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- Installing ARP....................................... 1
- 1. How compatible are the ARP Commands?................. 1
- Wildcards............................................ 2
- Environment Variables................................ 3
- 2. ARP Command Enhancements............................. 4
- Assign and Mount speed up your startup sequence...... 4
- Let ARP Copy Quick................................... 5
- Rename-ing, Copy-ing, and Move-ing files............. 5
- AShell: Three commands in one........................ 6
- Type, Join and Protect............................... 6
- Search and Sort...................................... 6
- CD and PATH.......................................... 7
- ASH.................................................. 7
- 3. Disclaimer, warranty and distribution................ 8
- 4. CREDITS.............................................. 8
- - i -
- Overview of the 1.3 ARP Release
- AmigaDOS Resource Project
- c/o Microsmiths, Inc.
- PO Box 561
- Cambridge, MA 02140
- Electronic Mail:
- BIX, People Link: cheath
- CIS: 76004,1766
- All software, manuals, install programs and associated material are
- Copyright (c) 1987,88,89 by Arp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- The ARP Installation program and accompanying documentation may be
- freely distributed provided no changes or additions to the materials
- are made.
- AmigaDOS is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- Unix is a trademark of AT&T Information Systems.
- Installing ARP
- To install the new 1.3 ARP commands on your system you use
- the ArpInstall program. This program can be run from either
- the Workbench (by clicking on its Icon) or if you prefer,
- from the CLI. This program uses a simple mouse driven
- interface to install the ARP CLI style commands on your
- system. You can select the commands you want, and where you
- want them placed on your disk, or you can elect to accept
- the default setup.
- Normally, you will want to install the ARP commands on
- your bootdisk or in the appropriate drawers on your hard
- disk. However, if you wish to install the ARP commands on
- another disk, please insert this disk before you begin
- answering the questions that ArpInstall will be asking you.
- 1. How compatible are the ARP Commands?
- Every effort has been made to make the ARP commands 100%
- compatible with the AmigaDOS V1.3 commands. You can use the
- documentation in the AmigaDOS Users Manual and the AmigaDOS
- V1.3 enhancer manual with the ARP commands, and read further
- for a brief discussion of the more important enhancements
- made to each command.
- Page 1
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- Wildcards
- The standard AmigaDOS pattern matching abilities are present
- in ARP commands as described in the AmigaDOS Users Manual.
- In addition to these basic capabilities, ARP provides the
- following enhancements in pattern matching:
- - Use of the star ('*') to match any pattern. This
- corresponds to the AmigaDOS pattern '#?'. This use of
- the star character is so common as to be almost a de
- facto industry standard. Note that the AmigaDOS pattern
- matching is implemented as well: use the one that you
- like the best.
- - The ability to match a class of characters. You
- specify the class of characters to be matched by
- enclosing them within square brackets. For example,
- the pattern 'file.[ch]' will match file.c or file.h,
- but not file.o or file.ch (you match only one of the
- characters in the class). To specify a range of
- characters, you can use [a-z], which will match any
- character between a and z inclusive.
- - The ability to match 'anything but' a pattern. To do
- this, precede your pattern with the tilde ('~')
- character. For example, to list all files except those
- which end in .info, use this pattern: '~*.info' or
- '~#?.info'.
- - Smart 'tick' matching. The tick (single quote) is used
- by AmigaDOS to remove the special meaning of any
- wildcard character. For example, to refer to a
- literal, actual question mark in a filename, you would
- use "'?". The AmigaDOS (and ARP) commands will interpret
- that two character sequence as a single question mark.
- Problems arise with filenames that contain a single
- quote, quite a common occurance. ARP commands try to be
- clever about when to tick and when not to tick. For
- example, "Mike's Drawer" will be understood by the ARP
- commands to be "Mike's Drawer", but an AmigaDOS command
- will think it is "Mikes Drawer". To do this under
- AmigaDOS (and it works with ARP as well) you can use
- "Mike''s Drawer".
- While these extra features add additional power welcomed by
- most users, they are also a potential compatibility issue,
- since they are not supported by the current AmigaDOS
- commands. Fortunately, the problems are minor, and rarely
- occur. Here are some of the potential problems, and their
- solutions, roughly in order of frequency of occurance:
- ( The ARP Eval command uses C-language Printf format, such
- as "%lx", rather than the BCPL "%X" formatting. )
- Page 2
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- - Conflicts with the use of '*' as a wildcard and as a
- filename or as an escape character. AmigaDOS uses the
- star (*) as a filename (referring to the current
- window) and as an escape character. This is used most
- commonly with the Type and Copy commands. If you run
- across an old script that does this, or if you wish to
- use this yourself, you can issue the command "SET BCPL
- TRUE", which will cause Type and Copy to revert to the
- older behavior. Conflicts with '*' as an escape
- character are less likely, but possible. We suggest
- you add the statement "SET ESCAPE \ BCPL FALSE" in your
- Startup-Sequence, and use the "\" character as the
- escape character.
- - OR patterns in ARP follow the AmigaDOS documentation.
- OR patterns are AmigaDOS patterns which look like this:
- (File1|File2|File3). This will match any one of File1
- or File2 or File3. AmigaDOS commands allow you to
- leave out the parenthesis under certain circumstances,
- ARP commands implement the specification in the
- AmigaDOS manual: You must use parenthesis with the OR
- patterns in ARP commands.
- - Funny characters in filenames: The AmigaDOS commands
- don't recognize the extended pattern matching
- characters of ARP (*[]~) as special. This means that a
- non-ARP using friend could create a file called
- "[LIST]", for example, using an AmigaDOS command that
- could cause you difficulty. The short term solution to
- this is to use the tick (') character in front of these
- special characters. So to delete the "[LIST]" file,
- you could type: Delete '[LIST']. The long term solution
- is to give your friend a copy of the ArpInstall
- program.
- Environment Variables
- Before Commodore released 1.3, the only environment variables
- available on the Amiga were the MANX/Rokicki variables,
- which former ARP releases were compatible with. With
- AmigaDOS 1.3, Commodore introduced environment variables
- officially, but unfortunately not compatibly. The current
- ARP implementation is designed to help ease the conversion
- to the new implementation of environment variables as
- endorsed by Commodore.
- Environment variables using ARP read both the old style
- environment, and the new ENV:, however, we write only the
- older format. This means, essentially, that you can use any
- format you prefer with ARP programs, and they will be able
- to find the value of the environment variable you assigned.
- Page 3
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- Some programs (for example, older Manx programs) do not use
- the ARP library function calls and so will work only with
- the older style variables.
- 2. ARP Command Enhancements
- Most of the ARP supplied commands have added capabilities
- when compared with their AmigaDOS cousins. In this section,
- we present a brief overview of the more significant
- enhancements, for a full description of each command,
- consult the complete ARP documentation (distributed
- separately at a later date as ARPDOC3.ZOO).
- One thing common to all the ARP commands is an extended
- help template. As you may already know, the AmigaDOS
- commands provide help in the form of a 'command template' in
- response to a question mark as an argument. ARP also
- provides these commands, and, in addition, provides an
- extended help feature if you type another question mark once
- you are presented with the template. For example, typing:
- Search ?
- brings up the normal command template, which in this case
- is:
- From/a,Search,ALL/s,NONUM/s,QUIET/s,QUICK/s,FILE/s,CASE/s:
- If you were to now enter another "?" in response to the
- template prompt, you would get more information, in this
- case:
- Usage: Search <wildcards | STDIN> [Searchstring] [ALL]
- This extended help often prevents trips to the manual.
- Assign and Mount speed up your startup sequence
- ARP's Assign and Mount commands accept multiple assignments
- or Mounts on one command line. By taking advantage of this
- to specify all your assignments or Mounts in one stroke, you
- can avoid running each command several times in your
- startup-sequence, thus speeding things up. Here are two
- Page 4
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- example command lines:
- Mount dh0: dh1: dh2: pip:
- Assign C: dh0:c LIBS: dh0:libs DEVS: dh0:Devs Fonts: dh0:Fonts
- Let ARP Copy Quick
- The new ARP Copy command has an option which will
- automatically skip a copy when the source and destination
- files are identical. The Copy command considers files
- identical when they have the same date and length. It will
- also compare Filenotes if you have enabled Filenote copying.
- This can dramatically speed up directory or disk copies from
- place to place. You can use it on request by using the QUICK
- keyword on Copy's command line, or you can make it a default
- by setting the "copyflags" environment variable. The
- copyflags variable lets you specify many default actions for
- copy, see the ARP manual page for Copy for complete details.
- As an example, to have Copy always use the QUICK option and
- also to copy the protection bits and date you can use:
- Set copyflags=CQ
- To specify a copy to or from the current directory, you can
- use a single dot (.) character. This is similar to the
- convention found on other operating systems, such as Unix.
- (Search and CMP also allow this usage).
- Rename-ing, Copy-ing, and Move-ing files
- The new ARP Move command is an enhanced version of Rename.
- Move can do everything Rename can, and will also move a file
- from disk to disk. This is cleaner and easier than doing a
- Copy and then a Delete, especially when transferring
- multiple files. Both Rename and Move can use wildcards as a
- source pattern, so you can Rename or Move multiple files
- with one command. (Note: this is an enhancement: The
- Commodore Rename command will not accept a wildcard
- pattern.)
- ARP's Rename, Move and Copy commands also allow you to
- specify a simple substitution in the destination name, for
- example:
- Page 5
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- Rename *.c *.cBAK
- See the complete ARP documentation for more information on
- replacement patterns.
- AShell: Three commands in one
- AShell is a replacement for NewCLI, SYSTEM/CLI and NewSHELL,
- this one small command takes on the functions of all three.
- It's default action is to always provide you with the 'best'
- shell available. You can also request a CLI by using the CLI
- keyword, or by copying it or renaming it "NewCLI", in which
- case it will do its level best to act like the standard
- NewCLI command.
- By editing the tool type for the Shell icon to refer to
- this file, you will also be able to eliminate the SYSTEM/CLI
- file from your disk. See the manual page for AShell for
- more information on this versatile little command.
- Type, Join and Protect
- Type, Join and Protect allow wildcard patterns unlike their
- AmigaDOS cousins. ARP Type also has two new options: B (for
- Banner) and F (for formfeed). B prints a small header at
- beginning of each file containing the name of the current
- file, F prints a formfeed (which clears the screen or
- advances the printer paper) at the end of the file. These
- options are most useful when typing multiple files. Specify
- these with the OPT keyword:
- Type *.c OPT BF
- If you do not provide a source filename to Type, it
- will read from the keyboard. This allows it to be used as
- part of a pipeline. If typing from the keyboard, use
- CONTROL-\ to exit type.
- Search and Sort
- Search allows you to specify a wildcard pattern as a search
- string, instead of the simple literal string which the
- AmigaDOS Search allows. You can also select to have a case
- sensitive search using the CASE keyword (default is to
- ignore case). The ARP Search command will store the last
- Page 6
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- search string used in the environment variable "Search".
- Running Search again with no search string will use the
- value of the "Search" environment variable. Text editors or
- databases which use ARP can also examine this variable.
- You can also use patterns to specify a range of files
- to search, you can specify a directory, or you can use dot
- (.) to mean the current directory (see Copy and CMP for
- another example of this use of dot).
- ARP's Sort is quite safe, it will not crash, even with
- large files and the default stack, unlike AmigaDOS's Sort.
- Both Search and Sort can read from the keyboard instead of
- from a file, which allows them to be used in pipelines. To
- use Sort in a pipeline, just omit the input filename. To use
- Search, you must use the filename STDIN (and it must be
- capitalized, as shown here). For more information on
- pipelines, see the ASH (Arp's shell) manual.
- The ARP Search command is three times faster than the
- AmigaDOS Search, and ARP's Sort is about five times faster
- than the AmigaDOS Sort, which are nice enhancements
- (compatible too!).
- CD and PATH
- Enhancements here are mainly allowing specification of
- directories using wildcards. This is a big help when typing
- long directory pathnames!
- NOTE: Old friends of ARP should note that the %P
- support has been removed from CD. (New friends of ARP who
- don't understand this shouldn't worry.) It is now in the
- shell where it belongs.
- ARP is now distributing a shell replacement for Shell-Seg,
- the 1.3 Commodore supplied shell. It is reasonably
- compatible with Shell-Seg, and also provides some very
- significant enhancements. The best way to get acquainted
- with Ash is to read the short users manual included in this
- zoo file.
- One of the most significant features of ASH is it's use
- of the arp.library process functions and resident features.
- ARP's resident is superior to AmigaDOS's in terms of safety
- and memory usage. Other features include command
- substitution and piping, built-in batch language, and more!
- Page 7
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- 3. Disclaimer, warranty and distribution
- We make no warranty for fitness of use of any of the ARP
- commands, arp.library, Installation program (ArpInstall) or
- the accompanying documentation. The user assumes all
- responsibility related to his or her use of any portion of
- the ARP distribution. We have made considerable efforts to
- insure that ARP works reliably and as documented but cannot
- assume any liability for problems that may be related to any
- use of ARP.
- ARP V1.3 may be freely redistributed in the form of the
- ZOO files which will be initially distributed by ARP Support
- onto BIX, Compuserve and People Link. These files may be
- placed on other BBS's without charge provided the original
- contents and organization of these ZOO files are not altered
- in any way.
- You may make up to fifty (50) printed copies of the ARP
- documentation without specific permission from ARP Authors.
- ARP Authors reserve all commercial rights for printed
- versions of the documentation.
- For users groups and other vendors of public-domain
- diskettes, we request that you contact us to get the
- complete ARP release diskette. The V1.3 ARP release
- diskette is not complete as of this writing, please send
- a SASE with your request and we will let you know when the
- complete V1.3 diskette is available.
- For applications developers who would like to use
- arp.library or include the ARP commands with their
- commercial software packages: We encourage this use of
- arp.library and place only minimal restrictions on your
- distribution intended to help insure that you distribute
- verified copies of the latest version of the ARP library and
- command programs. If you would like to be registered as an
- ARP developer, please send a SASE to ARP Support and we will
- send you further details. You are also welcome to use
- arp.library without registering for support, but we request
- that you register with us if you want to include a copy of
- any part of the ARP distribution with your release.
- ARP - The AmigaDOS Resource Project - is a cooperative
- effort by a group of Amiga developers to enhance the Amiga.
- ARP has three main goals:
- Page 8
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- - Provide enhanced commands for Amiga users.
- - Provide a resource for Amiga developers to help build
- smaller, more consistent, more powerful applications
- using "arp.library"
- - Make this work available to Commodore in order to
- encourage enhancements to AmigaDOS.
- ARP V1.3 represents our third major release. The first
- release was made in October 1987 (called V1.0). The second
- release was in March 1988 (V1.1). With Version 1.3 of ARP,
- we have addressed the limitations and incompatibilities of
- the ARP V1.1 commands compared with Commodore's V1.3
- enhancer release, also providing a much more complete
- command set, several new commands not found in the Commodore
- V1.3 set, and an ARP Shell. At this time we do not have any
- specific plans for the next release of ARP, and we welcome
- feedback from users and developers which will help us choose
- our future directions.
- The ARP commands and arp.library were written in
- assembler, using Innovatronic's "CAPE" and Manx's "AS" for
- development. The ArpInstall program was written in Modula-2,
- using M2S Ltd's "M2Sprint".
- ARP is not ShareWare. If you would like to support the
- ARP project, the best ways to do it are to spread the word
- about ARP to other Amiga users, to write and distribute
- programs which use ARP, and to support the commercial and
- shareware products which take advantage of ARP's
- capabilities, many of which are also written by members of
- the ARP team. These include (but are not limited to):
- - the TxEd Plus package from Microsmiths (this includes
- a printed version of the ARP manual).
- - Cape, a 68010 macro assembler from Innovatronics.
- - M2Sprint, an implementation of Modula-2 from M2S Ltd,
- which provides a full interface to arp.library.
- In addition, you might want to investigate Bill Hawe's
- products. Bill has not been personally involved with ARP,
- but his work complements ARP, and he was also one of the
- first to distribute the ARP command set with his products.
- There have been many people who have helped with the
- development and testing of ARP, and I am sure I will miss a
- few who should be mentioned here. The team has a rare
- quality of cooperation and excitement and it has been a joy
- to work with this group.
- Page 9
- Arp 1.3 Overview March 30, 1989
- Charlie Heath, VP of Microsmiths, Inc. - ARP Coordinator
- Scott Ballantyne - one of the original ARP hackers.
- Martin Taillefer - wrote ArpInstall program (among other things).
- Ken Salmon - programmer for portions of V1.1 of ARP
- Willy Langeveld - developer and beta tester
- Bill Barton - beta tester for arp.library
- Les Noland - beta tester for ARP commands
- Chuck McManis - provided prototypes for V1.0 of ARP
- John Toebes - provided prototypes for arp.library
- Wes Howe - programmer
- Bill Hawes - contributed "LoadLib" for V1.3 of ARP
- Steve Tibbett, Joanne Dow, Justin McCormick, Andy Levy,
- Mike Scalora, John Spadafora, Jeff Blume,
- Marvin Weinstein, Warren Block, Eric Haberfellner,
- Michael Sinz, Paul Ockenden, Larry Phillips,
- Brian Waters - beta testers for V1.3 of ARP.
- Page 10