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- This material was obtained from usenet. Because of the redistribution
- clauses I asked Olaf to clarify the status of the code and whether or
- not it could be included in my library. Below is the email from him
- indicating that it could be included.
- -Fred ><>
- 21-Mar-89
- ===========================================================================
- From mcdphx!udc!uiucuxc!iuvax!rutgers.edu!hnykun11.bitnet!U211344 Tue Mar 21 07:27:29 1989
- Received: by mcdphx.phx.mcd.mot.com (smail2.5)
- id AA13374; 21 Mar 89 06:35:55 MST (Tue)
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- id AA05947; Tue, 21 Mar 89 07:28:09 -0600
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- (5.61+/IDA-1.2.8) id AA27538; Tue, 21 Mar 89 06:37:01 -0600
- Received: from rutgers.edu!HNYKUN11.BITNET by iuvax.cs.indiana.edu with UUCP
- (5.61+/1.3) id AA18350; Tue, 21 Mar 89 07:35:49 -0500
- Received: from cunyvm.cuny.edu by rutgers.edu (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.1/3.04)
- id AA14347; Tue, 21 Mar 89 07:30:41 EST
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- Received: from HNYKUN11.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 1723; Tue, 21 Mar 89 07:30:43 EST
- Received: by HNYKUN11 (Mailer X1.25) id 2462; Tue, 21 Mar 89 13:26:58 MET
- Date: Tue, 21 Mar 89 13:22:30 MET
- From: udc!uiucuxc!iuvax!rutgers.edu!hnykun11.bitnet!U211344
- Subject: NRO
- To: Fred Fish <uiucuxc!estinc!fnf>, Fred Fish as well <uiucuxc!fishpond!fnf>
- I hereby give you permission to include NRO on your disks. For that
- purpose I will consider your library non-commercial in the sense
- that you 'charge no more than media and transportation costs'.
- That will be so for all my programs, because I like being included
- on your disks.
- Freely_Distributable=Greetings(Not_For_Any_Commercial_Purpose)->
- Olaf.Seibert;
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Q: How many lines does it take to screw in a disclaimer? A: Only two.
- --- Olaf Rhialto Seibert the Marvellous --- U211344@hnykun11.bitnet ---
- Study safely - stop deets 7167 BYTES FREE Too painful to do right
- *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*