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- hyper.library Release Notes
- Dec-9-90 33.162
- o Added buttons along the bottom. Contents, Index, Help, Retrace,
- Previous & Next page.
- o Added Retrace. This allows you to follow your path in the reverse
- direction.
- o Added Menus, with Close Window, Quit, and some navigation items.
- o Added new keyword @TOC <node name>. This allows you to specify the
- Table of Contents for a sub-area. Selecting the Contents menu item
- from the Navigation menu will take you to the Table of Contents for
- a node.
- o Able to open a non-database file again. Preparing to allow links to
- other files.
- o Modified the link function to accept a line arguement. This allows a
- link to go to a particular line of a node. Only available to the
- Retrace function at the current time.
- Dec-9-90
- o Pressing Help cause the system to do an ALINK HELP. Currently there
- isn't a default help node, so your database has to supply it.
- o Forgot to do a refresh if TableOfContents was called from the menu.
- Dec-10-90
- o Flushed out more enforcer hits & mungwall hits.
- Dec-11-90
- o Added nh_PubScreen to the NewHyper structure to indicate what public
- screen it should open on.
- Dec-16-90
- o Fixed bug that caused nodes with no pure text lines to display
- incorrectly.
- o Cleaned up database open & closed. New scheme allows for databases to
- be opened without a client.
- o Added OpenHyperBase() and CloseHyperBase() commands to the ARexx function
- host.
- o Cleaned up menus. Uses GadTools under 2.0, plain hard-coded topaz8 menus
- under 1.3.
- Dec-21-90
- o Fixed a couple of enforcer hits.
- o Disabled the "Print As..." menu item until I have requester for it.
- o Added BrowsePrev and BrowseNext features. Not accessable yet.
- o Added simple clipboard support. You can just copy an entire node to
- the clipboard, no block selection yet.
- Jan-1-90
- o Changed labels back to full text.
- o Cleaned up gadgets. Borders and arrows.
- o One of node locators wasn't case insensitive like the rest. Couldn't
- find MAIN if it was named Main, for example.
- o Started converting event processor to be an Event Dispatcher. Saves
- LOTS of space and is much more user configurable.
- o Worked on Browse. If @PREV and @NEXT aren't used, then defaults to
- browsing back & forth through nodes that share the same @TOC (in
- node order).
- o Was adding the nodes to the node list in alphabetical order. This
- caused problems when doing the default Browse function. Now I just
- AddTail the nodes to the node list. Added an additional list that I
- keep an alphabetized node list on (for when I do a default Index).
- Jan-4-90
- o Cleaned up text, centralized in a text table.
- o Cleaned up window titles.
- o Cleaned up loading of a node, cleaner error handling.
- o Improved interface for standalone applications.
- o Added "Find Node..." requester (window). Not quite perfect yet...
- Jan-10-90
- o Add some virtual screen smarts.
- Jan-22-90
- o Cleaned up virtual screen stuff.
- o Worked on callback hooks some more.
- o LINK and ALINK now allow a line# parameter (comes after the node
- name).
- Jan-24-91
- o Added DNODE node specifier.
- o Implemented callback hooks for DNODE (Dynamic Node).
- o Can now load an external file. Uses the SAS functions stcgfp to get the
- document name and the stcgfn to get the node name. So, to load
- intuition.h, use "include:intuition/intuition.h/Main".
- o If there was more than one button, in one document, that was exactly the
- same, then navigation would get extremely screwed.
- o Corrected all sorts of button problems.
- o Implemented a text environment variable to set button style:
- where style can mutually exclusively be:
- o Implemented an environment variable to set pens (all seven pens have to
- be set).
- where:
- a = Background Pen
- b = Button Text Pen
- c = Button Background Pen
- d = Highlighted Button Text Pen
- e = Highlighted Button Background Pen
- f = Outline Pen
- g = Highlight Outline Pen
- Jan-25-91
- o Added an RXS command for sending ARexx string files.
- o Changed RX to invoke macros, instead of sending a string file.
- o Set up pr_HomeDir when running asynchronous.
- Jan-26-90
- o Added SYSTEM command. No need to do RXS "ADDRESS COMMAND <>" anymore.
- o Asynchronous HyperClient process is now a Cli process. Inherits its
- path, input and output from the calling process. If the calling
- process doesn't have a Cli structure, then the Workbench Cli structure
- will be cloned. Keyword here is PATH.
- o Didn't do an OS version check when doing a GetVPModeID, therefore
- it crashed under 1.3
- o Added @REMARK keyword. Doesn't do anything, used (in addition to ;;)
- for remarks.
- o Added @MASTER keyword. Used to indicate the complete name (with path)
- of the source document that was used to build a HyperText document.
- Reference use only, currently.
- Jan-28-91
- o Wrote the AutodocToHyperText conversion utility.
- o Updated HyperText to use ReadArgs if 2.0 or above. Template is
- "File/A,PubScreen/K,PortName/K".
- o If using a public screen, then do a ScreenToFront on it after getting
- a lock on it.
- Jan-29-91
- o Fixed crash that occurred when doing CloseWindow from menu when
- running MungWall.
- o Fixed apparent hang-up when a callback hook failed.
- Jan-30-91
- o Changed snapshot window position to per-screen instead of per-window.
- o Fixed false button problem.
- o Added left arrow to cycle backward through links, right arrow to scroll
- forward through links.
- o Using arrow keys to scroll while a button was depressed didn't abort
- the button.
- o Would perform callback to open a DNODE even if there wasn't a close
- callback. Now requires both an open & close callback in order to
- do a DNODE.
- o Browse Forward menu item called the BrowsePrevFunc under 1.3
- o RetraceFunc, HelpFunc, and ContentsFunc were setting a flag to the
- wrong value, hence the funky scroll & eventual lockup experienced
- by Martin.
- o Did cosmetic work to the Find requester.
- Jan-31-91
- o More AD2HT work...
- o IsLink function didn't calculate TABS properly.
- Feb-3-91
- o Hopefully the last change to the NewHyper structure. Added fields to
- specify the Node and Line to open to. Didn't want to use tags for it,
- because it adds too much power to be missing from the 1.3 version.
- o Added LoadXRef function to load a cross reference file into memory.
- o Added ExpungeXRef function to expunge a cross reference list from
- memory.
- o Add DOCUMENT and LINE keywords to HyperMore. If DOCUMENT is specified,
- but not DATABASE, then DATABASE is supplied by the cross reference
- list.
- o Now support the following functions as an ARexx function host:
- ShowNode
- Display a node on the named screen. Defaults to the Main node, on the
- Workbench screen. If DATABASE isn't specified, then will search
- through the cross reference list to get the database name. This
- function won't return until the user has closed all windows opened
- for this function.
- LoadXRef
- Load a cross reference file into memory.
- GetXRef
- Return information on NODE. Format of the text string returned is
- ExpungeXRef
- ,
- Flush the cross reference list from memory.
- Feb-5-91
- o Display Wait pointer and Loading... title when loading a cross
- reference database.
- o ESC and Q call CloseFunc instead of QuitFunc.
- o Wasn't showing first and last line of a text file.
- o Wouldn't show a text file that started with @.
- 4-May-91
- o Moved buttons to top of window.
- o Smoother scrolling.
- o Smarter gadget imagry.
- o Updated HYPERPENS environment variable to set text pen.
- where:
- a = Background pen
- b = Button text pen
- c = Button background pen
- d = Highlighted button text pen
- e = Highlighted button background pen
- f = Outline pen
- g = Highlight outline pen
- h = Text on background pen
- For example:
- will give a very sharp look.
- 8-May-91
- o Quit now calls CloseAllWindows instead of exiting, when asynchronous.
- o TOC can be an external file now.
- o Added FindString and FindNext.
- o Buttons can now contain {}'s. Needed for nodes that contain
- C source (like Autodocs).
- o Now loads global help file, from S:help.hyper for now.
- 9-May-91
- o Automatically unloads external databases when done with them.
- o History now retains database and node name, in case the database
- is unloaded and needs to be reloaded.
- 16-May-91
- o Finished up on AddHyperHost()/RemoveHyperHost() and the corresponding
- support for HyperHost's.
- 17-May-91
- o Minor code cleanup. Found an enforcer hit when working with AppShell
- and no hyper file.
- 19-May-91
- o Cleanup on AD2HT. Now resolves links to .h files better. No more
- garbage at the end of lines with ()) in them.
- 21-May-91 33.699
- o AD2HT was broken under 1.3. Also didn't provide enough error messages
- when running under 1.3
- o Button repeat uses the KeyRpt preference values.
- o Keyboard repeat uses normal key repeat routines instead of loop.
- 22-May-91 33.723
- o Implemented path searching for databases and cross reference
- tables. Refreshes the global path at every library open time, from
- the HYPERPATH environment variable.
- SetEnv HyperPath "WORK:Autodocs/Libs WORK:Autodocs/Devs INCLUDE:"
- o Made OpenE() and LockE() public functions, so that AmigaGuide
- utilities can share the same path.
- 30-May-91
- o Fixed two memory trashing bugs. One with > > RETRACE > and the
- other with closing the Find window.
- 3-June-91 33.854
- o Made AD2HT use the hyper.library cross reference list.
- o Added XREFFILE, LOGFILE, FROM and TO tool type processing to
- AD2HT.
- o Changed proportional gadget to have a border.
- o No longer does a WindowToFront when displaying a document.
- o Fixed minimum width bug.
- 4-June-91 33.864
- o Wasn't using correct sprintf (needed RawDoFmt version).
- o HyperMore gave enforcer hit when exiting if run from Workbench.
- 11-June-91
- o AD2HT wasn't honoring window title bar height.
- o Print was only printing selected lines.
- o Bring up busy pointer while outputing lines (print, clipboard, etc).
- o Misspelled usage.
- o Changed HyperText to HyperMore in the HyperMore utility.
- o Cross reference won't load duplicates anymore.
- ##-##-91
- o Changed all names from Hyper to AmigaGuide
- o Optimized code some.
- o Find requester now has checkmarks for "Ignore Case" and
- "Only Whole Words".
- o Fixed enforcer problems with Find.
- 28-Aug-91
- o RX, RXS and SYSTEM now work again.
- o Scroll by gadget doesn't throw off the LINK display command anymore.
- o Didn't display tabs properly when there were links in the line.
- o Added @$VER: database command for indicating version of a database.
- @$VER: name version.revision (day.month.year)
- 02-Oct-91
- o Menus & gadgets are now localized, using locale.library.
- o Added horizontal slider.
- o Retrace restores column and active link.
- o Retrace will always remember line, column and active link point now.
- o Closes Find window if exiting AmigaGuide via CloseWindow or Quit.
- o Optimized the GetLink routine (used to determine where mouse was).
- 05-Oct-91 33.1235
- o Add PrintSelected.
- o Added SetBookMark and GotoBookMark.
- o Added GetAmigaGuideString() library function for obtaining a localized AmigaGuide string.
- o Added double-click on any text to look it up in the cross-reference table.
- 06-Oct-91
- o Made buttons act like gadgets (move off of them they raise, move back on they depress).
- 17-Oct-91
- o V39 NewLook menu support
- o Mark block pointer added
- 18-Oct-91 33.1272
- o Uses CDTV keypad and bookmark.device if running on a CDTV
- 23-Oct-91 33.1275
- o AD2HT
- Free's icon position
- No longer GURU's when creating a cross-reference file (XREF)
- Sorts cross-reference file before writing it out.
- No longers uses the .hyper extension.
- o SYSTEM now uses a stack of 40000.
- 28-Oct-91
- o Added quotes to bookmark command.
- o AmigaGuide, the utility, now uses a ReadArgs-like clone under 1.3
- o Find requester was simple refresh, but not handling events.
- 12-Dec-91
- o Recompiled with SAS/C 5.10b (lots of work!!!)
- o Added XREF/K keyword to the AmigaGuide utility. This is used to
- specify the cross reference file that is associated with the file.
- The default is the file name, plus .xref.
- o Changed the autodoc.xref file name to autodocs.xref
- o AD2HT default cross-reference file is now autodocs.xref
- 16-Dec-91
- o Fixed requester trashing problem.
- 19-Dec-91
- o Fixed empty node trashing problem.