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- /*
- SetCPU V1.60
- by Dave Haynie, April 13, 1990
- Released to the Public Domain
- This module is responsible for fetching ROM images from various
- kinds of disks and files.
- */
- #include "setcpu.h"
- /* This function allocates a ROM image from a KickStart disk for KICKROM. */
- #define ColorShift(x) (LONG)((((x)&0xf)+1)%15)
- struct systag *AllocKSImage(name)
- char *name;
- {
- struct systag *tag = NULL;
- ULONG *buf = NULL, blocks;
- char *ptr;
- LONG unit, i, r = 0x0004L, g = 0x0008L, b = 0x000cL,start;
- struct MsgPort *port = NULL;
- struct IOStdReq *req = NULL;
- struct Window *hand = NULL;
- BOOL devok = FALSE;
- /* Then we expect it to be a kickstart disk, so we check out the device,
- the disk, etc. If all goes well, we'll be in business. */
- if ((unit = CheckTDDev(name)) == -1L) {
- LoadErr = 16;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* This is the stuff that need opening... */
- port = (struct MsgPort *) CreatePort("diskreq.port",0L);
- if (port) req = CreateStdIO(port,0L);
- if (req) devok = !OpenDevice("trackdisk.device",unit,(struct IORequest *)req,0L);
- if (devok) buf = (ULONG *)AllocMem(512L,MEMF_CHIP);
- if (!port || !req || !devok || !buf) goto fail;
- /* Make sure we're a kick disk. */
- hand = CoolHand();
- while ((ReadBuf((char *)buf,0L,req) != READOK) ||
- !strniequ("KICK",(char *)buf,4))
- Delay(150L);
- /* Check the size of this kickstart. */
- if (!(tag = AllocMem(SizeOf(struct systag),0L))) goto fail;
- start = 0;
- do {
- if (ReadBuf((char *)buf,++start,req) != READOK) goto fail;
- ptr = (char *)SizeROM(tag,buf,TRUE);
- } while (ptr == NULL && start < 32L);
- if (!ptr) goto fail;
- blocks = tag->romsize/512L;
- /* Looks like we're in shape to get the actual system. */
- SetRGB4(&(hand->WScreen->ViewPort),2L,r,g,b);
- for (i = 1; i <= blocks; ++i) {
- if (ReadBuf((char *)buf,i,req) != READOK) break;
- MemCopy((char *)buf,ptr,512L);
- ptr += 512L;
- r = ColorShift(r);
- g = ColorShift(g);
- b = ColorShift(b);
- SetRGB4(&(hand->WScreen->ViewPort),2L,r,g,b);
- }
- LoadErr = 0;
- done:
- if (buf) FreeMem((char *)buf,512L);
- if (devok) {
- MotorOff(req);
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)req);
- }
- if (req) DeleteStdIO(req);
- if (port) DeletePort(port);
- return tag;
- fail:
- if (tag) {
- FreeMem(tag,SizeOf(struct systag));
- tag = NULL;
- }
- goto done;
- }
- /* This function allocates a ROM image from an AmigaDOS file for either
- struct systag *AllocFILEImage(name)
- char *name;
- {
- struct systag *tag = NULL;
- ULONG *rom = NULL, space[2], check;
- BPTR file = NULL;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- /* First off, let's check out this here file. */
- if (!(fib = AllocMem(SizeOf(struct FileInfoBlock),0L))) goto fail;
- if (!(file = Lock(name,ACCESS_READ))) {
- LoadErr = 24;
- goto fail;
- }
- Examine(file,fib);
- UnLock(file);
- file = NULL;
- if (fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0L || !(file = Open(name,MODE_OLDFILE))) {
- LoadErr = 24;
- goto fail;
- }
- /* Try to find a sensible ROM header, either its a plain ROM, or the one
- with the extra sizing info at the head. */
- Read(file,(char *)space,8L);
- if (space[0])
- else {
- check = space[1];
- Read(file,(char *)space,8L);
- }
- /* Let's allocate the space I need. KICKROMs don't use a disk image
- directly, so they don't need an MMU table and don't care about any special
- alignment. FASTROMs read from disk do care, so I will align this image. */
- SmartlyGetRange();
- if (!(tag = AllocAligned(SizeOf(struct systag),8L))) goto fail;
- if (!(rom = SizeROM(tag,space,TRUE))) {
- LoadErr == 22;
- goto fail;
- }
- if (tag->romsize != Read(file,(char *)rom,tag->romsize)) {
- LoadErr = 23;
- goto fail;
- }
- Close(file);
- FreeMem(fib,SizeOf(struct FileInfoBlock));
- return tag;
- fail:
- if (file) Close(file);
- if (fib) FreeMem(fib,SizeOf(struct FileInfoBlock));
- if (rom) FreeMem(rom,tag->romsize);
- if (tag) FreeMem(tag,SizeOf(struct systag));
- return NULL;
- }
- /* This function gets a ROM image from disk; in temporary unaligned memory
- for a KICKROM image, permanent aligned memory for a FASTROM image. */
- struct systag *AllocDISKImage(type,name)
- UWORD type;
- char *name;
- {
- struct systag *tag;
- ULONG *table;
- /* Reset the error code. */
- LoadErr = 0;
- /* Let's check out this here file. It's easy to tell; we want a FILE
- image if we aren't passed a KICK_ROM request with a device name. */
- if (type == ROM_FAST || name[strlen(name)-1] != ':') {
- tag = AllocFILEImage(name);
- if ((tag->romtype = type) == ROM_FAST) {
- FindWrap(tag);
- if (!(table = AllocAligned(tag->tablesize+4,TABROUND))) return NULL;
- tag->maintable = table;
- FillBasicTable(tag,FALSE);
- }
- return tag;
- }
- return AllocKSImage(name);
- }