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- WindowShuffle
- (Commodity)
- by
- Stefan Sticht
- This program (binary), sourcecode, documentation is
- You may do anything with it!
- Purpose of this commodity:
- --------------------------
- With WindowShuffle you can map four functions to any keys:
- activate next window
- activate previous window
- activate and bring next window to front
- activate and bring previous window to front
- Now you can 'walk' through the windows on your screen.
- You may exclude windows from being activated or brought to front by
- specifing their window title (wildcards allowed). Activating and
- bringing to front of backdrop windows or of windows without a title
- can be disabled. You may not find it usefull to use WindowShuffle
- while you use autopoint, AutoActivate, SUNMouse or any other
- commodity, which activates the window under the mousepointer.
- Requirements:
- -------------
- This commodity requires at least Kickstart 37.* and Workbench 37.*.
- Please check this out using About from the Workbench's Workbench menu.
- How to start a commodity:
- -------------------------
- First there are two basically different ways to start a commodity:
- via Workbench or via Shell.
- Starting it via Workbench is extrem simple: just doubleclick on
- its icon and the commodity gets started. Perhaps you might change
- some parameters of the commodity. You do this with tool types. Tool
- types can be changed by clicking at the commodities icon and selecting
- Information from the Workbench's Icon menu. In the window which opens
- you see a listview gadget in which all tool types are listed. Please
- refer to your Workbench documentation on how to change this tool
- types. Which parameters you can change for this specific commodity is
- described below.
- Please note that another double click on the commodity's icon
- forces the commodity to quit, if it's already running. Running two
- copies of WindowShuffle at the same time isn't useful and therefore
- possible.
- To start a commodity via shell you type in its name. If you get
- an "Unknown command ???" error message, you have misspelled the
- commodity's name or the commodity isn't in your current directory or
- in the current search path. The easiest way is to change your current
- directory to the location of the commodity using the CD command. You
- can change parameters of a commodity by command line options. The
- available options are listed with ? as the first parameter:
- WindowShuffle ?
- gives you a list of the command line options. The explanation of each
- option is below. Starting the commodity once more while it is already
- running forces the commodity to quit.
- If you want the commodity to be started at every boot-up, it's
- best to add this line to your User-Startup file:
- <path>WindowShuffle <options>
- Don't forget to replace <path> by the path to the commodities's
- location and <options> by the options you want to change. For example
- add this line if your commodity is located in the Tools drawer of your
- boot disk:
- Tools/WindowShuffle
- Another way to start the commodity at every boot-up is to drag its
- icon in the WBStartup drawer of your boot disk. Then the commodity
- gets started as if you had double clicked on its icon. But you have
- to add the tool type DONOTWAIT to the icon.
- Using Exchange:
- ---------------
- Exchange is the commodities controller program. With Exchange you can
- control all commodities: you can kill, disable, enable, show and hide
- commodities.
- Start the Exchange program, which usually is in the Utilities
- drawer of your boot disk, by double clicking its icon. Now you see a
- list of the available commodities. Select the commodity you want to
- control. The commodities title, description and status is shown now
- below the listview gadget.
- You can kill the commodity using the Kill gadget... If the
- commodity has a window to open, in which you usually change some
- parameters, you can open this window using Show. Hide closes this
- window. WindowShuffle has no window.
- Changeable parameters:
- ----------------------
- CX_Priority:
- ------------
- You can specify the priority of the Commodity within the commodities
- queue using the tool type or commandline option CX_PRIORITY=<number>,
- where <number> is the decimal value for the priority. Default
- priority is 0.
- ------------
- With the tool type or commandline option NEXT_ACTIVE=<string> you can
- specify the key, with which the next window will be activated.
- <string> is an input description string as explained below. Default
- is "NEXT_ACTIVE=lcommand lshift k" (left amiga key & left shift key &
- k).
- ------------
- With the tool type or commandline option PREV_ACTIVE=<string> you can
- specify the key, with which the previous window will be activated.
- <string> is an input description string as explained below. Default
- is "PREV_ACTIVE=lcommand lshift j" (left amiga key & left shift key &
- j).
- ----------
- With the tool type or commandline option NEXT_BOTH=<string> you can
- specify the key, with which the next window will be activated and
- brought in front of all other windows. <string> is an input
- description string as explained below. Default is "NEXT_BOTH=lcommand
- k" (left amiga key & k).
- ----------
- With the tool type or commandline option PREV_BOTH=<string> you can
- specify the key, with which the previous window will be activated and
- brought in front of all other windows. <string> is an input
- description string as explained below. Default is "PREV_BOTH=lcommand
- j" (left amiga key & j).
- ---------
- With the tool type or commandline option BACKDROP=YES|NO you can
- specify wether backdrop windows (window which are always behind others
- and which can't be brought to front) should be activated. YES|NO
- means you may either use YES or NO, but nothing else. YES means,
- activate them, NO, don't activate. Default is NO. WindowShuffle will
- never try to bring backdrop windows to front.
- -----------
- With the tool type or commandline option NOWINTITLE=YES|NO you can
- specify, wether window without a title should be activated and/or
- brought to front. YES|NO means you may either use YES or NO, but
- nothing else. YES means, activate and/or bring them to front.
- Default is NO.
- -------
- With the tool type or commandline option REFUSE=<string> you can
- specify one or more titles of windows, which should never be brought
- to front and never be activated. <string> is an AmigaDOS wildcard
- string. All standard AmigaDOS wildcards are allowed like the ones
- allowed by for example "dir". Just imagine window titles are file
- names. Please consult your AmigaDOS manual for detailed description.
- Important: upper and lower characters *are* distinguished, they
- aren't the same!
- Examples:
- Don't activate the following titles: "Workbench", "Clock" and all
- disk windows (note that all disk windows have the keywords "full"
- "free" "use"):
- REFUSE=(Workbench|Clock|#?full#?free#?use)
- If you *only* want to activate windows which name begins with "Shell":
- REFUSE=~(Shell#?)
- If you only don't want to bring the Workbench window to front (when
- in non backdrop mode):
- REFUSE=Workbench
- Input description strings
- -------------------------
- With input description strings you can specify almost any input
- action, for example the action lshift f1, which means that pressing
- the left shift and the f1 key together is the action. In this
- commodity you can specify the action to open the commodity's window,
- as described above.
- Input description strings have the following template:
- [class] (([-]qual)|syn)* [[-]upstroke] [highmap|ANSIcode]
- (* means zero or more occurances of the of the expression in brackets)
- class is one of the following strings:
- rawkey, rawmouse, event, pointerpos, timer, newprefs,
- diskremoved, diskinserted.
- If not specified, the class is taken to be "rawkey".
- qual is one of the strings:
- lshift, rshift, capslock, control, lalt, ralt, lcommand,
- rcommand, numericpad, repeat, midbutton, rbutton, leftbutton,
- relativemouse
- A preceding '-' means that the value of the corresponding
- qualifier is to be considered irrelevant.
- syn (synonym) is one of the strings: shift, caps, alt
- shift means "left or right shift"
- caps means "shift or capslock"
- alt means "either alt key"
- upstroke (literally "upstroke")
- if this token is absent, only downstrokes are considered
- for rawmouse (mousebuttons) and rawkey events. If it is
- present alone, only upstrokes count. If it preceded by
- '-' it means that both up and down strokes are included.
- highmap one of the strings:
- comma, space, backspace, tab, enter, return, esc, del, up,
- down, right, left, help, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9,
- f10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (, ), /, *, -, +
- ansicode a single character token is interpreted as a character code,
- which is looked up in the system default keymap.
- Some full examples:
- -------------------
- The defaults (too show how you would specify them):
- WindowShuffle CX_PRIORITY=0 "NEXT_ACTIVATE=lcommand lshift k"
- "PREV_ACTIVATE=lcommand lshift j" "NEXT_BOTH=lcommand k"
- defaults + refuse title "Workbench":
- WindowShuffle Refuse=Workbench
- refuse also disk drawers:
- WindowShuffle Refuse=(Workbench|#?full#?free#?use)
- refuse all window which don't have a 'W' as their first character;
- use right amiga key (with right shift) and cursor down/up:
- WindowShuffle "NEXT_ACTIVATE=rcommand rshift down"
- "PREV_ACTIVATE=rcommand rshift up" "NEXT_BOTH=rcommand down"
- "PREV_BOTH=rcommand up" REFUSE=~(W#?)
- Send bug-reports, enhancement-requests, questions, gifts(!) to:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Stefan Sticht
- Bibereckerweg 40a
- D-8390 Passau 18
- or (better) EMail to:
- sticht@edith.deg.sub.org
- Fido-Net: Stefan Sticht (2:246/200.4)
- Please include the version number of the commodity in every bug report
- You get the version number using the Version command in the Shell:
- Version [<path>]<commodity>