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- Version 2.0
- Author: Allen Norskog
- September 15, 1990
- This program is placed in Public Domain. It may be freely copied.
- I developed this program to suit my own needs. I hope it will be
- useful to others. The source is included so that you can make
- modifications to suit your own needs. I would appreciate any
- comments or bug reports.
- Pcl2english was designed to help debug and understand printouts that
- use the Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language (PCL). For example,
- when pcl2english encounters the "escape sequence" for setting the
- margins, it will print out the escape sequence that was
- used and a brief English translation of what it means.
- I have frequently done this process by hand and its quite tedious.
- First one (typically) prints the characters out in hex so that
- the "escape" character, 1B (hex), can be seen. By slowly going back
- and forth between the hex printout and the printer manual, you can
- decode the escape sequences and start to determine what the printer
- was asked to do.
- Pcl2english was designed to reduce the tedium and chance for errors
- with this formerly manual process. You will still need to use your
- printer manual to more clearly understand page size, margin settings,
- font selection and your printer's capabilities. But hopefully, you
- can quickly answer questions such as: Why did part of my print out
- come out on the second page?
- It has been my experience that each program seems to have its own
- philosophy of how to print. Pcl2english is a tool to understand
- these "philosophies" and give insight as to when you can get a program
- to do something you want (say print in landscape) and when you can't.
- I have personally used a number of the Hewlett-Packard printers:
- ThinkJet, DeskJet, PaintJet, LaserJet+, and the LaserJet IIP. The
- program handles the escape sequences used by these printers and also
- the LaserJet 500+, DeskJet+, and LaserJet IID. Pcl2english does
- not handle new features introduced with the LaserJet III.
- Version 1.x: Internal development versions.
- Version 2.0: First release of pcl2english.
- Pcl2english is strictly a "text" based program. The command format is:
- pcl2english [options] infile [outfile]
- options:
- -e print escape sequences and certain control codes only. Normal
- text sequences are not printed, though they are used to keep
- track of where the "cursor" is.
- -v print version number on the first output line.
- -x print hexadecimal equivalents. After the escape sequence, special
- character, or line of text is printed, a line is printed that
- contains the hex values for each character.
- infile: "pcl" input file. This should be a capture of the exact
- data being sent to the printer. That is, any data
- translation ("cooking") should have already been done.
- Methods to get this will vary with machine/operating system.
- outfile: optional output file. If not given, output is sent to stdout.
- The output is plain ASCII text.
- A short example to illustrate various features follows:
- <Esc>(s10h1T
- <Esc>(s10h primary font characters per inch = 10
- <Esc>(s1T primary font typeface = Pica
- <Esc>&d@
- <Esc>&d@ Disable Underline
- <Esc>(sbS
- <Esc>(sb primary font weight = Medium (0)
- <Esc>(sS primary font style = Upright
- <Esc>9
- <Esc>9 Reset Left and Right Margins to default settings.
- <Esc>&l002e062F
- <Esc>&l002e Top margin = 2 lines. Text length defaults to:
- page_length - top_margin - half_inch
- <Esc>&l062F Text length = 62 lines
- 1<LF>2<LF>3<LF>4<LF>
- Added 4 more lines.
- <Form feed> Move to first line at top of next page
- while maintaining current column at 4.
- <LF>
- Added 1 more lines.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Special characters are enclosed in <>'s such as the escape and form feed.
- Each new group of special characters is printed starting at the left edge.
- Multiple escape commands can be grouped together. The actual
- decoding for each "sub" command is done on subsequent indented
- lines following the command group listing. The <Esc>(sbS command
- above is an example of this.
- Text is condensed to fit on a single line. This is done by printing
- up to 20 characters. If more than 20 characters were encountered,
- the first and last 10 characters are printed separated by " ... ".
- Special characters are printed between <>'s. A space at the beginning
- or the end will be printed as <SP> so that it does not get "lost".
- The program counts the number of line feeds encountered in a text
- section. If any are seen, it will print the number of lines added.
- This number includes any <LF>'s that may be visible in the text line.
- A form feed causes the present page to be ejected. However, the
- cursor is not automatically moved over to the left margin on the
- next page. Thus, a "current column" is maintained and printed when
- a form feed is encountered. This column is affected by left and
- right margin settings, tabs, returns, and standard characters.
- However, pcl2english isn't smart about proportional fonts and some
- of the cursor positioning commands. Thus, the current column value is
- really only a help, and not to be relied upon when doing fancy stuff.
- The "-x" hex option will print out a line of hex equivalents, as can
- be seen in the following example. Here, the second line repeats the
- first line, but in hex. The other lines are like in the example above.
- <Esc>(s10h1T
- 1B 28 73 31 30 68 31 54
- <Esc>(s10h primary font characters per inch = 10
- <Esc>(s1T primary font typeface = Pica
- In many cases, you can interchange printer drivers. Often, you can
- use a LaserJet driver on a DeskJet, or a DeskJet driver on a LaserJet.
- However, there are differences between the various printers that
- could cause differences in the printout. For example, the DeskJet
- is restricted in its ability to move the page back up. Thus, a
- LaserJet command to move the cursor (paper) back could be ignored
- on a DeskJet. Pcl2english was designed to recognize commands for
- a wide variety of printers, rather than be specific to one particular
- printer. Thus, if you decode something with pcl2english, and it
- doesn't seem that your printer is responding properly to a particular
- escape sequence, check in your printer manual to see if that sequence
- is indeed supported.
- Below are a couple examples of error messages that one could get.
- Basically, these escape sequences are undefined, though they could
- be used on a future printer. If you encounter one of these, check
- your printer manual.
- <Esc>A
- <Esc>A WARNING!!! Improper/unknown escape sequence.
- <Esc>&d5D
- <Esc>&d5D Underline control = ???
- Pcl2english was developed on an Amiga. However it does not take
- advantage of any Amiga specific features, and should be able to
- run on a variety of machines. You will need to make changes in
- the compile options in the makefile to match your compiler. The
- one feature that this program does take advantage of is prototypes
- that are defined in ANSI C.
- Included with this program are two files called "chart" and "pcl_good".
- "chart" is a reference sheet that lists escape sequences in
- alphabetical order. "pcl_good" is a test file of all escape sequences
- handled by pcl2english. This was one of the files used to test
- the program. You can test the program by running:
- pcl2english -e pcl_good
- I should mention that my employer is Hewlett-Packard. Though I have
- used a variety of HP printers, I do not design/build printers for HP.
- My main motivation for this program comes as an owner and user.
- There are three "printer devices" on the Amiga: PRT:, PAR:, and SER:.
- The PRT: device will route output to the appropriate parallel or
- serial port (PAR: or SER:) based on your Preferences setting. The
- PRT: device also "cooks" its input by converting "generic" escape
- sequences to the proper escape sequences used by your printer. These
- conversions are handled in the printer driver that is selected in
- Preferences. (For example, the HP_DeskJet or HP_LaserJet printer
- drivers.) What pcl2english wants is the PCL data being sent to PAR:
- (or SER: if you connect your printer to the serial port.)
- A program called CMD is available for capturing exactly this data.
- It is in the Utilities drawer for the Workbench 1.3 release. It is
- also on Fred Fish Disk #95. You need to be sure that if Preferences
- wants to send printer output to the parallel port, that you specify
- "parallel" in CMD. Similarly if you use the serial port. You will
- want to decide where you want to create the new file. For short cases,
- you may want to use ram memory since it is fast. For example,
- you might want FILE=RAM:CMD_file. For longer outputs, or something
- you want to save, you may give a hard disk or floppy file name.
- After the file(s) has been created, you can run pcl2english on it
- to see the escape sequences. Running CMD a second time will turn
- off the re-direction, and allow you to send to the printer again.
- You can now send the file captured by CMD to the printer by saying:
- copy file PAR: (or SER:). The file is already "cooked", so you
- want to send it directly to PAR: rather than PRT:.
- To run pcl2english, you will need to open up a CLI or Shell window.
- Then type in the command as shown above. If pcl2english is not
- in one of your "path" directories, then you will also need to specify
- the path to it so the computer can find it.
- Pcl2english was developed on the Manx Aztec C 5.0c compiler using
- 32 bit ints.
- --------------------------
- Allen Norskog
- 900 Whaler's Way
- Fort Collins, CO 80525
- --------------------------