home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * COMM1.C
- *
- * Matthew Dillon, August 1986
- *
- * Version 2.07M by Steve Drew 10-Sep-87
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 17-Feb-91
- * Version 5.20L by Andreas M. Kirchwitz (Fri, 13 Mar 1992)
- *
- */
- #include "shell.h"
- /* comm1.c */
- static void display_file(char *filestr);
- static int search_file( long mask, char *s, char *fullpath );
- static int rm_file ( long mask, char *s, char *fullpath );
- static int quicksearch(char *name, int nocasedep, char *pattern);
- static void setsystemtime(struct DateStamp *ds);
- static int found( char *lstart, int lnum, int loffs, char *name, char left );
- void lformat( char *s, char *d, FILEINFO *info );
- extern int has_wild;
- int
- do_sleep( void )
- {
- int i;
- if (ac == 2) for (i=atoi(av[1]); i>0 && !CHECKBREAK(); i--) Delay(50);
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- /* AMK: if you change this, you must change do_chmod() also!! */
- int
- do_protect( void )
- {
- static char flags[]="DEWRAPSH";
- char *s, *p;
- long setmask=0, clrmask=0xFF, mask;
- int i, mode=0, stat;
- DPTR *dp;
- for (s=strupr(av[--ac]); *s; s++) {
- if (*s=='=') { mode=0; continue; }
- if (*s=='+') { mode=1; clrmask=FIBF_ARCHIVE; continue; }
- if (*s=='-') { mode=2; clrmask=FIBF_ARCHIVE; continue; }
- if (*s=='X') *s='E';
- if (p=index(flags, *s)) {
- if( mode==0 ) setmask|= 1<<(p-flags), clrmask=0xFF;
- if( mode==1 ) setmask|= 1<<(p-flags);
- if( mode==2 ) clrmask|= 1<<(p-flags);
- } else {
- ierror(av[ac],500);
- return 20;
- }
- }
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) {
- if( (dp=dopen(av[i],&stat))) {
- mask = dp->fib->fib_Protection ^ 0x0F;
- mask&=~clrmask;
- mask|= setmask;
- dclose(dp);
- if( !SetProtection( av[i], mask ^ 0x0F))
- pError(av[i]);
- } else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* AMK: same as do_protect, but flags now as first argument */
- #if 0
- int
- do_chmod( void )
- {
- static char flags[]="DEWRAPSH";
- char *s, *p;
- long setmask=0, clrmask=0xFF, mask;
- int i, mode=0, stat;
- DPTR *dp;
- for (s=strupr(av[1]); *s; s++) { /* AMK: changed */
- if (*s=='=') { mode=0; continue; }
- if (*s=='+') { mode=1; clrmask=FIBF_ARCHIVE; continue; }
- if (*s=='-') { mode=2; clrmask=FIBF_ARCHIVE; continue; }
- if (*s=='X') *s='E';
- if (p=index(flags, *s)) {
- if( mode==0 ) setmask|= 1<<(p-flags), clrmask=0xFF;
- if( mode==1 ) setmask|= 1<<(p-flags);
- if( mode==2 ) clrmask|= 1<<(p-flags);
- } else {
- ierror(av[1],500); /* AMK: changed */
- return 20;
- }
- }
- for (i=2; i<ac; i++) { /* AMK: changed */
- if( (dp=dopen(av[i],&stat))) {
- mask = dp->fib->fib_Protection ^ 0x0F;
- mask&=~clrmask;
- mask|= setmask;
- dclose(dp);
- if( !SetProtection( av[i], mask ^ 0x0F))
- pError(av[i]);
- } else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #define FIBB_HOLD 7
- #define FIBF_HOLD (1<<FIBB_HOLD)
- int do_chmod_internal(long arg_begin,long arg_end,long arg_flags)
- {
- char *s;
- LONG mask;
- int i, stat;
- DPTR *dp;
- BOOL do_user=FALSE,do_group=FALSE,do_other=FALSE,do_default=TRUE;
- BOOL do_incl=FALSE,do_excl=FALSE,do_set=TRUE;
- /*strlwr(av[1]);*/
- for (i=arg_begin; i<arg_end; i++) { /* all arguments except 'arg_flags' */
- if( (dp=dopen(av[i],&stat))) {
- mask = dp->fib->fib_Protection;
- dclose(dp);
- s = av[arg_flags];
- if (strchr(s,'+') || strchr(s,'-') || strchr(s,'=')) {
- while (*s && !strchr("+-=",*s)) {
- switch (*s) {
- case 'u': do_user = TRUE; break;
- case 'g': do_group = TRUE; break;
- case 'o': do_other = TRUE; break;
- case 'a': do_user =
- do_group =
- do_other = TRUE; break;
- default : ierror(av[1],500); return 20;
- }
- do_default = FALSE;
- ++s;
- }
- do_set = FALSE;
- switch (*s) {
- case '+': do_incl = TRUE; break;
- case '-': do_excl = TRUE; break;
- case '=': do_set = TRUE; break;
- default : ierror(av[1],500); return 20;
- }
- ++s;
- }
- if (do_default) {
- do_user=TRUE;
- }
- if (do_set) {
- do_incl = TRUE;
- }
- mask &= (~FIBF_ARCHIVE);
- while (*s) {
- switch (*s) {
- case 'r' :
- if (do_incl) {
- if (do_user) mask &= (~FIBF_READ);
- if (do_group) mask |= FIBF_GRP_READ;
- if (do_other) mask |= FIBF_OTR_READ;
- }
- else {
- if (do_user) mask |= FIBF_READ;
- if (do_group) mask &= (~FIBF_GRP_READ);
- if (do_other) mask &= (~FIBF_OTR_READ);
- }
- break;
- case 'w' :
- if (do_incl) {
- if (do_user) mask &= (~FIBF_WRITE);
- if (do_group) mask |= FIBF_GRP_WRITE;
- if (do_other) mask |= FIBF_OTR_WRITE;
- }
- else {
- if (do_user) mask |= FIBF_WRITE;
- if (do_group) mask &= (~FIBF_GRP_WRITE);
- if (do_other) mask &= (~FIBF_OTR_WRITE);
- }
- break;
- case 'e' :
- case 'x' :
- if (do_incl) {
- if (do_user) mask &= (~FIBF_EXECUTE);
- if (do_group) mask |= FIBF_GRP_EXECUTE;
- if (do_other) mask |= FIBF_OTR_EXECUTE;
- }
- else {
- if (do_user) mask |= FIBF_EXECUTE;
- if (do_group) mask &= (~FIBF_GRP_EXECUTE);
- if (do_other) mask &= (~FIBF_OTR_EXECUTE);
- }
- break;
- case 'd' :
- if (do_incl) {
- if (do_user) mask &= (~FIBF_DELETE);
- if (do_group) mask |= FIBF_GRP_DELETE;
- if (do_other) mask |= FIBF_OTR_DELETE;
- }
- else {
- if (do_user) mask |= FIBF_DELETE;
- if (do_group) mask &= (~FIBF_GRP_DELETE);
- if (do_other) mask &= (~FIBF_OTR_DELETE);
- }
- break;
- case 'a' :
- if (do_incl)
- mask |= FIBF_ARCHIVE;
- else
- mask &= (~FIBF_ARCHIVE);
- break;
- case 'p' :
- if (do_incl)
- mask |= FIBF_PURE;
- else
- mask &= (~FIBF_PURE);
- break;
- case 's' :
- if (do_incl)
- mask |= FIBF_SCRIPT;
- else
- mask &= (~FIBF_SCRIPT);
- break;
- case 'h' :
- if (do_incl)
- mask |= FIBF_HOLD;
- else
- mask &= (~FIBF_HOLD);
- break;
- default :
- ierror(av[1],500);
- return 20;
- }
- ++s;
- }
- if( !SetProtection( av[i], mask ))
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int do_protect(void)
- {
- return do_chmod_internal(1,ac-1,ac-1);
- }
- int do_chmod(void)
- {
- return do_chmod_internal(2,ac,1);
- }
- int do_chown(void)
- {
- LONG mask; /* 2x UWORD */
- UWORD new_id;
- int i, stat;
- DPTR *dp;
- new_id = myatoi(av[1],0,65535);
- if (atoierr) {
- fprintf(stderr,"UID/GID is a 16-bit wide UWORD (0-65535) !\n");
- return 20;
- }
- for (i=2; i<ac; i++) { /* all arguments except first */
- if( (dp=dopen(av[i],&stat))) {
- /*printf("%s, gid %d, uid %d\n",av[i],dp->fib->fib_OwnerGID,dp->fib->fib_OwnerUID);*/
- mask = dp->fib->fib_OwnerGID + (new_id<<16);
- dclose(dp);
- /*printf(" new mask: %ld\n",mask);*/
- if (DOSBase->dl_lib.lib_Version<39) {
- if( !SetOwner37( av[i], mask ))
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- else {
- if( !SetOwner( av[i], mask ))
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int do_chgrp(void)
- {
- LONG mask; /* 2x UWORD */
- UWORD new_id;
- int i, stat;
- DPTR *dp;
- new_id = myatoi(av[1],0,65535);
- if (atoierr) {
- fprintf(stderr,"UID/GID is a 16-bit wide UWORD (0-65535) !\n");
- return 20;
- }
- for (i=2; i<ac; i++) { /* all arguments except first */
- if( (dp=dopen(av[i],&stat))) {
- /*printf("%s, gid %d, uid %d\n",av[i],dp->fib->fib_OwnerGID,dp->fib->fib_OwnerUID);*/
- mask = (dp->fib->fib_OwnerUID<<16) + new_id;
- dclose(dp);
- /*printf(" new mask: %ld\n",mask);*/
- if (DOSBase->dl_lib.lib_Version<39) {
- if( !SetOwner37( av[i], mask ))
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- else {
- if( !SetOwner( av[i], mask ))
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_filenote( void )
- {
- DPTR *dp;
- char *note;
- int i, stat;
- if( options&1 ) {
- for( i=1; i<ac && !dobreak(); i++ )
- if( dp=dopen( av[i], &stat )) {
- printf( "%-12s %s\n", av[i],dp->fib->fib_Comment );
- dclose( dp );
- }
- } else {
- note=av[--ac];
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++) if (!SetComment(av[i], note)) pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_cat( void )
- {
- FILE *fi;
- int lctr, i, docr=0;
- char buf[256], *l;
- prepscroll(0);
- if (ac<=1) {
- if (has_wild) { printf("No files matching\n"); return 20; }
- lctr=0;
- while (fgets(buf,256,stdin) && !dobreak()) {
- if (options) printf("%4d ",++lctr);
- quickscroll();
- l=buf+strlen( buf )-1; docr=1;
- if( l>=buf && *l=='\n' ) docr=0;
- fputs(buf,stdout);
- }
- } else {
- for (i=1; i<ac; i++)
- if (fi = fopen (av[i], "r")) {
- lctr=0;
- while (fgets(buf,256,fi) && !dobreak()) {
- if (options&1) printf("%4d ",++lctr);
- quickscroll();
- l=buf+strlen( buf )-1; docr=1;
- if( l>=buf && *l=='\n' ) docr=0;
- fputs(buf,stdout); fflush(stdout);
- }
- fclose (fi);
- } else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- if( docr && isconsole(Output()))
- putchar('\n');
- return 0;
- }
- char *add_simple_device(char *list,char *dev)
- {
- char *new = NULL;
- if (list) {
- if (new = malloc(strlen(dev)+strlen(list)+2)) { /* null byte + \n */
- strcpy(new,list);
- strcat(new,dev);
- strcat(new,"\n");
- free(list);
- }
- else
- new = list;
- }
- else {
- if (new = malloc(strlen(dev)+2)) { /* null byte + \n */
- strcpy(new,dev);
- strcat(new,"\n");
- }
- }
- return(new);
- }
- void
- get_drives(char *buf)
- {
- struct DosList *dl;
- char devname[256];
- char **dev_list=NULL;
- long i,dev_num=0;
- buf[0]=0;
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- if (dl->dol_Task) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- strcat(devname,":");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,devname);
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- for(i=0; i<dev_num; i++) {
- if (IsFileSystem(dev_list[i])) {
- if (buf[0])
- strcat(buf,"\240");
- strcat(buf,dev_list[i]);
- }
- }
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- }
- static char infobuf[100];
- static char namebuf[32]; /* AMK: old size was 12, too small for drive names */
- /* AMK: find last occurence of a character in a string */
- char *strlast(char *s,char c)
- {
- char *p=NULL;
- while(*s) {
- if(*s==c)
- p=s;
- s++;
- }
- return(p);
- }
- char *
- drive_name( char *name )
- {
- struct DosList *dl;
- struct MsgPort *proc= (struct MsgPort *)DeviceProc( (void*)name );
- char devname[256];
- char **dev_list=NULL;
- long i,dev_num=0;
- /* AMK: we want no self-modifying code */
- strncpy( namebuf, name, 31 ); /* AMK: 30 chars device name + ':' */
- namebuf[31] = '\0'; /* AMK: null-terminated */
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- if (dl->dol_Task) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- strcat(devname,":");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,devname);
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- for(i=0; i<dev_num; i++) {
- if (IsFileSystem(dev_list[i])) {
- if ((struct MsgPort *)DeviceProc(dev_list[i])==proc)
- strcpy(namebuf,dev_list[i]);
- }
- }
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- return namebuf;
- }
- int
- do_info( void )
- {
- struct DosList *dl;
- char devname[256];
- char **dev_list=NULL;
- long i,dev_num=0;
- if (options&2)
- puts("Unit Size Block Type Used Free Full Errs Status Name");
- else
- puts("Unit Size Bytes Used Blk/Byte-Free Full Errs Status Name");
- if( ac==1 ) {
- if (dl=LockDosList(flags)) {
- while (dl=NextDosEntry(dl,flags)) {
- if (dl->dol_Task) {
- BtoCStr(devname,dl->dol_Name,254L); /* 256 - '\0' + ':' */
- strcat(devname,":");
- add_array_list(&dev_list,&dev_num,devname);
- }
- }
- UnLockDosList(flags);
- }
- QuickSort(dev_list,dev_num);
- for(i=0; !dobreak() && i<dev_num; i++) {
- if (IsFileSystem(dev_list[i])) {
- oneinfo(dev_list[i],0);
- }
- }
- free_array_list(dev_list,dev_num);
- }
- else {
- for( i=1; i<ac; i++ )
- oneinfo( drive_name( av[i] ), 0 );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* these defines are new in OS 3.x */
- #define ID_FASTDIR_DOS_DISK (0x444F5304L)
- #endif
- #define ID_FASTDIR_FFS_DISK (0x444F5305L)
- #endif
- /* AMK: new mode==6 to suppress output if disk is not present */
- char *
- oneinfo( char *name, int mode )
- {
- struct InfoData *info;
- struct DevProc *devproc;
- struct DeviceList *dl;
- BPTR lock;
- long size, free, freebl, blocks;
- char buf[130], *state, *type;
- char *fmt="%s\240%s\240%d\240%d\240%d\240%s\240%d%%\240%d\240%s\240%s";
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)(-1);
- if (!name) name="";
- if (mode<=1 || mode>=5)
- strcpy(infobuf,"");
- else
- strcpy(infobuf,"0");
- info=(struct InfoData *)SAllocMem(sizeof(struct InfoData),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (devproc=GetDeviceProc(name,NULL)) {
- BOOL go_on = FALSE;
- char *spclfmt;
- #if 0
- if (!NameFromLock(lock, buf, 128L)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.oneinfo: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- strcpy(buf,name);
- }
- if (p=strlast(buf,':')) *p = '\0';
- /* AMK: we want the last occurence of ':', not the first;
- ':' and '/' are legal path name components !!
- if (p=index(buf,':')) *p = '\0';
- */
- #endif
- switch (mode) {
- case 0:
- if (options&1)
- spclfmt = "";
- else
- spclfmt = "%-7s %s\n";
- break;
- case 1:
- spclfmt = "%s\240%s\n";
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- spclfmt = "0";
- break;
- case 5:
- spclfmt = "";
- break;
- default:
- spclfmt = "";
- break;
- }
- switch (info->id_DiskType) {
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"Unreadable disk");
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"Not a DOS disk");
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"Kickstart disk");
- break;
- case (0x42555359L): /* 'BUSY' */
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"Disk is busy");
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"No disk present");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(infobuf,spclfmt,name,"Unknown disk type");
- go_on = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (go_on && (lock=Lock(name,ACCESS_READ))) {
- UnLock(lock);
- /* note: we call Lock() to be sure that the volume is readable */
- switch(info->id_DiskType) {
- case ID_MSDOS_DISK: type=" MSDOS"; break;
- case ID_DOS_DISK: type=" OFS"; break;
- case ID_FFS_DISK: type=" FFS"; break;
- case ID_INTER_DOS_DISK: type="IN/OFS"; break;
- case ID_INTER_FFS_DISK: type=" INTL"; break;
- case ID_FASTDIR_DOS_DISK: type="DC/OFS"; break;
- case ID_FASTDIR_FFS_DISK: type=" DCFS"; break;
- default: type=" n/a"; break;
- }
- strcpy(buf,"n/a");
- if (dl = (struct DeviceList *)BADDR(info->id_VolumeNode))
- BtoCStr(buf,dl->dl_Name,100L);
- switch(info->id_DiskState) {
- case ID_WRITE_PROTECTED: state="Read Only "; break;
- case ID_VALIDATED: state="Read/Write"; break;
- case ID_VALIDATING: state="Validating"; break;
- default: state="Unknown "; break;
- }
- #if 0
- size = (info->id_NumBlocks + 2) * info->id_BytesPerBlock;
- #endif
- size = info->id_NumBlocks * info->id_BytesPerBlock;
- freebl = info->id_NumBlocks - info->id_NumBlocksUsed;
- free = freebl * info->id_BytesPerBlock;
- blocks = info->id_NumBlocks;
- #if 0
- printf("percents: %s... %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld\n",name,
- ((info->id_NumBlocksUsed+2) * 100)/blocks,
- (info->id_NumBlocksUsed * 100)/(blocks+2),
- (((info->id_NumBlocksUsed * 1000)/blocks)+5)/10,
- ((((info->id_NumBlocksUsed+2) * 1000)/blocks)+5)/10,
- (((info->id_NumBlocksUsed * 1000)/(blocks+2))+5)/10
- );
- #endif
- if (mode==0 && options&2) {
- fmt="%-7s%6s%6d %6s %6s %6s %3d%%%4d %10s %s\n";
- sprintf(infobuf,fmt,
- name,
- itok( size ),
- info->id_BytesPerBlock,
- type,
- itok( info->id_NumBlocksUsed*info->id_BytesPerBlock ),
- itok( free ),
- (blocks) ? (int)((( (double)info->id_NumBlocksUsed/(double)blocks ) * 1000.0 + 5.0) / 10.0) : 0,
- #if 0
- (blocks) ? ((info->id_NumBlocksUsed * 1000)/blocks + 5) / 10 : 0,
- #endif
- info->id_NumSoftErrors,
- state,
- buf);
- }
- else if (mode<=1) {
- if (mode==0) fmt="%-7s%6s%6d%7d%7d %6s%4d%%%4d %s %s\n";
- sprintf(infobuf,fmt,
- name,
- itok( size ),
- info->id_BytesPerBlock,
- info->id_NumBlocksUsed,
- freebl,
- itok( free ),
- (blocks) ? (int)((( (double)info->id_NumBlocksUsed/(double)blocks ) * 1000.0 + 5.0) / 10.0) : 0,
- info->id_NumSoftErrors,
- state,
- buf);
- }
- else if (mode==2) sprintf(infobuf,"%d",free);
- else if (mode==3) sprintf(infobuf,"%d",freebl);
- else if (mode==4) sprintf(infobuf,"%s",itok(free));
- else if (mode==5) sprintf(infobuf,"%s:",buf);
- }
- }
- else
- pError(name);
- FreeDeviceProc(devproc);
- }
- #if 0
- else {
- if (mode==1) {
- struct MsgPort *devtask;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240No disk present\n",name);
- if (devtask=(struct MsgPort *)DeviceProc(name)) {
- struct InfoData *infodata;
- infodata = SAllocMem(sizeof(struct InfoData),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (DoPkt(devtask,ACTION_DISK_INFO,MKBADDR(infodata),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) {
- switch (infodata->id_DiskType) {
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240Unreadable disk\n",name);
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240Not a DOS disk\n",name);
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240Kickstart disk\n",name);
- break;
- case (0x42555359L): /* 'BUSY' */
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240Busy\n",name);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(infobuf,"%s\240No disk present\n",name);
- break;
- }
- }
- FreeMem(infodata,sizeof(struct InfoData));
- }
- }
- else if (mode==0) {
- if (options&1) {
- sprintf(infobuf,"");
- }
- else {
- struct MsgPort *devtask;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s No disk present\n",name);
- if (devtask=(struct MsgPort *)DeviceProc(name)) {
- struct InfoData *infodata;
- infodata = SAllocMem(sizeof(struct InfoData),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (DoPkt(devtask,ACTION_DISK_INFO,MKBADDR(infodata),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) {
- switch (infodata->id_DiskType) {
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s Unreadable disk\n",name);
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s Not a DOS disk\n",name);
- break;
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s Kickstart disk\n",name);
- break;
- case (0x42555359L): /* 'BUSY' */
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s Disk is busy\n",name);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(infobuf,"%-7s No disk present\n",name);
- break;
- }
- }
- FreeMem(infodata,sizeof(struct InfoData));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (mode==5) sprintf(infobuf,"");
- else sprintf(infobuf,"0");
- }
- #endif
- if (mode==0) printf("%s",infobuf);
- FreeMem(info,sizeof(struct InfoData));
- Myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = o_noreq ? (APTR) -1L : Mywindow;
- return infobuf;
- }
- /* things shared with display_file */
- #define DIR_SHORT 0x1
- #define DIR_FILES 0x2
- #define DIR_DIRS 0x4
- #define DIR_NOCOL 0x8
- #define DIR_NAMES 0x10
- #define DIR_HIDE 0x20
- #define DIR_LEN 0x40
- #define DIR_TIME 0x80
- #define DIR_BACK 0x100
- #define DIR_UNIQ 0x200
- #define DIR_IDENT 0x400
- #define DIR_CLASS 0x800
- #define DIR_QUIET 0x1000
- #define DIR_AGE 0x2000
- #define DIR_VIEW 0x4000
- #define DIR_NOTE 0x8000
- #define DIR_PATH 0x10000
- #define DIR_LFORM 0x20000
- #define DIR_BOT 0x40000
- #define DIR_TOP 0x80000
- #define DIR_LINK 0x100000
- static char *lastpath = NULL;
- static int filecount, dircount, col, colw, wwidth;
- static long bytes, blocks;
- /* the args passed to do_dir will never be expanded */
- extern expand_err;
- extern int w_width;
- static struct DateStamp Stamp;
- static char *LineBuf, *LinePos, LastWasDir, *LFormat, _LFormat[80], NoTitles;
- int
- do_dir( void )
- {
- int i=1, c, eac, reverse, nump=ac, retcode=0;
- char **eav=NULL, **av1=NULL, **av2=NULL, inter=isconsole(Output());
- char linebuf[1024];
- char *fmtstr;
- int (*func)(), ac1, ac2, factor=0;
- LineBuf=LinePos=linebuf;
- LastWasDir=NoTitles=0;
- colw=-1;
- LFormat=_LFormat;
- if( options&DIR_CLASS ) options|=DIR_IDENT;
- if( !(options & (DIR_FILES | DIR_DIRS))) options|= DIR_FILES | DIR_DIRS;
- DateStamp( &Stamp );
- col = filecount = dircount = bytes = blocks = 0L;
- if (lastpath) free(lastpath);
- lastpath=NULL;
- wwidth=77;
- if( inter )
- wwidth=w_width;
- if( options&DIR_SHORT )
- strcpy(LFormat," %-18n%19m");
- else if( options&DIR_PATH )
- strcpy(LFormat," %-50p %7s %d"), NoTitles=1;
- else {
- if ( options&DIR_NOTE )
- strcpy(LFormat," %-30n %o");
- else if ( options&DIR_LINK )
- strcpy(LFormat," %-30n %L");
- else {
- #if 1
- strcpy(LFormat," ");
- #else
- strcpy(LFormat," %-30n ");
- #endif
- if( options&DIR_HIDE )
- strcat(LFormat, "%e");
- strcat(LFormat,"%c%I%f ");
- if( options&DIR_VIEW )
- strcat(LFormat,"%10v ");
- else
- strcat(LFormat,"%8s ");
- #if 0
- if( !(options&DIR_QUIET) )
- strcat(LFormat,options&DIR_VIEW?"%5b ":"%4b ");
- #endif
- if( options&DIR_IDENT )
- strcat(LFormat,"%-10k");
- else if( options&DIR_AGE )
- strcat(LFormat,"%a");
- else
- strcat(LFormat,"%d %t");
- #if 1
- strcat(LFormat," %N");
- #endif
- }
- }
- if ( fmtstr=get_var(LEVEL_SET,v_dirformat) ) {
- strncpy(LFormat,fmtstr,79); /* copy to _LFormat[80] */
- LFormat[79]=0;
- }
- if ( options&DIR_LFORM ) {
- if (ac>1)
- LFormat=av[i++];
- else {
- show_usage(NULL);
- return 20;
- }
- }
- if( ac == i) ++nump, av[i]="";
- if( options&DIR_UNIQ) {
- if( ac-i!=2 ) { show_usage(NULL); return 20; }
- i=0, nump=3;
- }
- prepscroll(0);
- for( ; i<nump && !CHECKBREAK(); ++i ) {
- if( options&DIR_UNIQ ) {
- switch( i ) {
- case 0: av1=expand( av[ac-2], &ac1 );
- av2=expand( av[ac-1], &ac2 );
- eav=without( av1, ac1, av2, ac2, &eac, 1 );
- break;
- case 1: printf("\nCommon files\n");
- eav=and( av1, ac1, av2, ac2, &eac, 1 );
- break;
- case 2: printf("\n");
- eav=without( av2, ac2, av1, ac1, &eac, 1 );
- break;
- }
- col = filecount = dircount = bytes = blocks = 0L;
- if (lastpath) free(lastpath);
- lastpath=NULL;
- /* AMK: enhanced handling of non-matching patterns */
- } else if (!(eav = expand(av[i], &eac))) {
- if (IoError) {
- ierror(av[i],IoError);
- retcode=5;
- }
- #if 0
- else {
- if (strlen(av[i])>0)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: No match.\n",av[i]);
- }
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- reverse= ( options&DIR_BACK ) ? 1 : 0;
- func=cmp;
- if( options & DIR_TIME) func=datecmp_csh;
- if( options & DIR_LEN ) func=sizecmp;
- if( options & DIR_CLASS)func=classcmp;
- if( options & DIR_BOT ) factor=-99999999;
- if( options & DIR_TOP ) factor= 99999999;
- DirQuickSort(eav, eac, func, reverse, factor);
- for(c=0; c<eac && !CHECKBREAK(); ++c) {
- if( options & DIR_HIDE ) {
- char *b=FilePart(eav[c]);
- int l=strlen(b)-5;
- FILEINFO *info =(FILEINFO *)eav[c] - 1;
- if(*b=='.'|| (l>=0 && !strcmp(b+l,".info"))||(info->flags&128))
- continue;
- }
- if (options & DIR_NAMES) {
- FILEINFO *info = (FILEINFO *)eav[c] - 1;
- if(options&(info->size<0 ? DIR_DIRS: DIR_FILES))
- puts(eav[c]);
- } else
- display_file(eav[c]);
- }
- if (col) { quickscroll(); puts(LinePos=LineBuf); col=0; }
- if( LastWasDir )
- printf(o_lolite), LastWasDir=0;
- if (options&DIR_UNIQ || (filecount>1 && i==nump-1)) {
- blocks += filecount-dircount; /* account for dir blocks */
- quickscroll();
- printf(" %ld Blocks, %s Bytes used in %d files\n",
- blocks, itoa(bytes), filecount);
- }
- if( options&DIR_UNIQ )
- free(eav);
- else
- free_expand (eav);
- }
- if (lastpath) free(lastpath);
- lastpath=NULL;
- if( options&DIR_UNIQ )
- free_expand( av1 ), free_expand( av2 );
- return retcode;
- }
- static int MultiCol=-1;
- static char
- pathcomp( char *s1, char *s2 )
- {
- char ret, *t, c;
- t=FilePart( s2 ); c=*t; *t=0;
- ret=stricmp( s1, s2 );
- *t=c;
- return ret;
- }
- static void
- display_file( char *filestr )
- {
- /* struct InfoData *id=AllocMem( sizeof(struct InfoData), 0); */
- int isadir, len, collen;
- char sc, *base, buf[1024], *hilite;
- FILEINFO *info;
- BPTR thislock;
- base=FilePart(filestr);
- sc = *base;
- *base = 0;
- /* if (thislock==NULL) return; */
- if( !NoTitles ) {
- if( !lastpath || pathcomp( filestr, lastpath)) {
- if(!(thislock=Lock(filestr,SHARED_LOCK)))
- return;
- if (col) { quickscroll(); puts(LinePos=LineBuf); col=0; }
- quickscroll();
- if (!NameFromLock(thislock, buf, 256)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.display_file: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- strcpy(buf,filestr);
- }
- if( LastWasDir )
- printf(o_lolite), LastWasDir=0;
- printf("Directory of %s\n", buf );
- /* Info( thislock, id ); */
- /* itok((id->id_NumBlocks-id->id_NumBlocksUsed)*id->id_BytesPerBlock));*/
- /* FreeMem( id, sizeof(struct InfoData)); */
- lastpath = salloc(256);
- strcpy(lastpath,filestr);
- /*lastpath=filestr;*/
- UnLock(thislock);
- }
- }
- *base = sc;
- info = (FILEINFO *)filestr - 1;
- isadir = info->size<0;
- if( !(options & (isadir ? DIR_DIRS : DIR_FILES)))
- return;
- hilite="";
- if (isadir!=LastWasDir && !(options & DIR_NOCOL))
- hilite=isadir ? o_hilite : o_lolite, LastWasDir=isadir;
- lformat(LFormat, buf, info);
- if( MultiCol==-1 ) {
- quickscroll();
- printf("%s%s",hilite,buf);
- } else {
- len=strlen(buf);
- if( col+len>wwidth ) {
- quickscroll();
- puts(LineBuf);
- LinePos=LineBuf; col=0;
- }
- if( MultiCol )
- colw=MultiCol;
- else if( colw==-1 )
- colw=len;
- collen= (len+colw-1)-(len+colw-1)%colw;
- col+=collen;
- LinePos+=sprintf(LinePos,"%s%-*s",hilite,collen,buf);
- }
- if(info->size>0)
- bytes += info->size;
- blocks += info->blocks;
- filecount++;
- }
- static char linebuf[1024];
- static long dlen, dblocks;
- static int
- count( long mask, char *s, char *path )
- {
- FIB *fib=(FIB*)s-1;
- dlen+=fib->fib_Size;
- dblocks+=fib->fib_NumBlocks+1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* code contribution by Carsten Heyl, modified by AMK */
- void ReadSoftLink(char *path, char *buf, int buflen)
- {
- BPTR MyLock;
- BPTR DevLock;
- LONG Err, l;
- UBYTE *bs;
- struct MsgPort *port;
- if (buflen>9)
- strcpy(buf,"<unknown>");
- else
- buf[0] = '\0'; /* just terminate buffer. alternative ? */
- if ( (l=strlen(path)) > 254 )
- return;
- if (!(bs=AllocMem(256,MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- return;
- bs[255] = '\0';
- /* build BCPL string */
- bs[0] = l;
- memcpy(&bs[1], path, l+1);
- /* GetDeviceProc or DeviceProc? */
- if (!(port = DeviceProc(path))) {
- FreeMem(bs,256);
- return;
- }
- DevLock = (BPTR)IoErr();
- MyLock = DoPkt(port,ACTION_LOCATE_OBJECT,DevLock,MKBADDR(bs),
- Err = IoErr();
- if (!MyLock && (Err==ERROR_IS_SOFT_LINK)) {
- #if 0
- ReadLink(port,DevLock,(UBYTE *)path,(UBYTE *)buf,buflen);
- #else
- DoPkt(port,ACTION_READ_LINK,DevLock,(LONG)path,(LONG)buf,buflen,NULL);
- #endif
- }
- if (MyLock) UnLock(MyLock);
- FreeMem(bs,256);
- }
- void
- lformat( char *s, char *d, FILEINFO *info )
- {
- long mi=0;
- char buf[1024], *w, *t, *class;
- DPTR *dp;
- int stat, i, form, sign, cut, size=info->size;
- char *(*func)(int num);
- MultiCol=-1;
- while( *s ) {
- if( *s!='%' ) { *d++=*s++; continue; }
- sign=1; form=0; cut=0; s++;
- if( *s=='-' ) s++, sign=-1;
- if( *s=='.' ) s++, cut=1;
- while( *s>='0' && *s<='9' ) form=10*form+*s++-'0';
- w=buf; w[0]=0; w[1]=0;
- switch( *s ) {
- case 'p': strcpy(w,(char *)(info+1)); break;
- case 'b': sprintf(w,size>=0 ? "%d":"", info->blocks); break;
- case 's': sprintf(w,size>=0 ? "%d":"<Dir>",size); break;
- case 'i': *w= size>=0 ? '-' : 'd'; break;
- case 'r':
- case 'u':
- if( *s=='r' ) func=itoa; else func=itok;
- strcpy( w,size>=0 ? (*func)(size) : "<Dir>");
- break;
- case 'n':
- case 'q':
- strcpy(w,FilePart((char *)(info+1)));
- if( *s=='q' && size<0 ) strcat(w,"/");
- break;
- case 'l':
- if( info->flags & INFO_COMMENT ) *w='\n';
- break;
- case 'c':
- *w= info->flags & INFO_COMMENT ? 'c' : '-';
- break;
- case 'e':
- *w= info->flags & INFO_INFO ? 'i' : '-';
- break;
- case '+':
- *w= info->flags & INFO_INFO ? '+' : ' ';
- break;
- case 'L':
- case 'N':
- if (*s=='N')
- strcpy(w,FilePart((char *)(info+1)));
- else
- strcpy(w,"");
- if (info->type==ST_SOFTLINK) {
- strcat(w," -> ");
- ReadSoftLink((char *)(info+1),w+strlen(w),256);
- }
- else if (info->type==ST_LINKDIR || info->type==ST_LINKFILE) {
- BPTR lock;
- if (lock=Lock((char *)(info+1),ACCESS_READ)) {
- strcat(w," -> ");
- if (!NameFromLock(lock,w+strlen(w),256)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.lformat: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- strcpy(w+strlen(w),(char *)(info+1));
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'I':
- switch (info->type) {
- *w='S';
- break;
- case ST_LINKDIR:
- *w='H';
- break;
- *w='P';
- break;
- default:
- *w='-';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'f': /* standard flags */
- for (i=7; i>=0; i--)
- *w++ = (info->flags^15) & (1L<<i) ? "hsparwed"[7-i] : '-';
- *w=0;
- break;
- case 'F': /* group/other flags */
- for (i=3; i>=0; i--)
- *w++ = (info->flags^15) & (1L<<(i+8)) ? "rwed"[3-i] : '-';
- *w++ = ' ';
- for (i=3; i>=0; i--)
- *w++ = (info->flags^15) & (1L<<(i+12)) ? "rwed"[3-i] : '-';
- *w=0;
- break;
- case 'U': /* user-id */
- sprintf(w,"%d",info->uid);
- break;
- case 'G': /* group-id */
- sprintf(w,"%d",info->gid);
- break;
- case 'a':
- if( Stamp.ds_Days!=0 ) {
- mi =Stamp.ds_Days*1440 + Stamp.ds_Minute;
- mi-=info->date.ds_Days*1440 + info->date.ds_Minute;
- }
- sprintf(w,mi>=0?"%4d days %02d:%02d":"Future ",
- mi/1440,mi/60%60,mi%60);
- break;
- case 'o':
- if( dp=dopen( (char *)(info+1), &stat )) {
- strcpy( w, dp->fib->fib_Comment );
- dclose( dp );
- }
- break;
- case 'v':
- case 'w':
- if( *s=='v' ) func=itoa; else func=itok;
- dlen=dblocks=0;
- if( size<0 ) {
- (char *)(info+1),count);
- strcpy( w, (*func)(dlen));
- info->size=size=dlen; info->blocks=dblocks;
- } else
- strcpy( w, (*func)(size));
- break;
- case 'k':
- if( *info->class!=1 )
- strcpy(w,info->class);
- else if( class=getclass((char *)(info+1)))
- if( w=index(strncpy(w,class,50),0xA0) )
- *w=0;
- break;
- case 'x':
- case 'd':
- sprintf(w,"%9s",dates(&info->date,*s=='x'));
- if(t=index(w,' ')) *t=0;
- break;
- case 't':
- sprintf(w,"%8s", next_word(dates(&info->date,0)));
- break;
- case 'm': MultiCol=form; form=0; break;
- case '%': *w=*++s; break;
- case 0 : *w='%'; break;
- default : *w='%'; *w++=*s; *w=0; break;
- }
- if( cut ) buf[form]=0;
- *d=0; s++;
- d+=sprintf(d,sign<0?"%-*s":"%*s",form,buf);
- }
- if( MultiCol==-1 ) { *d++='\n'; }
- *d=0;
- }
- extern BOOL nologout; /* defined in main.c */
- int
- do_quit( void )
- {
- if (Src_stack) {
- Quit = 1;
- return(do_return());
- }
- if (!nologout) {
- if( exists("S:.logout"))
- execute("source S:.logout");
- }
- main_exit(0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_echo( void )
- {
- char *args=compile_av(av,1,ac,' ',0);
- fprintf( (options&2)?stderr:stdout, (options&1)?"%s":"%s\n",args );
- free(args);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- breakcheckd(void)
- {
- long sigs = SetSignal(0L,0L);
- int ret=!o_nobreak && (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- if (ret)
- fprintf(stderr,"^D\n");
- return ret;
- }
- static int
- breakchecke(void)
- {
- long sigs = SetSignal(0L,0L);
- int ret=!o_nobreak && (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E);
- if (ret)
- fprintf(stderr,"^E\n");
- return ret;
- }
- /* gets a line from file, joining lines if they end in '\' */
- #define MAXLINE 512
- static int
- srcgets(char **buf, int *buflen, FILE *file)
- {
- char *bufptr=*buf, *p, *new, concat=0, cont;
- int totlen=0, len;
- do {
- if( totlen+MAXLINE > *buflen ) {
- new=salloc(*buflen *= 2);
- memcpy( new, *buf, 1+bufptr-*buf );
- bufptr+= new-*buf;
- free(*buf);
- *buf=new;
- }
- if (fgets(bufptr, MAXLINE, file)==NULL) {
- if( concat )
- fprintf(stderr,"Source: missing '}'\n");
- else if (bufptr != *buf)
- fprintf(stderr,"Source: file ends in '\\'\n");
- return -1;
- }
- len= strlen( bufptr );
- totlen+= len;
- cont=0;
- p=bufptr+len-1;
- if( p>=bufptr && *p=='\n') *p--=0;
- if( p< bufptr ) ;
- else if( *p=='\\') *p--=0, cont=1;
- else if( *p=='{' ) concat++;
- else if( *p=='}' ) {
- if( concat>0 ) {
- concat--;
- if( concat ) *++p='\n';
- }
- } else if( concat ) *++p='\n';
- bufptr=++p;
- } while( cont || concat );
- *bufptr=0;
- return totlen;
- }
- int
- do_source( char *str )
- {
- FILE *fi;
- char *buf;
- ROOT *root;
- int retcode, len, bufsize=512+MAXLINE;
- int j;
- char *ptr;
- if (Src_stack == MAXSRC) {
- ierror(NULL,217);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((fi = fopen (av[1], "r")) == 0)
- { pError(av[1]); return -1; }
- push_locals(root=(ROOT *)salloc( sizeof(ROOT)));
- buf=salloc(bufsize);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, v_passed, next_word(next_word(str)));
- /*
- * now create a bunch of positional parameters , $0, $1 etc
- */
- j = 0;
- ptr = next_word (str);
- while (*ptr) {
- char *var;
- char p[6];
- char npos[6];
- var = ptr;
- sprintf (p, "%d", j);
- /*
- * term var str
- */
- ptr = next_word (ptr);
- /* printf("%s\n" , ptr); */
- if (*ptr)
- *(ptr - 1) = '\0';
- set_var (LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, p, var);
- /*
- * now set up what should be $# ( number of positionals )
- */
- #if 0
- sprintf (p, "_N"); /* should be "#" but csh barfs :( */
- #endif
- sprintf (p, "#"); /* hackin' */
- sprintf (npos, "%d", j++);
- set_var (LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, p, npos);
- }
- Src_pos [Src_stack] = 0;
- Src_abort[Src_stack] = 0;
- Src_base [Src_stack] = fi;
- Src_if[Src_stack]=If_stack;
- ++Src_stack;
- while ((len=srcgets(&buf, &bufsize, fi))>=0&& !dobreak()&& !breakcheckd()){
- Src_pos[Src_stack-1] += len;
- if (Verbose&VERBOSE_SOURCE && !forward_goto)
- if( Verbose&VERBOSE_HILITE )
- fprintf(stderr,"%s)%s%s\n",o_hilite,buf,o_lolite);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,")%s\n",buf);
- retcode=execute(buf);
- if( retcode>=o_failat || Src_abort[Src_stack-1] )
- break;
- retcode=0;
- }
- --Src_stack;
- if( If_stack>Src_if[Src_stack] )
- If_stack=Src_if[Src_stack], disable=If_stack && If_base[If_stack-1];
- if (forward_goto) ierror(NULL,501);
- forward_goto = 0;
- unset_level(LEVEL_LABEL+ Src_stack);
- unset_var(LEVEL_SET, v_gotofwd);
- unset_var(LEVEL_SET, v_passed);
- fclose (fi);
- pop_locals();
- free(buf);
- free(root);
- return retcode;
- }
- /* set process cwd name and $_cwd, if str != NULL also print it. */
- void
- set_cwd(void)
- {
- char pwd[256];
- if (!NameFromLock(Myprocess->pr_CurrentDir, pwd, 254)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"csh.set_cwd: NameFromLock() failed\n");
- strcpy(pwd,"<unknown>");
- }
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, v_cwd, pwd);
- /* put the current dir name in our CLI task structure */
- CtoBStr(pwd, Mycli->cli_SetName, 254);
- }
- int
- do_pwd( void )
- {
- set_cwd();
- puts( get_var( LEVEL_SET, v_cwd ));
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * CD
- *
- * CD(str, 0) -do CD operation.
- *
- */
- extern int qcd_flag;
- static char lastqcd[80];
- static FILE *qcdfile;
- static int NumDirs;
- static int
- countfunc( long mask, char *file, char *fullpath )
- {
- fprintf( qcdfile, "%s\n", fullpath );
- fprintf( stdout, "\r Directories: %d", ++NumDirs );
- fflush ( stdout );
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_cd(void)
- {
- BPTR oldlock, filelock;
- char buf[100], *old, *str=av[1];
- int i=1, repeat;
- if( options & 1 ) {
- if( !o_csh_qcd ) { fprintf(stderr,"$_qcd unset\n"); return 20; }
- if( !(qcdfile=fopen( o_csh_qcd, "w" )))
- { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output\n"); return 20; }
- for( ; i<ac && !dobreak(); i++ ) {
- NumDirs=0;
- printf("%s\n",av[i]);
- newrecurse( SCAN_DIRENTRY | SCAN_RECURSE, av[i], countfunc );
- printf("\n");
- }
- fclose(qcdfile);
- return 0;
- }
- if ( !str || !(*str) ) { /* old "!*str" causes enforcer hit! */
- printf("%s\n", get_var( LEVEL_SET, v_cwd ));
- return 0;
- }
- if (filelock=Lock(str,ACCESS_READ)) {
- lastqcd[0]=0;
- if (!isdir(str)) { UnLock(filelock); ierror(str,212); return 20; }
- } else {
- repeat= !strncmp( lastqcd, str, 79 );
- strncpy( lastqcd, str, 79);
- if( !quick_cd( buf, av[i], repeat) )
- { fprintf(stderr,"Object not found %s\n",str); return 20; }
- if (!(filelock=Lock(buf,ACCESS_READ)))
- { pError(buf); return 20; }
- }
- if (oldlock=CurrentDir(filelock)) UnLock(oldlock);
- if( !(old=get_var(LEVEL_SET, v_cwd)) )
- old="";
- set_var(LEVEL_SET, v_lcd, old);
- set_cwd();
- return 0;
- }
- char *
- quick_cd( char *buf, char *name, int repeat )
- {
- if( !o_csh_qcd || !exists(o_csh_qcd))
- return NULL;
- qcd_flag=repeat ? 2 : 1;
- strcpy(buf,name);
- if( quicksearch( o_csh_qcd, 1, buf)!=2 )
- return NULL;
- return buf;
- }
- /* AMK: mkdir now builds path to destination directory if neccessary */
- int
- do_mkdir( void )
- {
- int i;
- BPTR lock;
- char *p,c;
- for (i=1; i<ac; ++i) {
- /* Are there any sub-directories to build? */
- if( options&1 && (p=strchr(av[i],'/'))) {
- do {
- c = *p;
- *p = '\0';
- if (lock=CreateDir(av[i]))
- UnLock(lock);
- *p = c;
- } while(p=strchr(++p,'/'));
- }
- /* allow trailing slash */
- if (lastch(av[i]) == '/' )
- av[i][strlen(av[i])-1] = '\0';
- /* Okay, sub-directories should exist, now try normal mkdir. */
- if (lock=CreateDir(av[i]))
- UnLock(lock);
- else
- pError(av[i]);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_mv( void )
- {
- char *dest, buf[256];
- int dirflag, i, len;
- dirflag=isdir(dest=av[--ac]);
- if (ac>3 && !dirflag) { ierror(dest, 507); return (-1); }
- for (i=1; i<ac; ++i) {
- strcpy(buf, dest);
- /* source: remove trailing slash */
- if ((len=strlen(av[i]))>1 && av[i][len-1]=='/' && av[i][len-2]!=':' && av[i][len-2]!='/')
- av[i][len-1] = '\0';
- /* destination: remove trailing slash */
- if ((len=strlen(buf))>1 && buf[len-1]=='/' && buf[len-2]!=':' && buf[len-2]!='/')
- buf[len-1] = '\0';
- if (dirflag && stricmp(av[i],buf))
- AddPart(buf, FilePart(av[i]), 255L);
- if (Rename(av[i], buf)==0) {
- pError(av[i]);
- if (!(options&1))
- return -1;
- }
- else {
- clear_archive_bit( buf );
- if (options&2) {
- /*printf("Renaming %s as %s\n",av[i],buf);*/
- printf(" %s...%s\n",av[i],dirflag?"moved":"renamed");
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static char *searchstring;
- static char docr;
- #if 0
- int
- all_args( int (*action)FUNCARG(long,char*,char*), int dirsflag )
- {
- int i;
- long mask= SCAN_FILE;
- if( options&1 )
- mask |= SCAN_RECURSE;
- if( dirsflag )
- mask |= SCAN_DIR;
- for ( i=1; i<ac && !dobreak(); ++i)
- if (isdir(av[i])) {
- if (options & 1)
- newrecurse(mask, av[i], action);
- if (dirsflag)
- (*action)(SCAN_DIR,av[i],av[i]);
- } else
- (*action)(SCAN_FILE,av[i],av[i]);
- if(docr) printf("\n"),docr=0;
- dobreak();
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* this is all_args() but with a user definable range from n to m */
- int
- all_args_n2m( int (*action)FUNCARG(long,char*,char*), int dirsflag, int aa_from, int aa_to )
- {
- int i;
- long mask= SCAN_FILE;
- if( options&1 )
- mask |= SCAN_RECURSE;
- if( dirsflag )
- mask |= SCAN_DIR;
- for ( i=aa_from; i<aa_to && !dobreak(); ++i)
- if (isdir(av[i])) {
- if (options & 1)
- newrecurse(mask, av[i], action);
- if (dirsflag)
- (*action)(SCAN_DIR,av[i],av[i]);
- } else
- (*action)(SCAN_FILE,av[i],av[i]);
- if(docr) printf("\n"),docr=0;
- dobreak();
- return 0;
- }
- int
- all_args( int (*action)FUNCARG(long,char*,char*), int dirsflag )
- {
- return( all_args_n2m(action,dirsflag,1,ac) );
- }
- #define SEARCH_REC 1
- #define SEARCH_CASE 2
- #define SEARCH_WILD 4
- #define SEARCH_NUM 8
- #define SEARCH_EXCL 16
- #define SEARCH_QUIET 32
- #define SEARCH_VERB 64
- #define SEARCH_BIN 128
- #define SEARCH_FILE 256
- #define SEARCH_ABORT 512
- #define SEARCH_LEFT 1024
- #define SEARCH_ONLY 2048
- /* added by amk, not yet implemented */
- #define SEARCH_STYLE 4096 /* alternative style, inspired by GMD */
- #define SEARCH_ONCE 8192 /* only show first pattern match per file */
- static int abort_search;
- static char lowbuf[256], file_name, file_cr;
- static int
- search_file( long mask, char *s, char *fullpath )
- {
- PATTERN *pat;
- FILE *fi;
- char *p, *q;
- int nocasedep, lctr, len, excl=((options & 16) !=0 ), yesno;
- char buf[256], searchit[120], first, left;
- if( abort_search )
- return 0;
- nocasedep=!(options & SEARCH_CASE);
- lctr= docr= file_name= file_cr= 0;
- if (!(options & (SEARCH_QUIET|SEARCH_FILE))) {
- if( options & SEARCH_VERB )
- printf("Examining %s ...\n",fullpath);
- else
- printf("\015Examining %s ...\033[K",fullpath), docr=1;
- fflush( stdout );
- }
- strcpy(searchit,searchstring);
- if (options & SEARCH_WILD) strcat(searchit,"\n");
- len=strlen(searchit);
- if (nocasedep) strupr(searchit);
- first=*searchit;
- if( strcmp("STDIN",s) && !(options&SEARCH_WILD) && !excl ||
- options&SEARCH_BIN )
- if( quicksearch(s,nocasedep,searchit) )
- return 0;
- if( options&SEARCH_BIN )
- { fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory\n"); return 20; }
- if(!(pat=compare_preparse( searchit, options&SEARCH_CASE )))
- { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid pattern\n"); return 20; }
- fi = strcmp("STDIN",s) ? fopen(s,"r") : stdin;
- if (fi==NULL) { pError(s); return 20; }
- prepscroll(0);
- while (fgets(buf,256,fi) && !dobreak()) {
- lctr++; left=1;
- if (options & SEARCH_WILD)
- yesno=compare_ok(pat, p=buf);
- else {
- if (nocasedep) {
- strcpy(lowbuf,buf);
- strupr(lowbuf);
- p=lowbuf;
- } else
- p=buf;
- q=p;
- while ((p=index(p,first)) && strncmp(p++,searchit,len)) ;
- yesno= (p!=NULL);
- left = --p - q;
- }
- if( yesno ^ excl )
- if(!(options&SEARCH_ONLY)|| !isalphanum(p[-1])&&!isalphanum(p[len]))
- if( found(buf, lctr, 0, s, left ) )
- break;
- }
- compare_free(pat);
- if (fi!=stdin) fclose (fi);
- if( file_cr ) printf("\n");
- return 0;
- }
- int qcd_flag, qcd_offs;
- #define READCHUNK 60000
- static int
- quicksearch( char *name, int nocasedep, char *pattern )
- {
- int i, ptrn=strlen(pattern);
- char ut[256], *buffer, *lend;
- char *uptab=ut, *get, c, *lpos, *lstart;
- int len, lnum, qcd=qcd_flag, repeat=(qcd==2 && qcd_offs!=0), buflen;
- int sofar, got;
- BPTR fh;
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- while(0) while(0) c=c=0, uptab=uptab=ut, get=get=NULL;
- #endif
- qcd_flag=0;
- if( !(fh=Open(name,MODE_OLDFILE))) {
- i=(long)IoErr(), docr=0;
- printf("\n");
- ierror(name,i);
- return 1;
- }
- len=filesize( name );
- buflen=len+3;
- if( !(buffer=(void *)AllocMem(buflen,0))) { Close(fh); return 0; }
- sofar=0;
- do {
- got=Read( fh, (char *)buffer+sofar, READCHUNK);
- sofar+=got;
- } while( got==READCHUNK );
- Close( fh);
- if( sofar != len ) {
- FreeMem( buffer, buflen );
- pError(pattern); return 1;
- }
- if(buffer[len-1]!='\n')
- buffer[len++]='\n';
- if( nocasedep )
- strupr( pattern );
- if( !qcd )
- prepscroll(0);
- for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) uptab[i]=i;
- if( nocasedep ) for( i='a'; i<='z'; i++ ) uptab[i]=i-'a'+'A';
- retry:
- c=*pattern, buffer[len]=c, buffer[len+1]=c;
- get= (qcd==2) ? buffer+qcd_offs : buffer;
- if( qcd==1 ) qcd_offs=0;
- lpos=lstart=buffer, lnum=1;
- for( ;; ) {
- do ; while( uptab[*get++]!=c );
- if( --get>=buffer + len )
- break;
- for( i=1; i<ptrn; i++ )
- if( uptab[get[i]]!=pattern[i] )
- break;
- if( i==ptrn ) {
- for( ;lpos<get; lpos++ )
- if( *lpos=='\n' )
- lstart=lpos+1, lnum++;
- for( lend=lstart+1; *lend!='\n'; lend++ ) ;
- if( qcd ) {
- if( get[-1]==':' || get[-1]=='/' ||
- lpos==lstart && lend[-1]==':' ) {
- char *tmp;
- for( tmp=get+ptrn; *tmp&& *tmp!='\n'&& *tmp!='/'; tmp++ );
- if( *tmp!='/' ) {
- *lend=0;
- strncpy(pattern,lstart,79);
- qcd_offs=lend-buffer;
- FreeMem( buffer, buflen );
- return 2;
- }
- } else
- lend=lpos+1;
- } else {
- *lend=0;
- if(!(options&SEARCH_ONLY) ||
- !isalphanum(lpos[-1])&&!isalphanum(lpos[ptrn]))
- if(found(lstart, lnum, get-buffer, name, lpos==lstart ))
- break;
- *lend='\n';
- }
- get=lend+1;
- } else
- get++;
- }
- if( repeat ) { repeat=0; qcd_offs=0; goto retry; }
- if( file_cr ) { printf("\n"); quickscroll(); }
- FreeMem( buffer, buflen );
- return 1;
- }
- static int
- found( char *lstart, int lnum, int loffs, char *name, char left )
- {
- int fileabort=0;
- if( (options&SEARCH_LEFT) && !left)
- return 0;
- if ( docr )
- { quickscroll(); printf("\n"); docr=0; }
- if( options&SEARCH_FILE ) {
- file_cr=1;
- if( !file_name )
- printf("%s",name), file_name=1;
- if( options&SEARCH_NUM )
- fileabort=1;
- else
- printf(" %d",lnum);
- } else if( options & SEARCH_BIN ) {
- if (!(options & SEARCH_NUM))
- printf("Byte offset %d\n",loffs);
- else
- printf("%d\n",loffs);
- quickscroll();
- } else {
- if (!(options & SEARCH_NUM))
- printf("%4d ",lnum);
- printf((lstart[strlen(lstart)-1]=='\n')?"%s":"%s\n",lstart);
- quickscroll();
- }
- abort_search= options&SEARCH_ABORT;
- return dobreak() || fileabort || abort_search;
- }
- int
- do_search( void )
- {
- if(!isconsole(Output())) options |= SEARCH_VERB;
- abort_search=0;
- searchstring=av[--ac];
- all_args(search_file, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- /* do_grep() is just do_search() with a modified all_args() */
- int
- do_grep( void )
- {
- if(!isconsole(Output())) options |= SEARCH_VERB;
- abort_search=0;
- searchstring=av[1];
- all_args_n2m(search_file, 0, 2, ac);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static BOOL rm_error_abort = FALSE;
- static int rm_file( long mask, char *file, char *fullpath )
- {
- if (rm_error_abort)
- return(20);
- if ( *file && file[strlen(file)-1]=='/' ) {
- file[strlen(file)-1]=0;
- }
- if (options&16 || has_wild) {
- fprintf(stdout," %s...",fullpath);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- if (options&2 || options&4) {
- SetProtection(file,0L);
- }
- if (!DeleteFile(file)) {
- pError(file);
- if (options & 8) {
- rm_error_abort = TRUE;
- return 20;
- }
- } else if (options&16 || has_wild)
- fprintf(stdout,"Deleted\n");
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_rm( void )
- {
- rm_error_abort = FALSE;
- all_args( rm_file, 1);
- rm_error_abort = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_history( void )
- {
- HIST *hist;
- int i = H_tail_base;
- int len = av[1] ? strlen(av[1]) : 0;
- char buf[250];
- if( options&2 ) {
- while( safegets(buf,stdin) )
- add_history(buf);
- return 0;
- }
- for (hist = H_tail; hist && !dobreak(); hist = hist->prev, i++)
- if (len == 0 || !strncmp(av[1], hist->line, len))
- if( options&1 )
- printf("%s\n", hist->line);
- else
- printf("%3d %s\n", i, hist->line);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_mem( void )
- {
- static long clast, flast;
- long cfree, ffree, i;
- char *desc="Free", *mem;
- if( options&32 )
- for( i=0; i<10; i++ )
- if(mem=(char*)AllocMem(0x7fffffff,0))
- FreeMem(mem,0x7fffffff);
- Forbid();
- cfree = AvailMem (MEMF_CHIP);
- ffree = AvailMem (MEMF_FAST);
- Permit();
- if( options&8 ) {
- clast=cfree, flast=ffree;
- return 0;
- }
- if( options&16 )
- cfree=clast-cfree, ffree=flast-ffree, desc="Used";
- if( options&4 ) {
- if ( options & 1 ) printf("%ld\n",cfree);
- else if( options & 2 ) printf("%ld\n",ffree);
- else printf("%ld\n",cfree+ffree);
- } else {
- if ( options & 1 ) printf("Free CHIP memory:%10s\n",itoa(cfree));
- else if( options & 2 ) printf("Free FAST memory:%10s\n",itoa(ffree));
- else {
- if(ffree) {
- printf("FAST memory:%10s\n",itoa(ffree));
- printf("CHIP memory:%10s\n",itoa(cfree));
- }
- printf("Total %s:%10s\n",desc,itoa(cfree+ffree));
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_forline( void )
- {
- char vname[33], buf[256], *cstr;
- int lctr;
- FILE *f;
- strcpy(vname,av[1]);
- if( !strcmp(av[2],"STDIN") )
- f=stdin;
- else
- if(!(f=fopen(av[2],"r"))) { pError(av[2]); return 20; }
- lctr=0;
- ++H_stack;
- cstr = compile_av (av, 3, ac, ' ', 0);
- while (fgets(buf,256,f) && !dobreak() && !breakcheckd()) {
- buf[strlen(buf)-1]='\0'; /* remove CR */
- lctr++;
- set_var(LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, vname, buf);
- sprintf(buf,"%d",lctr);
- set_var(LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, v_linenum, buf);
- exec_command(cstr);
- }
- if( f!=stdin ) fclose(f);
- --H_stack;
- free (cstr);
- if( lctr ) {
- unset_var (LEVEL_SET, vname);
- unset_var (LEVEL_SET, v_linenum);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_fornum( void )
- {
- char vname[33], buf[16];
- int n1, n2, step, i=1, verbose, runs=0;
- char *cstr;
- verbose=(options & 1);
- strcpy(vname,av[i++]);
- n1=myatoi(av[i++],-32767,32767); if (atoierr) return 20;
- n2=myatoi(av[i++],-32767,32767); if (atoierr) return 20;
- if (options & 2) {
- step=myatoi(av[i++],-32767,32767); if (atoierr) return 20;
- } else
- step=1;
- ++H_stack;
- cstr = compile_av (av, i, ac, ' ', 0);
- for (i=n1; (step>=0 ? i<=n2 : i>=n2) && !CHECKBREAK() && !breakcheckd();
- i+=step, runs++) {
- if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "fornum: %d\n", i);
- sprintf(buf,"%d",i);
- set_var (LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, vname, buf);
- exec_command(cstr);
- }
- --H_stack;
- free (cstr);
- if( runs )
- unset_var (LEVEL_SET, vname);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * foreach var_name ( str str str str... str ) commands
- * spacing is important (unfortunately)
- *
- * ac=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- * foreach i ( a b c ) echo $i
- * foreach i ( *.c ) "echo -n "file ->";echo $i"
- */
- int
- do_foreach( void )
- {
- int cstart, cend;
- char *cstr, vname[33];
- char **fav;
- int i=1, verbose;
- verbose=(options & 1);
- strcpy(vname, av[i++]);
- if (*av[i] == '(') i++;
- cstart = i;
- while (i<ac && *av[i] != ')') i++;
- if (i > ac) { fprintf(stderr,"')' expected\n"); return 20; }
- ++H_stack;
- cend = i;
- fav = (char **)salloc(sizeof(char *) * (ac));
- for (i = cstart; i < cend; ++i) fav[i] = av[i];
- cstr = compile_av (av, cend + 1, ac, ' ', 0);
- for (i = cstart; i<cend && !CHECKBREAK() && !breakcheckd() && !breakchecke(); ++i) {
- set_var (LEVEL_SET | LEVEL_LOCAL, vname, fav[i]);
- if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "foreach: %s\n", fav[i]);
- execute(cstr);
- }
- --H_stack;
- free (fav);
- free (cstr);
- if( cstart<cend)
- unset_var (LEVEL_SET, vname);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- do_forever( char *str )
- {
- int rcode = 0;
- char *ptr = next_word( str );
- ++H_stack;
- for (;;) {
- if (CHECKBREAK() || breakcheckd()) { rcode = 20; break; }
- if (exec_command (ptr) > 0) {
- str = get_var(LEVEL_SET, v_lasterr);
- rcode = (str) ? atoi(str) : 20;
- break;
- }
- }
- --H_stack;
- return rcode;
- }
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- int
- do_window( void )
- {
- long x=-1, y=-1, w=-1, h=-1, maxwidth, maxheight, arg[5];
- int i;
- if(options & 32) { /* -q */
- struct Screen *scrn;
- struct Window *window;
- ULONG ibase_lock;
- char **ibase_list=NULL;
- long i,ibase_num=0;
- char fmt[256];
- newwidth(); /* get current window width */
- ibase_lock = LockIBase(0);
- for (scrn=IntuitionBase->FirstScreen; scrn; scrn=scrn->NextScreen) {
- struct List *list;
- struct Node *node;
- list = LockPubScreenList();
- for (node = list->lh_Head; node->ln_Succ; node = node->ln_Succ) {
- if (((struct PubScreenNode *)node)->psn_Screen == scrn)
- sprintf(PubNameBuf," [%s]",node->ln_Name);
- }
- UnlockPubScreenList();
- sprintf(fmt,"Screen %c%.*s%c%s (%d,%d,%dx%dx%d):\n",
- scrn->Title ? '\"' : '(',
- (options&64) ? 128 : (((w_width-36-strlen(PubNameBuf)) > 0) ? (w_width-36-strlen(PubNameBuf)) : 30),
- scrn->Title ? scrn->Title : "no title",
- scrn->Title ? '\"' : ')',
- PubNameBuf,
- scrn->LeftEdge,
- scrn->TopEdge,
- scrn->Width,
- scrn->Height,
- scrn->BitMap.Depth
- );
- add_array_list(&ibase_list,&ibase_num,fmt);
- for (window=scrn->FirstWindow; window; window=window->NextWindow) {
- sprintf(fmt," win %c%.*s%c (%d,%d,%dx%d)\n",
- window->Title ? '\"' : '(',
- (options&64) ? 128 : w_width-32,
- window->Title ? window->Title : "no title",
- window->Title ? '\"' : ')',
- window->LeftEdge,
- window->TopEdge,
- window->Width,
- window->Height
- );
- add_array_list(&ibase_list,&ibase_num,fmt);
- }
- if (scrn->NextScreen)
- add_array_list(&ibase_list,&ibase_num,"\n");
- }
- UnlockIBase(ibase_lock);
- for(i=0; i<ibase_num; i++)
- printf("%s",ibase_list[i]);
- free_array_list(ibase_list,ibase_num);
- return 0;
- }
- if( o_nowindow || !Mywindow )
- return 20;
- maxwidth = Mywindow->WScreen->Width;
- maxheight= Mywindow->WScreen->Height;
- if( options&1 )
- x=Mywindow->LeftEdge,y=Mywindow->TopEdge,w=Mywindow->MinWidth,h=Mywindow->MinHeight;
- if( options&2 ) x=y=0, w=maxwidth, h=maxheight;
- if( options&4 ) WindowToFront(Mywindow);
- if( options&8 ) WindowToBack(Mywindow);
- if( options&16) ActivateWindow(Mywindow);
- if( ac >= 5) {
- for(i=1; i<5; i++) {
- arg[i] = myatoi(av[i],0,1023); if (atoierr) return 20;
- }
- x=arg[1]; y=arg[2]; w=arg[3]; h=arg[4];
- }
- if( w!=-1 ) {
- int i;
- if ( x+w>maxwidth || y+h>maxheight ) {
- ierror(NULL, 500);
- return 20;
- }
- if( w<Mywindow->MinWidth ) w=Mywindow->MinWidth;
- if( h<Mywindow->MinHeight ) h=Mywindow->MinHeight;
- if( Mywindow->LeftEdge!=0 || Mywindow->TopEdge!=0 )
- MoveWindow(Mywindow, -Mywindow->LeftEdge, -Mywindow->TopEdge );
- if( Mywindow->Width!=w || Mywindow->Height!=h )
- SizeWindow(Mywindow, w-Mywindow->Width , h-Mywindow->Height );
- if( x || y )
- MoveWindow(Mywindow, x, y );
- for( i=0; i<10; i++ ) {
- if( Mywindow->LeftEdge==x && Mywindow->TopEdge==y &&
- Mywindow->Width ==w && Mywindow->Height ==h )
- break;
- Delay(5);
- }
- } else
- Delay(20); /* pause 1/2 sec. before trying to print */
- Delay(10);
- printf("\014");
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- setsystemtime(struct DateStamp *ds)
- {
- struct timerequest tr;
- long secs= ds->ds_Days*86400+ds->ds_Minute*60+ds->ds_Tick/TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)&tr, 0L)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Clock error: can't open timer device\n");
- return;
- }
- tr.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- tr.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri = 0L;
- tr.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name = NULL;
- tr.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = NULL;
- tr.tr_node.io_Command = TR_SETSYSTIME;
- tr.tr_time.tv_secs = secs;
- tr.tr_time.tv_micro = 0L;
- if (DoIO ((struct IORequest *)&tr))
- fprintf(stderr,"Clock error: can't talk to timer device\n");
- CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *)&tr);
- }
- static char tday[LEN_DATSTRING+1]; /* not sure, if +1 (null byte) is neccessary */
- char *
- dates( struct DateStamp *dss, int flags )
- {
- static char timestr[2*LEN_DATSTRING+1];
- char tdate[LEN_DATSTRING+1], ttime[LEN_DATSTRING+1];
- struct DateTime dt;
- struct DateStamp *myds;
- char *dp,*tp;
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- dt.dat_StrDay = tday;
- dt.dat_StrDate = tdate;
- dt.dat_StrTime = ttime;
- dt.dat_Flags = flags ? DTF_SUBST : 0;
- dt.dat_Stamp = *dss;
- myds = &(dt.dat_Stamp);
- if( myds->ds_Days<0 || myds->ds_Days>36500 ||
- myds->ds_Minute<0 || myds->ds_Minute>1440 ||
- myds->ds_Tick<0 || myds->ds_Tick>3000 || !DateToStr(&dt) )
- strcpy(tdate,"---------"), strcpy(ttime,"--------");
- #if 0
- ttime[8] = '\0';
- sprintf(timestr,"%-9s %-8s",tdate,ttime);
- #endif
- for (dp=tdate; dp && *dp && (*dp==' ' || *dp=='\t'); dp++)
- ;
- for (tp=ttime; tp && *tp && (*tp==' ' || *tp=='\t'); tp++)
- ;
- sprintf(timestr,"%9.9s %8.8s",dp,tp);
- timestr[18] = '\0'; /* protection against bad timestamped files */
- return timestr;
- }
- /*
- * returns difference in msecs between two TIMEVALS (GMD)
- */
- long tv_diff (struct timeval * tv1, struct timeval * tv2)
- {
- long val;
- val = ((long) tv2->tv_secs - (long) tv1->tv_secs) * 1000L;
- val += (((long) tv2->tv_micro) - ((long) tv1->tv_micro)) / 1000L;
- return val;
- }
- /*
- * given a DateStamp structure , returns an updated TIMEVAL (GMD)
- */
- void dss2tv (struct DateStamp * t1, struct timeval * tv)
- {
- ULONG secs;
- secs = t1->ds_Days * 24 * 60 * 60;
- secs += t1->ds_Minute * 60;
- secs += t1->ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- tv->tv_secs = secs;
- tv->tv_micro = (t1->ds_Tick % TICKS_PER_SECOND) * (1000000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND);
- }
- /*
- * tv2dss ; converts a timeval structure to a DateStamp structure (GMD)
- */
- void tv2dss (struct timeval * tv, struct DateStamp * dss)
- {
- long rem;
- dss->ds_Days = tv->tv_secs / (24 * 60 * 60);
- rem = tv->tv_secs % (24 * 60 * 60); /* secs in last day */
- dss->ds_Minute = rem / 60;
- rem = rem % 60; /* secs in last minute */
- rem = (rem * 1000) + (tv->tv_micro / 1000); /* msecs in last minute */
- dss->ds_Tick = rem / (1000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND); /* ticks in last minute */
- }
- /* code for battery-clock by Gary Duncan (GMD) */
- int
- do_date (void)
- {
- static struct DateStamp dss_s; /* set by -s option */
- static struct timeval tv;
- struct DateStamp dss;
- struct DateTime dt;
- int i = 1;
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- if (ac == 1) {
- DateStamp(&dss);
- if (options & 4) { /* its read-battery-clock time; GMD */
- struct timeval tv_batt;
- if (BattClockBase==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"No Battery Clock\n");
- return 0;
- }
- tv_batt.tv_micro = 0;
- tv_batt.tv_secs = ReadBattClock();
- tv2dss(&tv_batt,&dss);
- }
- if (options & 1) { /* -s option */
- dss_s = dss;
- dss2tv(&dss_s,&tv);
- }
- else if (options & 2) { /* -r option */
- long diff;
- struct timeval tv1;
- /*
- * if -s not previous done , silently ignore
- */
- if (dss_s.ds_Days == 0)
- return 0;
- dss2tv(&dss, &tv1); /* current time */
- diff = tv_diff(&tv,&tv1); /* diff in msecs */
- printf ("%d.%02d\n", diff / 1000, diff % 1000);
- }
- else
- printf ("%s %s\n", tday, dates (&dss, 0));
- }
- else {
- /* set the time here */
- DateStamp (&dt.dat_Stamp);
- for (; i < ac; i++) {
- dt.dat_StrDate = NULL;
- dt.dat_StrTime = NULL;
- dt.dat_Flags = DTF_FUTURE;
- if (index (av[i], ':'))
- dt.dat_StrTime = av[i];
- else
- dt.dat_StrDate = av[i];
- if (!StrToDate (&dt))
- ierror (av[i], 500);
- }
- setsystemtime (&(dt.dat_Stamp));
- }
- return 0;
- }