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- *** ARPDOC3.ZOO ******************************************************
- Copyright (c) 1987,88,89 by ARP Authors.
- All Rights Reserved.
- This file contains documentation for the V1.3 ARP commands. ARP, the
- AmigaDOS Resource Project, is a group effort to provide enhancements to
- AmigaDOS for users, as well providing a resource for Amiga developers
- and Commodore to help improve the Amiga's OS software.
- This file, ARPDOC3.ZOO is freely redistributable *PROVIDED IT IS
- any changes to any files which you pass on to others; the user's
- only insurance that they have the officially supported version of the
- ARP release is in getting the files exactly as released. For further
- information about distribution and support of ARP, please read the
- file "DISCLAIMER", which is included with this distribution.
- **********************************************************************
- The ARP commands are a set of CLI programs designed to compatibly
- replace the Commodore V1.3 versions of most of the commands in the "C:"
- directory of the WorkBench diskette; in addition there are several
- extra programs and an ARP Shell in the V1.3 ARP release. The ARP
- release file is called "ARPREL3.ZOO", and it includes information about
- installing ARP and documentation for the ARP Shell. This distribution,
- "ARPDOC3.ZOO", contains documentation for each individual command
- program that is included in ARPREL3.ZOO; each command is documented in
- a file named the same as the respective command program.
- The remainder of this README file is a list of bugs, gotchas, and
- incompatabilities which have been found since the release of
- ARPREL3.ZOO; this buglist corresponds to "ARP V1.3.0". The first
- group of bugs are set off from the rest as being more critical,
- while the second group describes minor bugs and incompatabilies which
- may show up. If you wish to be most conservative, you may wish
- to retain the Commodore versions of the commands MOUNT, EXECUTE,
- and RUN rather than using the V1.3.0 ARP versions of these
- commands.
- ******* More Serious ARP V1.3.0 Bugs ******************************
- MOUNT If you have a Mountlist entry which includes a "MASK=nnnnn"
- statement, you must insure that the value specified is an
- EVEN number. You probably will not have any mountlist entries
- with a "MASK=" statement unless you have a RONIN 68020 CPU
- board with memory outside the normal address space of the
- Amiga. For example, if you have a mountlist entry which
- includes the statement "MASK=X7FFFFF" that statement should
- be edited to be "MASK=X7FFFFE" instead. If you do not make
- this change, you may experience problems when attempting to
- run backup programs, among other possible effects.
- In order to reboot Commodore's RAD: device, you must add a
- statement "BOOTPRI=0" to the mountlist entry for RAD:.
- The ARP Mount will not return a WARN level for already-mounted
- devices, which may require a change to some script files. You
- can use the "ASSIGN EXISTS" statement instead for this purpose.
- EXECUTE There are some problems in expanding .key values with the
- ARP V1.3.0 version of Execute, both in the builtin Execute
- provided with ASH and in the standalone "Execute" program.
- RUN There are some unverified potential problems using the ARP
- V1.3.0 RUN command in some system configurations.
- ******* Less Serious ARP V1.3.0 Bugs and Gotchas ********************
- ASH If you attempt to expand an environment variable in ASH
- (The ARP Shell) which is not defined, you will get a
- garbage value. Also in ASH, there is no way to get a "$"
- character as part of the prompt, except by expansion of an
- environment variable.
- ASSIGN There is an unverified report that the Assign multi-args
- capability does not work in a system which has only 512K
- bytes of RAM:.
- COPY The COPY command should not be used with Commodore's PIPE:
- device, as it will truncate files to a maximum of 4K bytes.
- DIR If you use the DIR interactive capability, and TYPE a file from
- within DIR, then you will not be able to DELETE that file in
- that interactive session but rather will have to return to CLI
- to delete the file.
- EVAL The ARP V1.3.0 Eval command does not support character constant
- values, such as "'c'".
- LIST If you have files with an invalid datestamp, those files will
- not be displayed by LIST. You can correct these files using
- the SETDATE command.
- PROTECT With the ARP V1.3.0 PROTECT command, the keywords "ADD" and
- "SUB" are treated as KEY values rather than as SWITCH values,
- which means the keyword must preceed the protect bits to ADD.
- With the Commodore PROTECT, the position on the command line
- for these keywords does not matter. This may impact some
- EXECUTE scripts for installing software.
- SKIP The ARP V1.3.0 SKIP command will only "see" LAB statements in
- a script file which are not indented in the script file. There
- must be no whitespace preceeding the "LAB" statement, unlike
- the Commodore SKIP which allows leading whitespace.
- TYPE With the ARP TYPE command, you must explicitly specify the
- keyword "TO" if you want to specify a destination file. This
- is because the ARP TYPE allows you to specify more than one
- input file on the command line; the Commodore TYPE only allows
- one input file, and thus if a second file is specified it is
- automatically assumed to be the destination file in the
- Commodore TYPE.
- VERSION You should not attempt to run the ARP V1.3.0 VERSION program
- with an input file that is not a library or device driver. The
- ARP VERSION will attempt to load that device, and due to a bug
- in the Amiga's Exec this can cause a GURU if the file is not
- a valid device driver. This problem is sidestepped in the
- Commodore VERSION command by only attempting to load commands
- which have an explicit ".device" or ".library" extension.
- WHICH The RES and NOTRES keywords are reversed in meaning in the
- V1.3.0 release of ARP. Also, the Commodore WHICH uses the
- keyword "NORES" rather than "NOTRES".
- **********************************************************************