home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/diskfont.h>
- #include <devices/printer.h>
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct DosBase *DosBase;
- struct DiskfontBase *DiskfontBase;
- struct Port *printerPort;
- struct TextFont *Topaz;
- struct TextAttr TopazAttr;
- union printerIO
- {
- struct IOStdReq ios;
- struct IODRPReq iodrp;
- struct IOPrtCmdReq iopc;
- };
- union printerIO *printerMsg;
- #define MAX_X 960
- #define MAX_Y 720
- #define STARTINGROW 0
- struct NewScreen NewScr =
- {
- 0,0,640,200,1,0,1,HIRES,CUSTOMSCREEN,NULL,
- "PrintFonts V1.11 (c)1989, 1990 by Dave Schreiber. All Rights Reserved.",
- };
- struct NewWindow NewWdw =
- {
- };
- struct Screen *Scr;
- struct Window *Wdw;
- struct BitMap BM;
- void startup();
- void ConstructBitmap();
- void OpenPrinter();
- void closeup();
- void ExitProg();
- void startup() /*Open libraries, etc.*/
- {
- if((IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary
- ("intuition.library",0))==NULL) /*IntuitionBase*/
- ExitProg("Can't open intuitionbase!");
- if((GfxBase=(struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0))==NULL)
- ExitProg("Can't open GfxBase!"); /*GfxBase*/
- if((DosBase=(struct DosBase *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",0))==NULL)
- ExitProg("Can't open DosBase!"); /*DosBase*/
- if((DiskfontBase=(struct DiskfontBase *)OpenLibrary("diskfont.library",
- 0))==NULL) /*DiskfontBase*/
- ExitProg("Can't open DiskfontBase!");
- OpenPrinter(); /*Open the printer.device*/
- Scr=(struct Screen *)OpenScreen(&NewScr);
- if(Scr == NULL)
- ExitProg("Couldn't open the screen!");
- ScreenToBack(Scr); /*Push the brand new screen to the back (hide it)*/
- NewWdw.Screen=(struct Screen *)Scr;
- ConstructBitmap(&NewWdw,&BM);
- Wdw=(struct Window *)OpenWindow(&NewWdw); /*Open the window*/
- if(Wdw==NULL)
- {
- CloseScreen(Scr);
- ExitProg("Couldn't open the window!");
- }
- else
- {
- SetRGB4(ViewPortAddress(Wdw),0,0xf,0xf,0xf); /*White background*/
- SetRGB4(ViewPortAddress(Wdw),1,0,0,0); /*Black text*/
- }
- }
- void ConstructBitmap(nw,bm) /*Setup the bitmap for the window*/
- struct NewWindow *nw;
- struct BitMap *bm;
- {
- InitBitMap(bm,1,MAX_X,MAX_Y); /*Initialize the superbitmap*/
- if((bm->Planes[0]=(PLANEPTR)AllocRaster(MAX_X,MAX_Y))==NULL)
- ExitProg("Couldn't allocate enough memory!");
- nw->BitMap=(struct BitMap *)bm; /*Link the BitMap into the Window*/
- }
- void OpenPrinter() /*Open the printer device*/
- {
- printerPort=(struct Port *)CreatePort("my.print.port",0);
- if(printerPort == NULL)
- ExitProg("Couldn't access the printer!");
- printerMsg=(union printerIO *)CreateExtIO(printerPort,
- sizeof(union printerIO));
- if(printerMsg==NULL)
- ExitProg("Couldn't access the printer!");
- if(OpenDevice("printer.device",0,printerMsg,0)!=NULL)
- ExitProg("Couldn't access the printer!");
- }
- void closeup() /*Close libraries, etc.*/
- {
- CloseFont(Topaz);
- CloseDevice(printerMsg);
- DeleteExtIO(printerMsg,sizeof(union printerIO));
- DeletePort(printerPort);
- CloseWindow(Wdw);
- FreeRaster(BM.Planes[0],MAX_X,MAX_Y);
- CloseScreen(Scr);
- CloseLibrary(DiskfontBase); /*Close diskfont.library*/
- CloseLibrary(DosBase); /*Close dos.library*/
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase); /*Close graphics.library*/
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase); /*Close intuition.library*/
- }
- void ExitProg(err) /*Error. So print a message & terminate*/
- char *err;
- {
- puts(err); /*Print the error*/
- exit(100); /*and exit*/
- }