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- /*-----------------------------Encrypt V1.00-----------------------------*/
- /*---------------------------by Dave Schreiber---------------------------*/
- /* */
- /*Encrypt V1.00 is Copyright (c)1990 by Dave Schreiber. All Rights Reserved*/
- /*Encrypt must by freely distributed, except for costs associated with */
- /*shipping, copying, media, labels, taxes, and other necessary costs. */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*Compiled under Lattice C V5.02. To compile, use this command line: */
- /* 1> lc -Lm Encrypt */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*Encrypt is a file encryptor/decryptor. It will take any file (binary, */
- /*text, IFF, whatever) and encrypts it using a user specified password. */
- /*This renders the file unusable until it is decrypted with the same */
- /*password. */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*The algorithm goes something like this: */
- /* Multiply the ASCII values of the user supplied password together */
- /* Use as a seed for the drand48() function (Lattice's pseudo-random */
- /* number generator) */
- /* To encrypt, for each byte of the file: */
- /* Read in the byte */
- /* Add it to the value returned by drand48() (which is btw 0 & 255) */
- /* Write the byte out */
- /* To decrypt, follow the same procedure, but subtract the value */
- /* returned by drand48() from the byte. */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*System #include files*/
- #include <math.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- void InterpretCommandLine();
- void PutByte();
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- ULONG seedvalue;
- double value;
- UBYTE final;
- char filename[200],outfn[201];
- struct FileHandle *outfile,*infile;
- BYTE buffer[2],encrypt,replace;
- if(argv[1][0]=='?') /*If the user requests help*/
- {
- puts("Encrypt V1.00 (c)1990 by Dave Schreiber");
- puts("");
- puts("Usage:");
- puts(" 1> Encrypt [options] -p<passwd> <infile> [<outfile>]");
- puts("Where the options are:");
- puts(" -e -- Encrypt <infile> and store as <outfile> (default)");
- puts(" -d -- Decrypt <infile> and store as <outfile>");
- puts(" -r -- Replace: encrypt/decrypt <infile> and store");
- puts(" as <infile> (<outfile> is not needed with this");
- puts(" option)");
- puts("");
- puts(" -p<paswd> -- Use <passwd> as the password");
- exit(0);
- }
- /*Process the command line arguments*/
- InterpretCommandLine(argc,argv,filename,outfn,&encrypt,&replace,
- &seedvalue);
- /*Open the input file*/
- if((infile=(struct FileHandle *)Open(filename,MODE_OLDFILE))==NULL)
- {
- puts("Couldn't open the read file!");
- exit(500);
- }
- /*Open the output file*/
- if((outfile=(struct FileHandle *)Open(outfn,MODE_NEWFILE))==NULL)
- {
- puts("Couldn't open the write file!");
- Close(infile); /*Clean up*/
- exit(600);
- }
- if(encrypt) /*Encrypt...*/
- {
- printf("Encrypting...\n");
- while(!GetByte(infile,buffer))
- {
- value=drand48(); /*Get a random number*/
- final=(value*256); /*Reduce it to >=0 and <=255*/
- buffer[0]+=final; /*Add it to the read byte*/
- PutByte(outfile,buffer,FALSE); /*Write to disk*/
- }
- }
- else /*Decrypt...*/
- {
- printf("Decrypting...\n");
- while(!GetByte(infile,buffer))
- {
- value=drand48();
- final=(value*256);
- buffer[0]-=final;
- PutByte(outfile,buffer,FALSE);
- }
- }
- PutByte(outfile,buffer,TRUE); /*End of file...*/
- Close(outfile); /*Close the files*/
- Close(infile);
- if(replace) /*If the -r switch was used, delete the .tmp file*/
- DeleteFile(filename);
- exit(0);
- }
- /*These next two routines are buffers for the AmigaDOS Write() and */
- /*Read() commands. Instead of writing out each byte at a time, bytes */
- /*are written out in packets of 128. This can lead to tremendous */
- /*speed increases (one program I wrote got a speedup of 400% by using */
- /*GetByte alone). Use to your heart's content... */
- /*P.S. The important thing with these routines is that I/O is buffered*/
- /*not the amount of buffer. I tried increasing the buffer size to 8K */
- /*and got no noticable speed increase... */
- void PutByte(outfile,buffer,EOF)
- char *buffer;
- struct FileHandle *outfile;
- {
- static char chip Buffer[128];
- static curpos=0; /*Next space for byte*/
- if(EOF) /*If its the end of the file*/
- {
- Write(outfile,Buffer,curpos); /*Flush the buffer*/
- return;
- }
- Buffer[curpos++]=buffer[0]; /*Add a byte to the buffer*/
- if(curpos==sizeof(Buffer)) /*If the buffer is full*/
- {
- curpos = 0;
- Write(outfile,Buffer,sizeof(Buffer)); /*Write to disk*/
- }
- }
- GetByte(infile,buffer)
- char *buffer;
- struct FileHandle *infile;
- {
- static char chip Buffer[128];
- static curpos=0; /*Next byte to be returned*/
- static end = 0; /*Last byte in buffer*/
- if(curpos == end) /*If we've sent every byte*/
- { /*Get another 8K chunk*/
- curpos = 0;
- end=Read(infile,Buffer,sizeof(Buffer));
- }
- buffer[0]=Buffer[curpos++];
- return(!end); /*Returns whether or not EOF*/
- }
- /*Interpets the command line arguments given to Encrypt*/
- void InterpretCommandLine(argc,argv,in,out,encr,repl)
- int argc;
- char *argv[],*in,*out;
- BYTE *encr,*repl;
- {
- ULONG seed;
- BYTE seedhasvalue=FALSE;
- BYTE c,i;
- *encr=TRUE; /*Encrypt is the default*/
- *repl=FALSE; /*Default is not to replace the original file*/
- in[0]=out[0]=NULL;
- for(c=1;(argv[c][0]=='-') ;c++)
- {
- switch(argv[c][1])
- {
- case 'e': /*Encrypt*/
- case 'E':
- *encr=TRUE;
- break;
- case 'd': /*Decrypt*/
- case 'D':
- *encr=FALSE;
- break;
- case 'p': /*Password*/
- case 'P':
- if(argv[c][2]==NULL)
- break;
- /*Multiply characters of the password together*/
- for(i=2,seed=1;i < strlen(argv[c]);seed*=argv[c][i++]);
- srand48(seed); /*Use the result and the random number seed*/
- seedhasvalue=TRUE; /*We've got the seed*/
- break;
- case 'r':
- case 'R': /*Replace un-encrypted version with*/
- *repl=TRUE; /*encrypted version*/
- break;
- }
- }
- if(argc-c < 2 && !*repl) /*-r not set and filename(s) not given*/
- {
- puts("Please specify the input and output filenames!");
- exit(310);
- }
- if(argc-c < 1 && *repl) /*-r set and filename not given*/
- {
- puts("Please specify the input filename!");
- exit(320);
- }
- if(!seedhasvalue) /*If a password wasn't given*/
- {
- puts("Please specify a password!");
- exit(100);
- }
- strcpy(in,argv[c]);
- if(!*repl) /*If -r was used, use the filenames given*/
- strcpy(out,argv[++c]);
- else /*Otherwise add a .tmp to the original version's filename*/
- { /*and use the originals version's old filename as the output*/
- strcpy(out,in); /*filename*/
- strcat(in,".tmp"); /*The original, .tmp version, will be deleted*/
- if(!Rename(out,in)) /*when the encrypted file has been written*/
- { /*sucessfully*/
- puts("Couldn't access the file!");
- exit(200);
- }
- }
- }
- /*End of Encrypt.c*/