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- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/memory.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- /*
- * FILE:
- * mem.c
- *
- * Replacement functions for AllocMem() and FreeMem() that provide
- * enhanced error checking. These functions put a safety net around the
- * Amiga's memory allocation routines. They manage their own list,
- * watching for memory leaks, double frees, etc. safe_AllocMem() and
- * safe_FreeMem() are functional replacements for AllocMem() and
- * FreeMem(), while safe_ShowMemList() displays the memory blocks
- * (and where in the sourcecode they were allocated) that have not
- * yet been freed.
- *
- * To convert a program to using these safe calls (which would probably
- * only be used in the development stage), simply include the .h file,
- * link the .o file, and place a call to safe_ShowMemList() and
- * safe_ClearMemList before the program terminates.
- *
- *
- * USAGE:
- * All access to the functions in this module are accessed via the
- * macros in mem.h. Once mem.h is included into the source, all calls
- * to AllocMem() and FreeMem() are replaced with safe_AllocMem() and
- * safe_FreeMem().
- *
- * Since safe_ShowMemList() and safe_ClearMemList() are not present in
- * the normal OS, it is not compatible with s/ware not using the safe_
- * functions. A simple setup is thus:
- *
- * #ifdef DEBUG
- * #include "mem.h"
- * #endif
- *
- * main()
- * {
- * ...
- * ...
- * #ifdef DEBUG
- * ShowMemList()
- * ClearMemList()
- * #endif
- * }
- *
- * The calls to ShowMemList() & ClearMemList() could easily be placed
- * in a break or exit trap, so that memory was automatically displayed &
- * freed when the program used an exit(), or the user pressed ^C or ^D.
- *
- */
- /*
- * MemNode
- *
- * The MemNode structure is placed at the start of each memory block
- * managed by the safe_ functions. It contains useful information like
- * where in the source the block was allocated, how big the block is
- * and the next block in the list.
- *
- * USAGE:
- * It is completely internal to the safe_ suite of functions, no other
- * source need know of it's existance.
- */
- struct MemNode
- {
- struct MemNode *child; /* Next block in list */
- char *file; /* File that allocated us */
- ULONG line; /* Line we were allocated on */
- ULONG size; /* Size of memory block */
- };
- static struct MemNode *head;
- /*
- * void *safe_AllocMem(Size, MemType, File, Line)
- *
- * Peforms a call to AllocMem() with enhanced error checking. Access
- * to this function should be through the macros in mem.h -ONLY-.
- * Note that all memory allocated with the safe_ functions must be freed
- * with the safe_ functions.
- *
- * long Size; Size of the block to allocate.
- * long MemType; Type of memory to request.
- * char *File; Calling file (ie __FILE__)
- * int Line; Calling line (ie __LINE__)
- *
- * SUCCESS: A pointer to the new memory block
- * FAILURE: 0
- *
- * Friday 14-Dec-90 13:02:11 spb
- */
- void *safe_AllocMem(Size, MemType, File, Line)
- ULONG Size;
- ULONG MemType;
- char *File;
- ULONG Line;
- {
- struct MemNode *t;
- if(head)
- t = head;
- else
- t = 0;
- head = AllocMem(Size + sizeof(struct MemNode), MemType);
- if(head)
- {
- head->child = t;
- head->file = File;
- head->line = Line;
- head->size = Size;
- return((void *)((long)head + sizeof(struct MemNode)));
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * void safe_FreeMem(Address, Size, File, Line)
- *
- * Peforms a FreeMem() with the enhanced error checking. Must be accessed
- * through the macros in mem.h. Note that all memory allocated with the
- * safe_ functions must be freed with the safe_ functions.
- *
- * ULONG Address; Location of block to free
- * ULONG Size; Size of block to free
- * char *File; Calling file (__FILE__)
- * ULONG Line; Calling line (__LINE__)
- *
- * Friday 14-Dec-90 13:02:20 spb
- */
- void safe_FreeMem(Address, Size, File, Line)
- ULONG Address;
- ULONG Size;
- char *File;
- ULONG Line;
- {
- struct MemNode *t1, *t2;
- t1 = head;
- t2 = 0;
- while(t1)
- {
- if(Address == (long)t1+sizeof(struct MemNode))
- {
- if(Size != t1->size)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "%s %d: Incorrect free size. (%d instead of %d)\n",
- File, Line, Size, t1->size);
- return;
- }
- if(t2)
- t2->child = t1->child; /* Remove block from the list */
- else
- head = t1->child;
- FreeMem(t1, sizeof(struct MemNode)+t1->size);
- return;
- }
- t2 = t1;
- t1 = t1->child;
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "%s %d: Free twice (?) FreeMem($%lx, %d)\n",
- File, Line, Address, Size);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ULONG safe_ShowMemList(File, Line)
- *
- * Displays a list of currently unfreed blocks (if there are any) that
- * were allocated with safe_AllocMem. Along with each memory block
- * is the file, function and line it was allocated from.
- *
- * char *File; Calling File (__FILE__)
- * char *Line; Calling Line (__LINE__)
- *
- * ULONG Number of memoryblocks in the list.
- *
- * Friday 14-Dec-90 13:02:26 spb
- */
- ULONG safe_ShowMemList(File, Line)
- char *File;
- char *Line;
- {
- ULONG c=0;
- struct MemNode *t;
- if(head)
- {
- t = head;
- fprintf(stdout, "%s %d: Memory List\n", File, Line);
- fprintf(stdout, " %-12s %-12s %-16s %-4s\n",
- "Address", "Size", "File", "Line");
- fprintf(stdout, " %-12s %-12s %-16s %-4s\n",
- "-------", "----", "----", "----");
- while(t)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, " $%-11lx %-12d %-16s %-4d\n",
- t, t->size, t->file, t->line);
- t = t->child;
- c++;
- }
- }
- return(c);
- }
- /*
- * ULONG safe_ClearMemList(File, Line)
- *
- * Frees all the memoryblocks present in the safe_ list. This ensures
- * the environment will get all it's memory back even though the program
- * is faulty, speeding development time.
- *
- * char *File; Calling file (__FILE__)
- * char *Line; Calling line (__LINE__)
- *
- * long Number of blocks freed.
- *
- * Friday 14-Dec-90 13:52:16 spb
- */
- ULONG safe_ClearMemList(File, Line)
- char *File;
- char *Line;
- {
- ULONG c=0;
- struct MemNode *t1, *t2;
- if(head)
- {
- t1 = head;
- fprintf(stdout, "%s %d: Freeing Memory List\n", File, Line);
- while(t1)
- {
- t2 = t1->child;
- FreeMem(t1, t1->size + sizeof(struct MemNode));
- t1 = t2;
- c++;
- }
- }
- head = 0;
- return(c);
- }