home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- alias [ pattern | string [ '=' ] string ]
- %
- argcount [ parameter ... ]
- %
- basename [ fspec ... ]
- %
- break [ num ]
- %
- capital [ -nc ] [ parameter ... ]
- %
- car string [ sep_char ]
- %
- cd [ -p | dirname ]
- %
- cdr string [ sep_char ]
- %
- chmod flags | +flags | -flags [ file ... ]
- %
- cilist [ -adrel ] [ patterns ... ]
- %
- complist [ -adrel ] [ names ... ]
- %
- continue [ num ]
- %
- date [-aDmdty]
- %
- dec var [ count ]
- %
- dirname [ fspec ... ]
- %
- dwclist [ -adrel ] [ names ... ]
- %
- echo [ -nc ] [ parameter ... ]
- %
- eval [ string ... ]
- %
- exit [ code ]
- %
- export [ -l ] [ var ... ]
- %
- extname [ -v ] [ fspec ]
- %
- false
- %
- getenv [ var ... ]
- %
- history [ -n ] [ >histfile ]
- history -e [ pattern | number | offset ]
- history -c
- history -l <histfile
- %
- inc var [ count ]
- %
- info [ -a ] [ device | directory ] ...
- %
- line var [ prompt [ pnpc ] ]
- %
- local [ varname ... ]
- %
- ls [ -aldhi1bvF ] [ dirname | fname ] ...
- %
- match [ -v ] pattern [ string ... ]
- %
- mem [ -tcf ]
- %
- mkdir [ -p ] [ dirname ... ]
- %
- mplist [ -adrel ] [ name=name ... ]
- %
- mv [ -v ] source1 [ source2 ... ] destination
- %
- options [ -opts | +opts ] ...
- %
- pathconv [ -a | -u ] [ fspec ... ]
- %
- preparse < infile > outfile
- %
- printf formatstring parameters..
- %
- ps
- %
- read var
- %
- resident
- resident -l
- resident [ -a | -d ] [ progname ... ]
- %
- return [ code ] [ level ]
- %
- rm [ -rvf ] [ file | dir ] ...
- %
- rmdir [ dir ... ]
- %
- set [ -fabvs ] [ pattern ... ]
- %
- setmap -r
- setmap -s map [{key|code} {fn|"@map"|"!macro"}]...
- setmap -n mapnum ...
- setmap -e exitmap mapnum ...
- setmap -m macronum [ fn | string ] ...
- %
- shift [ num ]
- %
- sleep n
- %
- source [ file ... ]
- %
- tackon [ -e ] [ fspec ... ]
- %
- tolower [ -nc ] [ parameter ... ]
- %
- touch [ file ... ]
- %
- toupper [ -nc ] [ parameter ... ]
- %
- true
- %
- unset [ -favb ] [ name ... ]
- %
- version [ -ds ]
- %
- whence [ name ... ]
- %
- which [ -s ] [ name ... ]
- %%
- alias set or examine aliases
- %
- argcount obtain count of arguments
- %
- basename print base (file) name of a given path
- %
- break break from enclosing for or while loop
- %
- capital capitalize arguments
- %
- car lisp like car function on strings
- %
- cd change or print current working dir
- %
- cdr lisp like cdr function on strings
- %
- chmod change file permissions
- %
- cilist modify completion ignore list
- %
- complist modify internal completion list
- %
- continue resume next iteration of loop
- %
- date print date and time
- %
- dec dec 1st argument by 1 or 2nd argument
- %
- dirname print directory name of a given path
- %
- dwclist modify wildcard disable list
- %
- echo echo arguments
- %
- eval evaluate argument strings
- %
- exit leave sksh
- %
- export set value of an Amigados env: variable
- %
- extname print extension part of file spec
- %
- false do nothing; return false
- %
- getenv get value of an Amigados env: variable
- %
- history list command history
- %
- inc inc 1st argument by 1 or 2nd argument
- %
- info get device information
- %
- line read a line from keyboard with editing
- %
- local make local variables
- %
- ls list directories
- %
- match print arguments matching first pattern
- %
- mem list system free memory
- %
- mkdir create directories
- %
- mplist modify pseudo mount point list
- %
- mv move files or directories
- %
- options set or examine sksh option flags
- %
- pathconv convert AmigaDos<->Unix pathspec
- %
- preparse preparse an SKsh script file
- %
- printf formatted output function
- %
- ps get process status information
- %
- read set variable value from standard input
- %
- resident load, remove, or list resident progs
- %
- return return from function or script
- %
- rm remove a file or set of files
- %
- rmdir remove an empty directory
- %
- set list vars, aliases, builtins, or funcs
- %
- setmap define or clear keymap
- %
- shift shift arguments to function or script
- %
- sleep delay for n seconds
- %
- source execute a file in current context
- %
- tackon properly concat file/dir names
- %
- tolower convert arguments to lower case
- %
- touch update modification times on files
- %
- toupper convert arguments to upper case
- %
- true do nothing; return true
- %
- unset remove a variable
- %
- version print sksh version identification
- %
- whence print info on interpretation of name
- %
- which print full pathname of file in path
- %%
- No Error
- %
- Can't allocate symbol table
- %
- Call to unmapped builtin
- %
- Syntax Error
- %
- Can't create variable
- %
- Can't open file
- %
- Recursion too deep
- %
- Can't create alias
- %
- Can't change to directory
- %
- Command not available
- %
- Can't free symbol table stack
- %
- Can't allocate linked list
- %
- Can't free linked list
- %
- Can't create directory
- %
- Can't remove directory
- %
- Can't remove file
- %
- Invalid option
- %
- Illegal redirect syntax
- %
- Wrong number of option flags set
- %
- Internal error!
- %
- Call to non-existant function
- %
- Call to non-existant alias
- %
- Unable to set environment variable.
- %
- Unable to read current working directory
- %
- Unable to execute program
- %
- Can't allocate memory
- %
- Unable to obtain file or directory lock
- %
- File not found
- %
- Can't find AmigaDos file handle
- %
- Destination must be directory
- %
- Unable to move file
- %
- File write error
- %
- Stack too small
- %
- Can't open Arp.library
- %
- Need interactive input
- %
- Not enough parameters
- %
- Can't set file date
- %
- Can't set file protection
- %
- Invalid protection flag
- %
- Can't load resident program
- %
- Can't remove resident program
- %
- Command not found
- %
- Undefined Key Function
- %
- Undefined Key Map
- %
- Not an SKsh preparse file
- %
- Wrong version of SKsh
- %
- Can't open ARexx port
- %
- Unable to load history file
- %
- SKsh shared master exited
- %%
- PS1 $
- %
- PS2 >
- %
- PWD .
- %
- HOME :
- %
- SKSHINIT sksh:.skshrc
- %
- SHELL sksh
- %
- PATH skshbin:,skshscr:,.,c:
- %
- %
- %
- IFS \n\t
- %
- %
- LINES 24
- %
- %
- %
- %
- %
- %
- %
- %
- ROOT :
- %
- _ANSI_BS ^[[1m
- %
- _ANSI_BE ^[[m
- %
- _ANSI_IS ^[[3m
- %
- _ANSI_IE ^[[m
- %
- _ANSI_US ^[[4m
- %
- _ANSI_UE ^[[m
- %
- _ANSI_P1 ^[[0;31;40m
- %
- _ANSI_P2 ^[[0;32;40m
- %
- _ANSI_P3 ^[[0;33;40m
- %
- _ANSI_CLEAR ^[[H^[[2J
- %
- _DIR_S $_ANSI_P3
- %
- _DIR_E $_ANSI_P1
- %%
- unalias unset -a
- %
- unfunc unset -f
- %
- aliases set -a
- %
- functions set -f
- %
- variables set -v
- %
- builtins set -b
- %
- help set -bfa
- %
- logout exit 0
- %
- pwd echo \"$PWD\"
- %
- clear echo -n $_ANSI_CLEAR
- %
- cls echo -n $_ANSI_CLEAR
- %
- ctpri ChangeTaskPri
- %
- . source
- %
- quit LOGOUT=\"\"; exit
- %%