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- #!c:sksh
- #*************************************************************************
- # The following functions implement directory push and pop operations.
- # The first, pushd, accepts one argument. It cd's to that directory, but
- # pushes the current working directory onto a stack, first, so that it
- # can later be retrieved with a popd.
- #*************************************************************************
- if [ "$#" -ne '1' -o "$1" = '-?' ]
- then
- echo 'Usage:' $(basename $0) 'new_dir'
- echo ' (pushes new directory onto directory stack)'
- return 1
- fi
- # --- the argument must be a directory we can "cd" to ---------------------
- cd "$1" >nil: || echo "$0: Can't cd to $1" && return 1
- # --- save off the old working directory in the DIRSTACK ------------------
- export -l DIRSTACK