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- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; SetCPU V1.60
- ; by Dave Haynie, April 13, 1990
- ; Released to the Public Domain
- ;
- ;
- ; This module contains miscellaneous assembly functions that just
- ; didn't seem to fit in elsewhere.
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- include "setcpu.i"
- cseg
- ;**********************************************************************
- ;
- ; Some useful MMU functions.
- ;
- **********************************************************************
- xdef _SetMMUTag ; Sets up MMU from systag
- xdef _FlushATC ; Flush MMU address translation cache
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function cleanly sets up a new MMU context. It accepts a
- ; valid systag, and will first go to Supervisor more, turn off
- ; the current MMU setup, then set CRP and finally TC. The reason
- ; this call is needed is that we need the OS alive to get to
- ; Supervisor mode. Setting up a new MMU context would normally
- ; take three calls to Supervisor(), one to turn off the MMU
- ; (ROM dies...), two to set first the new CRP and then the new
- ; TC.
- ;
- ; void SetMMUTag(struct systag *tag)
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- _SetMMUTag:
- move.l 4(sp),a0 ; Get the systag where we can use it
- move.l 4,a6 ; Get ExecBase
- movem.l a2/a5,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a2
- lea.l 1$,a5 ; Get the start of the supervisor code
- CALLSYS Supervisor
- movem.l (sp)+,a2/a5 ; Give back registers
- rts
- 1$
- lea.l TAG_TC(a2),a0 ; Get TC register
- lea.l TAG_CRP_0(a2),a1 ; Get CRP register
- and.l #$7fffffff,(a0) ; Turn off MMU
- PMOVE_ (a0),tc
- or.l #$80000000,(a0)
- PMOVE_ (a1),crp ; Load up the CRP value
- PMOVE_ (a0),tc ; MMU goes back on
- rte
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function flushes the MMU Address Translation Cache.
- ;
- ; void FlushATC(void)
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- _FlushATC:
- move.l 4,a6 ; Get ExecBase
- move.l a5,-(sp)
- lea.l 1$,a5 ; Get the start of the supervisor code
- CALLSYS Supervisor
- movem.l (sp)+,a5 ; Give back registers
- rts
- 1$
- PFLUSHA_ ; Flush the ATC
- rte
- ;**********************************************************************
- ;
- ; This section contains the keyboad patch routine.
- ;
- ;**********************************************************************
- xdef _KeyCode ; Start of the keyboard patch
- xdef _KeyCodeSize ; Size of the keyboard patch
- xdef _SetKeyDelay ; Set keyboard count parameter
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This is the keyboard delay patch routine.
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- KeyCode:
- movem.l d0/d1,-(sp)
- KeyOpt:
- move.l #12345678,d0
- 1$ move.w ANYCREG,d1
- subq.l #1,d0
- bne 1$
- movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1
- rts
- KeyCodeEnd:
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function programs the patch delay value.
- ;
- ; void SetKeyDelay(ULONG)
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- _SetKeyDelay:
- move.l 4(sp),d0 ; Get the delay value
- lea KeyOpt,a0 ; Get the location
- move.l d0,2(a0) ; Set the value
- rts
- _KeyCode:
- dc.l KeyCode
- _KeyCodeSize:
- dc.l KeyCodeEnd-KeyCode+1
- ;**********************************************************************
- ;
- ; This section contains the items used for the exception handler.
- ;
- ;**********************************************************************
- xdef _BerrCode ; Start of the trap routine
- xdef _BerrCodeSize ; Size of the trap routine
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This is the exception handler for Bus Errors (level 2). User
- ; code that misbehaves when the MMU is on can result in such an
- ; exception. While the code needs to be fixed if this happens,
- ; it's very possible that the code is not depending on it's random
- ; action; especially in the case of an accidental write to ROM
- ; space, which is harmless on a normally configured machine.
- ; This routine is never directly called by SetCPU. Instead, it's
- ; copied into memory that's allocated as permanent by SetCPU.
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- STATUS EQU $0a+4
- BerrTrapCode:
- move.l d0,-(sp) ; Save d0...
- move.w STATUS(sp),d0 ; Fetch exception status register
- bclr.l #SR_DF,d0 ; Clear the data fault bit
- repair:
- move.w d0,STATUS(sp) ; Fix the status word
- done:
- move.l (sp)+,d0
- rte
- BerrTrapEnd:
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; These give us the size and location of the Bus Error Code.
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- _BerrCode:
- dc.l BerrTrapCode
- _BerrCodeSize:
- dc.l BerrTrapEnd-BerrTrapCode+1
- end