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- Changes from 5.19 to 5.20:
- --------------------------
- - ARP-Getenv/Setenv replaced by OS-2.0-GetVar/SetEnv (flags: global & binary)
- - OS 2.0 Includes in shell.h
- - replaced ARP filerequester by ASL filerequester
- - replaced ARP-TackOn by OS-2.0-AddPart:
- a) ignored return value
- b) two times the maximum string length was unknown, used 256L (dummy)
- c) added internal alias "addpart" for command "tackon"
- - replaced ARP-BaseName by OS-2.0-FilePart
- - replaced ARP-Assign by OS-2.0-AssignLock (changed assign-code a little bit)
- - added builtin "chmod" (copied from protect)
- - now using SetFileDate() from dos.library instead of file_date()
- - file_date() removed
- - "touch" now creates a file if not existing (like Unix "touch")
- - "touch" rewritten to use SetFileDate() and Open()
- - replaced ARP-PathName by OS-2.0-NameFromLock
- - replaced ARP-FindCLI(0) by OS-2.0-MaxCli()
- - replaced ARP-FindCLI(num) by OS-2.0-FindCliProc(num)
- - replaced ARP-CompareLock by OS-2.0-SameLock
- - replaced ARP-StamptoStr/StrtoStamp by OS-2.0-DateToStr/StrToDate
- (reversed return-code)
- - new option "-p" (make path) for builtin "mkdir", fixed "minargs" (execom.c)
- - replaced ARP-Strcmp by ANSI-C library stricmp()
- - replaced ARP-Strncmp by ANSI-C library strnicmp()
- - found bug in builtin "dir":
- filenames/directories with >24 chars destroy layout
- - replaced ARP-Atol by ANSI-C library atol(),
- using new isnum() instead of IoErr()
- - replaced ARP's BtoCStr() and CtoBStr() with own routines
- - replaced ARP's GetDADevs() by OS-2.0-LockDosList()
- (juhu, nie wieder NULL: ;-)
- - removed memory leak in drive_name() (static buffer was too small)
- - removed bug in oneinfo() with ':' in drive names
- - rewritten "do_relabel" so that OS-2.0-Relabel() is used,
- added support for error condition
- - if ErrorCode<500 then using OS-2.0-Fault() instead of internal error table
- - new option "-p" for info (print only drives if disk is present)
- - new mode "6" for oneinfo(), print nothing if disk is not present
- - added verbose flag "-v" to "mv/rename" (print renamed/moved files),
- handle difference between "moving" (file,dir) und "renaming" (file,file)
- - added force flag "-f" to "mv/rename" (don't abort on errors)
- - builtin "info" recognizes Kickstart disks, unreadable disks,
- NDOS disks etc.
- - under SAS/C 5.x you must set option "-cm" (multi-char const)
- - changed internal "itok()" --> new "info" layout
- (because of the new HD floppy disk drives -- they have 1760 kB, not 2 MB!)
- - changed options of internal "assign" (more AmigaShell compatible)
- a : add path (CLI: assign ADD)
- d : late-binding assign (CLI: assign DEFER)
- p : path assign (CLI: assign PATH)
- - added correct DoPkt() pragma to shell.h
- - added flag "f" (force) to "rm" (= "p" (un-protect)), like Unix!
- - changed "getwindow()" to use DoPkt()
- - changed "do_addbuffers()" to use OS-2.0-AddBuffers()
- - changed "changedisk()" to use DoPkt()
- - changed "setrawcon()" to use DoPkt()
- - finally, eliminated ARP-SendPacket() :-)
- - fixed nasty bug in assign which caused heavy system crashes
- under AmigaOS 3.x
- - Angenommen "minarg" eines builtin command ist 1. Dieses Kommando hat
- aber auch eine Option. Ruft man das Kommando ohne was auf, kommt die
- gewohnte Fehlermeldung (template). Gibt man die Option an, denkt die
- csh, dies waere bereits ein gueltiges Argument... keine Fehlermeldung,
- obwohl minargs >= 1 gar nicht erfuellt ist (Optionen zaehlen schliess-
- lich nicht als Argumente)
- to do:
- - "setrawcon()" should use DOS SetMode() instead of Packets etc.
- Additional Changes in 5.20:
- ---------------------------
- - fixed bug (Enforcer hit) in "cd" (w/o arguments)
- - renamed "datecmp()" to "datecmp_csh()"
- (conflict with <time.h>)
- - renamed "CreatePort()" (ARP) to "CreatePort_ARP()"
- (conflict with <clib/alib_protos.h>)
- - renamed "DeletePort()" (ARP) to "DeletePort_ARP()"
- (conflict with <clib/alib_protos.h>)
- - "chkabort()" replaced by "__chkabort()"
- - some minor changes in "shell.h"
- - removed "findpart" (which was an internal alias to basename)
- to avoid (very confusing) conflict with "find" (from SKsh)
- More Changes (beta versions 5.20-5.25)
- --------------------------------------
- - removed CLI options -r, -i0 (obsolete)
- - removed ARP residents, now CSH uses dos.library's residents
- - replaced DosAllocMem()/DosFreeMem() from ARP with own routines
- - changed handling of DISABLED internals (see AmigaMail II-65)
- - added Forbid()/Permit() to "path"
- - added option -s (stack) to "ps"
- - removed bug in array-size (was too small) for localized date strings
- - removed bug "object already in use" for renaming a directory to itself
- - new option -s (short) for "stack"
- - internal command "aset" gone with ARP :-)
- - new setting "%L" for internal command "dir"
- - CSH now detects if other programs change current directory
- - new setting "%V" (volume) for prompt/titlebar
- - "!pattern" is now expanded to "!(pattern)"
- (for compatibility with old ARP-patterns)
- - CTRL-D from prompt even works if user has aliased "dir" to something else
- - if pattern is not expandable the complete command line is aborted
- - fixed nasty memory bug with path comparison in do_dir()
- Csh 5.26
- --------
- - new "edit function" for keymaps: 17, clear screen and refresh current line
- (e.g. "keymap 0 12=17" assigns that function to CTRL+L like in Unix tcsh)
- - fixed serious pattern matching bug
- (string was modified so that other functions like "search" failed)
- - new function "@stricmp" (case-insensitive @strcmp ;-)
- - new option "-g" (global) for path: add path(es) to all CLI processes,
- or (with option "-r") clear path of all CLI processes
- Csh 5.27
- --------
- - fixed minor bug in "info" (sometimes output of devices w/o fs)
- and other commands (with similar code for fs-detection)
- - rewritten "info", added Busy-detection (eg, when formatting a disk)
- - new variable "_clipri" sets priority while editing command line
- - print break message ("^C") only once
- [Gary Duncan]
- - easier access to arguments in scripts via $0, $1 etc,
- total number of args is in $# ($_passed is still valid)
- [Gary Duncan]
- - sorted output for: info, assign, resident (user-residents only)
- - new option "-f" for "help" shows functions also
- - added "MAKELINK" section to manual (csh.doc)
- - enhanced quoting mechanism for filename completion
- - new functions @filedate, @filenote and @hextodec
- [Gary Duncan]
- - re-enabled old "assign" options -l and -n for compatibility
- Csh 5.28
- --------
- - some changes in "strings" and atoi()-error-handling
- [Gary Duncan]
- - new option "-v" (verbose) for rm/delete
- (there's no output when using wildcards if one has an alias for
- rm/delete, so this is a klugde to re-enable output :)
- - YEAH!! FIRST TIME IN HISTORY... Cshell now calculates
- "Disk size" and "Percent full" in the right way !!
- ("info" command and others)
- [Rodney Hester]
- - kludge for leading spaces in date-strings (Locale bug)
- - "menu" code rewritten, now using GadTools menus
- Csh 5.29
- --------
- - removed debug output from "menu" command
- - the "Disk size" in 5.28 was right but the rounding was wrong
- - raised limits for max. menus (16) and menu items (32)
- - local variables are now accessable via "$varname" as well
- as global variables (this was a bug in previous 5.2x versions),
- if no internal variable "varname" exists
- - fixed enforcer hit when using backticks (`<command>`) without
- a leading command
- [chess@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de]
- - new internal variable "_dirformat", now you can specify additional
- options after "-z" (w/o formatting string)
- - new option -m for "menu" command installs menus with monospaced
- font (System Default Font) instead of Intuition Font (may be
- proportional)... necessary for user-formatted menus
- - updated manual entry for "info"
- - fixed some more atoierr-bugs (caused various problems)
- - fixed overflow bug (32 bit long int) in "info" (and related functions)
- - new internal alias "grep" for "search"
- [Rodney Hester]
- Csh 5.30
- --------
- - new variable "_nomatch", set it if you want that Cshell aborts
- command execution if pattern doesn't match
- [Kurt Haenen]
- - command searching is now interruptable (again?)
- [Kurt Haenen]
- - internal addbuffers now behaves more like AmigaDOS' addbuffers
- - fixed two bugs in @confirm(): missing fflush() + Enforcer hit
- [Manuel Fischer]
- - new function @ask, very similar to @confirm
- - made source compilable with 2.0 includes
- - head/tail/strings/htype now accept input from stdin
- - set/alias now print control chars with '^' and fixed bug in scrolling
- [Carsten Heyl]
- - removed cursor positioning bug when using CTRL-D in the middle
- of a line
- - now "rm" (or delete) does not abort if one file cannot be deleted
- or does not exist, meaning of option "-q" changed (opposite)
- Csh 5.31
- --------
- - fixed small bug (introduced in 5.30) in "dir" with empty directories
- - internal alias "grep" (for "search") removed
- - fixed some minor bugs in menu handling code
- - stack increased to 15000 for for max. menus (31 menus, 63 items each)
- - _nomatch set by default
- Csh 5.32
- --------
- - removed confusing "No match" output in "dir" command
- - new "edit function" for keymaps: 29, insert last word of previous line
- (e.g. "keymap 0 12=29" assigns that function to CTRL+L)