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- ; kill 2090 - by J Davis 08/1990
- ; ---------
- ;
- ; version 1.0
- ;
- ;
- ; very simple program to reboot 2000 with all autoconfig boards off
- ;
- ; this allows you to boot off floppies without worrying about
- ; rogue programs attacking your hard-disk
- ;
- ; the drive is only killed until the next reboot - so ctrl-amiga-amiga
- ; will re-anable it
- ;
- ; how it does it -
- ; this is basically a modified version of the 'official'
- ; reboot code in the rkm:hardware, with the addition of
- ; a coldcapture routine that 'fakes out' all the expansion
- ; boards, stopping exec from seeing/using them
- ;
- ;
- ; YES THIS IS A HACK!! It manipulates the system in a manner contrary
- ; to the rkm quidelines - so don't blame me if it doesn't work!! :-)
- ;
- ;
- ; changes for version .05(beta)
- ;
- ; sends 5 flashes when cold capt code starts
- ; back to brute force approach to finding all boards
- ;
- ; changes for version .06(beta)
- ;
- ; now sends all boards that don't support shut_up to $200000
- ; ( instead of $d00000 as before ). This gets around problems
- ; with memory boards overlaying the custom chips and killing the
- ; whole system
- ;
- ; changes for version 1.0
- ;
- ; added code to switch super agnus to PAL/NTSC
- ;
- ; by altering the conditional compilation switches Go_NTSC and
- ; Kill_boards, you can set whether to switch to PAL or NTSC at
- ; boot-time, and also whether to just reset, or kill exp boards
- ; as well, giving four possible versions of this program
- ;===========================================================
- ; vary these flags to build all 4 possible versions
- kill_boards equ 0 ; set to 0 to just build reset program
- go_ntsc equ 0 ; set to 1 will toggle superAgnus to NTSC
- ; set to 0 will toggle to PAL
- ;=============================================
- forbid equ -$084 ; offsets for various exec and int calls
- getmsg equ -$174 ; saves long includes and compile times
- replymsg equ -$17a
- waitport equ -$180
- findtask equ -$126
- autoreq equ -$15c
- openlib equ -$228
- closelib equ -$19e
- supervisor equ -$01e
- attnflags equ $128 ; offset for execbase.attnflags word
- afb_68020 equ 1<<1 ; bit mask for 020 flag
- pr_cli equ $0Ac ; process cli flag offset
- pr_msgport equ $05c ; process msgport offset
- ; hisoft devpac and Argasm don't support the 010+ movec command!
- ; so we jam them in as consts instead
- movec_cacr_d0 equ %0000000000000010
- movec_d0_cacr equ %1000000000000010
- ;=========================================
- section main,code_c ; make sure we're in CHIP
- startup: move.l $4,a6
- move.l #0,a1
- jsr findtask(a6) ; find ourselves
- move.l d0,a4 ; save our process pointer
- move.l pr_cli(a4),d0
- bne fromdos ; was a DOS startup
- ; was started from WB
- lea pr_msgport(a4),a0
- jsr waitport(a6) ; wait for startup msg
- lea pr_msgport(a4),a0
- jsr getmsg(a6) ; get the wb msg
- move.l d0,wbmsg ; save pointer to our startup msg
- move.l #1,wb ; flag we started from wb
- fromdos: lea intuiname,a1
- move.l #0,d0
- move.l $4,a6
- jsr openlib(a6) ; open intuition lib
- move.l d0,a6 ; save ibase
- move.l #0,a0 ; window to display in
- move.l #bodyitext,a1 ; body text
- move.l #yesitext,a2 ; postive text
- move.l #noitext,a3 ; negative text
- move.l #0,d0 ; pflags
- move.l #0,d1 ; nflags
- move.l #460,d2 ; width
- move.l #60,d3 ; height
- jsr autoreq(a6) ; request user confirmation
- cmp.l #0,d0
- bne reboot ; user selected ok, kill!
- ; user cancelled reboot
- move.l a6,a1 ; close intuition lib
- move.l $4,a6
- jsr closelib(A6)
- exit: move.l wb,d0
- cmp.l #0,d0 ; was this a CLI invocation
- beq exit_dos
- ; workbench exit
- move.l $4,a6
- jsr forbid(a6) ; lock out everyone else
- move.l wbmsg,a1
- jsr replymsg(a6) ; reply to Wbstartup msg
- exit_dos: move.l #0,d0 ; return with return code 0
- rts
- ;=====================================
- ; the following does the actual reboot
- reboot: jsr instcold ; install coldcapture handler
- ; exec will run coldcapt once and then
- ; kill it - exactly what we want!
- move.l $4,a6 ; RESET must be run in Smode, so go to it
- move.l #reboot_c,a5 ; code to run in supervisor mode
- jsr supervisor(A6) ; go into supervisor mode
- cnop 0,4 ; longword align code
- reboot_c: move.l $4,a6
- btst.b #afb_68020,attnflags+1(a6)
- beq kill ; is system 020/030 powered ?
- ; if it is an 020 or 030, take extra steps for cache
- dc.w movec_cacr_d0 ; twiddle the cache control reg
- bset.l #3,d0
- dc.w movec_d0_cacr
- bra kill
- cnop 0,4 ; long word align code
- kill: move.l #$2,a1 ; where to jump to in rom
- reset
- jmp (a1) ; now run reset code in rom
- ;=======================================
- ; routine to install coldcapture handler
- instcold: move.l $4,a6 ; get execbase
- lea cold,a0 ; get address of our coldcapt routine
- move.l a0,$2a(a6) ; set coldcapture vect
- lea 34(a6),a0 ; start of checksummed area in execbase
- move.w #$16,d0 ; number of checksummed words
- move.w #$0,d1 ; clear counter
- sum: add.w (A0)+,d1 ; sum execbase and update checksum
- dbf d0,sum
- not.w d1
- move.w d1,82(a6) ; save fixed checksum
- rts
- ;===========================================================================
- ; our actual cold capture handler, flashes led,zaps boards,toggles agnus etc
- cold: move.w #$0f8a,$dff180 ; set screen colour to pink
- IFNE go_ntsc ; go_ntsc=1 switch to ntsc
- move.w #$00,$dff1dc ; set NTSC mode on agnus
- move.w #$20,$dff1dc ; set PAL mode on agnus
- move.l #9,d0 ; flash power led 5 times
- ; to let know we're running
- lloop: bchg #1,$bfe001 ; toggle led
- move.l #$ffff,d1
- lwait: dbf d1,lwait ; delay
- dbf d0,lloop
- IFNE kill_boards ; kill_boards=1, so add kill code
- move.l #$7,d1 ; max no boards we fix = 8
- bchk: move.w $e80008,d0 ; get flag byte from board
- not.w d0 ; invert
- btst.l #14,d0 ; see if board supports shut_up
- beq shut_up ; bit=0 means board shuts up ok
- ; board doesn't support shut up, so
- ; config board to $200000 (only gap big enough for 8mb
- ; boards)
- move.w #$0000,$e8004a ; fake board out to $200000
- move.w #$2000,$e80048
- bra nboard ; carry on
- shut_up: move.b #$ff,$e8004c ; tell the board to shut up
- nboard: dbf d1,bchk ; loop thru all boards
- bexit: jmp (a5) ; chain thru to rest of reset routine
- ;=============================================================
- wb: dc.l 0 ; run mode flag 0=dos process 1=wbprocess
- wbmsg: dc.l 0 ; where we save our workbench msg
- intuiname: dc.b "intuition.library",0
- ; stuff for our autorequester
- bodyitext: dc.b 0 ; front pen
- dc.b 1 ; back pen
- dc.b 0 ; draw mode
- dc.w 70 ; leftedge
- dc.w 6 ; topedge
- dc.l 0 ; textattr = default
- dc.l bodytext1 ; actual text
- dc.l bodyitext2 ; next
- bodyitext2: dc.b 0 ; front pen
- dc.b 1 ; back pen
- dc.b 0 ; draw mode
- dc.w 35 ; leftedge
- dc.w 15 ; topedge
- dc.l 0 ; textattr = default
- dc.l bodytext2 ; actual text
- dc.l 0 ; next
- yesitext: dc.b 2 ; front pen
- dc.b 1 ; back pen
- dc.b 0 ; draw mode
- dc.w 4 ; leftedge
- dc.w 4 ; topedge
- dc.l 0 ; textattr = default
- dc.l yestext ; actual text
- dc.l 0 ; next
- noitext: dc.b 2 ; front pen
- dc.b 1 ; back pen
- dc.b 0 ; draw mode
- dc.w 4 ; leftedge
- dc.w 4 ; topedge
- dc.l 0 ; textattr = default
- dc.l notext ; actual text
- dc.l 0 ; next
- ; actual text for our requester
- IFNE kill_boards
- bodytext1: dc.b "Kill2090"
- bodytext1: dc.b " Reset"
- dc.b " by J Davis, 08-1990 v1.0 "
- IFNE go_ntsc
- dc.b "NTSC"
- dc.b "PAL "
- dc.b 0
- bodytext2: dc.b "About to kill system, finish ALL disk activity",0
- yestext: dc.b "Go ahead, make my day!",0
- notext: dc.b "No, I was just kidding!",0