home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* rawcon.c
- *
- * Shell 2.07M 17-Jun-87
- * console handling, command line editing support for Shell
- * using new console packets from 1.2.
- * Written by Steve Drew. (c) 14-Oct-86.
- * 16-Dec-86 Slight mods to rawgets() for Disktrashing.
- *
- * Version 4.01A by Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni 17-Feb-90
- * Version 5.00L by Urban Mueller 17-Feb-91
- * Version 5.20L by Andreas M. Kirchwitz (Fri, 13 Mar 1992)
- *
- */
- #include "shell.h"
- void setrawcon( long flag, int ievent );
- #define LINELEN 255
- int w_width=80, w_height=24;
- static int myget( void );
- static void myunget(int c);
- static int get_seq( long *param );
- static void back( int n );
- static void left( int n );
- static void right( int n );
- static int leftwordlen( void );
- static int rightwordlen( void );
- static void delete( int i );
- static void history( int hnum );
- static void display( char *str );
- static void redraw( void );
- static void abbrev( char *buf, char **eav, int eac );
- static void quote( char *buf, char *sep );
- static void getword( char *buf );
- static void delword( void );
- static int getkey(void);
- static char *tyahdptr;
- static int unget;
- #define SETRAW setrawcon(-1,1);
- #define SETCON setrawcon( 0,1);
- extern char *MenuCommand[MAXMENUS][MAXMENUITEMS];
- #define CTRL -64
- #define SHIFT 512
- #define ESC 1024
- #define CUP 256
- #define CDN 257
- #define CRT 258
- #define CLT 259
- #define TAB 9
- static int Curmap;
- static USHORT *Keymap[8];
- static USHORT DefKeymap0[]={
- CLT, 0, /* CursLt = Move.Left */
- CRT, 1, /* CursRt = Move.Right */
- SHIFT+CLT, 2, /* SCursLt= Move.WordL */
- SHIFT+CRT, 3, /* SCursRt= Move.WordR */
- ESC+CLT, 4, /* ESC-CLt= Move.SOL */
- ESC+CRT, 5, /* ESC-CRt= Move.EOL */
- CTRL+'A', 4, /* ^A = Move.SOL */
- CTRL+'E', 5, /* ^E = Move.EOL */
- CTRL+'Z', 4, /* ^Z = Move.SOL */
- 8, 10, /* BackSp = Del.BackSp */
- 127, 11, /* Delete = Del.Delete */
- ESC+ 8, 12, /* ESC-BkS= Del.WordL */
- ESC+127, 13, /* ESC-Del= Del.WordR */
- CTRL+'W', 12, /* ^W = Del.WordL */
- CTRL+'B', 14, /* ^B = Del.SOL */
- CTRL+'K', 15, /* ^K = Del.EOL */
- ESC+'x',513, /* ESC-x = Setmap 1 */
- ESC+'d', 16, /* ESC-d = Del.Line */
- CTRL+'X', 16, /* ^X = Del.Line */
- CUP, 20, /* CursUp = Hist.Back */
- CDN, 21, /* CursDn = Hist.Forw */
- ESC+CUP, 22, /* ECursUp= Hist.Beg */
- ESC+CDN, 23, /* ECursDn= Hist.End */
- SHIFT+CUP, 24, /* SCursUp= Hist.Compl */
- ESC+'!', 24, /* ESC-! = Hist.Compl */
- ESC+ 13, 25, /* ESC-Ret= Hist.Exec */
- CTRL+'T', 26, /* ^T = Hist.Tail */
- SHIFT+CDN, 27, /* SCursDn= Hist.Clr */
- CTRL+'P', 28, /* ^P = Hist.DupWrd*/
- TAB, 30, /* Tab = Comp.Norm */
- SHIFT+TAB, 31, /* STab = Comp.Part */
- ESC+TAB, 32, /* ESC-TAB= Comp.All */
- ESC+'*', 32, /* ESC-* = Comp.All */
- ESC+'c', 33, /* ESC-c = Comp.CD */
- ESC+'~', 34, /* ESC-~ = Comp.LastCD*/
- CTRL+'D', 35, /* CTRL-D = Comp.Dir */
- ESC+'=', 35, /* ESC-= = Comp.Dir */
- ESC+'i', 40, /* ESC-i = Spec.Insert*/
- CTRL+'L', 43, /* ^L = Spec.Refr */
- 10, 44, /* Enter = Spec.Accept*/
- 13, 44, /* ^Enter = Spec.Accept*/
- CTRL+'N', 45, /* ^N = Spec.Next */
- CTRL+'O', 48, /* ^O = Spec.EchoO */
- CTRL+'\\', 46, /* ^\ = Spec.EOF */
- 260, 42, /* Help = Spec.Help */
- 271, 51, /* Menu = Misc.Menu */
- CTRL+'U', 52, /* ^U = Misc.Undo */
- CTRL+'R', 53, /* ^R = Misc.Repeat*/
- ESC+'s', 54, /* ESC-s = Misc.Swap */
- 0, 0
- };
- static USHORT DefKeymap1[]={
- 8, 14,
- 127, 15
- };
- static int Pos, Len;
- static char *Line, *Prompt;
- static char LastDir[128];
- static char Undo[256];
- static int LastFn=-99, LastKey=-99;
- long Param[10];
- void
- initmap(void)
- {
- if( !Keymap[0] )
- Keymap[0]=DefKeymap0, Keymap[1]=DefKeymap1;
- }
- char *
- rawgets( char line[], char prompt[] )
- {
- static int HNum=-1;
- int key, fn, old, hnum=-1, olen=0, inslen=0;
- int insert, undo_pos=0, undo_len=0;
- int eac, eactr=0;
- char typeahd[LINELEN], **eav=NULL, *ret=line;
- char *prio_set;
- long oldprio,prio;
- if ( o_noraw || !isconsole(Input()) ) {
- if( isconsole(Input())) {
- printf("%s",prompt);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- return gets(line);
- }
- if (WaitForChar(Input(), 100L) || CHARSWAIT(stdin)) /* don't switch to 1 */
- return gets(line);
- if (prio_set = get_var(LEVEL_SET,v_clipri)) {
- prio=atol(prio_set);
- if (!isnum(prio_set)) {
- printf("error: variable _clipri (%s) is not a number\n",prio_set);
- prio_set = NULL;
- }
- else if (prio<-128 || prio>127) {
- printf("error: variable _clipri (%s) is out of range (-128,127)\n",prio_set);
- prio_set = NULL;
- }
- else {
- oldprio = SetTaskPri((struct Task *)Myprocess,prio);
- }
- }
- tyahdptr=typeahd;
- typeahd[0]=0;
- Flush(Output());
- printf("\015\033[ p%s",prompt);
- Line= line; Prompt= prompt;
- line[ Len=Pos=0 ]=0;
- insert= o_insert;
- if( LastFn!=25 )
- LastFn=-1;
- if( HNum>=0 ) {
- history( hnum=HNum );
- HNum=-1;
- }
- while( (key=getkey()) != -1) {
- USHORT *p;
- int t;
- char c, *s, *src, *sep;
- for( fn=-1, p=Keymap[Curmap]; *p; p+=2 )
- if( *p==key )
- { fn=p[1]; break; }
- if( fn==-1 && (key>=261 && key<=270 || key>=261+SHIFT && key<=270+SHIFT))
- fn=50;
- if( fn==-1 && tyahdptr )
- fn=-2;
- if( fn!=52 && fn!=-2 ) {
- memcpy( Undo, line, Len+1 );
- undo_pos=Pos; undo_len=Len;
- }
- switch( fn/512 ) {
- case 1:
- fn&=511;
- if( fn<8 && Keymap[fn] ) Curmap=fn;
- fn=-3;
- break;
- case 2:
- key=fn&511, fn=-1;
- break;
- }
- if( fn!=-3 )
- Curmap=0;
- if( fn==53 )
- fn=LastFn, key=LastKey;
- switch( fn ) {
- case -3: /* change keymap */
- break;
- case -2: /* auto insert */
- case -1: /* insert key */
- key&=255;
- if (key < 31 || (insert?Len:Pos) >= LINELEN-1 )
- break;
- putchar(key);
- if (Pos < Len && insert) {
- memmove( line+Pos+1, line+Pos, Len-Pos+1);
- printf("%s",line+Pos+1);
- back(Len-Pos);
- Len++;
- }
- line[Pos++] = key;
- if (Len < Pos) Len = Pos;
- line[Len] = 0;
- break;
- case 0: /* cursor left */
- left(1);
- break;
- case 1: /* cursor right */
- right(1);
- break;
- case 2: /* word left */
- left( leftwordlen() );
- break;
- case 3: /* word right */
- right( rightwordlen() );
- break;
- case 4: /* beg of line */
- left(Pos);
- break;
- case 5: /* end of line */
- right(Len-Pos);
- break;
- case 10: /* backspace */
- if (Pos==0)
- break;
- left(1);
- case 11: /* delete */
- if (Pos==Len)
- break;
- delete(1);
- break;
- case 12: /* bkspc word */
- if( !leftwordlen() )
- break;
- left( leftwordlen() );
- case 13: /* del word */
- delete( rightwordlen() );
- break;
- case 14: /* del to SOL */
- left( old=Pos );
- delete( old );
- break;
- case 16: /* delete line */
- left( Pos );
- case 15: /* delete to EOL */
- delete( Len-Pos );
- break;
- case 17: /* clear screen + refresh */
- fprintf(stdout,"\033c\017");
- fflush(stdout);
- redraw();
- break;
- case 20: /* history up */
- if( hnum>=H_len-1 )
- hnum=H_len-1;
- history( ++hnum );
- break;
- case 21: /* history down */
- if( hnum<=0 )
- hnum=0;
- history( --hnum );
- break;
- case 22: /* beg of hist */
- history( hnum=H_len-1 );
- break;
- case 23: /* end of hist */
- history( hnum=0 );
- break;
- case 24: /* complete hist */
- if( LastFn!=fn )
- hnum=-1, olen=Len;
- line[Len=olen]=0;
- if((hnum=find_history( line, ++hnum ))==-1)
- display(line);
- else
- history(hnum);
- break;
- case 25: /* exec hist */
- HNum= hnum;
- LastFn= fn;
- goto done;
- case 26: /* tail of prev */
- if( H_head && (s=H_head->line) && (s=index(s,' ')))
- tyahdptr=s;
- break;
- case 27: /* bottom */
- history( hnum=-1 );
- break;
- case 28: /* duplicate word */
- for( s=line+Pos,t=0; s>line && s[-1]==' '; s--,t++ ) ;
- left(t);
- *(tyahdptr=typeahd)=' ';
- getword( typeahd+(t?0:1) );
- right(t);
- break;
- case 32: /* complete all */
- case 35: LastFn=-1; /* show files */
- case 30: /* complete */
- case 31: /* complete part */
- case 33: /* qcd */
- sep=" ";
- if( fn!=LastFn ) {
- getword( typeahd );
- filemap( typeahd, 1 );
- if( eav ) free_expand( eav ), eav=NULL;
- eac=0;
- breakreset();
- if( fn==35 ) {
- int tmp=o_scroll;
- int old_Pos=Pos;
- right(Len-Pos);
- putchar('\n');
- memmove( typeahd+8, typeahd, strlen(typeahd)+1);
- /*
- we need to escape "dir" here in
- such a way that it works even if
- a user aliased "dir" to something
- completely else
- */
- memcpy ( typeahd, "\\dir -s ", 8);
- o_scroll=0;
- execute( typeahd );
- o_scroll=tmp;
- printf("\033[J%s%s",Prompt,Line);
- back(Len-old_Pos);
- Pos = old_Pos;
- break;
- }
- if( fn!=33 ) {
- strcat( typeahd, "*");
- if( !index(typeahd,'&' ))
- eav =expand(typeahd,&eac);
- if( eac==0 ) {
- putchar(7);
- break;
- }
- }
- if( fn==30 )
- s=eav[ eactr=0 ];
- else if( fn==31 )
- abbrev(s=typeahd,eav,eac), eactr=-1, sep= eac==1?" ":"";
- else if( fn==32 ) {
- strncpy(s=typeahd, src=compile_av(eav,0,eac,' ',1),LINELEN);
- typeahd[LINELEN-1]=0;
- free(src);
- } else if( fn==33 ) { /* 33 */
- strncpy(LastDir,typeahd,128);
- if( !quick_cd( s=typeahd+128, LastDir, 0)) {
- putchar(7);
- break;
- }
- }
- delword();
- } else {
- if( fn==33 )
- quick_cd( s=typeahd+128, LastDir, 1);
- else { /* 30,31 */
- if( eac==0 ) {
- putchar(7);
- break;
- }
- s=eav[eactr=++eactr % eac];
- }
- left(inslen);
- delete(inslen);
- }
- strcpy( tyahdptr=typeahd, s );
- if( fn!=32 )
- quote( typeahd, sep );
- inslen=strlen(typeahd);
- break;
- case 34: /* last CD */
- strncpy(typeahd,get_var( LEVEL_SET, v_lcd ),230);
- appendslash(tyahdptr=typeahd);
- break;
- case 40: /* ins/ovr */
- insert ^= 1;
- break;
- case 41: /* quit */
- strcpy(line,"quit");
- goto done;
- case 42: /* help */
- strcpy(line,"help");
- goto done;
- case 43: /* refresh */
- redraw();
- break;
- case 44: /* exec */
- goto done;
- case 45: /* leave */
- add_history( line );
- right(Len-Pos);
- putchar('\n');
- line[Len=Pos=0]=0;
- update_sys_var(v_prompt);
- update_sys_var(v_titlebar);
- redraw();
- hnum=-1;
- break;
- case 46: /* EOF */
- ret=NULL;
- goto done;
- case 47: /* NOP */
- break;
- case 48: /* ^O */
- /*putchar( CTRL+'O' );*/
- putchar( '\017' );
- redraw();
- break;
- case 49: /* ^G */
- /*putchar( CTRL+'G' );*/
- putchar( '\007' );
- break;
- case 50: /* FKey */
- sprintf(typeahd,"%c%d",Param[0]>=10?'F':'f',Param[0]%10+1);
- if (s = get_var(LEVEL_SET, typeahd)) {
- tyahdptr = strcpy(typeahd,s);
- a0tospace( tyahdptr );
- }
- break;
- case 51: /* RawRaw */
- if( Param[0]==10 ) { /* P0=class P2=code */
- int num=MENUNUM( Param[2] ), item=ITEMNUM( Param[2] );
- tyahdptr="";
- if( num>=0 && num<MAXMENUS && item>=0 && item<MAXMENUITEMS )
- tyahdptr=MenuCommand[num][item];
- }
- if( Param[0]==11 ) {
- strcpy(line,"quit");
- goto done;
- }
- break;
- case 52: /* Undo */
- back(Pos);
- t=Len; Len=undo_len; undo_len=t;
- t=Pos; Pos=undo_pos; undo_pos=t;
- swapmem( Undo, line, MAX( Len, undo_len)+1 );
- printf("\033[J%s",line);
- back(Len-Pos);
- break;
- case 53: /* repeat */
- break;
- case 54: /* swap */
- if( (t=Pos==Len?Pos-1:Pos)>0 )
- c=line[t-1], line[t-1]=line[t], line[t]=c;
- redraw();
- break;
- }
- if( fn!=-2 )
- LastFn=fn, LastKey=key;
- }
- ret=NULL;
- done:
- if( ret )
- printf("\033[%dC\n", Len-Pos );
- newwidth();
- if( eav ) free_expand(eav);
- if (prio_set)
- SetTaskPri((struct Task *)Myprocess,oldprio);
- return ret;
- }
- static int
- getkey(void)
- {
- int esc=0, key, c;
- long *par;
- key=-1;
- if( (c=myget())==27 ) {
- esc=ESC;
- if((c=myget())=='[')
- c=155, esc=0;
- }
- if(c!=155)
- key=c;
- else {
- switch(c=myget()) {
- case 'A': key=256; break; /* CursUp */
- case 'B': key=257; break; /* CursDn */
- case 'C': key=258; break; /* CursRt */
- case 'D': key=259; break; /* CursLt */
- case 'T': key=256+SHIFT; break; /* SCursUp */
- case 'S': key=257+SHIFT; break; /* SCursDn */
- case ' ':
- switch( myget() ) {
- case '@': key=258+SHIFT; break; /* SCursRt */
- case 'A': key=259+SHIFT; break; /* SCursLt */
- }
- break;
- case 'Z': key= 9+SHIFT; break; /* STab */
- case '?': key= 260; myget(); break; /* Help */
- case -1 : return -99;
- default :
- if( c>='0' && c<='9' ) {
- myunget(c);
- par=Param;
- do {
- for( *par=0; (c=myget())>='0' && c<='9'; )
- *par=10* *par + c-'0';
- par++;
- } while( c==';' );
- if( c=='~' ) {
- key=Param[0]+261;
- if( key>270 ) key+=SHIFT-10;
- }
- if( c=='|' ) key=271;
- } else
- key=c;
- }
- }
- return key+esc;
- }
- static void
- back(int n)
- {
- if( n>0 ) printf("\033[%dD",n);
- }
- static void
- left(int n)
- {
- if( n>Pos ) n=Pos;
- if( n<=0 ) return;
- back(n);
- Pos-=n;
- }
- static void
- right(int n)
- {
- if( n+Pos>Len ) n=Len-Pos;
- if( n<=0 ) return;
- printf("\033[%dC",n);
- Pos+=n;
- }
- static int
- leftwordlen( void )
- {
- char *ptr= Line+Pos;
- while( ptr>Line && *(ptr-1) == ' ' ) ptr--;
- while( ptr>Line && *(ptr-1) != ' ' ) ptr--;
- return (Line+Pos)-ptr;
- }
- static int
- rightwordlen( void )
- {
- char *ptr= Line+Pos;
- while( ptr<Line+Len && *ptr != ' ' ) ptr++;
- while( ptr<Line+Len && *ptr == ' ' ) ptr++;
- return ptr-(Line+Pos);
- }
- static void
- delete( int cnt )
- {
- if( !cnt ) return;
- memmove( Line+Pos, Line+Pos+cnt, Len-Pos-cnt );
- memset ( Line+Len-cnt, ' ', cnt );
- printf("%s",Line+Pos);
- back(Len-Pos);
- Line[ Len-=cnt ]=0;
- }
- static void
- history( int hnum )
- {
- HIST *hist;
- for( hist=H_head; hist && hnum--; hist=hist->next) ;
- display( hist ? hist->line : "");
- }
- static void
- display( char *str )
- {
- left(Pos);
- strcpy(Line,str);
- printf("\033[J%s",str);
- Pos= Len= strlen(str);
- }
- static void
- redraw( void )
- {
- back(Pos);
- printf("\015\033[J%s%s",Prompt,Line);
- back(Len-Pos);
- }
- static int wleft, wdel;
- static void
- getword( char *buf )
- {
- char *beg, *end, *l=Line;
- for( end=l+Pos; *end && *end!=' '; ++end ) ;
- for( beg=l+Pos; beg>l && !index(" <>;",*(beg-1)) ; beg-- ) ;
- memcpy( buf, beg, end-beg );
- buf[end-beg]=0;
- wleft= (l+Pos)-beg;
- wdel = end-beg;
- }
- static void
- delword()
- {
- left( wleft);
- delete( wdel );
- }
- static void
- abbrev( char *buf, char **eav, int eac )
- {
- int i, j, radlen=9999;
- /*if( eac>1 ) putchar( CTRL+'G' );*/
- if( eac>1 ) putchar( '\007' ); /* ^G */
- strcpy( buf, eav[0] );
- for( i=0; i<eac; i++ ) {
- if ( (j=strlen(eav[i])) < radlen ) radlen=j;
- for( j=0; j<radlen && tolower(eav[0][j])==tolower(eav[i][j]); j++ ) ;
- if ( j<radlen ) radlen=j;
- }
- buf[radlen]=0;
- }
- static int must_be_quoted(char *s)
- {
- if (!*s)
- return 1;
- for ( ; *s; s++)
- if (ISSPACE(*s) || *s==';' || *s=='|' || *s=='#' || *s=='^'
- || *s=='?' || *s=='*' || *s=='&' || *s=='$' || *s=='!'
- || *s=='~' || *s=='`' || *s=='\'')
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static void quote( char *buf, char *sep )
- {
- int len=strlen(buf), dir=isdir(buf);
- if (must_be_quoted(buf)) {
- memmove(buf+1,buf,len);
- buf[0]=buf[++len]='\"';
- buf[++len]=0;
- }
- strcat(buf,dir?"/":sep);
- }
- void
- setrawcon( long flag, int ievent ) /* -1L=RAW:, 0L=CON: */
- {
- static char menuon, button;
- if( !o_nowindow && ievent && flag==0 && menuon)
- printf("\033[10}"), menuon=0;
- DoPkt( (void *)Myprocess->pr_ConsoleTask, ACTION_SCREEN_MODE, flag, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL );
- if( !o_nowindow && ievent && flag==-1 ) {
- if( !menuon )
- printf("\033[10{"), menuon=1;
- if( !button )
- printf("\033[11{"), button=1;
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- static int row, height, cnt;
- static char scrollstr[10];
- static int noquick=1;
- extern BPTR OldCin;
- static int FromTee;
- static UBYTE
- mygetchar(void)
- {
- UBYTE c;
- Read( Input(), &c, 1 );
- return c;
- }
- void
- prepscroll( int fromtee )
- {
- BPTR truecin=0;
- long param[8];
- row=height=0;
- FromTee=fromtee;
- if(( noquick=!o_scroll || o_noraw || o_nofastscr))
- return;
- if(( noquick=!isconsole(Myprocess->pr_COS) && !fromtee ))
- return;
- if( !isconsole(Myprocess->pr_CIS)) {
- truecin=Myprocess->pr_CIS;
- if( noquick=!isconsole(OldCin) )
- return;
- Myprocess->pr_CIS = DEVTAB(stdin) = OldCin;
- }
- if( !CHARSWAIT(stdin) ) {
- Write(OldCin,"\033[ q",4);
- get_seq( param );
- height=param[2];
- while( mygetchar()!='r') ;
- Write(OldCin,"\033[6n",4);
- get_seq( param );
- row=param[0];
- cnt= height-row+1;
- noquick= height<o_minrows;
- }
- sprintf(scrollstr,"\033[%cS\033[%cA", o_scroll+'0', o_scroll+'0');
- if( truecin )
- Myprocess->pr_CIS = DEVTAB(stdin) = truecin;
- }
- static int
- get_seq( long *param )
- {
- int c;
- while( (c=mygetchar())!=155 ) ;
- do {
- *param=0;
- while( (c=mygetchar())>='0' && c<='9' )
- *param=10* *param + c-'0';
- param++;
- } while( c==';' );
- return c;
- }
- void
- quickscroll( void )
- {
- if( noquick ) return;
- if( --cnt<=0 ) {
- cnt=o_scroll;
- fprintf( FromTee ? stderr : stdout, "%s",scrollstr);
- }
- }
- int
- do_keymap( void )
- {
- int i, n, len;
- USHORT *tmp, *put, *get, *map;
- char *ind;
- #if 0
- if( ac==1 ) {
- for( get=Keymap[0]; *get; get+=2 )
- printf("%4d %4d\n",get[0],get[1]);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- n=myatoi(av[1],0,7);
- if( atoierr ) return 20;
- map=Keymap[n]; len=0;
- if( map )
- for( len=0; map[2*len]; len++ ) ;
- put=tmp=salloc((len+ac)*2*sizeof(USHORT));
- for( i=2; i<ac; i++ ) {
- if( !(ind=index(av[i],'='))) {
- ierror( av[i],500);
- free( tmp );
- return 20;
- }
- *put++=atoi(av[i]);
- *put++=atoi(ind+1);
- }
- for( i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
- for( get=tmp; get<put; get+=2 )
- if( *get==map[2*i] )
- break;
- if( get==put ) {
- *put++=map[2*i];
- *put++=map[2*i+1];
- }
- }
- *put++=0;
- *put =0;
- if( map && map!=DefKeymap0 && map!=DefKeymap1 )
- free( map );
- Keymap[n]=tmp;
- Curmap=0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- myget( void )
- {
- int c;
- if( unget )
- c=unget, unget=0;
- else if( tyahdptr && *tyahdptr ) {
- c=*tyahdptr++;
- } else {
- tyahdptr=NULL;
- fflush(stdout);
- c=getchar();
- }
- return c;
- }
- static void
- myunget(int c)
- {
- unget=c;
- }
- int
- newwidth( void )
- {
- extern struct Window *Win;
- w_width = 80;
- w_height= 24;
- if( !o_nowindow && Win ) {
- w_width =(Win->Width - Win->BorderLeft - Win->BorderRight)/
- Win->RPort->TxWidth;
- w_height=(Win->Height- Win->BorderTop - Win->BorderBottom)/
- Win->RPort->TxHeight;
- }
- if( w_width<1 ) w_width=1; /* crash after resizing was reported */
- return w_width;
- }
- #else
- void prepscroll(int fromtee) {}
- void quickscroll(void) {}
- int do_keymap( void ) {}
- void setrawcon( long flag, int ievent ) {}
- int newwidth( void ) {}
- void initmap(void) {}
- #endif
- extern struct MsgPort *Console;
- int
- isconsole( BPTR fh )
- {
- return ((struct FileHandle *)(4*fh))->fh_Type==Console &&
- IsInteractive(fh);
- }