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- Special characters
- Hex Dec
- BS <CTRL H> 8 8 Backspace. Move one column left.
- LF <CTRL J> A 10 Line feed. Move to next line, same column.
- FF <CTRL L> C 12 Form feed. Move to top of next page, same column.
- CR <CTRL M> D 13 Carriage Return. Move to left margin on current page.
- SO <CTRL N> E 14 Shift out. Select following chars from secondary font.
- SI <CTRL O> F 15 Shift in. Select following chars from primary font.
- EC <Esc> 1B 27 Escape. Beginning of escape sequence.
- Two character escape sequences
- <Esc>9 Clear L/R Margins
- <Esc>= Half-line feed. Move down one-half line.
- <Esc>E Reset printer
- <Esc>Y Display functions ON
- <Esc>Z Display Functions OFF
- <Esc>z Print self test
- Ampersand
- <Esc>&a#C Horizontal (Column) position (can have fractional columns)
- -# Move left # columns
- +# Move right # columns
- # Move to column #
- <Esc>&a#G Page side selection (LaserJet IID)
- 0 Next side
- 1 Front side
- 2 Back side
- <Esc>&a#H Horizontal position in decipoints (1/720")
- -# Move left # decipoints
- +# Move right # decipoints
- # Move to # decipoints right of left most printable limit
- <Esc>&a#L Left Margin. # of columns
- <Esc>&a#M Right Margin. # of columns
- <Esc>&a#R Vertical (Row) position in lines (# can be fractional)
- -# Move up # lines
- +# Move down # lines
- # Move to line #
- <Esc>&a#V Vertical position in decipoints (1/720")
- -# Move up # decipoints
- +# Move down # decipoints
- # Move to # decipoints down from top margin
- <Esc>&d@ Disable Underline
- <Esc>&d#D Underline
- 0 Enable fixed
- 1 Single fixed
- 2 Double fixed
- 3 Single float
- 4 Double float
- <Esc>&f#S Push/Pop Current Position
- 0 Push (store)
- 1 Pop (restore)
- <Esc>&f#X Macro control
- 0 Start macro definition
- 1 Stop macro definition
- 2 Execute macro
- 3 Call macro
- 4 Enable auto macro overlay
- 5 Disable auto macro overlay
- 6 Delete all macros
- 7 Delete all temporary macros
- 8 Delete macro
- 9 Make macro temporary
- 10 Make macro permanent
- <Esc>&f#Y Macro ID #
- <Esc>&k#E Enhancement control (DeskJet)
- 0 Line-by-Line ON (Underlining turns off at end of line)
- 1 Line-by-Line OFF (Default) (Mode Enhancement Control)
- <Esc>&k#F SI/SO (Shift-In/Shift-Out) control (DeskJet)
- 0 Line-by-Line ON
- 1 Line-by-Line OFF (Default)
- <Esc>&k#G Line Termination
- <Esc>&k#H Horizontal Motion Index (HMI). # of 1/120" increments
- <Esc>&k#S Print pitch
- 0 Default (80 chars per line, printer specific)
- 1 Expanded (ThinkJet)
- 2 Compressed (16-21 cpi, printer specific)
- 3 Expanded-Compressed (10-11 cpi, printer specific)
- 4 18 cpi, 144 cpl (PaintJet)
- <Esc>&k#W Print mode
- 0 Left to right
- 1 Bidirectional
- 2 Right to left
- 3 Transparency (PaintJet)
- 5 Text Scale OFF
- 6 Text Scale ON (put 66 lines on page) (DeskJet)
- <Esc>&l#A Paper size
- 0 Default
- 1 Executive
- 2 US-Letter
- 3 US-Legal
- 26 ISO A4
- 80 Monarch Envelope
- 81 COM 10 Envelope
- 90 DL Envelope
- 91 C5 Envelope
- <Esc>&l#C Vertical Motion Index (VMI). # of 1/48" increments
- <Esc>&l#D Lines per inch. (Valid # = 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48)
- <Esc>&l#E Top Margin. # of lines
- <Esc>&l#F Text Length. # of lines
- <Esc>&l#H Paper Source
- 0 Eject Page
- 1 Default. (LJ=Input Cassette, IIP=MP tray, DJ=tray)
- 2 Manual Feed
- 3 Manual Envelope Feed
- 4 Lower Tray
- 6 Envelope Feeder
- <Esc>&l#L Perforation Skip
- 0 Disable
- 1 Enable
- <Esc>&l#O Orientation
- 0 Portrait
- 1 Landscape
- <Esc>&l#P Page length (5-128)
- <Esc>&l#S Simplex/Duplex print (LaserJet IID)
- 0 Simplex
- 1 Duplex long-edge binding
- 2 Duplex short-edge binding
- <Esc>&l#T Job offset control (LaserJet 500+)
- 0 Set stacking position to default
- 1 Toggle stacking position
- <Esc>&l#U Long edge offset in # of Decipoints (1/720")
- <Esc>&l#X Number of copies
- <Esc>&l#Z Short (top) edge offset in # of Decipoints (1/720")
- <Esc>&p#X[Data] Transparent print data
- <Esc>&s#C End of line wrap
- 0 Enabled
- 1 Disabled
- <Esc>&v#S Color Text (PaintJet)
- 0 Black (default)
- 1 Red
- 2 Green
- 3 Yellow
- 4 Blue
- 5 Magenta
- 6 Cyan
- 7 White (no text)
- Parentheses ( and )
- <Esc>(#@
- 0 Select default symbol set for the primary font in current orientation
- 1 Select default symbol set for the primary font in current orientation
- 2 Select current primary symbol set for the primary font
- 3 Set primary font characteristics to that of the default font.
- <Esc>(#@
- 0 Select default symbol set for the secondary font
- 1 Set secondary symbol set to default primary font
- 2 Set secondary symbol set to current primary font
- 3 Set secondary font characteristics to that of the default second font
- <Esc>(#A
- 0 Math7
- <Esc>(#B
- 0 Line Draw
- <Esc>(#D
- 0 ISO 60: Norwegian 1
- 1 ISO 61: Norwegian 2
- <Esc>(#E
- 0 Roman Extension
- 1 ISO 4: United Kingdom
- <Esc>(#F
- 0 ISO 25: French
- 1 ISO 69: French
- <Esc>(#G
- 0 HP German
- 1 ISO 21: German
- <Esc>(#I
- 0 ISO 15: Italian
- <Esc>(#K
- 2 ISO 57: Chinese
- 8 Kana-8
- <Esc>(#L
- 0 Line Draw
- <Esc>(#M
- 8 Math8
- <Esc>(#N
- 0 ECMA-94: Latin 1
- <Esc>(#Q
- 0 Math8a
- 1 Math8b
- 2 PI Fonta
- <Esc>(#S
- 0 ISO 11: Swedish
- 1 HP Spanish
- 2 ISO 17: Spanish
- 3 ISO 10: Swedish
- 4 ISO 16: Portuguese
- 5 ISO 84: Portuguese
- 6 ISO 85: Spanish
- <Esc>(#U
- 0 ISO 6: ASCII
- 1 Legal
- 2 ISO 2: IRV
- 8 HP Roman8
- 9 ANSI-8
- 10 PC-8
- 11 PC-8 (Danish/Norwegian)
- 12 PC 850
- 15 PI Font
- <Esc>(#X Select font by ID
- <Esc>(s#B Weight
- - Light (-1 to -7)
- 0 Medium
- + Bold (1 to 7)
- <Esc>(s#H Characters per inch
- <Esc>(s#P Spacing
- 0 Fixed
- 1 Proportional
- <Esc>(s#Q Quality
- 0 Draft
- 1 Draft
- 2 Letter
- <Esc>(s#S Style
- 0 Upright
- 1 Italic
- <Esc>(s#T Typeface
- 0 LinePrinter
- 1 Pica
- 2 Elite
- 3 Courier
- 4 Helv
- 5 Tms Rmn
- 6 Gothic
- 7 Script
- 8 Prestige Elite
- 9 Caslon
- 10 Orator
- 11 Presentations
- 17 Optima
- 18 ITC Garamond
- 19 Cooper Black
- 20 Coronet Bold
- 21 Broadway
- 22 Bauer Bodoni Black Condensed
- 23 Century Schoolbook
- 24 University Roman
- 85 Univers Condensed
- <Esc>(s#U Placement (DeskJet)
- -1 Begin subscripts
- 0 Normal
- +1 Begin superscripts
- <Esc>(s#V Point size. # 1/72"
- <Esc>(s#W[Data] Font descriptor (font header)
- <Esc>)s#W[Data] Download character
- Asterisk
- <Esc>*b#M Set Compression Mode
- 0 Unencoded
- 1 Run-length encoding
- 2 Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) rev. 4.0
- <Esc>*b#V[Data] Transfer One Plane of Raster Data
- <Esc>*b#W[Data] Transfer Raster Data
- <Esc>*b#X Define horizontal offset in pixels (0 to 32767)
- <Esc>*b#Y Define vertical offset in pixels (-5 to 32767)
- <Esc>*c#A Horizontal rectangle size in dots (1/300 inch)
- <Esc>*c#B Vertical rectangle size in dots (1/300 inch)
- <Esc>*c#D Specify Font ID (0 to 32767)
- <Esc>*c#E Specify character code (0 to 255)
- <Esc>*c#F Font and character control
- 0 Delete all soft fonts
- 1 Delete all temporary soft fonts
- 2 Delete soft font (last ID specified)
- 3 Delete character code (last ID and character code)
- 4 Make soft font temporary (last font ID specified)
- 5 Make soft font permanent (last font ID specified)
- 6 Copy/Assign current invoked font as temporary
- <Esc>*c#G Area Fill ID (1-100 for shading fill; 1-6 for pattern fill)
- Shading breakpoints: (% fill)
- 1-2
- 2-10
- 10-20
- 20-35
- 35-55
- 55-80
- 80-99
- 99-100
- Patterns:
- 1 Horizontal Lines
- 2 Vertical Lines
- 3 Diagonal Lines ///
- 4 Diagonal Lines \\\
- 5 Square Grid
- 6 Diagonal Grid
- <Esc>*c#H Horizontal rectangle size in decipoints (1/720 inch)
- <Esc>*c#P Fill Rectangular Area
- 0 Solid area fill (Black)
- 1 White fill
- 2 Shaded fill
- 3 HP defined pattern fill
- <Esc>*c#V Vertical rectangle size in decipoints (1/720 inch)
- <Esc>*p#X Horizontal cursor positioning in dots (1/300) inch
- -# Move left # dots
- +# Move right # dots
- # Move to # dots right of left boundary
- <Esc>*p#Y Vertical cursor positioning in dots (1/300) inch
- -# Move up # dots
- +# Move down # dots
- # Move to # dots down from top margin
- <Esc>*r#A Start raster graphics
- 0 Graphics should be started at the left-most printable position
- 1 Set starting position and left graphics margin to current position
- <Esc>*rB End raster graphics
- <Esc>*r#F Raster graphics presentation mode
- 0 Image printed in orientation of logical page (rotate image)
- 3 Image printed along the width of physical page (Landscape compatible)
- <Esc>*rK Return Model Number
- <Esc>*r#Q Graphics quality
- 0 Set to default (high)
- 1 Set to draft
- 2 Set to high
- <Esc>*r#S Define image width in pixels per row (0 to 32767)
- 640 Thinkjet low density graphics
- 720 Paintjet low density graphics
- 1280 Thinkjet high density graphics
- 1440 Paintjet high density graphics
- <Esc>*r#U Set number of color planes per row (1 to 4) (PaintJet)
- <Esc>*t#R Set resolution (dots per inch)
- LaserJet/DeskJet 75, 100, 150 and 300
- PaintJet 90, 180
- <Esc>*v#A Set red (4 to 90) (PaintJet)
- <Esc>*v#B Set green (4 to 88) (PaintJet)
- <Esc>*v#C Set blue (6 to 85) (PaintJet)
- <Esc>*v#I Put color given by <Esc>*v#A/B/C into color
- palette at index # (PaintJet)