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- #!c:sksh
- #*************************************************************************
- # This function sets emacs mode editing
- #*************************************************************************
- if [ "$1" = '-?' ]
- then
- echo 'Usage:' $(basename $0)
- echo ' (sets command line editing to emacs mode)'
- return 1
- fi
- [ "$SIZE" = 'normal' ] ||
- echo "This command does not operate with Tiny_SKsh." && return 2
- options -e # turn on command line editing
- setmap -r # reset the keymap
- setmap -m 0 BOL ISM '#' PIO ACC # comment out line macro
- setmap 0 8 BS 9 CC1 1 BOL 2 LFT 4 DEL 127 DEL 5 EOL 6 RHT \
- 7 ZAP 11 KEL 14 DN 15 EXE 16 UP 18 SRH 27 @1 155 @2 \
- 12 RDL 26 TIM 21 REP 20 SPC 25 YNK
- setmap 1 27 CC1 = CC2 \* CC3 8 BDW f FWW b BKW d DLW \. ILP \
- \/ ILT '<' HOL '>' TOL '#' '!0' 48 ERC 49 ERC 50 ERC \
- 51 ERC 52 ERC 53 ERC 54 ERC 55 ERC 56 ERC 57 ERC
- setmap 2 A UP B DN C RHT D LFT T HOL S TOL ' ' @3 \
- 48 FNK 49 FNK 50 FNK 51 FNK 52 FNK 53 FNK 54 FNK \
- 55 FNK 56 FNK 57 FNK
- setmap 3 A BKW @ FWW
- echo "\nCommand line editing set to emacs mode.\n"