home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # This is a comment:
- # --------------------------- Main menu ------------------------------
- # check if we're running a csh 5.16 or above. $_version contians the current
- # version, and the return command returns from a batch file.
- if $_version < 516
- echo "Sorry, csh version 5.16 needed";return 0
- endif
- cls # clears the screen
- # The echo command is used for printing lines to the screen. Note that a
- # trailing quote is not necessary
- echo "This is a sample script for csh. It contains quite a few useful
- echo "aliases you might want to keep permanently, but its main purpose
- echo "is to be used as a tutorial. Look at it and modify it.
- echo
- # Every csh command accepts ^-codes in its command line, e.g. ^A is
- # the same as CTRL-A, which is ASCII code 1. This can be used to gene-
- # rate escape sequences.
- echo -n ^[[30m^[[41m # reverse video, no CR
- echo -n @center( " C H O I C E S " 76 ) # centered display
- echo ^[[0m
- echo
- echo "[1] Prime numbers
- echo "[2] 'More' text viewer
- echo "[3] Labyrinth game
- echo "[4] Towers of Hanoi game
- echo "[5] Backup/Version control system
- echo "[6] Useful aliases
- echo "[7] Mansplit, split up your csh.doc
- # The input command reads a line from the console and stores it in
- # the indicated variable.
- echo -n "> "
- input choice
- goto Start$choice # Jumps to label Start1 or Start2 and so on
- # ------------------------- Prime number -----------------------------
- # Interesting about this program is the use of the 'fornum' command
- # and the tricks used the generate arrays. The information whether
- # 93 is prime or not is stored in variable $prime93 .
- label Start1 # entrypoint... here we get from the goto
- set max 100 # highest number checked for prime
- echo "Computing prime numbers from 1 to "$max
- fornum i 2 $max "set prime$i 1
- # This is a statement block. Everything will be concatted on one line
- # internally, separated by semicolons. Therefore, ending quotes are
- # mandatory and comments are forbidden.
- fornum i 2 $max {
- exec "set bool $prime"$i
- if $bool
- echo -n $i^i
- fornum -s j $i $max $i "set prime$j 0"
- endif
- }
- echo
- return 0
- # ------------------------------ More -------------------------------
- # This script does about what the program 'more' does. It is supposed
- # to demonstrate the file I/O commands and the file handling functions.
- label Start2
- # the help screen for 'more', defined as an alias
- alias morehelp {
- echo " space down one page"
- echo " enter down one line"
- echo " backspace up one page"
- echo " < top of file"
- echo " > bottom of file"
- echo " ESC, q quit"
- echo " h help"
- }
- echo "This is a simple approach to programming a text viewer as a csh script.
- echo "Functions:"
- echo
- morehelp
- echo
- echo -n "Enter name of text file to view: "
- input text
- #set text test
- if -nf $text;echo "File not found";return 20;endif
- # This reads the file into memory. Every line will be one 'word', even
- # if it contains blanks. For definition of word, refer to csh.doc.
- readfile file $text
- # Every use of $file will from now one generate a HUGE command line.
- set pos 1
- set page @rpn( @winrows( ) 1 - )
- set lines @flines( file )
- set bottom @rpn( $lines $page - 1 + )
- label Disp
- cls
- set screen @subfile( file $pos $page ) # store screenful in $screen
- writefile screen
- # compute & display percentage
- set perc @rpn( $pos $page + 1 - 100 \* $lines / 100 MIN )
- echo -n ^[[3m^[[30m^[[41m "-- More -- ("$perc"%)"^[[0m ""
- input -r c # inputs one single keystroke without waiting for CR
- set c x$c # prevents '<' from being misinterpreted in 'if'
- if $c = x" ";if $pos = $bottom;unset file;return 0;endif;endif
- if $c = x" ";inc pos $page;if $pos > $bottom;set pos $bottom;endif;endif
- if $c = x^m ;inc pos 1 ;if $pos > $bottom;set pos $bottom;endif;endif
- if $c = x^h ;dec pos $page;if $pos < 1;set pos 1;endif;endif
- if $c = x"<";set pos 1;endif
- if $c = x">";set pos $bottom;endif
- if $c = xq ;unset file;return 0;endif
- if $c = x^[ ;unset file;return 0;endif
- if $c = xh ;cls;morehelp;echo "Press any key";input -r a;endif
- #if $c = x/ ;set char xf;endif
- #if $c = xf
- # echo -n "Search string: ";input str;search -fq $text $str | input found;
- # set found @subwords( $found 2 1000 );set c xn
- #endif
- #if $c = xn
- # set hop 0
- # foreach i ( $found ) "if $i > $pos;if $hop = 0;set hop $i;endif;endif
- # if $hop;set pos $hop;endif
- #endif
- goto Disp
- # ---------------------------- Labyrinth -------------------------------
- # I always wanted to do an action game as a script :-)
- # The laby is stored as one single string, with every line one word.
- # Feel free to modify it, the size is detected automatically. Don't
- # use auto key repeat when playing, this can cause console trouble.
- label Start3
- set lab "#########################"
- set lab $lab "# # # # # #"
- set lab $lab "# # # ### ### ### # ### #"
- set lab $lab "# # # # # # # #"
- set lab $lab "# ##### ### ### ### # ###"
- set lab $lab "# # # # # # #"
- set lab $lab "### # ### ### # # ##### #"
- set lab $lab "# # # # "
- set lab $lab "#########################"
- cls
- writefile lab
- echo -n ^j"8=up 2=down 4=left 6=right "^j^[[2A
- set x 2
- set y 2
- set wid @strlen( @word( $lab 1 ) )
- set up @words( $lab )
- echo -n ^[[$up\A^[[B^[[C.^[[D
- alias test "%a%b set xx @rpn( $x $a + );set yy @rpn( $y $b + );\
- set f @strmid( @word( $lab $yy ) $xx 1 )
- date -s
- label Loop
- input -r c
- if $c = 8;test 0 -1;if -n $f = "#";echo -n " "^H^[[A.^H;dec y;endif;endif
- if $c = 2;test 0 1;if -n $f = "#";echo -n " "^H^[[B.^H;inc y;endif;endif
- if $c = 6;test 1 0;if -n $f = "#";echo -n " "^H^[[C.^H;inc x;endif;endif
- if $c = 4;test -1 0;if -n $f = "#";echo -n " "^H^[[D.^H;dec x;endif;endif
- if $x >= $wid;cls;echo Congrats, escaped in `date -r` seconds.;return 0;endif
- goto Loop
- return 0
- # ------------------------------ Towers of hanoi -----------------------------
- # This game has been optimized for speed, and is therefore not very nice
- # to look at.
- label Start4
- set height 7 # set to uneven numbers up to 7
- set h2 $height;inc h2
- cls
- unset t
- set t1 "9"; set t2 "9"; set t3 "9" # the three towers
- fornum -s i $h2 2 -1 "set t1 $i$t1
- set done $t1
- #prepare imaging
- set im "x";set h @rpn( $height 2 \* 1 + )
- fornum -s i 1 $h 2 "set im $im @center( @strleft( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX $i ) $h )
- fornum i $height 10 "set im $im \" \"
- cls
- echo
- echo "T O W E R S O F H A N O I
- echo "-----------------------------
- echo
- echo "This game is not very comfortable, but it works fine. You have to move
- echo "a pile of disks from the first of three poles to the third one without
- echo "ever putting a larger disk on a smaller one. To move the disk at the
- echo "top of pile one to pile three, first press '1' and then '3'. When you're
- echo "done, the time it took you will be printed, and you have to press
- echo "CTRL-C to end the game. You won't see any output but the stacks while
- echo "the game is running.
- echo
- echo "PS: Tell me if you get below 60 seconds for one go... *grin*
- echo
- echo "Press any key when ready...
- input -r x
- date -s
- cls
- #display stack
- fornum i 2 $h2 "echo \" \" @word( $im $i )
- echo
- set m1 1;set m2 17;set m3 33
- forever {
- label Disp
- input -r x;input -r y
- exec "set src $t"$x";set dst $t"$y";set rt1 $m"$x";set rt2 $m"$y
- strleft move $src 1
- if a$move""a >= a$dst""b
- echo -n ^g
- else
- strlen up1 $src; strlen up2 $dst; inc up2
- echo -n \233$up1""A\233$rt1""C" "^m\233$up1""B\
- \233$up2""A\233$rt2""C @word( $im $move ) ^m\233$up2""B
- set t$y $move$dst
- strmid t$x $src 2
- endif
- if $t3 = $done;echo ^j^j;date -r;endif
- }
- return 0
- # ---------------------- Backup/Version control -------------------------------
- # Now this is a script you'd really want to use regularly. It backs up
- # a set of files to a different directory, keeping any number of old
- # old versions. Extract this script and call it from your .login or
- # whenever you start your C development system. By setting a delay of
- # zero you make sure that every time this script a backup is done.
- label Start5
- set versions 3 # maximum number of versions kept per file
- set delay 1 # minimum number of days between backups
- set dest bak # the destination subdirectory of the backup
- set pattern "*.c *.h" # the pattern for files to back up
- set exlude "x.c y.c" # the files NOT to back up
- #----- set up environment -----
- if -nd $dest
- echo -n "Directory "$dest" not present... create? y/n: ";input x
- if $x = y;mkdir $dest;else;echo "Aborted...";return 0;endif
- endif
- if -f $dest/timestamp
- set last @age( $dest/timestamp )
- if $last < $delay
- echo "No backup done... last backup was "$last" day(s) ago."
- return 0
- endif
- else
- echo >$dest/timestamp
- endif
- #----- determine altered files ----
- echo "Checking files...."
- exec set all $pattern # wild card expansion happens here
- set cp "" # the files to copy
- foreach i ( $all ) "if -nt $i $dest/$i;set cp $cp $i;endif
- exec set exclude $exclude # wild card expansion happens here
- set cp @without( $cp , $exclude )
- if $cp = "";echo "All done.";touch $dest/timestamp;return 0;endif
- echo "The files to back up:"
- echo $cp
- # Uncomment the following line if you want a sanity check...
- # set cp @confirm( Backup $cp )
- if $cp = "";echo "All done.";touch $dest/timestamp;return 0;endif
- #------ do the backup -------
- alias name "%a set n $dest/$i;if $a;set n $n.$a;endif
- foreach i ( $cp ) {
- set v $versions;dec v
- name $v;dec v
- if -f $n;rm $n;endif
- fornum -s j $v 0 -1 "set hi $n;name $j;if -f $n;mv $n $hi;endif"
- cp $i $dest
- }
- touch $dest/timestamp
- echo "All done."
- return 0
- # ---------------------- The useful aliases -------------------------------
- # Read the comments for every single alias to find out which ones you
- # like. Copy those into your login.
- label Start6
- # first a few useful aliases for dir
- alias d "*a dir @pickopts( $a ) -ze \"%6s %-.12n%m\" @pickargs( $a )
- alias lst "*a ls -t $a" # sorts by access time
- alias lsl "*a ls -l $a" #ásorts by length
- alias move "cp -m
- # sc searches *.c, even 'sc -c main()' works
- alias sc "%a search @pickopts( $a ) *.c @pickargs( $a )
- # edf edits a function in CygnusEd if the name starts in the first column:
- alias edf {
- %func
- set b ""
- search -afl *.c $func | inp b
- if $b
- split b file line
- lced $file
- waitforport rexx_ced
- inc line 1
- rxsend rexx_ced "jump to file "$file "jumpto "$line" 0"
- else
- echo Not found
- endif
- }
- # this aliases suppress wild card expansion for certain commands
- alias zoo "*a Zoo $a
- alias lharc "*a Lharc $a
- alias lz "*a Lz $a
- alias newlist "*a Newlist $a
- alias eval "*a Eval $a
- # this one will show all pictures, the newest first
- alias newpix "ls -nt | forline i STDIN \"ShowIFF $i
- # if you want to run cshell internal commands in the backrund, use rs
- alias rs "rback csh -c
- # some aliases for UNIX compatibility
- # this ceates a chmod command that expects the bits first and the files after
- alias chmod "%a protect @subwords( $a 2 9999 ) @first( $a )
- # the same with grep:
- alias grep "%a search @subwords( $a 2 9999 ) @first( $a )
- set stk ""
- # pushd pushes the current directory on a stack
- alias pushd "%a set stk $_cwd @subwords( $stk 1 10 );\\cd $a;e $stk
- # popd retrieves it from there
- alias popd "\\cd @first( $stk );set stk @subwords( $stk 2 10 );e $stk
- echo "Useful aliases defined. Read this batch file to find out their
- echo "names and what they do.
- return 0
- # ----------------------- Mansplit.sh - splits up csh.doc ------------------
- # Splits up csh.doc in small files, one per man entry. So external 'man'
- # programs can work with it, which is usually faster then csh's own method.
- label Start7
- echo Patience...
- set dest ram:cshdoc/ # set your destination directory here
- if -nd ram:cshdoc;mkdir ram:cshdoc;endif # ...and here
- set mode skip
- forline i csh:csh.doc {
- if $mode = write
- if @strleft( $i^a 1 ) < " "
- echo >>$dest$file $i
- else
- set mode skip
- endif
- endif
- if $mode = skip
- if " " = @strleft( $i 4 )
- set mode write
- set a @index( $i "(" )
- if $a > 0;dec a 1;strleft i $i $a;endif
- set file $i
- echo >$dest$file $i
- echo $file
- endif
- endif
- }
- echo "csh.doc split up and written to "$dest
- return 0