home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* class.c
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is provided as-is and is subject to change; no warranties
- * are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility
- * is assumed.
- *
- */
- #include "hyperbrowser.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Find the list pointer given a node pointer */
- struct MinList *FindHead (struct MinNode * node)
- {
- struct MinList *list;
- while (node)
- {
- if (!node->mln_Pred)
- list = (struct MinList *) node;
- node = node->mln_Pred;
- }
- return (list);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void showclasslist (struct GlobalData * gd)
- {
- struct ExecBase *SysBase = (*((struct ExecBase **) 4));
- struct MinList *list;
- struct MinNode *node;
- struct _Object *o;
- struct IClass *cl;
- struct Image *im;
- UBYTE notes[12];
- ULONG min, max;
- ULONG aEntry;
- ULONG cEntry;
- /* Clear notes */
- memset (notes, 0, sizeof (notes));
- /* Get the rom start and stop for this machine */
- min = ((ULONG) (SysBase->LibNode.lib_IdString)) & 0xFFFF0000;
- max = min + 0x80000;
- /* Get a handle on a boopsi object */
- if (im = (struct Image *) NewObjectA (NULL, "frameiclass", NULL))
- {
- /* Convert the image to a boopsi object */
- o = (struct _Object *) (((ULONG) im) - (sizeof (struct MinNode) + sizeof (ULONG)));
- /* Find the pointer to the boopsi class list */
- list = FindHead (&(o->o_Class->cl_Dispatcher.h_MinNode));
- /* Build the title */
- strcpy (gd->gd_Node, "@{b}Name Super P Objs Subs Address@{ub}\n");
- /* Step through the list */
- for (node = list->mlh_Head; node->mln_Succ; node = node->mln_Succ)
- {
- cl = (struct IClass *) node;
- aEntry = (ULONG) cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry;
- cEntry = (ULONG) cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_SubEntry;
- sprintf (notes, "%08lx", cEntry);
- if ((aEntry >= min) && (aEntry <= max))
- strcpy (notes, "ROM");
- else if ((cEntry >= min) && (cEntry <= max))
- strcpy (notes, "ROM");
- else
- strcpy (notes, "Disk");
- bprintf (gd, "@{\"%-25s\" link HYPERNOZY.CLASS.(%08lx)} @{\"%-25s\" link HYPERNOZY.CLASS.(%08lx)} %ld %4ld %4ld @{\"%08lx\" link HYPERNOZY.MEMORY.(%08lx)}\n", cl->cl_ID, cl, ((cl->cl_Super) ? cl->cl_Super->cl_ID : ""), cl->cl_Super, cl->cl_Flags, cl->cl_ObjectCount, cl->cl_SubclassCount, cl, cl);
- }
- /* Delete the object, now that we are done with it */
- DisposeObject (im);
- }
- else
- strcpy (gd->gd_Node, "@{b}couldn't create first object.@{ub}\n");
- }