home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # *****************************************************************************
- # This script installs or updates SKsh
- # *****************************************************************************
- options CFIclsw
- # *****************************************************************************
- # setup variables containing configuration information
- # *****************************************************************************
- rel='1.7'
- arcname='SKsh017.lzh'
- relnum=8
- b="$_ANSI_P3"
- e="$_ANSI_P1"
- errorlog='ram:Install_SKsh.err'
- st_file='s:startup-sequence'
- ms_file='ram:ManSteps.txt'
- # *****************************************************************************
- # setup variables containing files we need to install
- # *****************************************************************************
- main_files='sksh'
- script_files='scr/chext scr/cleard scr/dstack scr/emacs_mode scr/man
- scr/path scr/popd scr/pushd scr/qrm scr/usage scr/vi_mode scr/histload
- scr/histsave scr/histlist scr/histrm'
- script_s_files='scr_source/chext.s scr_source/cleard.s scr_source/dstack.s
- scr_source/emacs_mode.s scr_source/histlist.s scr_source/histload.s
- scr_source/histrm.s scr_source/histsave.s scr_source/man.s
- scr_source/path.s scr_source/popd.s scr_source/pushd.s scr_source/qrm.s
- scr_source/usage.s scr_source/vi_mode.s'
- bin_files='bin/cat bin/cmp bin/cp bin/crc bin/cut bin/doc2man bin/du
- bin/encr bin/fgrep bin/find bin/grep bin/head bin/indent bin/join
- bin/num bin/split bin/srun bin/strings bin/tail bin/tee bin/view bin/wc
- bin/window bin/xargs bin/xd'
- init_files='init/.skshinit init/.skshinit.pp init/Stuff.sksh init/Stuff.pp
- sksh.msg'
- config_files='init/.skshrc'
- inst_files="Install_$rel.pp README.install"
- misc_files="misc/MiscFiles.lzh"
- doc_files='doc/Addendum1.1.doc doc/Addendum1.1.doc doc/Addendum1.2.doc
- doc/Addendum1.3.doc doc/Addendum1.4.doc doc/Addendum1.5.doc
- doc/Addendum1.6.doc doc/Addendum1.7.doc doc/Bugs.doc doc/Diffs.doc
- doc/ErrorCodes.doc doc/ExtCmds.doc doc/Hints.doc doc/Install.doc
- doc/MiscInfo.doc doc/ReadMe_1st.doc doc/Reference.doc doc/TechNotes.doc
- doc/TinySKsh.doc doc/UserMan.doc doc/View.doc'
- # *****************************************************************************
- # cleanup function to remove files we put in ram:
- # *****************************************************************************
- function cleanup {
- rm -fr ram:cp ram:crc ram:grep ram:cat ram:tail ram:cut >nil:
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Report an error
- # *****************************************************************************
- function error {
- echo -c "\n$b" "ERROR: " "$e" "$1\n"
- echo "ERROR: $1\n" >>"$errorlog"
- return 1
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Report a warning
- # *****************************************************************************
- function warn {
- echo -c "$b" "WARNING: " "$e" "$1\n"
- echo "WARNING: $1\n" >>"$errorlog"
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # See if we should terminate because of errors
- # *****************************************************************************
- function ck_terminate {
- if [ -f "$errorlog" ]
- then
- echo "\n${b}Errors were encountered. Check the file $errorlog.${e}\n"
- cleanup
- return 1 2
- fi
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Checksum files
- # *****************************************************************************
- function crc_files {
- local fspec
- fspec=$(tackon "$1" "$2")
- echo -n '.'
- if [ ! -f "$fspec" ]
- then
- echo
- error "this file is missing: $fspec"
- else
- crcval=$(ram:crc -q "$fspec") || error "can't crc $fspec" || ck_terminate
- if [ "$crcval" != "$3" ]
- then
- echo
- error "this file has an incorrect checksum: $fspec"
- fi
- if [ $(expr index "$4" 'p') -gt 0 -a ! -P "$fspec" ]
- then
- echo
- warn "this file should have the pure bit set: $fspec"
- fi
- if [ $(expr index "$4" 's') -gt 0 -a ! -S "$fspec" ]
- then
- echo
- warn "this file should have the script bit set: $fspec"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Verify that files exist
- # *****************************************************************************
- function check_files {
- local notfound file
- notfound='0'
- sty="$1"; shift
- for file in $1
- do
- if [ "$sty" != 'PATH' -a ! -f "$file" -o
- "$sty" = 'PATH' -a -z $(which -s "$file") ]
- then
- error "The '$file' file must be present for this script to
- operate properly. Please install it in the appropriate
- place and run this script again."
- notfound=1
- fi
- shift
- done
- return "$notfound"
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Install files
- # *****************************************************************************
- function install_files {
- local install_dir chmod_flags overwrite fspec file
- install_dir = "$1"
- chmod_flags = "$2"
- overwrite = "$3"
- shift 3
- for file in $1
- do
- echo -n '.'
- fspec=$(tackon "$install_dir" $(basename "$file"))
- if [ -f "$fspec" ]
- then
- if [ "$overwrite" = 'Y' ]
- then
- chmod +wd "$fspec" >nil: ||
- error "can't chmod +wd $fspec" || ck_terminate
- ow='Y'
- else
- ow='N'
- fi
- else
- ow='Y'
- fi
- if [ -f "$file" ]
- then
- if [ "$ow" = 'Y' ]
- then
- ram:cp "$file" "$fspec" >nil: ||
- error "can't copy $file to $fspec" || ck_terminate
- chmod "$chmod_flags" "$fspec" >nil: ||
- error "can't change $fspec mode to $chmod_flags" ||
- ck_terminate
- fi
- else
- echo
- error "The file '$file' is missing from the current directory."
- return 1
- fi
- done
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Read dir name (or file name)
- # *****************************************************************************
- function read_dir {
- local in_dir read_dir; in_dir=''
- while [ -z "$in_dir" -o "$4" = 'directory' -a ! -d "$in_dir" -o
- "$4" = 'file' -a ! -f "$in_dir" ]
- do
- echo
- echo "$1"
- line read_dir "$2 $b\[$3]$e ? > " 20
- in_dir=$(pathconv -a "$read_dir")
- if [ "$4" = 'directory' -a ! -d "${in_dir:=$3}" -o
- "$4" = 'file' -a ! -f "${in_dir:=$3}" ]
- then
- echo "\n$in_dir is not a valid $4 name."
- if [ "$4" = 'directory' ]
- then
- line yn "Do you wish to create it? $b[y/N]$e > " 20
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) = 'Y' ]
- then
- mkdir -p "$in_dir" || error "can't create directory $in_dir"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- done
- export -l in_dir
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Resolve a device name
- # *****************************************************************************
- function resolve_dir {
- if [ $(expr index "$1" ':') -gt 0 ]
- then
- dev_name=$(car "$1" ':')
- f_name=$(cdr "$1" ':')
- tackon $(info "$dev_name:" | ram:tail -1 | ram:cut -c66-200) $f_name
- else
- echo "$1"
- fi
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Check a device assignment
- # *****************************************************************************
- function check_assign {
- local device loc descr defdir change
- device = "$1"
- defdir = "$2"
- loc = "$3"
- descr = "$4"
- change = ''
- echo -n "Checking the $device: device..."
- if [ -m "$device:" ]
- then
- if [ $(tolower "$defdir") != $(tolower "$loc") ]
- then
- change='TRUE'
- clear
- echo "${b}Incorrect assignment of $device:${e} - should be $loc."
- echo "The '$b$device:$e' assignment currently points to the '$b$defdir$e'
- directory. You previoulsy installed the $descr
- files in '$b$loc$e' directory.
- This assignment must be changed for SKsh to operate correctly."
- fi
- else
- change='TRUE'
- clear
- echo "
- The '$b$device:$e' assignment does not currently exist.
- This device must be assigned to the directory containing
- the $descr files.
- You previously installed these files in the '$b$loc$e'
- directory.
- "
- fi
- if [ -n "$change" ]
- then
- echo
- line yn "Press return to continue: > "
- echo -n "
- If you wish, this script will now assign '$b$device:$e' to the
- '$b$loc$e' directory. ${b}NOTE:${e} This will ONLY be in affect until
- you reboot your computer. To make this change permanent, you must
- modify your ${b}${st_file}${e} file and make it create these
- assignments.
- If you type 'Y' at the prompt below, the following assignment will be
- made:
- ${b}assign $device: $loc${e}
- Do you want to make this assignment now? [Y/n] > "
- read yn
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) != 'N' ]
- then
- echo "Executing ${b}assign $device: $loc${e}..."
- assign "$device:" "$loc"
- else
- echo "Assignment not made. You ${b}must${e} make it manually."
- warn "Incorrect assignment of $device: - should be $loc." >nil:
- fi
- echo
- line yn "Press return to continue: > "
- else
- echo "${b}OK${e}"
- fi
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # Verify a line in the startup sequence
- # *****************************************************************************
- function check_ss {
- if eval "$1"
- then return 0
- else
- echo " $stepnum) $2"
- echo " $stepnum) $2" >> "$ms_file"
- if [ -n "$3" ]
- then
- inc stepnum
- echo " $stepnum) $3"
- echo " $stepnum) $3" >> "$ms_file"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # *****************************************************************************
- # start of "main" script - check system setup and prerequisites
- # *****************************************************************************
- clear
- if [ ! -m 'ram:' ]
- then
- echo "${b}ERROR${e}: This script requires the ram: disk to be temporarily mounted.
- Also, you can assign ram: to another location. In any case, please
- fix this and run this script again.\n"
- cleanup
- return 0
- fi
- if [ "$LINES" -lt 22 -o "$COLUMNS" -lt 72 ]
- then
- error "This script requires a larger window size. Please make
- your window at least 22 lines by 72 columns and run this
- script again."
- ck_terminate
- fi
- #if [ $(cdr $(stack) ':') -lt 8000 ]
- #then
- # error "Please set the stack size to at least 8000 bytes and run
- # this script again."
- # ck_terminate
- #fi
- if [ $(version -s) -lt "$relnum" ]
- then
- error "This script must be run under SKsh $rel or later. Please
- dearchive SKsh $rel, and type 'sksh -n Install_$rel.sksh' to
- run this script."
- ck_terminate
- fi
- if [ ! -d 'bin' -o ! -d 'doc' -o ! -d 'init' -o ! -d 'misc' -o ! -d 'scr' ]
- then
- error "This script must be invoked from the directory in which
- you unarchived the main $arcname file. You can use the -m
- option to lharc to automatically create directories:
- lharc -m x $arcname"
- ck_terminate
- fi
- if [ ! -m 't:' ]
- then
- mkdir -p ram:tmp
- assign t: ram:tmp || error "can't assign t: to ram:tmp" || ck_terminate
- fi
- check_files 'PATH' assign || ck_terminate
- check_files 'PWD' 'bin/grep bin/cp bin/cat bin/crc' || ck_terminate
- chmod +wd ram:grep ram:cp ram:cat ram:crc >nil:
- bin/cp bin/cp ram:cp || error "can't copy 'cp' to ram" || ck_terminate
- install_files 'ram:' 'rwedp' 'Y' \
- "bin/crc bin/grep bin/cat bin/cut bin/tail" || ck_terminate
- # *****************************************************************************
- # End of checking. Start actual steps
- # *****************************************************************************
- clear
- echo "${b}SKsh $rel installation script ----------------------------------${e}
- This script will assist you in installing SKsh $rel by performing
- tasks which can be easily automated. It will do the following:
- 1) Check that all files are present from archive.
- 2) Input destination directory names for install.
- 3) Install SKsh files into above dirs (this step can be skipped).
- 4) check device assignments (sksh:, etc)
- 5) check integrity of installed SKsh commands
- 6) Update or create .pp (faster script) files (optional)
- 7) Install SKsh man pages (optional)
- 8) Report additional manual activities which are necessary
- To run this script, the main SKsh archive (called $arcname)
- must have been de-archived in the current directory. You should have
- invoked this by typing 'sksh -n Install_$rel.pp' from an AmigaDos CLI.
- "
- line yn "Do you wish to continue? $b[y/N]$e > " 20
- echo
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) != 'Y' ]
- then
- echo "Ok, bye."
- cleanup
- return
- fi
- rm -f "$errorlog" >nil:
- chmod +s scr/emacs_mode
- scr/emacs_mode >nil: || error "unable to set editing mode" || ck_terminate
- # -------------- step 1 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP ONE: Check unarchived files ---------------------------------${e}"
- echo "
- The files in the current working directory will now be checked to
- insure that they all have been unarchived in the proper locations.
- "
- echo -n "Checking main sksh binary..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$main_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking external binary commands..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$bin_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking external script commands..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$script_files" || ck_terminate
- check_files 'PWD' "$script_s_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking initialization files..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$init_files" || ck_terminate
- check_files 'PWD' "$config_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking documentation..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$doc_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking installation files..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$inst_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking misc files..."
- check_files 'PWD' "$misc_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\n\n\nThe necessary files were found. Press return to continue: > "
- read yn
- # -------------- step 2 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP TWO: input directories --------------------------------------${e}"
- echo -n "
- This script must know the locations of several directories in
- order to properly install the SKsh files. Defaults will given in
- brackets for each directory - you may press <return> to accept the
- default, or type in a legal directory name.
- "
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the main SKsh " \
- "binary" "c:" 'directory'
- sksh_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- [ -m sksh: ] && devsksh=$(resolve_dir 'sksh:')
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the .skshinit " \
- "and .skshrc startup files" "${devsksh:-s:}" 'directory'
- init_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- [ -m skshbin: ] && devbin=$(resolve_dir 'skshbin:')
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the SKsh " \
- "external binary commands" "${devbin:-sys:bin}" 'directory'
- bin_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- [ -m skshscr: ] && devscr=$(resolve_dir 'skshscr:')
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the SKsh " \
- "external scripts" "${devscr:-sys:scr}" 'directory'
- scr_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- echo
- line yn "Do you wish to install the documentation files? $b[Y/n]$e > " 20
- doc_dir=''
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) != 'N' ]
- then
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the SKsh " \
- "documentation files." "sys:doc" 'directory'
- doc_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- fi
- # -------------- step 3 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP THREE: install files ------------------------------------${e}"
- echo -n "
- The SKsh files will now be installed in the locations you chose in
- ${b}step 2${e}. Configuration files such as .skshrc will ${b}not${e} be
- overwritten if they exist so that this script can be used for either
- a new install, or an update to a later SKsh version. You may choose to
- skip this step, although no files will be installed if you do. Choose
- Y or press return to perform the installation.
- "
- line yn "Do you wish to perform this step? $b[Y/n]$e > " 20
- echo
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) = 'N' ]
- then
- echo "File installation skipped - No files installed."
- else
- echo -n "Installing sksh binary."
- install_files "$sksh_dir" "rep" 'Y' "$main_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nInstalling external binary commands."
- install_files "$bin_dir" "rep" 'Y' "$bin_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nInstalling external script commands."
- install_files "$scr_dir" "res" 'Y' "$script_files" || ck_terminate
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nInstalling initialization files."
- install_files "$init_dir" "res" 'Y' "$init_files" || ck_terminate
- install_files "$init_dir" "res" 'N' "$config_files" || ck_terminate
- if [ -n "$doc_dir" ]
- then
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nInstalling documentation."
- install_files "$doc_dir" "r" 'Y' "$doc_files" || ck_terminate
- fi
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\n\nFile installation complete. "
- fi
- echo -n "Press return to continue: > "; read yn
- # -------------- step 4 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP FOUR: check device assignments --------------------------${e}"
- echo -n "
- SKsh needs several AmigaDos device assignments in order to operate
- correctly. This step will check that those assignments have been made
- correctly.
- Press return to continue: > "
- read yn
- echo
- check_assign 'sksh' "$devsksh" "$init_dir" 'SKsh binary'
- check_assign 'skshbin' "$devbin" "$bin_dir" 'SKsh external binary'
- check_assign 'skshscr' "$devscr" "$scr_dir" 'SKsh external script'
- echo -n "\nPress return to continue: > "
- read yn
- # -------------- step 5 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP FIVE: check integrity of installed files ----------------${e}"
- echo -n "
- This step will verify that the installed files are in place and that
- they have proper checksums. No errors should be reported.
- Press return to continue: > "
- read yn;
- echo -n "\nChecking sksh binary."
- crc_files "$sksh_dir" sksh ' 71380 5631852 1839896023' 'p'
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking initialization files."
- crc_files "$init_dir" sksh.msg ' 6160 507141 1969742648' 's'
- crc_files "$init_dir" .skshinit ' 1699 101524 1008357631' 's'
- crc_files "$init_dir" .skshinit.pp ' 981 58735 1046829638' 's'
- crc_files "$init_dir" Stuff.sksh ' 3346 233003 111354638' 's'
- crc_files "$init_dir" Stuff.pp ' 1880 115336 2072644645' 's'
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking external binary commands."
- crc_files "$bin_dir" cat ' 2164 164842 766981691' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" cmp ' 2572 195291 1994119554' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" cp ' 4044 335129 1073694252' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" crc ' 2256 172206 766982743' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" cut ' 3160 252382 1073706073' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" doc2man ' 3128 246846 1994126919' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" du ' 2960 221083 1380556482' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" encr ' 3404 264713 1687271068' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" fgrep ' 5464 399663 690205810' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" find ' 6016 465405 920283952' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" grep ' 11724 928329 1764136740' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" head ' 2220 168607 1994115742' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" indent ' 2912 209666 1840670621' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" join ' 2436 187812 1380551729' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" num ' 2392 181575 1380550838' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" split ' 2520 194062 1687281161' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" srun ' 2424 179586 1687283229' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" strings ' 2328 178198 766983599' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" tail ' 2820 223470 1380556823' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" tee ' 2436 193881 1380552596' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" view ' 5612 471187 153458698' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" wc ' 2696 206692 153420913' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" window ' 3988 309859 1610568774' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" xargs ' 3868 307488 767002069' 'p'
- crc_files "$bin_dir" xd ' 2924 222704 1840731781' 'p'
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking external script commands."
- crc_files "$scr_dir" chext ' 724 45783 156338274' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" cleard ' 239 14129 111842316' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" dstack ' 374 22387 1962381090' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" emacs_mode ' 1664 86891 1741126506' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" histlist ' 543 35191 402881538' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" histload ' 445 28405 1393911568' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" histrm ' 286 17219 1355833554' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" histsave ' 435 27818 220244877' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" man ' 1083 67777 1491596828' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" path ' 1621 93619 1270108958' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" popd ' 594 36313 103051252' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" pushd ' 418 25010 501725995' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" qrm ' 573 35576 1652620235' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" usage ' 351 22122 900170573' 's'
- crc_files "$scr_dir" vi_mode ' 2066 107198 1741129407' 's'
- if [ -n "$doc_dir" ]
- then
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\nChecking documentation."
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.1.doc ' 6617 507608 846261981' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.2.doc ' 8613 665741 1607987136' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.3.doc ' 18429 1473628 232823865' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.4.doc ' 23004 1790308 1459997937' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.5.doc ' 27235 2199926 380648497' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.6.doc ' 13165 1036769 994386100' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Addendum1.7.doc ' 31923 2555942 1607740513' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Bugs.doc ' 1922 145726 1295230009' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Diffs.doc ' 5096 398610 1139424173' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" ErrorCodes.doc ' 1883 134329 1753028684' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" ExtCmds.doc ' 52474 3718919 163638410' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Hints.doc ' 6269 494803 376114250' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Install.doc ' 9034 703354 163348651' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" MiscInfo.doc ' 5113 413233 1100231556' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Readme_1st.doc ' 6088 457640 126908301' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" Reference.doc ' 161996 11458458 1366932363' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" TechNotes.doc ' 4710 379193 653633332' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" TinySKsh.doc ' 2886 207444 774303615' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" UserMan.doc ' 96850 7691838 1391480519' ''
- crc_files "$doc_dir" View.doc ' 11125 886892 1088844887' ''
- fi
- echo -n "${b}OK${e}\n\nIntegrity check complete. Press return to continue: > "
- read yn
- # -------------- step 6 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP SIX: Re-create .skshrc.pp -------------------------------${e}"
- echo -n "
- Sksh permits a special form of script file, known as a .pp file, to
- be executed faster than a plain script file. If you use one for
- your .skshrc init file, invocation time will be improved.
- If you wish to use a .skshrc.pp, it must match have been created
- by SKsh version $rel. This step will allow you to create a new
- .skshrc.pp file if you wish.
- "
- line yn "Do you wish to perform this step? $b[Y/n]$e > " 20
- echo
- rcfile=$(tackon "$init_dir" .skshrc)
- [ -f "$rcfile" ] || error "No .skshrc file found in $init_dir" ||
- ck_terminate
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) = 'N' ]
- then
- echo "\nStep skipped, no .skshrc.pp file created."
- else
- if [ -f "${rcfile}.pp" ]
- then echo "Re-creating .skshrc.pp from .skshrc..."
- else echo "No .skshrc.pp file found, creating new one..."
- fi
- preparse < "$rcfile" > "${rcfile}.pp" ||
- error "Unable to create .skshrc.pp file in $init_dir" ||
- ck_terminate
- echo "Process complete."
- fi
- echo -n "\nPress return to continue: > "
- read yn
- # -------------- step 7 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP SEVEN: Install SKsh manual pages ------------------------${e}"
- echo "
- If you wish to use the SKsh 'man' program to access the manual pages
- for commands, variables, and aliases supplied by SKsh, you will need
- to perform this step. It is automated. SKsh manpages reside in the
- MAN:SKsh directory, where man points to any valid AmigaDos directory.
- This step will create such a directory if it does not exist, and copy
- the manpages there. The manpages are extracted from the Reference.doc
- and ExtCmds.doc files in the doc directory. You must have enough disk
- space to store the manpages.
- You may choose to skip this step, but if you do, you will be unable to
- use the SKsh manpages.
- "
- perf_man=FALSE
- line yn "Do you wish to perform this step? $b[Y/n]$e > " 20
- if [ $(expr substr $(toupper "$yn") 1 1) != 'N' ]
- then
- perf_man=TRUE
- clear
- if [ ! -m 'MAN:' ]
- then
- echo "You do not currently have a MAN: assignment. You must make
- one now in order to install the manpages.\n"
- man_dir='sys:man'
- else
- man_dir=$(resolve_dir "MAN:")
- echo "Your current MAN: directory is $man_dir. Press return to
- use this directory, or type in a new one."
- fi
- read_dir "Please enter the directory which will contain the SKsh" \
- "manpage entries" "$man_dir" 'directory'
- man_dir=$(resolve_dir "$in_dir")
- assign MAN: "$man_dir"
- sman_dir=$(tackon "$man_dir" SKsh)
- mkdir -p "$sman_dir" || error "Can't create $sman_dir" || ck_terminate
- check_files 'PWD' 'bin/doc2man' || ck_terminate
- clear
- echo "Extracting manpages.....\n"
- bin/doc2man doc/Reference.doc doc/ExtCmds.doc
- echo
- line yn "Done extracting SKsh manpages. Press return > " 0
- else
- echo
- line yn "Skipping manpage extraction. Press return > " 0
- fi
- # -------------- step 8 -----------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}STEP EIGHT: manual steps -------------------------------------${e}"
- echo "
- Some manual steps may be necessary to finish installing SKsh. A
- list of these steps will be generated here."
- read_dir "Please enter the file name which contains your AmigaDos " \
- "startup instructions" "$st_file" 'file'
- st_file="$in_dir"
- echo -n "Press return to continue: > "
- read yn;
- stepnum=1
- rm -f "$ms_file" >nil:
- clear
- echo '\n--- Manual Steps Necessary for SKsh Installation --------------\n'
- echo '\n--- Manual Steps Necessary for SKsh Installation --------------\n' \
- >> "$ms_file"
- ss_cont=$(ram:cat "$st_file") # store away startup-sequence in variable
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -is ".bra "' \
- "Insert '.bra [' in $st_file (unless c:execute is Arp)"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -is ".ket "' \
- "Insert '.ket ]' in $st_file (unless c:execute is Arp)"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -is "stack "' \
- "Insert 'stack 8000' (or larger) in $st_file"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "t: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'makedir >nil: ram:tmp' in $st_file" \
- "Insert 'assign t: ram:tmp' in $st_file"
- then true; else inc stepnum 2; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "env: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'makedir >nil: t:env' in $st_file" \
- "Insert 'assign env: t:env' in $st_file"
- then true; else inc stepnum 2; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "sksh: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'assign sksh: $init_dir' in $st_file"
- then
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "sksh: " | ram:grep -i "assign " | \
- ram:grep -si "$init_dir"' \
- "modify the the 'assign sksh:' statement in $st_file
- to read 'assign sksh: $init_dir'"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "skshbin: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'assign skshbin: $bin_dir' in $st_file"
- then
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "skshbin: " | ram:grep -i "assign " | \
- ram:grep -si "$bin_dir"' \
- "modify the the 'assign sksh:' statement in $st_file
- to read 'assign sksh: $bin_dir'"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "skshscr: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'assign skshscr: $scr_dir' in $st_file"
- then
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "skshscr: " | ram:grep -i "assign " | \
- ram:grep -si "$scr_dir"' \
- "modify the the 'assign sksh:' statement in $st_file
- to read 'assign sksh: $scr_dir'"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- else inc stepnum; fi
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "vmagic: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'assign vmagic: <dir containing view magic files>'
- in $st_file (use step $stepnum only if you wish
- to use the SKsh 'view' utility)"
- then true
- else inc stepnum; fi
- if [ "$perf_man" = 'TRUE' ]
- then
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "man: " | ram:grep -si "assign "' \
- "Insert 'assign MAN: $man_dir' in $st_file"
- then
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "skshscr: " | ram:grep -i "assign " | \
- ram:grep -si "$scr_dir"' \
- "modify the the 'assign MAN:' statement in $st_file
- to read 'assign sksh: $man_dir'"
- then true; else inc stepnum; fi
- else inc stepnum; fi
- fi
- mypath=$(tackon "$sksh_dir" 'sksh')
- if check_ss 'echo "$ss_cont" | ram:grep -i "resident " | ram:grep -si "sksh"' \
- "Insert 'c:resident $mypath' in $st_file (this step
- optional, but it will save memory if SKsh is invoked
- from a NewCLI window)"
- then true
- else inc stepnum; fi
- if [ "$stepnum" -le 1 ]
- then
- echo "\n** No manual steps necessary **\n"
- rm -f "$ms_file" >nil:
- else
- echo "\nA listing of the manual steps has been placed in '$ms_file'\n"
- fi
- line yn "Press return to continue: > "
- # -------------- done -------------------------------------------------
- clear
- echo "${b}DONE: installation complete ----------------------------------${e}"
- echo "
- The SKsh installation is complete. If you performed step 3 (install
- files), then the files in this directory have been copied to their
- proper installation directories, and you may delete the files in this
- directory. However, the files in the 'scr_source' and 'misc'
- directories have not been installed, as they are not necessary to run
- SKsh. If you wish to keep them, you should copy or move them to a
- safe place.
- ${b}SKsh is freely distributable software. It is copyrighted, and is
- _not_ public domain.${e} Please see UserMan.doc for copyright details.
- "
- if [ -f "$ms_file" ]
- then
- echo "Don't forget to perform the manual steps which are listed in the
- '$ms_file' file.
- "
- fi
- cleanup
- ck_terminate