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- /*PrintFonts V1.11 (c)1989,1990 by Dave Schreiber. All rights reserved*/
- /*Must be freely distributed, except for shipping, copying, media, and*/
- /*related costs.*/
- /*V1.00 finished August 30, 1989 */
- /*V1.10 finished January 21, 1990 */
- /*V1.11 finished May 14, 1990 */
- /* New features: can print in more than one column
- can determine the maximum number of columns to use
- can print an alternate description of a font
- (good for use with unreadable fonts like
- Cairo or Music).
- Aborts if it can't print out a page of fonts (V1.11)
- */
- /*Compiled using Lattice C V5.04*/
- #include "setup.h"
- int InterpretArgs();
- WORD PrintPage();
- DumpWindowToPrinter();
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- struct AvailFontsHeader *afh;
- ULONG afhsize; /*Size of AvailFontsHeader buffer*/
- ULONG numfonts,curfont;
- BYTE max,readable,both;
- WORD columns;
- WORD maxlen;
- struct AvailFonts *af;
- if(argc==2 && argv[1][0]=='?') /*User wants help*/
- {
- puts("PrintFonts V1.11");
- puts("(c)1989, 1990 by Dave Schreiber. All rights reserved.");
- puts("Format for use:");
- puts(" 1> PrintFonts [options]");
- puts("Where options are any of the following:");
- puts(" -r: Print each font's name in a readable format");
- puts(" -c#: Use # number of columns");
- puts(" -m: Determine the max number of columns that can be");
- puts(" used and do not print.");
- puts(" -b: Determines the maximum number of columns and");
- puts(" prints using that number of columns");
- exit(0);
- }
- /*Parse the command line arguments and set the appropriate flags*/
- if(!InterpretArgs(argc,argv,&max,&readable,&columns,&both))
- exit(1000);
- if(columns<1)
- {
- puts("You must have at least one column!");
- exit(2000);
- }
- startup(); /*Open Libraries, etc.*/
- afhsize=AvailFonts(NULL,NULL,AFF_MEMORY|AFF_DISK);
- afh=(struct AvailFontsHeader *)AllocMem(afhsize,MEMF_CLEAR);
- /*Gets a buffer large enough to hold all the font information*/
- /*(AvailFonts(0,0,[type]) returns the amount of memory needed*/
- /*to hold the information for all the fonts of type [type]) */
- if(afh==NULL) /*Could't allocate the memory*/
- {
- closeup();
- ExitProg("Couldn't allocate enough memory!");
- }
- AvailFonts(afh,afhsize,0xff); /*Get the info for fonts*/
- TopazAttr.ta_Name="topaz.font"; /*Topaz is used if the user wants*/
- TopazAttr.ta_YSize=8; /*'readable' font names*/
- TopazAttr.ta_Style=0;
- if((Topaz=(struct TextFont *)OpenFont(&TopazAttr))==NULL)
- {
- FreeMem(afh,afhsize);
- closeup();
- ExitProg("Can't open Topaz 8 point font!!!!!!!!!!!!");
- }
- numfonts=afh->afh_NumEntries; /*Get the number of fonts*/
- curfont=1; /*First font*/
- af=(struct AvailFonts *)&afh[curfont];
- while(curfont <= numfonts)
- maxlen=PrintPage(&curfont,numfonts,af,columns,max,readable);
- maxlen=MAX_X/maxlen;
- if(maxlen < 1)
- maxlen=1;
- if(max) /*If just finding the max length*/
- {
- printf("These fonts can be printed in %d column",maxlen);
- if(maxlen==1)
- printf(".\n");
- else
- printf("s.\n");
- }
- if(both) /*If -b switch, do it again, but print this time*/
- {
- curfont=1;
- af=(struct AvailFonts *)&afh[curfont];
- while(curfont <= numfonts)
- PrintPage(&curfont,numfonts,af,maxlen,FALSE,readable);
- }
- FreeMem(afh,afhsize); /*Free up the allocated memory*/
- CloseFont(Topaz);
- closeup();
- }
- int InterpretArgs(argc,argv,max,readable,cols,both)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- BYTE *max,*readable,*both;
- WORD *cols;
- {
- BYTE c;
- int columns;
- *cols=1; /*Load in some defaults*/
- *max=FALSE;
- *readable=FALSE;
- *both=FALSE;
- for (c=1;c<argc;c++) /*For each argument*/
- switch(argv[c][1]) /*Letter after the slash*/
- {
- case 'b': /*For -b switch, set both*/
- case 'B':
- *both=TRUE; /*AND max*/
- case 'm': /*Max columns mode*/
- case 'M': /*Just in case the user typed -T instead of -t*/
- *max=TRUE;
- break;
- case 'r': /*Readable*/
- case 'R':
- *readable=TRUE;
- break;
- case 'c': /*Number of columns*/
- case 'C':
- if(argv[c][2]==NULL)
- break;
- stcd_i(&argv[c][2],&columns); /*Convert text to #*/
- *cols=columns;
- break;
- default:
- puts("I don't understand option:");
- puts(argv[c]);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*Setup and print a page of fonts*/
- WORD PrintPage(curfont,numfonts,af,cols,findmax,readable)
- ULONG *curfont;
- ULONG numfonts;
- struct AvailFonts *af;
- BYTE findmax,readable;
- WORD cols;
- {
- #define FLAGS af->af_Attr.ta_Flags
- #define Rp Wdw->RPort
- USHORT TextY=STARTINGROW; /*Current Y coordinate*/
- USHORT LastY; /*Last Y coordinate*/
- static WORD max=0;
- WORD length;
- WORD column,StartX;
- WORD ColWidth;
- char Master[256],fontstr[256],SizeStr[6],*string;
- struct TextFont *tf;
- struct TextAttr TFont;
- ColWidth=MAX_X/cols; /*Get the # of pixels in each column*/
- string = (char *)&Master[1]; /*Initialize a pointer and*/
- Master[0]='('; /*a string*/
- SetAPen(Rp,0);
- RectFill(Rp,0,0,MAX_X-1,MAX_Y-1);
- SetAPen(Rp,1);
- ClearScreen(Rp); /*Clear the bitmap*/
- af+=(*curfont-1);
- for(column=StartX=0;column<cols && *curfont <= numfonts;
- StartX=(++column*ColWidth)) /*Loop for each column*/
- {
- Full=FALSE;
- while(!Full && (*curfont <= numfonts))
- {
- /*If the font is: not removed, goes from left to right*/
- /*and is EITHER a disk or memory font, do nothing.*/
- /*(This is partly from the RKM)*/
- if((af->af_Attr.ta_Style==0) &&
- ((FLAGS & FPF_DISKFONT) && (af->af_Type & AFF_MEMORY))) ) )
- if((af->af_Attr.ta_YSize) < (MAX_Y-(4+TextY))) /*If it'll fit...*/
- {
- TFont.ta_Name=(char *)af->af_Attr.ta_Name; /*Get the name*/
- TFont.ta_YSize=af->af_Attr.ta_YSize; /*Get the size*/
- TFont.ta_Style=af->af_Attr.ta_Style; /*Plain style*/
- if((tf=(struct TextFont *)OpenDiskFont(&TFont))!=NULL)
- {
- /*Position 'cursor' at baseline*/
- TextY+=(LastY=(tf->tf_Baseline));
- strcpy(fontstr,af->af_Attr.ta_Name);
- strcpy(string,fontstr); /*Get font name*/
- string[strlen(string)-5]=NULL;
- strcat(string," "); /*Tack on a space*/
- stcu_d(SizeStr,af->af_Attr.ta_YSize); /*Get the size in chars*/
- strcat(string,SizeStr);
- strcat(string," ");
- Move(Rp,StartX,TextY);
- SetFont(Rp,tf); /*Set the font*/
- Text(Rp,string,strlen(string)); /*Print the font info*/
- /*Get the length of the text string in pixels*/
- length=TextLength(Rp,string,strlen(string));
- if(readable) /*If -r switch...*/
- {
- Master[strlen(Master)-1]=')';
- SetFont(Rp,Topaz);
- Text(Rp,Master,strlen(Master));
- length+=TextLength(Rp,Master,strlen(Master));
- }
- if(length > max)
- max=length; /*And store in max if the biggest*/
- /*Add decender area to height*/
- TextY+=(LastY=(tf->tf_YSize-tf->tf_Baseline+2));
- CloseFont(tf); /*Close the font*/
- }
- (*curfont)++;
- af++;
- }
- else
- Full = TRUE;
- else
- {
- (*curfont)++;
- af++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!findmax) /*Print fonts if -m switch isn't set*/
- if((DumpWindowToPrinter(Wdw,printerMsg,
- (TextY+LastY>MAX_Y ? MAX_Y : TextY+LastY))) != 0)
- {
- puts("Printer error! Aborting!");
- *curfont=numfonts+1; /*An error occured, so abort*/
- }
- /*Add a little for serifs, but not more than MAX_Y*/
- return(max); /*And return the max text length*/
- }
- DumpWindowToPrinter(Wdw,request,LastY)
- struct Window *Wdw;
- union printerIO *request;
- {
- struct ViewPort *Vp;
- char FormFeed[2];
- FormFeed[0]=0x0c; /*Form feed character*/
- FormFeed[1]=NULL; /*NULL terminator*/
- Vp=&Wdw->WScreen->ViewPort;
- /*Set up for dumping the rastport*/
- request->iodrp.io_Command=PRD_DUMPRPORT;
- request->iodrp.io_RastPort=Rp;
- request->iodrp.io_ColorMap=Vp->ColorMap;
- request->iodrp.io_Modes=Vp->Modes;
- request->iodrp.io_SrcX=0;
- request->iodrp.io_SrcY=0;
- request->iodrp.io_SrcWidth=MAX_X;
- request->iodrp.io_SrcHeight=MAX_Y;
- request->iodrp.io_DestCols=0;
- request->iodrp.io_DestRows=0;
- request->iodrp.io_Special=SPECIAL_FULLCOLS|
- return(DoIO(request)); /*Do the actual dump*/
- }