail specific part */
- i=0;
- while (fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak()) i++;
- rewind(f);
- if (n>i) n=i;
- i=i-n;
- while (i-- && fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak()) ;
- }
- for (i=1; i<=n && fgets(buf, 256, f) && ! dobreak(); i++)
- printf("%s", buf);
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static int
- exword( char **src, char *buf )
- {
- *buf=0;
- if( **src==0 ) return 0;
- while( **src && **src!=0xA0 )
- *buf++ = *(*src)++;
- *buf=0;
- if( **src ) (*src)++;
- return 1;
- }
- static char helpfound=0;
- void
- man (FILE *f, char *s)
- {
- char buf[140], entry[100];
- int len = sprintf (entry, " %s", s);
- char *example = " ";
- prepscroll (0);
- rewind (f);
- do { /* look for required argument */
- if (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), f)==NULL || dobreak())
- return; /* GMD */
- } while (strnicmp (entry, buf, len)) ;
- helpfound = 1;
- do { /* display help */
- if (dobreak())
- return;
- quickscroll ();
- printf ("%s", buf);
- if (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), f) == NULL)
- return;
- } while ((!isalphanum (*buf)) && strncmp (buf, example, strlen(example))) ;
- }
- do_man( void )
- {
- FILE *f;
- int i;
- char buf[200], name[60], *src, *var, docfound=0;
- buf[0]=0;
- if( var=get_var(LEVEL_SET,"_man" ) )
- strcpy(buf,var);
- if (ac==1) ac=2, av[1]="MAN";
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- src=buf, helpfound=0;
- while( exword( &src, name) )
- if( f=fopen(name, "r") ) {
- docfound=1;
- man(f, av[i]);
- fclose(f);
- if( helpfound )
- break;
- }
- if( !docfound )
- fprintf(stderr,"%s not found\n",buf);
- else if( !helpfound )
- fprintf(stderr, "Help not found for %s\n", av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_assign( void )
- {
- int i;
- if ( ac==1 ) assignlist();
- else if( ac==2 ) doassign(av[1], NULL);
- else if( !(ac&1) ) ierror(NULL, 500);
- else
- for( i=1; i<ac; i+=2 )
- doassign( av[i],av[i+1] );
- return 0;
- }
- /* AMK: rewritten code, removed bug when strlen(log) was 0 */
- static void
- doassign(char *log, char *phy)
- {
- int last=strlen(log);
- if (last<2 || log[last-1] != ':') fprintf(stderr, "Bad name %s\n", log);
- else {
- int succ=0;
- log[last-1] = 0;
- if (!phy)
- succ=AssignLock(log,NULL);
- else if (options&1) { /* add assign, CLI: assign ADD */
- BPTR lock;
- if( lock=Lock(phy,ACCESS_READ) )
- if( !(succ=AssignAdd(log,lock)))
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- /* late-binding assign, CLI: assign DEFER */
- else if (options&2 || options&8)
- succ=AssignLate(log,phy);
- /* non-binding assign, CLI: assign PATH */
- else if (options&4 || options&16)
- succ=AssignPath(log,phy);
- else if (!options) {
- BPTR lock;
- if( lock=Lock(phy,ACCESS_READ) )
- if( !(succ=AssignLock(log,lock)))
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- if( !succ )
- pError( log );
- }
- }
- static void
- assignlist()
- {
- char *ptr;
- struct DosList *dl;
- struct AssignList *path;
- ULONG flags;
- char fmt[256],devname[256];
- char **dev_list;
- long dev_num,i,cnt;
- dev_list = NULL;
- dev_num = 0;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- sprintf(fmt,"%s%s",devname,
- dl->dol_misc.dol_volume.dol_LockList?"":" [Mounted]");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- printf("Volumes:\n");
- for(i=0; i<dev_num; i++)
- printf("%s\n",dev_list[i]);
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- if (dobreak())
- return;
- dev_list = NULL;
- dev_num = 0;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- sprintf(fmt,"%-14s ",devname);
- ptr = fmt+strlen(fmt);
- switch (dl->dol_Type) {
- if(dl->dol_Lock) {
- if (!NameFromLock(dl->dol_Lock,ptr,200L)) {
- struct FileLock *fl_tmp = BADDR(dl->dol_Lock);
- /* get volume name of assign to an unmounted volume */
- if (fl_tmp->fl_Volume) {
- struct DosList *dl_tmp = BADDR(fl_tmp->fl_Volume);
- if (dl_tmp->dol_Name) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl_tmp->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- sprintf(ptr,"Volume: %s",devname);
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- /*fprintf(stderr,"csh.assignlist.1: NameFromLock() failed\n");*/
- /*strcpy(ptr,"Lock's name too long");*/
- }
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"Nonexisting lock");
- /* --- */
- if (path=dl->dol_misc.dol_assign.dol_List) {
- char **ass_list=NULL;
- long ass_num=0,str_len=0;
- char *ass_str;
- add_array_list(&ass_list,&ass_num,fmt);
- str_len += strlen(fmt);
- for (; path; path=path->al_Next) {
- sprintf(fmt,"%-13s+ ","");
- ptr = fmt+strlen(fmt);
- if (path->al_Lock) {
- if (!NameFromLock(path->al_Lock,ptr,200L)) {
- struct FileLock *fl_tmp = BADDR(path->al_Lock);
- /* get volume name of assign to an unmounted volume */
- if (fl_tmp->fl_Volume) {
- struct DosList *dl_tmp = BADDR(fl_tmp->fl_Volume);
- if (dl_tmp->dol_Name) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl_tmp->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- sprintf(ptr,"Volume: %s",devname);
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- /*fprintf(stderr,"csh.assignlist.2: NameFromLock() failed\n");*/
- /*strcpy(ptr,"Lock's name too long");*/
- }
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"Nonexisting lock");
- add_array_list(&ass_list,&ass_num,fmt);
- str_len += strlen(fmt)+1;
- }
- if (ass_str=malloc(str_len+1)) {
- char *p=ass_str;
- for(i=0; i<ass_num; i++) {
- strcpy(p,ass_list[i]);
- p += strlen(p);
- if ((i+1)<ass_num) {
- *p++ = '\n';
- *p = '\0';
- }
- }
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,ass_str);
- free(ass_str);
- }
- free_array_list(ass_list,ass_num);
- }
- else
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- /* --- */
- #if 0
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- for(path=dl->dol_misc.dol_assign.dol_List; path; path=path->al_Next) {
- sprintf(fmt,"%-13s+ ","");
- ptr = fmt+strlen(fmt);
- if (path->al_Lock) {
- if (!NameFromLock(path->al_Lock,ptr,200L)) {
- struct FileLock *fl_tmp = BADDR(path->al_Lock);
- /* get volume name of assign to an unmounted volume */
- if (fl_tmp->fl_Volume) {
- struct DosList *dl_tmp = BADDR(fl_tmp->fl_Volume);
- if (dl_tmp->dol_Name) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl_tmp->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- sprintf(ptr,"Volume: %s",devname);
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"n/a");
- /*fprintf(stderr,"csh.assignlist.3: NameFromLock() failed\n");*/
- /*strcpy(ptr,"Lock's name too long");*/
- }
- }
- else
- strcpy(ptr,"Nonexisting lock");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- }
- #endif
- break;
- case DLT_LATE :
- sprintf(ptr,"<%s>",dl->dol_misc.dol_assign.dol_AssignName);
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- break;
- sprintf(ptr,"[%s]",dl->dol_misc.dol_assign.dol_AssignName);
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(ptr,"Unknown assign");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,fmt);
- break;
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- printf("\nDirectories:\n");
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<dev_num; i++)
- printf("%s\n",dev_list[i]);
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- if (dobreak())
- return;
- dev_list = NULL;
- dev_num = 0;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- if (dl->dol_Task) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,devname);
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- printf("\nDevices (with FileSystem):\n");
- for(i=0,cnt=0; i<dev_num; i++) {
- if (IsFileSystem(dev_list[i])) {
- if (cnt>0 && cnt%5==0)
- printf("\n");
- printf("%s ",dev_list[i]);
- ++cnt;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- if (dobreak())
- return;
- dev_list = NULL;
- dev_num = 0;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,devname);
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- printf("\nDevices:\n");
- for(i=0; i<dev_num; i++) {
- if (i>0 && i%5==0)
- printf("\n");
- printf("%s ",dev_list[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- return;
- #if 0
- printf("\nDirectories:\n");
- for( ; arr[i] && !dobreak(); i++ ) {
- log=arr[i]+1; ptr=log+strlen(log)+1;
- switch( *(log-1)) {
- case 3:
- printf("%-20s%s\n", log, ptr);
- for(;;) {
- ptr+=strlen(ptr)+1;
- if( !*ptr ) break;
- printf("%-19s+%s\n", "", ptr);
- }
- break;
- case 4: printf("%-20s<%s>\n", log, ptr); break;
- case 5: printf("%-20s[%s]\n", log, ptr); break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- do_join( void )
- {
- BPTR sou, dest;
- char *buffer;
- int i;
- long n;
- char *namedest=av[--ac];
- if (options==0 && exists(namedest)) { ierror(namedest,203); return 20; }
- if ( (buffer=malloc(8192)) == NULL ) { ierror(NULL,103); return 20; }
- if ( (dest=Open(namedest, MODE_NEWFILE)) == NULL )
- { pError(namedest); goto fail1; }
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- if ( (sou=Open(av[i], MODE_OLDFILE)) == NULL ) pError(av[i]);
- else
- while( (n=Read(sou, buffer, 8192L)) > 0 )
- if (Write(dest, buffer, n) != n)
- { pError(namedest); Close(sou); goto fail2; }
- Close(sou);
- }
- fail2:
- Close(dest);
- fail1:
- free(buffer);
- return 0;
- }
- #define BUFDIM 512L
- #define MAXSTR 256
- int minstr;
- static int
- strings_in_file(long mask, char *s, char *path)
- {
- long n,i;
- char c;
- char readbuf[BUFDIM+1], strbuf[MAXSTR+1];
- BPTR fh;
- int strctr=0;
- BOOL out, hdout = TRUE; /* hdout = header output */
- BOOL usestdin = (s==NULL);
- BOOL inter = IsInteractive(Output());
- prepscroll(0);
- if (usestdin)
- fh = Input();
- else
- fh = Open(s,MODE_OLDFILE);
- if (fh) {
- while ( (n=Read(fh, readbuf, BUFDIM))>0 && !CHECKBREAK() )
- for (i=0; i<n && !CHECKBREAK(); i++) { /* GMD: speed up ^C reaction */
- c=readbuf[i];
- if (c<0x20 || c>0x7f) {
- out=(strctr>=minstr);
- if (!out) strctr=0;
- } else {
- strbuf[strctr++]=c;
- out=(strctr>=BUFDIM);
- }
- if (out) {
- strbuf[strctr]='\0';
- if (options&8 && hdout) {
- printf("Strings in %s (len>=%d):\n",path?path:"STDIN",minstr);
- hdout=FALSE;
- }
- printf("%s%s%s%s%s\n",
- (options&4) ? (path?path:"STDIN") : "",
- (options&4) ? ": " : "",
- (options&2) ? "|" : "",
- strbuf,
- (options&2) ? "|" : "");
- #if 0
- if (options&2) {
- printf("%s: |%s|\n",path?path:"STDIN",strbuf);
- }
- else {
- if (hdout) {
- printf("Strings in %s (len>=%d):\n",path?path:"STDIN",minstr);
- hdout=FALSE;
- }
- puts(strbuf);
- }
- #endif
- if (inter) fflush(stdout);
- quickscroll();
- strctr=0;
- }
- }
- /* only close file if not standard input */
- if (!usestdin)
- Close(fh);
- } else
- pError(s);
- return 0;
- }
- do_strings( void )
- {
- if (isnum(av[ac-1])) {
- minstr = myatoi(av[--ac],1,255);
- if (atoierr) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Need a valid string length parameter (1-255)!\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- minstr = 4;
- if (ac<2)
- strings_in_file(0, NULL, NULL);
- else
- all_args( strings_in_file, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- do_open( void )
- {
- long mode;
- int n;
- switch (toupper(av[2][0])) {
- case 'R': mode=MODE_OLDFILE; break;
- case 'W': mode=MODE_NEWFILE; break;
- default : ierror(NULL,500); return 1;
- }
- n=myatoi(av[3],0,MAXMYFILES-1); if (atoierr) return 20;
- if (myfile[n]) myclose(n);
- myfile[n]=Open(av[1],mode);
- return myfile[n]==NULL;
- }
- do_close( void )
- {
- int i, n;
- if (ac==1)
- for (i=1; i<MAXMYFILES; i++)
- myclose(i);
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- n=myatoi(av[i],0,MAXMYFILES-1); if (atoierr) return 20;
- myclose(n);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- myclose(int n)
- {
- if (myfile[n]) { Close(myfile[n]); myfile[n]=NULL; }
- }
- do_fileslist( void )
- {
- int i, flag=0;
- printf("Open files:");
- for (i=0; i<MAXMYFILES; i++)
- if (myfile[i]) { printf(" %d",i); flag=1; }
- if (!flag) printf(" None!");
- printf("\n");
- return 0;
- }
- extOpen( char *name, long mode )
- {
- if (name[0]=='.' && name[1]>='0' && name[1]<='9')
- return myfile[atoi(name+1)];
- return Open(name,mode);
- }
- void
- extClose(BPTR fh)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<MAXMYFILES; i++)
- if (myfile[i]==fh) return;
- Close(fh);
- }
- do_basename( void )
- {
- char *res;
- int i;
- for( i=2; i<ac; i++ )
- av[i]=FilePart(av[i]);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, av[1], res=compile_av(av,2,ac,0xA0,0));
- free(res);
- return 0;
- }
- do_tackon( void )
- {
- char buf[256];
- strcpy(buf, av[2]);
- AddPart(buf, av[3], 256L);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, av[1], buf);
- return 0;
- }
- extern char shellres[];
- do_resident( void )
- {
- struct Segment *seg;
- char buf[256],devname[256];
- char **dev_list1=NULL,**dev_list2=NULL;
- long dev_num1=0,dev_num2=0,i;
- if (options==0 && ac>1) options=1;
- switch (options) {
- case 0:
- Forbid();
- seg = (struct Segment *)BADDR(((struct DosInfo *)BADDR(DOSBase->dl_Root->rn_Info))->di_NetHand);
- while (seg) {
- BtoCStr(devname,MKBADDR(seg->seg_Name),254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- if (seg->seg_UC >= 0) {
- sprintf(buf,"%-18s%4.1ld",devname,seg->seg_UC-1);
- add_array_list(&dev_list1,&dev_num1,buf);
- }
- else {
- switch (seg->seg_UC) {
- sprintf(buf,"%-18s%s",devname,"INTERNAL");
- add_array_list(&dev_list2,&dev_num2,buf);
- break;
- case CMD_SYSTEM:
- /* don't print this */ /*
- sprintf(buf,"%-18s%s",devname,"SYSTEM");
- add_array_list(&dev_list2,&dev_num2,buf);
- */
- break;
- sprintf(buf,"%-18s%s",devname,"DISABLED");
- add_array_list(&dev_list2,&dev_num2,buf);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(buf,"%-18s%s",devname,"UNKNOWN");
- add_array_list(&dev_list2,&dev_num2,buf);
- break;
- }
- }
- seg = (struct Segment *)BADDR(seg->seg_Next);
- }
- Permit();
- printf("NAME USE COUNT\n\n");
- QuickSort(dev_list1,dev_num1);
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<dev_num1; i++)
- printf("%s\n",dev_list1[i]);
- free_array_list(dev_list1,dev_num1);
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<dev_num2; i++)
- printf("%s\n",dev_list2[i]);
- free_array_list(dev_list2,dev_num2);
- break;
- case 1:
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++)
- if (loadres(av[i]))
- printf("OK! %s is now resident\n", FilePart(av[i]));
- else
- pError(av[i]);
- break;
- case 2:
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- Forbid();
- if (seg=FindSegment(av[i],NULL,0L)) {
- if (RemSegment(seg)) {
- Permit();
- printf("Removed %s\n",av[i]);
- }
- else {
- Permit();
- ierror(av[i],ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE);
- }
- }
- else {
- Permit();
- ierror(av[i],ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- if( !o_resident ) {
- /* AMK: OS20-SetVar replaces ARP-Setenv */
- SetVar(shellres,"1",-1L,GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY|GVF_BINARY_VAR);
- o_resident=1;
- }
- sprintf(buf,"res_%s",FilePart(av[i]));
- /* AMK: OS20-SetVar replaces ARP-Setenv */
- }
- break;
- default:
- ierror(NULL,500);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- loadres(char *s)
- {
- BPTR seg;
- BOOL okay = FALSE;
- if (seg=NewLoadSeg(s,NULL))
- okay=AddSegment(FilePart(s),seg,1L);
- return (okay);
- }
- #define FIRSTCOMMAND 4
- extern BPTR redir_out, redir_in;
- extern int find_command2( char * );
- struct TagItem tags[]={
- {SYS_Input, 0},
- {SYS_Output, 0},
- {SYS_Asynch, 1},
- {TAG_DONE, 0} };
- do_truerun(char *avline, int backflag)
- {
- BPTR input, output;
- char *args;
- char *new_args;
- char *aliastxt;
- int err;
- int cmdnum;
- BOOL execcsh = FALSE;
- if (backflag) {
- input = Open("NIL:",MODE_NEWFILE);
- output = Open("NIL:",MODE_NEWFILE);
- } else {
- input = redir_in ? redir_in : Open("NIL:",MODE_NEWFILE);
- if (redir_out)
- output = redir_out;
- #if 0
- else if (Output() && IsInteractive(Output())) {
- if (((struct FileHandle *)BADDR(Output()))->fh_Port!=DOSFALSE) {
- struct MsgPort *old;
- old = SetConsoleTask(((struct FileHandle *)BADDR(Output()))->fh_Type);
- output = Open("CONSOLE:",MODE_OLDFILE);
- (void)SetConsoleTask(old);
- }
- }
- #else
- else if (output = Open("CONSOLE:",MODE_OLDFILE)) {
- }
- #endif
- else
- output = Open("NIL:",MODE_NEWFILE);
- }
- cmdnum = find_command2(av[1]);
- /* kprintf("find_command2(av[1]) : %d\n",cmdnum); */
- if (cmdnum >= FIRSTCOMMAND)
- execcsh = TRUE;
- if (aliastxt=get_var(LEVEL_ALIAS,av[1])) {
- execcsh = TRUE;
- /*kprintf("do_truerun: %s is alias = %s\n",av[1],aliastxt);*/
- }
- /* kprintf("run (avline,unparsed): %s\n",avline); */
- args=compile_av(av,1,ac,' ',1);
- tags[0].ti_Data= input;
- tags[1].ti_Data= output;
- /* kprintf("run (args,parsed) : %s\n",args); */
- /* execcsh ist bei "alias sl search; run sl" ja noch korrekt,
- aber bei "alias clc calculator; run clc" kommt nur Mist raus */
- if (execcsh) {
- if (new_args = malloc(strlen(args)+strlen("csh -c ")+1)) {
- sprintf(new_args,"csh -c %s",args);
- /* kprintf("run (new_args) : %s\n",new_args); */
- err=System( new_args, tags );
- free(new_args);
- }
- else
- err = -1;
- }
- else {
- /* kprintf("run (args) : %s\n",args); */
- err = System( args, tags );
- }
- if( err!=0 ) {
- Close( tags[0].ti_Data );
- Close( tags[1].ti_Data );
- pError(av[1]);
- }
- free(args);
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- extern BPTR redir_out, redir_in;
- static struct ProcessControlBlock pcb={
- 4000, /* pcb_StackSize */
- 0, /* pcb_Pri */
- };
- /* remaining fields are NULL */
- do_truerun(char *avline, int backflag)
- {
- char name[100], *args, buf[10];
- int cli;
- args=next_word(next_word(avline));
- if (backflag) {
- pcb.pcb_Control= 0;
- pcb.pcb_Input = Open("NIL:",MODE_OLDFILE);
- pcb.pcb_Output = Open("NIL:",MODE_OLDFILE);
- } else {
- pcb.pcb_Control= 0;
- pcb.pcb_Input = redir_in;
- pcb.pcb_Output = redir_out;
- }
- if((cli=ASyncRun(av[1],args,&pcb))<0)
- if (dofind(av[1], "", name,v_path))
- cli=ASyncRun(name,args,&pcb);
- if( cli<0 && cli >= -11 ) {
- if( redir_out ) extClose( redir_out );
- if( redir_in ) extClose( redir_in );
- }
- sprintf(buf,"%d",cli);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET,"_newproc",buf);
- if( cli<0 ) {
- ierror(av[1],205);
- return 20;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- int
- exists( char *name )
- {
- BPTR lock;
- char *nam=FilePart(name);
- int ret=0;
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if ( strlen(nam)<=MAXFILENAME && (lock=Lock(name,ACCESS_READ))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- ret=1;
- }
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- return ret;
- }
- int
- mounted( char *dev )
- {
- struct DosList *dl;
- int gotcha = FALSE;
- char devname[256];
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while ((!gotcha) && (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags))) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- if (stricmp(devname,dev)==0)
- gotcha = TRUE;
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- return (gotcha);
- }
- #define HTYPELINE 16L
- static int
- htype_a_file(long mask, char *s, char *path)
- {
- BPTR fh;
- long n, filesize=0;
- char out[80], *put;
- int i, inter=IsInteractive(Output());
- BOOL usestdin = (s==NULL);
- if (usestdin)
- fh = Input();
- else
- fh = Open(s,MODE_OLDFILE);
- if (fh==NULL) { pError(s); return 20; }
- prepscroll(0);
- while ( (n=Read(fh,(char *)buf,HTYPELINE))>0 && !dobreak()) {
- put=out;
- put+=sprintf(put,"%06lx: ",filesize);
- filesize+=n;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- put+=sprintf( put,(i&3) ? "%02x" : " %02x",buf[i]);
- if ((buf[i]&127)<0x20) buf[i]='.';
- }
- for ( ; i<HTYPELINE; i++) {
- put+=sprintf( put, (i&3) ? " " : " ");
- buf[i]=' ';
- }
- buf[i]=0;
- sprintf(put," %s",buf);
- puts(out);
- if( inter ) fflush(stdout);
- quickscroll();
- }
- /* only close file if not standard input */
- if (!usestdin)
- Close(fh);
- return 0;
- }
- do_htype( void )
- {
- if (ac<2)
- htype_a_file(0, NULL, NULL);
- else
- all_args( htype_a_file, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- #define STACK_MIN_FREE 10000
- do_stack( void )
- {
- long n;
- if (ac>1) {
- if (isnum(av[1])) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- n=atol(av[1]);
- if ( n < 1600 )
- printf("Requested size too small\n");
- else if ( n > (AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)-STACK_MIN_FREE) )
- printf("Requested size too large\n");
- else
- Mycli->cli_DefaultStack=(long)(n >> 2L);
- }
- else {
- ierror(av[1],511); /* AMK: message if error */
- return 20;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (options&1)
- printf("%ld\n",(long)Mycli->cli_DefaultStack << 2L);
- else
- printf("current stack size is %ld bytes\n",
- (long)Mycli->cli_DefaultStack << 2L);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_fault( void )
- {
- PERROR *p;
- int i, n;
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- n=myatoi(av[i],0,32767);
- if (!atoierr) {
- for (p=Perror; p->errnum && p->errnum!=n; p++);
- if (p->errnum)
- printf("Fault %d: %s\n",n,p->errstr);
- else
- printf("Fault %d not recognized\n",n);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- struct rpncommand {
- char *str;
- int parsin, parsout;
- };
- static struct rpncommand rpn[]={
- "+", 2, 1,
- "-", 2, 1,
- "*", 2, 1,
- "/", 2, 1,
- "%", 2, 1,
- "&", 2, 1,
- "|", 2, 1,
- "~", 1, 1,
- ">", 2, 1,
- "<", 2, 1,
- "==", 2, 1,
- "!", 1, 1,
- "MAX", 2, 1,
- "MIN", 2, 1,
- "DUP", 1, 2,
- "DROP", 1, 0,
- "SWAP", 2, 2,
- "HELP", 0, 0,
- NULL, 0, 1, /* this looks for a number */
- };
- static long stack[50];
- static int sp;
- eval_rpn( char **av, int ac, int flag )
- {
- char *zero="Division by zero\n";
- struct rpncommand *temp;
- long n0, n1, t;
- int j, i=0, oldsp=sp;
- for (; i<ac; i++) {
- for (j=0; rpn[j].str && stricmp(rpn[j].str,av[i]); j++) ;
- n0=stack[sp-1];
- n1=stack[sp-2];
- sp -= (rpn[j].parsin);
- if (sp<0) { fprintf(stderr, "RPN: Empty stack\n"); goto error; }
- switch (j) {
- case 0: n0 += n1; break;
- case 1: n0 = n1-n0; break;
- case 2: n0 *= n1; break;
- case 3: if(n0) n0=n1/n0; else fprintf(stderr,zero); break;
- case 4: if(n0) n0=n1%n0; else fprintf(stderr,zero); break;
- case 5: n0 &= n1; break;
- case 6: n0 |= n1; break;
- case 7: n0 = ~n0 ; break;
- case 8: n0 = (n1 > n0); break;
- case 9: n0 = (n1 < n0); break;
- case 10: n0 = (n0 == n1); break;
- case 11: n0 = !n0; break;
- case 12: n0=n1>n0 ? n1 : n0; break;
- case 13: n0=n1<n0 ? n1 : n0; break;
- case 14: n1=n0; break;
- case 15: t=n0; n0=n1; n1=t; break;
- case 16: break;
- case 17: printf("In Commands Out\n");
- for (temp=rpn; temp->str; temp++)
- printf(" %d %-10s%d\n",
- temp->parsin,temp->str,temp->parsout);
- break;
- default: n0=atol(av[i]);
- if (!isnum(av[i])) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad RPN cmd: %s\n",av[i]);
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- }
- stack[sp]=n0;
- stack[sp+1]=n1;
- sp += rpn[j].parsout;
- }
- if( flag && sp-1)
- fprintf(
- stderr,
- "RPN: Stack not empty\n"
- );
- t=sp; sp=oldsp;
- if( flag )
- return stack[t-1]; /* return top value */
- else
- return t-sp;
- error:
- sp=oldsp;
- return 0;
- }
- do_rpn(char *garbage,int ifflag) /* ifflag!=0 if called from if */
- {
- int i=1;
- long t;
- t=eval_rpn( av+i, ac-i, ifflag );
- if (ifflag) return t; /* called from if: return top value */
- for (i=sp+t-1;i>=sp;i--) printf("%ld\n", stack[i]);/* else print stack */
- return t ? 0 : 20;
- }
- void *DosAllocMem(long size)
- {
- return( AllocVec(size,MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC) );
- }
- void DosFreeMem(void *block)
- {
- FreeVec(block);
- }
- /* do_rehash related stuff ... */
- #define PATHHASH_RSRC "CSH-PathHash"
- #define PATHHASH_SEMA "CSH-PathHash"
- struct PathHashRsrc {
- struct Library phr_Lib;
- struct SignalSemaphore phr_Sema;
- long phr_entries;
- char *phr_data;
- };
- char *get_rehash_prog(char *last,char *progname)
- {
- long i;
- char *filepart;
- if (last) {
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num && prghash_list[i]!=last; i++)
- ;
- for(++i; i<prghash_num; i++) {
- if (filepart=FilePart(prghash_list[i])) {
- if (strnicmp(progname,filepart,strlen(progname))==0)
- return( prghash_list[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num; i++) {
- if (filepart=FilePart(prghash_list[i])) {
- if (strnicmp(progname,filepart,strlen(progname))==0)
- return( prghash_list[i] );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- }
- void resolve_multiassign(char *ma,char ***dev_list,long *dev_num)
- {
- struct DosList *dl;
- struct AssignList *path;
- ULONG flags;
- char *colon;
- char fmt[256],devname[256];
- colon = strchr(ma,':');
- if (colon && (dl=LockDosList(flags))) {
- *colon = '\0';
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- if (stricmp(devname,ma)==0) {
- if (dl->dol_Type == DLT_DIRECTORY) {
- if(dl->dol_Lock) {
- if (NameFromLock(dl->dol_Lock,fmt,255L)) {
- if (*(colon+1))
- AddPart(fmt,colon+1,255);
- add_array_list(dev_list,dev_num,fmt);
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.resolve_multiassign.1: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- }
- }
- else
- printf("Nonexisting lock (1) %s\n",devname);
- if (path=dl->dol_misc.dol_assign.dol_List) {
- for (; path; path=path->al_Next) {
- if (dl->dol_Lock) {
- if (NameFromLock(path->al_Lock,fmt,255L)) {
- if (*(colon+1))
- AddPart(fmt,colon+1,255);
- add_array_list(dev_list,dev_num,fmt);
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.resolve_multiassign.2: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- }
- }
- else
- printf("Nonexisting lock (2) %s\n",devname);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- *colon = ':';
- }
- }
- void remove_local_pathhash(void)
- {
- free_array_list(prghash_list,prghash_num);
- prghash_list = NULL;
- prghash_num = 0;
- }
- BOOL remove_global_pathhash(void)
- {
- struct PathHashRsrc *rsrc;
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- Forbid();
- if (rsrc = OpenResource(PATHHASH_RSRC)) {
- if (rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_OpenCnt == 0) {
- RemResource(rsrc);
- RemSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- FreeVec(rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Name);
- FreeVec(rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name);
- if (rsrc->phr_data) FreeVec(rsrc->phr_data);
- FreeVec(rsrc);
- success = TRUE;
- }
- }
- Permit();
- return(success);
- }
- void load_pathhash_from_mem(struct PathHashRsrc *rsrc)
- {
- char *cp;
- long i;
- remove_local_pathhash();
- cp = rsrc->phr_data;
- for (i=rsrc->phr_entries; i>0; i--) {
- add_array_list(&prghash_list,&prghash_num,cp);
- cp += strlen(cp)+1;
- }
- }
- void save_pathhash_to_mem(struct PathHashRsrc *rsrc,long hashlen)
- {
- char *new_data;
- if (new_data = AllocVec(hashlen,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- long slen,i;
- /* free old path hash data */
- if (rsrc->phr_data) FreeVec(rsrc->phr_data);
- /* set new memory pointer */
- rsrc->phr_data = new_data;
- /* copy path hash data to memory */
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num; i++) {
- slen = strlen(prghash_list[i])+1;
- CopyMem(prghash_list[i],new_data,slen);
- new_data += slen;
- }
- /* set new number of entries */
- rsrc->phr_entries = prghash_num;
- }
- }
- do_rehash( void )
- {
- /*
- (re-)build internal hash-list (no option)
- -c : clear hash-list from memory (options&1)
- -l : load hash-list from disk to memory (options&2)
- -o : output hash-list from memory (options&4)
- -s : save hash-list from memory to disk (options&8)
- -g : free global hash-list (options&16)
- */
- struct PathHashRsrc *rsrc;
- long i;
- char buf[256];
- if (options&1) { /* clear hash-list */
- remove_local_pathhash();
- }
- else if (options&2) { /* load hash-list */
- FILE *fp;
- char *lf,*fname;
- BOOL readin = FALSE;
- if (!(fname=get_var(LEVEL_SET,v_prghash))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"$_prghash unset\n");
- return 20;
- }
- Forbid();
- if (!(rsrc = OpenResource(PATHHASH_RSRC))) {
- if (rsrc=AllocVec(sizeof(struct PathHashRsrc),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Type = NT_RESOURCE;
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- if (rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name=AllocVec(strlen(PATHHASH_RSRC)+1,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- strcpy(rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name,PATHHASH_RSRC);
- if (rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Name=AllocVec(strlen(PATHHASH_SEMA)+1,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- strcpy(rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Name,PATHHASH_SEMA);
- rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Pri = 0;
- AddSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- AddResource(rsrc);
- readin = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- FreeVec(rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name);
- FreeVec(rsrc);
- }
- }
- else {
- FreeVec(rsrc);
- }
- }
- }
- if (rsrc) {
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_OpenCnt++;
- if (readin)
- ObtainSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- else
- ObtainSemaphoreShared(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- }
- Permit();
- if (!rsrc) {
- printf("csh: cannot create resource\n");
- return 10;
- }
- /* clear old list -- if any */
- remove_local_pathhash();
- if (readin) {
- long hashlen = 0;
- if (fp=fopen(fname,"r")) {
- while (fgets(buf,255,fp)) {
- if (lf=strchr(buf,'\n')) {
- *lf = '\0';
- }
- add_array_list(&prghash_list,&prghash_num,buf);
- hashlen += strlen(buf)+1;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- else
- pError(fname);
- save_pathhash_to_mem(rsrc,hashlen);
- }
- else {
- load_pathhash_from_mem(rsrc);
- }
- Forbid();
- ReleaseSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_OpenCnt--;
- Permit();
- }
- else if (options&4) { /* output hash-list */
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<prghash_num; i++)
- printf("%s\n",prghash_list[i]);
- }
- else if (options&8) { /* save hash-list */
- FILE *fp;
- char *fname;
- if (!(fname=get_var(LEVEL_SET,v_prghash))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"$_prghash unset\n");
- return 20;
- }
- if (fp=fopen(fname,"w")) {
- for(i=0; i<prghash_num; i++)
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",prghash_list[i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- else
- pError(fname);
- }
- else if (options&16) { /* free global hash-list */
- if (!remove_global_pathhash())
- printf("csh: cannot clear, currently in use or does not exist\n");
- }
- else {
- BPTR lock;
- struct PathList *pl;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- char **path_list = NULL;
- long path_num = 0;
- long hashlen = 0;
- long slen;
- /* clear old list -- if any */
- remove_local_pathhash();
- Forbid();
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(Mycli->cli_CommandDir);
- while (pl) {
- if (pl->pl_PathLock) {
- if (NameFromLock(pl->pl_PathLock,buf,255L))
- add_array_list(&path_list,&path_num,buf);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.do_rehash: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- }
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(pl->pl_NextPath);
- }
- Permit();
- resolve_multiassign("C:",&path_list,&path_num);
- if (fib=AllocVec(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<path_num; i++) {
- if (lock=Lock(path_list[i],SHARED_LOCK)) {
- if (Examine(lock,fib)) {
- while (!dobreak() && ExNext(lock,fib)) {
- if (fib->fib_DirEntryType<0 && (!(fib->fib_Protection&FIBF_EXECUTE) || fib->fib_Protection&FIBF_SCRIPT)) {
- slen = strlen(fib->fib_FileName);
- if (slen<5 || stricmp(fib->fib_FileName+slen-5,".info")!=0) {
- strcpy(buf,path_list[i]);
- if (AddPart(buf,fib->fib_FileName,255)) {
- add_array_list(&prghash_list,&prghash_num,buf);
- hashlen += strlen(buf)+1;
- }
- else {
- printf("path too long: %s -> %s\n",path_list[i],fib->fib_FileName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- }
- FreeVec(fib);
- }
- free_array_list(path_list,path_num);
- Forbid();
- if (!(rsrc = OpenResource(PATHHASH_RSRC))) {
- if (rsrc=AllocVec(sizeof(struct PathHashRsrc),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Type = NT_RESOURCE;
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- if (rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name=AllocVec(strlen(PATHHASH_RSRC)+1,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- strcpy(rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name,PATHHASH_RSRC);
- if (rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Name=AllocVec(strlen(PATHHASH_SEMA)+1,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- strcpy(rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Name,PATHHASH_SEMA);
- rsrc->phr_Sema.ss_Link.ln_Pri = 0;
- AddSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- AddResource(rsrc);
- }
- else {
- FreeVec(rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_Node.ln_Name);
- FreeVec(rsrc);
- }
- }
- else {
- FreeVec(rsrc);
- }
- }
- }
- if (rsrc) {
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_OpenCnt++;
- ObtainSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- }
- Permit();
- if (!rsrc) {
- printf("csh: cannot create resource\n");
- return 10;
- }
- save_pathhash_to_mem(rsrc,hashlen);
- Forbid();
- ReleaseSemaphore(&rsrc->phr_Sema);
- rsrc->phr_Lib.lib_OpenCnt--;
- Permit();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_path( void )
- {
- struct Process *proc;
- BPTR lock,dup_lock;
- long mycli,clinum,mincli,maxcli;
- struct PathList *pl,*new_pl,*old,*last;
- char buf[256];
- int i;
- if ( options&1 ) {
- long noram = 0;
- Forbid();
- mincli = 1;
- maxcli = MaxCli();
- mycli = Myprocess->pr_TaskNum;
- if (!(options&2))
- mincli = maxcli = mycli;
- for (clinum = mincli; clinum<=maxcli; clinum++) {
- if (proc=FindCliProc(clinum)) {
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(CLI(proc)->cli_CommandDir);
- while (pl) {
- if (pl->pl_PathLock) {
- UnLock(pl->pl_PathLock);
- }
- old = pl;
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(pl->pl_NextPath);
- if (TypeOfMem(old) && ((ULONG)old & 4L))
- DosFreeMem( old );
- else
- ++noram;
- }
- CLI(proc)->cli_CommandDir=NULL;
- }
- }
- Permit();
- if (noram>0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%ld structure%s (%ld bytes) not freed, memory isn't in known RAM\n",
- noram,
- (noram>1) ? "s":"",
- noram*sizeof(struct PathList));
- }
- } else if( ac==1 ) {
- char **dev_list=NULL;
- long dev_num=0,i;
- puts("Current dir");
- Forbid();
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(Mycli->cli_CommandDir);
- while (pl) {
- if (pl->pl_PathLock) {
- if (NameFromLock(pl->pl_PathLock,buf,255L))
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,buf);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.do_path: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- }
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(pl->pl_NextPath);
- }
- Permit();
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<dev_num; i++)
- printf("%s\n",dev_list[i]);
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- if (!dobreak())
- puts("C:");
- return 0;
- }
- for( i=1; i<ac; i++ ) {
- if( !(lock=Lock(av[i],ACCESS_READ)) ) {
- ierror(av[i],205);
- continue;
- }
- if( !isdir(av[i])) {
- ierror(av[i],212);
- UnLock(lock);
- continue;
- }
- Forbid();
- mincli = 1;
- maxcli = MaxCli();
- mycli = Myprocess->pr_TaskNum;
- if (!(options&2))
- mincli = maxcli = mycli;
- for (clinum = mincli; clinum<=maxcli; clinum++) {
- if (proc=FindCliProc(clinum)) {
- if (options&2)
- dup_lock = DupLock(lock);
- else
- dup_lock = lock;
- last = pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(CLI(proc)->cli_CommandDir);
- while (pl && dup_lock) {
- last = pl;
- if (pl->pl_PathLock) {
- if (SameLock(pl->pl_PathLock,dup_lock)==LOCK_SAME) {
- UnLock(dup_lock);
- dup_lock=NULL;
- }
- }
- pl = (struct PathList *)BADDR(pl->pl_NextPath);
- }
- if (dup_lock) {
- if (new_pl=DosAllocMem( sizeof(struct PathList) )) {
- new_pl->pl_NextPath = NULL;
- new_pl->pl_PathLock = dup_lock;
- if (last)
- last->pl_NextPath = MKBADDR(new_pl);
- else
- CLI(proc)->cli_CommandDir = MKBADDR(new_pl);
- }
- else
- UnLock(dup_lock);
- }
- }
- }
- Permit();
- if (options&2)
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_pri( void )
- {
- int t, pri;
- struct Process *proc;
- t=(LONG)MaxCli();
- t=myatoi(av[1],0,t); if (atoierr) return 20;
- pri=myatoi(av[2],-128,127); if (atoierr) return 20;
- Forbid();
- proc=(t==0 ? Myprocess : FindCliProc((LONG)t));
- if (proc==NULL) fprintf(stderr, "process not found\n");
- else SetTaskPri((struct Task *)proc, (long)pri);
- Permit();
- return 0;
- }
- do_strleft( void )
- {
- int n;
- n=posatoi(av[3]); if (atoierr) return 20;
- set_var_n(LEVEL_SET, av[1], av[2], n);
- return 0;
- }
- do_strright( void )
- {
- int n, len=strlen(av[2]);
- n=posatoi(av[3]); if (atoierr) return 20;
- if( n>len ) n=len;
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, av[1], av[2]+len-n );
- return 0;
- }
- do_strmid( void )
- {
- int n1, n2=999999, len=strlen(av[2]);
- n1=myatoi(av[3],1,999999)-1; if (atoierr) return 20;
- if (n1>len) n1=len;
- if (ac>4) {
- n2=posatoi(av[4]); if (atoierr) return 20;
- }
- set_var_n(LEVEL_SET, av[1], av[2]+n1, n2);
- return 0;
- }
- do_strlen( void )
- {
- char buf[16];
- sprintf(buf,"%d",strlen(av[2]));
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, av[1], buf);
- return 0;
- }
- int atoierr;
- myatoi(char *s,int mmin,int mmax)
- {
- int n;
- atoierr=0; /* GMD: initialise external flag! */
- n=atol(s);
- if (!isnum(s)) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- atoierr=1;
- ierror(s,511);
- }
- else if (n<mmin || n>mmax) {
- /*fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) not in (%d,%d)\n",s,n,mmin,mmax );*/
- fprintf( stderr, "%s not in (%d,%d)\n",s,mmin,mmax );
- atoierr=1; n=mmin;
- }
- return n;
- }
- unlatoi(char *s)
- {
- int n=atol(s);
- atoierr=0;
- if (!isnum(s)) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- atoierr=1;
- ierror(s,511);
- n=0;
- }
- return n;
- }
- posatoi(char *s)
- {
- int n=atol(s);
- atoierr=0;
- if (!isnum(s)) { /* AMK: IoErr() replaced by isnum() */
- atoierr=1;
- ierror(s,511);
- n=0;
- }
- else if (n<0 )
- atoierr=1, n=0, fprintf( stderr, "%s must be positive\n",s );
- return n;
- }
- do_fltlower( void )
- {
- return line_filter( strlwr );
- }
- do_fltupper( void )
- {
- return line_filter( strupr );
- }
- #if 0
- char *
- stripcr( char *get )
- {
- char *old=get, *put;
- for( put=get; *get; get++ )
- if( *get!=13 )
- *put++ = *get;
- *put++=0;
- return old;
- }
- do_fltstripcr( void )
- {
- return line_filter( stripcr );
- }
- #endif
- static int
- line_filter( char *(*func)( char * ) )
- {
- char buf[256];
- while (!CHECKBREAK() && myfgets(buf,stdin))
- puts((*func)(buf));
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_linecnt( void )
- {
- int count=0;
- char buf[256];
- while (!CHECKBREAK() && fgets(buf,255,stdin)) ++count;
- printf("%d lines\n",count);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_uniq( void )
- {
- int firstline=1;
- char buf[256], oldbuf[256];
- while (!CHECKBREAK() && myfgets(buf,stdin)) {
- if ( firstline || strcmp(buf, oldbuf)) {
- strcpy(oldbuf, buf);
- puts(buf);
- }
- firstline=0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #define RXFB_RESULT 17
- #define RXCOMM 0x01000000
- static struct rexxmsg {
- struct Message rm_Node; /* EXEC message structure */
- APTR rm_TaskBlock; /* global structure (private) */
- APTR rm_LibBase; /* library base (private) */
- LONG rm_Action; /* command (action) code */
- LONG rm_Result1; /* primary result (return code) */
- LONG rm_Result2; /* secondary result */
- STRPTR rm_Args[16]; /* argument block (ARG0-ARG15) */
- struct MsgPort *rm_PassPort; /* forwarding port */
- STRPTR rm_CommAddr; /* host address (port name) */
- STRPTR rm_FileExt; /* file extension */
- LONG rm_Stdin; /* input stream (filehandle) */
- LONG rm_Stdout; /* output stream (filehandle) */
- LONG rm_avail; /* future expansion */
- } mymsg; /* size: 128 bytes */
- do_rxsend( char *avline )
- {
- int i, ret=0;
- long result;
- struct MsgPort *port, *reply;
- long len;
- char buf[20], *resptr;
- if (!(port = (struct MsgPort *)FindPort(av[1])))
- { fprintf(stderr, "No port %s!\n", av[1]); return 20; }
- mymsg.rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- mymsg.rm_Node.mn_Length = sizeof(struct rexxmsg);
- mymsg.rm_Action = RXCOMM | (options&1 ? 1L << RXFB_RESULT : 0);
- if (!(reply = CreateMsgPort())) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No reply port\n");
- return 20;
- }
- mymsg.rm_Node.mn_ReplyPort = reply;
- if( options&2 )
- av[2]=compile_av( av,2,ac,' ',0), ac=3;
- for ( i=2; i<ac; i++) {
- mymsg.rm_Args[0] = av[i];
- mymsg.rm_Result2 = 0; /* clear out the last result. */
- PutMsg(port, &mymsg.rm_Node);
- Wait( 1<<reply->mp_SigBit | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C );
- if( CHECKBREAK() ) {
- ret=5;
- break;
- }
- if (options&1) {
- if( (result=mymsg.rm_Result2)<1000000 ) { /* like AREXX */
- sprintf(buf,"%d",result);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET,v_result,buf);
- } else {
- resptr=(char *)(result-4);
- len = *(long *)resptr;
- memmove(resptr,resptr+4,len); /* Null terminate */
- resptr[len]=0;
- set_var(LEVEL_SET,v_result,resptr);
- FreeMem(resptr, len+4 );
- }
- } else
- unset_var( LEVEL_SET, v_result );
- }
- if( options&2 )
- free( av[2] );
- if (reply) DeleteMsgPort(reply);
- return ret;
- }
- static char *rxreturn;
- do_rxrec( void )
- {
- struct MsgPort *port;
- struct rexxmsg *msg;
- char *portname, *str;
- if (ac > 1)
- portname=av[1];
- else
- portname="rexx_csh";
- if (!(port=CreateMsgPort())) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't have MsgPort %s\n", portname);
- return 20;
- }
- port->mp_Node.ln_Name = portname;
- port->mp_Node.ln_Pri = 0;
- AddPort(port);
- for (;;) {
- WaitPort(port);
- while (msg=(struct rexxmsg *)GetMsg(port)) {
- if ( ! stricmp(msg->rm_Args[0], "bye")) {
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- RemPort(port);
- DeleteMsgPort(port);
- return 0;
- }
- rxreturn=NULL;
- exec_command(msg->rm_Args[0]);
- if (msg->rm_Action & (1L << RXFB_RESULT)) {
- if( rxreturn ) {
- str= SAllocMem( strlen( rxreturn )+5 , 0 );
- *(long *)str=strlen( rxreturn );
- strcpy( str+4, rxreturn );
- msg->rm_Result2=(long)str;
- } else {
- str = get_var(LEVEL_SET, v_lasterr);
- msg->rm_Result2=(str) ? atoi(str) : 20;
- }
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- }
- }
- }
- int
- do_waitport( void )
- {
- int count=4*10;
- struct MsgPort *port=NULL;
- if( ac==3 )
- { count=2*myatoi(av[2],0, 32000); if( atoierr ) return 20; }
- while( --count>=0 && !(port=FindPort(av[1])) && !dobreak() )
- Delay(12);
- return port ? 0 : 20;
- }
- int
- do_rxreturn( void )
- {
- rxreturn=compile_av( av, 1, ac, ' ', 1 );
- return 0;
- }
- do_ascii( void )
- {
- int x=1, y, c, c1, t;
- char *fmt1=" %3d %c%c |", *fmt2=" %4d";
- if( options&1 ) fmt1=" %3o %c%c |", fmt2="%4o";
- if( options&2 ) fmt1=" %3x %c%c |", fmt2="%4x";
- if( ac==x )
- for( y=0; y<32 && !dobreak(); y++ ) {
- printf("|");
- for( x=0; x<8; x++ ) {
- c1=c=y+32*x; t=' ';
- if( c<32 ) t='^', c1+=64;
- printf(fmt1,c, t, c1<128 || c1>=160?c1:'.');
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- else
- for( ; x<ac && !dobreak(); x++ ) {
- for( y=0; y<strlen(av[x]); y++ )
- printf(fmt2,av[x][y]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- appendslash( char *path )
- {
- int c;
- if( (c=path[strlen(path)-1]) !='/' && c!=':' )
- strcat(path,"/");
- }
- static void
- whereis( char *path, char *file )
- {
- char **eav, buf[100];
- int eac, j;
- buf[0]=0;
- if( path ) {
- strcpy(buf,path);
- appendslash(buf);
- }
- strcat(buf,".../");
- strcat(buf,file);
- if( !index( file, '*' ) && !index( file, '?') )
- strcat(buf,"*");
- if(eav=expand(buf,&eac)) {
- for( j=0; j<eac && !dobreak(); j++ )
- printf("%s\n",eav[j]);
- free_expand(eav);
- }
- }
- do_whereis( void )
- {
- char buf[200], *prev, *devs;
- int i;
- if( index( av[1],':') || index( av[1],'/' ) )
- { fprintf(stderr,"No paths please\n"); return 20; };
- if( options&1 ) {
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- get_drives( devs=buf );
- do {
- prev=devs; devs=index(devs,0xA0);
- if( devs ) *devs++=0;
- whereis( prev, av[1] );
- } while( devs );
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : 0L/*Mywindow*/;
- } else if( ac==2 ) {
- whereis( NULL, av[1] );
- } else {
- for( i=2; i<ac; i++ ) {
- strcpy(buf,av[i]);
- appendslash( buf );
- whereis( buf, av[1] );
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_usage( void )
- {
- int i;
- if( ac==1 ) {
- printf("Usage: usage [command...command]\n");
- printf("[ ]=option [ | ]=choice { }=repetition name...name=1 or more names\n");
- } else
- for( i=1; i<ac; i++ )
- show_usage( av[i] );
- return 0;
- }
- /* these defines are new in OS 3.x */
- #ifndef WA_NewLookMenus
- #define WA_NewLookMenus (WA_Dummy + 0x30)
- #endif
- #ifndef GTMN_NewLookMenus
- #define GTMN_NewLookMenus GT_TagBase+67
- #endif
- #define WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS 0x00200000
- #endif
- static struct NewMenu *NewMenus = NULL;
- static int AnzMenus = 0, AnzItems = 1;
- static APTR *visualInfo = NULL;
- static struct Menu *menuStrip = NULL;
- static char *fontName = NULL;
- static struct TextAttr textAttr;
- static struct TextFont *textFont = NULL;
- char *MenuCommand[MAXMENUS][MAXMENUITEMS];
- do_menu( void )
- {
- if( o_nowindow || !Mywindow )
- return 5;
- if( options&1 )
- remove_menu();
- if( ac==2 )
- show_usage( NULL );
- else if( AnzMenus<MAXMENUS && ac!=1)
- install_menu( av+1, ac-1 );
- set_menu();
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- install_menu( char *mav[], int mac )
- {
- char *p, *com;
- long msize;
- struct NewMenu *new_NewMenus;
- int i;
- if (o_nowindow || !Mywindow)
- return;
- /* mac holds number of items, including title which counts as item */
- ClearMenuStrip( Mywindow );
- if (menuStrip) FreeMenus(menuStrip);
- if (visualInfo) FreeVisualInfo(visualInfo);
- Delay(3);
- msize = sizeof(struct NewMenu) * (mac+1 + AnzItems-1); /* one extra 'end' item */
- new_NewMenus = salloc(msize);
- memset(new_NewMenus,0,msize);
- if (NewMenus) {
- memcpy(new_NewMenus,NewMenus,sizeof(struct NewMenu)*(AnzItems-1));
- free(NewMenus);
- }
- else {
- int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<MAXMENUS; i++)
- for (j=0; j<MAXMENUITEMS; j++)
- MenuCommand[i][j] = NULL;
- }
- NewMenus = new_NewMenus;
- NewMenus[AnzItems-1].nm_Type = NM_TITLE;
- NewMenus[AnzItems-1].nm_Label = strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[0])+1),mav[0]);
- for( i=1; i<mac; i++) {
- com=NULL;
- if( p=index(mav[i],',')) {
- *p=0; com = ++p;
- if( p=index(com,',')) {
- *p=0;
- NewMenus[AnzItems].nm_CommKey = strdup(++p);
- }
- }
- if( !com || !*com) {
- com=strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[i])+2),mav[i]);
- MenuCommand[AnzMenus][i-1]=com;
- com+=strlen(com);
- *com++=13;
- *com=0;
- } else {
- MenuCommand[AnzMenus][i-1]=strcpy(salloc(strlen(com)+1),com);
- }
- NewMenus[AnzItems].nm_Type = NM_ITEM;
- NewMenus[AnzItems].nm_Label = strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[i])+2),mav[i]);
- AnzItems++;
- }
- AnzMenus++;
- NewMenus[AnzItems++].nm_Type = NM_END;
- if (!(visualInfo=GetVisualInfo(Mywindow->WScreen,TAG_END))) {
- printf("no visual info\n");
- free(NewMenus);
- }
- if (!(menuStrip=CreateMenus(NewMenus,TAG_END))) {
- printf("no create menus\n");
- FreeVisualInfo(visualInfo);
- free(NewMenus);
- }
- /* do we want a monospaced (non-proportional) font? */
- if (options&2 && !textFont && AnzMenus<=1) {
- Forbid();
- if (GfxBase->DefaultFont) {
- textAttr.ta_Name = fontName = strdup(GfxBase->DefaultFont->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name);
- textAttr.ta_YSize = GfxBase->DefaultFont->tf_YSize;
- }
- else {
- textAttr.ta_Name = "topaz.font";
- textAttr.ta_YSize = 8;
- }
- Permit();
- textAttr.ta_Style = FS_NORMAL;
- textAttr.ta_Flags = 0;
- if (textAttr.ta_Name)
- textFont = OpenDiskFont(&textAttr);
- }
- /*
- * "CON:" windows don't have the WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS flag set,
- * so that NewLook menus doesn't work :-(
- */
- #if 0
- if (Mywindow->Flags & WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS)
- kprintf("Found WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS.\n");
- else
- kprintf("Cannot find WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS.\n");
- /*
- Mywindow->Flags |= WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS;
- RefreshWindowFrame(Mywindow);
- */
- if (!LayoutMenus(menuStrip,visualInfo,
- GTMN_NewLookMenus, TRUE,
- textFont==NULL ? TAG_IGNORE : GTMN_TextAttr, &textAttr,
- #else
- if (!LayoutMenus(menuStrip,visualInfo,
- textFont==NULL ? TAG_IGNORE : GTMN_TextAttr, &textAttr,
- #endif
- {
- printf("csh: layout menus failed\n");
- FreeMenus(menuStrip);
- FreeVisualInfo(visualInfo);
- free(NewMenus);
- }
- return;
- }
- void remove_menu()
- {
- if (AnzMenus>0) {
- struct NewMenu *nm;
- int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<MAXMENUS; i++) {
- for (j=0 ;j<MAXMENUITEMS; j++)
- if (MenuCommand[i][j]) {
- free(MenuCommand[i][j]);
- MenuCommand[i][j] = NULL;
- }
- }
- for (nm=NewMenus; nm->nm_Type!=NM_END; nm++) {
- if (nm->nm_Label) {
- free(nm->nm_Label);
- nm->nm_Label = NULL;
- }
- if (nm->nm_CommKey) {
- free(nm->nm_CommKey);
- nm->nm_CommKey = NULL;
- }
- }
- AnzMenus=0;
- set_menu();
- }
- }
- void set_menu()
- {
- if (o_nowindow || !Mywindow)
- return;
- if (AnzMenus>0)
- SetMenuStrip(Mywindow,menuStrip);
- else {
- ClearMenuStrip(Mywindow);
- FreeMenus(menuStrip);
- FreeVisualInfo(visualInfo);
- free(NewMenus);
- menuStrip = NULL;
- visualInfo = NULL;
- NewMenus = NULL;
- AnzMenus = 0;
- AnzItems = 1;
- if (textFont) {
- CloseFont(textFont);
- textFont = NULL;
- }
- if (fontName) {
- free(fontName);
- fontName = NULL;
- }
- }
- Delay(3);
- }
- #if 0
- int NumMenus;
- static struct Menu DefaultMenu= {0, 0,0,TITWID,10, MENUENABLED,0,0};
- static struct IntuiText DefaultIntuiText= {0,1,JAM2, 1,1,NULL,0,0};
- static struct MenuItem DefaultMenuItem=
- struct Menu Menus[10];
- char *MenuCommand[MAXMENUS][MAXMENUITEMS];
- static void
- install_menu( char *mav[], int mac )
- {
- struct TextAttr *ta;
- struct Menu *m;
- struct MenuItem *mi, **pmi;
- struct IntuiText *it;
- int y, i, fonthei;
- char *p, *com;
- if( o_nowindow || !Mywindow )
- return;
- if( mac>=MAXMENUITEMS )
- ClearMenuStrip( Mywindow );
- Delay(3);
- if( NumMenus )
- Menus[NumMenus-1].NextMenu=Menus+NumMenus;
- m = &Menus[NumMenus];
- *m = DefaultMenu;
- m->LeftEdge = NumMenus*TITWID;
- m->MenuName = strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[0])+1),mav[0]);
- if( strlen(m->MenuName)>TITWID/8 )
- m->MenuName[TITWID/8+1]=0;
- DefaultIntuiText.ITextFont=ta=Mywindow->WScreen->Font;
- DefaultMenuItem.Height=2+(fonthei=ta->ta_YSize);
- y=0;
- pmi = &m->FirstItem;
- for( i=1; i<mac; i++) {
- it =(void *)salloc(sizeof(struct IntuiText));
- *it=DefaultIntuiText;
- mi =(void *)salloc(sizeof(struct MenuItem ));
- *mi=DefaultMenuItem;
- com=NULL;
- if( p=index(mav[i],',')) {
- *p=0; com = ++p;
- if( p=index(com,',')) {
- *p=0;
- mi->Command=p[1];
- mi->Flags |=COMMSEQ;
- }
- }
- if( !com || !*com) {
- com=strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[i])+2),mav[i]);
- MenuCommand[NumMenus][i-1]=com;
- com+=strlen(com);
- *com++=13;
- *com=0;
- } else {
- MenuCommand[NumMenus][i-1]=strcpy(salloc(strlen(com)+1),com);
- }
- it->IText=(UBYTE *)strcpy(salloc(strlen(mav[i])+2),mav[i]);
- *pmi= mi;
- pmi = &mi->NextItem;
- mi->TopEdge = y;
- mi->ItemFill= (APTR)it;
- y+=DefaultMenuItem.Height;
- }
- NumMenus++;
- MError:
- return;
- }
- void remove_menu()
- {
- if (NumMenus>0) {
- struct MenuItem *mi, *nextmi;
- int i,j;
- for( i=0; i<NumMenus; i++ ) {
- for( mi=Menus[i].FirstItem,j=0 ; mi; mi=nextmi,j++ ) {
- free( ((struct IntuiText *)mi->ItemFill)->IText );
- free( ((struct IntuiText *)mi->ItemFill) );
- nextmi=mi->NextItem;
- free(mi);
- free(MenuCommand[i][j]);
- }
- }
- NumMenus=0;
- set_menu();
- }
- }
- void set_menu()
- {
- if (o_nowindow || !Mywindow)
- return;
- if (NumMenus>0)
- SetMenuStrip(Mywindow,Menus);
- else
- ClearMenuStrip(Mywindow);
- Delay(3);
- }
- #endif
- int
- do_getenv( void )
- {
- char buf[256], *val=buf;
- if( ac!=3 && ac!=2 ) {
- show_usage( NULL );
- return 20;
- }
- /* AMK: OS20-GetVar replaces ARP-Getenv */
- if( GetVar(av[ac-1],buf,256,GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY|GVF_BINARY_VAR) < 0L )
- val="";
- if( ac==2 )
- printf( "%s\n", val );
- else
- set_var( LEVEL_SET, av[1], val );
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_setenv( void )
- {
- if( ac!=3 ) {
- show_usage( NULL );
- return 20;
- } else
- setenv( av[1], av[2] );
- return 0;
- }
- char **
- read_name( char *name, int *ac )
- {
- FILE *file;
- char **av=NULL;
- *ac=0;
- if( file=name ? fopen( name, "r") : stdin ) {
- av=read_file( file, ac );
- if( name ) fclose( file );
- } else
- pError( name );
- return av;
- }
- char **
- read_file( FILE *file, int *ac )
- {
- int buflen=4096, lines=0, i, offs, got=0;
- char *buf, *tmp, *ptr, **lineptr;
- if( !(buf=ptr=DosAllocMem( buflen )))
- goto error;
- do {
- while( ptr+400 < buf+buflen && (got=myfgets(ptr, file)) && !dobreak())
- ptr+=strlen(ptr)+1, lines++;
- if( ptr+256 < buf+buflen ) {
- offs=ptr-buf;
- if( !(tmp=DosAllocMem( buflen*2 )))
- goto error;
- memcpy( tmp, buf, buflen );
- DosFreeMem( buf );
- buflen*=2, buf=tmp;
- ptr=buf+offs;
- }
- } while( got && !dobreak());
- if( !(lineptr=(char **)DosAllocMem( (lines+1)*sizeof( char * ))))
- goto error;
- *lineptr++=buf;
- for( ptr=buf, i=0; i<lines; i++ ) {
- lineptr[i]=ptr;
- ptr+=strlen(ptr)+1;
- }
- *ac=lines;
- return lineptr;
- error:
- if( buf ) DosFreeMem( buf );
- fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory\n" );
- *ac=0;
- return NULL;
- }
- void
- free_file( ptr )
- char **ptr;
- {
- if( ptr-- ) {
- if( *ptr )
- DosFreeMem( *ptr );
- DosFreeMem(ptr);
- }
- }
- do_qsort( void )
- {
- char **lineptr;
- int lines, i;
- if( ac==1 ) {
- lineptr=read_file( stdin, &lines);
- DirQuickSort( lineptr, lines, (options&2) ? cmp_case : cmp, options&1, 0 );
- prepscroll(0);
- for( i=0; i<lines && !dobreak(); i++ ) {
- quickscroll();
- puts( lineptr[i] );
- }
- free_file( lineptr );
- } else
- ierror( NULL,506 );
- return 0;
- }
- extern int w_width;
- do_truncate( void )
- {
- char buf[256];
- int w=newwidth(), c; /**/
- /*int w = w_width, c;*/
- char *ptr;
- if( ac==2 )
- w=atoi( av[1] );
- prepscroll(0);
- while( myfgets(buf,stdin) && !dobreak() ) {
- for( c=0, ptr=buf; *ptr && c<w; ptr++ )
- if( *ptr=='\t' )
- c+=8-(c&7);
- else if( *ptr==27 ) {
- while( *ptr<'@' )
- ptr++;
- } else
- c++;
- *ptr=0;
- quickscroll();
- puts(buf);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_readfile( void )
- {
- char **rav, *str=NULL, *file=NULL;
- int rac;
- if( ac>2 ) file=av[2];
- if( rav=read_name( file, &rac ) ) {
- if( str= compile_av( rav, 0, rac, 0xA0, 0 ) )
- set_var( LEVEL_SET, av[1], str );
- free_file( rav );
- }
- return str ? 0 : 20;
- }
- void
- foreach( char **s, int (*func)(char *s) )
- {
- char *str;
- for( ;; ) {
- str = *s;
- if( !(*s=index(*s,0xA0)))
- break;
- **s=0;
- (*func)(str);
- *(*s)++=0xA0;
- if( breakcheck())
- return;
- }
- (*func)(str);
- }
- int
- do_writefile( void )
- {
- char *ptr;
- if( !(ptr=get_var(LEVEL_SET,av[1])))
- { fprintf(stderr,"Undefined variable %s\n",av[1]); return 20; }
- foreach( &ptr, puts );
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_split( void )
- {
- int i;
- char *val, *gap, *oldval;
- if( !(val=get_var( LEVEL_SET, av[1] )))
- { fprintf( stderr, "undefined variable %s\n", av[1] ); return 20; }
- oldval=val=strcpy(salloc(strlen(val)+1),val);
- for( i=2; i<ac-1; i++ ) {
- if( gap=index(val,0xA0 )) *gap=0;
- set_var( LEVEL_SET, av[i], val );
- val="";
- if( gap ) *gap=0xA0, val=gap+1;
- }
- set_var( LEVEL_SET, av[ac-1], val );
- free(oldval);
- return 0;
- }
- char *
- copyof( char *str )
- {
- return strcpy(salloc(strlen(str)+1),str);
- }
- int
- do_class( char *avline )
- {
- CLASS *new;
- if( options&1 ) {
- avline=next_word(avline);
- for( new=CRoot,CRoot=NULL; new; new=new->next )
- Free(new);
- }
- if( ac==1 ) {
- for( new=CRoot; new; new=new->next )
- printf("%s\n",new->name);
- return 0;
- }
- avline=next_word(avline);
- if(!(new=malloc( strlen(avline)+5)))
- ierror( NULL, 512 );
- else {
- new->next=NULL;
- strcpy( new->name,avline );
- if( CRoot )
- LastCRoot->next=new;
- else
- CRoot=new;
- LastCRoot=new;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- do_getcl( void )
- {
- char *s=getclass(av[1]);
- if( s ) printf("%s\n",s);
- return 0;
- }
- do_action( char *argline )
- {
- char *args, err;
- int abort=options&1;
- args=compile_av( av,3,ac,' ',0 );
- err=doaction(av[2],av[1],args);
- if( !abort )
- if( err==9 ) ierror(av[2], 205 );
- else if(err==10) fprintf(stderr,"Can't identify %s\n", av[2] );
- else if(err==11) fprintf(stderr,"Can't '%s' this file\n",av[1] );
- else if(err==12) fprintf(stderr,"Error executing the program to '%s' this file\n",av[1] );
- free(args);
- return abort ? !err : err;
- }